09242009 Paranexus Newsletter

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Tonight on ParaNexus Universe Radio The ParaNexus Newsletter

Thursday, 9-24-09 • 9pm - 10pm Eastern

© 2009 by ParaNexus.org.

Abduction Phenomena

Editor: David Desjardins This Newsletter is distributed free of charge to anyone interested. Please visit ParaNexus.org to subscribe. Serious article submissions welcome. Please send submissions to [email protected].

With Mike Jones Discussion of the role the phenomena plays in the lives of those who feel they might be abductees and what can be done including how to reclaim their lives.

September 24, 2009

Tune in at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ParaNexus

CONTENTS Editors Corner

Recent Blogs •

Why? Another Trip Outside the Box

How Adept Are Spirits…

Things that make you go Hmmm…

—“Freaking Laser Beams”

What Do You Bring to the Anomalous Research Table


Your Share in Crop Circle Research


Gadgets and Gizmo’s

These Blogs and others can be found at: The Philadelphia Experiment



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Leaving the Garden

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Editors Corner

Gizmos and Gadgets – by Dave Desjardins CPFI

A weekly review of the latest tech in paranormal research.

by Dave Desjardins CPFI From: Brad Steiger Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 3:41 PM To: ParaNexus Anomalous Research Association, Inc. Subject: Re: ParaNexus Newsletter 09/17/2009 HELLO, PARANEXUS STAFF: THE NEWSLETTER LOOKS GREAT! IT HAS A NICE, CLEAN LAYOUT THAT INVITES READABILITY. CONGRATULATIONS! BRAD AND SHERRY Thank you very much Brad and Sherry, for your kind words. We hope to see the newsletter grow and evolve much as ParaNexus is as a community and organization and your support is truly appreciated. Much has occurred in the past few weeks, membership and subscriptions are on the rise, incorporation as a Non Profit organization is now official, staff and board member positions are available and great strides are being made with continued professionalism and a great sense of pride and dedication on behalf of the membership. Welcome to our new members. The future holds exciting times. Questions, comments or suggestions pertaining to this newsletter or anything posted herein, may be sent to [email protected].

“Freaking Laser Beams” ~ Dr Evil In my first Gizmos and Gadgets article I stated that I personally wasn’t a huge fan of equipment over kill, preferring to keep it to the basics despite the fact that I have more stuff laying around than you can shake a proverbial stick at. With that said, I do like to experiment now and then with unconventional “toys”. A trip to my local hardware store will often see me walking out with at least one or two items not on the shopping list, but to be experimented with at some point during an investigation. One such item that some already use but are often not considered, are laser levels. These can be picked up fairly cheap, depending on included features and adjustability. At this point some are wondering, what the heck do I need laser levels for? Please, bear with me. A number of organizations swear by the use of motion detectors to pick up, well, motion (go figure). If you use them great, however after one investigation I was a part of, I was hearing the front door of 7-11 ringing in my head for a week. Thus, I won’t allow them during our investigations and the mere mention of them makes me cringe. They also add additional noise contamination, if all you hear during your evp sessions is bing bong, bing bong, as some rodent, pet or large insect fly’s in front of them. Which brings me back to laser levels. With a couple of these wonderful little contraptions, many of which can be mounted on a tripod, you can effectively create a grid in a confined area that will illuminate anything that breaks the beam of the laser. By placing a static camera to monitor this area, you have a silent, nearly invisible sentry that will show mists or solid forms, and there is no guessing as to what broke the beams making spotting subtle movement that much easier during evidence review. In my experience these are great for corridors or residential hallways, doorways or any area that confines movement. While I haven’t experimented extensively with these yet, we have used them on occasion and I have seen some very impressive results from another organization whereby they had placed several in a purportedly haunted location. During the course of their investigation video footage was caught of an unidentified mass (not human or animal) moving through the grid, breaking the beams one by one. Compelling stuff. Unconventional? Sure, but then again, what exactly is conventional with our line of research? Besides, even if they never get used for another investigation, there isn’t a crooked picture frame in my house.

Paranormal Investigator Certification Course (CPI)

A serious and professional academic course with certification available in a home study or structured class version. Discounted pricing for ParaNexus members.



