1 Carver Reid Science Charts

  • November 2019
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Monday Day 1 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 2 Social Science week

Week 1 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 3 Social Science week

Thursday Day 4 Social Science week

Friday Day 5 Social Science week

Monday Day 6 AA SOL S 1.4 Plant parts L/LI The class will discuss that, just as humans have body parts, plants have parts. The teacher will read a book that contains pictures of plants and how they grow. Then the class will list all of the parts of a plant. The teacher will record their answers. CM/MA/OL The teacher will divide the class into small groups and give each group a plant part. The group should work together to identify the plant part and tell the class where the part is located on the plant. Then each group will come and glue their plant part on a piece of poster board to put the plant back together. A Given pictures of plants, the students will draw a picture of a plant and try to identify the parts of the plant. DA Students who do not draw well will be allowed to use a stencil.

Week 2 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 7 Day 8 AA SOL S 1.4 AA SOL S 1.4 Plant parts Plant needs L/PS The class will review CM/B/CZ The class will discuss the list of plant parts that they that plants will not grow without made yesterday. The teacher certain things. The teacher will will ask the class to think ask the class to raise their about what role each plant hand and name some things part plays in the growth of the that the plant needs to grow. plant. The teacher will list their ideas and will ask the LI/H The teacher will explain students why they gave that that plants have different parts answer. The teacher will then because those parts are used show the class a live plant to feed the plant and make it and explain the function of grow. Roots need soil and each of the plant parts. water. Leaves need sunlight. The flower or fruit need MA/W The class will be nutrients and water. (Health divided into groups to rotate and Nutrition p. 45 “Blooming in Science Centers. Each Plants”) center will have a different plant part and the students PS/CC/CZ/GA The class will will be asked to investigate be divided into small groups the function of each of the and will brainstorm ways that plant parts and record their they could find out what plants findings. (For example plant really need to grow. With the roots soak up nutrients so the teacher’s assistance, each root center will have sponges group will design a test to see if and pans of water for plants will grow without one of students to investigate the the plant needs. Students will function of roots). record the progress of their plant growth throughout the following weeks.

Thursday Day 9 AA SOL S 1.4 Plan characteristics LI/CL/L The teacher will read Tree of Life by Barbara Bash. After reading the story, the teacher will ask the class to name some of the similarities and differences between baobab tree and trees that we see in our neighborhood. MA The teacher will bring in several different kinds of plants (flowering plants, ferns, evergreens, aloe plants, etc.) The students will observe the plants and record how the plants are similar and different from each other. CM The class will come back together and discuss their findings.

Friday Day 10 AA SOL S 1.5 Human characteristics LI/V/H The teacher will talk about the human body and the way that it is designed so that humans can function. The class will make a list of the body parts and what they do. Then the teacher will show the children a poster of a child (Considering God’s Creation p. 217-229). The teacher will point out the different physical characteristics of the human body. GA/A The students will be paired off and will take turns drawing a picture of their partner and label body parts (eyes, arms, feet, etc.) DA Visual students will benefit from the visual representation of the human body

Monday Day 11 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 12 Social Science week

Week 3 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 13 Social Science week

Thursday Day 14 Social Science week

Friday Day 15 Field Trip Amazement Square

Monday Day 16 AA SOL S 1.5 Human characteristics V The teacher will ask the students to look at the picture that they drew of their partner. The teacher will discuss with the class the function and importance of each of the human body parts. MO/MU The students will play a game to help them understand the importance of each of the body parts. The teacher will play music and when the music starts the students must move around but they will not be allow to use one of their body parts (feet, eyes, etc. ) W After playing the game the class will go back to their seats and write a sentence a draw a picture of one body part that they need to live and explain why. (I need my ____ because _______.)

Week 4 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 17 Day 18 AA SOL S 1.5 AA SOL S 1.5 Human needs Human needs LI/H The class will discuss the The class will discuss how things that humans need to plants and animals help to live. With the teacher’s supply human needs. The assistance, the class will make teacher will use the list of a list of these items and human needs that the class discuss their answers. made yesterday to talk about the resources that plants and V Students will be given animals provide for humans. magazines to look at and cut out pictures to make a collage HS/OL The class will sit in a of what humans need to live. circle and each student will present the item that they A/OL The students will share brought from home and explain their collage with the class and why it is a human need. explain why they choose the pictures that they put on their MO/MU/PS The class will play collage. a classification game. Students will hold their item. The teacher HS Students will be asked to will play music and when the bring a small item from home music stops, the students have that represents a human need. to make groups according to (favorite snack or drink, the type of item that they have clothing, a picture of their (food, shelter, made from house, etc.) plants, made from animals, etc.) Each group must explain why they are grouped together. Play several rounds.

Thursday Day 19 AA SOL S 1.5 Animal needs LI/L/LA The teacher will talk to the students about pets and what pets need to live. The teacher will read a book about pets to the class.

Friday Day 20 AA SOL S 1.5 Animal needs The class will review the fact that people provide food and a habitat for pets to live in, but some animals cannot be taken care of by humans.

HS/W Then small groups will use a survey page (Hands-on Science p. 281) to ask their classmates or other members of the school about the kind of pet that they have, the food they eat, and place where the pet lives.

V/GA/T/RS/W The teacher should provide a list of animals that the children should be familiar with. The students will be paired off and given one animal per pair to research. The teacher should help the students develop their research skills by telling the students to focus on answering specific questions and by organizing information using color-coded index cards.

W The class will come back together and students will record their findings on a class chart. The students will be able to find out about the different pets that people own and how they care for their pets. W Students should write an entry in their science journal about their findings.

A/W When students have finished researching, they will create a page that will be included in the class flap book, Who Lives Here? (Hands-On Science p. 275276)

Monday Day 21 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 22 Social Science week

Week 5 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 23 Social Science week

Thursday Day 24 Social Science week

Friday Day 25 Social Science week

Monday Day 26

Tuesday Day 27

AA SOL S 1.5 Animal characteristics

AA SOL S 1.5 Animal characteristics

R/MO The class will read aloud “Jump or Jiggle” (p.28 Hands on Science) inviting students to act out the words that tell how each animal moves.

