1 Carver Reid Math Charts

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 38
Monday Day 1 AA SOL M 1.1 counting objects OL The teacher will lead the class in counting to 100. MU/LI Then the teacher will have students sit in a circle and listen for how many times the teacher plays an instrument (p.11 in AW). The students will clap out the number that the teacher played. MA The students will make number cards with the numerals 1-20 by gluing on the corresponding number of objects (beans, beads, etc.) PS/TX Then the students will complete pages 9 and 10 in the Math Plus Textbook. MU The students will sing a counting song such as “Ten Little Indians”

Tuesday Day 2 AA SOL M 1.1 counting objects LI The teacher will bring in several different kinds of objects that can easily be counted. The teacher will show the students how to count the objects. MA/PS/SS The teacher will set up a store with the objects. The students will be given a number and then must find and count the number of objects given. The teacher will check their work by playing the part of the cashier. CM/MA The students who are not taking their turn at the counting store will be working with partners to play the counting popcorn game. One partner will call out a number (using the # cards made yesterday) and the other partner will count out the correct # of popcorn and place them on a given grid sheet.

Week 1 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 3 AA SOL M 1.4 reading numerals

Thursday Day 4 AA SOL M 1.4 representing numerals

LI The teacher will model counting objects and then writing the corresponding numeral.

LI The teacher will model reading a numeral and the drawing a corresponding picture.

L/A/W The students will make a Counting Mini Book (Post). Then they will read the book to a partner and check to make sure that they filled in the correct numeral for the objects given.

PS Then the teacher will give the students several numbers an ask them to draw a picture to represent it.

PS/TX The students will complete p. 9 in the ABecka Student Workbook

MO/GA/PS The students will be divided into small groups. When given a number the groups will have one minute to represent the number artistically (they could lie on the floor and use their bodies to make the numeral). PS/TX Then students will complete p. 15 in the ABecka student workbook.

Friday Day 5 AA SOL M 1.4 reading and representing numerals LI The teacher will talk about the terms fewer, same, and more. GA/MA The students will practice using these terms by playing a game with cereal. Students will be divided into pairs. The fist partner will draw some cereal then the second partner will draw some cereal. Then the students will compare the number of cereal they drew out by using the words, fewer, same, or more. PS/TX The students will complete pages 7 and 8 in the Math Plus textbook.

Monday Day 6 AA SOL M 1.5 ordinal positions V/LI Then the teacher will draw a number line on the board from 1 to 10. The teacher will explain that we always count the numbers in order. The teacher will ask the class which number comes first. Then the teacher will go on to name the ordinal positions. GA/MA The students will work in small groups. Each group will be given ten objects, cards numbered from 1 to 10, and cards with the words first through tenth written on them. The groups will line up the objects, then place the number cards in order below the objects, and then the corresponding ordinal position word under the number. W/LA The students will record their findings in their math journal and write a sentence correctly using one of the ordinal position words. DA The words 1st -10th will be displayed in the classroom with a pictorial representation to go along with it.

Week 2 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 7 Day 8 AA SOL M 1.5 AA SOL M 1.2 ordinal positions place value (ones) V/LI The teacher will have LI The teacher will explain 10 students come up to the to the class that numbers front one at a time. The are written in a certain order teacher will tell a story to show what the numerals about the class using the represent. ordinal positions words and will hand a word to each MA The students will be student when they come up. given snap blocks and will represent the numbers one LI/A The students will draw through nine on their desks. a picture following the teacher’s directions telling LI The teacher will explain them what they should do to the class that the snap first, second, third… blocks each represent one and that the ones place is PS/W The students will always the number on the complete a worksheet far right. where they must order pictures according to what TX/PS The students will happened first, second, complete a worksheet third, etc. and write the where them must identify ordinal position word under which number is in the ones the picture. place and how to represent one digit numbers using snap blocks

Thursday Day 9 AA SOL M 1.2 place value (tens) L/OL The teacher will give partners 30 cubes and ask them how may cubes do you have in all? (30) How many groups of ten do you have? (3) The teacher will explain how to write 30 and that the zero must me in the ones place.

Friday Day 10 Field Trip Amazement Square CL/HS The teacher will take the class to Amazement Square and make prior preparations to make the field trip run smoothly. Parents will be invited to join their children on this special day.

MA/GA The students will work with partners. The first student will role a die and then the students will work together to make that number of tens. Then the students will write their findings on a card (if they roll 5 they would write 5 tens = 50).

CZ/CL The students will practice good behavior while on the field trip to amazement square. Before leaving school the students will write sentences in their Math Journal about what they will do first, second, third, and fourth during the field trip.

TX/PS The students will complete pages 159-169 in the Harcourt textbook. DA Students will be given a work mat to keep their base ten blocks on.

Monday Day 11 AA SOL M 1.2 place value (10-19) LI/OL The teacher will list four two-digit numbers on the board and ask students to tell which number is in the ones place. Then the teacher will ask the students if they know which number is in the tens place.

Tuesday Day 12 AA SOL M 1.2 place value (20-50) PS/OL/MA The teacher will write 24 and 42 on the board and ask the students to explain how the numbers are alike and different. Children must use their connecting cubes to prove their statements.

MA The students will use base ten blocks to practice trading 10 ones for one tens bar.

PS/TX Then the class will work with the teacher to answer the questions on page 161 in the Harcourt textbook.

PS/TX The students will complete p. 157 and 158 in the Harcourt textbook. They must identify which number is in the one place and the tens place and how to represent two digit numbers using base ten blocks.

V The teacher will model what the students should be doing with their connecting blocks. TX/W/PS Students will complete p. 162 on their own. Then they will write in their Math Journal to explain the difference between 13 and 31 in words.

Week 3 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 13 AA SOL M 1.2 place value V/MA The teacher will ask the students to show 99 using their base 10 blocks. The teacher will check their work and then ask the class what number they will make if they add one to the 99 (100). The teacher will write the word hundred on the board and show them the 100 base ten blocks. GA/MA The students will work in small groups using two copies of the hundreds charts (one should be cut into individual squares and one should be whole). The group members will take turns drawing a square from the envelope and making the number out of base ten blocks. The other group members will determine the number and color in the corresponding square on the hundreds chart. Play ends after all of the square have been used. TX/PS The students will complete p. 163-164 in the Harcourt textbook.

