1 Carver Reid Social Science Charts

  • November 2019
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Monday Day 1 AA SOL SS 1.10 classroom citizenship CZ/LA/TX The teacher will introduce the citizenship vocabulary terms on p. H4 in the People and Places book. The class will discuss the importance of the citizenship traits and how they can practice them. LI/R The teacher will read Teamwork by Ann Morris to the class.

Tuesday Day 2 AA SOL SS 1.10 classroom citizenship LI/R The teacher will read The Tale of Peter Rabbit to the class. PS The students will discuss why Peter’s mother gave her children rules and what happened when they broke those rules. PS/CC The class will work together to make class rules.

Week 1 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Thursday Day 3 Day 4 AA SOL SS 1.10 AA SOL SS 1.10 classroom citizenship classroom citizenship TX/R The students will read R/TX The teacher will read p. p 1-9 in Horizons. 12-15 in the Horizons book with the class. CZ/CC/GA The students will work in small groups to make The teacher will lead in a welcome signs to the discussion about the roles community. that the students play in the community. LA The teacher will review the important vocabulary on A/CZ/W The students will p. 2 and 3. create a community roles page with 4 pictures The class will work with the including descriptions about teacher to begin to fill in an their roles played in the alike and different chart community. comparing their community with other communities.

Friday Day 5 AA SOL SS 1.10 classroom citizenship R/TX The teacher will read p. 18-19 in the Horizons book with the class. A/GA/CC/CZ The students will work in small groups to make a 3D model of their community using a variety of art supplies. OL/V/CM Students will display their models and explain them to the class or another grade level.


Tuesday Day 7 SCIENCE WEEK

Week 2 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 8 SCIENCE WEEK

Thursday Day 9 SCIENCE WEEK

Friday Day 10 SCIENCE WEEK

Monday Day 11 AA SOL SS 1.10 commitment to citizenship R/TX The teacher will read p. 16-17 in the Horizons book with the class. CZ/CC/OLThe teacher will lead the class in a discussion about cooperation and classroom citizenship. A/CZ/GA The students will work in small groups to make a citizenship poster. Each student will sign a Commitment to Citizenship card.

Week 3 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 12 Day 13 AA SOL SS 1.10 AA SOL SS 1.10 national citizenship national citizenship R/TX The teacher will read p. R/LA/LI/CZ The teacher will 20-23 in the Horizon’s book. use p. 51 in Five In A Row to teach a lesson on LA The teacher will review persecution of minorities and the vocabulary words: freedom. country, state, city, county. LI/R The students will listen MO/LA The students will play to the teacher read the story four corners using the and will complete the vocabulary words. corresponding activity.

Thursday Day 14 Social Studies Test TX The students will review for the test using p. 36-37 in the Horizon’s book. The teacher will administer the test.

Friday Day 15 Field Trip Amazement Square CI/CZ The students will spend the day at Amazement Square and will learn about the communities and other areas in our country. HS Parents will be invited to attend.

Monday Day 16

Tuesday Day 17

Week 4 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 18




Thursday Day 19

Friday Day 20



Monday Day 21 AA SOL SS 1.11 patriotic symbols The teacher will read America: The Patriotic Primer to the class. The students will work with partners to research about one of the patriotic symbols found in the book. The pair will report their findings to the class throughout the week.

Tuesday Day 22 AA SOL SS 1.11 patriotic symbols The students will read p. 7477 in the Horizons boo. The teacher will lead a class discussion about the importance of the American flag. The students will say the Pledge of Allegiance. The students will sing, The Star Spangled Banner. The students will make their own American flag using a variety of art supplies.

Week 5 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 23 AA SOL SS 1.11 patriotic symbols The teacher will lead a discussion with the class about the Statue of Liberty and the things that the students already know about it. The teacher will read p. 4954 in It’s the Fourth of July by Stan Hoig. The students will make their own Statue of Liberty and will write two sentences about what they learned.

Thursday Day 24 AA SOL SS 1.11 patriotic symbols The teacher will discuss the importance of the patriotic symbols: the eagle, the Liberty Bell, and Uncle Sam. The students will read p. 78 in the Horizons book. Students will work in pairs to read other books about these symbols. Students will chose one symbol and will draw a picture and write 3 sentences about the symbol.

Friday Day 25 AA SOL SS 1.11 patriotic symbols The teacher will show the students pictures of some of the famous building found in Washington D.C. such as the Capital building, the Washington Monument, and the White House. The teacher will allow students to research these important places using the internet. The students will print out a small picture of one of the buildings and will type two sentences about it.

Monday Day 26

Tuesday Day 27

Week 6 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 28




Thursday Day 29 st End of 1 grading period SCIENCE WEEK

Friday Day 30 SCIENCE WEEK

Monday Day 31 AA SOL SS 1.12 community diversity R The teacher will read The Giraffe That Walked to Paris to the class. PS/OLThe teacher will lead a discussion about the differences between the community in France and the community the students live in. The teacher will emphasize how the people of Paris honored their public symbols. A/W The students will write three sentences and draw a picture of a publicly honored person or symbol.

