16 16 09 Newsletter

  • June 2020
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The Brubaker Buzz I S S U E

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A Look Back

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This week was a very busy week! We reviewed for and completed two quarterly benchmarks. I believe that the students did really well and certainly worked hard! They were able to show me how much they have learned throughout this quarter. I am extremely proud of them. It takes a lot to get through the tests with me only pronouncing a word if they get stuck. It’s a big change from having tests read to them, but it was a success!

cents orange Antarctica DATES TO REMEMBER Conferences 10/27 &10/29 Half-day 10/22 Weaver Chili Supper—Come taste my chili! 10/16 End of quarter

10/30 Fall Parties in the gym at 1:45. Join us!

The students learned about number patterns on in/ out tables. Students determined what the rule of a table was and then filled in the

blanks. To ensure that they understood the concept, they developed their own in/out tables and rule for other students to guess. Come by to check those out in our hallway! They’re definitely creative! We began reading Horrible Harry at Halloween this week. I absolutely love this story. It has a lot of suspense and a great plot! Of course the students all want to know exactly what Harry will dress up as! I know, but I can’t tell. I will tell you that his character is more from my generation! I’m not sure how the author came up with the idea! Along with this story,

we focused on narrator, cause/effect, and problem/ solution. The only difficulty we had was picking a problem and solution. No fear, though, we’re going to work on it again next week! During writing we finished our non-fiction habitat writing! Take a look at the in our hallway! They’re great.

Classroom Rule:

Pick up after yourself in the classroom and cafeteria.

A Peek to Next Week It’s almost expected at this point, but….we’re obviously going to have another pedal to the metal type of week! We will go back to having our Tuesday and Thursday homework!

During math we will be introducing attributes of 2-D shapes. We use the vocabulary word “attribute” a lot. By the end of this week your child will be able to tell you attributes of anything! This is a fun lesson that does take

some thinking. I will also be introducing many other vocabulary words that go with this lesson as well. We’ll continue to read Horrible Harry this week. While we’re reading, we will concentrate on vocabulary and predictions, connections,



Next Week Cont. comparing and contrasting, and problem/solution. I feel confident that all of these skills will be mastered! During writing we will begin a writing prompt about a castle. The skills that we address this week are: generating ideas, developing characters, juicy details, using complete sentences, and editing correctly. We will have this writing fin-

ished by Friday. Be sure to take a look at it in our portfolios. During social studies we will begin a unit on laws and ordinances. Students will examine laws and tell why they are needed. We will also be developing class/school laws.

Ask Me, I Know! There is a brilliant child locked inside every student. -- Marva Collins

Make an in/out table and have me guess the rule! Measure the perimeter of a rectangle in our house.

Reminders •


Don’t forget to sign your child’s assignment book each night. This is a great way for you to know what is going on in the classroom. Also, weekly checkups will be coming home on Friday for



you to sign and your child to correct. These are due back on Monday.

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