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You Can Choose a Winner!

First Place Winner (determined by panel) will receive:

ParaNexus Fake-a-Photo Contest I’m happy to announce that the ParaNexus Fake-a-Photo Contest is now open for entries! This contest was inspired by Stephen Wagner at About.com and is designed to be a fun and educational experience. This contest is open to everyone including nonmembers. You can even participate in judging entries by voting for your favorite fake photo! As a contestant, your mission is to create a fake photo that will stump the experts! Your subject can be any type of anomalous phenomena including ghosts, shadow people, UFOs, aliens, cryptids (such as Bigfoot), etc. You can use any type of software available including PhotoShop, cgi software, etc. You can start with any particular photo and then manipulate and enhance it to produce your final entry. The overall objective of this contest is to educate and raise awareness of what fake photos look like and how they are achieved. This will aid anomalous researchers to better identify photos that are faked, hoaxed, and/or are false-positives. The entries from this contest will be published and available on ParaNexus.org for the benefit of all members.


1 year paid membership to ParaNexus ($39 value) which includes all member benefits.


Your choice of the CPI or CLPI Course (digital online version) on ParaNexus Academy ($55/$65 value). These prizes can be assigned to another person if you desire.


A printed 1st Place Certificate showcasing your achievement (U.S. residents only. A PDF certificate will also be emailed).


A guest spot on ParaNexus Radio on October 29, 2009 to discuss how you created your fake photo.

Second Place Winner (determined by panel) will receive: 1.

6 month paid membership to ParaNexus ($19.50 value) which includes all member benefits.


A PDF Second Place Certificate showcasing your achievement.


A guest spot on ParaNexus Radio on October 29, 2009 to discuss how you created your fake photo.

Popular Vote Winner (determined by public vote) will receive: 1.

6 month paid membership to ParaNexus ($19.50 value) which includes all member benefits.


A PDF Second Place Certificate showcasing your achievement.

The contest will begin on Thursday, September 3, 2009, 12am Eastern, and end on Thursday, October 29, 2009, 12 pm Eastern. The winners will be announced on ParaNexus Radio on Thursday October 29, 2009 at 9pm Eastern.

So, Are You Ready to Start Hoaxing? For More Info, Contest Rules, Judging Criteria, and to Enter, Visit http://www.paranexus.org/forum/index.php?page=193


ParaNexus Newsletter

The Philadelphia Experiment As extracted from the ParaNexus Parapedia.

Ed’s Note: The following article is extracted from the ParaNexus Parapedia in order to highlight the quality of work that can be found there in. For additional information on the Parapedia project please visit http://www.paranexus.org/forum/index.php?page=173. Additional questions may be addressed to [email protected] – D.D.

The Philadelphia Experiment

U.S.S. Eldridge, April 25, 1944

The United States Navy in the Philadelphia Naval shipyard conducted the alleged experiment on August 12, 1943. The purpose was to make the U.S.S. Eldridge invisible to radar by manipulating the electric and magnetic fields around the ships’ hull. It is claimed that it literally made the entire ship and its crew invisible, and teleported the ship to another location for four hours, returning once again in Philadelphia with disastrous effects upon the crew.

On August 12, 1943, the navy decided on trying the second phase of the experiment with the entire ship and full crew aboard. This has been called not only the Philadelphia Experiment, but also the Rainbow Project and the Montauk Experiment. The Eldridge not only became invisible from radar, but it’s claimed that the ship was engulfed with a green haze, just before it completely disappeared from the Philadelphia harbor for four hours, until it reappeared. It is said that the ship transported through space and time, as witnessed by seaman Carlos Miguel Allende aboard the S.S. Freoseth, appearing in Norfolk, Virginia, 275 miles away, and then disappearing. [3]

Alleged Story The U.S. Navy was looking for new methods to escape radar detection by German U-boats during the 1940’s. They looked to the brilliant minds of Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, who were developing a new technology at Princeton University. The group of scientists claimed to be successful in making small objects invisible by alternating the electrical and magnetic energy fields around the subjects. [1] The Navy allegedly decided on testing this technology on a ship, the U.S.S. Eldridge. The first test was with caged domestic animals placed randomly on different decks. The experiment resulted with radiation burns on a few of the animals, while others had disappeared from inside their cages. [2]