Thursday Day 14 AA SOL M 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 TEST REVIEW The teacher will review the material for the test and give out a test review sheet. The students will use the study guide to study for the test.

Friday Day 15 AA SOL M 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 TEST The teacher will administer the test The students will take the test.

Monday Day 16 AA SOL M 1.8 addition LI The teacher will discuss the ages of the children and how old they will be on their next birthday. (They are adding one year).

Tuesday Day 17 AA SOL M 1.8 addition D/PS/CM The teacher will have students act out addition sentences and use large number cards to represent the addition sentences on the board.

A/PS The students will draw a picture of their last birthday cake with the correct number of candles and their next birthday cake.

LI The students will listen for the teacher to call their name and act out the story problem.

TX The students will complete p.41 in the Math Plus textbook with a partner.

TX/PS The class will complete p. 43 with the teacher.

Students will complete p. 42 on their own.

The students will complete p.44 on their own.

Week 4 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 18 AA SOL M 1.8 addition LI The teacher will explain that the order of addition sentences can be changed and the sum will stay the same. GA/MA/PS The students will work in pairs (each partner using a different color of counting cubes). P1 puts down 3-6 cubes and P2 puts down 1-2 cubes on to opposite sides of a paper plate divided into halves. The students will solve the problem then rotate the plate to see that the answer stayed the same when the order was changed. TX The students will complete p. 45-46 on their own using counting cubes.

Thursday Day 19 AA SOL M 1.8 addition LI/V The teacher will model addition sentences using none and will ask the students which number represents none (zero). GA/PS/W The students will work in pairs and take turns making addition sentences with crayons and writing the addition sentence on the board. TX/PS The students will complete p. 47 with the teacher and by using the counting cubes. The students will complete p. 48 on their own.

Friday Day 20 AA SOL M 1.8 addition V/OL/LI The teacher will model using the flannel board to show addition stories. OL/CM The students will take turns modeling their own addition story on the flannel board. MA/PS/GA The students will play “Suits Us” by using cards with addition sentences with sums up to six on them. Players will take turns drawing and discarding their cards until one player gets four cards with the same sum. TX The students will complete p. 49 with the teacher reading the story problems and then p. 50 on their own.

Monday Day 21 AA SOL M 1.8 addition GA/CZ/MA The students will play “Stepping Stones” by working in groups of 3. P1 will spin and P2 will move along the “river” on the stepping stones. Then P1 will spin again so that P2 can get to the other side. P3 will record the corresponding addition sentence. Then the students should rotate positions. The teacher will discuss the student’s results and ask them how they knew how to make the correct addition sentence. TX The students will complete p. 53 with the teacher and p. 54 on their own.

Tuesday Day 22 AA SOL M 1.8 addition The teacher will review with the class the addition sentences that the students have made and answer any questions that the students may have. PS/MA/GA The students will play “Spin a Sentence” in small groups using a spinner, numeral cards, and cards with + and =. The students will take turns spinning to make a valid addition sentence. TX The students will complete p. 55 with the teacher and p. 56 on their own.

Week 5 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 23 AA SOL 1.8 addition M The teacher will model how to use musical instruments to make addition sentences. M The students will play their instruments with the teacher to make addition sentences. GA/PS Then the students will work with partners to answer vertical addition sentences written on note cards. The students will clip the corresponding number of paperclips on to the side of the card and flip it over to check their work. TX The students will complete p. 57-58 on their own.

Thursday Day 24 AA SOL M 1.9 addition D/A The teacher will explain to the class that they can tell their own addition stories. The teacher will write out and addition sentence and then call on small groups to act out the addition sentence. CZ/GA/D The students will work together and find a creative way to act out the addition sentence to find the sum. TX The students will complete p. 59-60 with the teacher reading the stories.

Friday Day 25 AA SOL M 1.9 addition strategies The teacher will model for the class how they can use a number line to solve addition problems by counting. PS/GA The students will practice this skill by playing “You can count on me”. Each student will have a number line from 1 to 10 taped on their back. P1 will say a number 1 to 8 and P2 will count up two on the number line and say the answer. TX The students will complete p. 101 and 102 using a number line.

Week 6 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 28

Monday Day 26

Tuesday Day 27

AA SOL M 1.9 addition strategies The teacher will review using a number line to add.

AA SOL M 1.9 addition strategies The teacher will review with the class how to count to find the sum.

AA SOL M 1.9 addition strategies The teacher will show the class how to use pennies to count on.

GA The students will play piggie bank pennies in pairs to practice counting to find the sum.

GA The class will play Counting Pennies with partners. P1 will but in 1 to 7 pennies and P2 will put in 1 to 3 more pennies in the bank (upside down cup with slit in the bottom). The partners will practice counting on to find the sum and check their answer by picking up the cup and recounting.

GA The students will play number line addition in four teams. TX The students will complete p.103 and 104.

TX The students will complete p. 105 with a partner and p 106 on their own.

Students will record three of the problems in their math journals. TX The students will complete p.107 and 108 on their own.

Thursday Day 29 Test Review The teacher will provide the class with a study guide and will review important skills in class The students will listen to the teacher and study for their test.

Friday Day 30 End of 1st grading period MATH TEST The teacher will administer the test The students will take the test.

Monday Day 31 AA SOL M 1.9 addition and picture problems The teacher will explain to the class that they should look for the greater number and then add on to that to find the sum. GA The students will practice finding the greater number by playing Card Sharks with a partner. TX The students will complete p. 111 and 112 on their own.

Tuesday Day 32 AA SOL M 1.9 addition and picture problems The teacher will explain that addition doubles can be found to make finding the sum easier. GA The students will play Double and Out with a small group. TX The students will complete p. 113 with the teacher and p. 114 on their own.