TX Have students preview pages A49-A53 (Harcourt). Then the teacher will work with them to make a K-W-L chart.

GA/W/LA Then have pairs write a line about a chosen animal (working with another pair to make them rhyme) using “Jump or Jiggle” as a model. A/LA Have children illustrate their parts, then collate pages into a class book of animal movements. H The teacher will explain that movement and exercise is good for you (Health and Nutrition p. 24)

TX/R The teacher will read the pages to the class and have them follow along in their books. GA After reading the science pages, divide the students into five groups and give each group one of the five animal categories: mammals, fish, birds, amphibians, or reptiles. W/A The students should work together to list or draw pictures of all of the animals that they can think of that would be included in their particular animal category. Each group should present their findings. To conclude the lesson the class will complete the K-W-L chart.

Week 6 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 28 AA SOL 1.5 How Humans care for animals CL/LS The teacher will arrange a visit from a veterinarian or other animal caretaker. The speaker will be informed that the students have been learning about the needs of animals and their different characteristics. The teacher may want to ask the guest speaker to bring in some “friendly” animals to show the class. LI/CZ/OL The students will be responsible for listening and being respectful to the guest speaker. The students will prepare questions in advance to ask the speaker at the end of the presentation. The class could share their “Who Lives Here” book with the guest speaker.

Thursday Day 29 End of 1st grading period AA SOL 1.5 Plant, Human and Animal Review The teacher will help the students review for the test by providing graphic organizers. The teacher will also let the students look over the work that they have completed and read and look at the pictures from their textbook. LI/R The students will listen to the teacher and ask any questions that they may have about the material. The children will help the teacher fill out the graphic organizer and they will review their previous work. Students should also look through their textbook by reading and looking at the pictures.

Friday Day 30 AA SOL S 1.5 Plant, Human and Animal Test The teacher will give the students a test that will test them on what they know about plants, animals, and people. The students should do their best to correctly answer the questions and complete the task required of them. Students should be able to explain what they learned over the past weeks and identify the characteristics and needs of human, plants, and animals. DA students who may need reading help will be allowed to work with the teacher or another specialist during the testing period. Students will be asked to put their “work space” up so that they will not be distracted.

Monday Day 31 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 32 Social Science week

Week 7 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 33 Social Science week

Thursday Day 34 Social Science week

Friday Day 35 Social Science week

Monday Day 36 AA SOL S 1.7 Seasons R/OL The teacher will explain to the class why there are seasons by modeling the rotation of the earth and the position of the sun by using a globe and a flashlight. The teacher will then read a book about seasons to the class. After reading the book, the teacher will ask the class to list words that describe each of the four seasons. OL/A/MO The students will provide describing words for the four seasons. Then they will discuss and explain their answers with the class. Finally the students will be divided into small groups and will be asked to plan and present a skit explaining what happens during fall or winter and why they believe the seasons change in that way.

Tuesday Day 37 AA SOL S 1.7 Seasons The teacher will review the students list of describing words for the four seasons. The teacher will talk to the class about the things that happen in the spring and summer. The teacher will remind the class that the sun begins to shine longer during the spring and summer. LI/V The students will listen to the teacher’s instruction and will then create a visual representation of the spring or summer. Students will be supplied with various kinds of materials so that each student can make a unique representation of their chosen season. The students should also write one sentence explaining how their artwork represents that season. (This can be written on a separate card and displayed beside the student’s art to look like a museum).

Week 8 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 38 AA SOL S 1.7 Seasons The teacher will discuss and list student responses about what people do during the different seasons. Some of the things that change according to season are clothing, activities, food and plants that grow, and how things look outside. R The students will read books about the different seasons and the things that change with the changing seasons. These books should have many pictures for students to look at. The students will sort pictures according to which things they would see or do during a particular season. H Students will recognize that they need to dress differently in different seasons to stay healthy (p. 5 in Heath and Nutrition).

Thursday Day 39 AA SOL S 1.7 Weather A/W Ask students to draw a picture that shows weather. As students finish their pictures have them write, “Weather is….” on their paper and have them complete the sentence. (The teacher could make these pages into a class book for the students to take home and read with their family). R The teacher will read the students pages to the class. Then the teacher will explain that some kinds of weather occur more during a certain season (e.g.: thunderstorms are more common during the summer) GA/RS The students will be divided into small groups and given a form of weather to research. Students will have to describe what happens and name when the type of weather occurs most often. H Students should also describe what people must do during certain weather occurs.

Friday Day 40 AA SOL S 1.7 Weather CL The teacher will arrange for a meteorologist or other weather expert to come to the class (probably all of the first grade classes combined) to present information on how and why weather forms and changes. W The students will create questions to ask the guest speaker. These questions should be relevant and should be designed to help the students complete their small group assignment, researching a specific type of weather. LI/OL Students should listen intently and should have their questions ready to ask the speaker at the end of the presentation. Students will also be encouraged to take some notes by writing words or short phrases and by drawing pictures.

Monday Day 41 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 42 Social Science week

Week 9 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 43 Social Science week

Thursday Day 44 Social Science week

Friday Day 45 Social Science week

Monday Day 46 Field Trip to Pumpkin Patch The teacher will remind the students that the pumpkins grew because they started from seeds and they had all of the things that they need to grow. The teacher will also talk to the class about how the pumpkin plant had to grow through the summer and now the fruit is ripe. CL The students will go to the pumpkin patch. They will observe the pumpkin plants and will pick out a pumpkin to take home. The students will also see some of the other plants that produce during this time. HS Parents will be invited to attend.

Tuesday Day 47 AA SOL S 1.7 Effects of season and weather on plants T/A The teacher will show the class a short clip of a tree and the changes that occur through the seasons. Then the teacher will use http://www.sanfordartedvent ures.com/play/color1/color3. html to teach the students about how to mix colors to make new shades and hues. A/M The students will work in pairs and practice mixing the paint as the teacher goes through the lesson. Then the students will divide their paper into four parts and will use their paint to create a picture of the changing season including each of the four seasons. The students should also label the season and give at least two examples of shade and hue.

