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  • Pages: 142
ice to meet you a II ! Vocabu lar ~ ~ Move on/Go for it )

~_~ta-=--y_c_oo_I S_ _ _) 1

>Complete the introductions with places and


>Use the clues to complete the crossword. Clues

1 Down, 6 Across and 5 Down make up a message.

nationalities. Hi! I'm Gabriel. I'm from Salamanca


in Sp'~!~:.......... I'm Sp..'!.'.'.~~~: ......

2 Sonatas, symphonies and concertos are exa mples of ... music (9) 6 Where do you go ... school? (2) 9 Singular of ch il dren (5) 11 Come ... here, everybody ! (4) 12 Stella is Kat ie's ... (6) ]3 Oh, ... ! 1 hate photos! (2) 14 This type of music comes from Jamaica (6) 16 Her name is Katie and '" name is Sam (3 ) 17 Rock 'n' ... music wa s popular in the ! 9505 (4)

Down 1 You say this when somebody visits your home or town (7)

And I'm Joe. I'm from Manchester. I'm B ..........•.•....•.

My name's Stefan . I'm f rom Cracow in

P................. . I'm P..................


I'm Louise an d I live in London .

Hello. I'm Sandra. I'm from Milan, in the north of I .................. I'm I ..................

3 4 5 7 8 10 15

He teach es ... my sthool (2) Gi rl, boy; daughter, ... (3) A la rge city in th north -west of England (9) I've got a brother an d two .., (7) Sa m is Kat ie's ... (7) Do you live in a house ... a nat? (2) Come on! Let's ... home! (2)

Grammar Stay cool Present simple 3) Complete the conversation using the prompts. Tom:

Tom: So, 10............................................. (you / do) drama all day at school?

Where .~~ ..9.~~.~~~~fr.~!?!. (you / come from), Amy?




1•••••••••• . •••••••••••••••••••••••••

1•••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••• •••• •

Amy: No, w 11 .............. We 12.............................. . (study) ordinary subjects like Maths and EngJi h, too.

(come from) London. (you / live) in central

London? Amy:

Yes, 1 3•••••••••• . • 1 4 ••••••••••••••• (live) in a flat

with my parents and my brother, Alex.




(go) to the ltalia Conti Stage School. It's a drama school.


7............. ............ ...........

(Alex / go) there too?


No, he



5 •••••••••••••••••••••••••

(you / go) to school?


And 13 .................................... (you / want) to

be an actress?


No, I 14.......... . . 1 15................... (want) to be

a dancer.


Oh really? What 16 ........................................... (your parents / think) about that?


8 ......................


Amy: They

17 ...............................

(thin k) it's a good

idea. But my dad 18......................................... (not like) some of the music 1 dance to!

(go] to

the local comprehensive school.

Name: Jorge "",,orales ...........

Present simple

4> Use the information about Jorge to complete his penfriend advertisement.

Age: 16

... Address: Calle de Agua 44, . 14640 Villa delRio, Cordoba, spa,~ .... .,' . ' h a little English languages. Span!s , .. .. ". , • '. K but not heavy metal Favounte musIc. roc, .. D' ~Z and Brad Pitt Favourite stars: Cameron I ..'


Favourite sport: football . .te lootbalt team: Real Madncl favour!

.~~.~~.:. ~.arina Morales Age: 15 ......."... .......... I I. .....

sixteen years

old ami I !



Cordoba in Spain.

I ................. Spanish and a little English. I•. ......... rock mUSIC, but I


.."..... ......


Add·;ess~. c~ii;· d~. Agu·a·44.. . ·..·..··, . 14640 Villa del R' . ' ······'·.........--.................'.~~..~~~dOba, Spain ,~~~·~·~~~~.~:.. ~.e~nish, li~ii~~ Favourite m . ................. ........ ...... ..... ............................~s'c: reggae and rap .................."......................

. ''' . ·. . ·

Favour,'fe f,', ...·t· ..•..·,···..·....··..•..··..·····..··· ....................................... Favourite sp·..o·rt:... V..O..·,·,·e..Y·..b·.a...I·,..............e.~~~,,~~.~ ~.~!!~. ................. Ormond ....................... m s ars: Ewan MeG,.


heavy metaL My favourite film stars 6..........

Cameron Dial and Brad Pitt. I 7.......... . football very much, and I ............. for our local team.

5> Use Jorge's penfriend advertisement and the notes above to write about Marina in your notebook. Her name is Marina. She's ...


Go for it 6>- Complete the text with verbs in the present simple. Oliver , My favourite band at the moment is Kula Shaker. 1 really J!~~ ..................... them. 1 ,........................... .

to all lheir concerts. My sister, Susannah, works in a ticket agency, which is cool because she gels the tickets for me. She doesn't like pop music very much, so she

2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

When my parents

to pop concerts.

J • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

me pocket

money, I 4............................ a CD single or an album .

Susannah and I are fans of Manchester United .





to their malches and we also

them on satellite TV. ,

>Write questions for the answers. .~~!~~..~.I!.'!.~.~?~.~E~~~.r.~.'!Hv..!.i.~~!. ...........................................................

Kula Shaker.

Yes, he does. He goes to an of lhen­ 2 .................................................................................................................... .

In a tickel agency.

3 .................................................................................................................... .

No, she doesn't, because she d o e~ n 't like pop music.

4 .................................................................................................... ................ .

A CD single or an album.

5 .....................................................................................................................

Yes, they do - on satellite TV.

What's wrong? 8> Circle the mistakes in these sentences using

the key. Then correct them.

Key p = punctuaLion sp = spelling


w.O. '" =

word order there is a word missing


Do you like€~music?


He live in a flat near the town entre.


Where you are from?


2 ........................................................................................ .


J .........................................................................................


4 ......................................... .............................................. ..

3 I dont like techno. 4

Wel1come to Liverpool.

5 What sort music do you like? 6

gr = grammar v = vocabulary

.p..~.v.~~..~~~.~.~~~~~!~'!.~.~~~.~? ............................................

5 .........................................................................................

9) Complete Liam's part of the conversation using the phrases. • My name's Uam.


~ ......................................................................... .

Jenny: Really? Are you in a show? Liam:

6.......................................................... .............. ..

Jenny: Here in Liverpool? liam:

7 . ............... ..... .. .......................................... ....... .

• o. I'm not. I'm a dancer. • I"m from Dublin. • It' OK. We get free tickets. Here, Lake one. • Yes, I'm in Riverdance. • Yes, we're at the Empire Theatre for four weeks.

Jenny: Oh, that's great!

• L+A-M.


Jenny: Hello. Are you on holiday here?


R. .... . .. .............................................. ................ ... .

Jenny: Yes, but ... 9 . .........................................................................

Jenny: ThaL's very kind of you. Thank you.

Liam: . ~~.f~.!!.t?~'..~~~.~~~.~....................................... Jenny: Yes, I am. My name's Jenny. What's your name? Liam:

1••••• •••••••••••••••••• •• •• ••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• ••••

Jenny: Oh, LhaL's a nice name. How do you pell iL? Liam:

2... ........ .. . ........ . . .. .......... ... . ....... .. ....... .. . . .. ... .... ... .

Jenny: Is it Scottish? Liam:

J .......... .............. .... . .......... ......... .... . ... ................ .

Jenny: Where are you from in lreland? Liam:

4 •••••.•• ••• .•••.•••••• •• ••• ••••••••• •• ••• •.•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••.•••

Jenny: Are you a student here in liverpool ?

Go for it ) 10> Imagine you are a Teen Work volunteer, In your notebook, write a conversation between you and Mick. Use the prompts to help you. • First name • Surname • Nationality • Age • Telephone number • languages • Interests: sports / like? types of music / lisLen to? other things / do? Mick What's your first name? You: It's ... 7




l •

play loud musIc.





Stay cool


The X Files is a famous American TV series starring

FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. This is

Agent Mulder's sitting room. ~O


>Write the names of the items in the room. desk _ ___ _



_ _ _ _ _

7 _ _ ___ _ _ _

more patterns and five colours and write them in your notebook.



>Write the names of these objects in a room. You sleep on it.


2> Circle four


You put your

clothes in it. 2 You put up notes

an d messages here.






Y 0














4 You stand on it.











W 0


5 Yo u can put pi tures an d posters on it. - a - ­ 6 You look out of it. - - - -





5 __ _ __ _


Move on/Go for it


















C W E W E R E 0 F P









3 You wash your

hands in it.

7 You put ol d pa per

an d rubbish in it.

-- - -- a --­







Prepositions of place 4/ Write sentences using the prepositions in the box to describe where Humphrey and his cat are.

@. behi nd

• on • in front of • under • n xt Lo ~n th(' le~. on the right of

Where's Humphrey?

He's in the (or.

Where's the cat?


5 .!!.:~.~~ ..~~.~.!~.~D~~..~~r.

•.......................................................................... .

6 ........... .. .................................................................... ..

.................. ......... .......................................................

7 .. ............................................................................... ..

4 .................................................................................. .

8 ................................ .................................................. .

there is/there are

some/an y

2 ... j

with prepositions of place 5/ look at the picture of Agent Mulder's room and write where things are. .1J!.~r.~:~........... a carpet .. !'.!.!~~.~~~~~~..?f. the room.

....................... a table ............................... the sofa.

2 ....................... two lamps ....................... the table.

3 ....................... a bookcase .................... the corner.

4 .................... ... two pictures ..................... the sofa .

S ...................... . a desk .......................... the window.

6 ....................... a mirror ............................. the wall.

7 ....................... a cupboard ..................................... ..

6;- Compl ete the sentences with some or an y. There are .. !.l!.'!!.~ ...... pictures on the wall. Are there .................. books about Liverpool in the bookca se? 2 There are .................. plain white T-shirts in the

cupboard. 3 ATe there .................. Spanish students on lhe Uverpoo! project? 4 Let's pu t .................. posters on the wa ll .

5 There aren' t .................. chairs in my room. 6 1 want to lak .................. photos.

............................. the sofa.

8 ....................... a 1V .................................. the ora.


must/mustn't 7> Use the phrases to write rules for students and teachers. (Some rules can go in both lists.)

1 be fate for cCass 2

be ~Hte

s#ctear~ 4- hetp $tudent~ whe.n tfte.y ask

5 shout' at' studel1.u

6 eat- in. class


7 make les50ns int'erestin8 8 plan Cessons 9 miss lessons

10 do homework on time. if brin8 knives t:c school 12 cop~ other students~ work. 13 smoke or chew Bum i.n class 14 write dearly on the blackboard 15 run or shout in the corridors



Move on

there is/there are with some and any

8>Complete the conversation with th ere is or there are and circle some or any as appropriate. Friend: Hi! It's me. You:

Hi! Where are you?

Friend: I'm at a you th hostel in London. You:

Rea lly? What's your room like?

Friend: It's a bit basic, but it's OK. And the other peopl e are really nice . ..!!!.~~~..~~~ .................

@ You:

any Spanish students h reo

,.................................. some/any other

English people at the hostel? Friend: No,


But that's OK.

1 can practise my Spanish.


What ab out sports?

3................................. .

some/any sports facilities? Friend: No,

4 ..................................

some/any sports

facil ities at the hostel, but 5 . .................................

Students' rules 1

some/any tennis

courts in th e pa rk, and next to them

You mustn't be late for class.

2 You must be polite.


a big area where you

can play footba 11. You:

7 ..................................

a swimming pool in

the park? Friend: No,

8.................................. .


a water garden, but

it isn't much good for swimmi ng in! Look, 1 must go. It's my t11m to cook dinner!

Teachers' rules 1 You mustn't be late for class.

2 You must speak clearly.

© 10 Go f or it


there is/there are with prepositions of place and som e/an y


9 In your notebook, write a paragraph abo ut your sitting room at home. There's a blue sofa under the window and there are two blue-and-white striped armchairs opposite the sofa. There are some chairs next to a small table ...


Communicati on

~ 10/ What are the landlady's replies? Write the correct letters in this conversation.

Go for it )


11 Use the prompts to write a conversation in your notebook. You:


Can I have a front door key?

Yes, here you are.

Yes, if you want to. Ten o'clock is fin e.

a) Y • but yo u mustn't use all the hot wate r.

b) Well, you can if you like, bu t you mu t pay

for your room ton ight.

c) I'm afraid you can't. You must com to


~ \lo, you can't. You mustn't use the

washbasin for washing clothes.

e) Yes, but you mustn't make long phone calls.

t) I'm afraid you can't. You must be in

by 11 o'clock.


Can I wash clothes in my room?

landlady: .~............. .


Can I have a shower?

Landlady: ' ............... ..


Oh , yes. You can play it in the sitting ro om too, if yo u like.


Yes, of course. You can ma ke me one, too, if you like!


Certainly. They muSl be out of yo ur roo m by 12 o'clock, but before that it is fine.

Identifying grammatical groups Most dictionaries show which

gram matical group a word belo ngs pu t v. verb noun chair n. blue adj. adjective slowl y adv. adverb

we a into

pron. art. prep.


pronoun article preposition

Student: Can I use the telephone? Landlady:

12 > Which grammatical groups do these words

Student: 1 don't want breakfast. Can I just make a coffee in my room?

belong to?


J .................


I want to go to a dbco this evening.

Can I have a key? landlady: Student:

Can I move to another hotel?

bedroom give


5 striped 6 come

2 the

7 an

J in

8 lamp

4 they

9 qui etly

Landlady: s...•............. 11

And the winners are

•• •

'And now we come to the highlight of

the evening: the under-ISs lodern

Dance competition. There are ten teams

from the north-wesl of England in

tonighL' competition - but there's only

on prize! So sit back in your chairs

and enjoy the dancing. Please welcome

Team umber One , the home learn

[rom Blackpool, Total EclipseI'

Total Eclipse start their routi ne on Lhe

dance floor. The music is last and they

dance well.

Offstage, Beth Robertson talks to her

friend Debbi McCarthy. Their team,

Body Worl<s, IS from Manchester.

'It's our turn next, Debbie.'

'1 know. I'm nervous.'

'We mustn't lose this one. Come on . We

must win tonighl.'

Total E lipse finish and the audience

applauds. The announcer i11lroduces

Body Works.

nd now the all-girl team from Denton, Ilear Manchester - Body Works!' Judy, the team trainer, talks to the group. 'AU righ t, everyone? Are you ready7 You can do it. Go for itl' The six girls walk onLo the floor and Lake up their positions. The music starts . An hour laLer, everyone waits for the announcement

'And the winners are ... the boys and

girls from Blackpool - TOlal Eclipse!'

In your notebook, answer t he questions.

Beth Looks at Debbie.

'It's not fair. We never win anything!'

The chairman of the judges makes a final


Don't forget, ladies and gentlemen , that on

December 13th we have the National

Championships here in Blackpool. We hope to

ee you again! '


2 3 4

5 6


How many tea ms are there in the dance competition? Which team dan ces fi rst? Where are Body Works fro m? Who is Judy? Which team wins? Why are Body Works different from the Blackpool team? When are th e Natio nal Championships?


have coffee.

Vocabular tay cool 1 ') Write out the times in full.

.. ~~~~~.~.p.~~.....................


I ...........................................


Igl1t. Lessons start at

seven every morning . 1 have br akfast at

seven and I catch the bus to school at

eight. The chool gates open at

4 ....................................... ....

3 ......................................... .

nine and finish at


four, with a break for lu nch between


one and

2/ Match each verb in the left-hand column WIth apse in the right-hand column.

7 . ..........................................



>Write the periods of time. ~ .~.9·'!·C!·r:!~':.·t?f.~':'.·~~~r.· ..........


i ...... ........· .. ..




..... ............ ........ .............................. .......... .


tQO Move on/Go for it


4 > In your notebook, write what Michael usually does after school on Friday evening. 1

play " " ~

2 go to

3 It len 4 read


a) b) c) d)

the radio football (or another sport) a video friends e) the cinema

5 rent 6 VIsit 7 wa ch

g) books and magazines

8 do 9 have

h) dinner i) exercise

f) 1\1

'tR\OA", 4..00 - k.:~o ~e4i$-\.rcUniC\,\ - ~~M


- 5.~o bas'a..\'ocUl- ~m S.l\.S - (,.00 T'l - hcnn.e b.OO

~.30- 1. '5

o;.""tfu - 'name.

"cnne.\W1'k - IDolt's1NSe.

He does fitness training in the gym for halfan hour. At 4.30 he plays basketball. He plays for an hour.


- -


Grammar Stay cool


Present simple with adverbs of frequ ency

5> Use the verbs (in brackets) to complete Stuart's account of a typical

Saturday morning at home.

1 .~~~~~w.."~~.~p.

................ (usually I get up) at 7.30 on Satmd ay and

I ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.•.•••••••••••


I be)

(nm) in the park before breakfast 1 2 ..... ...... .... . .. ......... ........... ..

back home by 8.30. My brother Dave

(usually I get up) at 10.30. Dave

J ....................... . .. .. .......... ..

4....................................... .

(have) coffe e and toast for

breakfast. 1 5....................................... (never I drink) coffee so 1 6.. .. ........... ....... .. ........ . .. .... .

(have) orange juice and cereal. Most Saturdays, 1 7 ............... . ........................ .. ..

(go shopping) with my parents. Dave hates shopping. He mornings. He and


9 ........................................

10 ............. .. .. ...... . .. .. . .. .. . ...............

II .....................................................

(not go) because he

(always I be) at home on Sa tu rd ay

(sometimes ( play) the guitar in his room,

(sometime ( listen) to his heavy metal CD .


Write questions from the prompts and then answer them. What I Stuart / u ually do I before breakfast

on Saturday?

~o Move on


Present continuous

7> Write what the people are doing and not doing.


.~~~!-!!.~~.Y.!. ..................................................................

run / do weightlifting


.!!.~. !~'!.~~.~'!.'!f!.!~9.: .!!.~.~..~~.~'!fl

What time / Dave / usually / gel up?

.~~!!!~~~ift.!!!9.: ........................ read magazi ne / watch 1V

2 Stuart / have coffee / for breakfast?

2 play a computer game /

3 Stuart and Dave ( go shopping?

4 What sort of music / Dave ( listen to?


listen to a CD

3 do a word puzzle / write letters

Mother: Dad and I 5 .••.•.•••••••.•••••••.••••••••••..•.•••••.•.. in lhe garden. Anyway, you

6....................... .

................ anythin g im portant. Come on ! Gina:

Thal's not fair!

7 ........................................ .

on my Geography project. Ben:

No , she She

B... .... . .. . ... .

9........................................................ .

to a CD on her headphones. Gina:

Oh, shu t up, Ben ! All right, all right! 1

II .................................


Present simple and present continuous

9> Circle the correct form of the verb. ove

60 for it Prese



Complete the dialogue with these verbs in the present continuous or the short forms 'm not, isn't. • come • listen • watch • do • nOl do • work • play • work • try

S S /

am Trafford is an A merican music Journ alist.


is liking most kinds of pop m usic.

In the early morning, he 1 listens to / is listening to

Mother' .~.. Gina ..~~!!.9, .... 1V in the kilchen, Ben? Ben:

No, she .~.'!: ........... She's in her room.

WUR, a New York radio station which 2 plays / is playing hits from the 50s, 60s and 705. He usually knows the tunes so he sings along with hem. 'I like world music, too. At the moment, [ 3 plcry /

Mother: Gina I Gina:

am playing a cassette of A frican m usic. It's great


I 4 don't usually listen to / am not usually listening co

Mother: What ' ............. you ..................... ? 2 •••••••••• •

you ................................ .

classical music, but that's because I 5 don't have / am not having time.' Every day

computer games again? Gina:


at work he 6 writes / is writing about

the new releases in the pop world. Right now he 3•• .••••.• •••••••••••••••• 1

does / 15 doing an article about an Irish group

Mother: Come and help Ben.

called 'Black Velvet ' who 8 m ove up / are moving


up the charts.


Mother: He

4 ••••••••••••.•.••••.••••••••.•••••••••••••••••.••.••••••.•.•••

to learn his panish verbs. Gina:

'Some of the music is absolute rubbish. 1 hate It. But that's my job. I Ill/sten to / am listening to everything, •

Why ca n't you or Dad help him?


Communication (JOG 60 for it )

Stay cool/Move on


10> Write the replies in the correct place in the conversation. • At about B.OO.

• Fifty minutes. • 1 always go on Wednesday afternoon, and 1 sometimes go on Friday, too. ~ • 1 always have something to eat first. • I usually walk, but I sometimes go by bus. • About twice a month. I usually go at the weekends. • 1t depends. lesson finish at 3.45. but 1 sometimes stay late and use the library. V. My falher, because he leaves at 6.30 ""\ ~ to get to work. ./

• Yes, 1 do.

11 In your notebook, write a conversation between you and your English penfriend like the one in Exercise 10. (Your penfriend is 'A' and you are 'B'.)

~ o


What's wrong?)


12 > Circle and correct the mistakes.


The film last5 about two and a h


.!.~~.fi..~'!!..~~~ .~~~~.~~..'!.~.~ .'!..~~!f.~~~!.~: ............... What time you star t school?

2 1 have usually orange juice and toast for


A: Who gets up first in your house? B: .~'y'~~~.~!.~~~~~.~.~~../~~~~. ~..~.~~..~~. !!.~. ~~. ~~~~: ..

A: What time do you leave home in the morning? B:

3 1 visi t my brother in Mil an two tim

a year.

I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

A: How do you get to school? B:

4 Why you looking at me?

2 •••••••••••••.••• ••••••••••••••••..•••••••••.••••••••••••.••• . ••••••••• . •••.••.•.

................................................................................... , A: How long are your lessons? B:

J••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.••••••••.•••••••••••• .• •••••••

A: What lime do you leave school in lhe

Increase your verb power



~ .................................................................................

When you're learning n w ve rbs it 's

useful to make a special note


of lhe ones which have

spelling changes.

A: What do you do when you gel home fro m school? B:

5 •• ••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••

A: Which days do you go to the sports centre? B:

6 •.••• ••••••••••••••••.•.•••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

A: Do you ever go to the cinema? B:

7•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• •••• •• •••

A: How often do you go? B: 16

8.......................... . ................................................ . ... . .


Third person singular

-ing form

go run

goes runs




run ning having

13> Add the following verbs to the list. • come • do

• live

• put

• write

• win

u y.UU


a sandwich?


1 ;, Complete the word puzzle to find out what Sam is going to have for tea (1 Down).




o 9 10

M 11

I 13


Move on 2 / Camp


e the missing words in the article.

Dally dIet of an


Olympic athlete What does an Olympic athlete eat to keep fit and healthy7 Alex O'Connor talks to Nicky Robinson to find out

energy Tonight. for example, I'm going to have II ch _ _ _ _ n and 17 pa _ _ a. Its my own recipe.'

Does she have anything to eat between meals? 'Sometimes, But I don't have anyth ing heavy f just have some fruit - a I.l b _ _ _ _ _' ,m 14 a _ _ _ _ or a 15 p ch, for example:

When she wakes up, Nicky Robinson always has a cup

of h ~ -.! IN ~ slice of I I

\/\/Ith d

-.! ~ !:.. - - - n.

or br?il~Ic1St. ~h::; uSLIally has cornilakes w ith } m

11d> d ~,



, u __ __ p

0 _

_ •



Ir all sou nds very healthyi

__ __ _

c_____ ___ r with a Simple dressing or

ClnrJ If,

I helVe herbal


h. She someomes I ___ _ _ _ _ e, 5 t _ _ _ _ 0 and S' _

e and


Jndl1E'r ,orne tOd5t After her morning tRllnlng ~I .' IVIS 'c.u~ lnd a

And what about drinkS? 'I don't drink 1(, C _ _ _ _ _

a v _ _ _ _ _ --'

9 S __ _

. ____ .

For supptf I mak co sure I h(!ve food w/'lch gives me

(90 0 60 for it )


3 Imagine you are training for a marathon. In your notebook. write out your menu for a day. Breakfast - orange juice, ... 17

© __St3._ .Y.:. . _C__ OO' _ _)

(90 Move on


have got with some and any

have got with some and any

4,/ Complete these sentences with the correct form of have got and some/any.

6 > Write questions and answers using the prompts.

(l/X) .J.~~~~~:~.!!~~..'!.'!J!. ................................... paper.

(he/?) ....................................................................... .



.~~'!.~!!~!'.? .............................

posters in his bedroom? 2 (They/V) ...................................................................

. ~.'!':~!l.'!.~.~~.~.~. ~!!!.~~.~ .~ ...... .

fantastic cakes at the new cafe.

.~~~~.'!:.~.~f!.~.~~.Y..!':!~~~~~: ....

3 (This coffee/X)

sugar in itl 4 (you/?) ..................................................................... . Lickets for th Prodigy onrerl?

1 (they)

going to future

2 (he)

5> Write questions to complete the conversation. Kari m: What are you going to do after school? Penny: After school? I'm going to go shopping. Karim :

I ................ .. ... ...... .. ... .. ......... . ......... . .................. .

Penny: A new mouse For my compu ler. Karim :

l .........................................................................

Penny: Oh. after that, 1'm going to meel someone. Karim:

1 ........................................................................ .

Penny: Who? It's a secret. Karim:

4........................................ . .. .. ........ .. . . . .. ........... . .

Penny: We're going to go to the cinema, if you must know. Karim: , ....................................................................... ..

Penny: Th new James Bond film. Anyway, don 't be no ey! 18

3 (we)

going to future 7 / Complete the sentences with the correct verb. Then tick all the boxes which apply to you.

e ·

• do • make • keep • take • work • get up • write • 1 am wait • spend • take

~• How am b'ztzous . are you.;; +.+ Education When I finish school, I'm going to

9.'!............... to college or university. 2 ............... ...... and see what happens.

3 ..................... at I I a.m. every day. 4 ..................... another language.

5 ..................... a year off and travel. 6 ..................... more time on my hobbies.

o u o




+.+ Career Then I'm going to 7 ..................... the same job as my mother/father. S ..................... in another country. 9 .:................... the first job I find .

10 ..................... a book. II ..................... a pop video.


................ the same job for at least ten years.




o o


Score I, 4. 5. 8. 10. I I: 2 points for each tick 2. 3. 6. 7. 9. 12: I point for each tick



Mostly I s: You like to play safe, but you must give yourself a chance. Go on. go for it! Mostly 2s: You're going to do well - but where are you going to start?

. Go for it B/ In your notebook, write a paragraph about your plans and a friend's plans for the future. Use the phrases in Exercise 7 to help you.


When 'finish school, "m going to ...

My friend isn't going to ...

Career "m not going to ... My friend is going to ... 19


~ Stay cool) 9> Write the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation between the waiter and the customer. a) Mineral water, please. b) Whal would you like with it? There's green salad or tomato salad. c) Yes, please. d) And what would you like to drink? @Would you like Loday's special ­ pasta with four-cheese sauce? f) I'd like green salad, plea e.

.~!. ~~.~.~~ N.f!.'!. .~~~7. ~~.~l!~:~.~p.~~!~!.~.p.~~~ . ~~~~ fC!~!.~~.~~~.~~~~7.? ..............................................................................

2 ............................................ .. ....................................................................................................................................... ..

3 ...... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ..

4 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..

5 .......................................................... ............................................................................................................................ .

Move on/ Go for it ) 10) Write a conversation in your notebook. using

~ What's wrong?) 11

>Circle and correct the mistakes,


the prompts. A: Offer a friend something to drink

ch ese sandwich, please.

.!.'~.!!~~.~.~~.~~~.~~!!~~~~~!.p..I.~~~.~: ..............................

B: Accept and ask what there is

Wh at you like to drink?

A: Give three choices B: Say what you 'd like

2 Please, orange j uice.

A: Offer something to eat B: Accept and ask what there i

3 Id like a cheese sandwich.

A: Give two choices B: Say what you'd like A: Offer some ice cream


rmgoing to have some breads and cheeses.

B: Ask what sort your fricnd ha got A: Say which flavour you've got

5 15 there any buter?