When the ship returned and was inspected, they claimed to have found sailors fused with the bulkhead, their bodies sticking out of walls and decks. Some sailors reportedly walked into thin air and vanished. [4] According to reports of


ParaNexus Newsletter

surviving sailors aboard the ship to scientist and writer, Dr. Morris Jessup, 16 crewmembers died and six went insane. [5]

Albert Einstein was a part-time consultant with the Navy's Bureau of Ordnance, however, was undertaking theoretical research on explosives and explosions. There is no indication that Einstein was involved in research relevant to invisibility or to teleportation.

The Navy’s Story Records in the Operational Archives Branch of the Naval Historical Center have no documents confirming the event, or any interest by the Navy in attempting such an achievement as claimed by anomalous investigators. The Office of Naval Research (ONR) has stated that the use of force fields to make a ship and her crew invisible does not conform to known physical laws.


According to ship logs, since leaving the New York shipyard in 1943, the Eldridge traveled to Bermuda, Casablanca and Norfolk, VA. During this time frame, it was never in Philadelphia. Supposedly, the crew of the civilian merchant ship SS Andrew Furuseth observed the arrival via teleportation of the Eldridge into the Norfolk area. The Master of the Andrew Furuseth, in 1943, categorically state that he or his crew didn’t observe any unusual event while in Norfolk. TheEldridge and the Andrew Furuseth were not even in Norfolk at [8] the same time.

Some researchers have confused the Navy’s degaussing technique with making an object invisible. Degaussing is a process in which electrical cables are installed around the circumference of ship's hull, running from bow to stern on both sides. A measured electrical current is passed through these cables to cancel out the ship's magnetic field. Degaussing equipment was installed in the hull of Navy ships and could be turned on whenever the ship was in waters that might contain magnetic mines, usually shallow waters in combat areas. It could be said that degaussing, makes a ship "invisible" to the sensors of magnetic mines, but the ship remains visible to the human eye, radar, and underwater listening devices. [6]

To edit or discuss this article go to Philadelphia Experiment. References 1. ↑ Moberg, Kent D. The Magic Of Our Universe, Beyond The Facts. Camelot Prod: NC. 1999, pp.122. 2. ↑ "New Visions of the Future, Ancient Prophecies III", narr. David McCallum, prod. Paul Klein, The Learning Channel, June 28, 1998. 3. ↑ Turner, Joe. “The Philadelphia Experiment: What They Didn’t Want You To Know”, http://www.viewzone.com/philadelphia.html , Last viewed, August 14, 2009 4. ↑ Moberg, p.123 5. ↑ Winston, Colin. Enigmas and Mysteries. Danbury Press: London, 1976, p.91. 6. ↑ “The Philadelphia Experiment”, Department of the Navy: Historical Center, http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq21-1.htm, November 28, 2000. 7. ↑ Dept. of the Navy 8. ↑ Dept. of the Navy


ParaNexus Newsletter

Leaving the Garden By Michael Jones

Michael Lynn Jones has experienced odd unexplained events since early childhood. Having grown up with interests in the paranormal fields he now dedicates his free time in helping others dealing with the abduction phenomena. He is the Founder of the Alien Abductee website: http://www.alienabductee.org and currently is a ParaNexus Staff Member performing the duties of Technical Development Coordinator. He is also the Founder of P.A.R.A. (Pinnacle Anomalous Research Association) website: http://www.paraplanet.org based out of Maumelle, Arkansas. His technical background covers Theoretical Physics, Computer Sciences, Aviation Industry, Parapsychology, and the Arts.

Summary: Brief insight as to how one decides to face the abduction phenomena; what to expect, what's to gain.