Week 10 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 48 AA SOL S 1.7 Effects of season and weather on plants T/MO The teacher will take the students on a nature walk. Then teacher will model how to conduct the autumn leaves experiment (found on www.sciencemadesimple.com). While the jars are sitting, the teacher will talk to the students about the effects of season and weather on plants (food production, flowering plants, leaves changing, etc.) MA/E/L/W The students will record observations in their science journal and will find one leaf. The students will tear up their leaf and put it in a baby food jar. They will get rubbing alcohol and a plastic knife and chop their leaf up inside their jar with the alcohol. The students will set their jars into hot water and insert a small strip of coffee filter into their jar. After their lesson, the students will record their observations of the colors found in their leaf and evaluate what happened.

Thursday Day 49

Friday Day 50

AA SOL S 1.7 Effects of season and weather on animals L/LI/LA The teacher will begin the lesson by talking to the class about how they dress in the winter. The teacher will go on to explain that animal behavior and characteristics change in different months. The teacher should give some examples of the changes that animals go through to get ready for winter (thickening fur, hibernation, etc.). Then the teacher will read a book about how bears get ready for the winter (Every Autumn Comes the Bear by Jim Arnosky). OL/A The students will discuss what bears do to get ready for the winter, how they put on weight, how they find dens, and so on. Then the students will paint a watercolor picture of how bears get ready for the winter. The students should sprinkle salt over their painting while it is still wet.

AA SOL S 1.7 Effects of season and weather on animals R/OL/L The teacher will talk about butterflies with the class and explain the special changes that take place in a butterfly’s life during the changing seasons. The teacher will read a book to the class about butterflies. L/A The students will listen to the teacher’s instruction. Then they will create their own model of a butterfly out of construction paper (chrysalis then wings) and three egg carton cups (caterpillar and body). OL/MA The students will then share the stages of a butterfly using their model. DA students will be given a model to help them create their butterflies and patterns will be given.

Monday Day 51 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 52 Social Science week

Week 11 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 53 Social Science week

Thursday Day 54 Social Science week

Friday Day 55 Social Science week

Monday Day 56 AA SOL S 1.7 Earth and sun

Tuesday Day 57 AA SOL S 1.7 Earth and sun

V/A/MO The teacher will introduce the lesson by making a large sun out of craft paper and have students add words about the sun on the sun’s rays. Then the teacher will take the students outside and give the material that they will need for their experiment.

LA/L The teacher will begin the lesson by asking the students if they have anything to add to the sun display. Then the teacher will read Follow the Sun by J. Marzollo. Have students share their own stories about seeing a rainbow and tell what they look like. Then the teacher will put a small mirror in a glass of water. The mirror will reflect the sun’s light and the teacher should hold a piece of white paper in front so that the students can see the color spectrum. (ROY G BIV)

LI/OL/MA The students will list things on the sun’s rays and listen to the teacher’s instructions. Then they will perform part I and II of the “Sunlight and Heat” experiment.(Hands-on Science p. 286-87) The students will be reading and recording the temperature of water and air when in the sun and when in the shade to learn that the sun provides heat. H Students will learn that we get vitamin D from the sun by making Vita-Man Mobiles (p.53 Health and Nutrition) DA Students who need help with measurement will be allowed to work with a more proficient partner.

OL/L/A The students should share some of their stories about rainbows then observe the teacher demonstrated experiment. Students will discuss what they have seen and then make their own rainbows using watercolor paint.

Week 12 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 58 AA SOL 1.6 Earth and sun

Thursday Day 59 AA SOL 1.6 Season, weather, earth, and sun review L/MO The teacher will continue to The teacher will give ask students to add things to the the students a study sun display. Then the teacher will guide for their test and ask the class if the sun moves. Then will help them to the teacher will take the class remember the outside (this should be earlier in the information discussed morning) and have them stand by filling in a graphic facing North with their arms out to organizer of the their sides. Explain that the sun rises material covered. on the east everyday. L/GA The students will PS/A/V The students will draw a listen to the teacher’s chart of themselves facing north and instruction. Then they then draw the location of the sun will be divided into six and label the position and time of groups and assigned day. (Make a second observation one of the three topics around noon). covered on the test. Groups will be OL/R The teacher will ask the responsible for working students why we have day and night together to present a and record their answers. The short presentation of teacher will read Why the Sun and what they have the Moon Live in the Sky by E. learned. Students can Dayrell. use the internet, their science journals, or any MO/PS The students will act out the other materials given experiments on p. 22-23. Make a by the teacher. final observation after finishing the book and draw conclusions and compare their previous answers for why we have day and night.

Friday Day 60 AA SOL 1.6 and 1.7 Season, weather, earth, and sun test The teacher will give the students a test that will test them on what they know about seasons, weather, and the earth and sun. The students should do their best to correctly answer the questions and complete the task required of them. Students should be able to explain what they learned over the past weeks and identify the characteristics and reasons for the seasons, and weather. They should also be able to correctly identify characteristics of the sun and the earth’s rotation. DA students who need reading help will be allowed to work with the teacher during the testing period. Students will be asked to put their “work space” up so that they will not be distracted.

Monday Day 61 Social Studies week

Tuesday Day 62 Social Studies week

Week 13 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 63 Social Studies week

Thursday Day 64 Social Studies week

Friday Day 65 Social Studies week

Monday Day 66 AA SOL S 1.1 Senses (touch) R/PS The teacher will read My Five Senses by Aliki. After reading, the teacher will talk to the students about the senses. The teacher will then let the students take turns feeling the different textures of items hidden inside socks and try to determine what the items are. LI/CM The students will listen to the reading of the book by Aliki. Then the students will participate in class discussion and determining objects by touch. GA/CZ Finally, the students will play the “touch and feel” matching game. Students will work with partners. One student will be blindfolded and try to find matching pairs according to texture. The students will help each other and take turns being blindfolded (Five Senses p.55).

