3 December 2009
The ParaNexus Newsletter
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© 2009 by ParaNexus.org. Editor: David Desjardins CD This Newsletter is distributed free of charge to anyone interested. Please visit ParaNexus.org to subscribe. Serious article submissions welcome. Please send subm i s s i o n s t o
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- Responsible Research: “Experts”… 2
Results From the Cedar Key Investigation
Theoretical Physics and the Paranormal—Are We Looking in the Right Dimension?
Belief and the Existence of Ghosts, Demons and Possession
Time Slips and Residual Hauntings—Possible Explanations For Ghosts?
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T h e o r e t i c a l P h y s i c s a n d t h e A r e w e l o o k i n g i n t h e r i g h t B y
D a v i d
D e s j a r d i n s
Scientists have long theorized the existence of multiple dimensions of space and time. String theory, revolutionized the way we look at multiple dimensions and M Theory reinforced and augmented the five string theories combining them into a common theory containing 11 different dimensions. We as humans live in 3 (x.y.z) spatial dimensions with an additional one being time (t), for a total of four, although, some may argue that time has no direct bearing on the number of our dimensions and that we should be relegated to the 3 spatial dimensions. Regardless of whether we live in three or four dimensions, it has no direct bearing to what I propose so we can leave that debate for another time (no pun intended). M theory has made the possibility of parallel universes feasible in the scientific world. Some of these parallel universes, it is postulated, can be very close to our own 3 (or 4) dimensional universe, but such that we are not aware of them. As far as the composition of these universes, one can only speculate. They may hold completely different laws of nature and matter, some, may hold sentient life, but again, speculation.
P a r a n o r m a l D i m e n s i o n ? C D
Another scientific law relevant to my proposed theory is the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that energy can be transformed, in that, it can be changed from one form to another, but, cannot be created nor destroyed. Many years ago it was discovered that living matter, specifically humans, in this case, are comprised of electric and electromagnetic fields. A scientist by the name of Einthoven was first to document electromagnetic fields in the heart, a discovery which later led to the electrocardiogram and a Nobel Prize for his discoveries in 1942. Nearly a quarter of a century later, another scientist by the name of Berger would measure electrical impulses in the brain, leading to today‟s electroencephalography. Why am I telling you all this? So that I have clearly established rules of scientific law which have direct correlation to my theory. Without such laws no theory would hold merit for consideration. Now that we have the historical and scientific explanations out of the way, let‟s step outside the box and consider the following. We have already established the human species contains energy; that energy cannot be destroyed but, can be transferred; and that parallel universes are theoretically possible. Based on these facts, is
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it possible that we are researching intelligent hauntings or possible visitations in the wrong manner? Residual hauntings are well documented to be an energy imprint in time, which, in essence replays itself over and over. In this case we have energy (e), and time (t), interacting with our three other dimensions (x,y,z). This in itself is fairly non conclusive to what I‟ll be getting to, however, it does demonstrate theoretically, how multiple dimensions may interact with one another. Given the pre-established laws and the example of dimensional interaction, can we speculate that intelligent hauntings are not necessarily the voice of the dearly departed, who are trapped here due to their manner of death or other unfortunate circumstance; but perhaps a form of multi dimensional energy, or being, residing in a parallel universe attempting to communicate. EVP researchers have indicated precursor sounds, click, pops and others, which have no environmental explanations prior to the capture of disembodied voices. Is it possible that these sounds are a “window” of communication opening and closing?
As we are comprised of energy to a certain degree, where does this energy go if not destroyed? The First Law of Thermodynamics clearly states that it cannot. Can one speculate the possibility that it may travel to one of these “alternate” universes or dimensions just out of our view? If so, there would have to be a means of transfer, potentially working both directions allowing for communication from one side (dimension/ universe) to another or as a form of free travel from our dimensions to another. I know for fact that I‟m not alone in my way of thinking, however, as I‟ve been told; this form of radical thinking is not always popular inside the scientific community. Being one that has never really cared about popularity, I say it‟s time to step it up a notch or two, take a giant leap outside the box and take it under consideration. If everyone was afraid of poplar opinion, where would we be in life? Think about it. I throw this out for consideration and discussion. It is not a proven fact, simply one person‟s theory. I would invite anyone that disagrees with this to write in and let me know your thoughts, however, please keep it professional, factual, and on topic. This is to stimulate a mental process, not cause arguments. Although debates can be fun too.