Gardens have been a source of beauty and respite for thousands of years. From the Hanging Gardens of ancient Babylon to the modern-day botanical gardens found around the world, these spaces of exquisitely cultivated land have served as quiet and beautiful places for many to find solace, introspection, and meaning.

strange events happening around them. Memories, among other things, has haunted them all their lives and the memories still persists in their mind, always reminding them that something out of the ordinary has happened and may be still happening. Should one decide to delve into the depths of the phenomena, a long hard road of discovery is ahead. For abductees who choose to turn their backs on the phenomena, the ghosts of memory will tend to haunt them and, in all likelihood, they will find themselves continually wondering, “is it real?” So how does one choose to open this box of memories? How do you know if it is in your best interest to know? To ascertain the validity of the memories or events that you’ve questioned, ask yourself, “Am I fantasy prone? Is there some medical reason for what I’m experiencing? Are all the fears and the anxiety based in truth? How can I really know?”

We could even liken our own inner reality to a “garden,” of sorts. In our Garden, we enjoy a comfortable place defined by our own individual version of reality that provides a sense of security and control. We keep our Garden “beautiful” by only accepting ideas and concepts that don’t conflict with our sense of reality. If something in life is too painful, we can just block it out with denial. And then on we go, never giving it a second thought—until it becomes too large to ignore. Such is the experience of alien abductees. The Alien Abduction Scenario produces an unfortunate situation of things with which to comprehend, on top of the average human existence. One can only surmise or postulate as to why this phenomenon happens. If you are the person involved, to know when to ask questions and whether to even start asking questions is a conundrum. Reality for many is what they choose it to be so they can deal with tragedies, life, and everyday common events.

Validation comes in many colors, it can be internal by just knowing from past memories and surrounding proof or it can be as basic as having physical anomalies such as bruising and needle marks appear overnight. Long lists of attributes are common among abductees including: • Missing Time • Dreams or Experiences of interacting with entities o Seeing ghosts, spirits, dead loved ones o Seeing larger than life dolls, mannequins with large eyes

Those dealing with what they may suspect as Alien Abduction Scenarios are dealing with the proverbial Pandora’s Box. They have odd memories, missing time, 6

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o Seeing larger than life animals that walk upright like humans with large eyes o Seeing Greys, Nordics, Mantis, or other type of perceived aliens

negatively? Does it affect my family, friends and my job? Can I live without knowing?” These questions are important in discerning whether you should investigate this situation further. This situation should not be taken lightly nor should you put it on the back burner. The fact that you are reading this article could indicate that you desire to make a decision. This fact in itself is not only profound, but also produces a major paradigm shift in one’s nature and belief system.

• Physical Anomalies o Bruising o Abrasions o Soreness o Phantom allergic reaction during the night o Nose bleeds or discharge of odd coloured fluids or biological matters

Making the Decision to Stay in the Garden There is some wisdom in staying in the garden and not exploring the world at hand when dealing with the abduction phenomena. For myself I was not able to choose this route due to the overwhelming aspects of my own situation. I cannot count how many times I found myself wishing I knew nothing of my experience.

• Mental Anomalies o Lethargic thinking processes upon awakening o Memory flashes that have no points of reference o Hyperawareness of one’s surroundings o The feeling that something has happened with no apparent reference or with no direct memory o Urges to move from a current residence for no reason or solid basis o Anti-social; not wanting to be around people

Many abductees who suspect that something may have happened will say things like, “I’m not an abductee! I’m an experiencer!” or “I’m a contactee!” Another common aspect of denial is when the abductee says that he or she was just seeing things and then let their minds categorize it as such. Others will maintain nothing happened and soon forget the experience altogether due to their minds not being able to cope with such things.

• Paranormal Events o Unexplained Noises o Items that move by themselves o Unexplained electronic anomalies such as radios and/or appliances turning on or off by themselves o Unexplained lights o UFO sightings o Entity sightings

I don’t recommend denial as means to an end to others, but in dealing with this subject if you choose to deny that abductions may be happening, and it is not affecting you directly, and all you have are memories, occasional physical symptoms that you can deal with and nothing more, by all means go this route. Making the decision to not dig any deeper will allow it to become an insubstantial memory. You will need to understand that denying your abduction experience could lead to allowing denial to become a habitual process in your everyday life.