Week 7 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 AA SOL SS 1.12 AA SOL SS 1.12 AA SOL SS 1.12 community diversity community diversity community diversity R The students will read R/TX The teacher will read LA/R The teacher will read about rural, suburban, and pages 16-17 in the Horizons Mei-Mei Loves the Morning. urban communities. book to the class. The class will discuss that T The students will watch a The teacher will lead in a people everywhere share the video from discussion about the same needs. www.brainpop.com about the difference between the three different types of communities. GA/CC Students will work in communities. small groups to plan an A/CC Students will create a interview and report findings A Students will draw three mural comparing their about their community. pictures and three sentences community with other describing what they have communities using pictures learned. from magazines and other resources.

Friday Day 35 Social Science Test The teacher will administer the Social Studies test. The students will complete the test to the best of their ability. The teacher will administer a performance evaluation by observing how well the students are practicing classroom citizenship throughout the week.

Monday Day 36 SCIENCE WEEK

Tuesday Day 37 SCIENCE WEEK

Week 8 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 38 SCIENCE WEEK

Thursday Day 39 SCIENCE WEEK

Friday Day 40 SCIENCE WEEK

Monday Day 41 AA SOL SS 1.4 maps and landmarks The teacher will discuss and explain what a landmark is and how landmarks can be found on a map. V The students will look at a local map of their town. GA/PS The students will work with partners to locate certain landmarks on the map.

Week 9 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 42 Day 43 Day 44 AA SOL SS 1.4 AA SOL SS 1.4 AA SOL SS 1.4 maps and landmarks maps and landmarks maps and landmarks R/TX The students will read R/TX The teacher will read In R/TX The students will read p. 264-265 in the People and Your Country to the class. p. 68-69 in the Horizons boo. Places book. A/W The students will draw The students will complete A/W The students will draw and write about the the practice activities on the and write about a statue of landscape of their pages. other landmark in the community. community explaining why it The teacher will make sure is important. OL/CM The students will that each child can point out present their work to the the state capital. class. DA Students who finish early will complete p. 13 in Maps, Charts, and Graphs.

Friday Day 45 Social Science Test The teacher will administer the Social Science Test. The students will complete the test to the best of their abilities.

Monday Day 46 Field Trip to pumpkin patch

Tuesday Day 47 SCIENCE WEEK

Week 10 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 48 SCIENCE WEEK

Thursday Day 49 SCIENCE WEEK

Friday Day 50 SCIENCE WEEK

Monday Day 51 AA SOL SS 1.4 map symbols The teacher will introduce the unit on maps by reading Maps and Globes by Jack Knowlton.

Tuesday Day 52 AA SOL SS 1.4 map symbols The teacher will use p. 64 in Five in a Row Volume II to explain to students how to use a compass.

The class will discuss and list the use of maps.

The students will complete the activity to help them understand how to use a compass and the directional terms north, south, east, and west.

The students will use a map to find hidden treasure in the classroom.

Week 11 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Thursday Day 53 Day 54 AA SOL SS 1.4 AA SOL SS 1.4 map symbols map symbols The teacher will read page The teacher will read pages 24-25 with the class and 120-121 with the class. explain how to read a map key and use map symbols. The students will answer the questions on p. 121. The students will work in pairs to draw a map a map The students will color and key that corresponds to a complete p. 13 in Maps, given map. Charts, and Graphs.

Friday Day 55 AA SOL SS 1.4 map symbols The teacher will read pages 146-147 with the class. The students will answer the questions on page 147 and will practice using a map scale to determine the distance from place to place on a map.

Monday Day 56 SCIENCE WEEK

Tuesday Day 57 SCIENCE WEEK

Week 12 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 58 SCIENCE WEEK

Thursday Day 59 SCIENCE WEEK

Friday Day 60 SCIENCE WEEK

Monday Day 61 AA SOL SS 1.5 map construction The teacher will use p. 95 in Five In A Row to teach a lesson on map construction and following directions.

Tuesday Day 62 AA SOL SS 1.5 map construction The teacher will review the things that the students should do to create an accurate map.

The teacher will read Make Way For Ducklings to the class.

The students will complete page 2 in Maps, Charts and Graphs.

The students will create a map of the rout the ducklings take to the park. Students should include a compass rose and a map key in their drawing.

The students will work in pairs to create a map of the classroom with a key and compass rose.

DA The teacher will provide samples of maps of downtown Boston for the students to use as a model.

DA Students who finish early can include a map scale to their maps.

Week 13 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Thursday Day 63 Day 64 AA SOL SS 1.5 AA SOL SS 1.5 map construction map construction The teacher will review map The students will continue to skills and go over any work on their community problem areas that the maps. students may be having. The students will have all The students will begin land areas on their maps with working in groups on their rivers, mountains, roads and community map project by other landmarks labeled. looking at pictures, researching, and delegating tasks.

Friday Day 65 AA SOL SS 1.5 map construction The students will map a map key for their community maps. Students will complete any unfinished portions of their project. Each group will take turns presenting their project to the class and explaining how and why they did their project the way they did.