B: Accepl 6 Ca n I have a mix sa lad ? A: Would you like something to drink? B: Yes, please ... 20

2 We never win!

Beth i walking to the dance studio at Denton Leisure Centre for a

Body W rks praclice ession when

-he 5 es Debbie. 'Hi Debbie. What are you doing?' Tm waiting for Nicky. Would you like a chip? Help yourself.' 'No. thanks. Come on, it's time to go to the studio . We start in half an hour: Debbie takes another chip.

'I'm not ill the mood . I'm not going to g ny more. We practise three limes rI week and we never win .' 'Debble, you can't leave now. The National Champ ionships are in L

Drccmb r. Wha t am 1 going to tell Jud) ?' 1 don't 1 now. I'm sorry, Beth. [just don't want LO dance any more.'

Beth turns to go LO the dance

studio, hut Debb ie SLOpS her.




comes Conrad


Conrad Fletcher goes to a boy' ehol 1 near Beth and Debbie's

school. When he sees Beth, he

smoot back his ha ir.

'Hi. Beth, how are yo u? Where are

you going?'

Bel h doesn't reply. She knows

Conrad likes her but she isn't sure

about hinl. Suddenly, Conrad

jumps high in the air and then

walk backwards like a robol.

Uebbi giggles.

'Look, Beth! He's a great dancer.'

'He'- a show-off.'

'Go on, Conrad! Do i t again! '

D bbie clap but Beth doesn't. She is

thinking ...

'Debbie, rve got an idea.'

In your notebooks, write if the sentences are true (T) or

false (F). 1 2 3 4 5

Beth wants some of Deb bie's chips. Debbie doesn't want to do da nce practice. Conrad Fletcher goes LO Beth and Debbie's school. Conrad likes Bel h. Debbie th inks Conrad is a good dancer. 21

Ski lis developt1.1ent


says Stacy McCarthy. 'You must be about

six or seven

if you are

going to do the sport seriously. But you mustn't be too young because there are a lot of difficult moves and young kids can't remember all of them.' The karate belt system is long and difficult. Stacy an d Jonathan do a style of karate called ishinryu. Beginners wear a white belt. After SIX months they can take a test for tile next level -

Karate Kids

Karate Is a very popular sport among teenagers in Britain. Today, we go to Dagenham, in east London, to meet British junior karate champions Stacy McCarthy and Jonathan Mottram, both 15 years old. People think tllat karate is easy and that after one training session you can be Jean Claude Van Dammel It's not like that at all. 'You must start quite young,'

the red belt. They must then go through yellow, orange, green, blue and brown belts. After that the levels are called dans. When you get your first dan, you get a black belt. Is it a hard life? 'We usually come to the club three times a week for training, but when we're reparing for a championship we train every evening.' What about their free time? Stacy says, 'We're busy with training and there's not a lot of time. But I sometimes go to the cinema with friends.' Thei r teache r, an ex-boxer called 'Ticky ' Donovan, is very proud of them. 'Stacy and Jonathan are my star pupils. . They've both got their black belts. Now they are training for their second dan.'


Stay cool


>Complete the information. .~~~.~.~~~~~~-'!.I.!.~!!~~.~.,!..~~~~~~................................................... I,

Names Ages

Location of karate club Training sessions • normally • for a championship Colour of the beginner's belt Colour of the dan belt Stacy and Jonathan's present level Training for 22

Communication 2/ Answer the questions. Wh r do Stacy and Jonathan train?

4 > Complete the interview with Stacy by writing the questions.

At the local karate club.


Why i

Hello. Your name's Stacy, isn't it?

Stacy: Yes, that's right.

arate difficull ror young children?


Stacy: S-T- A- C- Y.

2 How many different coloured belts are there in karate?


Stacy: I'm 15.


) Why don't Stacy and Jonathan go out wi h fr iends very often?

You're a British junior karate champion.

Stacy: Yes, it is - especially with teenagers.


4 How

does 'Ticky' Feel about Stacy and Jonathan?

Stacy: Ishinryu.


Stacy: My econd dan.


Go for it 3 / Write questions for these answers .

Stacy: 1 someti mes go Lo the cinema with friends,

but I don't really have a lot of free time. You:

Thanks Stacy, and good lucid

..~~~.~~~.~!~9/..~~fC!.'J.~N..'!.'!.~!.~~o/.~.'!.'!..~~~~~~.~ .. Hley're the British junior karate champions.

They wear a wh ite belt. 3 ............. .................................................................... ..

Writing Do either Exercise 5 or Exercise 6. 5) In your notebook, write a letter to Stacy or Jonathan. You can ask about: • daily routine • favourite types of music • favourite foods • free-time activities.

After six months. Dear ..,

Can you give me some information about yourself?

4 ...................................................................... .... ...... ... .

11lree times a week. 5 ................................................................................... . 'Tkky' Donovan. G ....................................................................................

n'eir second dan.

6> In your notebook, write an imaginary 'Day in the life of' Stacy or Jonathan. Write about: • • • • • •

what what what what what what

time they get up they have for breakras t time they get to school they have for lun ch Lime school Anishes they do after school.

Jonathan usually gets up at half past seven ... 23

Who are they playing? I




Of 111 I



al Stamfold B




€CWC 2nd ROUND 2

nd lEG





SEA, {;

SAT 2t NOv.


22 0058

25 00



I I It

MATCH ""22

The National Film Theatre

Wednesday 25th November

Friday 20th November

at my place, Be there!





2.30 Arrival at th e South Bank Centre WED



FAX NO . O· 929 4456721



~ Stay cool/Move on


Alice Tamsi n and John

We aren' t coming to the studio this afternoon so we're sending the pholos to you by bi ke couri r.

Present continuous as future 1 '/ Use the information to complete the conversations,

2 Matt: Alice: Yes, she is. It's next Wednesday, We must

buy her a present.

Alice: ,~~~':',.l!.~~.~~~.~~~.':l,p..~l!!!.i.'!f!..~~.~.i.~':l,':'.!, .......... Matt: On Salurday.

3 Alice: Are you going to the Photogra phy

Exhi bilion ?

Alice: .~,~~,!l?,~.-9.~~~"!. ................. ............................


Of course 1 am! rYe got a ticket.



Alice: Let's go to the South Bank Centre tomorrow afternoon.

Matt: Why? Alice:

Matt: I' m goi ng wi th Melanie.

4 Matt: Are Ta msin and John coming this

afterno on ?


Matt: But what about the phOlOS? Matt: Really! ........................................................ .. Alice: Two thirty. 24





How do you feel about the things we all do in everyday life? l = like H = hate OM = don't mind Karen




















1 Get up early





2 Make breakfast for the whole family





3 Walk to school





Section 1: Transport , Travel by plane 2 Travel by • train • coach 3 Cycle in town


( Section 2: Routk,-;j

Verb followed by -ing form 2/ Read the Lifestyle Survey. Then write sentences in your notebook about the people using like, hate prefer or don't mind. Section J Karen She likes travelfing by plane. She prefers travelling by train to travelling by coach. She doesn't mind cycling in town.

C All levels


Defining relative clauses

4> Join these sentences using who, which or where.

, I've got som e film poster . Th ey're quite old.

. !.'.~~!!.C?~.~~!!!.~fi.!T..p.~~~~~..~~!~~.~~~.~~!~~.~~~: ..........

There's a boy outside. He wants to see you.

Martin He ...

Section 2 Karen

2 There's a cybercafe in the next street. You an

su r the Internet and have a coffee there.

She ...

TIM and Rob

They ...

3 There's an Eng lish bookshop near my fl at. It's really popular.

Verb followed by -ing form

4 This

3;- Fill in your own answers on the lifestyle .Survey. Then write two paragraphs in your notebook using your answers in each section.

is the teacher. he's teaching your class next



~ 0 Move on

~ ,,-_Sta~ _ y _co_o___ I )


7> Complete the sentences with the correct preposition and the dates as you say them.

-'anis~: 1stA~.


ltrriCle in f1u.dtrab't:t: Oec.

o&nG*l': ~ .7it1y Your hospital appo intment is...?~.~~!:.~!:~~!!~.~!. ..... March. 2 His birthday is ..........................................................


Write the names of the sports and activities.


3 They're arrivi ng in Australia ....................................

The concert is ......................................................... .

4 ........................... .. ...........


5 ...................................... ..

5 Shakespeare was born ............................................ .

2 ..................................... 6 ... .................................... . 3 ..................................... 7 ............. .. ............. .......... ..


8 7




J u N f


A p R



2 You play with racquets. There's a net. You pl ay on a court. You can play indoors or outdoors. The firs t score is 'Fifteen - love',

r--­ -











M B r--­



>Name the sport. You play in teams of eleven. You play on a pitch and you kick the ba ll . You score goals. On ly the goalkeeper can touch lhe ball with his/her hand.

J 1


3 You play with a big ball. There's a net. You hit the ball over the net with your hands. You ca n play this gam e on the beach.

r-­ r-­

4 There

are either 15 or 13 players, You play on a pilCh. You ru n with the ball in yo ur ha nds. You can't pa ss the ball to a player in fro nt of yo u.


5 Ameri ans play this game a lot. There are nine


peop J in each team. You hiL the ball and ru n round the three 'bases' to reach 'home',





0 Go for it )

Complete the puzzle with names of the months. r-­




Communication ' - - ­ . Stay cool



~_ _ Move on/Go for it

- ­


9 / Rewrite the dialogue in the correct order. You:

• 1l isn't, actually. It' great. YukI • Coulr 1 have some of your chips, pleas, pike? • I'm not very keen on ch ips with vinegar.

I pre~ r eating them with mayonnaise.

• TIl<1f1ks ...

Spike: • What' the matter? • Chips with mayonnaise7 YukI That's di gu~Ung! •


UTe, go ahea d.

.~!!.'!.'~f~!,;y.~.~t?'!:'.~..f!f}l.t?I!L~~!P.~!. p..~~~~~! ..... .....

10/ You are staying with an English family. Ask

to do things using the verbs and pictures, and

write responses.

C::~V· listen to • watch ~waSB:>. use 1

. ~~~!~..I..'.':~~~.~~~~.~!.C?~~~!. p.~~~~~.? ........................


.X.~~!.~~r.!~!~!v.:. Ju l put them in the machine.

2 .~~~.'~..'..I!.~~.~~~p..~t?r:r.~!.p..~~~~~!.................................

X .~~!.~:~ ~fi.:~!~.v.!!!!..~~~~~: .. My son is using it at



the moment.

Spike: .......................................................................... .


You :

II .................................................................................

.......................................................................... .

Spike: .......................................................................... .



............................................................................... 7

ATe you staying in to ni ght, then?


......................................... ...................................... 7

X ............................................................................... ..

My daughter's do ing her homework on it.

Spike: ...........................................................................


...................................... ......................................... ?

II .................................................................................



Do you know how to use the CD player? 27

A iverpool 9 ost story Vocabular ~,,-----------,-_oo_i~) 1

>Write the names of some of the subjects which Nick is studying at school. Romeo ond Juliet is the story or two lovers.

2 George Wa hington was lhe first pre ident of the USA.

J Oceans cover 71 per cent of the Earth 's surface.

4 Mozart composed his fir')t opera when he was II.

5 Hello

= Bonjour

6 Each person belongs to one of four blood groulls: A, B, AB or O.

7 List 10 design feature which are important for cars today.

©0 Move on/Go for it


2 / Complete the crossword using the clues.


Across 1 This bag is really ... 1 can't arry it. (5) 6 The opposite of weak. (6) 7 We travelled on the new high speed train, 9 11 14

15 17 18 20

so our journey was very ... (4) He's 1m 90. That's quite ... (4) You must ... your hands before you eat. (4) Did you like tha book ... ghost stories? (2) In this school subject, you learn lo draw and paint. (3) See 20 cross (9) My computer' really .... I'd like a new one. (3) (with 17 Across) Gymnaslics and swimm ing are part of this school ubjecl. (8)



l1 H 2£ A V Y




5 7







111 12












fa '19




Down 2 I'm doing wel l on this ero word. It's ... ! (4) 3 I don't eat anything heavy at lunchtime. I like a ... lunch. (5) 4 His last book was boring, but this one's quite ... {II} 5 We arrived ... . He wasn 't ready to go out. (5)

8 £ 15 for a pair of Italian shoes? That's really ... ! (5)

10 Bi ology, Physics and Chemistry are part of this schoo ubj ct. (7) 12 The weath er was ... . It rained every day. (5) 13 The les on started at 9.30 and it's now 9.45. Why are you ... ? (4)

16 ln this school subj ct, you listen to symph onies, sona tas and concertos. (5) 19 1 usua lly go to school ... bus. (2)

"", Grammar

Possessive pronouns 5> Rewrite these sentences using possessive pronouns to replace the underlined words.

Verb to be past sim ple 3 ) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be past simple.

They .. ~~~~........ . at the cinema last night.

She ............................... (not) at school last week.

2 ................ .......... . you at the cafe this afternoon?

J The train ........................... on time this morning.

4 nley .................... (not) at home when I phoned.

5 ................................... the Biology exam difficult?

6 The ticket ............................ (not) very expensive.

7 How .................................... your trip to London?

B You .......................... late so we tarted the game

without you. 9 We ....................... (not) tired after our late nigh t.

Past simple of regular verbs 4 / Write the past simple form of these verbs in the correct column in the box. • fini h • c;tart • miss. y • cry • play • • arrive • talk

f'1[±II I




• phone • all • try • recognhe . vi it • marry • Ii len • drop hale • wash • climb • live • look • stay • ask • travel

I+ed l


3\ conson~nt I + y -!> ,ed




double consonant + ed

I the bag with the stripes your bag?

.!~.!~~.~~~.~!!~.~~.~.~~!p.~~.~.~.'!.~~.? ............................. This is my dictionary and that's your dictionary.

2 1 did my homework mysel f. 1 di dn't copy ~


3 We looked at their photos and they looked at our phol s.

4 Is

this your pen or my pen ?

5 Our CD player di dn't work, so we borrowed their

CD player.

6 Did you can at his hous or her ho use first?

j 29

© ()Go for it

Move on


Past simple regular


7 In your notebook, write a description of Gavu and Joanna's trip to Scotland, using the diary entries. We arrived in Edinburgh at 7.30 on Friday.

We stayed at a youth hostel.

, didn't wash because the water was very cold.

Friday 23 I1rrt~

,n £dilJbiA';!h cd 7 30. ~

§far p/(tJUfh hosfd. fit/fer verf cof"-

I "M'tJVlI~h.

J' _ J ~



Saturday 24

don to Cambridge Lon bike ride sponsored .................... .

fYllik nrunJEtUnhryh.

_;96~ ~···· time' 4z- 5 hoUrs • 1\ uotel london WC2 1..1 hOtel' Russe fl , Officldl ' from Hyde Part<­ Start! SatUrday 9 am .......... " .... " .




.... ......... . ab' ns every ten mIles. 'd ddnn~ st 0 Rrst-al an . e to Londo" twice an hoUr. Trains from earnbn~


Use the information in the poster to complete the conversation. You: .!J.~~9.
An n: Yes

1..................................................... .. ............ .

You: Where


I. . ....................... ....................................... .


You: What time

at th Russell Hotel.


the bike ride

...................................... on Saturday morning?

Ann: It

5....................................................................... .

You: What time G........................................ . ....... ........ .

in Cambridge? Ann:

7 ........................................................... ..

You :

B.................... ..........................

An n: No! ' got the train. 30

at 2.15.

back to London?



w;.rW /:::,'t $ee pny jhasfs!) 1,.\\\ dan'! &1jyJ.lbscause

!t-.?Ne! 6ylrttln k Ijltts.fOw Monday 26 d . /f1 .

C~m/J a m(JUnfain/

Jdanntl CtArries my ruc/csad<.


WafcJ, /he

SUI1 ....' \



,' /



cool/Move on 8) Write conversations using the prompts. How was the exam?


It was OK.

qu tion asy? difficult Ollcerl?

9 > Complete the conversation using the phrases in the box.

• Why. what wa the exam like? Q What's u~7 • I bet you passed. • Is that a1I? • Oh, no ! 1 just don't want to know. • What do you mea n, 'OK'? They're fantastic results!

very long

mu ic I good?


'} journey? boring

. train

I on

.? tIme ...........................................................


3 meals at the ho leI?

fantastic Nick: You're not in a very 9 od mood today.

e pensive?

.~~~~~.'!.I?!. ........................................................

qUlle cheap

Sonia: 1 was late for school and Mr Soames was angry.


Culture snapshot


Sonia: No. I'm worried about my History resul ts.

Exams in British schools


In Britain, students aged 16 take their GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams between May and June. They get the results in August. The exam grad s go from N (the top) to G. Students can leave school at 16 if they wan t to.

Sonia: Some of til questions were quite hard.

Stud nts who do well in their GCSE exams often go on to study for A (Advanced) levels in three or four subjects. Th y take their A-level ex ms at the age of 18 Many of them then go to college or university.

At what time of the year do students in your country take exams? How old are they when they take them?

2......................................................................... ..

Nick: The resul ts are already up on the noticeboard, you know. Sonia:

J......................................................................... ..

Nick: Go on! Go and find out! Sonia: Oh, all righ t. (Later)

Nick: Well -

4 ..............................................................

Sonia: Yes, I did. And the grades wer OK. I 9 t two As and a B.


5.... . . .. ......................... .. ...................................... ..





3 Boys wanted! Belh 5 idea was simple. 'W need boys like Conrad in the dance group,' she said to Debbie. So they used Beth's computer to design and print advertisement leaflets. They handed them out in th e shopping centre and in local you th clubs.

Calling all boys between 14 and 181 This is your chance to be astar. Do you want to try 50mething really cool? Itt5 free itt5fun ana it keep5 you fitl Come ana join the Body Works dance group.

Meet U5 at the Denton Lei5ure Centre on Tuesaay 30th September at 7.45 pm for an auaition.

B~! ~

Tuesday 30th eptember was cold, wet and windy. At 7.4 5 pm , Beth, Debbie and the rest of the tcam were at the Leisure Cen tre en trance. 'I bet nobody's going to come OUI o n a night like this,' said J o. 'Certainly not boys! They hate gelling their hair wet! ' said Nicky 'And theres football on TV tonight. Sco tland is playing Portugal ,' said Dee. The girl waited for ten m inutes but nobody arrived.

This is boring,' said Charlene. 'I'm not stand ing here

any longer. I'm going in ide."

'Me too,' said Dee.

'You're right,' sa id Beth. She was now in a very bad

mood. 'I don't think any boys are going to join us

tOnigh t - no t even Conrad . It's true . lIe's j ust a show­

o IT., Judy, their trainer, [t)Qked at her watc h and pOinted to

the do r of the dance studio .

'O K Girls. We're starting at 8.00 - boys or no boys.'


In your notebook, write the sentences in the correct order to tell the story.

a) Beth was angry.

b) They wai ted at the entrance.

d The girl st rted their practic session.

d} Beth ta lked to Debbie about her idea.

e) On the night of the aud ition, the girls

arrived at the Leisure Centre. f) They actv rtised for boys to join Body Works.

i I

and wept. Past simple of irregular verbs

3> Match the infinitive forms with the past tense forms.


1 begin ~ a) left b) took 2 bring 3 come c) wore 4 find d) bega n e) told 5 leave 6 say f) thought 7 ake g) came 8 tell 11) found 9 lhink i) brought 10 wear j) sai d

hClve make

4> Complete these sentences using the past tense


forms of the verbs in Exercise 3.

1'; Write the past simple forms of the verbs.

b come -*became ...... .,............................... .

buy do




2> Complete these sentences using each of the verbs in Exercise 1 once only.

.p.!~ ........................ you . ~~~~p.~..................

a football fan at an arty age?

We ..'!!.~ ....................... some really great people

when we ............................... to the Cavern Club.

2 He ............................... a headache so I

............................... him an aspirin .

t ............................... him a letter last week.

4 ............................... you ............................... your

homework last night?

5 I can't find my Oasis CD. Where ...........................

'Oll ........................ .......


6 My parents listened to The Beatles on the radio,

but they ............................... any of their records. 7 ........................... ..... you ............................... any

mi takes in your homework?

Our teacher .~:.I?~!!.~.~ ............ some cakes to school.

In 1967, The Beatles .......................... Liverpool

and went to India. 2 They .......................... a lot of photos when they

were in Spain. 3 I .......................... a £ 10 note on the way home . 4 Dani and Sara .......................... to see me yesterday.

5 Our school holidays .......................... last Monday. 6 My father ......................... a Beatles suit in the 19605.

7 Roberto was in a bad mood so Carl a .................... . him to go home. 8 He just .......................... 'Sorry' and wen t home. 9 I .......................... abo ut you every day when you were away. 33

Past simple 5> Complete this article by writing the past simple form of the verb (in brackets).

Portrait of a star

other students. They (not like) 5 ......................

suddenly she (have)

her because

10 ................ .

a lot Of friends.

In Germany. where Sandra (live) she was Intelligent and she

Then she (go)

J;.~~~......... until she was 12, she was from another country.

university to study drama an


I .................

Grade As In all So she (decide)

her school subjects. But when

to be ·ordinary·. She (no t do)

her family (move)


2 ............... ..

She (stop)

to the USA and she (go) J .................

4 .................

8 .............. .. .


hard to make friends with the

"'1 .................

(you / live) .P!~.p..'?'!..~~~~ ............... in the USA when you were young?


(you / get) .......................................... good grades

at school in Germany? 2 (you


then she (get)

I have) .......................................... any

problems when you moved to the USA?

13 .......... .. ... ..


part in Speed with Keanu

Reeves. and she now earns

as the other students. And

Bullock's answers.


were not very successful. but

the same clothes

6> Complete the journalist's questions and Sandra



appear In films. Her fi rst films

her homework.

drama classes. She (bu y)

to Junior high

school. she (find)

she (begin)

6 ........ .. ..... ..

11 ...... ........ ...

more than $10 million per film


(900 Go for i


7> Complete your friend's answers. Then in your notebook write the six questions you asked him. Subject: Trip to London

Hi! It was really good to get your e-mai l when I got ba c k from London. You asked a lot of questions - so here are the answers! 1 Yes, I did. I time!

. ~~4 ...... a great

2 Of course. I .......... English every day - to peop l e in shops and cafes.

3 What (you I decide) ................................................ .. to do?

3 Yes, I did. I ..... ... .. lots of really great people. There was

one particu l ar girl .. .

4 No, I d i dn't . .. ....... to Edinburgh. The train fare was very expensive.

4 How (you I become) ............................................... .. popular?

I begin) ................................................. .. to be successful in films?

5 When (you

5 No, I d i dn't . ......... any photos. 6 Yes, of course I .. .. ...... some new clothes! London's the fashion capita l of t he wor l d!

1 Did .!IOU have a good time? 34



©On Go foQ[)

Stay cool



8/ Write the prices in words.

11 Which places in town do you associate with the following words?

C1.~.p.!!!!.~.~ ................................................................

Place in town

£20 .......................................................................... ..

popcorn, films


2 £12.99 ....................................................................... .

tickets, trains

J 60p ............................................................................

2 actors, plays

4 {2.50 ........................................................................ .

3 timetables, bu es 4 old maps, old co ins

9/ Write the names of the places.

5 exhibitions, paintings

6 tourists, local informati on 7 money, cheques

8 books you can borrow,

reference books, videos, CDs ................................... YOll swim and play

basketball here.

s .p.~~. ~~!!~r.~...........

You watch films here.

c ................................

2 You go here 10 read and to


1................................ .

borrow books. 3 You buy stamps and post


What's wrong?) 12 ). Circle and correct the mistakes.

p ........................... ..

letters here. ere to watch f ............... ...............

important Football matches.

4 You 9

Move on




What did you ~ for h r birthday?

.~~~~. ~!~.!!!!~..~.If~tc!'~..~.~~ .~!'!~.~l!.!!.? ........................

Excuse me, how much this CD is? 2 Why they went into town this mornin g?

10/ Write the name of the place. Il's got thirty rooms, all with bathrooms. and there's a restaurant on the ground ODor.

3 How I get to the market?

4 Do you wa nt go to the new art gallery on

2 TIlere are abo ut ten thousand students. TIley T1'iually live in ho tels or halls of residence in their first year here.


5 Take first turning on the left and then go

3 nlere are 500 beds, there's a children's ward and there 's an Accident and Emergency department.

straight ahead.

4 The

dance floor is big, the walls are black and lheTe are coloured lights everywhere.




{~) Stay cool/Move on


o Bus station f}

Police station

o Ma rket

e o o f) o o


National Museum Library Tourist Inform ation Office Car park Sports stadium Freedom Square



13 look at the map of Vict oria in the Seychelles. You are at the bus station (number 1 on the map). Give directions and complete the conversations.


Go for it )

A: Excuse me. How do I gel to the market? B: Turn... ~~!!.~.~ ... and go down 'Palm Street Lo the

crossroads. Take the first turning on the I ................... 2................ .

Then take the first turning on lhe

That's Market Street. The market is

14 > Look at the map again. You are in the market. In your notebook. writ e the direct ions to: • • • •

the police station the li brary the sports stadium t he Tourist Information Office

2 A: Can you ten me how to get to Freedom Square?

B: Tum left, and then ., ........................................... .

at the end of the street.. Go \ ............................ .

5th June Avenue. Freedom Square is

6............. .

3 A: Excuse me. I want to go to the National Museum. B: It's not far. Turn righl and then turn left into Castor Road. Take the second turning ., ................................... That' · Independence Avenue. The museum is 36


Irregular ve rbs Add the past t enses of these: verbs to the list of jrr gu lar past tense verbs which you mad in Unit 8 Exercise 4 of your Students' Book. • bring • com

• leave • te ll • take

Test yourself: covtr the past tense forms on your list :md see I f you can remember them by looking at the infinitives.

VV Iia


it doing? I

Vocabular Stay cool


1 ;- Write the names of

the animals. The last letter

of one word is the first

letter of the next.


2; Name the room or

part of the house where you:

cook food 1 eat dinner

k J. -.! ~ 11 ~ E.. d_ _ _ _ _

2 sleep

b__ ___ _

3 wat h 1V 5_ __ _ _ _ park the car g-­ - - ­ b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 wa h 6 war s_ __ _ 7 lea" ur coat h__ _ 4



Move on 3/ Write the names of the animals. Before people drove cars, they rode thi animal. horse

~_ _ Go_~or ___ it_) 4> In your notebook, write the names of:

This furry animal likes eating chickens.

an animal which lays eggs

2 two an imals which produce mil k

2 illi animal has yellow and black. striped fur.

3 This is a you ng sheep.

3 three an imals wh ich live in or

n ar wa ter

4 four anim als which do n't ea t

m at

5 five anima ls which people keep as pets

6 six animals which ea t other anim als.

4 Il's got eight legs, it likes dark corners.


in the bathroom and it

5 TIl; bird can copy the sound of the human vuice.

5) In your notebook, write a plan of the rooms in your house or flat.

When you go into my flat, there's a small hall where

we leave our coats and bags. On the left there's ... and

straight ahead there's ...



7 Now look at the picture. In your notebook. correct the witness's mistakes. There are five mistakes in total.

Past continuous 6> The criminals Casey and Hudson are in New York. Agent Adams is interviewing a witness who saw them. Complete the interview using verbs in the past continuous and the short forms (J was, I wasn't). Do notuse the picture on the right for this exercise. • carty • drive • have • wear • listen • read • sit • talk ~ we0 Adams: Miss Foster, you were in Connolly's Cafe yesterday morning when Casey and Hudson arrived . Can you describe them? Witness: Yes, Casey .~~.~.~~~!'~~9.. jeans and a sweatshirt. Adams: And Hudson? Wha t

I ....... . . . ...................... ..

Witness: Jeans and a leather jacket. And a small black bag.


1 see. What were they doing in Connolly's?

