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Tonight on ParaNexus Universe Radio The ParaNexus Newsletter

Thursday, 9-17-09 • 9pm - 10pm Eastern

© 2009 by Editor: David Desjardins

Bringing Credibility to the Anomalous Research Field

This Newsletter is distributed free of charge to anyone interested. Please visit to subscribe. Serious article submissions welcome. Please send submissions to [email protected].

With Jennifer Lauer Jennifer Lauer, Founder/Executive Director of the Southern Wisconsin Paranormal Research Group, joins us to discuss how investigators and researchers can add credibility to the field.

Tune in at

September 17, 2009

CONTENTS Editors Corner 2

Gadgets and Gizmo’s

—Registry of Anomalous Events 2

Directors Notes

ParaNexus Non-Profit Incorporation Update 3

Recent Blogs • • • • •

What do you bring … Your Share in Crop Circle Research Getting going and moving on... Something Happened in 1875 Watch Life Leave

These Blogs and others can be found at:

What Do You Bring to the Anomalous Research Table?

Not a ParaNexus Member Yet?


Membership Expired?

Ghost Hunters, Paranormal Investigators & Parapsychologists –

Join or Renew your membership now to take advantage of many new membership benefits. Visit

What’s the Difference? 7

Final Considerations

Closing Thoughts and Future Concepts 9

Special Announcements: Members – September/October issue of the Journal of Anomalous Sciences



ParaNexus Newsletter

Editors Corner

Gizmos and Gadgets – by Dave Desjardins CPI A weekly review of the latest tech in paranormal research.

by Dave Desjardins CPI Another great week has passed within the ParaNexus Universe, which has yielded some fantastic blog and forum posts. The Fake a Photo contest is underway; recent news of incorporation promises many great opportunities and raises ParaNexus to a new level in dedication and professionalism within the anomalous research field. There are numerous websites and paranormal communities to be found on the wonderful world of the interweb, but there is something that stands out with the quality of character and professionalism that can be found in ParaNexus (no I’m not getting paid to say this). I would strongly encourage anyone who is not a member and has a strong dedication to researching the paranormal to seriously consider membership. Or at the very least read more on what we are about and what we would like to accomplish. I personally, am excited to see what the future has in store for the community as a whole and we have the membership to thank for building ParaNexus to what it is today. I look forward to continuing to grow, learn and work with you all. Questions, comments or suggestions pertaining to this newsletter or anything posted herein, may be sent to [email protected].

A bit of a departure from the norm on this week’s Gizmos and Gadgets in that, I would like to take some time and focus on a ParaNexus resource that deserves more public exposure. A great deal of hard work has gone into ParaNexus since its inception to make it a unique resource for both anomalous investigators as well as members of the general public who may be experiencing or have witnessed unexplained phenomena. One such resource is the Registry of Anomalous Events. This Registry is meant to provide a unique database where professional investigators are able to cross reference varying anomalous events such as UFO sightings, abduction’s and parapsychological events, in order to better serve their clients, conduct more thorough research and to better understand the human condition. Combined with online submission forms for the public to submit reports of activity or to request investigations from qualified, highly professional Certified ParaNexus Field Investigators (CPFI), the Registry has the potential to become a leading online resource. As much as we would like to see it happen though, databases such as this do not populate themselves. Success of the Registry is contingent on researchers to share their experiences and findings so everyone who has a professional interest in the field may benefit from it.

Very basic information can at times be found in sporadic locations on the internet, but never in one place and never of a detailed, reliable, scientific nature. I have never seen an endeavor of this magnitude in the making with regards to all fields of anomalous research combined and would like to watch it grow into the resource it has the potential to become. So with that said, the challenge is out and the Registry is ready for submissions. Together we can make it meet its potential but it will take some patience, and dedication on our part. Links to the Registry may be found by clicking on either graphic within this article. In the words of Frank Sinatra – “Start spreading the news….”

Paranormal Investigator Certification Course (CPI)

A serious and professional academic course with certification available in a home study or structured class version. Discounted pricing for ParaNexus members.