Monday Day 66 SCIENCE WEEK

Tuesday Day 67 SCIENCE WEEK

Week 14 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 68 SCIENCE WEEK

Thursday Day 69 SCIENCE WEEK

Friday Day 70 SCIENCE WEEK

Monday Day 71 AA SOL SS 1.1 picture timelines The teacher will discuss picture time lines and the purpose that they serve. DA The teacher will provide a model of what a picture time line should look like. The students will make a model of a picture time line of their life which will include a drawn picture of themselves for each year of their life with a brief description of the picture including the year.

Week 15 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 72 Day 73 AA SOL SS 1.1 AA SOL SS 1.1 picture timelines picture timelines The teacher will read page The teacher will lead the 220-221 in the Horizons book class in a discussion about to the class. some of the holidays that are celebrated. The teacher will have students view the Space The students will name these Exploration picture time line. holidays and the teacher will write their answers on the Students will work in groups board. to read about other explorers and create a short picture The class will work together time line about the book and to create a picture time line the explorer that they read of the holidays using p. 256 about. in the Horizons book and other resources. Each student will create a card on a holiday then the class will work together to order the cards.

Thursday Day 74 AA SOL SS 1.1 picture timelines The teacher will lead the class in a discussion about some special and memorable days that they have had. The students will create a picture time line of their special day and describe the events in logical order.

Friday Day 75 AA SOL SS 1.1 picture timelines The teacher will read The Grouch Ladybug to the class. The students will work in pairs to make the story into a picture time line. Students will present their timelines to the class.

Monday Day 76 SCIENCE WEEK

Tuesday Day 77 SCIENCE WEEK

Week 16 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 78 SCIENCE WEEK

Thursday Day 79 SCIENCE WEEK

Friday Day 80 SCIENCE WEEK

Monday Day 81 AA SOL SS 1.2 Introduction to people from the past The teacher will read America: The Patriotic Primer to the class. The class will read pages 244-249 in the Horizons book together. The teacher will lead the class in a discussion and have students answer questions on page 249. The students will design a stamp of their favorite hero and present it to the class.

Tuesday Day 82 AA SOL SS 1.2 Benjamin Franklin The teacher will read, Ben Franklin to the class. Students will work in groups to create a class almanac like Benjamin Franklin made.

Week 17 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 83 AA SOL SS 1.2 Benjamin Franklin

Thursday Day 84 AA SOL SS 1.2 Benjamin Franklin

Friday Day 85 AA SOL SS 1.2 Benjamin Franklin

The teacher will read The Many Lives of Benjamin Franklin to the class.

The teacher will read The Amazing Life of Benjamin Franklin to the class.

The teacher will read What’s the Big Idea Ben Franklin? To the class.

The students will write questions that they would like to ask Benjamin Franklin.

The students will work with partners to create a mural of Benjamin Franklin’s life using a variety of art materials.

The students will work in small groups to create a picture time line of Benjamin Franklin’s life using the books read throughout the week and other resources.

The students will complete their almanac pages and share them with the class.

Monday Day 86 SCIENCE WEEK

Tuesday Day 87 SCIENCE WEEK

Week 18 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 88 SCIENCE WEEK

Thursday Day 89 SCIENCE WEEK

Friday Day 90 SCIENCE WEEK

Week 19 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday Day 91 Day 92 AA SOL SS 1.2 George Washington Carver V/CM/OL: The teacher will show the students a picture of George Washington Carver. The teacher will create a K-W-L chart. The teacher will ask the students if they know anything about George Washington Carver and will write the facts under the “K” column on the chart. The teacher will ask the students what they want to know about GWC, and write it in the “W” column. LA/LI/V/CM: The teacher will read A Weed Is a Flower : The Life of George Washington Carver to the students. The teacher will pause to talk about important parts of the book, specifically discussing the peanut. S/GA/CM/OL/MA/W: The students will be divided into groups and use their five senses (sight, touch, taste, hear, smell) to describe the peanut. The will write their observations in their journal. S/CM: The class will discuss what they observed and will plant a peanut to grow their class peanut plant.

AA SOL SS 1.2 George Washington Carver LI/CM/V/OL: The teacher will ask the students if they can remember some things they learned about George Washington Carver (GWC) yesterday. The teacher will show various pictures of GWC (varying in his age and activities). The teacher will ask the students what part of GWC’s life the pictures show. V/W: The students will create a GWC flipbook. They students will draw a picture on each page, and write a sentence about the picture. HS/HW: The students show their parents their flipbook, and tell the story of GWC. DA: Gifted students can look up a fact about Abraham Lincoln, from a website the teacher pulled up for them. The students will incorporate it in their flipbook.

Wednesday Day 93

Thursday Day 94

Friday Day 95

AA SOL SS 1.2 George Washington Carver R/LI/LA/CM: The teacher will re-read the “peanut butter” part of the story to the students. The teacher will discuss how GWC used peanut butter. The teacher will tell the students there are many other products that use peanuts. The teacher will ask the students to name some products with peanuts in them and will list them on the board.