Witness: J ...... ....... .. ........... .............................. . ........... .

the newspapers. Adalns:

4 .................................................................... .

near them. Witness: Yes,

5 ... . . .. . .. . ............ . ... . .. . .. .... .. .... . .. . ...... .. . . .. .

6...................................................... . ............. .

a coffee at the lable next to them.

Adams: So

'I .. . ..... ....... . ... ......... ..... ..... . .. .................... . .

Lo their conversation? Witness: No, Adams:

8...................................................... .. ... ..

Are you sure?

Witness: Well, 1 heard bits of it. Adams: What

9 ......................................................... .

about? Witness: Money, and the bank on 57th Street. Adams:

Did yo u see lhem again later on 57th

Street? Witness: Yes, 1 did. Hud on

10 .................................. .

.............................. a big while car.


1 Hudson wasn't wearing a leather jacket. He was wearing a T-shirt.

tiut men

Past simple and past continuous

l3......... .. ... ..... (look) inside the greasy envelope and I 14........... .. (see) a typed message: Congratulations. The £100,000 Premium Crisps prize is yours! My friends 15... ...... .. .. ... .... .. (walk) in front of me but suddenly they all 16 .. . .. . .... ...... .. .. ... .... .. (turn) to look at me because I 17 .. ............. . .... ..... ....... ..... ... (dance) up and down. Hey, everybody,' 1 18.. .. ... . . ..... .. . .. (shout) . 'Guess what I found in my crisps!' At first, nobody 19. .. .. .. ......... ...... . (believe) me. But 1 20 ......... . .. ... ...... . . .... ..... ............. .. .. .. .. (not joke). The £100,000 prize was mine!

8 > Complete the article with the past simple or past continuous form of the verb (in brackets).

Kelly thought she .~~~ ...... . dreamin9,...... (drearn) w hen ........... she .!'p.!!'.~~........ (open) her packet of crisps. When I 1.......... .... .......

.. .. ..... ..

(look at) the alarm I realised I was late for school - again. 1"........ .. .. .. ..... .... (jump) out of bed and 3. ........ ..... ..... (run) to the bathroom. 1 4 ............... . ... ...... ........ .. ... (get dressed) while r 5 .. .......... ... . .. ..... ... (brush) my teeth, to save time.

There was no time for breakfast so J 6.......... ...... .. (take) a packet of salt and vinegar crisps from the cupboard in the kitchen. My friends 7...... ..... .... .. . .. (wait) for me outside the house. '18 ....... ....................... .... ... . (not have) time for breakfast ' 1 said. While we 9 .. .. ....... .. . . ...... (walk) I 10. ......... .. ................ (open) the packet of crisps and 11 ... .... .. .. .. (see) a little blue envelope. At first I 12............ ..... .. .... . (think) it was a coupon for a free packet of c·risps. ~_ _~-,....;------~-


Past continuous

9>Read the clues and


complete the grid. Then write what each person was doing and where they were.




I~ Julia


running driving






Clues • Max wasn 't on a horse or

by the river

in a car.


• Julia went out on her horse. • Amina can't drive. She is training for a maralhon. • Sunil hasn't got a bike. He was in a vel)' hot, sandy

the moun tains

through the desert along the beach

pia e.

running was near the sea. • The person who was on a bike was near water.




Note: They were all doing different things in different

• The person wh o was


Max wa s .............................................................................................................. 2 Amina ......................................... ......................................................................... 3 Julia ........................................................... ......................................................... . 4

Sunil ........................................................................ ...................................... ...... 39


Stay cool/Move on

~~__G_o_f_or_ i_t ___) 11 :,. Use this picture to write a conversation in your notebook. Start like this: A: , saw something really strange this afternoon. B: Oh yes? Where were you?

What's wrong?) 10:" You were at the bus stop after school when you saw an accident. Complete the conversation with a friend, explaining what happened. Use the pictures to help you.

12> Circle and correct the mistakes in these sentences. Th a@strange!

!~~~:~ .~~!'~~Q.~~ ..............................................,............

Friend: 1 heard about the a eident. Where were you when it happened? You:

1 saw a snake when 1 wa lking hom last night.

.!..~~~..~~!~!.'!!I... ... at the bus stop.

Friend: Did you see the accident? 2 Joe open d his pressen t.

You: Friend: So what happened? You:

3 'Were you waiting for your friend? ' 'Yes, 1 were: 2...................................................................... .

when a car came out of a side road and hit him. Friend:

3............................................................ . .. ...... ?


No, it didn't. The driver just carried on, but the police caught him.

Friend: Wa the cyclist wearing a helmet? You: 40

".......................................... But he was OK. The ambulance look him to hospital.


What you were doing?

5 Sorry I did n't answer, but 1 had di nn r when you phon ed.

I heard music.

The girls were silting on the Ooor of the dance studio . They weren't feeling ver happy. 'Come on, girls!' said Judy. 'Let's pracuse the first routine.' They stood up and took their po !lions on the dance Ooor. Three-quarters of an hour later they slopped and h ad a break Tm jost going to get some more cassette [rom my car,' said Judy. she was coming back from

lhe ar, a tall young man walked

up to the entrance. Judy called

out to him .

'Hello! Are you here for the

audiLion? You're a bit late! '

Well, 1 heard music ... er ... Is

Beth Robertson here ?'

·Yes. Why?'

'Oh .. . nothing.'

'V ell, do you want an audition

or nOll '


Jud ~ look

Conrad in to the

studio 'Oh, its you! We started at eight o'clock,' said Beth. 'I know 1 saw your adverLi ement at school. I'm sorry I m late, but 1 was looking after my litLle brother u ntil quarter La eight: Conrad explained. 'Oh, really.' 'So how many boys came?' 'None.' 'N ne? Thats strange!'

'Not really. We didn't expect

many. Oh, well, there's half an

hour left. You can try a dance

ro aine wiLh us if you like.'

'OK. Wby not?'

Con rad dan ed brilliantly.

'\ e've got our frrst boy dancer!'

cri d Debbie.

'Fine: aid Beth. There's just one

In your notebook. write questions for t hese answers. 1 On the floor. 2 Not very happy. 3 Because she wanted to get some more cassettes from her car. 4 Because he was looking after his little brother. 5 Yes, he did - he danced brilli antly. 6 They need five more boys.

problem. We need fiv more.'


Read ing

From I reland to America

In 184.... there "a. a ('old, we~ !lUllllllt'f in (relund . Thl~ putah) '1"01) fail('d llnd pcoJ)lc had nothing to eat. ('arlya miIJion people, a 'J"urh'r of tlw population. died of I'amiue or rliseo,..c . • onw 1-)l~OI)]e It"ft Ireland to stal'l

11 new life They sailed 8,'J'ORS til(' h'i h .en to Uwrpool when" they hoped to Lake a boat to Amcri('a, In Liverpool. tILt'I,t· w(,I'e ~mi~rauL' from all vcr EUI'op", They W«'J' e all wlliting to go to America. Mm'y ()'easey and hel' family left IrelaJld in H~4;-, The journey to Lh t'l'pool tonk 36 hours. This i", Mary's !OIeory.



\1 101,,'




Lh >rpool. ' mw] ('arnc' tip

10 lh III till' qUllysiJr. 'Do YOIl ILcf>d 1I(,,'OIl IIlJodalion?' h asked.·J mrl . u


"ltll'l', II,., ('ht'up and it't, not too far. lOll call \\'1111.. r1lf'n~ ill abOlll GVf' Ulinult' . It · a Lodging III 111:-.1' i 11 \ loorfie1J:;: '( ;n,Jd ~ ()u gi' ue; dir~('tious? ' I fisk d . '.1"-.1 ~o du\"l Bath l"11reel and tak lite :;econd I1Il'uiTlg 0/1 til( , lef1 . hat's Water StrClP,l. Go p ast



Hall and tum If't't JJ


ill, Higlt

T hen go down ULlion SI ree1. 'Turn right h e end. \ 011 c.all ' t miss it. B~ IIII.' way, have you g Ol yoill' boat tickets fo r \11 eril'a? [ ean get Ilwlll for you al a special ricf' . We ga ve t.he Ll IH Il SO Ule Inone). \V h ilt we were wa lking to our lod gi ng hou"c, he we nt to get tb e ickels . 11(, disappI'tll'ed I"to It baker's shop. \le followed the Jl lan's direelj()ui>, hut we c1i du't find t1Jt~ lodgi ng h()u~t'. In feWl we never saw the nl'T during fhe (Tossi ng., w hich tonk fourteell w(·ek. \v1H~ 1I we arrived in Alner icn , my h 'l. ·band and 1 fOllll d work OJ) a far m. O ur ~Oll b Ic'amillg to ruul and wri te \lOW ., tl nd 0111 ' day we' re going to fa e Ilim back to [rela lld .. I n ~hll\\ hjUJ ~+Ierc he h·f'f' l.


l:au IC fro lll.


cool/Move on 1 / Match the words with their definitions.

quayside 1 population 2 emigrants 3 Famine 4 lodging house 5 expensive 6 thieves (sing. thief)

a) small hOlel b) people who steal money and other valuable things c) when people are hungry and have nothi ng to eat dJ costing a lot of money e) people who live in a particular counlry or area f) the area next to the water, at a port g) people who go to live in ano ther country

2>Put the events in the co rrect order. 1 ~2 D 3 D 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 n 7 l 8 ~ 9 u a) They met a ma n who knew about some cheap

accommodation . b) 1 he journey took fou rteen weeks. c) n,e man left them and did not return. d) They arrived in Uverpool. e) Finally. they sailed to America. nSo while they w re waiting for their ship, Lhey lept on the quayside. g) They g the man some money. @ The O'Casey fa mi ly len lreland because of the potato famine. i) They now had five day to wait fo r the next ship, but they didn 't have anywhere to stay.

4> Look at the map. Where do the man's directions take the O'Caseys?

Go for it

3>Complet e the notes

about the O'Caseys.

1 Reason fo r leaving Ireland: ...................................


In your notebook, write the correct directions from Waterloo Dock to Moorfields. Go down Bath Street and ...

2 First

stage of jo urney: rTom ................................. .

to ............................... Journey time: ................... .

Length of stay in Liverpool: ................................. .

i\ccommodation in Liverpool: ...............................

3 Second stage of journey: from ............................ .

to ............................... Journey time: ....................

Plan for the fu tu re: .................. ........................... .

Writing 6'/

In your notebook, write about emigrants from your country or from a country you know about. Answer these questions:

• • • • •

When did they emigrate? Why did they emigra te? Where did they go? Was it a si mple journey? Were there any problems? 43

I've lost my rucksack. ~

' ~

Grammar Stay cool

Present perfect simple 1

>Complete the chart with the past participles of the verbs. Irregular verbs

Regular verbs Infinitive

Past simple


Past participle

Past simple

Past partici ple





a ked

asked ......................................














.................................... ......................................









................................. .................................



ph one




pu t




















................................. ................................... ................................. .... .................. ................





>Write questions using the present perfect and ans~ers. he I play football this week?

.!!.'!.~.~~.p.~~.Y.~~.f~~~~~~~.~~!~.~~~~.?....... . .. . .. . ......... . ......... .............. .....

No, .~~.~~~.'!.'.~................................................

you I speak English every day lhis week? Yes, ..............................................................

2 she I have breakfast? Yes, 3 they

I eat a lot today? No,

4 1 I do something wrong?

Yes, 5 he I write to his cousin? No, ..............................................................


resent pertect simple contrasted with past simple

3> Complete the letter using the present perfect

4> Match the infini!ives with their past participles. Then write sentences in the present perfect using the prompts.

bring buy catch keep know make meet read show think

or past simple form of the verb (in brackets).

shown ca ught bought made read brought kep t thought met known

(We / not alch ) .. ~~.~~~~.'!:.~.~.~~f!.~.~ ....................... any fish today. (1 / keep) .................................. all yo ur letters.


6 •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••

(be) ~ lwsy ak

tM.. ruttie
~ ~~. Wi!;

7....................... .. ...... .

!not stQrt) ~ tJta,. ·1Mkk ~I hut


0tMr IAI7Jrk (M.. fU~~wwinkws. JAs.tT~ tJu ............................. (do) III (qt


WUrkmc.n. ............................. (put) LIL G1 ~

~Ptm-~fow-trflA;S 10................ , . .......

(polish) i.t y~~ It II .............................

(toke) a.

kMg ~,


b-ut t.ke. ~ ~






bracelet. 3 (you / think about) ..................................................

......................... learning Portuguese for your trip to Brazil? 4 I bought him a leather jacket when I was in the

USA, but (1 / not show) ...........................................

................................. it to him yet.

A ~ 1Y o-ew 12... .. ...................... .. (make) (4 ~ ahou.t lM. ~ w-ee.k, btd- ~ J • ................................ (not see) Ii ye);o ltd ~ fd he (M. Tv. ArIA(~, T ~ stop n.ow - ~ 14 • ............................. (come) c..n. to Q..U. tt'lL its

tintLF~. ~

2 (He / buy) .............................................. h r a silver

5 1 think (we / mee t) ............................... somewhere

before. 6 (you all / read) ......................................................... .

the script? 7 (l / know) ..................................... him all my li fe.

8 Why (you / bring) .................................................. .. ...................................... a sweater? It isn't cold. 9 (They / make) ................................................. some really delicious san dwiches for our picnic. 45

5:/ Complete the crossword using the picture clues.

lW A


t E IT

















I -









0,.......... O~~­ ,~

He 's got short hair, but ...~~~~.!!.~!.!~~p..~.C!.~~: ..........


He's got fair hair, but ...... ...................................... ..

2 ...................................................................................

but sh e's got straigh t hair.

3 He likes baggy clothes, b ut ................................... ..

~____ M_o_v_e_ on_~)

6>Write the name of the object.

4 .................... ...............................................................

but sh e's wearing a sleeveless top with leggings.

It can be made of lealher, plastic or nylon and

yo u keep your money in it. .p.~.~~ ..........................

It's a sort of book with pages where you can write about what you've done or what you 're going to do.............................................................. 2 It' made of nylon and you carry it on your back

when you go on holiday. ........................................ J With one or lhese, you can Ii ten to music while you're walking to school. ....................................... 4 It's arlen made of wool and you wear it round

you r neck in winter.................................................. 46

~oo Go for it )


You're going to Sydney, Australia for two weeks. The weather is good at the moment but the evenings are cool. In your notebook, write about the clothes and personal possessions that you are taking with you. I'm taking two T-shirts, two pairs ofjeans and a pair of trainers. I'm not taking lots of T-shirts because' can buy some in Sydney ... I'm also taking my persona' stereo because ...

Com munication

~ Move on 9'; Write sentences about what Carl got for his


10> Write the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation.

birthday using the prompts.

blue nylon two side pockets

..~~!J.g!:.'!..~~~.~.~v.!~~.~~~~'!.~~.~~~~.~?~!~~.~?.~~~~: ..

Boy • Yes, it is! n lanks! • It's black, with a red stripe on one side. • Some money and my student card. <:::"!:::I've lost my walieD • It's leather. Boy:

Lost property assistant • OK. What's it like? • 1s th is it? • What's it got in it? • And is it plastic or leath er?

.r~~.~?~.'!!}/. .~l!.~~~: .......................................

Assistant: ...................................................................... Boy: black and yellow leather case

Assistant: ..................................................................... .


Assistant: ......................................................................


Assistant: ..................................................................... .



silver strap

1 .............. ..................................................................

© OO Go for it )


11 In your notebook, write a similar

conversation about an item you have lost.

red leather

gold initials on it J ................................................................................... .

Q What's wrong?)


