140th Anniversary Musical Play “Dream in Motion” Ticket Booking Form Instructions: 1. Please download and complete the form. 2. Please send the completed form with a crossed cheque (payable to “St. Francis’ Canossian College General A/C”) to the school before 10th September 2009. Mailing address: St. Francis’ Canossian College, 9-13 Kennedy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (Ticket Booking for 140th Anniversary Musical) Seats will be assigned on first-come-first-served basis upon receiving the order form and
the cheque by 10th September 2009. Your booking will be confirmed by email indicating the date of the show and the seat(s) assigned.
4. 5.
You are kindly requested to print out and bring along the confirmation slip to the show for collection of the tickets. For further enquiries, please contact Ms. Ellen Au or Ms. Candy Lo at 25271007.
6. *
In case tickets for the requested show are sold out, you will be informed through email and your cheque will be returned by post.
Contact Person
Contact no.
Email Address
(Please indicate the number of tickets to be ordered in the appropriate box(es) ) Date 10th Oct. (Sat.) 11th Oct. (Sun.) 11th Oct. (Sun.) Total Price 4:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m. amount ($) $200 $150 Total: $ I accept an offer other than the selected show(s) Date : Ref. No.