AA SOL SS 1.2 George Washington Carver MU/LI/OL: The teacher will lead the students in the “George Washington Carver” song. The class will sing the song together.

Social Studies Test

A/MA/OL/V/LI: The students will create a “Peanut collage.” The students will find different products that use peanuts in magazines. The students will glue the pictures onto poster board. The students will show the class their collages.

V/T/LI: The students will watch a video on George Washington Carver. LI/OL/CM/V: The teacher will ask the students to name the things they learned about GWC. The teacher will write the facts under the “L” column for the K-W-L chart.

LI: The teacher will review the lives of Benjamin Franklin and George Washington Carver with the students E: The students will take a test on Benjamin Franklin and George Washington Carver.

Week 20 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday Day 96 Day 97 SCIENCE WEEK

Wednesday Day 98

Thursday Day 99

Friday Day 100




Week 21 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday Day 101 Day 102 AA SOL SS 1.2 AA SOL SS 1.2 Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln LI/CM/VI/OL: The teacher LA/LI/V/CM: The teacher rewill give each student a read the setting from the penny and ask what man is book Meet Abraham Lincoln. on the penny. The teacher The teacher will ask the will tell the students who the students how the setting man is and tell them they will during the time Abraham be learning about Abraham Lincoln lived is different from Lincoln this week. The now. The teacher will also teacher will make a K-W-L ask the students how is the chart. The students will tell setting is similar. the teacher what they already know about Abraham W/PS: The class will fill in a Lincoln, and what they want Venn Diagram about to know about him. The Abraham Lincoln’s time teacher will write their compared to the present. questions in the chart. A/MA/OL: The students will LA/LI/V/CM: The teacher will use peanut butter and stick read the story Meet Abraham pretzels to create Abraham Lincoln to the students. The Lincoln’s log cabin. The teacher will pause to discuss students will describe how important facts, and will write this house is different from them on the board. their house. A/W: The students will color a large cutout penny. The students will write one sentence about Abraham Lincoln underneath their penny.

HS/HW: The students will tell their parents two facts about Abraham Lincoln.

Wednesday Day 103 AA SOL SS 1.2 Abraham Lincoln R/LI/LA/CM: The teacher will read the poem Abraham Lincoln to the students. The teacher will ask the students to tell her some words that describe the Abraham Lincoln. The teacher will explain how those words are called adjectives. A/W/PS: The students will use construction paper to create an Abraham Lincoln hat. The students will use colored pencils to write adjectives describing Abraham Lincoln. The students will cut and glue the adjectives on the Abraham Lincoln hat. DA: Students who have trouble writing can type the words on the computer.

Thursday Day 104 AA SOL SS 1.2 Abraham Lincoln LI/V/MO: The teacher will discuss five major events in Abraham’s life, including his birth and death. The teacher will write them out on lined paper strips. The teacher will ask volunteers to put the strips in chronological order. The volunteers will tape the strips on the board for the class to see. The teacher will go over the events in order with the class again. MA/PS: The students will create their own Abraham Lincoln timeline using construction paper, yarn, paper strips, glue, and paper pins. The students will glue their piece of yarn in a straight line on their paper. The students will put their paper strips in order. The students will pin the paper strips in order on the time line. The teacher will help the students use the paper pins.

Friday Day 105 AA SOL SS 1.2 Abraham Lincoln OL/LI/CM/V: The teacher will ask the students to name some things they learned about Abraham Lincoln. The teacher will write it under the “L” column of the K-W-L chart. GA/PS/MO/CM/OL: The students will be divided into groups of five. Each group will be given an event of Abraham Lincoln’s life to act out. The group will brainstorm ideas and practice them. The teacher will check the students’ plans and provide help for those who need it. MO/OL/CM: The students will act out their event. The rest of the class will guess which event they were portraying. The class will discuss the event together.

Week 22 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday Day 106 Day 107 SCIENCE WEEK SCIENCE WEEK

Wednesday Day 108 SCIENCE WEEK

Thursday Day 109 SCIENCE WEEK

Friday Day 110 SCIENCE WEEK

Week 23 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday 111 Day 112 AA SOL SS 1.2 AA SOL SS 1.2 George Washington George Washington V/LI/CM/T: The teacher will LI/V: The teacher will review show the students a oneinformation about George dollar bill and ask them if Washington with the students they know who is on it. The by drawing pictures on the teacher will introduce George board representing events in Washington and ask his life. students what they already know about him. The MA/A: The students will teacher will create a K-W-L create George Washington chart, and write down the hat puppets. The students things the students already will color and cut out a know and want to know George Washington stick. about George Washington. The students will glue a The teacher will show a popsicle stick to the back. power point slide about George Washington. LI/PS/MO: The teacher will read different facts about MO/PS/OL/LI: The students George Washington. If the will go on a George facts are true, the students Washington scavenger hunt. will hold up their George The teacher will have hidden Washington hat puppets. If facts about George the information is false, they Washington and GWC in the will keep their hats down. room. The students must only gather the facts about George Washington. The students will read their George Washington fact aloud to the class. DA: Students who cannot read very well can be paired with an accelerated reader to find and read the facts.