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a n d t h e E x i s t e n c e o f D e m o n s a n d P o s s e s s i o n K e l l e y ,
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monic possession, and it
When considering ghosts in all their diverse forms, explains why certain people seem to be Leading Paranormal Investigator one fact comes clearly to the fore: Many people, in- especially vulnerable. Certification cluding “authorities,” paranormal investigators, and Course (CLPI) religionists, have many differing and often conflicting But what about people who don‟t theories about what is actually happening. believe in ghosts that have witnessed Learn how to be n effective them? Again, it comes down to a per- aleader. This is a Some believe in demonic possession from Malevo- son‟s own belief system. Consider my c o m p r e h e n s i v e lent Inhuman Spirits (MIS); some don‟t. Some believe own life-experience. For 40 years of my leadership course that is useful for that “demons” are fallen angels; some don‟t. Some life, I was a Christian and strongly be- secular applicabelieve that the clergy can exorcise spirits; some lieved in the existence of demons. But tions as well. never find a don‟t. Some believe that simply calling on God‟s never once did I witness any paranormal You'll comparable leadname and/or Jesus‟ name will immediately stop activity. Not once. Why? Because I ership course at demo nic a cti vi t y; s o me do n ‟t . also strongly believed that this tuition! “In the absence of God protected me. Whether The ironic fact of the matter is that God protected me or not is a moot point positive proof, they are all correct. How can this be? because I believed He protected me, and it whether spirit became so. entities exist or I have come to believe from my redon’t exist, search and investigation that it all boils After leaving Christianity in 1999, my down to one irrefutable fact: Nobody--and I latent interest in all things paranormal exthinking-and mean nobody--truly knows what in the hell ploded. I‟ve had psychic readings, Tarot therefore beliefis going on. That‟s why we are paranormal Card readings, used Ouija boards, particimakes it so.” “investigators.” We want to find out. pated in séances, learned hypnosis, done -Doug Kelley past-life regressions, investigated the paraWhile there is no question that somenormal including inviting spirits to commuthing is going on in the world of hauntings, most nicate with me, and other activities that I would paranormal events can be explained by natural occur- have previously run away from. In fact, I have outrences. And in most cases, I believe that it comes right invited any and all spirits—benevolent or dedown to a person's beliefs and belief system, and this monic—to make their presence known. Even with all includes the various beliefs of paranormal investiga- of this, I have never once had a problem of any kind tors. Some believe in demons or Malevolent Inhuman with demonic or ghost activity, let alone attempted Spirits; others don't. Some believe that Ouija boards, possession. Why? What has protected me since I leavTarot cards, and Psychics, etc., can open up the ing Christianity (and therefore “God”)? The same channels to demonic possession, others don't. thing that has always protected me: Strong belief. If individuals truly believe that they can be possessed by a demon, then it is true FOR THEM. If they don't believe, then it is NOT TRUE FOR THEM. If a person believes that God or Jesus will save them from an evil spirit, then it is TRUE FOR THEM. If they don‟t believe in evil spirits, then it is NOT TRUE FOR THEM.
