100405_2018-10-22 - Week 09 - Considerations Sappk & Fsrd - English (1).pptx

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Considerations in

Art, Craft, Design, Architecture, and Planning Cluster FSRD-SAPPK-SBM

Art, Craft, and Design

Consideration in Art and Design Consideration in Art and design: 1. Aesthetics 2. Materials 3. Ethics 4. Human Factor 5. Sustainability

Consideration in Art and Design Aesthetics 1. Aesthetics consideration is the important factor in Art and Design process 2. Aesthetic consideration will make every product become attractive and interesting 3. Human like beauty in naturally and physically. Something that looks interesting, comfortable, delicious, healthy etc

Naturally, human will choose something visually interesting and attractive

Naturally, human will choose something visually interesting and attractive

Bangunan Abu Dhabi (Concept by Zaha Hadid)

Radio kayu Magno (Singgih S / Temanggung)

Lemon Juicer (Phillipe Starck)

Consideration in Art and Design Materials 1. Related with materials and technique 2. Material selection will affect method and technique and also the product lifetime.

Consideration in Art and Design

Consideration in Art and Design

Consideration in Art and Design

Consideration in Art and Design Ethics 1. Related when art connect with the public or art sociey 2. When the product connect with the public, it need culture factor and society value as the acceptance 3. The scope of product appreciation: a. Exhibition room, limited segmentation and free expression b. Public area, large segmentation, expression will direct impact to ethical value

Consideration in Art and Design

Consideration in Art and Design

Consideration in Art and Design Human Factor 1. Human as the user of product design 2. Large scope adn related with the area of art and design Example: a. Industrial product design: ergonomy, usability, etc b. Visual communication design: readibility, psychographic profile, etc c. Interior Design: ergonomy, lighting, etc

Consideration in Art and Design

Consideration in Art and Design

Consideration in Art and Design

Consideration in Art and Design Sustainability 1. Related to environment issue: how an art product have a long lifetime and minimum impact to environment 2. Not only material, its also related with the production process

Consideration in Art and Design


An architect doing his/her activities according to brief/Terms of References from the client

Most of architects will follow up the brief/TOR by doing: • Requirements analysis to complete the brief/TOR • Land analysis • Precedent analysis

Requirements Analysis • Checking, reviewing, and detailing the real requirements. Arrange scenario to use the building based on future projection. • Searching for standard of measurements used, quality, special requirements from book of standards, particular regulations, etc. • Result of the analysis will become the base for programming (consist of what facility, the quantity, the measurements, and quality for the design)

Land/Area Analysis Reviewing certain conditions: - physical, - infrastructure, - social, - Architectural design in the surroundings;

Precedent Analysis Architect and/or his/her subordinate looking for information such as pictures or photos, or visiting, or directly observing some design project of building with similar problem, or location, to be studied as initial reference, or as comparison.

After posses complete program and having adequate information of the land and surroundings, architect can start to explore design solution.

GLASS BOX VS BLACK BOX • Projects that demand special accountable requirements, usually are designed with glass box thinking: all should be able to be explained and accounted. • Monumental projects, or because subjectivity of certain architects, become the reason for black box approach. Architect has great autonomy in design decision making. Sometimes the design could not be explain to another party, even to the architect itself.

DESIGN APPROACH TYPES • Functional approach • Behavioral approach • Shape approach • Typology (space) approach • Building method approach • Land condition approach • Economy approach • Process approach Sometimes a project can use more than one approach

FUNCTIONAL APPROACH Demand relatively high performance in functional aspect than other aspects. Example: factory, office, etc.

BEHAVIORAL APPROACH • Similar to functional approach, but focus more on behavior of the people that will use the building so that the building performance can support/not support certain behaviors. • Example: school, library, style center, mall, etc.

SHAPE APPROACH • Usually used in project that require certain exotic shape or to attract judges in because of joining certain competition. • Some architects have tendency to use this approach for any project. • Tend to black box think.

TYPOLOGY APPROACH (SPACE) Usually function and location can be associated with certain typology. Typology approach use arrangement of space types or shapes that have been known in general, with unknowingly predecessor. (Car design type: sedan, SUV, minibus, jeep, van, etc.) Some space typology: • Street with arcade • Building with innercourt • Cluster complex • Linear or radial building, etc.

Building Method Approach Building method approach is used by projects with specific requirements that need special building process, for example: need to be built quickly, build in a narrow land, using only specified building material in result of material limitation or because of the sponsor.

Land Condition Approach The specific conditions of land require a specific design approach. • A narrow land and/or a tight law in downtown area • A Land which has a steep slope • A sensitive land that needs of preservation • A Land that has a special potential deserved to be utilized

Economic Approach Limitation of fund for construction (not only in the matter of quantity but also in stages of funding) forces architect to use the economic approach. Usually it involves building material approach and/or building technology.

Process Approach Design process approach can be done because the client or the architect wants the user/owner to be actively involved in the design process and in the building process – Participatory Approach

Other Process Approach is parametric approach. The designer inputs design’s parameters, then computer will process it until it put out some alternative designs.

Types of Concepts There are 6 types of design concept: • Pragmatics • Typology • Analogy • Metaphoric • Canonic • Iconic The concept can consist of combination of those six.

PRAGMATICS • Designs is as the immediate problem solver, as it is. Problems: The function of buildings, thermal comfort, overcoming glare, flood, the scarcity of materials and / or technology • Examples: car workshop (machine shop), manufacturing plant, inexpensive houses and terminal

Typology • Typology function is a design solution that is long commonly known, nevertheless the origin can’t be traced. An easy way to start designing with a general idea = types • Typology of a hotel, prison, school, dorms, etc.

Typology of Hotel’s

Typology of Prison’s blueprint

Typology of School’s blueprint

Typology of Theater ‘s blueprint

Typology of Cathedral’s blueprint Typology of dorm’s blueprint

ANALOGY • It has a visual similarities with something • Similar to nature: mountains, river, waves, trees, leaf, human (anthropomorphic), stones. • Similar with man-made goods: books, hats, castle, historical buildings, vehicles. • Similar to arts • Music analogy – rhythm

Museum Louvre, Paris, analogy of pyramid Analogy of Medieval European Castle

Analogy of trees

Analogy of Human’s body (anthropomorphic)

Analogy of Arts, Architecture Design result as an art

Analogy of Music, Venesia castle.

Royal Ontario Museum,Toronto

Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles, California

Fire Station in Vitra, Now it is a gallery

METAPHOR Based on the similarity of ideas, but seeing it with naked eyes it is not similar. Famous saying from Architect Corbusier: A house is a machine for living in. Example: Bill Gates’ house.

Villa Savoye, Design by Corbu, 1929.

Bill Gates’ house in Seattle, USA.

Canonic Design is based on existing knowledge (formulas and principles) which is standard. Example: Greek / Rome classic building design principle

Capitol Building, Wahington DC, USA

Great Hall of the People, China, 1958-59

ICONIC • Design approach that prioritize shapes • Example of Iconic Architecture: Eiffel Tower in Paris, Opera House in Sydney, Gugenheim Museum in Bilbao Spain, Petronas tower in KL.

City Planning

Basic Consideration • Technique: reliability, security, and safety • Esthetic: beauty • Financial: efficiency

• Socio-economy: usefulness • Politics: acceptance

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