11 December 2008 Meeting Minutes

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Ontario Police Health and Safety Association Meeting December 11th 2008 Halton Regional Police Service - Oakville - Ontario 9:35

Chair Bonnie Gwilliams welcomes members to the OPHSA December meeting


Halton Regional Police Service Chief Gary Crowell welcomes OPHSA to Halton Regional Police Headquarters

09:40 Bob Waller – Halton Regional Police Association President welcomes OPHSA to Halton Regional Police Headquarters 09:43 Introductions of all OPHSA Members in attendance 09:45 Meeting Dates April 2nd 2009 South Simcoe June 4th 2009 Windsor – Caesars and the Training Center September 2009 Ottawa – date to be confirmed Minutes of the last meeting – September 11th 2008 approved. 09:48 Rob Stoyanoff REA “the Management of Lead Exposures in Indoor Firing Ranges Rob completed an in depth presentation to those present regarding lead as well as other contaminants commonly experienced in Police Stations – Ranges – and Police related working environments. 11:20 Elections for Chair and Vice Chair for OPHSA Elections were held first for Chair with 4 members interested – a secret ballot was held and Darwin Trojan of York Regional Police Service was elected as Chair of OPHSA. Another secret ballot was held resulting in Deb Bentley of Stratford Police Service elected as Vice Chair of OPHSA. Congratulations Darwin and Deb – your experience with OPHSA and Health and Safety issues will benefit all members of OPHSA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

We thank those that are interested in assisting other Police Services with their involvement in OPHSA. Section 21 Committee Doug Allan spoke regarding the previous Section 21 Meeting. Those that attend the Section 21 Meeting whom also attend OPHSA Meetings are Doug Allan from the PAO, Peter Penlington from the Ontario Senior Officer’s Association, Nick Dzudz from the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards, Joe Watkins from Municipal Health and Safety Association of Ontario (observer status) and Bonnie Gwilliams from OPHSA (observer status). Guidance Notes are posted on the PAO Website at http://www.pao.on.ca/ Enter PAO and Unity for user name and password located under the left side tab ‘OHS Notes and Advisories’. Guidance Note 8 is out – OHS Act requirement for High Visibility Garments – cuffs on arms and legs – CSA Requirements. Guidance Note 9 is out - for Health and Safety Committees to have limited violence toward employees. Guidance Note 10 – X-Ray. The Radio Safety Institute of Canada will complete X-Ray training. Guidance Note 11 is on the way – water rescuer and recovery. Safe Driving Practices were spoken about - posters by the Ministry will be produced. Water Rescue issues were discussed – swim to survive – ice, canals and dams. A Program was initiated by WSIB - “Program for Exposure Incident Reporting” (PEIR) – looking at program for Policing – a voluntary program – no Dr. involved – if Dr. then WSIB – Waterloo Ergonomics Study regarding in car terminals – stress on the body from using in car terminals – ongoing study. York Regional Police advised the MOL was called and forms are now changed to capture data of MDT/Computer injuries – information from York’s meeting September 11th from the Chiropractor was to get out of the cruiser frequently to avoid injury Doug Allen of the PAO advised long term use in a vehicle is not recommended. Section 21 is to meet with fire and EMS to see what they are doing that may assist Policing. 12:00 – Lunch provided by Halton Region Headquarters Cafeteria Round Table Hamilton Police Service Every front line officer has a respirator available to them – beards are shaved – enough in stores to supply a major event – fit testing at block training – all will receive ½ masks High visibility bands – feel they shouldn’t wear them – new draft is arm and leg bands at CSA Standards – the concern from officers is being a target with reflective items on arms and legs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

A discussion was held regarding 360-degree visibility for safety wear – “planned events” such as traffic direction and RIDE is good but difficult for regular road Officers. Waterloo Regional Police Service Carrier patches to seal on exterior – Auxiliary and Special Constable Patches – when an exterior identifier of ‘Police’ is shown, will also have the Service logo to identify a Waterloo Officer (assists at Multi Jurisdictional Events) – Durham currently has these identifiers. Sarnia Police Service Lead exposure testing is underway – building is good – lead on stationary bike handles a distance from the range. Ontario Provincial Police Aurora Building to be occupied in April 2009 – the Range will be decommissioned. Open Forum on the OPPA Site on Guidance Notes for Info Sharing. Orillia Headquarters is the only range – it is okay. One station had a high lead level in the ceiling of the garage sally port area from years of lead gasoline exhaust from vehicles. ‘Detach’ the range from the building if building a ‘new’ building – this is a recommendation. Since employees are going to another range, they can ask for lead testing at the range they go to for the shoot. Lead levels for the disassembly of boilers/chillers for the contractors who do this. Stratford Police Service Zero issues at this time. Ottawa Police Service Equipment belts are being issued with a lower holster. Looking at load bearing vests. Ontario Police Video Alliance – invisible threats (communicable diseases) – a good video. York Regional Police has one on-line for Officers to view. Suspenders are issued on request – Canadian Research Center does studies such as how much is on a belt that makes recommendations to the Section 21 Committee. Cornwall Police Service Beretta Handgun is replaced to the Smith and Wesson – holster is not as comfortable. Designated Officer MHSA Course – day after the course Scott Hanton was needed – good to have backups. Health and Safety Training on block training – knowledge to Officers to know what it is all about (such as blood testing). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