Week 14 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 67 Day 68 AA SOL S 1.1 AA SOL S 1.1 Senses (sight) Senses (taste) CM/LI/PS The teacher will play H/CM The teacher will a short round of I spy with the discuss taste with the class. class. The teacher will discuss The teacher will explain to sight and then read the story of the students that we need Helen Keller (Health and taste in order to enjoy food Nutrition p. 12). and also to keep us safe by not eating food that tastes LI/CZ/H The students will bad or harmful to us. listen to the story and will H/LI/GA/MA The students participate in teacher guided will participate in a tasting activities that will help students party (Health and Nutrition p. to understand physical 33-34 and Five Senses impairments (Health and p.54). The students will taste Nutrition p.12) different items and classify them into categories by taste. They will record their answers on a chart provided by the teacher.

Thursday Day 69 AA SOL S 1.1 Senses (smell) R The teacher will read The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. LI/A/V The students will listen to the story and listen for the things that the mice smell in the story. Then the students will cut pictures out of magazines of things that smell and glue them on to a sheet of construction paper. GA/W/MO/L Then the teacher will have the students hypothesize if the can smell better than a mouse and students will write yes or no on the board. Then the teacher will hold a jar of “disguised” peanut butter and have students stand as far away as possible. The teacher will move forward until a student can determine what is in the jar by their sense of smell.

Friday Day 70 AA SOL S 1.1 Senses (sound) LI/CM The teacher will play a tape of household sounds and ask class to record the sounds that they hear. The teacher should review the student’s answers and talk about why sound is important. LI/OL/GA/CZ The students will play “hello friend”. One student will be blindfolded and three other students will individually say “hello friend”. The blindfolded student must guess which classmates were talking. Then the students will participate in an experiment called “good vibrations”. Students will be divided into groups and given one metal coat hanger. The students should tie a string to the hanger, then put the string to their ear then bang the hanger on the back of a chair. After students have completed the experiment they should discuss their finding with the class .

Monday Day 71 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 72 Social Science week

Week 15 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 73 Social Science week

Thursday Day 74 Social Science week

Friday Day 75 Social Science week

Monday Day 76 AA SOL S 1.1 Simple tools

Tuesday Day 77 AA SOL S 1.1 Simple tools

R The teacher will read Who Uses This? by M. Miller. After reading, the teacher will lead in a classroom discussion about some of the tools that the students say in the book and the tasks that they help us to perform. Then the teacher will provide the students with real life examples of the simple tools.

L/CM/W The teacher will remind the class about the simple tools that were talked about in the previous lesson. The teacher will explain that people designed these tools to make jobs easier. The teacher should help students brainstorm by asking the class which kinds of jobs they are required to do.

L/CM The students will listen to the reading of the book and participate in class discussion. Then the students will be divided into groups and will classify the tools by their use. Then each student will choose one of the tools to examine and introduce it to the class.

GA/PS/CM/OL The students will work individually, or in groups, to design a new tool that could be used to help make a job easier for them. The students must draw a picture of their new invention and write at least 3 three sentences explaining the tool and the purpose that it serves. Students should share their inventions with the class. DA students will be allowed to work in groups if they are having trouble with drawing or writing or need motivation from others.

Week 16 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 78 AA SOL S 1.1 Nonstandard Units CM/L The teacher will explain that objects can be measured in different ways. The teacher will explain that the students could use body parts to measure objects (feet, arms length, fingers, etc.). GA/PS/W/CM/CZ/OL/M The students will be divided into groups and given the same items in each group. The students must be creative and find a way to measure their objects. Each object should be measured using a different method. One group member should be assigned to record the groups findings. CM/L/OR/V After all objects have been measured, the groups will give their measurements and they will be recorded on a class chart. This should help the students to see that their measurements came out very different when using nonstandard units.

Thursday Day 79 AA SOL S 1.1 Nonstandard Units

CM/MO/GA/M/CZ The teacher will set up six measurement centers. The teacher will explain each center Center 1 – Weight The students will use a balance, bathroom scale, etc. to measure objects of different weights Center 2 – Length Students will use inch and centimeter rulers to measure the length of objects (string, desks, height of a partner) Center 3 – Time The students, given kitchen timers, and clocks will measure given lengths of time. Center 4 – Volume Students will be given graduated cylinders to determine the volume of different sized objects Center 5 – Temperature Students will be given thermometers to measure ice water, hot water, and body temperature Center 6 - Speed The student will use a radar gun, timers, a track and marbles to measure the speed of the marble in inches per second The students will rotate to the different centers and record their findings in their science journals.

Friday Day 80 AA SOL S 1.1 Standard and Nonstandard Units L/OL The teacher will review with the class the different kinds of measurements that the students have made over the past two days. The teacher will lead the class in a discussion on which forms of measurement they liked best and which forms were more reliable. R/E The students will look back in their science journals and compare their measurements when using standard and nonstandard units. Then the students will evaluate which form of measurement is more reliable and more practical to use in every day life. A/LA/W The students will draw a picture of themselves using one of the forms of measurement and write at least two sentences explaining why they think that form of measurement is better

Monday Day 81 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 82 Social Science week

Week 17 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 83 Social Science week

Thursday Day 84 Social Science week

Friday Day 85 Social Science week

Monday Day 86 AA SOL 1.1 TEST REVIEW The teacher will review all of the information that has been covered and provide the students with a study guide. The students will listen to the teacher and will ask questions that they may have.

Tuesday Day 87 AA SOL S 1.1 Senses, Tools, and Units Test The teacher will administer the test to the students. The students will answer the questions and do their best. DA students who may need reading help will be allowed to work with the teacher or another specialist during the testing period. Students will be asked to put their “work space” up so that they will not be distracted.

Week 18 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 88 AA SOL S 1.1 Classifying objects pictorially H/LI/OL: The teacher will bring in various fruits and vegetables. The class will discuss the differences and similarities among the objects. The teacher will explain classifying and how the objects can be grouped. The teacher will discuss food groups. CM/GA/A/W: The students will be divided into groups. Each group will get a few pieces of vegetables and fruits. The students will create a poster, drawing fruit in one column and vegetables on the other. OL/L: Each group will share their classification fruit poster to the class.