12) Circle and correct the mistakes.




~~~ (~

..':Y.~~~~.~f!.~.~. Y.?~.~~~!!? .............................................. 1 haven't een you


school yesterday.

2 It's a gold watch with black strap.



3 I've look everywhere for it.

m tal bullons 4 ................................................................................... .

4 He hasnt arrived yet.


It's the highest

in the world. Present perfect with ever and never


1 Write questions with ever and answers with never in the present perfect using the prompts. John / invite Sue to the cinema?

Yes, but he

I pay for

th e tickets

..~~~.!.C?~.'!..~~~. !.'!.~!~~~.~~~.!~.~~.~.~i!!.~T..'!X. ......................... ....

..~~~!.~.~.~.~~.'~.'!.~~~~.p.~!~.lC?~.~~.~.!!~~~~: ..................................

your Canadian cousins / wriLe La you? Yes, bUll/meet I them 2 you and your family / eat at the new

Brazilian restauranL?

No, we / eat there

3 you / find / an old coin?

No, 1 / find anything old

4 she / be in a long-distance race?

Yes, but she I run a marathon

Move on Comparative and superlative of


2) Complete the sentences with the comparative

Present perfect with ever


3 Using the chart, write six more questions in your notebook.

or superlative form of the adjectives. Whal's ..~~~..~~T..... (bad) thing you've ever done?

Is Biology ............................................................... .. (i nteresting) than Physics? 2 1t's ................................................................. (good) ice cream in the world. 3 1 think French is ...................................... (difficult)

be live run see break do meet

anyth in g really dangerous? in another country? a ghost? in a 10 km race? an expensive object? anyone famous? to an English-speaking country?

to understand than 1talian. 4 ........................................................................ (large) size in this T-shirt is 'XXL: 5 Children who are ........................................ (young) than 14 can't see this film. 6 ls June 23rd .................................................. (long) day of the year? 48

1 Have you ever been to an English-speaking country?

4/ Use the information in the chart to complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative.


Height (m)

Cost of magazines (£)

How? + adjective Comparative and superlative of adjectives

6> Complete the questions using the charts. Lakes

Area (million square kilometres) 371 ,000 82,260 64,500


Ro ie





Caspian Sea Lake Superior Aral Sea





Length (kilomet res)

Nile (Egypt) Amazoll (Brazil) Mississippi (USA)

6,690 6,570 6,020












In the Collins fa mily, there are four children aged 18, 16, 15 and 13. Sara is Harry is

Height (metres)

Angel Falls (V nezuela) ltatinga Falls (Brazil) Niagara Falls (USA/Canada)

807 628


the oldest.

I ......... . .. . ............... .............. .... .........

Ro ie but


'..................................................... Lianl.

. ~?~.~~Q. ......... is Lake Superior?

The hei. hts of the Collins children are 1.52m,

It's 82,260 mi llion square kilometres.

1.68m, 1./7m and l.S3m. Sara is

1s Lake Superior .......................................................

the Caspian Sea? .

No, it isn 't. It's smaller.

................................. . Liam is Ha iry but

J .. ...... ................... .

4 ................................... .

5 ..................................................


They've all bought magazines this week. The rnagazmes cost £2.50, E2.25, £1.75 and CI.25. Ro



b................................ ................................ .

Sara's magazine was , ................................................ ..

Uam 's but

2 Which is ......................................................... lake ­ the Caspian Sea, Lake Superior or th e Aral Sea? The Caspian Sea.



Length 3 ..................................................... is th River Nile? 6,690 kilometres. 4 ............... ... ............................................................... ..

60 for it

Present perfect with never

the Amazon and the Mississippi? Yes, it is.

5./ Ask your friends the questions you wrote in


Exercise 3 and write about them in your notebook. If it isn't possible to ask your friends, try to imagine their answers.

5 ........................................................ are Angel Falls? They're S07 metres hi gh.

in another country. She lived in France when she was younger. 2 Roberto has never met anyone famous . 1 Gina has lived

6 ........ ......................................................................... ..

Itatinga Falls and Niagara Falls? Yes, they are. Th ey're the highest waterfalls in the world. 49


7 Find five more adjectives of measurement

in the wordsquare.


Then complete the sentences below.





















2 The Riv r Nile is 6,690

kil ometres .................

3 The road is six metres

Ten kilometres an hour is qu ite..~!~~:

4 The Empire Sta te BuH ding


38 1m

Three hundred kilometres

is 381 metres .... ................

5 The bag is quite .............. .

an hour is quite .............. .


Move on/Go for it


8 ') Use the adjectives and the nouns in the box to make six quiz questions about your country. Write three questions with Wh ich? and three with How? Then answer them.

Adjectives : Nouns .... ............................. ...... ..........•.......

. river






beautifu l

ci ty


tal l



football stadium


Questions .~~.~~~..~~..~~~.~~.'!.!J.~..~i.~~r.!. ......................,.. . .~~~.!.?'!.$.J~'!'~!' .............................................. 2


...... ,.............................. ,................................... .


hotel art gallery

tou rist area

Answers J

The ...

't's .... .. ... kilometres long .

• •••••••••••• u


•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • u

•• •

.................... ..................................................... .


3 ..........................................................................

4 ......................................................................... .

4 ................. ........................................................ .

S ............................................................ ,.............

5 ................................... ...................................... .





cool 9> Complete the questions in the conversation. A: .!!.~~~.v.~~..~~~r..~~~~................................. to China?

The Great

B: Yes, I have.



A: When

Wall of


I ..................................................................... .

B: 1 went in March.

A: What z..................................................................... ..

B: 11 was really int resting. 1 enjoyed it.

A: Which ities

J ......................................................... ..

B: I visited Shanghai and Beijing and 1 saw the

Greal Wall .

The Kremlin. Moscow

10'; Write the conversation using the prompts. A: be / Russia? B: II

..~~~~.v.~~..~~~r..~~.~~.~?.~~~~~!. ....................................................................

A: When / go?

B; go / Ia t summer

A: Which places / visit? B: Mo ow / St Petersburg

A: What


Sl Petersburg / like?

. ...................................................................................... . ........................................................... . . .......................... .......... .


B: fantastic

A: Meet / any Russian students? B: II - in the afes and restaurants

Go for it

What's wrong ?)

>Rewrite the conversation in your

11 > In your not ebook, write a similar


conversation about another country or town.

notebook. Find five more mistakes.



Have you ever been to ... ? Yes, ...


A: ever b~on the AVE? A: Have you ever been on the AVE? B: l've never heared of it. What is it?

A: 1t's a high -speed train in Spain. B: How fast it goes? A: It say here that it goes at 300 kilometres an h


B: 1 been on the TGY. It's a French high-speed train. A: 1 it more fast than the AVE? B: No, its top speed is 300 kilometres an hour, too. 51

5 Where have you been?


Later that evening Conrad walked into the

Boulevard Cafe in town . Richard and Mark,

two of his friends, were waiting for him.

'You're late. Where have you been 7' asked


'And what's the matler? You look tired,' said


'I've been to a dance class: replied Conrad.

'A dance class! ' They laughed.

Three more of Conrad's school friends came

into the cafe.

'Hey, you lot. Guess wha t?' shouted Mark.

'Conrad's been to a dance class! '

'What do you mean? ' asked Gary. 'Waltzes

and all thal boring ballroom stufP'

, 0 , 1 don't mean that,' repl ied Conrad. 'This

is modem dance . Have you ever done it?'

Gary, who was one of the best athletes in his

school, laughed.

'Of course not. Its for girls.'

'1 bel you couldn't do it: said Conrad.

'What! You just jump around . It's really easy.'

'Bu t you've never tried it, so how do you

know?' a ked Conrad . 'It's more difficult

than the long jump, you know.'

'Oh yeah? '

'You can lry it out if you wa nt to . They need

some boys.'

'No thanks. I ...

'We had a real laugh . 1 met Beth Robertson

there, and Debbie McCarthy ...

Richard, who knew Debbie, i.nterrup ted


'Hang on a minute. We can just go and have

a 1 0k.'

'No way. I'm not in the mood ,' said Gary.

'OK, suit yourself,' said Richard . 'I'm go ing.

I'm not scared . What are you lot afraid of?

The Body Works [earn decided to hold a

second audition . The boys went and they enj oyed i t.

'Well, do you want to join us?' Beth asked them.

'I don t know yet,' said Gary

'Well , I do . I'm going to jain,' said Mark.

The others agreed . And Gary, who didn't want to be left

out, joined lOa .

In your notebook answer the questi,ons. 1 Why do es Conrad look tired? 2 Wh at does Gary think about dan cing? 3 What is Gary good at? 4 Has Gary ever tried modem dance? 5 What does Richard want to do? 6 Do 5 Ga ry join the team?





move it.

1 ) Identify the parts of the body in the photographs. a toe I .......................... .

2 ........... .............. ..

3 .........................

4 .......................... .

5 .......................... .

6 ......................... .

2 I Complete the crossword abou parts of the body.

Across I 1t'~ between your foot and your leg. (5) 4

You bit with them. (5)

6 You peak through it. (5)

7 H'5 in lhe middle of your face . (4)

) Do you sleep on your fronl, your side or your ... ? (4)

II Its



plural is feet. (4)

13 he I ngest part of your body - you need

them fOT walking. (4) 14 You wear a hat on it. (4) 15 Ycw us them La play the guita r. (7)






Down 2 It's in the middle of your leg. (4)

3 You need them to hear. (4) 4 11 begms with til and it rhymes wi h mum. (5) You hold things in it. (4) 8 It's below your neck, at the side. (8) 10 Your elbow is part of it. (3) (1 It's just above your neck. (4)






~_ _S_ta-=-y_c_ oo_I_~)

Move on


Verb will/won 't

Verb will/ won 't

3> Complete the article using the phrases. • ) won't have • I'll wear • I'll take • U'll be
Complete the conversations using will or won't and a main verb.

Lucy Thomas is spending six months travelling before she goes to university. 'I'm going to India, Bali, Australia and San Francisco. I can't carry everything on my back, so .t~/.~u'y' ........ clothes while I'm travelling. On the flight out, 1..... ............ my heaviest lathes. 2 ................... a bit uncomfortable,

but it means 3..................... a lot of luggage!

4........ ......... a light sleeping bag. I won't

need a heavy one, because 5................... ..

cold In the countries I'm viSiting.'


A: The train leaves at 7 p.m. B: Grea t! That means we'· II have

time to go shopping.

A: Look at those bl ack clouds! B: Don't worry, it ....................................

2 A: r ve had a hea dache all day. 1 don't think I can go out tonight. B: Just lie down and relax for half an hour. You ............................ fine. 3 A: Sardinia is a bea utiful island, but we've only

seen a small part of it. B: Well, we .......................................... .

next year if you like. 4 A:

Come on. Let's walk to the beach.

B: Good idea. lt's not very far, so it .................... ...

....................... lo ng.

Verb should/shouldn't


Complete the conversations using should or shouldn 't and a verb where necessary. • reed

• give

• keep


ea3) • put

Verb should/ shouldn't

6> Give advice using should or shouldn't. '1 don't have time to do my homework in the


A: The Math teacher gave us eXlra homework becau e we had some crisps in his lesson.

..~~~~. ~~~!!!~.~~.!~.~'!..~~~ .!!!~~~~~Q.I.. ~1.~~~.~~~~~~:: .....

B: You .~~.~.'!.~~'!.'.~.~.'!.~ ........ crisps in class.

'I've found a bag with a diary an d a wallet in it:

A: We found a £20 note in the school canteen .

......................................................................... it?

2 '1 hurt my ankle when I was playin g football:

B: No, ..................................................................... .

You ................................................................... it

3 'These shoes are too tight:

to one of the teachers. 2 A: They really love their Alsatian dog. B: 1 know, but they ................................................. .

4 'She's really good at tennis, but she's only got an

old wooden racquet:

him the best sleak all the time! 3 A: I'm going to the beach. B: You ............................ some suncream on .


5 '1 don't like the new cafe in the High Street.

7 'Complete the students opinions about homework. using should or shouldn't.

Young chi ldren need to play and

enjoy themselves. Chil ren up to the age f 10

English and Maths are important. Even young children .~~.
and Maths.

I thin k all children ................................... do

homewo rk. You can lea rn a lot when you're working at home, not in a noisy classroom.

school work at home? There ................................... be a homework

peri od at school, at the end of the day.

.. t . . . . . . ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

have homework.

I don't mind doing homework on wee days, but why

............. ...................

We get two hours' homework some nights. That's too much. We ................................... get more than an hour, and we certainly ................................... get any homework at weekends .

we have homework 't


Verb will/won 't


Why ................................... I do homework in subjects that I don't like? The teachers ................................... on ly give us homework in subjects that in terest us.

9 Complete the conversation using will or won 't and a main verb where necessary. Fay:

What time does the party start?

Carla: rve asked people to come at about 8. Fay:

OK. .n~ .~~.~.~

.... at 7 an d help. The others

are always la te, so (they)

1•••••••• •••••••••• •••••• •••••

.............. ................. before 9.

Go for it Verb should/sh ouldn't

Carla: OK. That means (we)

lots of tim e to get the foo d ready. Fay:

8 / In your notebook, write three sentences about:

• the age at which children shou ld tart to o homework • how much homework you should do on school days • how much ho mework you sho uld do at we kends and in the holidays.

2••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••

(your paren ts)

3•• . •.•••.••• ••.• •••••• ••••.••.• •••• •••••••••••••

................................................... at the party? Carla: No, (they)

4 •••••••.••• ••••••••

Th ey've gone to see

sorrie friends for the week nd. Fay:

Are Jack an d Sarah coming?

Carla: No, th ey've split up. He's phoned her two or three times, but (she) ~ ............... ............... . ......... .. ...................... to him any more. 55


Stay cool

() Go for it ) 12> Write a conve rsation using the prompts.

10) Put the sentences in the correct places to complete the conversation.

• Yes. rve twisted my ankle. • Of course It is! ~.I fen off the wall. • 1 know, 1 know. • 1 was walking along the top. A: What's the matter? B: .!.f~~~.!'Jf..~~~.~~~~: .......................................................

A: Wha t were you doing on the wall? B:

I ............................ .....................................................

A: What a stupid lhing B:



2................................................................................ .

A: Have you hurt yourself? B:

A: Wh at / matter? .~~.l!.!~~.~~.~.~~~!.!. ........................

J ........................................................... . ................... ..

B: arm

A: 1s it painful? B:

A: How / hu rt it? 4.... .... .........................................................................

B: fa ll off / bike

A: Don't worry. I'll take you to the doctor.

A: What / do? B: do..tricks A: painful?

Move on

B: V


11 Use the prompts in boxes A and B to write conversations.


~ ~ 56

I've twisted my knee.


B • put a plaster on it • get you an aspirin • get an icc pack • get a stretcher

A (. twist / knee) • break ( leg • eu t / finger • have / headache all morning


A: move it?

I [!1i!et an ice pack.

A: brok(:'n it? B: not ( know A: doctor

Culture snapshot


J I~_~




Homework Pupils at British primary schools usu ally 015 to 30 minutes' homework a night, and pupils at seco ndary schools usually do an hour or more. American studies have shown that pupi ls who do homework are more successful at school. However, in international tests, pupil s rrom Finl and get higher marks than Bri tish pupils - but British pupils do more homework.

Do you do a lot of homework? Do you think homework is good for you?

Do I have to?

Vocabular ~,-_ St_ aY,--cool ___ 1



>Write the phrases next to the matching verb.

• the bed • the table ~ the cookin • the cleani ng

• the bathroom • the bedroom • the shopping • the vacuuming • the washing-up • lunch • the ironing

~.? ... ~~.~ .~.f!.C!.~~.!I!..!~~ .......................................... ............

Move on/60 for it ) 3 > Complete the questions and write true answers.


eenage survey

of household jobs


2 ma ke ........................................................................... ..

3 clean ............................................................................. .


tidy ................................................................................

5 clea r .............................................................................. .

2> Name the occupations.

J!.q'y'o.~AC) ............. .. ..... .. ... .. .... ... the vacuuming? r~l. r~o." !. !'!p,. f. ~o.~."~'" .. ................................... . .M.Y. ff!~~~r:. ':l.~':l.t;l.1.ly .~9.~~J~,. ,~.~U ~t?m~;m~.t!~)k .. .. I. .. ........ ..... .. .... .. .... .. ...... ... ..... the food shopping?

2 . ............................ .... ........ .... ...... .. .... your bed?

Somebody who : takes the money at a cash desk in a supermarket cas h e r looks after your teeth

d How often .. .c!P .Y.o.~..t;!!y. ...................... your room?

2 cuts your hair


3 helps to sell things in a sh op

s a ___ __ _ _ _

4 works with wood


5 gives you your keys when you arrive at a hotel r

.~ .~~c!Y. f!.~~f?~r ~~~~ .C!. ~t:~~: . (} .I).~t;r. ti~.Y. .~~'........ .. .

4. How often .............................. .. ............. .... .. .. . breakfast for the family?

- - --- ------

6 asks you what you want

to eat in a cafe

3......... ............. .. .... ....... ... .... ....... ..... the ironing?

w- - - - -

5. How often ...... .. ..................................... ....... .. the washing-up?

7 designs and builds roads,

bridges and machines

e - -- - -- -

the table after dinner?

8 types letters, answers

the phone and makes apPOintments

6. How often .. .. ................ .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ...... .... .... ... ..


9 gives advice on make- up b

- - - -- ---

--- - --- - 57

Grammar Stay cool


©?IMove on

Verb have to present simple

Verb have to past simple

4/ Write questions and answers using the present

5) Complete the conversation using the past simple of have to or the short answer did.

simple of have to.



i _





you / help in the hou e?

ri '-.-J


..'?~"y'~~.~~~~..~~.~~/p..~'!..~~~.~~~~.~!. ............................

, have to clear the table. but I don't have to ......................................................................................


.~~.~~.~.~t;'.~~!.~!!.:~p.: ....................................................



:J J

+ special guests


saturday 15th May



1.144 3




Anna: 1 got a ticket for the Oasis concert! your sister / help in lhe house?

Tony: Well done! .. [!.~~~.f!.I!..~t;'.~.~.~~....... get up early La queue? Anna: Yes,

I ..................................................................

Tony: Was it easy to get tickets?

Anna: No, it wasn 't.

Mot>ERN L.,A N fr\Jf\'~E s

'1eat" \0

Tony: Why not?



wait for the ticket ofAce

to open. 1 queued for a long time but then

GerMQI'\.J ft"e.f\<-h ><.


kave to get LO school

on lime.

2 they / study language at school?

Tony: So what did you do? Anna: I saw John, so 1 asked him to get me a ticket.

Tony: E\lENIN<=r

MoY\- Fri







Anna: Ye,

he .................. queu for a long time?


because he

But it was OK


go to college toda . He

7................................ .

wait for two hours and he 3 he / work every evening?



g Ol

the last tw o

Verb have to past simple

Go for it ) Verb have to present simple 6) Write eight sentences using phrases from have to or don't have to.


A and Box B and

A Nurses

A waiter

Secretaries A hotel receptionist Doctors Professional athletes

B • help with the washing-up in a restaurant. • carry people's bags up to their rooms. • wear a uniform . • type letters and/or answer the phone. • train every day. • look after people in hospiLal and/or make Iheir beds.


>Complete the conversation using the past

simple of have to + verb (in brackets),


Joanna: When you first started work, Gran, what

make their beds.

time ..~~~~~.~~~.~~.9.~.~.. (you / get up?)

.~..~~!~~r. .~C?~'!.:~.~~~~. ~!!..WP..~. !~~'J. .f!r ~~!.~.~r. .........

Mrs Eliot: At five o'clock.

.!~~.P.~~!!~: ................................................................ ..


Five o'clock! That's early.

Mrs Eliot: That's right. I .............................................. .

(1 / get up) early to get the train into town.

Joanna: So wh at ti me

2.................................... .. . .... .

................................ 1....

(you / start work)?

Mrs Eliot: At 7.30 from Monday to friday and 3 ................................................................................... .

8 o'clock on Saturday.

Joanna: 4 .................................................................................. ..

On Satu rday?

Mrs Eliot: Yes,


(we / work) on Saturday mornings but 5 ................................................................................... .

4 ................................................................... .

(we / not work) on Sa turday afternoons. 6 ................................................................................... .


And wh at kind of work

5........................... .

.................................................. (you / do)? 7 ..................... ..... ................... ....... .............................. ..

Mrs Eliot: 6.................................................... (1 / type)

letters and sometimes

8 .................................................................................. ..

7 ............................ ..

.............................. (l / answer) the phone.


8 ...................................... .... ................. .

(l / not make) th tea! There was a

woman who came round the offices with tea and biscuits. Joanna: That was nice ! 59


©Stay cool/Move on


8'/ Complete the conversation using the prompts.

And my sister's just fi nish ed medical school. She's going Lo be a


Do both your parents work?

A: And what do you want to do in the Future?

Yes, ..~~~~..~.'!:...............................................................

B: ] don't really know.

A: What does your father do?

But ] think

B: I .......... ...... .................................................................


A: Has he got his own business?

university and then

B: Yes,


2................ .................. ........ ........ . ......... . ...... . ..... .

7........................ ..

o Go f or it



In your notebook write a conversation similar to the one in Exercise 8 between you and a friend or a child of a famous parent.

A: What does your mother do? B: 3.......... .. .................................................................... .

A: Where does she work? B: 4.................................................................................

Word stress It's useful to mark the main stress on words when you write them in your vocabulary notebook. Write out a list of occupations. marking where the ma in stress falls in each word. When you fi nd a new word describi ng an 0 cupatiOr1, add it to th e list e.g. secretary. electrician

10> Match the occupations and the descriptions. Check your dictionary if necessary. Then add the occupations to your list and remember to mark where the stress falls.

A: What about your brother an d sister? 8: My bro Lher

5.. .................................................

He's still a school.


work .

1 a journa list 2 an optician 3 a housewife/househusband 4 a builder 5 an accountant 6 a chil dm inder

a) lo oks afLer the house b) builds houses and offices c) looks after your money d) wri tes fo r a newspa per or nlagazine e) looks after chil dren n looks after you r eyes

6 You have to be really fit.

'Look out,' cried Debbie. 'Ouch I You've stepped on my toe again, Gary Morton . You've gal the biggest feet in the north of England.' 'I'm sorry. I'll be more careful,' said Gary. Judy, can't we stop now? We've practised this routine about fifty time already. I'm tired.' 'Sorry, Gary, theres sLi1l a lot more to do,' said Judy. 'You have to be really fit for this. You should know that by now.' As the day of the National Championships

approached, the boys were more nervous than !.he girls. 'Do you think we'll win?' Richard asked. 'Of course,' replied Debbie. 'Don't be so sure,' said Beth. 'But the routines look really good nO'. ,. said Debbie. 'They're all right, 1 suppose,' said Beth. 'Actually,' she thought to herself, 'they're quite good - tha nks to Conrad .' On Friday 12th December, the day before the ational Championships, Body Works appeared o the breakfast TV programme Good Morning M chester. A theatre director called Cathy Edwards was watching the programme that morning. She needed someone to play the male lead m her new show. The auditions were the next day, and he wa in a really bad mood. 'Where are all the young John TravolLas?' she said to herself. The Body Works Learn came on the screen and Cathy almost dropped her cup of coffee. There he was - a brilliant dancer, tall , with dark hair. 'That's him !' she cried. That evening, she went to the Denton Leisure Centre. 'OK. That's it,' said Judy. 'You've done reatly well. Now go home, take it easy and have an early night You'll need all your energy tomorrow. Good luck! ' 'And remember! The coach leave at 8.30 tomorrow morning from the car park,' said Beth. As Conrad was walking towards the door, he felt Lhat someone was walching him . It was Cathy Edwards. 'Could I speak to you for a moment? ' said Cathy. 'In private . lets go to the Zen Cafe.'

In your notebook write if the sentences are True

mor False (F).

I Gary is an gry with Debbie. 2 Debbie thi nks that Body Works will wi n the compe tition. 3 The Nati onal Championships are on f riday. 4 The fin al practice session doesn 't go well. 5 Cathy wan ts to talk to Conrad in the dance stu di o. 61

Skills development


SPIC You are about to eotel' the award.winning Spice Girls @ Spice Net, the most popular and exciting Spice Girls site on the internet!

•• Ian Porter meels Kit Parsons, a seventeen-year-old schoolboy who designed a Spice Girls website for the Internet and won two important prizes at the YELL Awards. the Internet's equivalent of Hollywood's Oscars Ceremony. Christopher Parsons, or 'Kit' as his friends call him, first designed the website as a present for Amy, his ten-year-old sister Amy is a Spice Girls fan and she gave him all the information about the pop group. Then Kit saw an advertisement for a competition to design a website for the Internet and he decided to enter. Last week the judges in London gave Kit two awards for his website Spice Glrls@ Spice Net: one for the best website of the year and another for the most popular website. He has beaten designers from top media c r>anies, advertising agencies and design companies,

• • • • • • • • • •

The Internet has thousands of personal

pages, but Kit's page has

received more than 100,000 visits this year. One of the

judges, Andrew Lees, who is

the Internet director of a big British company, said: 'Kit has ~ UK WEB AWARD designed his website brilliantly l!JI~

Readers' C/w;a

and he deserves his success. He'll go a long way in this business.'

• • • • • •

As he collected his awards, Kit said that he wanted to do

more website designs. 'However, I think I'll wait for a time,

because I have to finish my A-level exams in Computing,

Maths and Geology first. After that I'm not sure what I'll do.

Maybe I'll go to university or maybe I'll go and work for a

computer company.'

• •

• •

Comprehension ~( Move on/Go for it ) 1 j Complete the information in the chart.

2> Answer the questions.

Who did Kit design the website for, and why? Name

.!!,~, ~~!f!.~~~, !~,fi.?r. ,~,i~ ,~!~~~!.~!!!!!~,~, ,~,p.~~~:, .."""", .


1s his sister younger or older than he is?


Website name

2 How many awards has Ki won?

Awards for

School subjects Future plans


3 How many times have people vi ited Kit's website this yea r? 4 What i the most important thin g for Kit at the moment?

Communication 3'/ Choose one topic and answer the interviewer's questions. 1 Competitions

2 Further Education/Career


Have YOll ever entered a competition?


What was the competition?





You: Ian:

What sort of work do you want to do in the future? Which is more important to you: a job which you enjoy, or a job which is well-paid?


What did you have to do?


Ian: Do you th ink you will go to college when you finish school? Ian: Did you win a prize?



Ian: If you go to college, wha t will you study?

Ian: What was the prize?



Ian: If you don 't go to college, what do you think you will do? You:


~ S ay cool/Move on


'> Give awards for the following categories. Then write sentences giving reasons for your choices.

Category the best sporLs team of the year


Real Madrid

.!.~~!!.~~!:.~?~.~~.'!.~~Y..~~~.~f~~.~!r..'!!.C!.~~.~.~·..... ................................... .

the best 1V programme the mos t interesting book you've read this year

the most exciting film you've seen this year


Go for it )

5> What advice would you give to Kit? Should he go to

university or should he get a job with a computer company? In

your notebook, write him a letter using the following phrases:

• I Lhink you should ... • You do n't have to ... • When yo u are 25, you'll probahly be ... • TIle best thing is to ...


vila L


VU u

you like to do? Vocabular Stay cool/Move on


1 Which leisure activities can

people do at this holiday centre?

Choose from these verbs:

• go

• have

• go to

There's something for everyone!

When it's hot, you oan

When you want to do something active. you can 4 ...

1 .

When you and your friends want to eat outside, you can 2

aJ3 ~'-J

5 ......... ..... ........... .... ... ..

When you want to relax, you can 6

7 ......................................... ........... .. .... .... ..

Go for it

2> Which leisure activities do you associate with these words? aclor, stage, play

5 fire, foo d, meat, fish


summ r outdoors, sandwiches

6 town centre, money, clothes

.. ~~~!~9..~.p.!~'!.!~........................................................

eveni ng, going out, dancing 2 birthday, music, food

8 ticket, rchestra, ha 11

3 relaxi ng, sun, sand

9 gallery, paintings



7 clowns, animals, acrobats

sea, sailing boats, wind

10 holiday, cam ra, places of interest


Stay cool would like to/would prefer to/would rather 3/

Write the conversations using would like to and

wou ld prefer to or would rather.

What would you like to do next weekend? A: the sports centre

.!.'~..'.i.~~.~~. f!!!..~'!..!~~ .~p.~~..~~':1.~~.~: ..........................................................,...........

B: the beach

. !:~.r.~~~~.$.~.!.~..~~~.~~~~.~:.!...~:~P..~1.~~.!~.$.~.~..~~~..~~~~~:.................................

A: a hamburger restaurant B: a pizza restauranl

2 A: tenn is

B: basketball

3 A: a film

B: a play

4 A: walking

B: cycling


A: a picnic

B: a barbecue

Negative imperative

Imperative with never/ always

4> Write sentences with don't + a verb from the

5> Give advice using never or always. ea t / just before / go

I c[:ska~

• eat • feed

• drop

• play


.!'f.~~~..~~!.i~~.~1.'!.~~ .Y.~~.$.~.~!!!!.f!!.~'Y.!J.: ................... keep / passport / in a safe place

2 leave / purse or wallet / desk

3 drink very cold water / aft r a lot of exercise

4 take / water / a long walk

Don't skate

on the la ke.

..._.............................................................. the lions.

2 ............................................... football in the street.

3 ......................................................................... . litter.

4 ........................................................... crisps in class.

would like to/would rather/would prefer to

he y





Buckingham Palace Open every day during

~museumof LONDON

August and September 9.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. Admission £ 1 0

The Museum of London

Tues Sat: 10 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. Sun: 2 p.m. - 5.50 p.m. Admission £5

Hyde Park

Take a boat out on the lake - or just walk under the trees.


~(0: e/~




The Queen's London residence

Open every day 10 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. Admission £8.95

London Zoo Animals from all over the world in R egent's Park

Covent Garden Marl(et

Music, cafes, street performers ... and lots of shops!


The place to eat if you like Chinese food!



6> Three friends are deciding what to do in London. Complete their conversation using would like to, would prefer to and would rather and the names of the places. A: What . ~?~~~~~ .~~~~.~................. do on Sunday afternoon?

A: OK. Why don't we go to

B: Let's go to

B: No. Anim I sho ul d Iwe in the wn d. 1 don't ii ke

B............................................................................... ?

1............................................................. .

C: But it costs £10 10 get in!

2 ............ ............... ....... .

go to )...................................................................... .

B: But I don't want to go shopping again. 4........................................

A: Well, 5............................................................. go to


8: Not really. rve read a lot about London at school. Anyway,

C: Me too. 66

7 ............... ..................

have a walk in


1 need some exercise.

do something different.

f> ...............................................................................

seein g them in zoos. .............................................

be outside.

A: OK. We'll do tha t. B: And then we can go and have dinner in 11 ................................................................................

c: Good idea !

Co mmunication