ParaNexus Newsletter

ParaNexus—Non-Profit Incorporation Update By Doug Kelley CH, CSL, CLPI ParaNexus Chairman, Executive Director

Hello ParaNexus Members and Guests! We have taken a big step in the evolution of ParaNexus by filing our non-profit incorporation papers with the state of Florida last Friday, September 11, 2009. Once the filing is complete (should be this week), the newly formed Board of Directors will meet to adopt our bylaws, which are being updated with a non-profit corporation in mind. The new bylaws as well as the new non-profit corporation organizational structure will be published on as soon as this is done. Our intent is to apply for 501(c)(3) tax exempt status with the IRS as soon as we can afford the $300 filing fee. With any luck, this will be in the next month or so. Among the benefits to ParaNexus as well as to our membership and the public will be our ability to apply for Government and private grants. Donors will also be able to deduct donations from their taxes. A further benefit is that we intend to award small grants of our own to research projects. This, of course, will depend on having sufficient funds with which to do so. Currently, the primary source of income for ParaNexus is membership dues. While our overhead is currently very low, increasing the number of members we attract as well as seeking donations and grants will help the corporation accomplish its non-profit goals and provide more benefits to members. With this in mind, we would like to hear from you. What benefits would you like to see added so that being a member of ParaNexus represents a worthwhile benefit to you? If you have ideas, we would love to hear them! Please send them to [email protected]. If you are currently a paid member of ParaNexus, we sincerely thank you for your support! Can you spread the word about ParaNexus to your colleagues and encourage them to join? Can you display the membership banner prominently on your website (if you are not already)? If you are not currently a paid member, we would love to have you join! In addition to many benefits, you will also be helping a worthwhile cause, that is, aiding in the enhancement and discovery of phenomena that has a profound bearing on the human condition. Please visit for a full list of member benefits. There are also opportunities for those who may want to get more involved with ParaNexus as Board Members and staff. We are on the ground floor of building a solid and long-lasting organization committed to excellence and are always looking for good people. Specifically, we are in real need of two positions. 1. Someone with an Accounting background to become the Corporate Treasurer and a member of the Board, and 2. Someone with public relations and media experience to increase public awareness of our organization. We are also in need of staff members with PHP and/or Visual Basic programming experience. If you or someone you know might fit, please visit for more information. Again, we appreciate those of you who have supported us since our inception in February 2008, as well as those who have joined us as staff members. We couldn’t have done it nor can we do it without you! I will post more updates on as well as in next week’s newsletter. Have a great week! —Doug


ParaNexus Newsletter


You Can Choose a Winner!

First Place Winner (determined by panel) will receive:

ParaNexus Fake-a-Photo Contest I’m happy to announce that the ParaNexus Fake-a-Photo Contest is now open for entries! This contest was inspired by Stephen Wagner at and is designed to be a fun and educational experience. This contest is open to everyone including nonmembers. You can even participate in judging entries by voting for your favorite fake photo! As a contestant, your mission is to create a fake photo that will stump the experts! Your subject can be any type of anomalous phenomena including ghosts, shadow people, UFOs, aliens, cryptids (such as Bigfoot), etc. You can use any type of software available including PhotoShop, cgi software, etc. You can start with any particular photo and then manipulate and enhance it to produce your final entry. The overall objective of this contest is to educate and raise awareness of what fake photos look like and how they are achieved. This will aid anomalous researchers to better identify photos that are faked, hoaxed, and/or are false-positives. The entries from this contest will be published and available on for the benefit of all members.


1 year paid membership to ParaNexus ($39 value) which includes all member benefits.


Your choice of the CPI or CLPI Course (digital online version) on ParaNexus Academy ($55/$65 value). These prizes can be assigned to another person if you desire.


A printed 1st Place Certificate showcasing your achievement (U.S. residents only. A PDF certificate will also be emailed).


A guest spot on ParaNexus Radio on October 29, 2009 to discuss how you created your fake photo.

Second Place Winner (determined by panel) will receive: 1.

6 month paid membership to ParaNexus ($19.50 value) which includes all member benefits.


A PDF Second Place Certificate showcasing your achievement.


A guest spot on ParaNexus Radio on October 29, 2009 to discuss how you created your fake photo.

Popular Vote Winner (determined by public vote) will receive: 1.