Wednesday Day 113 AA SOL SS 1.2 George Washington MU/LI/OL: The teacher will lead the class in a song about George Washington. The teacher will discuss the song with the class. The teacher will explain the next activity, a cereal box story, to the students and show a sample one. A/MA/W: The students will create a George Washington cereal box story. The students will be given a cereal box. They will glue paper all over the box so it is completely covered. The students will color a picture of George Washington and glue it on the front of the box. They will write George Washington above the picture. The students will write a story about George Washington on the back of the box. The students will find 3 objects that can represent George Washington to put inside the box. HW: The students will finish their cereal box story at home.

Thursday Day 114 AA SOL SS 1.2 George Washington OL/LI/CM/V: The teacher will ask the students to name some things they learned about George Washington. The teacher will write it under the “L” column of the K-W-L chart. V/LI/A/W: The class will watch a short video about George Washington. The students will draw a picture and write one sentence about a fact from the video. VI/LI/OL/CM: The teacher will make a Venn Diagram on the board. The teacher will ask the students to think of some similarities between George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. The teacher will ask them to think of the differences. The students will help the teacher complete the Venn Diagram.

Friday Day 115 Social Studies Test VI/LI: The teacher will go over all three K-W-L charts with the students, emphasizing the learned column. E: The students will take a test on Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.

Week 24 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday 116 Day 117 SCIENCE WEEK SCIENCE WEEK

Wednesday Day 118 SCIENCE WEEK

Thursday Day 119 SCIENCE WEEK

Friday Day 120 SCIENCE WEEK

Week 25 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Day 121

Tuesday Day 122

Wednesday Day 123

Thursday Day 124

Friday Day 125

AA SOL SS 1.8 wants, needs, and choices

AA SOL SS 1.8 wants, needs, and choices

AA SOL SS 1.8 wants, needs, and choices

AA SOL SS 1.8 wants, needs, and choices

AA SOL SS 1.8 wants, needs, and choices

LI/CM/V: The teacher will ask the students some things they need to survive. The teacher will explain how those things are called needs. The teacher will make a list of things that people needs (water, food, shelter, clothing, etc.)

LI/OL/CM/V: The teacher will ask the students if they like to buy toys. The teacher will explain that toys are called wants. The teacher will explain that wants are things that they do not have to have. The teacher will ask the students to name some wants. The teacher will make a list of the things the students name on the board.

V/CM/OL: The teacher will bring in various tangible want and need items such as, water bottle, food, clothing, toys, jewelry, etc. The teacher will spread the items out on a rug and ask the students to gather around the items. The teacher will ask the students to name the needs items. The students will point out the need items. The teacher will ask the students to point out the want items. The teacher will ask the students how can they tell which items are wants and which items are needs.

S/LI/CM/OL: The teacher will explain how choices can be made to satisfy wants and needs with limited resources. The teacher will review limited resources with students. The teacher will ask the students if they can think of any needs that may be a limited resource in some places (e.g. water). The teacher will explain how they have to choice how much and when you can use different wants and needs.

LI: The teacher will ask the students why it is important to choose between needs and goods. The teacher will set up a “grocery store” in the classroom.

PS/MA/A: The students will look through magazines and find pictures of things that are needs. The students will glue them on a poster to make a “Needs” collage. The class will share their posters with the class. DA: Allow ESL students to share with the class how their needs (type of food, housing, and clothes) are different from Americas.

W: The students will write a letter to their parents and name three things they want. The teacher will help the students with the beginning of the letter, and the students will list the things they want. HW/HS: The students will show and read the letter to their parents. The students will explain what the items are wants and not needs.

W/A: The students will fold a piece of paper in half the students will label one-half wants and one-half needs. The students will draw pictures of wants and needs in the appropriate columns.

A/PS/W: The students will pretend they are taking a trip to the desert. They have to choice 6 items to bring. The teacher will remind the student that they must wisely choice the things they need first and then choice want items. The students will draw a picture of them in the desert with the objects they chose. The students will appropriately label the items as wants and needs.

GA/MO/PS: The students will be divided into groups. Each group will be given a grocery list. The students will pretend they are shopping for things they will need during the week. The students must wisely chose things from the grocery store for the week. OL/CM/LI: The class will show share the items they chose, and will tell whether the items were needs or wants. The students will explain why they chose those items.

Week 26 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday 126 Day 127

Wednesday Day 128

Thursday Day 129

Friday Day 130





Field Trip to Fine Arts Theatre

Week 27 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday 131 AA SOL 1.7 goods and services LI/CM: The teacher will ask students if they have ever been to Wal-Mart before to buy groceries. The teacher will tell the students their groceries are called goods and Wal-Mart is a service. TX/R: The class will read about goods and services together in the text p. 70-71. MO/CM/OL: The teacher will provide a box containing note cards. Each card names a good or a service. A volunteer will come up and draw a card and announce whether it is a good or service. The volunteer will pantomime the action to help the class guess what good or service it is. Each student will have a turn to pick and pantomime a card. DA: Students who are extremely shy, and feel uncomfortable about acting, may come up with a partner to stay with them.