7> Complete the conversation using the sentences below. • No, let's meet them in town. • Yes. 11's nex t to the bowling alley! • Don't yo u like bowling? • Let 's go bowling. • OK Well why don't we phone Amy and Juliet ~ What's the matteD • Why don 't we meet them at the Ten Pin Cafe?

Harry: What's the m atter? Jack:

l'm bored. What sha ll we do this evening?

~)C Move on/Go for



8>In your notebook, write a conversation between you and a friend about what to do and where to go on Saturday evening.

Where shall we go on Saturday evening? You: Friend : let's go ...

ti What's wro!if) 9> Circle and correct the mistakes.

Ha rry: ' ........................................................................ .

Wh at~his


. ~~~.~~'!.~~.~.~.~~.~~!~.~'!.~.'!.~'!.!J.?..................................

Ha rry:

Oh no, not agai n ! We went bowling last Friday.


1 rath r stay in th is evenin g. 2 . .. .. ................ . .......................... . ........................

Jack: No, I don't. Actually, I think it's boring.

Har ry:

2 l'd prefer go out. J .. .. ....... . ... . ......................................... . ............. ..

Jack: ... and find out what they're doing? Yes, OK l'd prefer to do that. We can go round to their hou e. Harry: 4................................................................. . ... . .. .


3 Wou ld you like to go ice-skateing?

4 Why we don't go bowl ing?

OK Where shall we meet?

Harry: 5 . ..... . ......... . .. ..................................................... .

5 Take always your keys wh en you go out.

Jack: The Ten Pin Cafe?

Harry: G................................... ............ ......................... .

6 Dont do th at !


any more, ...

Vocabular ~

Stay cool Adjectives and adverbs 1

>Complete the list of adverbs. Adjective






Move on


Adverbs and adjectives


3 Write the adjectives and adverbs in the correct places in the letter.

• angry • carefully <::!::: diffi culD • well

• arJy

• embarrassing • quickly







fast carehl l angry bad


If you write in a nd tell us, we'll give a free gift voucher for the best le tter! Dear Teen Scene, We had a French exam last term. I like FrenCh,

2;> Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.

He wa lked slow IQinto the old hou e~, If you're careful I carefully, you'll be OK. 2 She speaks very quiet I quietly but: her pronun ialion is good I well. 31 broke the offee pot. Mum was really

know my verbs very 1.. ........ .................... so I 2 . .. .. .... .................. .. .. .

copied them onto a small piece of

paper and put it on my knees under the desk. We had an hour to do the exam, but I flm hed 3.............. ... .. ............

at 9.30. As I wa walkin out of

angry I angrily. 4 He left quick I quickly when he aw Jenny

the room, I dropped the piece of paper on the floor.

arrive. 5 Were you bad I badly hurt? 6 1 won 't go with him because he drives

basket, but my teacher saw me, She was very

dangerous I dangerously.

7 Don't worry about the exam . You'll pass it easy I easily.


but the verbs are ..t!!/JiJ.U.! k.............. Anyway, I didn't

I put i 4................................ into the wastepaper

5....................... ......... She took my exa paper and put it in the wastepaper basket, too. It was the m st 6.... " .. ...... ...... .......

Peiu Co

moment of my h Ie life.

Go for it

Adjectives and adverbs

I p'o t


4> Complete this letter with suitable adjectives or adverbs. ..

[ W<15 sitting in the car waltmg

ClIme back film

. th

ou at


e car and went after him. '1 im!'

I called. He did n't hear m . So I shouted 'T'

11m, It ~ me, Karen!' I've got a very J ........ .......... voke, •


he heard me inuned iateJy. He turned round


for my mum to

and Jooked at me. Then he

sh~)ppmg. Suddenly, a boy went


LI" was on a skateboard but he was pasl th c car I " , _ . . slowly because th re were a lot ot gOIng qUlt ...•.. ..........

'Thal's 1m!' I thought. 'l was OIL pl:ople aroun d . ~.t. t 'tllI11ffi' \' I was so 1•.•..•••••...••••• to primary SCI I( WI . · ' n We V{ere \erv ,- ............. friends ee h1m agal . ­



..... ............. PJcke:f

his ska teboa rd a nd started to run really

J " ................

so it w

down the s treet J'


. m a goo runner

n 'l 6

........... ...... to fo llow him. At the end

of the ·treet, he wen t into it shop and I ran in a fter him . 'Tim, i t's m , dOll ' t~ you remember me?' Then r stopped It wa n't T'lin.

.... 1 en we were si or seven years old..

5./ In your notebook, write about an embarrassing experience

or a good experience. Use at least two adverbs and two adjectives.

Last month I had a really embarrassing experience. I was ...

Grammar ""----..;:-.._--)


7>Complete the sentences using the two verbs

clause + will/won't 6

(in brackets).

>Complete the sentences using the verbs (in If we don't finish this exerci e, ............................. ..

If you ..!I.!'!.~......... him your phone number,

brackets). If Jenny doesn't phone me, .n~.'~!.!~~ ..................... (1 / write) her a letter,



.:!!.!.!'.!!L ..

you tom orrow. (give / ring)

She .. ~<;J.~.:~.~~.. angry if you ...~~!!..........

her t he truth. (not be / tell)

(we / do) it for homework. 2 If I finish this now, ..................................................

(1 / not have) any homework. 3 I won't pass my piano exam if ...............................

..................................... (1 / no t practise) very day.

4 I f I meet Mum at her office, ...................................

(she / buy) me a pizza. S If you stay with an English ramily .........................

................. (you / learn) to speak English really well.

1f yo u ...................... . early we .............. into town before lunch. (arrive / go) 2 If we .......................... them a map, they ............. .

................ how to get here. (not send / no t kn ow)

3 The plants ..................... if you ...............................

them. (die / not water) 4 If we ....................... a taxi , we ................. on time. (ta ke / be)

5 He ............................................................. her if she

........................................................................... him. (not phone / not phone) 6 If they ..................... at home, 1 a message. (no t be / leave) 69

if clause + will/won't 8') Complete the sentences using the verbs and pictures.

• arrive • do givy<[iea~ • watch • see • find • pass • not win





If you .. ~~~~~.!~~~~.~~~~ ......... you'll miss the tra in,

If you clean your room, 1 ..J!!.!l!~~.P..C?~'..?.:............... If he works hard, he .................................................

2 lr you give me a lisl of things you need, r .......... ..

3 If we ......................................................................... .

you on Saturday, we'll see you on Sunday. 70

4 If they catch the J 4.30 pl ane, they ......................

5 11' there's nothing interesting on lV, we .............. ..

6 If 1 ........................................................... your keys, I'll post them to you. 7 If he does n't play well, h

the match.

~ Stay cool/Move on


9'; Match the apologies with the reasons.

2 3 4 S

6 7 8

© 0 Go for it 11


>Complete the conversation.

Sorry 1 broke your vas . I'm sorry 1 didn't write to you. Sorry 1 didn't answer the phone. I'm sorry 1 was late for the cinema on Friday. I'm orry 1 was in a bad mood yesterday. I'm sorry 1 haven't got my homework, Miss. Sorry 1 can't play in the match on Saturday. I'm sorry 1 can't pay for the tickets.

a} TIle dog ate it. b) 1 was in the shower. c) 1 had to tay at school till 6.30. d) I10st my address book. ~ 1 didn't sec It. t) I've sprained my ankle. g) I've forgotten my wallet. h) It was so hot and 1 had a terrible headache.

Adjectives and adverbs Noll' the spell ing hanges that you have to make

when you changt: adjectives Into adverbs.

Jack: .~~!:'1!........... 1 forg ot abo ut our meeting at the cafe last Satu rday.

angry --+- angrily



terrible ~ terribly



beautifu l

..................................................... .

2..................... .


Jack: I 3.............. really busy. And. listen , I'm sorry


10:> Make adverbs from the following adjectives.

mi nd. It

4 ........................

Sara: Don 't

you r birthday.

5....................................... .


Jack: You see, 1 6..................... my diary on the bus.


Sara: 7 .. ................. OK.

ea y



you like to go out nex t


painful horrible

Sara: I'm


Jack: Wha t about next Sa tu rday?



9.... .............. ......

10 ............

bu t 1 can't.

busy nex t weekend .

Jack: Oh, wh t are yo u doi ng? Sara : I'm going out with K vi n Patterson - on Friday an d Saturday. Do you li ke this bag? He gave it to me for my birthday. 71

You'll be a professional dancer.

alhy rook Conrad to Lhe Zen Cafe. 'We're auditioning tomorrow for a new show. It'll be big. If you get a part in it, the chances are that you II be a professional dancer one day. And I think you will get a pan.' 'But il's our big day tomorrow. We're in the Modem Dance National Championship .' Cathy laughed. 'Look, Conrad, I'm talking about the chance of a lifetime. if you don't take it, you'll be sorry.' 'I'll think about it.' 'Which would you rather be: an international star, or an amateur dancer with a little dance group which never wins anything?' '1 aid I'll think about it,' mUllered Conrad angrily. 'Well, think about it carefully. I'll phone you in the morning at quarter past eight. If you decide to go to the audition, I'll pick you up in my car at nine. That night, Conrad slept very badly. 'If I go to the audition,' he thought, 'maybe I'll be a r ( fessional dancer one day ... but I'll ruin the tearu chances in tl1e championship.'

Towards morning, he reached a decision and [eli into a deep sleep. He didn't hear the phone ring at quarter past eight. At twe11lY past eight, the Body Works dance team was in the car park, ready to go. 'Where's Conrad?' said Beth. 'He'll be here,' aid Richard 'Why don't we phone him?' aid Gary. 'OK,' said Debbie. 'I'll go.' She came back a few minutes later. 'There's no reply.' 1 don't believe it!' said Beth. Sorry,' said the coach driver, 'but if we don't leave now, we won't get there in time.' What are we going ro do?' Dee asked Beth. 'We'll do the routine without Conrad . What else can we do? Com~ on, we're going.' Conrad woke up and looked at the clock. It was len to nine. 'Oh, no!' he said. He got dressed quickly and picked up his bag. 72

In your notebook, put these events in the correct order.

a) Co nrad woke up. b) Ca thy phon ed Conrad. c) Debbie phoned Conrad. d) Ca thy offered Conrad the chance to star in a show. e) The coach left. f) Conrad decided what he was going to do.

The scenes are filmed here. Vocabular . Stay cool 1


>Complete t he crossword.

Across 1 This machine records the film action . (6) 4 This type of film is set in the past. (10) 5 The person who does the filming is the camera ... (8) 9 He/She tell the aclors what to do. (8) 11 A film or stage play with singing. (7) 12 The sound ... listens carefully through headphones. (8) 13 This type of film makes you laugh. (6)

A t2M fiR A







r--­ 9

T ry-



1 1











1 12


Down 1 You'll lind Mickey Mouse in this type of film . (7) 2 The American word fo r films. (6) 3 He plays a role in a play or film . (5) 6 This type of film is Full of exciting moments. (8) 7 If you like cowboys you'll love these films. (7) A make-up ... changes people's appearance. (6) 10 If you don't like frigh tening films, you won't enjoy th is type of fi lm. (6)








1 '-----­

~.. .: . ._ _G_o_f_or_ i_t ~) 3 > Use the clues to identify toe type of film.

'We have come to see Kin g Henry!'

..'!..~~~?~!~~yi.~'!!. ........................................................

Move on

'You know I'll always love you.'

2> Write the answers.

Someone who writes for a newspaper

jo u

r n al


s t

- - -- - - - --


Someone who writes a film

s _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

2 A film in which something terrible happens

d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ film

3 A 111 m in which creatures from anothe r planet

appear s _ _ _ _ _ _ - f _ ____ _ film 4 A 111m in which the main characters are

wanted by the police 9 _ __ _ _ _ _

2 'Get into the lifeboats. The ship is going down!'

3 'Get into th e spaceship. You're com ing with us to

Mars.' ................................................................ ....... .. 4 'Aaargh! You have created a monster,

Dr Fra nkenstein!' .................................................... . 5 'Th ere isn't room in this town for both of us.

Now get on your horse and get out !' 6 'There isn't much time. You'll get to the port by

helico pter, but yo u'll have to swim to the isla nd. Be car Fu l. There are sh arks.'



Grammar ~,,-_St_ay",--c_o_ol_~)

~o Move on


The passive: present simple

The passive: present simple

4) Write sentences from the prompts.

7 / Complete the sentences using the passive form of the verbs.

Pop albums

The words and the music / wrile

The words and the music are written.

The recording studio / chose

Letters ..'!.':~.~~~~~.~~d.........

(collect) several times a

day from the post bo .

2 TIle songs / record

They !...................... .. ....

(pu t) into large bags

3 The album / sold

called mailbags. Then

they 2.... ....... ... . ... ... ... .. ..

5> Write negative sentences from the prompts. Films The actors / not / choose / by the scriptwriter

(take) to a sorting office. -----.....;.;.... Each letter 3.... .. .... .. .. .... .. ........


.!!!.~.~~~~ .'!.~~'!.:~.~~.C?~~'!. .~}!. .~~~.~~.~!p.~~.i.~~r.'..............

by a mach ine. The

The script / not I film I in the corree order of events

letters 4................ ........... .

(put) into boxes for

particular towns and


2 1


costumes I not I design I by the produc r These boxes 5............................ (empty) into

large bag'. The bags 6.......................... ..

3 The idea for a film / not I develop / by the producer

(send ) by road, rail or air.

6'; Write questions from the prompts. Newspapers and magazines newspapers / deliver I to people's houses?

The letters arrive at the

.~!.~.'!.~~~p.~p..~~.~~~~~~~~~.~~.p.~?f!.~~:~..~.C?.'!~~~!. ............

local sorting offi e and

How many national newspapers I publish / in your country?

they 7........................... .

(sort) into treels.

Finally, they H.

2 Which magazines I read I by young people?


........ ... .... .. ..... .... ..

(d liver) to you by the postman.

Go for it The passive: present simple

dODe~ __ __ U9) Number 6 in our series of popular stage illusions

8 / Number these sentences to show the correct sequence for performing the trick. Then in your notebook rewrite them in the passive. [l H e cuts the box into two pieces.

, The magician takes the closed box onto lh . stage. He opens the box to how Lhat the assi [ant is not hurt.

I] Before the show, the magician asks an assistant

to lie inside th e box. [l H amaze th e audien e because there i no

blood. lie calls another ass istant onLo the stage and asks thi assistant to lie inside the box. 1 Before the show, an assistant is asked to lie inside

the box.


Communication What's wrong?)

Stay cool 9 / Write the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation.



~~" ;~

11 Circle and correct the mistakes.




Don'[ worry. 1 wC@be I,[e.

• • • •

. ~C!.~:~.~C!.~r!I:..~.~C!.~:~.~~.I.~.~~:......................................

And if you're going to be late, let me know. Remember to take your football boots today. Don't eave your ag on the bus. Oh, and just one more thing: make sure you win!

The actores read the scrip ts before fil ming begi ns.

Allan • • • •

Don 't worry. 1 won't. 01<, I'll phone you. 1 promise. We'll do our best! Yes, 1 will. I'll put them in my sporl bag.

Mother: .~.~!!!~~~~r..~C!..~f!.~~.~~~r.fo..C!.~~f!.~~~~~~.~~~..Y.'.

2 The program me is p ro duce in liverpool.

3 You 're to lat . He's gone.



2............... .................................................... . .



4 . .. .


5.................................................................... .


6.............................................. . ..................... .

4 A film scrip t never is fil m d in th correct order of events.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c • • • • • • • • • c •• • • • • • • •

5 Don' t forge t take some mo ney with you.

Allan: 6 I don't forget, I promise .



10:'" Ella's parents are going out for the evening. In your notebook, write a conversation between Ella and her parents, using the phrases.

Cu lture snapshot Languages in the USA

• • • • •

feed the dog do your homework pack your spo rts kit for tomorrow put the cat out before you go t o bed turn off the TV before you go to bed

In the USA, 329 different languages are spoken. The most common languages are Engl,ish an d Spanish. English is spoken by 198 million Americans, Spanish is spoken by 17 million, and other languages are spoken by 15 million . Which languages

Mother: Don't forget to feed the dog, Ella. Ella: Don't worry, , won't. Father:


in your country?


Hello HOII.

Ola! Ciao! Salut! iHola! rEta. crou Cze' c!

And remember to ...



are spoken


hey were sold as slaves. Grammar ~ Stay cool

~ . Move on


The passive: past simple

The passive: past simple 1


>Complete these sentences by putting the verb

(in brackets) in the past simple passive. ln 1922 , Tutankhamun's Lomb ......... was ~ discovered . . ..................................... (discover) During the GTeat Fire of London in 1666, many buildings ................................................... (destroy) 2 Mozart's opera Don Giovanni .......................... first

3> Put the verbs in the past passive to complete the sentences.

orne sna pshots of t he history of Liverpool

.................................. in Prague in 1787. (perform) 3 ln 1822, the first photograph ............... .. Liverpool o nce had

................................ (take) 4 In 1876, the telephone ........................................... .

by Alexander Graham Bell. (invent)

a beaut iful castle. It .~~~.~~!~~ (build) in the thirteenth century but it I .............................. .... .. .

5 In 1980, the first compact di cs ...................

(destroy) in 1644 during the

English Civil War.

...................................... in Japan and thc Liverpool became important when the docks

Netherlands. (produce)

2........................................ ........ .............................. .

much/many/a lot of


(construct) in the eighteenth century. The docks

Complete the conversation.

Shula: There weren't

.~~~.Y. ..

people at John's party.

Tracy: 1 know. It's strange because he's got 1...... ....... .. .................

Shula: Yes, but they're not Tracy:

Tracy: Well, there was




tie's got

The slave trade

(sell) to the rest of t he world,

(make) through t he slave trade.

6 ...... .... .. .. ..... ....... ..... ................................ .. .

biggest success.


and cheese.


~ .......................................

(abolish) in 1807 and cotton became Liverpool's

4................. .. .. .. .........

Shula: And he hasn't got good music.

large sailing ships. Coal, salt and glass

5........................ ............

2............ .. .........

(use) by

often in exchange for slaves. A huge amo unt of mo ney


Well. some of them are really nice.

Shula: And there wasn't

3......... .. ... .... ........ .... . ........... .. ........

The Albert Dock

7.. ....................................................

(open) in 1846 by Prince Albert, husband of 5................ ...... .


Queen Victo r ia, but 8..................................................... (close) as a wo rking dock in 1972.


Shula: Most of them are hi parents'. He hasn't


9................... .. ...... .. ........... .... .. ...............


ten years later as a shopping and tou rist area.

got , ....................... new CDs. Tracy:

Oh stop complaining! 1 enjoyed the party. 77

The passive: past simple 4/ Read the interview and complete the captions for these pictures. using the past simple passive.

went to meet +leldl of Satellite. the new L.lverpool band.

I:mm How did it all start , Heidi?

~ Simple. really. Danny. J;. record producer saw us at a club. He tlked our music and sold we should contact some record companies. And then what happened? Did you make a demo tope? Yes, we did , We mode a tape Of our best songs. We sent It to a lot Of record compani es , A big record company called 'Crimson ' gave us a recording contract!



happened? . . We recorded our first album. How did people hear about the album? Well. first. our record company sent copies Of the album to a lot of music journalists. Then their photographer took photos of us to send to newspapers and magazines. Anything else? E!IIThe record company asked disc Jockeys to play one Of the singles from the album on the radio . That's It. really. Thanks for your time. Heidi. And lots of luck with the album . I'm sure It will be a great success.







Copies of the al bum ................................................

A demo tape ........................................................... ..

5 Photos ..................................................................... ..

2 TIle tape .................................................................. .

6 Disc j ockeys ............................................................. .

3 Our first album .........................................................


5) Read about the people. Then choose a starter, a main course, and a side order for each person and write it in the chart below.

Hello, my name's Larry. I'm a vegan. I don't eat anything that has come from an animal, so I don't eat dairy products like eggs and milk. I often eat lettuce and cucumber with my meats.





pt·Jng \'eg et:l~Ie'j \\'Hh '1')gl'llr'[ J1p ura ngc Juice

Me l(')n \\'Hh pU

ReDo, my name's Linda. I'm a vegetarian. I think it's wrong to eat meat and 6 h. r like rno t vegetables, but Pm not keen on LmUShrooms.


Hi, my name's Claire. I'm a demi-vegetarian. That means I don't eat red meat, but 1 eat everything else, and I like fish.



Fl<;h of the Jay R"':1:)t vegetable:)

'~Hb rIce

pa~ ta wIth t'l1lGUil

cheese . ,\twe Hi, my name's Hank. I can't understand these people who don't eat meat. They look so ill. I eot anything with meat in it, and I'll eat vegetables if they're cooked with a bit of ham or something like that.


Gre en salud

pea'i II HI, ham Gre en be·an" In hLlttCP SaUce N[LJ s11 r <' () III S






Main course Sid order

. Go for it

6/ Circle the odd ones out and give your reasons.

scampi , hamburgers,S

. ~!?!!P..:::.~~~.~~~~~~..~.~~.~~!!!.~t?'!.~~~~'..................... .............................................

apple pie. ice cream. chips 2

tea, coffee, banana , milk

3 roast beef, soup, tomato juice

4 beans, lettuce, carrots chicken 5 butter, cheese, yoghurt. peas




Stay cool/Move on

9> Circle and correct the mistakes.

7 ;/ Com plete the conversation.

I ...•.......•...•.................••......... ..• . .. . ... .


l •...... • ..••. . .....•. ......................


.l ••••••• •••••••. •.•••••••••••...••...•. ••• •. •••••


No, thanks. 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• some

green beans.

Waiter: And You:


The Statue of Liberty was design by a French scul ptor.

the fish , please.

a side salad.


Yes. 1 think fruit salad.


~"""""'\ ..~~~~~ .~~~..~~~fi..~~p.!!!!~.~~~~? .............................

Can I have melon, please?

Waiter: And to


Where were(made the fi rs9 fi1 ms?

Waiter: What .~~~~~ ..Y.~~.~~~~ ...... to tart with? You:

What's wrong?)

2 You like some more apple pi ?

a sweet?

h •••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


Waiter: And 7••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• •• •••••••••••••• something to drink?

3 Can I have a sala de, please? 4 There is lot of salt on these chips.

You: a diet cola please. 5 1 ea t much fru it. \~..-.J

Go for it

8> Write th is dialogue between the waiter in a restaurant (W) and a customer (e). The menu in rcise 5 will help you.

Culture snapshot

W: Ask about starters

..~~~..~~~!~.J!~.'!..~~~.~.~.«?.~~~.~~~~!. .....................

C: Choo e something from the menu W: Ask about the main course


Say what you 'd like

W: Apologise and say there isn't any. Say what there is

C: Give your second choice and ask for a drink 'Take-aways' are popular and cheap in Br it ain.

A ' take- away' ca n eith er refe r t o t he food itself or

to t he place where you buy it. Take- away food

includes f ish an d ch ips, Indian an d Ch in ese food ,

pizzas, hamburgers and kebabs.


8 The National Championships


The chairman of the judges stood up. 'Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Modem Dance National Championship. As you know, the championships are held once a year here ... In the dressing room , the Bod} Works

team was gelting ready. 'And 1 thought that Conrad Fletcher was OK after aU,' said Beth. 'I'm sure he'll lum up, Beth,' said Debbie. 'Shut up, Debbie! We're on in half an hour. He won't come now.' 'Would you like a ausage roll? ' 'No, Debbie McCarthy, I would not! ' 'I'm sorry, Beth. I'm so nervous. I just have to eat when 1"m nervous.' uddenly, the door to lhe dressing room burst open. 'CONRAD !' screamed Debbie. 'Where do you think you've been?' yelled Beth. 'I'm OIry,' Conrad apologised. 'It's a long . l Ory.'

I me another lime,' said Beth. 'We're on!' The team was so pleased to see Conrad. They danced brilliantly and gave the performance of a lifelime . '... nd the winners are .. . the team from Manchester - Body Work. 1 Please welcome Beth Robertson and Conrad Fletcher to collect the trophy. Later, Conrad explained why he was late. 'So you ee, Beth ' said Conrad, 'boys aren't so bad after all.' 'Well , some of you are OK, l suppose .' aId Beth. Tm sorry you missed the audition for the show.' 'That's OK. Thanks, Beth.' As he was leaving with Beth , onrad was given a note by the receptionist. 'Look at this,' said Conrad, howing her the not 'Fantastic! ' Beth miled. 'Will you come with me ­ to the audition, I mean?' 'Y-y-yes, OK.' 'And if I get the part ... ' 'We'll all expect free tickets! '

In your notebook. write questions for these answers. 2

3 4

5 6

Once a year. Because she was nervous. Yes they did. They danced brilliantly. It was collected by Beth and Conrad. A note from Cathy Edwards. Yes, she'll go with him. 81




....... _.. -


Pop groups wear them. Vou wear the....

Th y're the best·known it m of clothing in the universe.

They're comfortable. they're stylish. they're jeans.

The story of Jeans started at the ime of the Amencan Gold Rush. In 1849 thousands of people went to California to dig for gold and hopefully make their fortune. Among them was a young man called levi Strauss who went to California from Germany at the age of 18. He didn't find any gold but he made a lot of money leVI Strauss realised that the gold miners needed very strong clothes which were easy to wash and which were comfortable to wear So in the early 18505, he bought some thick cotton denim from a mill in New Ha pshire, USA. The name denim, us a describe the cotton, came from serge de Nimes after the town of Nimes In the south of France Levi Strauss decided to make trousers from this strong material. 'If t make the trousers from denim,' he thought, 'I'm sure people will buy them. They'd rather have

trousers which will last a long t ime than the thin ones they're wearing at present.' And he was right. Levi Strauss's trousers were later called Jeans, possibly because sa ilors f rom Genoa in Italy wore t hem. The popularity of jeans increased and they were soon sold right across t he USA. In 1873, stitching. shaped like the wings of the Rocky Mountain Eagle, was added.

In the 1950s, the fashion for jeans arrived in Europe. A magazine advertisement showed that in the USA, jeans were wom every day and not Just at work. People in Europe began t o wear jeans in their free time.

In t he 1980s a Jeans advertisement appeared on Bri tish TV. In It, a young man wa lked into a launderette, took off his jeans and put them in a washing machine. Everyone in the launderette was shocked. As a result of the advertisement, the sales of that particular make of jeans increased by 800 per cent.

Comprehension Stay cool 1 ) Complete the notes.

AJ~ Q'It,:fk ~ 13*-&f 18'505 1873 /&;50s 82

ttl ~ .

I~~~~~; ' ~ ~ ..•


Move on/Go for it 2> Answer the questions.

~___...... S_ta......y_c_oo_I_ _)

Where was the Gold Rush?

..!.~.~. g,?~~ .~~~.~..~~!..~~ .~~~if.~~~~~~.~!!!.~~~~~: ...............

What sort or trousers did gold miners need? 2 Where was the material for Levi Slrau s' trousers


4> You borrowed some of your friend's clothes for your holiday in Britain, and you've left them in london. In your notebook, write a note of apology. Say • what happened • what you 've done 10 try to get them back • what you'll do i f you don't get lhem ba k • that everything will be all right.

3 Where does the word denim come from?

4 Why

did jeans become popular in Europe?

5 Why were the people in the launderette in the

jeans advertisement shocked? 6 What was the result of llle advertisement?

(fiO Move on/Go for it


5> Imagine that you were a member of the Teen Work project in liverpool. In your notebook, write the story of some of the things that happened during your stay in Liverpool. Include any trips or visits you made and anything about Liverpool you particularly liked. Hil I'm Stefan. I had a great time in Uverpool. When I

Jim arrived I met ... Communication 3

>Complete your part of the conversation.

Tara: Do you wear jeans? lf so, how often. lf not, wha t sort of clothes do you like wearing? You:

Tara: Which would you prefer to have: a new pair of jeans, a new jacket, or something else? You: Tara: Wo uld you like to wear designer clothes every day? You: Tara: Are you allowed to wear what you like to school? You:



Grammar Build

Welcome to the Grammar Builder! • The Grammar Builder gives extensive and more detailed practice of the grammar points in the Snapshot course. • The units in this section can be used alongside the units in the Workbook section, or for extra revision at a later stage. • Each unit begins with a short grammar reference section called Grammar highlights. This gives further examples of the structures which are presented in the Students' Book. It also includes helpful additional notes. • The practice exercises which follow the Grammar highlights are clearly labelled so that you know exactly which gramma r point you are practising in each exercise.

-=- - - --=­


nit 1

Present simple Positive statements I come from Spain . You come from Spain. He comes from Spain. She comes from Spain. We come from Spain. They come from Spain.

. In t he present sim ple, all pe rsons of the verb are the same except for the th ird person si ngu lar (he/she/it) .

Negative statements I clon't come from France.

You don't come from France.

He doesn' come from France.

She doesn't come from France.

We don't come from France.

They uon't come from France.

Questions Do I corne from Greece?

me from Turkey?

Does e e from Italy?

Does she come from Spain?

Do we come from Poland?

Do they come from Argentina?

• One use of the present simple is to refer to a permanent situation e.g. I come from Italy. How do you spell 'Mancuso ? • Another use is to talk about likes and dislikes e.g. He likes techno music.

Do you

Short answers

Positive Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes Yes, Yes,

you do. I do. he does. she does. we do. hey do,


No, you don't.

No, I don't.

No, he doesn't.

No, she doesn't.

No, we don't.

No, they don't.

Questions with Where ... from? Wh re are you from?

I'm from Poland.

Wher do you come from?

I come from England.

• We write countries and nationalities with a capital letter at the beginning of the word e.g. She's Italian.


- - -



Practice • Present simple: questions and answers

• Na ionalities • Present simple: positive statements



1 Complete the chart. Then write two sentences about each person.

2 Write questions and answers using the


Q: Lucy and Alice ?

A: near the Curzon cinema Q: .. ~~~~.~..~~..~~~~..~~.~.~!!.~~.!.~~~.?



N logalib ~


••••••••••• 4 . . . . . . . . ,


A: ..!.~~!I...~~~~.!?~~.~..~~.~.~.lf."E!.~..~~~~T.~:....................... .. C,ynta Q: Andy?


A: in a stu den ts' hostel


• t . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






......... .............

3 Wladek

..................... Warsaw

............ ........

4 Maria

... ....... ....... . .. Lisbon

.., ..................

5 Chns

.................. , .. Manchester

6 Teresa

••••••••• • •••••••• u

7 Nick

..................... New York

8 Miguel

.. ..... ............ .....................

9 Salim







Q: ...........................................................................................

A: ......................................................................................_...

2 Q: Mr and Mrs Turner?

A: in a large flat near the sea

Q: ...........................................................................................




Buenos Aires .....................


A: ...........................................................................................

3 Q: your parents?

A: in a big ho use in the suburbs Q: ...........................................................................................

A: ...........................................................................................

.~~~.~.~:~..~!.~~~: ..~~.~..~l!.'!!~.fi.:.?'!1..~.~~.~.~~...........................

4 Q: Carmen?

A: near the airport

Q: ................................:..........................................................

A: ...........................................................................................





5 Q: your brother?

A: near the university Q: ...........................................................................................

A: ...........................................................................................


............................................................................................... ..



6 Q: Steve's pare nts? A: in a flat near the river Q: ...........................................................................................

A: .......................................................................................... .







7 Q: you? A: in the centre of town Q: ....................................................................................... .. ..

A: ...........................................................................................

8 Q: Angela? A: in Bridge Avenue Q: ...........................................................................................



................................................................................................ .

A: ......................................................................................... ..

• Present simple: questions

• Present simple: positive and negative statements

3/ Use the prompts to write the questions. What sort of music (you /Iike)?

4 > Use the prompts to write pairs of sentences.

..~~~.~~.'!.f!f.!!!.~~~~ .~~..~~.~..~~~~!.....................................

1 How (you

I spell) your surname?

2 (you and your frie nd / Iike) football?

3 (this bus

I go) to t he airport?

Patrick /I ive (v) I in Manch ester. He / Iive (X) I in London.

Patrick lives "in Manchester . ........................ .......................................................................... 4 (you { want} to go to th e cinema?

