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Download & View Paranexusnewsletter-09102009 as PDF for free.

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Tonight on ParaNexus Universe Radio The ParaNexus Newsletter

Thursday, 9-10-09 • 9pm - 10pm Eastern

© 2009 by

Investigating the Paranormal in Canada

Editor: David Desjardins This Newsletter is distributed free of charge to anyone interested. Please visit to subscribe. Serious article submissions welcome. Please send submissions to [email protected].

With Dave Desjardins Dave will discuss investigations as well as the differences in perception of the paranormal by Canadians compared to other countries.

Tune in at

September 10, 2009

CONTENTS Editors Corner 2

Gadgets and Gizmo’s —MEL 8704 EMF 2

Directors Notes

ParaNexus—Past, Present, and Future 3

Recent Blogs • • • • •

Getting going and moving on... Something Happened in 1875 Watch Life Leave She Called My Name Outside the Box – 5 of 5’s

These Blogs and others can be found at:

Do You Collaborate or Compete?

Not a ParaNexus Member Yet? Membership Expired?


Letters to the Editor 5

Join or Renew your membership now to take advantage of many new membership benefits. Visit

Special Announcements: ParaNexus Fake-a-Photo Contest is on Now! 1

Open to Everyone!

ParaNexus Newsletter

Editors Corner by Dave Desjardins After last week’s newsletter was distributed, a forum poll was posted as to which format was preferred. As a result of the votes received, we will continue to publish in PDF format. This is still a trial process and if you prefer another format or missed the poll completely, I would urge you to check the “General” forum and submit your vote accordingly. I will be running the poll until 27 Sep 09, for those who still wish to participate. Response to the new look has been outstanding, for that I thank you all. It’s still a work in progress and will continue to grow and change until Doug and I are both happy with the final results. In my opinion you can never have too much information as long as it is factual and relevant. With that said I would again like to extend the invitation to our entire readership to submit material that they would like to share outside the forums and articles section. As much as I enjoy research and writing, I don’t want to overpopulate the newsletter with my ramblings solely. This publication is for the readership and I strongly encourage you all to participate, no matter what your writing skills. I will continue to reiterate that communities such as this cannot survive without the membership and their inclusion into all aspects of said community. Everyone here, at ParaNexus, should see themselves as a teacher as well as a student, for the learning never stops and there is so much that everyone can contribute to making this one of the foremost resources for the paranormal on the internet. Questions, comments or suggestions pertaining to this newsletter or anything posted herein, may be sent to [email protected].

Gizmos and Gadgets – by Dave Desjardins A weekly review of the latest tech in paranormal research.

MEL-8704 EMF/Temperature Sensor In last week’s Gizmos and Gadgets, I was going on about the trials and tribulations of having too much equipment. Bearing this in mind, I’m a huge advocate of combining technology where applicable and appropriate. Mel Meters has done this in glorious fashion starting with their MEL-8704 EMF detector. This particular model has been around for a while, I’ve owned mine for over a year, and recent visits to their website have shown advances in the current model as well as modifications to other popular EMF detectors, however, I keep running into people who have yet to hear of them. So, you’re asking yourself, what makes this EMF detector stand out from any other? Here is where the developers have taken a hard look at the popular paranormal equipment and sat down to determine what could be done better. The 8704, boasts such features as being the only EMF meter on the market to measure both ELF (extremely low frequency) down to 30 Hz and variances in temperature with a built in digital ambient thermometer. This allows the investigator the luxury of correlating high EMF readings with “cold spots” at a glance with no fumbling to grab the right piece of kit for the job. Other features include, but are not limited to, an easy to read backlit display that can double as a light in darker environments; LED flash light on top of the unit next to the temperature probe; tripod mounting screw and built in table top stand for hands free use; a record mode that can be used to capture high/low measurements for later review; and, an EMF “burst mode” which allocates 100 per cent of the units micro processor speed to monitor dynamic EMF changes. A lot of thought has gone into the planning and development of these meters, which are only available online from the manufacturer and a few other trusted paranormal e-stores, however, there is one thing that I would like to see on future models. The ability to data log and dump the information to a laptop or other computer. Although there is a recording feature for comparison of values, it is intended for short term use only, and provides the user with no way of logging this information so one must rely on a video log of the display for tangible proof of readings. I feel I must state that I am in no way affiliated with the developers of the Mel Meters, and I in no way benefit from any reviews, positive or negative. There is tons of equipment on the market for sale to paranormal investigators, some of it being absolute crap and not worth the shipping fees. With this piece of equipment, I’ve tested it, used it, dropped it and generally put it through its paces to my satisfaction as being worth the investment. For additional information on this and other products available from the developer, visit their website at:


ParaNexus Newsletter

ParaNexus—Past, Present, and Future By Doug Kelley CH, CSL, CLPI ParaNexus Executive Director

Hello ParaNexus Members and Guests! It’s been over 18 months since Jari Mikkola and I founded ParaNexus and we have come a long way as an organization since then. In January 2009, Jari assumed responsibility for publishing the Journal of Anomalous Sciences as its own entity and organization apart from ParaNexus, and I have take responsibility for the reset of ParaNexus. Jari has simply done an outstanding and awesome job on producing the Journal—I’ve never seen any other magazine with the quality that Jari is producing. And little does the public realize just how many hours it takes to produce one issue—it can take well over a hundred! As anyone who has started a group will tell you, it is a real challenge to build an organization; it takes time and the diligent ongoing effort of many. It has been an even greater challenge to build ParaNexus into a top-notch anomalous research association because, frankly, our philosophy and approach is different than most of the paranormal community. Rather than chasing lights in the sky, presenting dust orbs as ghosts, or promoting superstitious fear with “demons” and “demonology,” we seek to delve deeper into finding the causes and commonalities among various types of anomalous phenomena and, more importantly, what these anomalous events mean to our existence and the human condition. As a result of this approach, we appeal more to the educated and serious segment of the anomalous research community rather than the hobbyist and amateur segment which makes up the largest part—especially in recent years. These factors combined with the poor economy have made getting members and donations harder than ever. Even still, we press on. ParaNexus is now ready to take the next step in its organization evolution. We are incorporating the association as a Florida Not for Profit Corporation in the next few days. We will also file for 501(c)(3) tax exempt status with the IRS just as soon as we can afford the $300 filing fee, which should be in the next few months. Paid memberships remain ParaNexus’ primary means of raising funds to cover operating costs. All staff members are non-paid volunteers and generously give of their time in furthering the ParaNexus Vision. While our operating expenses are currently low, we will need to raise funds if we are ever going to fulfill our mission, just like any other non-profit organization. Even though ParaNexus has operated just like a non-profit since its inception, becoming an official non-profit organization will potentially qualify us for government and private grants. Additionally, those who donate money and tangible items will be able to deduct these donations from their taxes. We also want to be in a financial position to award research grants to other groups with special projects. But more importantly, operating as a non-profit will hopefully demonstrate that ParaNexus Administrators are committed to becoming a World-Class organization and premiere participant in the next generation of anomalous research with members who comprise the crème de la crème of the research community. We sincerely appreciate the support that our present and past members have shown and look forward to a bright future where we can make some serious inroads in finding answers to anomalous phenomena! We hope you will join us!

How You Can Assist Several opportunities exist for those interested in joining the ParaNexus Vision: 1. Become Member / Renew Your Membership. Membership dues are only $39 per year which is equivalent to $3.25 per month or about 10 cents per day. To put this in perspective, compare the cost of other common expenses such as lunch at McDonalds, a pack of cigarettes, or renting a movie. Look around and I think you’ll find our membership dues to be lower and provide more benefits than most other professional associations regardless of the field. Members can visit their Profile on to renew their membership. More info on joining ParaNexus can be found at 2. Participate in the Forum and Blogs. ParaNexus is about sharing your ideas, concepts, approaches, and individuality. As a member, why not post your ideas in the forum, or respond to other’s posts? You can also start a blog and comment on other member’s blog posts. Blogs are a great resource for ideas and provoking thought. Another benefit to being active on is that you have an opportunity to showcase your talent and philosophies. This can result in opportunities to join ParaNexus as a staff member or even a Board Member. 3. Donate Funds or Items. Even though we cannot yet say that you can deduct donations from taxes, we greatly appreciate any donations made. We can also accept items of some value that can be used as a part of our research or can be converted to cash for operating expenses. A webpage is being added to the website with more info on donations. 4. Join the ParaNexus Staff. We are always looking for people with expertise who want to help. We have several positions open, see for more info.


ParaNexus Newsletter


New! Just Launched! You Can Choose a Winner!

First Place Winner (determined by panel) will receive:

ParaNexus Fake-a-Photo Contest I’m happy to announce that the ParaNexus Fake-a-Photo Contest is now open for entries! This contest was inspired by Stephen Wagner at and is designed to be a fun and educational experience. This contest is open to everyone including nonmembers. You can even participate in judging entries by voting for your favorite fake photo! As a contestant, your mission is to create a fake photo that will stump the experts! Your subject can be any type of anomalous phenomena including ghosts, shadow people, UFOs, aliens, cryptids (such as Bigfoot), etc. You can use any type of software available including PhotoShop, cgi software, etc. You can start with any particular photo and then manipulate and enhance it to produce your final entry. The overall objective of this contest is to educate and raise awareness of what fake photos look like and how they are achieved. This will aid anomalous researchers to better identify photos that are faked, hoaxed, and/or are false-positives. The entries from this contest will be published and available on for the benefit of all members.


