10 Cwi Health Final Study Guide

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  • Words: 764
  • Pages: 7
Unit I: Mental Health Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Wellness is a state of mind as well as a physical state. •

Is the physical state of good health as well as the mental ability to enjoy and appreciate being healthy and fit.

Wellness is not just the state of being free of disease symptoms. A person can achieve a state of wellness and be riddled with disease if the symptoms are controlled and balance is maintained.

Wellness is a state of balance between health and fitness physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Health Triangle

Lifestyle Factors Self-Esteem Symptoms of Low Self-Esteem: •

Self Critical


Fear of adversity

Over analyze why they are the way they are

Opposition with authority figures

Tire easily

Trouble making and or/keeping friends

Refuse to take risks

Difficulty forming trust

May lack empathy and compassion for others

Improving Self Esteem: •

Respect yourself & others

Maintain your health

Say supportive things to yourself

Take responsibility for own actions and choices

Develop clear goals

Appreciate good things

Develop reputation for being a reliable person.

Stress & Stressors Types of Stress: Distress: Negative stress; not knowing how to deal with stress Eustress: Positive stress; can help one achieve their goals. Stressor: Anything that stimulates a stress response (people, objects, places, and/or events). Body Response: Hypothalamus: Nerve center of the brain is excited by stress → Some nerves activate pituitary glands that secrete hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands → Adrenal glands then produce and secrete a hormone called adrenaline. Physical Reactions: •

Heart rate speeds up

Breathing Quickens

Saliva and mucus dry up

Increased perspiration

Become more susceptible to illness and accidents

Muscle tension

Suspended digestion

Pupils dilate


Increase urination

Can’t think clearly

Defense Mechanisms Defense Mechanisms are how people react to others particularly in stressful situations •

Compensation: Emphasizing personal strengths in one area. Shifting focus from failure in another area.

Denial: Refusing to accept an obvious situation. Trying to avoid emotional pain.

Displacement: Taking out one’s anger/frustration on a person/object that is not the cause of the offense.

Identification: Associating with people/groups that are of higher status in order to increase your own status

Intellectualization: Describing painful/emotional events in academic/philosophical terms

Projection: Casting feelings you have onto another person. Blaming another person for the feelings you have.

Rationalization: Making logical excuses for illogical behavior.

Reaction Formation: Replacing feelings that are socially unacceptable with emotions that are acceptable.

Regression: Reverting to child-like behavior to get the attention you got when you were younger; or to get your way.

Repression: Unconsciously forgetting information that is too painful to recall.

Unit II: Human Body

Eating Disorders Anorexia: History: •

First became known as “anorexia mirabilis”

Strongly associated to Catholicism

Later became “anorexia nervosa

Why? Women wanted to disassociated themselves from sexuality

Fecundity: The capability to have offspring

Asexuality: Not sexual, sexless.


Low calorie intake

Obsession with exercising

Unnatural interest in food

Misses three consecutive periods

Distorted body image

Intense fear of gaining weight

Denies the seriousness of low body weight.

Physical Symptoms: •

Weight loss


Hormonal changes

Lanugo (Fine hair on the torso)

Hair loss

Numbness of hands or feet

Heart/Kidney failure

Muscle Cramps

Leukopenia (White blood cell count drops)


Bulimia: History: •

First known as “bulimarexia”

Satiety: the state of having enough, being satisfied, full.

Bulimia Types: •

Binging: Eating large amounts of calories at once.

Purging: Vomiting or using laxatives

Characteristics: •

May follow a restrictive diet after purging

Acting secretive

Excessive exercising Purging Type: •

Self induced vomiting or use of laxatives

Non Purging Type: •


Excessive exercising

Physical Symptoms: •

Metabolic acidosis (increased acid levels in blood)


Kidney damage

Irregular heartbeat

Tooth decay

Damaged stomach, esophagus, and mouth


Profile of Average Person with an Eating Disorder •

Good student

Eager to please people


Avoids conflict

Seeks approval

May feel stressed/anxious with new situations



Treatment: •

Psychological Therapy

Medication to decrease anxiety

Behavioral Therapy

Medical Assistance: •

Treat symptoms

Nutrition counseling

Family & individual therapy

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