Tuesday Day 132 AA SOL 1.7 goods and services R/V/LI/CM/OL: The teacher will read a book about pet care to the class. The teacher will ask the students to tell about the pets they have. The class will discuss the needs the pets have, such as, bathing, brushing, clean cage, and visits to the vet. A/V/OL: The students will draw pictures showing the goods and services their pets require. The students will share their pictures. V/CM: The teacher will create three different labels (vet’s clinic, pet groomer’s shop, and pet store). The teacher will help the students identify which o their pictures would go under which label. MA/R: The students will tape their picture under the appropriate labels. The class will read all of the goods and the service they go under.

Wednesday Day 133 AA SOL 1.7 goods and services R/LA/LI/OL/CM: The teacher will read One Afternoon by Yumi Heo to the class. The teacher will ask the students to compare the stores, shops, and businesses to the ones in their neighborhood. The class will discuss the differences. The teacher will ask the students to tell her the types of goods the stores sell in their neighborhoods. GA/A/V/PS/CM: The students will pretend they are looking in the window of one of the stores in their neighborhood. The students will draw pictures of what goods they would see inside the store on a small square piece of paper. The students will be divided into pairs. The students will take turns sliding their pictures in a slot cut in an empty cardboard oatmeal container. The students will look through the container and view the goods. The student must guess which service the goods come from. The partners will alternate turns.

Thursday Day 134 AA SOL 1.7 goods and services LI/CM/PS/OL: The teacher will read aloud ads from the telephone book Yellow Pages. The teacher will ask the students to decide if they offer goods or services and explain how they know. W/MO/OL/LI/V: The students will create their own shopping lists. The students will use an assortment of puppets to create a puppet show. The students will have the puppets talk about which things on the lists are goods and which are services and where they would go to buy each one. HW/HS: The students will find goods around their house and ask their parents which service they got them from.

Friday Day 135 AA SOL 1.7 goods and services LI: The teacher will review wants, need, choice, and goods and services with the students. E: The students will take a test on wants, needs, goods, and services.

Week 28 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday 136 Day 137

Wednesday Day 138

Thursday Day 139

Friday Day 140






Week 29 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday 141 Day 142 Field Trip to Museum AA SOL SS 1.7 buyers and producers CM/CC/CI: The teacher LI: The teacher will will correspond with explain teacher will other teachers and explain what producers parents. The teacher will are. The teacher will ask watch the students to a volunteer to put the make sure they are word producer on the behaving well. The word wall. The teacher teacher will do head will explain the services counts. The teacher will produce goods. guide the students. T/V/LI/CM/OL: The LI/LS: The students will class will watch a video obey rules and use their on producers. The class manners. The students will discuss various will be respectful. types of producers (toy factories, farmers, etc.).

Wednesday Day 143 AA SOL SS 1.7 buyers and producers LI/CM/OL: The teacher will ask the students what happens to the goods that producers make. The teacher will explain what buyers are. The teacher will ask a volunteer to put the word buyer on the word wall. The teacher will explain how people can be both buyers and producers.

V: The teacher will display magazine pictures of items MO/R/PS/V/OL/CM: The children might buy, and students will be given be label each with a price given a producer role from $1 to $10. The play script. The students teacher will provide will act out the script. envelopes contain The class will guess various amounts of play what type of producer money from $1 to $10. they are. M/MA/PS: The students will draw an envelope and find an item that would be a fair trade for the money in the envelope.

Thursday Day 144 AA SOL SS 1.7 buyers and producers LI/V: The teacher will review what buyers and producers are buy drawing pictures on the board to represent each.

Friday Day 145 AA SOL SS 1.7 Social Studies Test buyers and producers LA/LI/OL/CM: The teacher will read a story about buyers and producers. The students will point out which characters are buyers GA/MO/CM/OL: The and which characters class will be divided into are producers. The groups. Some groups teacher will ask the will be producers and students how they could others will be buyers. tell which characters The producers will were buyers and which decide what they want to were producers. produce. The producers will be set up in stations A/V/W: The students will around the room. The draw a picture of two students will find objects characters from the and pretend they are book. One character producing them. The must be a producer and buyers will walk around the other must be a the room and decide buyer. The students will which goods they want write two sentences to buy from the describing the pictures producers. The class using the words will share which items producer and buyer. they bought and what The student will write the services the producers sentence underneath were. the correct picture. DA: Students who have a hard time remembering the story may view the book to write they sentences.

Week 30 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday 146 Day 147

Wednesday Day 148

Thursday Day 149

Friday Day 150






Week 31 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday 151 AA SOL SS 1.9 uses of money

Tuesday Day 152 AA SOL SS 1.9 uses of money

Wednesday Day 153 AA SOL SS 1.9 uses of money

Thursday Day 154 AA SOL SS 1.9 uses of money

Friday Day 155 Social Studies Test

LI/CM/OL: The teacher will ask the students if they know where money comes from. The teacher will remind the students that people work to earn money and make decision about how to spend their money. The teacher will ask the students to remember when they decided how to use their money a few weeks ago when they learned about producers and buyers.

