Pathways Meeting Minutes, December 16, 2008

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  • Words: 395
  • Pages: 1
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 Pathways Sub-Committee Meeting Notes The meeting began promptly at 6:30 PM. Members of the committee brought materials regarding other schools that currently run pathway programs and discussed the implications of such programs at Dumont High School. Adding the necessary electives to facilitate the pathway’s programs would require additional teachers and classrooms. This is most apparent in math and science due to new testing requirements in these fields; therefore, certain courses will become mandatory graduation requirements for all students increasing the needed course sections for those classes. All members agreed that the overall student work ethic is low and that the truly motivated students would be better suited for VHS and off site elective options. Off site elective options and VHS are necessary to provide the additional electives required by the various pathways that DHS is not currently set up to handle or facilitate. Rich Chiandusse has a meeting already scheduled with Bergen Community College to discuss weekend and after school courses that high school students in the music department can take to fulfill high school and/or college credits to supplement what DHS can currently offer. He will also request information for the other departments. The group is still unsure what, if any, changes will be made to scheduling and how this would impact the offering of elective and core classes. Again, the group discussed getting rid of student free periods; however, doing so would impact teacher duty schedules, increase classroom usage, and create possible crowding issues. The group would like to hold a meeting with Mike Parent and Genny DiTrani to discuss their findings, concerns and questions. Questions/concerns the committee has: 1. Should we be focusing on Pathway Options - using teachers and facilities to add subject specific electives or make class sizes smaller and more efficient and effective learning environment that better prepare students for upcoming exit exams, especially within the sciences? 2. Will there be any upcoming changes to the current block/rotating schedule? 3. Will the school be able to add faculty and classrooms to support increased electives and course offerings required to truly support a Pathway’s Program? 4. Can new electives be offered after school, before school or on a rotating schedule of every other year? If so what are the implications for staffing, budget, and classroom use? 5. What is the timeline regarding the implementation of Pathways?

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