He doesn't live in London. .................................................................................................. Th is bus / go (X) I to Brighton. It / go (V) / to Eastbourn e.

5 What subject (Mr Lucas / teach)? 2 Rosa I come (X) I from Brazil . She { com e (v) I from Portuga l. 6 Where (she

I want) to go?

7 Where (you / co me) from?

3 Th ey / want (v) / to get the fe rry. Th ey I want (X) / to get the bus.

8 What (everybody / cail) her?

4 Anna / spe ll (v) / her name with two Ns. She / spe ll (X) / it with one N.

9 (your brother and his wife { live) in London?

5 He / teach (X) / Physics. He / teach (v) / Ch emistry.

6 I / Ii ke (v) / pop musi c. I / Iike (X) / cl assical music.



5> Read the article and complete the questions and answers.

•••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • An Italian in London Meet Silvana Ferrara. She's an exchange student at Camden School. Seventeen-year-old Silvana is Italian. She comes from Bologna in the centre of Italy. Silvana says: 'I love London. It's a fantaStic City. I like the galleries. the restaurants and the discos. My favourite sort of music is techno. I don't like rap very much. My favourite subjects at school are Physics, Chemistry and Biology. I don't like HIstory. I want to be a doctor one day. My mother teaches Medicine at Bologna University.'

••••••• • ••• •••• ••• Q: Where does she come from?

A: .. ~~~.~~T.~.~T. ..~~!.
5 Q: ....................................................................... favourite subjects?

Q: ........................................................................ Londo n?

A: Yes, she loves it.

A: Physics, Chemistry an d Biol ogy. 6 Q: ........................................................................ History?

2 Q: ................................................................... In London? A: She likes the galleries, the restaura nts and the discos. 3

4 Q: ................................................................................ ra p? A: No, not very much.

No, sh e .........................................................................

7 Q: on e day7

Q: ........................................................... ........................... ?

A: She likes techno.



A: She ............................................................... a doctor. 8


.. ......................................................................... teach 7

A: .................................................................................... at Bo logna University.


••• '"


there is and there are with some and any Positive statements There's a carpet in the room. There are some books in the bookcase.

Negative statements There isn't a N in the room. There aren't any urtains at the window.

• We use some in positive statemen ts

and any in questions and negative sta tements.


Is there a radio in the room?

Are there any posters on the wa lls?

Short answers Positive Yes, there is. Yes, there are.

Negative No, t here isn't. No, lhere aren't.

• We use th ere is with sin gu lar obj ects and there are with plural objects.

Verb can/can't (permission and rules) PositIVe statements We can put posters up. Negative statements We can't use drawing pins Que

• Modal verbs can and must have the same form for all persons. They are fo llowed by an infinitive verb without -fe.


Can we move the furni ture around?

Short answers Positive Yes, we can. Yes. you can.

• One use of can is to ask for permission.

Negative No, we can't. No, you can't.

Verb must/mustn't (rules) Positive statements You n ust be qUiet after 10.30.

• One use of can and must is to ta lk about rules.

Negative statements You mustn't play loud music after 10.30. Questions Mus I yet a key if I'm gOrrlg to be ou t after 10? Short answers Yes, you must.

Prepositions of place In, on, untler, in front of. behind, in the corner of. on the

left/nght of, next to, above, opposite




• there is/there are: questions and short answers


1 Use the prompts to write questions. Then use the picture to write the answers. Q: la mp? (on)

4 Q: posters? (above]

Q: ..~~.~~~~~.~..~~~P...~':!..t!!.~


Q: ..........................................................................................


A: ......................................................................................... .

Yes, there is. It's on the table.

Q: pictures? (above)

Q: ..~.~!:.~~~~~_~.~~.P..!~'!.~~.~..~':! ..~~.~..~~.?~!.

5 Q: wastepaper bin? (under)


A: ..~~,.. ~.~~~~.~r.~: ..!.~.~J!.:~~..~~.?~~.~~~.~~.t;r,~~: ...............

Q: wa shbasin? (on t he right of) Q: ..........................................................................................

A: ..........................................................................................

2 Q: bookcase? (on the left of) Q: ..........................................................................................

A: ..........................................................................................

3 Q: cassettes? (on) Q: ..........................................................................................

A: ..........................................................................................


Q: ..........................................................................................

A: ..........................................................................................

6 Q: books? (in) Q: ........................................................................................ ..

A: ..........................................................................................

7 Q: guitar? (between) Q: ......................................................................................... .

A: ..........................................................................................

8 Q: armchai r? (next to) Q: ..........................................................................................

A: ..........................................................................................


• there is/there are: pos tive and negative statements

• there is/there are: questions .any

• ome/any

2>Write sentences using the prompts. bookcase (.,I) J in th e room

I books (X)

There's a bookcase in the room. but there aren't .......................................................................................................

.~.'.'.v...~~.~~: ............................................................................

cinemas (v)

I in

t his town

3> Write questions using the prompts. concert hall (?)

I in

th e centre of the city

..~~..~~.~.~~..~.~~~~~!!.~.~~~..~"!:.~~~..~~~.~~.~f.~~~.~i!!!.!. ......... new exh ibi t ion (?) I at the art gallery

I theatre (X)

There are some cinemas in this town, but there . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

isn't a theatre. carpet (X) J in his room

I curtains

2 drawin g pins (7) Ion the desk

(.,I) 3 football pos ters (7)

2 computer (v)

I in

I on

the walls

her flat I TV (X) 4 te lephone (?)

I in

your room

3 good schools in my town (v) / university (X) 5 checked sh irt (7) / under the bed

4 fiats behind my hou se (v)

I shops (X)

6 good fi lms (?) I at the cinema this week

7 ferry (?)

I at six o'clock

5 hostel next to th e college (X) / restaurant (v)

6 blue jeans in your wa rdrobe (X)

I black Jeans (.,I)

7 good restaurants in the centre (X)

I cinemas (v)


5> Rewrite the exam rules using must. mustn't or can.

• can, must, mustn't 4/ Use the prompts to write sentences with can and must or mustn't.

Camden School Exam Rules 1 2 3 4 S 6

7 8 9 10 11

(you) go to the party I (you) be back by midnig ht

..~~~.E~~..!I~..!~..~~~.P.~':!}'b ..~~.~.J!.l!.~.~.~.~~~..~~.~.'.'.~~..~!I..

Read the questions carefu lly. Answer all the questions. Write your name above your answers. Do not writ e your answers in pencil. Use a black or blue pen. It's OK to use a dictionary in the French exam. Do not bring any ot her books to the French exam . It's OK to use a calcu lator in the Maths exam. it's OK t o bring an atlas to the Geography exam. Do not talk in any exams. Do not copy other students' work. Stop at 2 o'clock.


.!!'.!~r:';~!!.~~'.... .......................................................................... (you) have Dave and Andy round eleven o'clock

I (they)

leave by

2 .................................................................................................

3 ................................................................................................

2 (your friends) use the phone

3 (you) play music

I (it)

I (they) ask me first

4 ...................................................................................... ...........

5 .................................................................................................

not be very loud

6 ...................................... ...........................................................

4 (yo u) make coffee for your friends finish all the milk

I (you)

not 7 .................................................................................................

8 .................................................................................................

5 (you) put posters on the walls draw in g pins

I (you)

not use 9 .......... .......................................................................................

10 .................................................................................................

6 (Na dia) use my bike / (sh e) bring it back by six

11 .................................................................................................


it 3

Present simple for routines I get up between 9 and 10 in the morning.

They don't give many Interviews.

How do you keep fit7

Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never Are you always hungry after school?

I usually go to the gym in the morning.

Do yotl often wear jeans?

The band sometimes travels by bus.

I'rn n ver very lively in the morning.

e One use of the present simple is to talk abou t ro ut ines and fixed tim es, e.g. He

writes to his parents once a week. eAnother use is to talk about long-term situa ti ons, e.g. I normally live with my


e Adverbs of frequen cy come befo re th e ma in verb, but after the verb to be.

Adverbial phrases of frequency W go swimming twice a week.

l'lll late for school about hree times a year

He writ 0 me once a week.



Positive statements

I'm writing to Dave.

He's staying with a friend

N gative statements

I'm not wrrting to my par nts.

H Isn't living in a hostel.

Questions Are you writing a letter?

Is he s udyrng at University now?

Short answers Negative Positive Yes, I m. No, I'm not. No, he Isn't. Yes, he is

Questions with ever Does he ever write to youi' Are you ever lale for school?

Questions with How often? How oft n do you go sWimming? How 0 n are you lare for school?

e Adverbial phrases of fre qu ency come after the verb and the object.

e One use of the presen t continuous is to talk about things which are happening at the time of speakin g, e.g.

He's writing a letter to his parents. e An other use is to talk about the current period of time, e.g . I'm living in

a hostel at the moment.

eThere are spelling rules for formin g the present pa rticiple (-ing form) : - with verbs endi ng in one e, delete the t> and add -ing, e.g. live/living; write/writing (but note double ee:

see/seeing). - wi th verbs that end in a stressed syll able of one vowel and one consonant (n ot y or w), we double the last conson ant and add -ing, e.g. swim/ swimming; run/running (but note

pla y/playing). 93

• Present simple with adverbs of frequency


your daily routine?

What do you have for breakfast?






. ~ X. . . . . .

. .•."coffee".................................... ................... ....... .................. .... ............ .... ............. ....................... ...... ........... .................. . . · . ..·..x·.

. • ...fiofc'fio·c.. late·.. ··......·..............·............................./... ...... ............................. ............................. ...... ........................ ......... ...................

. ·. ....orari·ge·!'lilc·ii·...... ·.. ..·....·................ ···· ..... ..................... ....... . ............ ............... . ... .................... .... .... . ......./........... .. ........................ . .

... ·..cereai.. ·..·....·........................................................................ ............/ ............ . ... ............... ...................... . . ......... ......................... . ... ...

."•. toiI8(............ .... -........................................................... ...... ........................................./ ........................................................................


How",i'o 'you"u'o·to..schooi·f · ··.. .. . . . . . . . ·.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ...... . . . ... . . . . . . . ...... . . . ...... ... . . . .

by car


::::::::~t::rrirn: ·::::~:: ::~:::::: ::·::::~::::::::::::::::: :::::: ::: ::::::~:::~::::::::::::::: ::~::::::.:::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::: :::::: : :::::: :::::::::::::9:::::::::::: .... Eyele··..···,·········..····..···..··..····..·..····..···..····............................... .......................................................... ............./ ........... ............................. ·... ..·0'3:11<...... ·...... ·.... ..··•......·....·....·....·....··....··................................. ............................. ........ ................................../ ........... ............. ................

... ·.. ri:iri··············.... ··..·..·········..····..··· ....·....·· ................................................................. ............/ ............ ...........................................................

What'·,i'o you..'i'O· . io..the.. eviiri'ing?·.. . ..·...................... ........... .......................................................... ............................. . ......................... .

• do homework j ··iiii···· go·o'uT'wfifi'fi'Te'neJ's' .............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ······....···7·········· ..............................

... ....watC·fj 'Tv....................·..·........·..·........·....·· ............................. ...... .................................../ ............ ...........................................................

·... ..·lfste·n..to··rii·uslC·..··............·.... ·· ..·......··..·.. ..··· ........·7 . . ·.... ... ............... .......... ... ....... .......................................... ...... ........... ..................


1 / Look at the chart and complete the sentences. Ruth never has

t ea for breakfast.


• Position of adverbs of frequency 2 ) Write sentences using the prompts.

I go I Saturday I I I to I usually I the I on

1 She ...................................................... hot chocolate.


2 She ...................................................... orange ju ice.

. .~ . ~.~~.~~!!!..!!.C!,. ~~.~~~. !!M~. !?'.1. . ~'!.!~~~~!!.: .........................

3 She ...................................................... toast.

often I is

I He I the I in I tired I morning

4 She ...................................................... cerea l.

5 She ...................................................... to schoo l by bu s.

2 j un k I pa rents

I eat I My I never I food

6 She ...................................................... t o schoo l by car.

7 Sh e ...................................................... cycl es to schoo l.

8 She ...................................................... runs to sch oo l.

3 class

I late I students I for school I always I

So mel in my I are

9 In the eveni ng sh e ....................................................... lV.

10 She ...................................................... with friends.

11 She ...................................................... homework.

4 Geography I boring I Are I lessons I usually I your


12 She ...................................................... to music.

5 footba II

6 you


I We I g,et excited I matches I aIways I at

I relatives I ever I Do I visit I you r?

Practice • Questions with How often? • Adverb,al phrases of frequency


>Write answers to the questions.

• Present continuous: positive and negative statements

4>Use the prompts to write two sentences. They (not wa tch) N . They (watch] a vi deo.

..!.~~..~~~.~:~.~~~~.~~9..:ry...!~~~~~.~~~~!~!!..~..~~~~~:. She (not surf) the Internet. She (play] a video game.

2 The vo lunt eers (not work) at the moment. They (have) their lunch break.

Howoften re you ill? .!)f). never i!!:.! .r~)~r~~!:~ .~r. .~~~~.~.y.~~r.: .. 1 Ho.... often do you go to the Jocto r's?

2 110

'en do you go to bed vely loki

3 He (not do] his History homewo rk. He (write) a letter to his girlfriend .

4 I (no study] at university at the moment. I (work] in a record shop.

3 110.... aflen ure .\Iou in b d betore 9 p.m.?

4 How "ften do you eat junk food?


5 They (no t give) interviews today. They (relax) in their hotel .

How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?

6 How often do you do sport al school?

6 We (not help) at the project today. We (spend) the day at the gym.

7 How olten do you go swhnrning?

8 Ilow often do you ru n Or go 10 thegym?


Practice • Present continuous and present simple: positive statements and questions

• Present continuous: questions

5>Write questions for the answers,

6> Put the verbs in the present simple or present continuous. My frien d Silvia (go) to the gym three times a week.

.~y.fr..!~'!~.~~~~~.f!.~~.!~..~.'!.f!.y.'!!..~~~~.~'!!.~.~..~~~~. Today Mari o (wear) bl ue j eans and a purp le T-shirt.

..!.?~~y..¥..~~~C?..~~..~~l!.~~~!l.~.~~~i!:~!!~.~.':'A.~.P..~.T.~e. .... T-shirt. Excuse me, I (loo k for) t he station.

..~~~..~r.~}ll!.~..~~~!!~9...!~.? ................................................

I'm writing to my cousin in Argentina. 2

What time (you get up) on Sundays?


What (you do) at t he moment?


He (write) to his gran dparen ts about once a month.

He's wearing jeans and a black T-shirt. 2 ................................................................................................. They're travelli ng by plane.

3 ................................................................................................ .

They're stay ing in a hotel in the city centre. 4 ........................................................................... for lun ch? I'm making pizza and a salad. 5 ................................................................................................. j' m th inking about my best friend at primary school.

5 Th is term we (study) Australi a in Geography.

6 ...................................................................... to the party? Th ey' re going there by tax i.


How often (you help) your parents In t he kitchen?

7 ................................................................ at the mom ent? I'm studying .

8 ............................................................................................... ..

7 My brother (run) for half an hour every evening.

He's studying in the USA. 9 ............................................................ the video camera? Stephani e is using it, I th ink. 10 .................................................................................. today? They're working in th e hostel.



His fathe r (work) in th e USA at the momen t.

Unit 4

Verb have got Positive statements

Nega ive statements

She' /He's got a motorbike. I/We/You{They've got a car.

She/He hasn't got a motorbike.

I{We/You!They haven't got a car.


Has he/she got a motorbike?

Have I{we/you/they got a car?

Short answers Positive


Yes, he/sh has. Yes, I/we/you/they have.

No, he/she hasn't.

No, I/wefyou/they haven't.

• We do not use the word got in short an swers.

Countable and uncountable nouns Countable Singular One p ach

Uncountable Plural

juice money

Two peaches

some and any Positiv statements I'v go me bananas/orange Juice.

Negative statements

I hay n't got any peaches/lemonade.


• Unco untable nouns take a singular verb, e.g. The money is on the table.

Where is the milk?

• We can use some and an y with coun table nouns in the plural, or with uncountable nouns e.g . Ther~ are some

nuts on the table but there isn't any fruit.

Hav you got any apples/fruit?

Verb going to for future plans and intentions Positive statements

• We use going to to talk about fu ture plans and intentions.

I'm gOing to make the lunch

Negative statements

I m not going to buy sandwiches.


Are you going to make the lunch?

Short answers Negative Positive Yes,l m,

No. I'm not.

would like for offers and requests

.The modal verb would has the same form for all persons.

Would you like a sandwich?

I'd (I would) like a cheese sandwich.

el n re quests, we normally use the short form e.g. I'd like a tomato sandwich.


• have got: positive and negative statements,

• there is/there ore: positive and negative



• some and any

• some and any with countable and uncountab~ nouns

1 "; Write sentences about the picnic food using

there is or there are and some or any.



(t)cJtickt1 ~~wicJtes V

fJ-tM saMwidtes






(p) f8matoe,






2 ") A group of you want to make a fruit salad. Write questions and answers about the things you need, using the list below to help you.


1 2



ice cream bananas choco la t e sauce strawberries peac h es apple s sugar nuts




./ Sue ./ 1'0 and I X ./ X






dtee;;,e, ~andMilche$


(6') b(~~




(") lH



( 7)ora~€-j/MCe




( ~)flAir


Q: ..'!.~~~.~~.9.~~.~~~.!.~~.~r.~~~!......................................



A: ..~~!.P.~~~.~.~~.$..~~.~~.~~.!.~~..~~~~~: ..........................


5 6

0: Have we got anu bananas? if..•. • • • • • • • • 04 . . . . . . . . . "


' u. H.

4 . . . . . 4 ••••••••••

0& • • •


.... . ...... .. ... .. . . .... . . .. . ..

A: ..No, we haven't got anu bananas. .. ..... .. .. . .. . .............. ............-? ............................


..... ..... . . .. ..... .

0: .............................................:.............................................

A: ...........................................................................................

2 ................................................................................................ .

2 0: .................................................................... ~ .....................

A: ...........................................................................................

3 ................................................................................................ .

3 4

A: .......................................................................................... .



5 .................................................................................................

6 .................................................................................................

0: .......................................................................................... .

Q: ...........................................................................................

A: ...........................................................................................


Q: ...........................................................................................

A: ...........................................................................................



6 0: .......................................................................................... .

8 .................................................................................................


A: ...........................................................................................


• Verb going to: positive and negative statem nts, questions ----------------------~

• Offers with would you like 4> Complete the offers using the phrases.

3 > Use the prompts to write statements or questions with going to. Leila (help) me wit h my homework.

.~.~~~.!.~.9.~!.'~'JI..~~..~~!P...~.~.~!~~.!!:!~..~~.~.~.~?~~: ..........

• a glass of water • a ca lcu lator an apple • in your sand wich


• • • •

to do to drink to go to see t hem

What (you do) this afternoon?

2 Dave (not be) at the party tomorrow night.

Wou Id..J!.~~..~~~.~..~~..~P..f!.~~.~........................

3 (We have) a cup of coffee after this lesson?

4 I (take) an umbrella because I t hink it (rain). 2

5 W

(you wear) to t he disco? 3

6 Steve and Ta ra (make) a pizza tonig ht.

7 Where (your paren ts stay) in Canada ?

I'd like to play tenn is. 5

8 What (we have) for supper?



9 I (not buy) the new Oasis CD .


10 He (not visit) his gra ndpa rents next week.

Are thiS:e:~::u~~d:Y :h.~tO'.'.....



~ 99

nit 6 Present continuous as future Positive statements They're playing he match tomorrow. Negative statements They aren't playing the match next week. Questions Are they playing in London? Short answers Positive Negative Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

Gerund (-ing form) after like, hate, {don 't} mind, prefer. be keen on

I like swim ming

He doesn 't mind wearing a tie.

She prefers swimming to watching football.

We aren't keen on playing computer games.

They hate diving.

• We use t he present cont inuous to ta lk abo ut fixed plan s and arrangeme nts for t he fut ure, especial ly when we know the tim e and place.

• There are spelli ng rules fo r form ing th e gerun d (-ing form). Th ese ru les are the same as for fo rm ing the present pa rt iciple (see Unit 3 Grammar


• Whe n people don't mind doing so mething, it means they think it's OK.

Polite requests with could uld you lend me £10, please? Could I look at your newspaper?

• The modal verb could has th e same form for all person s. '

Defining relative clauses with who, which, where j've got a friend who runs to schooi every day.

He only eats food which is good for him.

• We use who to refer to people, which to refer to things and where to refer to places.

We never go to the pool where lucy swims.

Prepositions in, on

They're coming in JUly.

She's coming on Monday.

What are you doing on July' 5th?

Ordinal numbers first, second, third, fourth. fifth, sixth. seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth. eleventh, twelfth. thirteenth, fourteen th, fifte nth, sixteenth. seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth. twentieth, twenty-first, thirtieth, thirty-first

• We use the pre position in with months and on with days of th e week and dates.

• When we write the date, we write the month followed by a number + st/nd/ rd/th e.g. January 7st, April 2nd, November 23rd. December 5th. We write the month s with a cap ital letter. • When we say the date, we say the mon th the + an ord inal number, e.g.

'Jan uary the first, No vember the twenty-third.'



• Present continuous as future: questions and positive statements


1 Write questions or answers about Plastiko's tour of the USA. Use the present continuous.

ON TOUR IN THE USA NEXT MONTH Saturday July 12th 8 p.m. San Francisco Sunday July 13th 8 p.m. San Francisco Monday Ju ly 14th 8 p.m. Los Angeles Tuesday July 15th 9 p.m. Chicago Wednesday July 16th 9 p.m. Chicago

Thursday July 17th 8 p.m. New York

Friday July 18th 8 p.m.

• Present continuous for present and future: questions and positive statements


2 Complete the sentences below with a verb from the list in the present continuous. Then write P (present) or F (future) next to each sentence. • write • do • work • drive • play • have • go • wear

C- visi t)


I ... my sister in th e USA thi s sum mer.



Dave and Ian ... a pa rty on Saturday.

......................................................................................... 0

2 Alan ... ten nis at the mome nt.

......................................................................................... 0

3 We ... on holiday next week.

......................................................................................... 0

4 Stop! You ... too fast.

..~~~~..~~~.r.~~~!.~~.P.!.~M!~9..!.':l..~~~.. ~~~~E~~~~.? ..........

They're playing there on July 12th and 13th.

......................................................................................... 0

5 ... you ... anything exciting this wee kend?

............................................................................................... ?

They're playing in Los Angeles. 2 How many concerts are they giving in Chicago?

......................................................................................... 0

6 Be qu iet! I ... an important letter.

......................................................................................... 0

3 .................................................................................................


They're going to Boston after New York.

7 Wha t ... you ." to the coll ege disco on Friday?

......................................................................................... 0

4 .................................................................................................

............................................................................................... ?

They're giving seven concerts in the USA.

8 My mother ... in th e garden at t he moment.

.. ....................................................................................... 0

5 How many cities are they playing in?


Practice • like, be keen on, don't mind, hate, prefer + -in9

4 Som e peo ple ... (travel) by plane.

3/ Use the prompts to make sentences.

.........= love X


..... = like not keen on XX


0 = not mind hate

5 Most people ... (stand) in queues.

Martin (X dive)


6 Most peo ple ... (watch) N to ... (read).

He (0 have) sandwiches for lunch again.


My cou sins (XX write) letters.

3 They (.......... shop).


She (0 stay) in the hostel.

5> Use the prompts to write requests with co uld. Then match the requests to the reasons in the box. get me a ticket for the match?

..~?~.~~.Y..?~..9..~.'!!.~.~..~!~~~~t~~.!~.~.'!!.~~~~.? ..........

look at yo ur newspaper?


Her parents (..... work) in New York.

......................................................................................... 0

2 lend me some CDs?

......................................................................................... 0


He (X make) dinner tonigh t.

3 buy me a sa ndwich?

......................................................................................... 0

7 My sister (..... swim) underwater.

4 use your computer?

......................................................................................... 0

5 check my homework

4) Write true sentences with like, not like, not keen on, not mind, hote, prefer + -ing. Some people ... (play) video games.

.~?~~.p..~~p.~~..~?~.:!..~~~~.p.~~W~~!!..~!~~~.!J.'!.'!!.~: .............. I ... (swim) to ... (play) tennis.

..~.p..~1..':~.~~~.'!!~!~!1..!?.p.~~v..~'!f!..~!:!!.~!.~: ............................. I ... (get up) ear ly.

2 Some people ... (talk) to ... (listen).

3 My father ... (cook).


......................................................................................... 0

6 have a drawi ng pin?

......................................................................................... 0

a) b) c) d) e)

I want to put a poster on the wall . I want to see the cinema times. I want to write my History project. I'm a Man chester United fa n. ) I'm havin g a party on Saturday. f) I'm really hungry. g) My spelli ng isn't very good.


• Defining relative clauses with who, which,

• Defining relative clauses with who, which,



6/ Complete these sentences with who, which or where.

8> Join the sentences using who, which or where. Sprint is a new shop. It se lls sports cl othes for you ng peop le.

.~P..r.!~.!.!~.~.~.~.~.~~~P...~~.~~~.~~!~~.~p.~.~.E~~~~f!!.f~.~... ..Jl.f!:~'!:9..P.~~P..!~: ...................................... .............................. The Picasso is a cafe. Cool people re lax th ere.

I have a cat ..~~.~~!!. ....... likes eating vegetables.

I don't like wearing clothes .................... aren't comfortable.

2 My bedroom is a place .................... I like relaxing and listening t o music.. 3 She goes to a school .................... has got a lot of rules.

2 Chocopeach is a new chocolate bar. It conta ins peaches.

3 Leonardo DiCa prio is a young actor. He stars in the fi lm Titanic.

4 This summer we're going to a place .................... there aren 't any tou rists.

5 I don't know anybody .................... likes Jane.

6 A foo, II fan is a person .................... su pports a football team.

4 Passion is a new night club. Teenagers go dancin g there.

7 The cafe .................... we usually meet is in a park.

5 LemKool is a healthy drink. It gives you en ergy.

• Ordinal numbers and dates 7> Write the dates as you say them.

-c:::::;IL -_It's twenty-eighth ofJuly. _ _the _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _

6 Flames is a new sports club. Young people go there to kee p fit.


22/~'__ __ _ __ _ _ __ 17/~'__ __ 3/1



_ __

~'__ __ _ __




_ ___'

_ ___'

7 Harrison Ford is a famous actor. He stars in the Star Wars fil ms.

_ _ _ __ _ ____'

30/~L__ __ __ __

_ _ __ __ ___'


Unit 7 Verb to be: past simple Negative statements I wasn't well yesterday. You weren't well yesterday, He wasn't well yesterday. She wasn't well yesterday. We weren't well yesterday. They weren't well yesterday.

Positive statements I was il l yesterday, You were III yesterday. He was ill y sterday. She was ill yest rday. We were i II yesterday. They were II I yesterday,

Questtons Was lout yesterday? Were they angry yesterday? Short answers Positive Yes, I was. Yes, they were.

Negative No, I wasn't.

No, they weren't.

Past sim ple of regular verbs

• To make a question with the past of the verb to be, we pu t the verb before the subject, e.g. Were you at school


.There are spellin g rules fo r fo rming th e regu lar past si mp le positive:

I/You/He/She/We/They liked the concert.

- if the infinitive ends in a double vowel followed by a conson ant. a double consonant, y, or w, we add

Negative statements II IHe/She/We/They didn't like the party.

ed: pour/poured; start/started; play/played.

Questions Did you/he/she/they watch television yesterday?

- if the infinitive ends in e, we add d:

Short answers Positive Yes, I/he/she/w e/they did.

- if the infinitive ends in a con sonant + y, we delete t he l' an d add ied:

Negative No, I/he/she/w /they didn't.

- if the infin it ive ends in a stressed syll col e of one vowe l and one consonan t (not yor w), we do uble th e consonant:

Positive statements

Possessive pronouns Singular my - mine your - yours her - hers his - his

Plural our - ours your - yours their - theirs

Question word: Whose CD



study/studied; cry/cried.

stop/stopped. • We make questions with did + infinitive. • We make negative statemen ts wi th didn't + infin itive.


t hiS? It's mine.

Questions with What ... like?

What is your new teacher like?

What were your exams like?


• We often use time adverbi als, .g. yesterday, with the past simple.

• We use the question fo rm What was/were ... like ? to ask for an opinion of past events, e.g. What was

your exam like? It was very difficult. not It WBS

!i,~ e

\fer,. eiffic/;/It.


Practice • Verb to be: past simple questions and answers 1 '/ Match the people and events to the descriptions or dates. Then write questions with Who, What or When and answers. 1



.. p"

louis XIV and louis XV


• Dinosaurs

a) in 19 1 7


b) a ship

, 1 - - _T _II_e_nl_an_ic_------'

c) a pop group from Liverpool

d ) an Egyptian queen

e) an American film star


the UK's first woman prime minister)

g) in 1969

h) prehisloric animals

The Bealles