Week 7 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Thursday Day 33 Day 34 AA SOL M 1.9 AA SOL M 1.9 addition and picture addition and picture problems problems The teacher will show the The teacher will model for student how to find all of the the class how to find the sum ways to may a sum using the of three numbers. addition table. The students will practice GA The students will practice finding the sum of three making 10 by playing How different numbers by drawing Many Ways with a partner. faces on 20 given circles and making addition sentences TX The students will with them. complete p. 115 and 116 on their own. TX The students will complete p. 117 and 118.

Friday Day 35 AA SOL M 1.9 addition and picture problems The teacher will explain to the class how to solve word problems using addition. GA The students will play The Stars Are It to help them practice recognizing unneeded information. TX The students will complete p. 121 with the teacher and p. 122 on their own.

The students will be given 3 crackers to practice subtraction. The students will trace all 3 then eat one and trace what is left (this continues until all the crackers are eaten).

Week 8 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 37 Day 38 AA SOL M 1.8 AA SOL M 1.8 subtraction subtraction The teacher will tell a story The teacher will play Simon about going to the library and Says with the class using will show the class the book zero in some of the bag with all of the books in it. commands. Then the teacher The teacher will take one will discuss how to subtract book out at a time and ask zero. the students how many books are left. The students will work in pairs to complete p. 73. The students will explain how this model is like subtraction TX The students will work on and will write one number their own to complete p. 74. sentence that corresponds with the teacher’s story.

TX The students will complete p. 69 with the teacher and p. 70 on their own.

TX The students will complete p. 71 with the teacher using counters and p. 72 on their own.

Monday Day 36 AA SOL M 1.8 subtraction The teacher will read the napping house to the class and have the students count on as the characters join granny and count back as the characters wake up.

Thursday Day 39 AA SOL M 1.8 subtraction The teacher will review with the class the correct way to write subtraction sentences and remind the class that the larger number must always come first. GA The students will play a game pretending that the are cars on a road and one student is the stoplight. Five students will play at a time. The cars will go through the light until it turns red and the cars must stop. The students will then write an addition sentence about how many cars were at the stoplight and then how many were left. TX The students will complete p. 75-76 on their own

Friday Day 40 AA SOL M 1.8 subtraction The teacher will model for the class how to make a picture model of subtraction using a given subtraction sentence. GA The students will work in pairs and will draw a number sentence from a bag and create a corresponding subtraction sentence using model cars and parking spaces. Students should check each others work. TX The students will complete p. 77 with a partner and p. 78 on their own.

Monday Day 41

Tuesday Day 42

Week 9 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 43

AA SOL M 1.8 subtraction The teacher will give each student a sheet of paper with a lily pad on it and 4 counters (frogs).

AA SOL M 1.8 subtraction The teacher will model for the class how to write subtraction sentences up to six.

AA SOL M 1.8 subtraction The teacher will discuss and model how to write subtraction sentences vertically.

The students will listen to the teacher’s subtraction story. Then students will move their counters and record the subtraction sentence on the piece of paper.

The students will use half of an egg carton (six cups) and six counters to make all of the subtraction combinations for six. The students should check their answers with a partner when they are finished.

MA/PS The students will cut out six monkeys a one ladder. They will use these manipulatives to create vertical subtraction sentences.

The teacher will discuss the pattern that was made. TX The students will complete p 81-82 on their own.

TX The students will complete p. 83-84 on their own.

TX The students will complete p. 85-86 on their own. DA Students will be given a sheet with blank boxes so that they can properly record the vertical subtraction sentences.

Thursday Day 44 AA SOL M 1.8 subtraction The teacher will talk about the relationship between addition and subtraction. GA The students will work in groups with toy cars and a picture of a parking lot. The teacher will tell a story about the cars and the students must use them to solve addition and subtraction problems. TX Then the students will complete p. 87-88 on their own.

Friday Day 45 AA SOL M 1.8 subtraction The teacher will talk about the addition question “How many in all?” and the subtraction question, “How many are left?” D/LI The students will be called on to come to the front and dramatize a story told by the teacher. The students who are watching will then hold up which question (written on a note card) they should use to find the answer. TX The students will complete p. 89-90 on their own. DA Some students will need help reading to complete p. 90. They will be allowed to work with an advanced reading partner.

Monday Day 46 Field Trip to pumpkin patch AA SOL M 1.9 subtraction strategies The teacher will explain that just like addition, subtraction problems can be solved by using a number line. The students will practice counting by playing Number Line Blocks and Bounce Back. TX The students will complete p. 131 and 132.

Tuesday Day 47 AA SOL M 1.9 subtraction strategies The teacher will model how to use a number line to solve subtraction problems. GA The students will work together to make a classroom number line. TX The students will complete p. 133-134.

Week 10 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 48

Thursday Day 49

AA SOL M 1.9 subtraction strategies The teacher will model for the class how they can count back to solve subtraction problems.

TEST REVIEW The teacher will provide the class with a study guide and will review important skills in class

GA The students will play Back to Earth by dividing the class into to teams.

The students will listen to the teacher and study for their test.

TX The students will work together to complete p. 135 and then p. 136 on the own.

Friday Friday Day 50 MATH TEST The teacher will administer the test The students will take the test.

Monday Day 51 AA SOL M 1.9 subtraction strategies The teacher will model how to use objects to create and solve subtraction sentences. GA The students will work in groups to play Bus Stop. TX The students will complete p. 137 and 138 on their own.

Tuesday Day 52 AA SOL 1.9 subtraction strategies The teacher will talk about zero facts in subtraction. The students will complete the number names activity. TX The students will complete p.141 and 142 on their own.

Week 11 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Thursday Day 53 Day 54 AA SOL M 1.9 AA SOL 1.9 subtraction strategies subtraction strategies The teacher will discuss the The teacher will review the relationship between addition relationships between and subtraction. addition and subtraction and will model inverse GA The students will work in operations. groups to play Square Facts. GA The students will play the TX The students will empty chairs game in four complete p. 143 with the teams. teacher and p. 144 on their own. TX The students will complete p. 145 with the teacher and then p. 146 on their own.

Friday Day 55 AA SOL 1.9 Subtraction strategies The teacher will discuss number pairs with the class. GA The students will play share for a pair in groups of four. TX The students will complete p. 149 with the teacher and p. 150 on their own.