LI/TX/R/V/CM: The teacher will ask the students to tell about ways they have earned money. The teacher will list their response on a chart in the column titled Ways to Earn Money. The students will read the child’s shopping list on p. 70 of the text. The students will tell the teacher what kinds of things they would buy with their money. The teacher will list the responses under the column titled Ways to Spend Money. The teacher will point out that when they shop they trade money for the things they want.

LI/V: The teacher will explain to the students that money is not just for spending but can also be saved. The teacher will ask the students why they might need to save money. The teacher will list their answers on the board. The teacher will explain the importance of saving money. The teacher will discuss different ways they can save money.

LI : The teacher will explain the procedures of the class bake sale. The teacher will assign roles to each of the students.

LI: The teacher will review buyers, producers, and uses of money.

T/V/LI: The students will watch a short video clip from the U.S Mint website on where and how money is made. A/W/MA: The students will color money cutouts. The students will glue them on a piece of paper and write two sentences about where and how money is made underneath. HS: The students will take a note home reminding their parents of the bake sale on Thursday.

M/MA: The students will use their money cutouts to buy things from the teacher’s surprise box. The items will have a price tag on them. The student will pick items they want to buy with their money. The students will give the teacher their money and keep the good (e.g. erasers, pencils, sticks, small toys.) Each student will get a turn to buy an item with his or her money.

MA/A: The students will create their own “piggy banks.” The students will be given empty containers. The teacher will have cut a slot in the plastic lid. The students will color a picture of a pig. The students will cut the picture out and glue it onto their “piggy banks.” The students will curl a piece of pink pipe cleaner for the pig’s tail and glue it to the pig on the container. HS: The students will take the “piggy bank” home and start saving some of their money. The students will count their money at the end of the month.

MO/CM/CI/OL: The students, parents, and other volunteers will run a class bake sale. The students will sell baked goods to students and teachers in the school. The students will be rotated in by groups. The students who are not working at the bake sale will work in groups and will explain how the bake sale is a service. They will draw pictures of goods. They will also name some of the producers and buyers. The students will help the teacher count the money at the end of the bake sale. DA: Students who misbehave during the bake sale will come back to the class and do seat work.

E: The students will take a test on buyers, producers, and uses of money.

Week 32 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday 156 Day 157 SCIENCE WEEK SCIENCE WEEK

Wednesday Day 158 SCIENCE WEEK

Thursday Day 159 SCIENCE WEEK

Friday Day 160 SCIENCE WEEK

Week 33 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday 161

Tuesday Day 162

Wednesday Day 163

Thursday Day 164

Friday Day 165

AA SOL SS 1.6 The way people live

AA SOL SS 1.6 The way people live: location V/LI: The teacher will remind students where they live by pointing to it on a map. The teacher will explain that it is there location. The teacher will explain what location is. The teacher will ask a volunteer to put the word location on the word wall. The teacher will explain that people can live in many different locations. The teacher will ask the students to remember the slides they saw yesterday.

AA SOL SS 1.6 The way people live: climate LI/V/CM/OL: The teacher will discuss what climate is with the students. The teacher will ask a volunteer to put the word climate on the word wall. The teacher will read a nonfiction book about climate to the students. The teacher will write four different types of climates on the board and a words describing them underneath. The teacher will ask the students what they climate is at home. The teacher will show pictures of different climates in the book again.

AA SOL SS 1.6 The way people live: physical surroundings MO/V/LI/OL/CM: The teacher will take the class outside and ask them to look around them at all the things they see. The teacher will ask the students to tell what things they see around them (mountains, trees, etc.). The teacher will explain that these are called physical surroundings. The teacher will explain that not everyone had the same physical surroundings around them. The class will go back inside and a volunteer will put the word physical surroundings on the word wall. The teacher will show pictures of other types of physical surroundings of people who live in deserts, cold places, mountains, etc.

AA SOL SS 1.6 The way people live

V/Li: The teacher will show a picture slide of people around the world and in America. The teacher will point the places out on the map. The teacher will ask the students to look for ways other people live differently from them. A/W: The students will draw a picture of how some of the people in the slides lived. The students will write one sentences explaining how the person in the picture lives. DA: ESL students can draw a picture of them in American and write a sentence explaining how it is different from America. HW: The students will get a picture of their house to bring in the next day.

MA: The students will be given a blank Virginia map. The students will draw a dot on the place they live on the map. The students will glue the picture of their home next to the dot. The students will tell the class where there location is.

A/W: The students draw lines on a large paper plate to divide it into four equal parts. The student will draw pictures of the different climates. The students will label the climates in each section. The students will circle the name of the climate in which they live.

MA/A: The students will use play dough to create a map of their physical surroundings. The students can create mountains, rivers, etc. The surroundings must be appropriate to their area.