This list is not a conclusive indicator of the abduction experience nor do all of the items have to be true to indicate that abduction has occurred; these are just a few of the things reported by abductees. Finding that these items in the list pertain to you does not necessarily mean you’re an abductee. A few of the items such as the physical and mental aspects can be the basis for finding the appropriate medical physician to assist you. Check with a doctor or therapist to ensure that there are no underlying physiological reasons for your suspicions, such as stress.

East of Eden’s Gate - Leaving the Garden Human beings on the whole are one of the most adaptable and resilient creatures on this planet. We evolve from necessity and diversity, almost to the point of thriving from such negative aspects of life. We at all times in our life are constantly reassessing who we are, where we are, and our situation. This is part of our survival instinct and should be embraced and used to its fullest extent. The willingness or the want of knowing about the abduction scenario and how you fit in however is well outside the norm of human existential

Confirming that medical assistance is not required leads us to the next question, “What is going on?” and specifically, “Do I really want to know?” The experience of knowing something odd is happening can be confusing and intimidating. Once you have decided that something strange is going on, how do you proceed? The first thing to take into consideration is your wellbeing. Ask yourself. “Is this situation affecting my life 7

ParaNexus Newsletter

perception. You need to both understand the boundary you are crossing and how much this will interfere with your perceptions of reality, religion, human-kind, and the very core of who you are. A classical way of stating this change in perception is having a “Paradigm Shift”. I assure you through researching and finding out what has happened will lead to a point in your life that has meaningful and frightening moments.

happened to you. The next thing to know in dealing with your Hypnotherapist is during the regressions that their techniques do not lead you to answers. For instance when the Hypnotherapist asks “Do you see little four foot tall grey people?” is leading the question. An appropriate question would be “What do you see? Can you describe them? How many are there?” In this way your answers will be more valid, this will be more proof that you can access and will not be judged as harshly by outside reviewers. Always try to get your Hypnotherapist to record your sessions so you have an audio log for to review. This will both allow you to validate in your own mind as to what has happened and provide a sense of continuity in the missing time scenarios. I can only attest to my own experiences with regression, it literally opened my memories like a book. I do know from personal time being under hypnosis that you will not remember or go to places in the mind’s eye when you’re not ready. Hypnosis is nothing like what you see in movies and should be viewed as valid as any other technique of memory retrieval. Retrieving memories through hypnosis is not concrete proof of anything. The Hypnotherapist must use good judgment and discretion so as to not implant or distort memories in the subject.

So how do you proceed in getting real information about your abductions? There are many ways of accomplishing this. For myself, I started by keeping a journal of events. In this journal I record the date, time, and description of what happened, photos of my wounds, photos of evidence, maps, anything pertaining to the event. I also document all regressions, outside local events and other oddities happening to friends and family. In the area below the journal entry I always write down my feelings, what was my mental and physical state that day, what I think happened, what I remember, notes on events surrounding the abduction. This produces a log book, which in time will start showing commonalities between the events. The important factor here is documenting occurrences; this will both add validity for you but will also lend proof to others when the time arises.

Physical evidence can be collected. The main problem most abductees run into with collecting physical evidence is for some odd reason they destroy evidence. Either through not knowing, accidental handling, or implanted suggestions by the abductors, good evidence gets lost or contaminated. I myself can attest to the implanted suggestions as I have actually watched myself flush implants down the toilet and then woke up wondering why in the world would I do that. That in itself is another problem I will talk about in a minute. Most of the evidence that you will find are going to be on your own body such as fingerprint bruising on different parts of your body, odd needle marks, and symmetrical shaped bumps under the skin (suggesting implants). Make sure and always take photos if possible of any physical anomalies on your body. There have been some attempts at collecting other data such as laying sheets of tinfoil down on the floor, then laying a towel or soft rug over the foil next to bed or where you know the abductors enter. In essence this will allow you to capture footprints if any. Others have tried to video tape their abductors; this is a hard thing to do, reports say the abductors have a tendency to get the abductee to get up and turn off the video or turn the camera so no one can see. There are many other techniques I haven’t covered here but those are the basic ones. The main thing to remember is to document it regardless of how insubstantial as it may seem. Always take pictures, collect any samples of evidence by putting it in a bag and dating it then place it in the freezer. The main thing you are doing for yourself and others are producing credible evidence and that is very important in