Monday Day 56 AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins HS The teacher will make sacks of coins for the students from the change that was donated by the parents. MA The students will have one minute to look at the coins in their bags and play quietly with them. The teacher will set up a store and have the student pay for items using only pennies. TX/PS/W Students will complete a worksheet counting pennies and writing the number of cents. HW/HS The teacher will send home a letter asking parents to let their

Tuesday Day 57 AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins LI/CM The teacher will have the students find a nickel from their coin sacks. The teacher will ask the students to look at it and guess how much it is worth. Then the teacher will explain that a nickel is worth five pennies or five cents.

Week 12 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 58 AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins LI/CM The teacher will review with the class the two coins that they have already talked about. Then the teacher will introduce the dime by asking if anyone can tell how much it is worth. (It is smaller than a penny so does that mean that it is worth less than a penny?)

MA/PS The students will count by fives to 100. Then they will use pennies to represent given amounts of money and then they will make the same amounts using nickels.

MA/PS The students will count by tens to 100. Then the students will practice making 10, 20, 30, etc. first with dimes, then nickels, then pennies.

W Students will record their findings in their Math Journals.

W The students will record their findings in their Math Journals

DA The teacher will have a bulletin board made for students to use as a reference to help them remember the value of the coins.

Thursday Day 59 AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins LI/CM The teacher will review the name and value of the penny, nickel, and dime. Then the teacher will introduce the quarter. The teacher will explain that the quarter is worth 25 cents and that you only need four quarters to make $1. MA/PS The students will practice making different amounts using only one kind of coin at a time. The students will find that some of the amounts cannot be made using only one kind of coin. W The students will record their findings in their Math Journals.

Friday Day 60 End of 2nd grading period AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins LI/L The teacher will read If You Made a Million. Then the class will brainstorm ways they can “earn money” doing classroom chores. CZ/LS/PS Students should be given time to brainstorm chores that they could do and how much money they should earn for their work. GA Then the class will work together to make a chart to record the amount of play coins that they will receive for being diligent classroom helpers. The teacher should set a total goal for the class to reach for them to have a party. The coins should be counted with the class when the teacher rewards students for their work.

Monday Day 61 AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins L The teacher will review the value of the penny and the nickel. And how to count by fives then ones to determine the total amount.

Week 13 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 62 Day 63 AA SOL M 1.10 AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins value of coins L The teacher will explain to the The teacher will remind the students how to count pennies class about how to count and nickels together. nickels an pennies.

V The teacher will put up large examples of different amounts of GA/MA/CM Students will pennies and nickels on the work with partners. One board. The teacher will ask person will draw a card with students to come up and count an amount in cents written on the pennies and nickels and give it. One partner will make the the amount in cents. amount using pennies and the other will make the GA/PS The students will play a amount using nickels. The game with a partner. The partners should take turns students will take turns rolling using the nickels and two dice (one die will determine pennies. how many pennies and the other Students should record the how many nickels). Then the amount drawn and how other partner will count the many nickel and pennies nickels and pennies and were needed to make the determine the total amount in amount. cents. They will work together to check their work. DA Students will be given a grid and should place one W/A Each partner should record coin in each square on the ten of the amounts that they grid to keep the coins in made a draw a corresponding order and to see the picture of the coins that they differences in the number of counted to make that amount. coins needed to make the amounts. HW p. 307-308 in AddisonWesley textbook.

OL/V/LI The partners who worked together yesterday will present one of the amounts that they counted and show the class which coins they used and explain how they got their answer (using large coin examples on the board). PS/TX The students will complete pages 309-310 in the Addison-Wesley textbook. MA The students will use a calculator to go back and check their answers. The teacher should emphasize that they are adding cents not numbers of coins. DA Students will be allowed to write out the number sentence before using the calculator

Thursday Day 64 AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins LI/V/CM The teacher will remind the class about the value of a dime. The teacher will work with the class to complete pages 311312 in the AddisonWesley textbook. The teacher should model the problems on the board and ask students to check their work and explain how they got their answer. PS/GA The students will work in groups of three to fill out the table on p. 312A in the Addison-Wesley textbook. They will be allowed to use their coins if they need help. HW p. 313-314 in Addison-Wesley Textbook.

Friday Day 65 AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins LA/LI The teacher will read Where the Sidewalk Ends. Then the teacher will discuss the events of the story. The boy has traded his dollar bill for 5 pennies but he believes he has made a good trade because he has more pieces of money than when he began. MA/GA The students will work in pairs. Each student will chose several different coins. Then each pair will count the number of coins and then find the value of the coins and compare their results. Students will find that having a larger number of coins will not always mean that you have more money. TX/PS The students will complete pages 315-316 in the Addison-Wesley textbook. DA Students will be given a work mat to keep their coins on while they are working.

Monday Day 66 AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins The teacher will lead the class in counting by 1’s, 5’s and 10’s. The teacher will provide the students with two sentences: ___ is worth___ . and ___ has the value of __. The teacher will ask for volunteers to come up and answer the phrases to make it true. Then the teacher will work with the students to model for them how to count three different types of coins at a time. The students will count coins beginning with dimes, then nickels, then pennies. The students will complete p. 319 in AW with the teacher and then they will complete p. 320 on their own. HW p.321 in AW textbook.

Tuesday Day 67 AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins LA/LI/CZ The teacher will read The Gold Coin to the class. Then the teacher will discuss with the class how the value of the gold coin changed during the story. GA/MO/PS The teacher will give each student a number (1, 5, or 10) on a large card that will hang around the student’s necks. The teacher will play music and when the music stops the students have to form groups equaling 25 based on the number that is on their card. The students will complete p. 323-324 in the AW textbook. HW/HS The students will work with a older family member to complete worksheet 10-7 in AddisonWesley textbook.