Thursday Day 89 AA SOL S 1.1 Classifying objects pictorially MO/MA: The students will go on a classroom “scavenger hunt” and find six objects they will classify. PS/MA/W/A: The students will brainstorm ways they will classify the objects and create a “classification book”, by separating the objects and drawing their pictures on each appropriate page. CM/OL/LI: The students must find a partner to share their book with and find similarities and differences in their objects. DA: Students who have a hard time classifying objects can have a partner to work with.

Friday Day 90 AA SOL S 1.1 Classifying objects orally R/L/V: The teacher will read Ox-Cart Man to the class. (9) L/PS/W: While listening to the story, the class will write down and classify each object that the ox-cart man and his family made to sell. OL/MO/CM/V: (The teacher will have created a large paper ox-car and all the objects or goods in the book.) Students will come to the front and put one given object in the correct section of the ox-cart, orally classifying the object as well. HW/HS: Go to grocery store with parent, list items bought.

Monday Day 91 AA SOL S 1.1 Classifying objects orally GA/L/CM: The class will divided into four groups. They will combine their grocery lists and classify the objects. GA/A/MA/V: Using art supplies, each group will create their groceries and arrange them according to their classifications on their table. The groups will set prices for their groceries. GA/CM/LS/M: Each group will sell and buy grocery items from each group. They must purchase items from each classification group. CM/OL/LI: The groups will share the things they bought and tell how they were classified.

Week 19 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 92 Day 93 Day 94 AA SOL S 1.1 AA SOL S 1.1 AA SOL S 1.1 Making conclusions Making conclusions Making conclusions (objects) (objects) (events) LA/LI/TX: The teacher will L: The teacher will go over LA/LI/V: The teacher will read a short story from again how to make discuss snakes and read the science text. The teacher will conclusions again. book Verdi (3) The teacher ask students what they think will pause before reading the is going to happen in the GA/CM/MA/MO: The conclusion. end. Then she will explain students will be divided into A/CM/LI: The students will what a conclusion is. groups and get two different paint a picture of what Verdi designs of paper looks like now. Then they will MA/MO/PS/CM: The class airplanes(long and short draw conclusions about what will do a science experiment wings) to make. The group will happen to Verdi in the to test whether dark or light will predict which model will end and discuss with the objects get hotter in the sun. fly the furthest. class. The class will put light and A/LI/CM: The teacher will dark objects outside. The MO/PS/W/The students will finish reading the story and class will draw conclusions test out the airplanes and discuss if the students about what will happen. write down their final conclusions were correct. conclusion. The students will then paint OL/L/ W: The class will the picture of Verdi at the discuss their experiment and CM/OL/LI: The students will conclusion. draw their conclusions writing share their conclusions with DA: Gifted students can read it in their journals. the class and give their science facts at the end of reason why that made that Verdi. conclusion.

Friday Day 95 AA SOL S 1.1 Making conclusions (events) GA/PS/CM/LI: The teacher will show a tarnished penny and explain how common products can clean a penny. The class will be divided into five groups to do a science experiment. The class will predict which product will work better (apple, orange, grapefruit juice, vinegar, or baking soda dissolved in water.) GA/S/MO/MA/V: Each group will get one product and try the experiment. PS/OL/LI: Each group will show their pennies. The class will draw conclusions together about which product worked best.

Monday Day 96 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 97 Social Science week

Week 20 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 98 Social Science week

Thursday Day 99 Social Science week

Friday Day 100 Social Science week

Monday Day 101 AA SOL S 1.1 Classifying and conclusions test LI: The teacher will review classifying objects and conclusions. E/W: The students will take a test on classifying and conclusions. H/LS/LI: The teacher will discuss how to develop a positive self-image. H/LS/A/W: The students will create a self- portrait of themselves and write the characteristics they like about themselves around the portrait. DA: Students who have troubling writing can just draw the portrait.

Tuesday Day 102 AA SOL S 1.2 Motions of moving objects H/T/V/LI/CM: The teacher will show a video clip of various objects moving. The teacher will ask the students what happened in the video and will discuss movement. LA/R/L/LI/V: The teacher and students will read Taxi! Taxi! (2) aloud. Discuss things that move on each page and if they move, fast or slow. A/V/W: The student will make a cut-paper picture of the moving object, writing a descriptive sentence on the picture. (6) pD22

Week 21 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 103 AA SOL S 1.2 Motions of moving objects LI/MO: Students will pair up with a partner and sit on the floor face-to-face, with knees bent holding hands. Ask students to move like a teeter-totter. The teacher will explain push and pull movements. (17) pT95 R/LA/LI/V/CM/OL: The teacher will read Push It or Pull It? (18) to the class. The class will discuss the push and pull movements in the book. MO/S: The students will push and pull various objects in the class (chair, etc.)

Thursday Day 104 AA SOL S 1.2 Motions of moving objects

Friday Day 105 AA SOL S 1.2 Motions of moving objects

H/LI/MO/LA: The teacher will go over terms force, push, and pull again and will put the words on the word wall. The teacher will discuss how exercise is movement and how it is important. The students will create various push and pull exercises.

MO/LI: The class will go outside and swing for a couple of minutes. The teacher will ask the students what motions are the swings moving. The teacher will explain how objects can move backward and forwards.

W/MO/MA/PS/V: The students will do a push and pull investigation. Give them a small block and things to make the block move. Students will write in their journal a plan on how to use the items to push and pull the block. Then the student will use the materials to carry out their plan. (10) pF4

MA/MO/V/A: The class will create “pendulums.” The students will make their “pendulum,” move backwards and forwards. W/PS: Students will write in their science journals why the pendulum moves backwards and forwards, and list other objects that do the same thing.

Monday Day 106 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 107 Social Science week

Week 22 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 108 Social Science week

Thursday Day 109 Social Science week

Friday Day 110 Social Science week

Monday Day 111 AA SOL S 1.2 Motions of moving objects

Tuesday Day 112 AA SOL S 1.2 Motions of moving objects

Week 23 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 113 AA SOL S 1.2 Motions of moving objects

LI: The teacher will reinforce how objects can move backwards and forwards. The teacher will explain how you can push objects softly or hard to make them move back and forth.

