10-29 Facilitation

  • June 2020
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Class Facilitation, 10/29/09: Technology in Teaching and Learning Assigned Readings: • Thomas, R. A. & Boysen, J. P. (1984) A taxonomy for the instructional uses of computers. Association for educational data systems monitor. 22 (11,12), pp. 15-17, 26 (Available on-line: http://www.iastate.edu/~abc/cs403/taxart.html) • Perkins, D.N. (1991), Technology meets constructivism: Do they make a marriage? Educational Technology, p. 18 -23. (Available through blackboard e-reserves, first on the list) • Taylor, R. (1980). The computer in the school: Tutor, tool, tutee. New York, N.Y. Teachers College Press. (Available through blackboard ereserves, third on the list, p. 1-4) Additional assigned readings are indicated below: •

Rose, D. and Meyer, A. (2002) Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age: Universal Design for Learning. Alexandria: Association of Curriculum Development. (Available on-line: http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/ideas/tes/) Taylor, R. P. (2003). Reflections on The Computer in the School. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education [Online serial], 3(1). (Available on-line: http://www.citejournal.org/vol3/iss1/seminal/article2.cfm )

No blog entry this week Here are our goals for class on 10-29: • Students will be able to summarize the Thomas and Boysen article in order to apply the proposed categories to their current instructional setting. • Students will be able to describe Taylor’s modes of computing in education in order to identify current examples of each function. • Students will be able to identify Perkins five facets of a learning environment in order to describe how information processing technologies can figure into the instructional process. • Students will evaluate an online-text in order to identify the definition of universal design for learning, apply the three principles of UDL and assess current implementation of UDL in classrooms. Although we are not completing blog entries, we will review each article in depth in class on Thursday. In order to be prepared for

our discussion and related activities, please consider the following topics/questions as you read each article (you will be asked to “work with” these topics during our class discussion): Thomas and Boysen article: • potential of the computer as a teaching device rather than a learning device • taxonomy of computer instruction: experiencing, informing, reinforcing, integrating, and utilizing Taylor article (1980)--(read pages 1-4 and 7-10 and skim pages 5-6)--listed in syllabus and Taylor article linked above (2003) • current application of tutor, tool, tutee, based on your field • thoughts on Taylor’s “new” categories: access, collaborate, communicate, experience…current implications? • Change in thinking between his 1980 text and his 2003 article? Impact on educators? Perkins article: • Facets of learning environments: information banks, symbol pads, construction kits, phenomenaria and task managers • BIG vs. WIG • Where are we in the “marriage” of information processing technologies and the constructivist point of view? Rose and Meyer Text • Definition of Universal Design for Learning, examples of three principles, application in your current setting • Examples of how the online text models the concepts that it teaches • Connection between UDL and instructional technology?

If you have question, don’t hesitate to let me know! See you next week  Liz

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