What about regressions? Regressions are just as important as keeping your journal. With my experience and having so many memory flashbacks, questionable periods of my life that included missing time, waking up to finding doors unlocked, windows open, and so forth, I found it important to explore this. With abductions there are two basic things going on: 1) The abductors do not want you to remember your experiences and mask memory much in the same way you can record over an audio cassette tape. 2) The reality of what you have observed may be so farfetched and/or terrifying in your mind to the point of your mind either forgetting or replacing the images with more comfortable scenes. Both of these obviously point to the reasons for the missing time phenomena, among the long list of odd memories, dreams, and experiences we have and retain. The one thing I would like to mention here is in finding a reputable Hypnotherapist; do your research as this is invaluable and will save you disappointment and frustration. Do not take this lightly; you are allowing someone to explore who you are and your very essence of being. Find someone you can trust, that takes the therapist/client relationship seriously, and who is not judgmental and will allow you to explore what has 8

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validating your experience.

not all the information was available at first. One can never really know as to when this situation is happening or to what end. I do know that it is disconcerting knowing that there may be layer upon layer of masking going on so as to make it possible for me to never know the whole truth. So for yourself be aware that:

In dealing with your situation and what to expect on the whole when you decide to look into what is happening can be a little intimidating and has aspects of being an outcast. There are many things you have to understand are a part of this life changing awareness. I have never heard of anyone dying from this and for the most part it seems to have more mental aspects to deal with than physical. Implanted suggestions, memory suppression, physical abnormalities, social standing, dealing with weird happenings, among other things.

1) Memory suppression is part of the abductee situation 2) What you remember and what is the truth are going to be different in some of your regressions

Implanted suggestions are exactly what the phrase says “implanted”. I can only offer some insight to this odd and very out-of-control experience. This is probably one of the most distressing parts of the abductee situation in the fact that in some form or fashion our abductors leave instructions on how we are to carry ourselves. It is nothing like “Go Assassinate Someone!” or “Go Kill Yourself” but is very subtle and plays into what the abductors necessity of not being found out or discovered by humans. There are moments in my life where I actually was an observer watching my body carry out tasks or actions that I know for a fact were not of my own thought processes. After it was done all I could say was “What the @#$$ was that?” and it was very upsetting. Like I said and I want to restate, abductors suggestions do not include harming others or yourself, but are to control any release of evidence. As I had stated previously, there have been times where I would go to the bathroom and had to blow my nose, even though I had clear sinuses and could breathe freely. Upon trying to blow my nose, a bloody discharge would come out with something in it. I would look at it with curiosity and then promptly flush it. Knowing all along what I was observing and understanding to keep it, I would still flush it for no obvious reason. This kind of situation happens on a continual basis and is something you may run into or notice over time.

3) Understand that you are still you, no amount of memory suppression or implanted suggestions can ever change your identity, morals, or your nature of being. There will be some things that you will have to adapt to. How you deal with other humans will be one of the main things that you will have to change. There are varying opinions as to how to go about this. How you deal with this is entirely up to you, for myself I approached the subject for many years in seclusion, not telling anyone of my circumstances and making light of the odd things that would happen in front of others. Understanding that the subject of alien abduction is related to “whack jobs” in social circles will provide you with enough restrictions on how you behave or talk about this with others. I do find about one in 1000 persons out there are willing to listen with an open mind and not judge you for your situation. On the whole I guess the best advice I could ever give is using your own judgment in dealing with others. Your understanding of humanity, social aspects, and human behaviour will deepen over time; this is a side-effect of being outside of normal social environments. As far as having a relationship with a significant other you must take into consideration numerous factors. The one thing that is obvious and should be approached with care is “Do I tell my significant other about the abductions?” It is my firm belief that it is extremely important to take responsibility for including someone in the abduction phenomena. If you do not tell the other person in your life about what is going on and they discover it, the trust is broken if not their very ego from having their sense of reality attacked. I have lost good people in my life due to not advising them of the chance of what might happen by being around me. If you respect others it is a requirement in my book that you share what is going on. You do take a chance on running off potential friends and loved-ones, but understand that they are not ready for this level of reality and must be respected for their choice in staying away from you. Be prepared to hear hurtful comments; understand that these comments people make are from their fears and not understanding. You may find yourself in a very lonely place for the rest of your life. The