6 month paid membership to ParaNexus ($19.50 value) which includes all member benefits.


A PDF Second Place Certificate showcasing your achievement.

The contest will begin on Thursday, September 3, 2009, 12am Eastern, and end on Thursday, October 29, 2009, 12 pm Eastern. The winners will be announced on ParaNexus Radio on Thursday October 29, 2009 at 9pm Eastern.

So, Are You Ready to Start Hoaxing? For More Info, Contest Rules, Judging Criteria, and to Enter, Visit


ParaNexus Newsletter

What Do You Bring to the Anomalous Research Table? By Doug Kelley CH, CSL, CLPI ParaNexus Chairman, Executive Director

As for investigators who have lost their initial interest but continue to go through the motions, it is time for a wake up call. We’ve all heard the phrase “life is short.” But do we really think about it? The cold hard fact is that no one has a guarantee that they will be alive in one minute—let alone in one week or month or year. The saddest day of anyone’s life is when they are on their deathbed lamenting over the “woulda-couldashoulda’s,” the “if-only’s,” and the “might have been’s.” In other words, while the end of life is certainly sad, it is even sadder when someone realizes that he or she wasted so much of their lives worrying about petty matters and struggling to eke out an existence that they completely forgot to really live; they lost the opportunity to focus on the most important aspects of life, namely, what in the hell it’s all about. Perhaps one of the biggest aliments to afflict humanity is that most people take themselves way too seriously. You can see this all over the planet with petty land disputes, religious intolerance, and general tribal warfare. It reminds me of a bunch of little boys in a sandbox all fighting over where their own corner begins and the other’s ends. I love the words of Plato, “Nothing in the affairs of man is worth worrying about.” Regardless of technological advances, those words are as true today as they were 2,500 years ago.

“When you cease to make a contribution you begin to die.” —Eleanor Roosevelt One of the biggest ongoing issues I have observed over the years is that team members start out with enthusiasm and excitement and then slowly lose that enthusiasm until they end up just going through the motions. This can be a big issue for team Founders because they may need the help but don’t know quite how to deal with members who cease contributing to the team in meaningful ways. It’s even worse if these members are personal friends. Some members— especially new members—have been conditioned by TV shows that anomalous research is always dramatic, exciting, and fun. The truth is that, while there can be moments of excitement, anomalous research is usually uneventful—sometimes even monotonous. The unfortunate result is that the interest of a member may fade or, in an effort to add some excitement, he or she starts seeing faces and spirits in every photo with a dust orb or light streak. Serious and professional anomalous researchers are never motivated by drama; rather, they are motivated by a profound and usually life-long desire to understand the mysteries of life, our multiverse, and our existence. Those who continue past the initial excitement phase do so because they have a calling, as it were. The upshot is that these serious researchers evolve; they learn to think for themselves; they learn to question everything, and they are not afraid to change their perspectives based on valid reasoning. Amateur investigators who don’t fade away, on the other hand, don’t evolve; in fact, they may even be opposed to broadening into other areas of anomalous research. They continue to pursue “ghost hunting” for the thrill, the drama, and the social aspects rather than for anything serious. This resembles a “pack” mentality because it is not currently politically correct in the ghost hunting world to take a firm stand for such things as orbs being dust, energy rods being the result of camera shake, demons being mythological, or Ouija boards being an impotent combination of cardboard and plastic (however, this is slowly changing).

So what’s the point of all this? The point is that life is far too short and precious to waste doing something you just can’t get into. If you are an anomalous researcher, what are you bringing to the anomalous research table? Is your interest fading, or do you still see the value of what you do? Are you still making a meaningful contribution to your team and the field, or have you started that slow and draining (for your team mates) downward spiral that ends with you quitting or being dismissed? The intent of this article is to encourage those who may have become unsure of their interest in paranormal research or who have become discouraged (and we all have at some point), and to recommend one of two paths: If you are going to be an anomalous researcher, then damn it, be an anomalous researcher! If you’re not, then do yourself, your team, and the field the courtesy and honor of moving on.


ParaNexus Newsletter

So, how do you know which path to take?