Week 14 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 68 AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins LA/OL The teacher will remind the students about the story that they read yesterday. The teacher will ask some of the students to share their ideas about how the characters in the book could have spent the gold coin. GA/MA The students will work in pairs to play a game. Each pair will be given a stack of cards with amounts from 15¢ to 75¢. Each student will draw a card and then make the amount with coins. The partner with the greater amount keeps both cards. Play continues until all of the cards are used. TX/PS The students will complete p. 325-326 in the Addison-Wesley textbook.

Thursday Day 69 AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins LI/V The teacher will explain to the students how many of each type of coin it takes to make a dollar. The teacher will record this on the board. GA/PS The students will work in small groups to show and record five different ways they could make a dollar using pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. TX/PS The students will complete sheet 10-6 on p.320 in the Addison-Wesley textbook.

Friday Day 70 AA SOL M 1.10 value of coins SS/LI/V The teacher will explain that different countries use different kinds of coins and objects as money. The teacher will bring in money from other countries to show the class. The teacher could also share pictures and locate the countries on a map for the students to see. MA/V The students will pass around the money and observe the similarities and differences that they see. SS/A/PS The students will design their own form of money. They will name the piece of money and explain how much it is worth. HW The students will complete p. 327 in the Addison-Wesley textbook.

Monday Day 71 AA SOL M 1.16 recognize, name, and draw shapes MA/GA The teacher will introduce solid shapes by dividing the class into small groups. Each group will be given a sphere, cone, pyramid, cylinder, cube, and rectangular prism. PS/MA/GA The students will use the shapes to plan a birthday party using each of the shapes. LI/CM/CZ The teacher will then have the class sit in a circle. The teacher will pass around one shape at a time and point out special features and give name. TX/PS The students will complete worksheet on p. 159 and practice 6.1 in the Math Plus textbook.

Week 15 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 72 Day 73 AA SOL M 1.16 recognize, AA SOL M 1.16 name, and draw shapes sort and describe shapes LI/CM The teacher will LI/CM/CZ/A The teacher will explain to the class that the tell a story about going to the different shapes have grocery store seeing a can different properties. Shapes rolling down the isle. The can slide, stack, and roll. teacher will ask the students to draw a picture of the PS/GA/MA/MO The students bottom of the can (a circle). will work in groups to build Then the teacher will go on “homes” with the different to explain that most solid shapes to explore how the shapes have faces. shapes roll, stack, and slide. PS/A The students will find CM/GA/CZ/MA Then the and trace the faces of the students will work in small solid shapes. groups to guess the hidden shape by asking questions CM The teacher will then ask about the shape. (Does it the class which solid shape slide? Does it have points?) does not have a face? The students will take turns hiding and guessing the TX/PS The students will shape. complete p. 163-164 in the Math Plus textbook. TX/PS The students will complete p. 251-252 in the Harcourt textbook.

Thursday Day 74 TEST REVIEW The teacher will review with the class the value of coins and how to count coins. The teacher will provide the students with a study guide. The students will listen to the teachers test review and will go over the study guide.

Friday Day 75 MATH TEST The teacher will administer the test on money using pages 329 and 330 in the Addison-Wesley textbook. The students will complete the test to the best of their ability.

Monday Day 76 AA SOL M 1.16 sort and describe shapes LI The teacher will explain that the points on a solid shape are called vertices. GA/MA/PS/W The students will work in pairs to count the vertices of each of the given shapes and record their findings. CM/TX/PS The students will work together with the teacher to answer the questions on page 253 and 254 in the Harcourt textbook. HW The students must find a shape and home, draw a picture of it and label the vertices.

Week 16 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 77 Day 78 AA SOL M 1.16 AA SOL M 1.17 sort and describe shapes shapes in the environment MA/PS The teacher will pass OL/LI/CM The teacher will out pattern blocks to all of the show the class a picture and students. The teacher will have the students point out name all of the shapes given the shapes that they see. and allow students to play The teacher will lead the with the blocks for one class in a discussion about minute. The teacher will ask the shapes that we use the students to try to solve everyday. the problems on p. 259 in the Harcourt textbook. A/W The students will draw a picture of shapes found in MA/GA/PS/CZ The students the environment and write a will play Make That Shape on sentence about their picture. p. 264 in the Harcourt textbook. TX/PS/A The students will complete a worksheet where TX/PS Then the students will they must find and color work by themselves to shapes found in the complete page 260 in the environment. Harcourt textbook

Thursday Day 79 AA SOL M 1.15 spatial visualization V/LI The teacher will model tracing shapes and explain to the class if they do not trace all the way around the shape it will be open. A/PS The students will practice drawing open and closed shapes. PS/TX The students will complete pages 267-268 in the Harcourt textbook.

Friday Day 80 AA SOL M 1.15 spatial visualization LI/MO/GA The teacher will ask students to stand up and face the front of the classroom. The teacher will use words like above and behind. MO/LI The students must place their hands in the correct positions according to what the teacher says. TX/LI/CM The teacher will review the vocabulary words with the students and will help them complete p. 269. TX/PS The students will complete p. 270 in the Harcourt textbook on their own.

Monday Day 81 AA SOL M 1.21 patterns V/PS The teacher will look for patterns in the calendar and have students continue the patterns. MU The students will sing songs with repeated patters such as “There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly”. GA/A/PS The students will work in small groups to create a simple pattern to go on a bulletin board boarder. TX The teacher will help the students answer the problems on p.283. TX/PS The students will complete p. 284 in the Harcourt textbook on their own.

Tuesday Day 82 AA SOL M 1.21 patterns MA/V/PS The teacher will give each student 3 circles, rectangles, triangles and toothpicks. The teacher will make a pattern on the board. M/PS The students will copy the pattern and then clap out the pattern with the teacher. The students will use the toothpick to mark off each pattern unit. TX The teacher will go over p. 285 with the class. TX/PS The students will complete p. 286 in the Harcourt textbook on their own.

Week 17 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 83 AA SOL M 1.21 patterns V/PS The teacher will create an AB pattern on the board and have the class work in teams to extend the pattern. MA/PS The teacher will provide students with pattern blocks and work with them to answer the problems on p. 287. TX/PS The students will extend the patterns on p. 288 in the Harcourt textbook on their own.

