10 Chem Chem Exam Ii Vocab

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 494
  • Pages: 2
Concentration: Is a measurement of the amount of stuff dissolved in another substance Compound: Is a substance that contains two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed proportion. Solvent: is a substance that dissolves something else Solute: A dissolved substance Nucleus: Is the core that contains positive and neutrally charged particles. Atom: Is the smallest particle of an element that retains the element’s chemical identity Electron: Negatively charged particle with a mass of 1.00720 amu Neutron: Is a neutral particle with a mass of 1.00867 amu Proton: Is a positively charged particle with a mass of 1.00720 Alkali Metal: Is an S-Block element Transition Metal: is a d-block element that has a high melting point and is a good conductor Nonmetal: Is an inactive element in group 18 Halogen: is a reactive, nonmetallic element in group 17 Noble Gas: is an element with a low melting point and is a poor conductor, tends to gain electrons Ionization Energy: The process of energy leaving a nucleus undergoing internal change Amount of input needed to remove one electron from an atom Electronegativity: indicates how strongly an atom will attract electrons to itself Radiation: is a form of an atom that emits alpha, beta, or gamma radiation Half-Life: is a measurement of the decay of a radioactive substance Nuclear Chain Reaction: Is a series of nuclear changes where the products of one change initiate further reactions in other atoms Nuclear Equation: is a way of describing the changes that occur during radioactive decay Nuclear Fusion: is the joining of two atomic nuclei Nuclear Fission: is the splitting of an atomic nucleus Nuclear Reaction: is the process that changes the composition of the atomic nucleus Radiotracer: is a unit used to measure biological damage caused by ionizing radiation Mutation: is a change in genetic code of physical appearance of an organism Geiger Counter: is a device for measuring the total absorbed ionizing radiation during exposure Dosimeter: is a device that can detect and measure radioactivity Rem: radioisotopes used in medical or biological experiments Ground State: the lowest energy level of electrons in an atom Electron Density: is the tern used to describe the probability of finding an electron in certain regions of an atom. Is the concentration of electrons in an electron cloud of an atom Electron Configuration: is the distribution of electrons among the electron clouds of an atom. Excited State: is the energy level of an electron that absorbs additional energy Group/Family: is a vertical column of elements in the periodic table Valence Electron: is the outermost energy level for an electron Reliability: is something that is dependable Validity: is something that is proven

Accuracy: is an indication of how close a measurement is to its accepted value Frequency: Is the number of times a wave passes a certain point Conductor: something good at carrying heat Ion: a particle with electrical charge Orbital: a three dimensional shape that can hold up to two electrons is

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