Fervent, passionate, and zealous beliefs are powerful. This includes the beliefs you hold about yourself. This is why I also feel that regardless of whether a spirit is real or not, most paranormal events can be resolved with a healthy self-concept, a robust selfesteem, and a strong and sound mind. In other words, before we can get rid of the demons in our outside There is nothing more powerful in this universe world, we must first get rid of any “demons” in our than a person‟s individual beliefs, and herein lies a inside world. key to understanding ghosts, Malevolent Inhuman Spirits, demons, or whatever: Whether they can People can be “possessed” by many things, includbother you or not, your belief or disbelief makes it so ing other people. However, I believe that when a per(to adapt a quote by Shakespeare). This conclusion son is “self-possessed,” they cannot be possessed by seems to be the only common denominator among the any other entity--human or otherwise. If Malevolent numerous and varied reports of hauntings and de-
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Inhuman Spirits exist, they are described as aggressive. As with aggressive human beings, the only thing that truly works is standing up for oneself. Aggressive entities--human or otherwise--only understand one language: strength and directness. Aggressive people do not respect others who do not stand up for themselves. This is why bullies target what they consider to be easy victims who will not put up a fight. Can "bully" spirits be any different? Strength of character, mind, and personality is key. So, whether ghosts and spirits exist or not, they certainly do for believers, and don‟t for nonbelievers. As for many others, and myself, the jury is still out on this one. We shall continue to explore and investigate until we can prove it one way or another. T i m e
S l i p s a n d R e s i d u a l E x p l a n a t i o n f o r
H a u n t i n g s - P o s s i b l e H a u n t i n g s ?
By Patty Scott
The topics of Time Slips and Residual Hauntings have been mentioned a lot recently, so we have decided to research these areas and follow up this article with group discussion on the site. The usual explanation given by paranormal investigators for this phenomenon is as follows: A residual haunting is an event repeating itself in time in an endless loop, much like playing back a tape on a recorder. It could be that this event was so violent that it was imprinted in its surroundings, and much like a magnetic tape carrying scenes from a film, or a tape recorder recording voices, it will playback the event repeatedly. The scene that the human being sees in a residual haunting usually involves people who no longer exist, but are these people ghosts or spirits? According to paranormal investigators they are not ghosts or spirits. They are just figments of the past, stored in the place or atmosphere. If this is the case, then why is it that this tape does not play endlessly without interruption? Why is it that only a few people witness residual hauntings while many do not? Compare residual hauntings to cassette or film recordings, which are available to all of us without exception by simply pressing a button on a remote control, whereas residual hauntings cannot be accessed in this way. They need to be „triggered‟ by something in order to be viewed by a person and are not available to everybody all the time. This variable is what makes people wonder about the whole residual haunting or stone-tape theory in the paranormal world and outside the paranormal world as well. Some researchers have gone on to say that it depends on the rock or stone in a haunted location. Limestone and different kinds of rocks or quartz stones may act as a catalyst, thus allowing the residual haunting to
take place. Others say that the electromagnetic field is the trigger and high spikes can cause the tape to play back. Still others offer the explanation of underground water as the principal catalyst. Whatever the cause, the truth of the matter is that nobody knows why or how residual hauntings occur. Are residual hauntings always violent? The general rule apparently tells us they are. Examples of residual hauntings are bloody scenes in battlefields, and reenacted murders, moments of anguish and despair; anything that would give off enough energy to „record‟ in a location through time. However we also have come across non-violent scenes, such as apparent ghosts walking through buildings with purpose, or going through daily routines. In these cases, we see an apparition and not a scene before us. Even though they are not horrifying nor terrible, running across people whom you think are alive that are performing duties like cleaning the floor, and who don‟t stop or acknowledge your existence is a bit nerve-racking. Particularly if the person cleaning the floor suddenly vanishes after you‟ve asked them a question! So, we have to conclude that residual hauntings can be violent or non-violent in nature, and contrary to what some people affirm, do NOT have to be murder or battlefield scenes. Time slips on the other hand are something entirely different. Where as in a residual haunting the people do not acknowledge you and go about their business, in a time slip, you may find yourself in a scene from the past and are able to interact with the people in the scene! As an example, allow me to include the story of Frank and his step back in time in Bold Street in Liverpool, England. This is taken from “ON THE EDGE OF TIME: The