Thursday Day 84 AA SOL M 1.21 patterns V/LI/PS The teacher will put a pattern on the board and guide the students in identifying the error in the pattern. MA/GA/PS The students will work with a partner to create simple patterns using different colored connecting cubes. The partners will take turns making patterns and finding the error.

Friday Day 85 AA SOL M 1.21 patterns V/PS/W The teacher will draw an AB pattern on the board using apples and oranges. The teacher will show the students how to label the pattern using the letters of the alphabet. A/W/PS The students will copy the pattern using a sheet of paper and crayons, then the students will label the pattern correctly.

TX/LI The teacher will guide the students in answering the problems on p.289.

TX/LI The teacher will work with the students to complete p. 291.

TX/PS The students will complete p. 290 in the Harcourt textbook on their own.

TX/PS The students will complete p.292 in the Harcourt textbook on their own.

Monday Day 86 AA SOL M 1.6 fair shares V/CM/PS The teacher will put a picture of a pizza on the board and ask the class, “If I wanted to share my pizza with myself and a friend what would I do”? PS/OL The students will use their problem solving skills to solve the problem and model the solution for the class. MA/GA/PS The students will work with partners and use play-doh and a die to practice equally dividing objects into fair shares. TX The students will complete p. 375-376 in the Addison-Wesley textbook. DA- Students will be provided with circle cutters when working on the playdoh activity.

Week 18 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 87 Day 88 AA SOL M 1.6 AA SOL M 1.6 fair shares fair shares L/LI The teacher will read The teacher will model for Eating Fractions to the class. the class how to draw fraction circles using equal MA/PS The students will use parts. given pieces of paper in the shape of foods to fold in half W/A/PS The students will to show that they are equal draw shapes and practice parts. dividing them into equal and unequal parts in the Math GA/MA/PS The students will journals. work with partners to divide snap blocks into two equal TX/PS The students will parts. complete p. 375 – 376 in the A-W textbook. TX/PS The students will complete p. 377-378 in the AW textbook. DA Students who transpose 1 and 2 when writing fractions can say “one of two equal parts” as they write the fraction.

Thursday Day 89 AA SOL M 1.6 fair shares GA/MA The teacher will divide the class into groups of threes and give each group a ball of modeling clay. CZ/OL/PS/GA/MA The students will work together in their groups to divide the clay into three equal parts. CM/LI The teacher will ask the groups to discuss the strategies that they used and what worked best for them. W The teacher will show the class how to write fractions using thirds. TX/PS The students will complete p. 379-380 in the AW textbook.

Friday Day 90 AA SOL M 1.6 fair shares MA/GA/PS The students will work in pairs using circles cut into thirds. The students will take turns drawing a fraction card and making that fraction using the circle pieces. TX/PS The teacher will work with the class to help them solve the extension activity on p. 380A in the A-W textbook. TX/PS Students will complete the math reasoning page 129 on p. 380A in the A-W textbook.

Monday Day 90 AA SOL M 1.6 fair shares LI/R/LA/V: The teacher will review fractions of ½ and explain 1/3 by reading Fraction Action p. 1-7 (1). While reading the teacher will draws the pictures and fractions discussed in the book on the board. MA/V: The students will fold a piece of paper in thirds to the fraction being discussed in Fraction Action. The students will write 1/3 on each section and color one section. LI/PS: The teacher will if all the sections are the same; what the 3 means; what part of their paper is colored. MA/A/V: The students will use pattern blocks to make shapes. They will use two identical pieces to make a shape. They will trace the shape and color in the outline of one block. They will use three identical to make a shape. They will trace the shape and color one shape. The students will write the fraction underneath each shape. MP p.295 DA: The teacher will help students who are having trouble creating a shape with the pattern blocks.

Week 19 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 91 Day 92 AA SOL M 1.6 AA SOL M 1.6 fair shares fair shares SS/LI/V: The teacher will LI/V/PS: The teacher will take point out Ireland on a map the students outside and draw and discuss symbols that a large square on the represent that country. sidewalk with chalk. The The teacher will draw a 3- teacher will divide it into leaf clover on the board. fourths to play Four Square. The teacher will point out The teacher will ask the that the shamrock has 3 students how the square is equal parts and on part is divided. The teacher will called one third. The explain that 1 part of 4 equal teacher will write 1/3 on parts is called one fourth and the board and re-explain will write ¼ on the sidewalk. that 1 means one part The teacher will ask what is and 3 means three equal one section of this square parts. MP p.296 called. MP p.297 SS/MA/A: The students will glue 3 green circles on paper and draw a stem, creating a shamrock. The students will write 1/3 below their shamrocks. H/HS: The students will complete a Thirds faction worksheet and divide food into thirds at home with a family member.

MO/GA: The students will play the game Four Square. LI/R/LA/V: The teacher will read p. 9-12 in Fraction Action. The teacher will draw the pictures from the book on the board and ask the student what fraction it would be. The teacher will give the students graham crackers. MA: The students will first divide the graham crackers into halves, then third, and lastly fourths. The students will draw a picture of the graham cracker in fourths and color in ¼. The students can eat the graham crackers afterwards.

Thursday Day 93 AA SOL M 1.6 fair shares LI/V/PS: The teacher will review ¼ factions with students. The teacher will draw picture of ½ and ¼ fractions on Athe board and ask students which do they think is greater. GA/MA/W/OL/CM: The students will be put in pairs and will use their balance to weigh fraction pieces. (1/2 and ¼). The students will write down which set weighed more each time. After weight is set with one another, the student will share will the class which fraction is the least and which is the greatest. M/LI: The teacher will lead the students in the “Alligator Fractions” song (leaving out the parts about higher fractions). The students will sing the “Alligator Fractions” song. V/LI: The class with have a fruit pizza party (large circle sugar cookie, strawberry preserves, grated white chocolate, circular cutouts of strawberry fruit rollup. The teacher will cut the pizza in two halves and the students will give the fractions. The teacher will cut the fruit pizza into fourths and the students will give the fraction. The class will eat the pizza!