Early 20th century pioneering aviatrix and author, Elinor Smith Sullivan, once wrote, “It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” Elinor was 89 years old back in 2000 when I spoke with her and, to the best of my knowledge, is still alive today. Elinor is a splendid example of a person who knew what she wanted and went out and “happened” to it! —Read more about Elinor Smith Sullivan at

Serious anomalous researchers don’t do this for the money, the glory, or the fame; they do it because that is who they are and what they do. It’s in their blood. They do research with or without a team. They can’t quit because some deep part of them yearns for answers. Even though they may get discouraged at times, they realize the importance of what they do even if the world ignores and demeans them. This higher purpose fuels and nurtures their spirit. If this describes you, then align yourself with other serious researchers of like mind. This will invigorate you and help you to accomplish your purpose. And you never know… you just might participate in breakthroughs that will enhance humanity’s understanding of itself!

If you are going to do anomalous research, then be about it. Go “happen” to it! If you’re not, then you owe it to yourself and others to move on and go “happen” to something else you find of higher meaning and value. ________________________________________

On the other hand, if anomalous research is not for you, you already know it. How? Several factors characterize the investigator who probably needs to do themselves a favor and move on. These factors include dreading team meetings, being late for investigations, half-heartedly carrying out assigned responsibilities or putting them off completely, not answering emails or calls from the Founder, not returning messages, forgetting about team meetings and/or investigations, being contentious, and a general attitude of indifference. One of the reasons a person like this may not move on is that he or she doesn’t want to hurt other’s feelings, or they fear losing friendships. The truth, however, is that this kind of person is already hurting relationships because team members and others are aware of it and likely resent this person for not towing the line. In reality, this kind of person takes more than they give, and anytime someone takes more than they give and is unwilling to change, the relationship is over. If this describes you, you have a choice: You can either take care of the problem now, or suffer longer and still take care of it later. Either way, you will take care of it eventually, or it will be taken care of for you.

Relevant Quotes • “In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.” —Abraham Lincoln • “I discovered at an early age that most of the difference between average people and great people can be explained in three words, “and then some.” Top people do what is expected of them and then some. They are considerate and thoughtful of others, and then some. They meet their obligations and responsibilities fairly and squarely, and then some. They are good friends and then some. They can be counted on in an emergency and then some.” —James Francis Bums • “There is not much left to do but bury a man when the last of his dreams is dead.” —Doug Hooper • “I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything; but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” —Helen Keller • “It's not your blue blood, your pedigree or your college degree. It's what you do with your life that counts.” —Millard Fuller

Another way of knowing whether you should keep doing this or whether you should move on is to ask yourself why you started doing it in the first place. Why are you an anomalous researcher? What do you get out of it? What do you hope to gain? What does the world stand to gain?

• “The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.” —Alan Ashley-Pitt

Everyone who works with a team must bring something of value to the team table. And if they don’t, they only make things harder on others. Ask yourself what you bring to the table. Is it something of value? Is it meaningful? Does it make a difference?

• “Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.” —Mark Twain • “Whatever you are, be a good one.” — Abraham Lincoln


ParaNexus Newsletter

Ghost Hunter, Paranormal Investigator & Parapsychologist – What’s the Difference? By Jennifer Lauer

Janesville Paranormal Research Examiner Lauer is the founder and executive director of the Southern Wisconsin Paranormal Research Group (SWPRG). Founded in 1999, the SWPRG has been recognized as one of the country’s leading paranormal research organizations. Lauer co-authored the book Investigating the Haunted: Ghost Hunting Taken to the Next Level, which is a textbook for advanced paranormal research and investigation. Lauer is also on staff and teaches paranormal education classes at two northern Illinois colleges. Website:

Ed’s Note: The following article is re-published with the author’s express written permission. Thank you Jennifer, your outlooks and professionalism are greatly appreciated and we look forward to reading more from you. I would like to encourage our readers to view the original publication at: and take the quick poll located the bottom of the article. – D.D.

How many times have you heard the terms, "Ghost Hunter", "Paranormal Investigator" or "Parapsychologist", and think they were all the same? Most people would assume they are, but is there really a difference between them? The answer is, "ABSOLUTELY"!! There are several aspects of each of these titles that express what these people do and how they look at the field. Let's take a look at each of them. The following is a simple breakdown of the elements which make up each one. GHOST HUNTER


It seems that this title would pretty much say it all. To hunt ghosts would imply that these individuals assume there are ghosts and they are on a quest to find them.