LI/T/V/MU: The teacher will discuss how vibration is a type of movement and how it is caused. The teacher will show a video clip of vibration The teacher will lead the class and sing the Vibration Rap. (4)

LI/MA/MO/R/LA: The teacher will give the students tops to spin and ask them what movement it is. The teacher will discuss circular movement and read The Wheeling and WhirlingAround Book. (11)

MU/LI/MA: The students will sing the Vibration Rap with the teacher. The students will use their “pendulum” to do a vibration experiment. They will tug on the string to make the pendulum vibrate.

LI/LA/MA: The students will point out the circular movements in the book. The students will create pinwheels. The students will blow or push the wheel to make it move round and round. (17) pT90

MO/MA/W/PS: The students will experiment with toy cars, pushing them softly and hard to make them move forwards and backwards. They will write in their science journals how far the cars when each time.

DA: Given various materials, gifted students may create a new object that can vibrate.

HW: The students will find objects that move circularly and draw pictures of them.

Thursday Day 114 AA SOL S 1.2 Motions of moving objects LI: The teacher will walk around the classroom and then change her movement. The teacher will discuss how movements can be steady or changing. MO/M: The students will follow footprints around the classroom. Each time the direction of their movement changes, they alternate between clapping hands and stomping feet. LI: The teacher will review the types of movements. MA/MO: The students will demonstrate each movement with their pendulums.

Friday Day 115 AA SOL S 1.2 Motions of moving objects E: The students will take a moving objects test. H/LI/T/V: The teacher will discuss and show how to take care of your teeth. The teacher will show a video clip on keeping teeth clean. MA/V: The students will learn how to floss. The students will get in pairs. One will wear a glove with peanut butter spread in between the fingers. The second student will use string to floss out the “plaque.”

Monday Day 116 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 117 Social Science week

Week 24 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 118 Social Science week

Thursday Day 119 Social Science week

Friday Day 120 Social Science week

Monday Day 121 AA SOL S 1.3 Matter and Solids

Tuesday Day 122 Field Trip to Fine Arts Theatre

R/LI/TX: The teacher will introduce matter and solids to students by reading together in the textbook. The teacher will read science terms aloud. The teacher will make a matter and solid web. Students will give examples. (10) pE5

LI/CM/CC: The teacher will give students directions on how to behave on the field trip.

MA/W/PS: The students will put matter and solid on the science word wall. The students will be given various solid objects. They will compare sizes, shapes, and colors. They will classify the solids in their science journals. (10) pE6 DA: Students who have trouble writing can draw pictures instead.

HW/A/OL: The students will draw picture of three things they learned on the field trip and present it to the class the next day.

CI/LS: The students will respect authority figures and act responsibly on the field trip.

Week 25 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 123 AA SOL S 1.3 Solids LI/LA/R/CL/PS/V: The teacher will review matter and solids and ask students to give examples to put in the web. The teacher will read Very Last First Time: An Inuit Tale to the class. (1) LI/CM/OL/MA/M/W: The students will point out some solid objects in the story. The students will be given various toys of different colors. The students will tell the teacher why they are solids. The students will sort the toys by color and create a colored graph. (10) pE7 DA: Pair students, who need help graphing, with a partner.

Thursday Day 124 AA SOL S 1.3 Liquids

Friday Day 125 AA SOL S 1.3 Liquids

V/R/TX/LI: The teacher will pour a glass of water and ask the students to guess what type of matter it is. The teacher will explain liquids by reading with students in the textbook. The teacher will read new science terms aloud. The teacher will make a liquid web.

R/LA/LI/H: The teacher will read A Raindrop Hit My Nose (10) pE11 to the class and discuss the liquids in the book with the students. The teacher will go over how liquids can be thick or thin. The teacher will discuss healthy liquids and unhealthy liquids to drink.

GA/MA/M/W: Students will be divided into groups and be given measuring cups and 3 containers of colored water. Students will draw the shape of the water in each container, decide which has the most water, measure the water, and write the answers.

MO/W/OL/H: The students will feel various liquids (hand soap, honey, milk, and water.) They will write in their science journals which items liquids were thick and what types of liquids are healthy to drink. The students will tell the teacher two properties of liquid to put in the web.

Monday Day 126

Tuesday Day 127

Week 26 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 128

Social Science week

Social Science week

Social Science week

Thursday Day 129 End of 4th grading period Social Science week

Friday Day 130 Social Science week

Monday Day 131

Tuesday Day 132

Week 27 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 133

AA SOL S 1.3 Liquids

AA SOL S 1.3 Floating and Sinking

AA SOL S 1.3 Solids dissolving in water

LI/V: The teacher will discuss how some liquids mix with water. The teacher will demonstrate to students that vinegar mixes with water but oil does not mix with water.

LA/R/L/LI/V/MA/OL: The teacher and students will read Sunken Treasure (7) aloud. The teacher will explain how objects can float or sink in liquid. The teacher will fill an aquarium with water. The students will put objects in the water to see if they float or sink. The teacher will create charts on objects that sink and float. The students will give the answers as they test each object. A/MA: The students will create a Floaters and Sinkers Collage. The students will glue pictures of objects that float and sink, labeling each group. (10) pE14

V/LI/R/LA/CM: The teacher will mix soil in water. The teacher will then discuss how some solids do not mix well with liquids. The teacher will read Solids and Liquids (8) to the class. The teacher will ask the students questions while reading the book.

H/M/MA/OL/W: The students will make salad dressing. In a pint jar they will mix vinegar and lemon juice and describe what happens. Add sugar, mustard, and dried herbs and shake. Students will describe how these interact. Add olive oil and show how oil stays separated until shaken. The teacher will discuss how oil is a fat and should be used sparingly. (10) E10

GA/MA/W/PS: The students will be divided into groups and be given a stirring stick, 4 cups of water, and solids to test. The students will fill in their hypothesis in the “solids in water” chart. They will fill in the results after they test each solid. (10) pE16

Thursday Day 134

Friday Day 135

AA SOL S 1.3 water temperature and dissolving LI/R/LA: The teacher will discuss how solids dissolve faster in hot liquid than in cold liquid. The teacher will read Lemonade for Sale (12). The teacher ask how did the sugar dissolved?