Another oddity is the continual memory suppression. This is one of the hardest things to deal with; I have stated many times before that the not knowing will kill you faster than the actual knowledge of something horrible happening. This is where regression therapy will help you retrieve lost time and memories that are blocked. The one thing that should be observed with regressions and memory masking is the abductors for whatever reasons do at times seem to leave levels or layers of memory masks. During a recent regression I was taken back to the moment of the abduction. I had observed greys and what they were doing in my room, but the obvious wasn’t as obvious and we dug deeper only to find out that more actually had occurred. Now whether it was due to my level of fear or it was due to the abductors masking my memory in such a manner, 9

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point is that you have taken responsibility by protecting other humans from your situation. I by no means am telling you to become a hermit, actually what I am telling you is find people that are willing to share in your experiences and life, this is what defines someone who really loves you.

stops completely, experiencing time skips, and having precognitive memories. These are just a few of the reported events that happen to abductees outside of the abduction experience. It is not uncommon among abductees to report paranormal events outside of their abductions. I have experienced many odd and fascinating things that actually were entertaining to observe, other things were more irritating. We finally arrive at the subject of the abduction. “How do I deal with this now that I know this is real?” There is no tried and true method to dealing with being abducted; every person will deal with this subject differently. There are some general characteristics that are in common. The first one that is very common among abductees is living two lives, you have the times you are dealing with common everyday elements and then you have the other times where you are dealing with the abduction scenario. I have noticed that the two very rarely overlap but they do on occasions and lend to those moments where the other witnesses either accept or deny what they’ve seen.

“What about friends? Should they know?” This question is all dependent upon your situation. If your friends are close to experiencing your abductions and they’ve had “near misses” as far as the experience, I believe it being of the utmost importance to fill them in on what is going on. In all likelihood they already have some sort of idea that something odd is happening but don’t have all the facts. I used to live in a large house with two other gentlemen; we were sharing the bills and making our way through life. One of my friends, David, had been noticing odd things like actual glowing discs outside the home in the adjoining forest and was seeing what he thought were ghosts. The other person named Jeff was from a religious background and had a firm belief that the house had a demon in it. I sat both of them down and tried my best to explain what they were experiencing and amazingly enough David was accepting of this and continued being my friend, Jeff on the other hand still firmly believed that the demon in the house was real and that I was now the reason for this entity messing with him. This is a prime example of how someone’s belief system will affect their perception. Needless to say Jeff has never tried to contact me again and when I do see him in public acts like I don’t exist. David moved away to another state and still keeps in contact with me. Be assured that you will run into this type of situation and you will soon find out who the real friends are.

The fact that the alien entities exist and now you know humans aren’t the only people in universe is a big pill to swallow. It’s one thing to make the statement of belief “I know that there are other civilizations in the Universe” due to a logical deduction. Finding yourself smack in front of an alien and interacting with them offers a level of reality that most only postulate or dream of. In dealing with the abduction phenomena you can only surmise as to the reasons for the abductions, much less understand why the interaction is so one-sided and we are treated as live-stock. I would contend that most of the control going on in abduction scenarios are the result of making sure humans are as compliant as possible and perhaps even to protect both sides from physical harm. I have my suspicions that it is mainly to protect the aliens and to keep us sedated as possible due to the experimentation going on.

If you have acquaintances and they don’t seem to be aware of your abductions, they need not know. This is a subject that should never be broached until someone asks you in seriousness about it. Another consideration is how much will your friends believe, like I stated earlier not all people are geared the same, some can handle any information tossed at them, others can’t handle simple everyday situations. Just use your best judgment in dealing with your friends.

I can only describe my emotions and how I deal with this situation, every person will be different. For myself I went through years of hiding from people and staying to myself because of the weirdness of the subject outside of the general persecution of people who were not accepting. I find that dealing with the social aspects and acceptance from others are probably the most upsetting situation when it comes to being an abductee. You are not allowed the luxury of just being the normal person on the block once people find out. In all likelihood you will be labelled the “whack job” by people you thought you knew and neighbours.