Friday Day 94 AA SOL M 1.6 MATH TEST MU/MO/V/LI: The teacher will choose a fraction, either ½, 1/3, or ¼. The teacher will play music and the students will dance around. When the teacher holds up a picture of representing the given fraction, the students will freeze. E/W: The students will complete the fraction test.

Monday Day 95 AA SOL M 1.7 magnitude R/LA/LI: The teacher will read Pigs in Hiding () to the students. The teacher will ask the students to think of a room or area around a house and draw a picture of it. A/GA/PS: The students will draw a picture of a room and then draw a number of pigs hiding (up to 20), and write the number on the back of their paper. The students will swap papers with a partner and will guess whether there are more or fewer than 10 pigs. MP p.213A LI: The teacher will tell students what they did was estimating. The teacher will explain what estimating is to the students and why it is important. HS: The parent will pick an house hold object (beans in a bag) and let the student guess how many beans are in the bag.

Tuesday Day 96 AA SOL M 1.7 magnitude V: The teacher will bring in a jar of jellybeans and ask the students about how many jellybeans are in the jar: 10, 30, or 60. PS/W: The students will guess about how many jelly beans are in the jar, 10, 30, or 60 and will write the number down on a piece of paper. OL: The teacher will count the jellybeans and the students will count aloud also. The students will see how close their estimated guess what to the actual number of jelly beans. GA/PS: The students will be paired with a partner and will be given a handful of pennies. One student will count the number of pennies and give their partner a set of three numbers. The student will guess the amount the number of the amount of pennies using the numbers given to him. The students will take turns estimating amounts of pennies using three numbers.

Week 20 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 97 AA SOL M 1.7 magnitude LI: The teacher will review estimation by groupings of ten. The teacher will give the students a word problem with 3 estimations and will ask the student to give an answer. The teacher will ask the students how could they tell. The students will explain. MA/MO: The teacher will attach stickers in different groups of tens and ones to 16 cards and write 3 possible estimates of the number of stickers at the bottom of each card. The cards will be placed facedown in a grid pattern on a table. MP p205 GA/PS/MO: The students will be divided into two teams. Each student will turn over a card and choose the best estimate. If he or she is correct, the team keeps the card. The team with the greater number of cards wins. HW: The students will complete a magnitude worksheet.

Thursday Day 98 AA SOL M 1.7 magnitude LI: The teacher will pass out three pieces of cardboard paper and 3 popsicle sticks to each student. The teacher will tell the students to write one number (either 10, 30, and 50) on each piece of paper and to glue the popsicle sticks to the bottom of the paper.

Friday Day 99 AA SOL M 1.7 magnitude LI/OL/PS: The teacher will review estimation again. The teacher will ask students to give an example of something they can estimate and give three possible answers. The teacher will tell the students they are going to make an estimation book.

MA/W: The students will create their number signs.

MA/V/GA/CM: The students will create estimation book that will consist of 4 pages. The students will either use stickers or draw pictures in groups of 10 on paper. They will write three numbers at the bottom of the page, one being the correct answer. After the books are completed, they will swap with a student and solve the problems.

LI/PS: The teacher will read various word problems aloud to the students (e.g. How many days are there in a month? 10, 30, or 50?, How many states are there in the United States?) LI/MO: The students will listen to the word problems. When they hear a correct estimate, they will stand up, holding the correct sign.

DA: The teacher will help the students will the cover and will staple the book. Students who have difficulties coming up with word problems can be paired with a partner to create the book.

Monday Day 100 AA SOL M 1.11 telling time LI/GA: The teacher will tell the students they are going to start learning about time. The teacher will write on a slip of paper 2 simple tasks, one of which takes more time to do than the other. The teacher will place the slips in a paper bag. (Ex: Draw a picture of a tree; write your name). The teacher will pass the bags to the students. MP p315A GA/R/W/MO/OL/LI: The students will be divided into small groups. One student from each group will be pick a slip of paper and read it aloud. The students will write which task they think will take more time. Two students from each group will act out the tasks. The students will check their predictions. This activity will go on until all students have had a turn to act out the task. MPp315A LI/CM: The teacher will discuss with the students the results.

Tuesday Day 101 AA SOL M 1.11 telling time LI/CM/R/PS: The teacher will ask the students which they think will take more time, to draw a circle or to draw a car. Two volunteers will make the drawings on the board. The teacher will ask which took more time and why. The teacher will ask which takes more time, to read a full page or half a page. Two volunteers will read aloud. The teacher will ask which took more time and why. The teacher will put the words more time and less time on the word wall. ()p315 GA/MA/V/MO/CM: The students will be divided into small groups. Each student will cut out and mount a magazine picture of people doing an everyday activity. One child will be the leader. The other students will say whether it takes more or less time to do the activity in the picture than to do the activity in the leader’s picture.()p.315A HW: The students will complete the estimating time worksheet for homework.

Week 21 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Thursday Day 102 Day 103 AA SOL M 1.11 AA SOL M 1.11 telling time telling time LI/CM/OL: The teacher LI/CM/V: The teacher will ask the will tell the students students what are some parts of a they are going to learn clock again. As the student about clocks today. The answers the teacher will draw the teacher will explain that clock and each part on the a clock is a machine chalkboard. used to tell time. The teacher will ask the MA: The students will make their students if they can own clocks using paper plates, describe a clock. After paper fasteners, precut cardboard students have given hour and minute hands(different some answers, the colors), and crayons. The teacher teacher will go over will mark the numbers 12, 3, 6, and other characteristics. 9. The students will fill in the rest of the numbers. They will make a MA/A/OL: The students hole in the center and fasten the will cut out pictures of hands with a paper fastener. different types of analog clocks and LI/MA: The teacher will ask the create a collage. The students to put the long hand at students will show their the 12 and the short hand at the 1 collage to the class and and ask what time it is and how do explain had they sorted you know. The teacher will explain the clock.()p. 318A how the students can know what time it is. OL/MU: The students will sing “Hickory, GA/MA/OL/CM: The students will Dickory, Dock.” get and pairs. One will move the p.9 hands and the other student will tell the time. The students will take HS: The student will go turns. home and look at all the clocks they have at DA: Gifted students will mark all their house. the number by themselves on the clock, instead of the teaching providing the numbers 12, 3, 6, and 9.