AA SOL S 1.3 Solids and liquids test

GA/M/CM/W: The students will be divided into groups and will test solids in liquids. They will put sugar in hot tea and cold tea. They will time how long it takes for the sugar to dissolve in hot tea versus cold tea. They will record their observations in their journals. (10) pE19 DA: ESL students will be given a simple word diagram to use as a reference. (10) pE17

LI: The teacher will briefly review solids and liquids. E: The students will take the Solids and Liquids Test.

Monday Day 136 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 137 Social Science week

Week 28 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 138 Social Science week

Thursday Day 139 Social Science week

Friday Day 140 Social Science week

Monday Day 141 AA SOL S 1.8 Natural resources LI/V/T/H: The teacher will discuss what natural resources are explain The teacher will show a power point slide of some photos of various natural resources. The teacher will discuss personal safety behaviors before students go outside. GA/MO/V/CM/T/MA/H: The students are divided into groups of four. The class will go outside and use a Polaroid camera to take pictures of natural resources. The students will exhibit safety precautions while they are outside. The class will create a bulletin board of natural resources and label the pictures as they put them up.

Tuesday Day 142 AA SOL S 1.8 Natural resources LI/R/LA/PS: The teacher will discuss how some natural resources are limited. The teacher will read The Lorax (15) to the class. The teacher will ask students what natural resources were limited in the book. The teacher will ask the students why the resources are limited. A/W/V: The students will paint various limited natural resources on a poster. The students will label the resource on their poster.

Week 29 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 143 AA SOL S 1.8 Reusing LI/OL/LA: The teacher will discuss how reusing resources is one way of making resources last longer. The teacher will ask the students if they can give some resources that could have been reused in The Lorax. W/A/MA/V/PS: The students will write and illustrate short story based on The Lorax. They will change some of the events. They will change the ending showing how reusing resources changed the community. DA: Students who have trouble writing, can create a picture book without writing long sentences.

Thursday Day 144

Friday Day 145

AA SOL S 1.8 Reusing LI/V: Teacher will review items that can be reused. The teacher will create a chart to put in the class that will include items that will be reused within the classroom.

AA SOL S 1.8 Recycling LI/V/MU: The teacher will explain what recycling is. The teacher will bring in various objects that can be recycled and tell students about various objects that can be recycled. The teacher will lead the students in singing the song “R-E-C-Y-C-L-E.” (14)

OL/CM/MO/V: The students will tell the teacher what items in the class can be reused. The students will go on a classroom “scavenger hunt” to find items that they will reuse. The students will show the teacher the objects and she will draw the picture of the objects on the “reusing resources chart.”

MU/MO/CI: The students will sing “R-E-C-Y-C-L-E.” The class will put on gloves and go outside to collect items to recycle. The students will be divided into groups to find specific items(paper, cans, plastic bottles) and put them in trash bags. Students will put their items in the recycling bin.

Monday Day 146 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 147 Social Science week

Week 30 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 148 Social Science week

Thursday Day 149 Social Science week

Friday Day 150 Social Science week

Monday 151 AA SOL S 1.8 Recycling MU/LI/CM/LS/CZ: The teacher will lead the students in singing the “R-E-C-Y-C-LE” song again. The teacher will explain how some resources can be reused after they have been recycled such as paper. The teacher will tell students a guest is coming in to help them make their own paper and they should be respectful. CI/LI/V/MO/MA: A guest speaker will explain how to create paper. The students will create their own paper. The students will hang their paper to dry.

Tuesday Day 152 AA SOL S 1.8 Air pollution LI/R/LA/OL/CM/H: The teacher will explain what pollution is and where it can come from. The teacher will read Where Does Pollution Come From? (5) The teacher will tell the students they are going to talk about air pollution today. The teacher will explain how air pollution has harmful effects to our health. MA/A/H: The students will be given blue cloth and various objects. The students will stick the Velcro “pollution” onto the blue sky. The students will write in their journals how air pollution is harmful to their health.

Week 31 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 153 AA SOL S 1.8 Air pollution LI/V: The teacher will review air pollution and ask students to give examples of things that pollute the air and post them on the board. GA/MO/OL/CM/PS: The students will be divided into groups and create “air pollution” skits. Some students will pretend to be the air and some will be the pollution. The skit must show how pollution effects the air. All the students will present their skits to the class. DA: The teacher can help students who are having trouble coming up with dialogue for their skit.

Thursday Day 154 AA SOL S 1.8 Water pollution LI/V/T/PS: The teacher will explain how pollution can affect the water. The teacher will show the video The Murky Water Caper (16). The teacher will ask the students what things in the video polluted the water. V/MA/W/A: The students will put various objects in a tank of water and watch to see how the water changes. The students will write what objects were put in the water and how the water changed. The students can will draw a picture of it in their journal as well.

Friday Day 155 AA SOL S 1.8 Water pollution LI/H: The teacher will explain how the students’ own community can suffer from water pollution. The teacher will explain ways to prevent water pollution. The teacher will discuss water safety and the importance of drinking clean water. MO/V/A/W/PS/CM/H: The class will go outside to see how pollution has affected surrounding water The students will come back in draw and color a picture of what they saw. Then the students will create an action plan on how to solve water pollution. The students will watch dirty water go through a filter.

Monday Day 156 Field Trip to Museum Social Science week

Tuesday Day 157

Week 32 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 158

Thursday Day 159

Friday Day 160

Social Science week

Social Science week

Social Science week

Social Science week

Monday 161 AA SOL S 1.8 Natural Resources test LI: The teacher will briefly review natural resources and pollution. E: The students will take a test on natural resources and pollution. DA: ESL students who have difficulty reading English can have the test read aloud to them.

Tuesday Day 162 AA SOL 1.1-1.8 Science SOL Review LI: The teacher will review science SOL’s 1.1-1.3. GA/MA/R: The students will get pair up with a partner and use SOL flash cards created by the teacher to help review.