“It’s the little things that make life interesting.” I’m not sure where that quote is from but it is so apropos concerning paranormal events happening around you. You may or may not have odd things happening around you; for me they are very common. Small instances of odd unexplained events such as things being moved where they shouldn’t be, things actually moving in front of you, seeing odd lights in the house or elsewhere, hearing something run across your roof that sounds like children running, experiencing time run backward while your observing it, watching as time

As far as you dealing with the abductions and the aliens involved, it may be frightening and it may be something you have a hard time assimilating into what you know, but it is what it is. There is no amount of 10

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advice anyone including myself can give other abductees, nor will I try, on how you deal with this. We all can agree on the fact that it does change who we are inside and how we view reality, we all can agree what is happening is not right, we can all agree on how terrifying it really is, but when it is all said and done how each of us deal with this is a personal struggle of growth and awareness of ourselves and how we deal with it. There is no magic pill that exists that will make this go away or not exist. Each of us is left alone in dealing with it when the day is done. To know others deal with being abducted might console you but you still have to come to terms with yourself, in who you are, and know that no matter how you deal with these events, it persists and continues without concern, emotion or thoughts of how you feel. It is important to know, you have to understand that when you choose to look, you cannot go back, you cannot renege on reality. There is no way to turn off your awareness of this once you enter into it.

with some of my statements. You have to realize this is reality and there aren’t any places that resemble a Disney cartoon, there aren’t and places that rain gummi-bears and chocolate when you need them to. The world is fraught with horrible things and we must do our best to endure and change them if possible. The abduction experience is no more terrible than what we see every day in the news with murders, terrorism, war, crimes, and accidents that kill. What makes the abduction experience so different is the fact abductees are not taken seriously and has been placed in the “crazy” arena. The media, government and other organizations have gone out of their way to make sure the general public has the view-point of the abduction experience as being people who need attention or people that have medical issues. I find this distressing, demeaning and demoralizing. The people that experience the abduction phenomena are from all walks of life and have no need for attention. In most cases it is just the opposite, they don’t want any attention and find it a scary prospect to be placed in a position of interest by the public. Abductees on the whole just want to have normal lives like everyone else and find it hard to fit into society knowing what they know.

Know that the moment you decide to go this route you have chosen to take control of your situation and by doing this allow solutions to eventually present themselves. Maintaining awareness and learning from your experiences will in time offer answers. I cannot say that in my lifetime a solution will ever be found, but I do know that it is an eventuality that the more abductees that decide to take a stand and learn from the experience, the closer we will be to finding a solution to making the abductions stop. We should not only walk through this door of perception and observe, we should also carry with us the information to share with others as to produce the end result of a solution. The abduction experience in itself at this moment in time seems to be unstoppable; I contend that this is due to the continual lack of information and the disinformation that is rampant in our society. When you decide to learn more, you’re allowing yourself to adapt and come. This is the whole point of taking responsibility of what you are enduring. You must understand that in opening your eyes to this phenomenon are only the first steps into the reality of what needs to happen. The entire society of abductees have long been divided by fear and ridicule and by taking steps of getting control back into your life and sharing with others will anything good come of it.

Understanding where you stand in this decision is extremely important. You have to decide on choosing between continuing your life with residual memories and unexplained events happening all the time or taking responsibility for your situation and learning, growing and overcoming its downfalls, I recommend the latter with the understanding that you are joining the ranks of people that are trying to change this situation. I, myself am a proponent of being active and learning all you can about your situation. If it were a different circumstance there would be no question as to whether you would make the decision on finding out all you could to make it stop. For instance, in dealing with cancer, once you’re told that you’re dealing with cancer you would naturally go out of your way to find every option in dealing with it and eradicating this disease. Much in the same fashion one should approach the abduction scenario with every bit of the same passion and intensity to gain control over this situation. There is no way for me to tell you what the correct answer is for you, I can only explain to you what may lay in “Pandora’s Box”. At this point it is for you to decide and continue your life as you see fit.

I realize that what I have been talking about is frightening to some and may seem extremely hard-core


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