LI/OL: The teacher will review location, climate, and physical surroundings. The teacher will ask the students to describe the location, climate, and physical surroundings of the city they live in. GA/ W/A: The class will create a mural of their location, including pictures that show the climate and physical surroundings. The students will go in groups to work on the mural. The other students will complete a worksheet while they are waiting their turn.

Week 34 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday 166 Day 167 SCIENCE WEEK SCIENCE WEEK

Wednesday Day 168 SCIENCE WEEK

Thursday Day 169 SCIENCE WEEK

Friday Day 170 SCIENCE WEEK

Week 35 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday Day 171 Day 172 AA SOL SS 1.6 AA SOL SS 1.6 The way people live: The way people live: food shelter LI/V/CM/OL: The teacher will ask the students what type of foods they eat. The teacher will make a list of the foods on the board. The teacher will explain that in other places and countries people eat different types of food. The teacher will show the flag of three different countries and tell the students what country it represents. The teacher will ask the students if they can think of what type of food that country might eat. The teacher will write the students’ responses on the board. PS/V/MA/A: The students will think of different foods they eat that have come from other places (e.g. spaghetti, burritos, and various Chinese foods). The students will look for these foods in magazines and make a food collage.

LI/OL: The teacher will explain what shelter is. The teacher will ask the students what type of shelter do they live in (e.g. house, apartment, trailer). The teacher will ask the students if they remember what type of shelter the Indians lived in. The teacher will explain how different people live in different types of shelter. MA/A/W: The students will use various types of material (red squares, popsicle sticks, paper, etc.) to create a model of what their own house looks like. After the student have created the shelter they will write three sentences describing their shelter. DA: Students who have a hard time visualizing their house, can use the picture from their Virginia map to help them create the shelter model.

Wednesday Day 173 AA SOL SS 1.6 The way people live: transportation

Thursday Day 174 AA SOL SS 1.6 The way people live: recreation

Friday Day 175 Social Studies Test

LI/CM/OL/V: The teacher will ask the students how they got to school this morning. The teacher will tell the students that cars and buses are types of transportation. The teacher will explain what transportation is. The teacher will ask the students if they can name other types of transportation. The teacher will list them on the board.

LI/LA/V: The teacher will ask the students what types of things they like to do for fun. The teacher will explain that it is called recreation. The teacher will ask a volunteer to put the word recreation on the word wall. The teacher will read a book about recreation to the class.

LI: The teacher will review the way people live with the class.

GA/MO/V/CM/OL: The students will be divided up into groups. The students will be given a picture of a particular type of transportation. The groups will act out the type of transportation. The class must decide which type of transportation they are. After the students guess correctly, the group with glue their picture on the transportation bulletin board.

OL/LI/MO: The class will stand up in a circle. The teacher will go around the circle asking the students what their favorite recreation is. The student will name their recreation. MO: The students will participate in a recreation activity set up in the room until class ends.

E: The students will take a test on the way people live.

Week 36 Social Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday Day 176 Day 177 SCIENCE WEEK SCIENCE WEEK

Wednesday Day 178 SCIENCE WEEK

Thursday Day 179 SCIENCE WEEK

Friday Day 180 Field Trip to Zoo

Social Science Resources Aliki. (1977). The Many Lives of Benjamin Franklin. Simon and Schuster, Inc. New York. Benjamin, C. (1990). Ben Franklin. McGraw-Hill School Division. New York. Brandenburg, A. (1988). A weed is a flower : the life of George Washington Carver. New York: Simon & Schuster. Buckley, S. ed. (1997). Grow and change. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Canizares, S. (1999). In Our Country. Scholastic Inc. New York. Cheney, L. (2002). America: A Patriotic Primer. Scholastic Inc. Foresman, S. (2003). Social Studies: People and Places. Pearson Education, Inc. Fisher, A. (2002). Abraham Lincoln. Highlights for Children. Retrieved on December 8, 2007, from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb140/is_200202/ai_hibm1G192522259 Fritz, J. (1976). What’s the Big Idea Ben Franklin? Harcourt Brace and Company. Giblin, J. (2000). The Amazing Life of Benjamin Franklin. Scholastic Paperback Nonfiction. Hoig, S. (1995). It’s the Fourth of July. Cobblehill Books. New York. Harcourt. (2003). Horizons: About My Community. Harcourt, Inc. Knowlton, J. (1985). Maps and Globes. HarperCollins Publishers. New York. Lambert, J. (1994). Five in a Row Volume Two. Five in a Row Publishing, Missouri. Moss, J. (1988). Maps, Charts and Graphs. Frank Schaffer Publications, Inc. Torrance, California. Pingry, P. (2002). Meet Abraham Lincoln. Nashville, Tennessee: Ideals Children’s Books. Shafer-Riha, D. (2002). George Washington Carver’s attention to invention. Retrieved on December 8, 2007, from http://www.wbra.org/html/edserv/ntti/nttipdf/george.pdf Stories in time, my world. (1997). Harcourt Brace & Company.

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