Week 33 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Thursday Day 163 Day 164 AA SOL 1.1-1.8 AA SOL 1.1-1.8 Science SOL review Science SOL review LI: The teacher will review LI: The teacher will review science SOL’s 1.4-1.6. science SOL’s 1.7-1.8 GA/MO/PS/LI: The students will be divided into teams and play “SOL hoops.” The teacher will ask the team and question about the SOL’s. If they get it right they shoot the ball into the basket.

Friday Day 165 SOL TESTING MATH E/M: The teacher will administer the test.

MO/LI/PS: The students will E/M: The student will play “Around the World.” The complete the test. teacher will ask the students questions about the SOL’s. When a student misses a question, they will sit down. The last student standing wins.

Monday Day 166 Social Science week

Tuesday Day 167 Social Science week

Week 34 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 168 Social Science week

Thursday Day 169 Social Science week

Friday Day 170 Social Science week

Monday Day 171

Tuesday Day 172

Week 35 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 173




Thursday Day 174

Friday Day 175


AA SOL 1.4 Garden (community project) LI: The teacher will go over the needs of plants again. The teacher will ask the students to draw a picture of what they want the garden to look like and label the flowers and plants on their picture. The students must include plants they learned about.

E/LA: The teacher will administer the test.

E/R: The teacher will administer the test.

E/S: The teacher will administer the test.

E/SS: The teacher will administer the test.

E/LA: The student will complete the test.

E/R: The student will complete the test.

E/S: The student will complete the test

E/SS: The student will complete the test.

A/OL/CM: The students will draw and color a landscape design of what they want their garden to look like. Students will share their design with the class. DA: Students who can’t remember the names of the flowers can use their journals to find the names.

Monday Day 176 AA SOL 1.4 Garden (community project) H/CM/CC/CI/LI: The teacher will work with other first grade teachers and use the students design to create a final design for the garden. The teacher will direct the students while working on the Garden. The teacher will discuss ways to positively cooperate with others. CI/MA/H/CM: The students from each first grade class will plant flowers and shrubs in the garden. Parents or volunteers can come and help. The students will demonstrate cooperation with others.

Tuesday Day 177 AA SOL 1.4 Garden (community project) CM/CC/CI/LI: The teacher will continue to direct the students while working on the Garden. CI/CM/MA: The students will continue to work with each other in the garden. The students will finish the garden.

Week 36 Science Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 178 Field Trip to Zoo LI/LS: The teacher will go over appropriate behavior and rules for the field trip. The teacher will instruct students on what to do during the field trip. CZ/LS: The students will respect others and follow behavior rules during the trip.

Thursday Day 179

Friday Day 180

AA SOL S 1.5 Science movie

AA SOL S 1.5 Science movie continued

LI: The teacher will instruct the students to take note of things they have learned throughout the year from the movie (plants, animals, forces, natural resources, etc.)

LI: The teacher will remind the students to take note of things they have learned throughout the year from the movie (plants, animals, forces, natural resources, etc.)

V/LI/W/A: The students will watch the A Bug’s Life. The students will create a storybook including things they learned from the movie. They will write one sentence, draw, and color one picture for each page. The student will create three pages. DA: Captions can be put on for ESL students during the movie.

V/LI/W/A: The students will watch the A Bug’s Life. The students will create a storybook including things they learned from the movie. They will write one sentence, draw, and color one picture for each page. The student will do three more pages, completing the book

Science Resources Aliki. (1962) My Five Senses. Crowell. Andrews, J. (1998). Very Last First Time: an Inuit tale. Simon & Schuster. Arnosky, J. Every Autumn Comes the Bear. Putnam, 1993. Bash, B. Tree of Life.

Hale, J. (1990). Thematic Unit, Five Senses. Teacher Created Materials, Inc. Hall, D. (1979). Ox-man cart. New York: Viking. Harcourt science teacher’s edition: physical science units E and F. (2005). Orlando:Harcourt, Inc.

Best, C. (1994). Taxi! Taxi!. Little, Brown.

Harcourt, Inc. (2002). Science Teacher’s Edition. Florida.

Cannon, J. (1997). Verdi. New York: Harcourt Brace & Co.

Hindely, J. (1996). The Wheeling and Whirling-around Book.

Carroll, K. Vibration Rap [Song]. Retrieved October 19, 2007, from

Houghton Mifflin Science. (2003). Discovery Works Teaching


Guide/1. Kinds of Living Things. Boston.

Cast, C.C. (1994). Where does the pollution come from? Barrons Juveniles. Cauley, L. (1984). The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. Putnam Dayrell, E. (1987). Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky. Houghton Mifflin. Discovery Works Teaching Guide/K: Pushes and Pulls. (1996). New Jersey: Silver Burdett Ginn, Inc.

Kepler, L. (1996). A Year of Hands-On Science. Scholastic Professional Books. New York. MacMillan Educational Company. (1995). Early Skills Library: Health and Nutrition. Newbridge Communications, Inc. New York. Marzollo, J. (1995). Sun Song. HarperCollins. Miami Museum of

Gibbons, G. (1988). Sunken Treasure. Harper Collins.

Science. (1993). What We Use: How people use materials.

Glover, D. (1993). Solids and liquids. Kingfisher Books.

Scholastic. Miller, M. Who Uses This?

Science Resources Mortimer and Smith. (1999). Eagles Wings. Considering God’s Creation: A creative biblical approach to natural science. Murphy, S.J. (1998). Lemonade for sale. Harper Collins. Patchett, L. (1994). Clean Air, Dirty Air. A&C Black. Pets. (1991). Eye Opener Series. Aladdin. Recycle [Song]. Mark Dye Studios. Retrieved October 19,2007, from http://www.earth911.org/master.asp?s=kids&a=kids/songs/songs. asp. Silver Burdett Ginn Science. (1996). Discovery Works Teaching Guide/1. New Jersey. Suess, Dr. (1971). The Lorax. New York: Random House. The Murky Water Caper [Video]. (1993). Oakland, CA: The Video Project. The World Around You: teacher’s planning guide. (1995). New York: Macmillan/McGraw-Hill School Publishing Co. Williams, D.D. (1988). Push it or Pull it? Harcourt Science.

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