Q: Who was Margaret Thatcher?


A: .~~~ ..~.~~.~~.~.~~~~fl.~~..~?~.~~..P.~~~~.~~~.~~~~...... Q: ............................................................................................



Q: ............................................................................................

A: ............................................................................................

kings of France

Q: ............................................................................................

Q: ............................................................................................

Q: ............................................................................................

A: ............................................................................................


Q: .......................................................................................... ..

A: ............................................................................................

A: ............................................................................................



A: ............................................................................................

A: ............................................................................................

3 Q: ............................................................................................

the first presiden t of the USA

A: ............................................................................................

A: ............................................................................................

2 Q: ............................................................................................



Q: ............................................................................................

A: ............................................................................................


• Questions with What ... like?


>Write questions for the answers using the

phrases in the box. • the beaches • the food • the peop le

• your exams
• Past simple regular: positive statements

4) Complete the sentences with the verbs in the past simple. • play • marry • start • be • jo in • record • die • screa m • divorce • star ~ receivS:>

• your holiday

What was the match like? Very exciting. The final score was 5-4.

Terrible ! All the questions were very difficult.

2 .................................................................................................

It was grea t. The hotel was fantast ic.

3 .................................................................................................

Excellen t! I loved the fish.

4 ................................................................................................. Everyone was really friend ly.

5 ............................................................................................... ..

They were very dean and empty.

• Possessive pronouns: mine, his, hers, ours,

He .r.e.~~;~~~. a guitar for hi s eleventh birth day.

yours, theirs 1 He ................ ............... the g uitar in a high school

3 / Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronoun. Is this your jacket?


2 All the girls .. ... ............. ......... .... ... ........ ............... 3 At 18, he ........... ,... ..... .... _.......... \.vork as a driver.

No, ..T.~~.~ .. is green and purp le.

4- At 19, he ............ ...... ... ... 'Tha t' s All Right Mama'.

Is this Lucy's sweater?

5 It ........... .................. .. .... ...... .......... ...... a big hit.

No, ............. has a big L on t he front. 2


Is th is Martin's bag? No, ............. is on the table in the hall.

7 He...... ............. ... ............. .. .............. the army.

Are these your CDs?

8 He ....... .............. ... .. .................... Priscill a in 1967.

No, ............. are the reggae ones. 4

lucy and Alice, are these your photos? No, they aren't .............. They're Jim's.


9 Prisci lla ........ ... ..... ... ................. ........ him in 1973.

Are these your parents' CDs? No, ............. are all in tha t box.


6 He ...... ........ ............... in the film Jailhollse Rock.

10 He .. ... ...... ............. ...... .. in Mem phis, iI the USA He was 42 years old .

• Past simple regular: positive and negative statements 5/ Use the prompts to write positive and negative sentences in the past simple.

• Past simple regular: questions 6> Read the letter and write questions for the answers.


I (phone) my girlfriend. I (not phone) my mother.

Augcue 2IUi

..~.p..~~.'!.~~..~y...~!r.!fr..~~~:.. ~..~~!!.~.'~.p..~~~.~.~'y'.~~.~~~r.:. We (not wa lk) to the park. We (walk) to the river.

Dear Sara11,

I arnVed. here aC 2 oded. !fe4bvdCl!f'

2 We (travel) by train. We (not travel) by plane.

o/krnm:rn. . ?he /bght Pom

London WZl4 OK Iud the /'cmd on t17e p1a/le t.m;td t:erribte . I walked a/cfZ.//Jd I...a4 J?1!Vnh/atJ t:hia mtffning . i...ad 7?amhiCUJ .id an crtd &tred in the cerz:tr"e 0/ the city. I& rea..LI:!J YUer~ti.n.3' 7here were a Lot o/'

3 They (not play) table tennis. They (play) computer games.

dancer.! and arUd:d there. I €Y}joyed

wat;du'?9 them. 7h€M

I tcm-f<ed an:7Und die 4hO'p(j, Iud I c4dn't ~ aAything. I reaJ.i!:1 l.iked t/Je -dhoe

4 She (talk) to Jim. She (not ta lk) to Michael .

Mopd. I phoned Te/eda. t:fL.ia ajt:.ernmm but AM ~n:t at- hcrme . Se.e. you next: week.' Love. N~ha

I (not vi sit) my aunt. I (visit) my grandparents.

When did Natasha arrive? ' Sh e arrived at 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon. 6 He (watch) a video. He (not watch) t he animal progra mm e.

It was OK.

2 ................................................................................................. .

It was terrible. 7 His friends (not talk) about sport. They (talk) about food.

3 ................................................................................................. .

She walked around Las Ramb las. 4 ................................................................................................. .

8 I (not use) my computer. I (use) hers.

Yes, she enjoyed watch in g them.

5 .................................................................................................. No, she di dn't buy anyt hing. 6 Which ..................................................................................... 9 We all (enjoy) the match. We (not enjoy) the trip home.

She Iike d the sh oe shops. 7 ......... ............. ............................................................................

She phoned Teresa. 107



Past simple of irregular verbs Infinitive be become begin bi blow (out) break brmg build buy catch choose com cost cut do draw drink drive ea

fall feed feel fig

find fly forget

9 giv go grow have he r hO t hold hurt

keep know learn leave lend 10


Past simple was became began bi blew (out) broke brought built bought caught chose came cost cut did drew drank drove ate fell fed elt fought found flew forgot got gave went grew had heard

hit held hurt kept knew learnt left lent lost

• A lot of verbs have an irregular positive form in th e past simple. Some of them are listed here.

Infimtive make meet pay put read ride ring (un say see sell send shine shut sing sit sleep speak spend split up stand steal swim take teach tell think throw understand wake (up) wear weep win write

Past simple made met paid put read rode rang ran said saw sold sent shone shut sang sat slept spoke spent split up stood stole swam took taught told thought threw understood woke (up) wore wept won wrote


7 0: Wh en he (write) the letter?

• Past simple irregular: questions and answers

A: He (wri te) it on Tue sday.

0: ........................................................................................... .

1 '/ Use the prompts to write questions and answers in the past simple.

A: ............................................................................................

0: you (buy) anything at the souvenir shop?

8 0: How much it (cost) ?

A: Yes, I (buy) th is BeatJes T-shirt.

A: It (cost) abou t £1 0.

0: . !;!~~.J!.f!.~..~~!!..~.~~~!.'.'.~..l!~..!~.~.~.f!.~.~~~.~~.~~~P..!. ........

0: ............................................................................................

A: ..~~~ ..~.~~~fl~.~.~~~~.!!.~~~~..!.::~.~!~: ..............................

A: ............................................................................................

0: What he (give) you for your birthday? A: He (gi ve) me an Oasis CD.

0: .............................................................................................

• Past simple irregular: positive and negative statements • Dates

A: .............................................................................................

2 0: Where they (meet)?

2> Use the prompts to write sentences in the past simple.

A: They (meet) at a party in Pans.

We (n ot go) to Au st ral ia (28/7). We (go) (22/8) .

0: .............................................................................................

..~~..~!~'.'!:~.~~.~.f!..~~~.~~P~..~~..~~.~~.!.~~~:.. ~~.~~~.~.....

A: .............................................................................................


3 0: she (go) to the swimming poo l yesterday? A: No, she (go) to the ice ri nk.

She (buy) her motorbike (21/5). She (not buy) it (1 /6).

0: .............................................................................................

A: .............................................................................................

4 0: you (know) anyone at the party?

2 I (not see) her (1 /1 1). 1 (see) her (1/ 12).

A: Yes, I (know) three or four people.

0: .............................................................................................

3 We (leave) (23/3). We (not leave) (24/3). A: .............................................................................................

5 0 : Who you (see) at the match? A: I (see) Carol and her brothers.

4 He (m eet) her (22/1). He (not meet) her (22/2).

0: .............................................................................................

k .............................................................................................

6 0: Wh t kind of cake she (make) for Gina's birthday?

5 I (break) my leg (15/10). 1 (n ot brea k) it (15/ 11).

A: She (make) a chocolate one.

0: .............................................................................................

A: .............................................................................................


• Past simple irregular: positive and negative statements 3'/ Put the verbs (in brackets) in the past simple.

Leonardo DiCaprio - Rising Star

Robert de Niro and (become) 9...................

famous. He (will)


an Oscar nomination for

his part in What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

but he (not win)

11 ...................

an Oscar.

12 .................. .

the Oscar,' he (say)


to our

reporter, 'and I (be)

14 ...................

glad. I

(not want)

15 ...................

to stand up

and speak in front of all those people.' In The Quick and the Dead Sharon

Stone (kiss) 16....... . ........... him. 'ft (be) Leonardo DiCaprio, the star of Romeo

and Juliet and Titanic, (be) ................... was

born on 11 November 1974. He (get) 1................... his fust job as an actor at the age of 5 in a TV show called 'Romper Room'. At school Leo (not do) 2................... well. 'I onJy (hav J 3.................... good grades when I (sit) 4 ................... next to omeone very smart,' he (tell) 5...................


At 12 he (decide)


to become

an actor. He (do)


TV roles

and commercial' at first. Then he (star) B...................


in Thi Boy's Life with

a very quick kiss. 1 (not • ) 18 ................... It . very much' enJoy .


Unit 9

Past continuous Positive statements I was working yesterday You were. working yesterday. He was working yesterday. She was working yesterday. We were. working yesterday. They were working yesterday. They weren't sunbathing.

• We use the past conti nuo us to say tha t somebody was in the mi ddle of doi ng something at a certain time in the past. The action or situation had started before th at ti me but it hadn't finished, e.g . Wh at were you doing at

Negative statements I wasn't sunbathing. You weren't sunbathing. He wasn't sunbathing. She wasn't sunbathing, We weren't sunbathing. They weren't sunbathing.

5 o'c/ock yesterda y? I was watching TV.

Questions Was I working ? Were you working? . he working? Was she working? Were we working 7 Were they working? Short answers Positive Yes, I was. Yes, you were. Yes, he was. Yes, she was. Yes, we were. Yes, hey were.

Negative No, I wasn't. No, you weren't. No, he wasn't. No, she wasn't. No, we wer n't. No, they weren't.

Time clauses with when and while

While they were eati ng, they heard a c.ry.

They were eating when they heard a cry

What were they doing when they heard the cry?

• We often use the past si mp le and the past continuous in the sa me sen tence. The past continuous describes the longer act,ion or situation and the past simple describes the sho rter action or situation, e.g. I was standing at the bus

stop when somebody stole my bag. While I was waiting outside th e cinema, Isaw Gina.






3 My f ri end (steal I sta nd) at the bus stop when som ebody (steal/stand) he r bag.

• Past continuous: positive statements


1 / Write true answers in the past continuous. What were you doing at 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon?

J.~~..':~:~~~~.~~9..~~~.f~~~~~~~.~~~~.~ ..~~ ..!.Y:...................

What were you doing at 10 o'clock yesterday evening?

4 Where (you go I you meet) when (you go


you meet) Natasha?

2 Where were you living ten years ago?

5 Ala n (see / swi m) in t he river when he

(see / swi m) a crocodi le.

3 What were you wearing yesterday?

6 We (com e I ca mp) on the beach when a sna ke (com e / ca mp) into our tent.

4 What were you thinking about ten minutes ago?

5 Who we re you talking to five minutes ago?

7 How fast (you ride / yo u have) when (you ride I you have) the accident?

6 Who were you sitting next to in your last lesson?

8 I (f ly I sit) in t he kit chen when a bird (fl y / sit) t hroug h the open wi ndow.

• Past continuous contrasted with past simple • Time clauses with when

2>Put the correct verb in the correct tense: past continuous or past simple.

9 Sh e (feel/eat) her dinner whe n she suddenly

(feel/eat) ill.

I (phone / th ink) about you when you

(phone I th ink).

.!..~~.~..~~.~~~.~~9..~~.~~.~.~.~~..~~.~.'!..y'.'!.~.p'~.~~.~~: ............

I (read I hear) in bed when I sudden Iy (read a noise.

2 Dave (walk I find) to work when he (walk (50 note in the street.


I hear)

I find)


10 Where (you hear / you wo rk) wh en (you hea r / you work) the scream?




Practice • Past continuous contrasted with past


• Past continuous contrasted with past simple

• Time claus s with Whife

4> Put the verbs (in brackets) in the past simple or the past continuous.

3> Put the correct verb in the correct tense: past continuous or past simple. While I (have / ri ng) a shower, the phone

(have I ring) .

..~~!!.~..~.~.~.~~.~~~9..~.~~.~~~~! ..~.~..e~.'!.~.~..~.'!.~!!.: .........

Wh ile Angel a (watch / fall) television, she

(watch I fall) asleep.

2 Whi le I (break a cup .

I do) the washing

up. I (break / do)

Last year, ... ~~.~~!:~3!~~~Q. .............................. (l ive)

3 While we (travel/meet) in the USA, we (travel/ meet) some inte resting people.

in Arizona, in the USA. One day I

I ...............................

............................ (look after) my four-year-old sister,

Lily, because my parents While Paolo (run his leg.

I hurt)

in the park, he (run

I hurt)

2........................................... ..

(be) out. She , ........................................................ (sit)

in th e garden and I

4.. . ............... : ...................................

(paint) the door of our house. I

5.................................. .

.................................. (stand) on a ladder with a pa in t

5 While we (see / work) in the garden, we (see I work) two snakes.

brush in my hand when I

6.......................................... ..

................... (see) a black and yellow snake in the

grass whi ch wa s going towards my little sister.

I immediate ly 7........................................... . ........... .

6 While Sam (hear / have) a bath , he (hear the telephon e.

I have)

(start) to come down the ladder. When I


bottom of the ladder, Li ly

(get) to the

g . ................ .. ............. .......... ..

(hold) the snake. I screa med and Lily (drop) the sna ke an d it

10...................... .

I I . ..............................................

(crawl) away fast.


• Past continuous: positive and negative statements

3 He was waiting for his parents to come to dinner.

5 '/ Read the text and correct the statements. 4

Al ice wa s standi ng outsid e a bank.

5 She was wearin g a party dress.

6 She was cryi ng.

Craig was sitting in front of the N yesterday even ing. He wasn't watch ing the programme because he was putting a new battery in his mobile phone. He was feel ing ang ry because he was waitin g for his gi rlfriend Al ice to come to dinner and, as usual, she was late. Sudde nly he heard the name Al ice Murray. He looked at the N and he saw his girlfriend. Alice was standing on the beach. She wa s wearing s 1:s and a T-shirt but t hey were wet. She was holding a little boy's hand and she was smi ling. The N man sa id, 'Four-year- old Martin Mulligan can't swi m. He was playing on the beach when a big wave pulled him out to sea . Alice sa ved him. She swa m out to him and brought him back:

• Past continuous and past simple: questions


Read the text again. Write questions for these answers. Wh ere ••was Craig .. ••• . • • • •• • . •• . • • ••• ••• ••••• • •••••• • •••••• 1• •• . ••• • ••••••

u • ••• •

si tting?

In front of the N. in his mob ile phone? A new battery.

2 ................................................................................... angry? Craig wa s sitting in fron t of his computer.

..~~~~!l..~~~~:.~.~!~~~!!..~!!.fi.:~~~.~f.~.~~..~~.'!!P.'!.~~~:.. ~~ ...... ..~.~~..~.i!!.~'!.!l..!~.fr..?~.~.~t.~~~..?Y:.......................................... He was clea ning his mobi le phone.

Because Al ice was late. 3 ................................................................... suddenly hear? Th e name Alice Murray. 4 ................................................................................... on N? His girlfrien d Alice.

5 ............................. ................................ .... Martin playing? On t he beach. 2

He was feeling happy.

6 .................................................................................. ...............

to sea? A big wave. 7 Wh at ............................................................................. do? She swam out to him and bro ught hi m back.


Unit 11 Present perfect simple Positive stat ments Short forms

Long forms

I've lost the key. You've lost the key. He's lost the key. She's lost t he key. We've lost the key. They've lost t he key.

I have lost the key. You have lost the key. He has lost the key. She has lost the key. We have lost the key. They have lost the key.

Negative statements Short forms I haven't lost the money. You haven't lost he money. He hasn't lost the money. She hasn't lost the maney. We haven 't lost the money. They haven't lost the money.

Long forms I have not lost the money. You have not lost the money. He has not lost the money. She has not lost the money. We have not lost the money. They have not lost the money.



Yes, I/you/we/they have. Yes, he/sh e has.

No, I{you/we/they haven't. No, he/she hasn't.

Past simple asked looked passed searched started



Prepositions with, on,

• Many verbs have an irregul ar past participle. Some of th em are listed at the back of this book.

• We use the present perfect when we talk about acti ons in the past tha t have a result now, e.g. I've lost my bag • We also use it to giv(! new informati on about something that has happened recently, e.g. Dave has bought a car.

Short answers Positive

ask look pass earch ·tar

• With regul ar ve rbs, the past participl e ends in -ed.

(= I haven't got it now).

ve I!you/we/they lost the key? 5 he/she lost the key7

Regular verbs Infinitive

• To make the present pe rfect simple, we use the presen t sim pl e of the verb have and the past participle of the main verb.

Past participle asked looked passed searched started waited

• We neve r use the presen t perfect wit h time phrases like yesterday, last weeki year/night. In th is case we use the past simp le, e.g I saw him last week. not i Re'u'f~ seeR RiR'l lest week.

.Th e verb go ha s two presen t perfect forms: have/has gone and have/has been. We use have/has been when th e person has made a visit and come back, e.g. Dave has been to America (= He has visited America but he has


It's a green bag With a black strap.

There's a gold buckle on it.

It's at my travel ca rd and purse in it

now returned.) We use have/has gone when the perso n has not returned, e.g. She has gone to China.

(= She is in Chin a. She isn't here.)


Pra ctice

• Present perfect simple: positive statements

• Present perfect: negative statements

1 ;> Complete each sentence with the correct verb

2 Write answers to the questions using the correct verb in the present perfect.

in the present perfect. • write • lose

• do • find • go • have speak • take


• be

• have

• hea r • see

~. write

Did he enj oy the party?

I don't know. He hasn't told


What's their new album like?

I don' t know. I ....................................................... it.

2 Did he like the fil m? He ....................................................... it yet. He's going

to see it next week. 3 Is Stella enjoyi ng her ho liday?

I don't know. She ....................................................... to us.

4 What's Ireland like?

I don't know. I ....................................................... there. He's a brilliant actor. I've seen

all his films.

5 Are th ey hungry? Yes. They ....................................................... anyth ing to


don't you answer her letters?

eat today.

She .......................... to you three times.

2 We ........................ our breakfast. We're going out now. 3 He .......................... to Jane.

She's going to be here at nine. 4 Dave .......................... to the beach. He's going to be back by six. 5 Her camera is excellent. She .......................... some brilliant photos. 6 Can you open the door, please? I ........................... my keys. 7

Great! I .......................... my purse.

Now I can go shopping. 8 We .......................... our work. Can we go ou t now? 116

• Prepositions: with, on, in

3> Complete the notices with the prepositions in, on or


Practice • Present perfect simple: questions

Present perfect: negative statements

4/ Match the statements to the questions. Then write the questions in the present perfect simple.

5> Complete the sentences with the present perfect negative.


I made seven cups of coffe e yest rday but today I

I can't see anything.

..'i.~~~ .Y.~~.~?~.~.?'!.~.fI.~~.~~.? ............................................

.~~.~~~.~!..'!:!~.~~ .................................... any. Lucy took a lot of photos yesterda y but she

My exam is this afternoon.

l~ .................................................................................................

............................................................... an y today.

2 We're going on holiday tomorrow.

D ..................................................................................................

3 It's Ruby's birthday.

D ..................................................................................................

4 Do you want to come out on my motorbike?

c.....J ..................................................................................................

5 I'm not coming to school tomorrow.

~ ..................................................................................................

6 Let's go out

~- ................................................................................................

7 I teel rea lly heal thy.

[J ..................................................................................................

8 That was delicious.

D ..................................................................................................

2 I wore t hese shoes la st year but I ...............................

.. ............................................................. th em t his year.

3 We saw a lot of fi lms last week bu t we

............................................................... any th is week.

4 He went ou t yeste rday but he ......................................

................................................................ out today.

5 They worked hard last year, but they

............................................................... hard th is year.

6 He lost a lot of money last wee k but he

............................................................... any th is week.

7 We wrote a lot of postcards last summer bu t we ............................................................... any th is summer. 8 She cam e here often last year but t his year she

............................................................... on ce.

9 He played tenn is every day last year, but t his year he ............................................................... j' once.

Questions a)

(you pass) your driving test?


(it stop) raining?


(you have) enough to eat?


(you learn) your vocabulary?


(you make) her a cake?


(you lose) your glasses?


(you tell) the teacher?


(you be) to the gym today?


(your brother find) his passport?

10 The re was a lot of sun la st month but th ere ............................................................... an y sun th is month.


Unit 12

Present perfect with never and ever Have you ever been on a roller coaster? "ve never eaten raw fish.

Comparatives and superlatives Short adjectives long longer funny f Un nier big bigger

longest funniest biggest

Irregular go bad far

more exci ing more dangerous

adjectives better Worse further

• We form the com parat ive of short adjectives (not ending in V) by adding ero r r, and t he superlative by adding est or st, e.g. long/longer/longest;

nice/nicer/nicest; narrow/narrower/ narrowest; clever/cleverer/cleverest.

Long adjectives exciting dangerous

• We use ever in questions and never to make a statement negative.

most exciting most dangerous

best worst furthest

Making comparisons Your bike is better than mine. Whose bike is older: yours or mine?

Using the superlative Who is the best singer in your family? laura IS the best singer In my family. I'm one of the worst.

• Wh en an adjective has one or two syllables and ends in y, we usually form the comparative an d su perlative by del eti ng the y and add ing ier/iest. e.g. dry/drier/driest. • Some adjectives double the f inal consonan t in the compa rative and the superlative, e.g. big/bigger/biggest. • To form the comparative and superla tive of long adjectives we pu t more or most in fron t of the adjective,

e.g. more interesting/most interesting.

Questio n word: How? + adjective How high is the building? It's 10 metres high How fast does your car go? It does 120 kilometres an hour. How heavy is your rucksack? It weighs 20 kilos. How long :s t he bus trip? It's half an hour


• The adj ective high is not used to describe people.


• Present perfect: questions with ever. short answers


1 Write quiz questions using the prompts in the box. Then answer them.

TIC ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


• ••••••••••••••• •••••••• •••••••••

ride a horse 1 sing 2 write

a love letter

3 go swimming 4 sleep 5 fall in love

6 send a Valentine card 7 eat chocolate's 8 watch

.~~.~~H.~~.~~~!"..~!~~~~.~.~~r.~~ ............................... in the snow? 1

..................... ,........ ,................................... in front of your class?


................................................................. in a foreign language? ................................................................................ at midnight?


................................................................................ on a beach?


.............................................................. ' ............... at first sight?


................................................................................. . to anyone?


........................................................................................ in bed?


.................................................................................... a sunset?



--- ­ • Comparatives of short, long and irregular adjectives

• Present perfect with never

2> Complete Pete's side of the conversation. Make sentences with never and the present perfect.


>Use t he prompts to make comparisons. Give

your opinion each time. Science

I Hist ory

difficu lt

.~~~~.'}I..!~..'!!.~.~~.~iffi.~.I!.~.!~~~.~~~~.'!.~~. ...................... Geograp hy I Malhs

Nina: I had a great t ime in the United States last year. I went to New York .



2 love I money


J coffee I tea

bad for you

4 Tom Cruise

I Hamson Ford

a good actor

I've never been to New York.

Nina: I fle w in a helicopte r.


I ............................................ .. ....... ... . . ............... ..

5 rock concerts

I football matches


Nina. I played baseball.

Pete: .'........................................................................... Nina: I we nt to Ca lifornia.


6 Bruce Willis I Sylvester Stallone


7 Demi Moore I Uma Th urm an


J . .. ..... . ..... .. .......... . ............................................... .

Nina: I took ph otos underwater.

Pete: +........ ................................................................... Nina: I sa w a whale.

Pete.: Nina: I swa m wit h dolphins.


8 ars

I motorbikes


6......................................................................... ..

Nina: I met Madonna.


7..... .. .. ......... .. ........... .... . .. ......... ... .. .... . ... .. ..... ... ... ..

Nina: I rod e horses in Texas.



I gold

chea p

8 .............................................. .. .......................... .

Nina: I visited the film studios in Hol lywood.


9 silver

~ ...........................................................................

J0 fil m stars

I doctors


Practice • Superlatives of short, long and irregular adjectives 4> Use the prompts to make questions with the superlative. Then write your own answers. Wh ich (interesting) subject at school? Q: ...~~~~.~..~.!~~.!!!~~.~~~~~~!!,!$..~.I!.~i.~~.~!.~~~~~!!..

A: .. ~.~M~~~~~~.9.~~~~: ............................................

8 Which (exciting) fi lm this year? Q: ......................................... .....................................

A: ..............................................................................

9 Who (pretty) fem ale film star in the world? Q: ............................................................................ ..

A: ............................................................................. .

which (dangerous) sport? Q: ..............................................................................

• Question word: How? + adjective A: ........................................................ .......... ........... .

2 Which (pop ular) sport in your country? Q: ..............................................................................

• Giving measurements


Read the information about the Statue of Liberty. Then complete the questions and answers.

A: ............................................................................. .

3 Which (good) new music album Lhis year? Q: ...................................................... ........................

A: ......... ... ................................................................ ..

Which (cold) month in your country? Q: .. ........................................................................... .

A: .................................................................................. .

5 Which (beauLiful) place in your ountry? Q: ..............................................................................

A: ............................................................................ ..

Height of the statue: Length of each hand: Length of the nose: Width of the mouth: Length of the right arm: Weight of the statue: Q:

93 metres Smetres 1.5 metres 8S cenNmetres . 12 metres 205.000 kilos

.!!.?~.~.~!l~.~!.~.~.~.~~~!:!. .......................................

A: It's 93 metres ..~.~!l~: ............

Q: ..............................................................................

A: It's 5 met res .......................

6 Which (boring) kind of music? Q: ............................................................................. .

2 Q:

A: H'S 1.5 metres .......................

A: ............................................................................ ..

7 Which (bad) film this year? Q: ..............................................................................

3 Q: ............................................................................. .

A: It's 85 centim etres ...................... .

4 Q:

A: It's 12 metres ..................... ..

A: ............................................................................ ..

5 Q:

A: It's very heavy! 1t weighs 205,000 kilos.' 121


I .J

Verb will for predictions and decisions Positive statements Short form I'll be back soon, He'll be back soon Th .y'l! be back soon

Long form

I will be back soon.

He will be back soon.

They will be back soon.

Negative statements

Short form Long form

I won't be long. I will not be long.

He won't be long. He will not be long.

They will not be long.

They won't be long.

• We use will an d won 't to say what we know or think will happen in the future, e.g . You'll be better in a week. I won't know anyone at the party tomorrow. • We al so use will and won't to make offe rs and decisions, e.g. We'll make supper. 1'1/ give you a lift.

Questions Will I be long?

Will he be long?

Will they be long?

Sh answers

Posit. e Yes, I will. Yes, he will. Yes, they will.

• Will and won't have t he same form for aII persons.


No, I won't.

No, he. won't.

No, they won't.

Verb should/shouldn't for advice and obligation

.In short answe rs, we can't use '11, e.g. Will you be there? Yes, I will. not ¥es, I'H.

• Should an d shouldn't are the same for aII persons.

Positive statements You shou ld stay in bed. Negative statements You shouldn't go out. Questions Should I call the doctor? Short answers Positive Yes, you shou Id. N gative No, you houldn't.

• We use should/shouldn 't to give ad vi ce. We often use sh ould with I think, e.g . I think yo u shou ld sta y in bed today. • We also use should/shouldn 't to give an opin ion abo ut what is rig ht and wron g, e.g. You shouldn't cycle on these paths. (= It's wron g to cycle on th ese paths).

• Should is not as st ro ng as must.



• Future w ith will/won't for predictions: positive and negative statements

• Future with will for predictions: positive statements and questions

1 :> Complete the conversation with will, '11 or

2:> Complete the conversation with will or '/I and the verbs and phrases (in brackets).

won't and the verb (in brackets).


Dave and I want to go camping in Britta ny th is sum mer. Do you th ink t hat

will be Mum:




(be) OK?