York Regional Police has updates on ‘mandatory read’ that Officers have to click on that are updates (like Mandatory Blood Testing Act) Canadian Pacific Police Service Flood in Toronto last year caused flooding to the Toronto Detachment – leaving that building which will solve the problem. Police Association of Ontario (PAO) As per the Section 21 Report Halton Regional Police Service Radio issues are being worked on 2010 for completion 78/79 Radios 94/95 Radios York has two complete systems – if one is down then dispatch moves Strathroy – radio system out – working with PAO Waterloo – August 29th – system out for 4 hours A lengthy discussion was held resulting in an OPHSA recommendation that the Section 21 Committee promotes “Police Services should have a Provisional Plan for Radio Failure” Voice dictation approved in Halton – Dragon System – computer checks voice and types. Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service The Peterborough Station is renovating that includes asbestos and lead removal prior to a complete renovation. There are no unresolved issues with this renovation at this time. A request for information regarding vest carriers – appears all Services use something different and few have outer carriers – no Service prescribes to ‘everyone’ having the same vest requirements. A request for information regarding common boots for all – appears no Service has a common boot that is suitable for everyone. Halton recommends all boots be CSA approved. North Bay Police Service Court House – Joint Health and Safety Committee and Police were invited in – regular maintenance issues are occurring – the question is ‘who pays’ – a recommendation was made to contact the MOL for guidance as this issue is not new in Policing. A request was made regarding Health and Safety Presentation for new recruits. York Regional Police Service A Health and Safety Officer is being hired at $68000 salary. WSIB Injury and Stats being notified on patterns etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

Committee wants to go to major MVC’s – not to interfere but to prevent injuries for the future. Accommodation issues regarding the use of Uniform or plain clothes – a discussion was held and it a common issue was not keep employee out of a place of risk if unarmed in uniform while accommodated for injury purposes. Bulletproof doors are being looked at for Cruisers. Windsor Police Service Frank Bauer is requesting stats on Police Vehicle Collisions – forward to [email protected] Meeting adjourned at 1:50 PM

APRIL 2nd 2009 in South Simcoe The Next Meeting of the Ontario Police Health and Safety Asociation will be hosted by South Simcoe Police Service on Thursday the 2nd of April 2009. Further details and directions to follow. Further information, questions or concerns - Contact Mark Ballantine Secretary [email protected]



April 2nd 2009 South Simcoe June 4th 2009 Windsor – Caesars and the Training Center September 2009 in Ottawa –Confirmed


Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

Members in Attendance Mark Ballantine Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service [email protected] Lori Taylor Halton Regional Police Service [email protected] Doug Allan PAO [email protected] Scott McLean Niagara Regional Police Service [email protected] Paul Fish Canadian Pacific Police [email protected] Scott Hanton Cornwall Police Service [email protected] Brian Catlin Ottawa Police Service [email protected] Deb Bentley Stratford Police Service [email protected] George Borbely Ontario Provincial Police [email protected] Kevin Hummel Ontario Provincial Police [email protected] Joyce Dietz Sarnia Police Service [email protected] Brian Atchison Waterloo Regional Police Service [email protected] Peter Penlington Waterloo Regional Police Service [email protected] Dan Bowman Hamilton Police Service [email protected] Vince DeMascio Hamilton Police Service [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

Nick Dzudz Windsor Police Services Board [email protected] Frank Bauer Windsor Police Service [email protected] Brian Morrison York Regional Police service [email protected] Darwin Trojan York Regional Police Service [email protected] Enzo Coletta York Regional Police Service [email protected] Jody deHaas North Bay Police Service [email protected] Jacqueline Long South Simcoe Police Service [email protected] Bonnie Gwilliams Halton Regional Police Service [email protected] Ray Masicotte Waterloo Regional Police Service [email protected] Mike Sullivan Waterloo Regional Police Service [email protected]


Darwin Trojan, Chair C/O York Regional Police Service 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 [email protected] Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

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