Mystery of Time Slips” by Tim Swartz and illustrates perfectly what a time slip is. Check out the link at the end of this article, and after reading the source you will see that Bold Street seems to be a place where this break in time has occurred more than once. “On a sunny Saturday noon in July 1996, Frank and his wife Carol were visiting Liverpool‟s Bold Street area for some shopping. At Central Station, the pair split up; Carol went to Dillon‟s Bookshop and Frank went to HMV to look for a CD he wanted. As he walked up the incline near the Lyceum Post Office/Café building that led onto Bold Street, Frank suddenly noticed he had entered a strange “oasis of quietness.” Suddenly, a small box van that looked like something out of the 1950s sped across his path, honking its horn as it narrowly missed him. Frank noticed the name on the van‟s side: “Caplan‟s.” When he looked down, the confused policeman saw that he was unexpectedly standing in the road. The off-duty policeman crossed the road and saw that Dillon‟s Book Store now had “Cripps” over its entrances. More confused, he looked in to see not books, but women‟s handbags and shoes. Looking around, Frank realized people were dressed in clothes that appeared to be from the 1940s. Suddenly, he spotted a young girl in her early 20s dressed in a lime-colored sleeveless top. The handbag she was carrying had a popular brand name on it, which reassured the policeman that maybe he was still partly in 1996. It was a paradox, but he was relieved, and he followed the girl into Cripps. As the pair went inside, Frank watched in amazement as the interior of the building completely changed in a flash to that of Dillon‟s Bookshop of 1996. The girl turned to leave and Frank lightly grasped the girl‟s arm to attract her attention and said, “Did you see that?” She replied, “Yeah! I thought it was a clothes shop. I was going to look around, but it‟s a bookshop.” It was later determined that Cripps and Caplan‟s were businesses based in Liverpool during the 1950s. Whether these businesses were based in the locations specified in the story has not been confirmed.” This is not the only case of a time slip. There are stories like this all over the world. How can this be possible? Or a much better question comes to mind: Can this be possible at all? According to recent discoveries in Quantum Physics this could very well be possible. Time is not linear and therefore the possibilities of parallel worlds and breaks in time can become very feasible. We won‟t get into String Theories, M-theories, or black holes here, as they are complicated and lengthy topics. But we will include links at the end for you to check out for yourselves.
Time slips are interactive; residual hauntings are not. This is the main difference between both. However, we must take note of something that points to the evidence: What if ghosts don‟t exist at all but are merely residual hauntings or breaks in time? What if the electromagnetic forces on earth trigger these hauntings and what we are seeing is not the energy of a spirit, but a recording or a trip back in time? Think about it for a moment. The cases where ghosts are seen performing daily routines without them even noticing their surroundings: Residual. The cases where we see battles re-enacted repeatedly: Residual. The cases where we appear to step back in time and interact with the past: Time slips! Are we the ghosts in these cases, appearing out of nowhere and disrupting the lives of others? Let‟s take a moment to ponder and consider these questions and think about what is happening in the paranormal world. How many cases are there where the ghosts actually interact with the living? There are few, but they do happen. These are the cases where we may be looking at a true haunting. And the rest? Only time, extensive studies, research and an open mind will enable us to discover the truth. And you all know how the saying goes: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Sources: http://uforeview.tripod.com/timeslips.html http://www.prairieghosts.com/resid.html http://theshadowlands.net/ghost/residual.htm http://www.assap.org/newsite/articles/Recording%20ghosts.html http://superstringtheory.com/experm/exper5.html http://www.sgha.net/articles/residualhaunt.html
About the Author Patty Scott is 51 years old. She grew up in a haunted house which peaked her interest in the paranormal. She currently owns and administers a paranormal website calledGhostsAmongUs where the main goals are to research, educate and learn in order to find irrefutable proof of the existence of ghosts; and how to analyze and discern if there is matrixing/pareidolia or motion blurs on ghost cam captures. She also writes articles for The Beyond and is an active team member of A.P.A.R.T. of Washington, a paranormal research investigation group. She loves writing and analyzing paranormal evidence in her spare time.
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