The term "Paranormal Investigator" can include anyone interested in many areas of the paranormal such as Aliens or UFO's, Cryptozoology and yes, even ghosts. The key word in this title, however, is "Investigator". Merriam-Webster's Dictionary describes an "Investigator" as someone who will observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry: to make a systematic examination: to conduct an official inquiry.

These individuals are usually hobbyist and their investigations generally consist of walking around a cemetery late at night with a flashlight, a camera and possibly a single axis Electromagnetic Field Meter (EMF) and hoping to see something that will scare the bejebeeze out of them. They are simply thrill seekers with little to no education in the field of ghost research and investigation. They usually watch all of the Ghost Hunting shows on TV and accept them as the actual reality of the field.

This tells us that these individuals attempt to rule out all possible natural explanations, are critical thinkers, are open minded and inquisitive, do not make assumptions and do not just assume ghosts exist, they take a scientific approach to their research and are well versed in a variety of other areas of related fields such as Parapsychology, Psychology, Anomalous Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, environmental, 7

ParaNexus Newsletter

geological, sociological and others. They not only use good quality equipment when conducting an investigation, but they also know what the equipment is used for, how to use it properly and how to analyze the data they receive and correlate it with other types of evidence to have a greater view of a situation. If no evidence is apparent within the data, they take it for what it is. Good or Bad. They do not attempt to make it fit their hypotheses.

These experiences include ESP, PK, Survival and more. They attempt to explain the phenomena within the context of mainstream science using the scientific method in a laboratory setting. Their results are usually published in peer reviewed scientific journals. They are the real "Scientists" in this field and have done some great work making the unknown more understandable. So, as you can see these individuals are very different from each other. If you were gonna be one of these, where would you see yourself fitting in? Would you find yourself as a Ghost Hunter? A Paranormal Investigator? or a Parapsychologist?

PARAPSYCHOLOGIST A Parapsychologist is an individual who has advanced graduate degrees in parapsychology, psychology or other related areas with an emphasis on a parapsychological topic. They study experiences which are not within the area of known human capabilities.

 Do you have a topic that you are passionate about? Something that you feel should be said? A comment, criticism, or opinion on the field of paranormal research or its future? Make your voice heard in the ParaNexus Newsletter. All submissions may be sent to [email protected]



ParaNexus Newsletter

Final Consideratons Closing thoughts and future concepts.

– by Dave Desjardins CPI

One of the topics discussed briefly at the staff meeting, held 13 Sept, 2009, was the possibility of ParaNexus apparel. What better way to get a feel for the potential of such items than to put it out for consideration to our readership and members. On Friday, 18 September 2009, I will be placing a post in the public General Discussion forum to address this possibility (yes most likely in the form of a poll. I do love those polls). In the mean time, I would like to ask that you all give some thought as to what you might like to see in the way of clothing, hats, t-shirts, golf shirts, suggestions welcome (within reason of course). Although this proposal is still in the discussion phase, if a demand is recognized and product(s) identified, we can potentially step up the process and get the wheels of industry grinding along at a happy pace. Take some time over your morning coffee, or if you’re like me, the wee hours when you just can’t get back to sleep, think it over, keep an eye on the General Discussion forum and let us know your thoughts and ideas. I’ll post additional “reminders” in upcoming issues. Until then, I look forward to your replies.

ParaNexus Sites Join Today! ParaNexus is a global professional association of dedicated and progressive parapsychologists, ufologists, and enthusiasts focused on researching and understanding the human condition through the scientific study of anomalous and psychical phenomena, its reality, its reach, and its impact on humanity.

The ParaNexus Academy offers a growing list of paranormal and personal growth courses that are affordable and comprehensive. Our instructors are skilled and knowledgeable in the topics they teach. All courses are conducted online and may feature live video sessions, online content, instructor articles and books, and additional activities and material.

ParaNexus Universe Radio Program Thursdays • 9pm EST

The ParaNexus Resource Shoppe provides aids to research and investigation including training courses, log books, ID Badges, and more.

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