Towton Battlefield Booking Form

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  • Words: 386
  • Pages: 1
TOWTON BATTLEFIELD Our speaker for the meeting on May 29th 2019 is a member of the Towton Battlefield Society who will be describing the events of Palm Sunday in 1461, and as a follow-up to his talk, we are planning a June coach trip to the Battlefield. The details of the coach trip are as follows: Wednesday, June 26th 2019 – Coach will leave Strensall Village Hall at 1.00 p.m. arriving at Towton for a 2.00 p.m. start, with coffee and an introduction. Then a walking tour – complete with guide to describe the events that took place on the Battlefield on March 29th 1461. (Estimated time of arrival back in Strensall is around 5.00 p.m.).

This trip is open to members (£5 per person) and non-members (£8 per person) The coach is a 29 seater and so numbers are limited and so early booking is advised. We are asking for a financial commitment by paying in advance to attend the tour – as it is felt this is the best way of assuring attendance. By May 1st we should have a fairly good idea if the trip is viable or not, and any money paid will be returned if the trip does not go ahead. So if you want to go and see the battlefield where the Yorkists and Lancastrians drew their battle stations, longbow men fired their arrows up to 300 yards only for them to fall short of their target due to the snow and heavy wind, and where 50-80,000 men faced each other in a deadly fight, and 30,000 men were killed and see where the river Cock was coloured red by the blood of the soldiers, book early to avoid disappointment!. Complete print off this document, and tear off the section below and return with your money to Colin Jenkins, our treasurer, at any of the meetings, the DEADLINE DATE TO BOOK IS JUNE 1 ST 2019 UNLESS WE HAVE A FULL COACH BEFORE THEN.

TO COLIN JENKINS, TREASURER, STRENSALL LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Tel. 0191491986 email [email protected] . I WOULD LIKE …… PLACES FOR THE COACH AND TOUR OF THE TOWTON BATTLEFIELD ON WEDNESDAY JUNE 26TH 2019. I ENCLOSE THE SUM OF £5.00 PER PERSON (i.e. Member)………………………………………… I ENCLOSE THE SUM OF £8.00 PER PERSON (I.e. Non-Member)…………………………………. NAME…………………………………….ADDRESS…………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… TEL.NO……………………………………………EMAIL ……………………………………..

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