1 year paid membership to ParaNexus ($39 value) which includes all member benefits.


Your choice of the CPI or CLPI Course (digital online version) on ParaNexus Academy ($55/$65 value). These prizes can be assigned to another person if you desire.


A printed 1st Place Certificate showcasing your achievement (U.S. residents only. A PDF certificate will also be emailed).


A guest spot on ParaNexus Radio on October 29, 2009 to discuss how you created your fake photo.

Second Place Winner (determined by panel) will receive: 1.

6 month paid membership to ParaNexus ($19.50 value) which includes all member benefits.


A PDF Second Place Certificate showcasing your achievement.


A guest spot on ParaNexus Radio on October 29, 2009 to discuss how you created your fake photo.

Popular Vote Winner (determined by public vote) will receive: 1.

6 month paid membership to ParaNexus ($19.50 value) which includes all member benefits.


A PDF Second Place Certificate showcasing your achievement.

The contest will begin on Thursday, September 3, 2009, 12am Eastern, and end on Thursday, October 29, 2009, 12 pm Eastern. The winners will be announced on ParaNexus Radio on Thursday October 29, 2009 at 9pm Eastern.

So, You Ready to Start Hoaxing? For More Info, Contest Rules, Judging Criteria, and to Enter, Visit


ParaNexus Newsletter

Do You Collaborate or Compete? By Doug Kelley CH, CSL, CLPI

ParaNexus Executive Director Originally published 07 Feb 2009 – The importance of this topic cannot be understated – D.D.

and freely share tips and evidence. But a few exist who are threatened by new and innovative thinking. They may get jealous of other groups or individuals, or they may think they somehow have the market on paranormal research because of many years of experience. If this describes you, then stop taking yourself so seriously. Be about the business of investigating the paranormal and leave others alone to do the same. How can we truly make inroads in the paranormal field when we are preoccupied with infighting?

Human nature is as interesting a phenomenon as any ghost or UFO activity. Anytime there is a difference of belief, education, or indoctrination, there is fertile ground for name calling and ad hominem attacks. The paranormal community is no different. Any research group that endeavors to think freely and try new things can almost plan on getting feedback—some good, some critical. As we all seek to find answers, it is important to understand that this is NOT a competition! We are all trying to find answers and contribute to the paranormal field in our own unique ways. This is a right that belongs to each one of us and without judgment attached. No group has the authority or the right to call another group to account.

If you are a group or an individual that encourages cooperation, then stand tall and be proud that you are contributing to the field and humanity in a meaningful way! If you receive negative comments or emails, just consider the source and understand that “explanations rarely explain.” Don’t even acknowledge personal attacks made by “weekend warriors” who think that they are somehow deputized as some kind of “paranormal group police.” Continue to do your thing knowing that you have the support of enlightened and like-minded researchers who are committed to professionalism in the field!

Each of us should really ponder our own position toward other paranormal research groups. Do we take a competitive approach? Or do we show a friendly and cooperative attitude? Remember that we are all colleagues and engaged in the same work. This being the case, we should be about our work and not focus negatively on what other groups are doing.

On the other hand, if you are an individual or group that has attacked other investigators or groups, mind your own business and find something constructive with which to use your time. Some of us are really trying to make a positive difference to humanity and don’t have time for high-school antics. May we suggest that you leave your juvenile ways behind and join the adult community? Live and let live.

This means to refrain from bad-mouthing other groups. It means to not send nasty emails to or about other groups simply because we may disagree with their approach. It is easy for some to attack others, but this is unethical. We may not agree with another group’s approach; and this is fine. Live and let live. Most paranormal research groups are cooperative

Cooperate. Don’t compete. Don’t criticize.

Letters to the Editor By Dave Desjardins

Upcoming articles – UFO’s – NASA Officials Speaking Up. The Paranormal Paradigm – Universal Standards for Recording and Reporting.


ParaNexus Newsletter

ParaNexus Sites Join Today! ParaNexus is a global professional association of dedicated and progressive parapsychologists, ufologists, and enthusiasts focused on researching and understanding the human condition through the scientific study of anomalous and psychical phenomena, its reality, its reach, and its impact on humanity.

The ParaNexus Academy offers a growing list of paranormal and personal growth courses that are affordable and comprehensive. Our instructors are skilled and knowledgeable in the topics they teach. All courses are conducted online and may feature live video sessions, online content, instructor articles and books, and additional activities and material.

ParaNexus Universe Radio Program Thursdays • 9pm EST

The ParaNexus Resource Shoppe provides aids to research and investigation including training courses, log books, ID Badges, and more.

Join Doug & Grant for interesting guests and interesting topics.

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