I ........................... .. ........


and t hen we


(you get) there?

(take) the ferry

J .....................................


Wh ere


Dave's got some friends near Nantes. We


5...................................... (

(cycl e).

(you stay)?

amp) on their

farm . Mum:

Wh at about foo d and wa ter? How 6.................. . ...................



(yo u cook)?

7 ................................... ..

every night. And we

(have) barbecues



water from the fa rm. aria:


Are you looking forward 0 your holiday in Spain?


Yes and no. I know my father ..~~!!.~p..~~.~


I ........................

day and we

(go) fishing every


t hem. My mother wa nts to visit all the


(wan t) me t o be her driver.



How much


I I ......................................

I'm not sure. But I don't thi nk it 12.... .................................


How long

(be) very expensive.


(yo u be)


Whi le I'm driving Mum around, my sister,

Kate ........................ (be) at the beach.

I think it

(th e holiday cost)?

t ouri st places but she can't drive. So she

3.. ......... .. .. .... .....

(the weath er

quite hot.

(not see)



be) like?

(spend) the who le t ime with his friends. Th ey



A month , probably.

She 5.. ........ .... .......... (meet) lots of nice

Span ish boys and I know she u.......................

(h ave) fun . I

7....................... .

Spani sh because I

(not learn) an y

8........... .. .... ...... .

(be) with

Mum all day! Then in the evenings, I know my parents


(not want) me

an d Kate to go out on our own. Holidays with the family are n't always easy!

12 3


• Future with will for decisions 3/ Write sentences with !'II for each situation, using the prompts. • call a doctor ~ mend it for you • lend you mine • lend you a T-shirt • ca ll a taxi

• • • •

do it for you get some aspirin make a sandwich phone the station

• Future with will/won't for predictions 4'; Write questions and answers with will, '11 or won't using the prompts. Q: When (you

I collect) me?

.~~~.~..'.'-:!!!.!!.'!.'!..~~p.~.~~~.~'!.~~~~.p.~!. ..................

A: I (come) at seven o'clock. I (not be) late.

"It come at seven o'clock. I won'f be late. Q: Wha t time (you / get) back from school today?

A: I (be) back by six. I ( not be) later than that.

2 Q: When (you

Your friend: can't mend his camera

I see) Angela?

A: On Saturday. I (give) her your letter then .

.~'!!. !!!.~~~. !~l'!D!!l.'!:................................................... is reeling very hungry

2 has a headache

3 Q: How (we I get) back from the ,disco?

A: We (take) a taxi. There (not be) any buses at one o'clock in t he morni ng.

3 has missed the last bus 4 Q: When (you / give) me my money back? 4 has nothing to wear to a party

5 has twisted her ankle

A: Tomorrow. Don't worry. I (not fo rg et).

6 ca n't find his dictionary 5 Q: Where (you 7 can't open the window

I park)

the car?

A: There (not be) any parking places near the cinema, so I (leave) t he ca r in Du ke Avenue.

8 doesn't know the train times


• Mixed tenses: short answers

• should/shouldn't


Give advice for each situation. using should or

7> Use the prompts to write short answers.

shouldn't. Do you know her? Your friend has a bad co ld.

Yes, I do.

.~.~~~.~..~~.t;!~.~~.9.~..~~..~~~:............................................... .

• •• •• • u

•••••••••••••• ••••• ••••• ••••••• u

............................ u


1 Will you meet me? Your friend has a headache.

Yes. ........................................................................................

............................................................................ an aspirin . 2 Your little sister has problems with her leeth.

sweets. 3 Your mother has lost her wallet ............................................................. the police station . 4

Your sister has a sore throat. ........................................................................... swimm ing.

5 Your friend is always tired. ........................................................................... bed earlier. 6 Your friend is always late for school. .. ................................................................................ earlier. 7

Your father can't sleep at night. ................................................................................... coffee.

2 Have you got a map?

No, ..................................................................."....................

3 Ca n you swim un derwater? Yes, ........................................................................................

4 Did you like it?

No, we ..................................................................................

5 Were th ere an y proble ms? Yes, ....................................................................................... .

6 Are you go in g?

No, we ..................................................................................

7 Shou ld he go?

Yes, ........................................................................................

8 Does he rem em ber me?

No, .........................................................................................

• should/shouldn't

9 Wi ll they do that?

No, ......................................................................................... 6> Complete the advice with should or shouldn't.

10 Has she seen him ?

Yes, ........................................................................................

SVNSATHt"'ct! fhe autt catt be bad for your health. Here is aOIMe advice ...

You ~!!.~~.~~. only sunbathe for half an hour on the first day of your holidays. You ......................................... sunba the at the hottest time of day. You ......................................... always wear a good sunscreen. You ......................................... go to sleep in the sun. ,

You ......................................... always wear sunglasses. You ......................................... drink lots of water in hot weather.

11 Sho uld I phon e hi m?

No, ......................................................................................... '2 Was she interested? Yes, ........................................................................................

Unit 14 Verb have to: present simple Positive statemen ts I/You have to do he cooking.

He/She has to do the cooking.

We{They have to do the cooking.

I have to do the washing-up every evening (= It's the rul e).

Negative statements I/You don't hav to do the washing-up. He/She doesn't have to do the wash ing-up. We/They don' t have to do the washing-up.

Questions Do I/you have to do the cleaning? Does he/she have to do the cleaning? Do we/they have to do the clea ning? Short answers



Yes, I/You do.

No, I/you don't.

No, he/she doesn't

No, we/they don't.

Yr he/she does. Ye!>,

e/they do.

• We use have to when we talk about an external rule, situation or ro utine, e.g.

Verb have to: past simple Positive statements

• We use must when we talk about wh at we feel is necessary, e.g. My ha fr's dirty. I must wash it tonight (= I th ink it's necessary).

• Don't have to and mustn't have completely different meanings. Don 't have to means there is no obl igation, mustn't means there is a negative obligation.

You don't have to = You can do it if you want but it isn 't necessary e.g. There 's no school tomorrow so I

don't have to get up early.

You mustn 't = Don't

e.g. Please be there by 3. You mustn't be late.

l/you had to do the cooking.

He/She had to do the cooking.

We/They had to do the cooking .

Negative statements

I/You didn't have to do the washing- up.

He/She didn't have to do the washing-up.

W /They didn't have to do the washing -up.


Old I/you have to do the cleaning?

Did he/she have to do the cleaning?

Did we/they have to do the clean ing?

Short answers Positive


Yes, I/you did. Yes, he/she did. Yes, we/they did.

No, I/you didn't. No, he/she didn't. No, we/they didn't.

• We use had to to talk about obligations in the past, e.g. Yesterday I had to get up at 5 a.m. . We can use mustto talk about oblig ations in the present or future but not the past.


• have to: positive and negative statements


1 Write sentences about each person's job. Use has/have to or doesn't/don't have to.

• have to: positive and negative statements

2> Fill in the blanks with have to or don't have to.


'8tft1pu!!J Rot:r~

Ox/i.ra' '30//y

Lorry driver

She has to

have a driving licence.

She ................................................................ stand a lot. 2 She ................................................. wear smart clothes.

3 She sometimes ..................................... work at night.



4 They ................................................................... eat a lot.

S They .................................................................. be strong.

6 They................................................................ wea r a t ie.

~~8iitt" Flight


7 He ......................................................... travel in his j ob.

8 He .......................................................... wear a uniform .

9 He ............................................................. be very polite.

10 He ................................................ pay for plane tickets.


Practice • had to: questions, positive and negative

• have to: questions and answers



3 Complete the questions with have to and the correct verb from the list. Then write true answers.

4> Put the sentences in the past simple. Sh e has to do the washi ng - up.


• ask • be • dean ~. get up • stand up • wear • be • do

Does he have to buy a ticket?

What jobs .~~.J!.~!!.. ~.~!.~~.~.c!' .................... at home?


.~.~~~~.~~.~.c!'.~~~.~.~~.~!~y!.~':'.p...~~.'1!..~!f!.~.~: ....................

I don't have to get up early.

What time ............................................................................ home in the evenings? 2 They have to be home by midn igh t.

2 How many hours of homework .....................................

............................................................................ every day?


Dave has to do t he iro ning.

3 How often ............................................................................ your room? 4 Does Anna have to take the tra in to work?

4 ..................................................................................................

our parents before you go out in the evening?


5 They don't have to help in th e ho use. 5 What t ime ............................................................................ in the morn ing? 6 Bob doesn't have to do the cooking. 6 What time ............................................................................ at school? 7 Do you have to ti dy up the room? 7 ................................................................................................. .

school uniform? 8 I don 't have to wear a uniform. 8 At your school, .................................................................... when a teacher comes into the room?

• have to/had to: questions

• have to/had to: questions and answers 5) Complete the conversations with

have to or had to.

6> Read the passage then write questions for the answers. Most french hpys have lit1 milllar} , vwc \' en Lhey' 1 '11;11 means the)' hn to _lay in lb' atTn), ror aboUl ;1 y Jr 1 he>' htl 't: to wl..'ar anl1)' uniform ll)

1 Leila:

I tried to get a part in a N advertisement last week.

Jenny : Wh at (you) ..~~~~?l!..~~~~..t.~.................. say? leila:

I ,.................................................. say 'Spl ash is my favourite perfume:

Jenny: What else (you) leila: I


1. ....... . .. .... ... . .. . .. .. ...........


smile and

look in the mirror. I was pleased because I '1 ..... ............. . ........ .. . .. ..... .. . .. ....... .

wear any

and lhey hav' I , hve In alTI1Y buildm JS. ,I OlIVIer was in thl: army last y'~:lr nd he didn't enjoy il. 'The un irnrm \ ~n I lhe W NSt lhing. lYe had lO g~ t u p l.l lh e cwry lTl rnin~. Fi\ 1 em you belie\ C It:> 1 lutl.d thm. Thl good I m):', \ as l h t e 'ercise. I g 1 \ cry nI hr:,llhy. \'\. 1 momin > we had 1.0 run j ') II1l.nlC.:lres .vilh ,\ h "1,) bag m our 1 acks . Wh I \\;e gnl back, "ve had l lal e a LOld



!:>hl \\ L1'.

Il sound funny h UI I !ca.med a lot , b~)Ul cu(, h.i g in Lilt? ilrmy J had to work Ir1 Ihe I itehen for aboul t \ ' j moo . I 11 lei to prepare ahout 50 kilos of POL, loes for lunc h \.. 'cry day.'

Splash perfume. I hate it! It's real ly strong . Jenny: Did you get the part? leila:

I don't know yet. I

5............................... .. .... ..

They have to do military service.

call them at one o'clock today.

How long .......,. ,...................................................................

2 Mark: We had our Span ish exam yesterday. Alan:

What (you)

Mark: We

For about a year. do?

6 ...........................................

'7 ..................................................

read a

2 What ..................................................................................... They have to wear army uniform .


3 Whe re ................................................................................... They have to live in army buildings.


4 What t ime ........................................................................... At f ive every morn ing.

pa ssage and answer questions. Alan:



an essay? Mark: No, we

9.................. .... .. .... .. .... .. ..............

S How f ar ................................................. very morning?

any writing. It was the oral exam.


Fift een kil ometres.

So you can forget about Spanish!

Mark: No. We

10................................... .... ...........

the writing exams now.

What ..~.~.~~~..~~~.'!.~~ ..~~!!.~..~~.~.~..~~..~~............ when

t hey're 18?


6 Wha t ............................................ whe n t hey got back? They had t o take a co ld sho wer. 7 Whe re .................................................. for two months? In th e kitchen. S What ................................................................ for lu nch? Abo ut 50 ki los of potatoes.


Unit 16

would like + infinitive with to for invitations. suggestions, polite responses Would you like to go bowling on Saturday?

Where woul d you like to sit?

I'd like to Si t next to you.

would prefer + infinitive with to to express preferences Would you prefer to meet at my flat or at t he cafe?

Which would y u prefer to do: go bowling or go to

the disco?

I'd prefer to go to the disco.

• We can write the contracted fo rm 'd in statements but not in questions, e.g. What would you like to do on Sunday? not Wflet'e ,'91:1 like ffJ e9 9RSI:JREie,'?

• Would prefer and would rather mean the same. • Wo uld prefer is followed by an infinitive with to. • Would rather is followed by an infinitive without fe:

would rather + infinitive without to to express preferences f'd I,er go to the disco. Woul you rather meet at my f lat or at the C'a e' 7 Which would you rather do: go bow li ng or go to the disco?

The imperative with never ahd a/ways for instru ctions and advice Always wear a good sunscreen. Never sleep in th e sun.


• Never and always come before the imperative.


• would ra ther: questions and answers

• would like, would prefer: questions and



2 Use the prompts to write questions. Then answer them. Which

I be : rock star / film star?

..~~~£~..~~.~~~.p.~.~.~~~.~!..~~:.~..~'?~~.~~~.~!':..~ ...........

.!!.~'!!..~~!':!. .............................................................................

I'd rather be a ... Which I be: artist / en gineer?


>Use the prompts to write questions with

would ... like to and answers with ... 'd prefer to.


I go

to an art exhib ition?

..~'?~.~~.V'?~..~~~~..~~..!I.~..~~..~.~.. ~.'!.~l!.~!.~~~~~.? ...............

2 Wh at / do: play golf / learn to paraglide?

go shopping


they I see a musical?

3 Who / meet: Brad Pi tt / Prince Charles?

go to the circus

2 you

I meet at the disco?

4 What / see : a ghost / a wh ale?

meet at Alice's house

3 she

I go sail ing

on Saturday?

5 What

I read : old

love letters / a book about cars?

go on Sunday 6 How / travel: in a balloon / by plane? 4 they I have a picnic in the park?

have a barbecue on the beach 7 Where / live : in a skyscra per in New York / in a little house in the country? 5 you / go out for a meal?

.stay in toni ght

13 1

• Imperatives with never and always

• would like, would prefer, would rather: questions and answers


3 Complete the conversation with the correct form of would like to, would prefer to or would rather.

4> Complete the health club rules using never or a/ways and the verbs below. • eat • leave • leave • lock • pu t • stop • wear • wear • take


James: (you like) ...~?~~!~.y..?~.P~~..~~............................. do someth ing this weekend?

~.~~~.Y.s..~~.~~ your membership card at reception.

Carol: Sure. (I like) t .............................................. do some kind of sport.

............................... .. ............. money in the changi ng roo m.

James: OK. (you like)



. 7

............................................................ go sWimming.

Car I: (I prefer) tenn is.



James: Fine . (you rather) 4.................................... . .............. .. play at the courts nea r my house or the ones in the park? Carol: (I rather)

5.............................. .. ... .

James: When (you prefer)

play in the park.


................................. play: on Saturday, or Sunday afternoon? Carol: Well, when (you like) play? You choose.

.J ..............................................

James: I thi nk (I rather) B................... ..... ........... .. .................. play on Saturday if that's OK with you . Carol:


Brilliant! See you on Saturday.

2 ................. .. ... ............ ........ th e lockers in the changi ng roo ms.

3 .................................. street sh oes in the gym. .. .. .. .. ............. .. ............ ... comfortable clothes in th e gym.

S ....................................... fo od in the gym. G ....................... .. ...... .... .. .. if you feel faint.

7 ........................ ..... .. ..... . eq uipment out of thegym .

8 ..................................... weights on the floor. 9 ....................................... wei ghts in the box when you havefini shed.

Unit 17

First conditional if clause + '11 (will)/won't If you're late, I'll go WI hout you. I'!! go without you if you're late.

If we go by ttl i, it won't take long. It won't take! n if we go by taxi.

e ln f irst conditiona l sente nces, the verb in th if clause is always in the present si mp le tense. The verb in the main clause is in th e fu ture simple (wOn tense, e.g. If it rains, we'll go by taxi. not: !fit wi/! ."BiR, '!Ie'N fJB By MHL

If you don't want the ticket, I'll have it I'll have the L1cke if you don't want it e When the jf cl ause comes fi rst, we se parate it from the mai n clause wi th a comm a, e.g. If you're late, I'll go without you. e When the main cla use comes first, t he re is no co mma between it and the jf clause e.g. 1'1/ go without you if you're late.

Adverbs of manner Regular adverbs



angry bad careful asy ternble loud qUick slow

angrily badly carefully easily terribly loudly quickly slowly

e We form regul ar adverbs of ma nner by add ing Iy or ily to t he adjective e.g. slow/slowly, heavy/heavily. When we fo rm an adverb from an adjective ending in Ie, we delete the to and add y e.g. sensible/sensibly.

Irregular adverbs Adverb Adjective early











• First conditional

2> Write sentences from tht punctuate the sentences.

1 / Write sentences using the verbs in (brackets). If I ... Sue, I ... her your message. (see

I give)

..'f..~.~~~.~~.~!.. ~.~~~.!!.~~~.~.~r..~'!.~.~..~.~~.l!.!!~: .........................

Jim ... annoyed if we ... late again . (be

I be)

.!!~.~!!.~.~~..l!.~.'.'.~~~.~.if..~~.~~~..~~~~..~!!.l!.~~.: .................... You ... hu ngry if you ... any breakfast.

(be I not have)

2 I ... very su rprised if you ... the test. (be I not pass)

won 't / doesn't / eat / if / it / he / li ke / He

I it

..'!~..~'!.~.:~..~~~..~~.!f~.~.~~.~~.:~..~~~~.!.~: ................................

3 If you ... a party, I ... you al l my CDs. (have ! Iend)

go / If / me on / Monday / out / phone want / you

I to I

2 do / if / it / on / rains / Saturday / What / will/you 4 He ... about it if you ... him . (not know / not tell)

5 If she ... soo n, I ... withou t her. (not arrive! go)

6 If he ... better tomorrow, I ... the doctor. (not be ! call)

7 There ... time for a swim if we ... now. (not be / not leave)

8 I ... if I ... another cup of coffee. (not sleep / drink)


3 barbecue / have / if / it / on / rains on Saturday / Sunday / the / We'll

4 be / com e / fun / holiday / if / It'll/ on I us / wi t h / yo u

5 arrive soon / doesn't / if / My pa ren ts / to the station / take / taxi / the / will/you

6 fi lms / If / like / Nightmare / sca rey / you you' ll love







Practice 3

First conditional: questions and answers

3.1 Match the problems with the solutions. Then write questions and answers about the bike trip.

Mrs Fox:



Mrs Fox:



Mrs Fox:

Martin: 6

Mrs Fox:


fee l cold in the evening

1 get lost 2 have pro blems with t he bikes 3 have an accident 4

not find a campsite get tired

5 6 lose all yo ur money

o o

4> Write adverbs in the chart. Then complete each sentence with the correct adverb.


o o

o o



. ~~.~~~!!!.................................

dang erous ea rly fast

a) ca mp near the road. b) make a fire.



• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n




c) have t o walk!

ha rd

d) ph one you and ask f or some more!


e) look at the map.

n sto p and rest for a few hours.


g) get hel p.

He's a bad driver. He drives really ................................

Mrs Fox: ..~~~.~.~~~~.~.'?~..~~..if.!!.~.~f~~~..~.?~~..~~ .........

Martin: Mrs Fox:

.~~~.~~~.~~!l.!. ..................... ............................... ~(~!..~~~~ ...~.fi..~~:...........................................


Sh e has worked ................................ so I t hink she'll do ............................... in the exam .

3 She was tired because she went t o bed ............................... last night. 4

If we walk ..............................., we'll be t he re in two minutes.

Martin: 2 Mrs Fox :

5 Drive .~~.~1.!-!.!!~:............. There are some ch ild ren playing.



Let's get up ............................... and go f or a run before breakfast.


This is a li brary. Please talk ...............................


The passive: present simple Positive statements

Coffee IS grow n In South America.

It IS shipped to other countries around the world.

Oranges are grown in Portugal.

e Ta make the present simpl e passive, we use the present tense of the verb to be an d t he past participle of th e main verb.

Negative statements Coffee isn't grown in the UK.

It Isn't shipped to South America.

Oranges aren't grown in the UK.

Questions Is coffee grown in South America? Is it shipped to other countries? Are oranges rown In Portugal?

e We often use the pa ssive wh en we don't know or don 't care who does the action, e.g. Is the room clean ed every day?

Short answers Positive Yes, It is.

Yes, yare.


No, it isn 't.

No, they aren't.

The passive with by The idea is developed by a film company. The nce is picked by machine.


e If we want to say who or wha t does t he action, we use by, e.g. Th e room is cleaned by the students every day.


• Present simple passive: positive statements

• Present sImple passive: positive and negative statements


1 Complete the sentences with the present simple passive of the verbs (in brackets).


2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb from the box in the present simple passive.

The windows (not clean) very often.

• grow • leave • usually keep • make • show E ften ~ • show • teach • someti mes se ll • use


These rooms (not use) very often.

2 Th is shampoo (not test) on animals.

3 This newspaper (read) by two million people every day.


Paper (make) from wood.

5 A lot of coffee (produce) in Brazil. In Britain, chips .. ~~~..~ft..~~ ..~.'!.~~~... with vinegar. Cheese ............................................................. from milk. 6 Some of the best chocolate (make) in Belg ium. 2 A ci nema is a place where fil ms .................................. 3 7 These gates (not lock) at night

In most


the animal s ............................ in cages.

4 Ora nges ............................................ in so uthern Spain . 5 Books ............................................................................... in su perm arkets. 6 In some pa rts of Australia, chi ldren ............................

8 The same jokes (tell) in every country. ............................................. by radio. 7 Dogs .......................................... by the police to catch crim inals. 8 A gallery is a place where pictures 9 Every year thousands of umbrellas on trai ns in Britain. 137

Practice • Present simple passive

3> Rewrite th ese sentences in the passive. Leave out the words in brackets.


Did you know that half the people in the world eat rice every day? Here are some more facts about rice. (The world) produces 520 million tonnes of rice a year. 1 (They) grow and eat 90% of the world' rice i n Asia.

2 (You) need warm wet weather to grow rice. 3 (People) plant most of the world's rice by hand .

4 In Japan and the USA (they) lise machines to harvest the rice 5 A t weddings, (people) throw rice allhe new couple.

1 .......................................... ..........................................................

2 ......... ... .. .. .......... ..... ........ .......................... ....... ............ ............... .

3 ....... ........................................................................................... ..

4 ... .................................................... .. ... ........................................

5 ....... .. .......... ...... ..... .... ........... ....... ...... ................ ...... ................... .


Practice Present simple passive: questions and answers

4> Match the words in Box A to the words in Box B. Then write questions and answers in the present ------~ simple passive.


a) in Spain

1 Valentine cards (send) ..........


b) in China

2 tortilla (eat) ...........................


c) every 4 years

3 Swahili (speak) ... ..................


d) in February

4 Mercedes cars (make) ..........


e) in Germany

cricket (play) ................ .........

0 6 a Boeing 747 (call) .. .............. 0 7 pandas (find).... ..................... 0 8 kimonos (wear) ..................... 0 5 the Olympic Games (hold) .....

Q: ..~~~~..~~..~.~!.~~.~.p.~~~!.~.~!.

g) a jumbo jet h) in Kenya

............ .................................

A: ..~~.'~.p..~~.Y.~~ .!~.. ~.~~.~~~~.~.~:.........................................


f) in Japan

Q: ...........................................................................................

5 Q: ...........................................................................................

A: ...........................................................................................

A: ...........................................................................................

Q: ...........................................................................................

6 Q: .................................................................................. .. .......

A: ...........................................................................................

A: ...........................................................................................

3 Q: ................................................................................ .. .........


A: ........................................................................................... 4 Q: ...........................................................................................

A: ...........................................................................................

Q: ...........................................................................................

A: ...........................................................................................


Q: .... .......................................................................................

A: . ~ .........................................................................................


The passive: past simple Positive statements I was hit by a car. You were hit by a car.

HelShe/it was hi by a cal.

We were hit by a car.

They were hit by a car.

• To make the past si mple passive, we use the past tense of t he verb to be and past participle of t he main verb.

Negative statements

I wasn't hit by a bike.

You weren't hit by a bike.

He/She/It wasn't hit by a bike.

W weren't hit by a bike.

They weren't hit by a bike.

Questions Short answers Was I hurt? Wer you hurt? Was he/she/it hurt? Were w hurt? Were they hurt? 'tive y S, you were. Yes, I was. Yes, he/she/it was. 'Yes, we were. 'Yes, they were.

Negative No, you weren't. No, I wasn't. No, he/she/it wasn't. No, we weren't. No, hey weren't.

much, many, a lot of Positive statements

Sit had a lot of money.

e.y had a lot of bags. A lot of people knew about it.

Negative statements

She didn't have much time,

Th didn't have many friends.


Was there much room?

Were h re many people?

How much roan was there?

How many peopl were there?


• We use much with uncountable nouns and many with co untable nouns. • A lot of can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns.

• We often use much and many in negative statem ents, e.g. I didn't see many children in the park. I didn't drink much coffee this morn ing. • We often use much and many in questio ns.

Practice 5 Q:

• Past simple passive: positive statements

, ;- Match the objects to the people. Then write sentences in the simple past passive using the verbs.

Jurassic Park

iJ :=J

2 The Eiffel Tower


3 The Sherlock Holmes stories


4 Mickey Mouse

[J ,-J

The 'Mona Lisa'

5 The Pyram ids


The telephone


b) Arthur Conan Doyle

6 Q: A:


• Past simple passive


• drive • introduce • invent ~ rwi§). meet • show • take • teach • write

c) Gustav Eiffel d) The Egyptia ns


........................................................................................ .

2 Complete the passage with the correct verb in the past simple passive.

a} Alexa nder Graham Bell

e) Leonardo oa Vinci



Steven Spielberg

2 We'JlL ~~ ~1Ii -+G.. e -tnA pi As ~

g) Wa lt Disney • create • direct • build (x2) • invent

9 · write

. ~~'!.:.P..~!.'!.~~~.~J!.? ................

Q: .. ~~~. ~~..~~.~..:~~.r:r.~

. .

A: ..!.~.~.. :~~.'!.~ ~~'!.: ~~~.p.~~~.~~~..~!!...~~.?~.'!.~~~......... Da Vinci. Q: ..........................................................................................

A: ..........................................................................................


gell..e. ~se we., u JoVlQ. J~~~~~ ..................... to- rPo ttr\ e(~IAt1ff wi~ a J~l'\eM fut sdto-uf We 1.. .............................. .. ~+ 1~~ ainpc1l ~ ~e ~JteoJ.eK; iYl (S ~!A~~ {~ we. 2................................... to /'e 1IIJ'e tilLL

uPe~ Itt. ~ ~)(I . :r WM ';WlrJl1w J ~S~ ~e<j J,uve 6)'\ ~e ~~t Vt 111ft\I'I JtA~ l./\ trt.gW Ai +Pre cafl~ we, 3.. .. . .... .. ....................... fq tre

J~e~ sffiJ/Mk

1'lviN.- tdf ~ ~wJ4 ·

Pt -#ie ~ n:J we, 2 Q:

tff t< S/.W!.(f ~ . 2 /000

A: .......................................................................................... 3 Q:

A: ..........................................................................................

4 Q:

4...... . .., ........................

'-gW'YIO 5................................. .

~s ~ lXJ wrn ~ ~~t 7 ~e-

JW.Pe<; 6................................. in

~e sevUl(~

eenJ-Wlfj .!It ~~e- Jt»Js,~eJ7e

w-€1lR , WdmMl­

5u.n! o wtesH8?s

1~e 'l1e-xt ~ we.

aIlou.n; ~e uU! fMf JOftVl£se-

7 ..................................

1~/3M" J WZf5 ~e .fc-r lfIJIl. a55. We- .8........ .. ........... .. ....... ... .

Some- tAst/uPwrnJs ~f r've frn;rlteA- ~em. f

A: .......................................................................................... 14 1


• much, many. a Jot of

• Past simple passive: questions

3/' Rewrite these questions in the passive. Leave out the words in brackets.

4> Complete the first part of the sentences with much. many or a lot of. Then match the sentence halves and write complete sentences.

There weren't very ..~.~~,I!. .......... people

5 How ....................... time do you spend

0 0 0 0 D

6 How ....................... times a week


7 I don't know very ....................... songs by


How ....................... room is th ere in 2 I always have ....................... ho mework 3 How ....................... people were hurt 4 Yo u made ....................... noise outside

8 He didn't have very ....................... to say

a) abo ut his holiday. b) at the gym?

Where did (they) find the diamond?

c) in the car accident?

..~~~r.~.~~~..~~.~..~~~.~!!.':!~ff!.L!:~.~?.... ................................

d) do you play tennis?

Did (somebody) see us?

e) Georg e Michael. f)

at th e pa rty.


g) my room last night.

2 When did (they) build Stone henge?

h) the fridge? i)

to do at wee kends.

3 Did (they) invite you to the party?

..!.~~~~.~~~~~.'.~.~~~.."!:!~.,:!.y..p.~~p.~~.~.~.~~~.p.~r.w............ 4 Where did (t hey) buy the car?

2 ................................................................................................. 5 How did (he) break the television 7

3 ................................................................................................. 4

............................................................................................... ..

5 ................................................................................................. 6 Did (he) hurt anybody?

7 Why did (th ey) tel l her?

8 When did (somebody) steal your money?

9 What did (they) leave in the suitcase? 142

6 ................................................................................................. 7



................................................................................................ .


• much, many, a lot of


. h WIt

Complete the letter

h many or a lot of. mue,


5 Beedzcrojt "[)over

Ked 12 May

TJeo. r Ilfla,

(llUl CJ)s.

the photos 't !~ .!I(JU. ) (1fILf there are! 't aot (M/ljf CD!!.. 1......... 5 here. SO

kr v'

I hcwen- ,., orxi mtJ$/C $'"'('

1 ............. ........... 9 haM!J 1- get /;heIn. t(fW1l .

I umf> reoJl;:I to k/lC1W' aJ.,md ~ : _/, # LI(JU. f..IIW'Iled bull uwu<­ ,..J' t:-d'fT! [cmdm , . 'c very {Q

Jt~ not for 1".

....//tre . There l,Sn 't . ;5 ver):/ bunfl.9 ,--- and t,het'e wen it a to do here harz3 2 ... ..................... ccroi rzJace.s Co


ih;;.·~~'j~~ r-uile

4 ....



o;:;.ir1.fj oJlices an:' ~.=


I've aot qu.i.U ..... qn;tA I ,$~ .,.;;J

in [pru:lim

and Last



..2 time with ~ . At the

~ I don't have ve;y 7 ...................... .. foe 'it./ne because I am revz"~ fin- n;y Sl.U1'V71U eKams. It s r~ ~fn:J i>eawse myr best fi-iend, S USdAJIa, hQSn't got e.t:ams this !:Iear .so she hQ.sr/'t got very ..... .. .................. Work

to do .

JI1 the Summer hq{;~s Im.!l~ tlJ wurk in a cajii. 7JI.~ ebn't PO;!! ~ 9............. ........... but it's better tha" nothi."}9. I need tv.5a.l.le 10. ......... ......... ..... I??ane::I to

f'a!I.for' r1I:!I ~ to S p0.i4.

7hats almut it. .1- haven't !Jot very "........................ news 10 teIL.!JOU.. But

rrn rea/J;! Umk0:J foWlV'd to .!Jt'4 in Se;uem ~ Lot$ 0/ love.




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