Friday Day 104 AA SOL M 1.11 telling time R/LA/LI: The teacher will read Telling Time with Big Mama Cat to the students. () The teacher will pause whenever she reads aloud a time. MA: The students show the time stated in the book by using their own clocks. The students will hold their clocks up and the teacher will check the students’ clocks. MO: The teacher will use masking tape to make a large circle on the floor for a clock face. The teacher will tape numbers in place. The teacher will make colored strips on the longer cord, which serves as the minute hand. The plain, shorter cord serves as the hour hand. MP p.317A MO/LI/CM: A student will be in the center, one at the 12 and one at the other end of the striped cord. A third student holds the other end of the plain cord and sits at 3. The teacher will ask which cord is the hour hand and which cord is the minute hand. The teacher will also ask what time is it. The students will take turns until all the students have participated. MP p.317A

Monday Day 105

Tuesday Day 106

AA SOL M 1.11 telling time

AA SOL M 1.11 telling time

LI: The teacher will use a manipulative clock to review how to tell time to the hour with the students. The teacher will ask the students what activity can be done during the day at this time (Ex: 7:00 a.m., eat breakfast).The teacher will prepare 24 index cards for each group. On 12 of the cards the teacher will draw a clock face showing the time to each hour. The teacher will write the times on the other cards. MP p. 318A

V/R/LI/PS: The teacher will draw a picture of an analog clock and a digital clock on the board. The teacher will also write and then read this riddle to the students: “There is a clock that runs. It has no legs. It also had no hands! What kind of clock is it?” The teacher will ask which of the clocks draw on the board answers the riddle. MP )p. 319

GA/MA/MO: The students will be divided into groups of four. A student will shuffle the cards and give each student in the group 6 cards. If a student has matching times they will put their cards face up. The students will name an activity that can be done at this time during the day. Students will take turns selecting a card from the child to their right. The first student to put down all o his or her cards is the winner. MP p. 318A & 317A HW: The students will complete a “Reading the Clock” worksheet. MP p. 318

MA: The students will make a digital clock model. They will cut out the clock face and number strips and past them onto cardboard. They will cut along the dashed lines; insert the longest strip for hours and the 2 short strips for minutes. MP p.319 MA/LI: The teacher will say a time aloud and the students will show the times on their digital clocks. The teacher will ask the students how the time shown on the digital and analog clocks is the same. The teacher will also ask what the numbers stand for on the digital clock. HS: The student will find a digital clock in their home and tell a family member the time.

Week 22 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 107

Thursday Day 108

Friday Day 109

AA SOL M 1.11 telling time

AA SOL M 1.11 telling time

AA SOL M 1.11 telling time

LI/V/T: The teacher will bring in a digital clock (with computerized time chip). The teacher will explain to the students that when she plugs in the digital clock it will go straight to the same time that is on the analog clock. The teacher will ask the students to look at the clock and tell her what time it is. The teacher will plug in the digital clock and wait for the time to come up.

LI/V/PS: The teacher will explain that on ships and space flights captains keep a record, called a log, of what happens as time passes by. The teacher will have the daily schedule and times written on the board. The teacher will also write 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 1:00, and 2:00 on the board. The teacher will ask the students how much time has passed between the times. MP)p. 319A

LI/V: The teacher will ask the students how long they think a minute is. The teacher will show the students a clock with a second hand, and have them watch as it goes around once, explaining that one minute has passed. The teacher will ask whether it will take more than one minute or less than one minute to count to onehundred.

OL/MA: The students will tell the teacher the time after looking at the analog clock, and then will show that time on their model digital clock. The students will wait to see if the time is the same on the digital clock that was plugged in, is the same as on their model digital clock. MO/LI: The teacher will write times from 1:00 to 12:00 in digital form on slips of paper and put them in a bag. The teacher will use masking tape to make an analog clock face on the floor. The teacher will tape number cards in place for each hour. The teacher will draw an analog and a digital clock face both showing 1:00 on the board. The student will explain how both clocks show the same time. (MP)p.319A R/OL./MO: The students will select a slip of paper from the bag, read the time aloud, replace the slip in the bag, and stand on the number that the hour hand would point to show the time. (MP)p. 319A

A: The student will copy the times written on the board onto a long blank piece of paper. The students will draw a picture of what hey will be doing, according to the schedule, during that time. E: The students will complete a “Hour” worksheet. (MP)p. 320 DA: The teacher can read the daily schedule to students who have difficulty reading. Gifted students can make a log that has the time and activity for the whole day until bedtime.

V/OL: The students will watch the second hand go around the clock once. The students will say whether they think one minute is less than onehundred or not. When the second hand is on the 12, the student will count in unison to 100. When the teacher says stop, the students will tell the teacher how long a minute is. LI: The teacher will discuss how counting to 60 is one minute. The teacher will explain that counting to one is called one second. The teacher will explain that 60 seconds is one minute. MA/A: The students will create a flipping minute card. The students will write 60 seconds on the back of one card. The students will write 1 minute on the front of the second card. They will tape the two cards together on the left side, so it flips open. On the front of the first card the students will draw a picture of a 1minute task.

Monday Day 110 AA SOL M 1.11 telling time LI/V/MO/PS: The teacher will review by asking the students how long a minute is. The teacher will ask two volunteers to perform an activity. The teacher will ask the class which student they think completed the task in one minute. The teacher will ask the students to name some other activities that take one minute to do. GA/MO/CM: The students will be paired with a partner. One student will be the timekeeper and says “go” when the second hand is on 12. The other student will hop back and forth between two points in the room. The students will keep track of how many times he or she returns to the starting point after one minute. The students will switch roles, guessing who can hop more times in one minute. (MP)p. 321A HW: The students will complete the “Exploring Minutes” worksheet. (MP)p. 322 DA: The teacher will ask an ESL student to count to 60 in their own language and also see if they can write their alphabet in 1 minute.

Week 23 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 111 Day 112 AA SOL M 1.11 AA SOL M 1.11 telling time telling time V/LI/CM: The teacher will LI/MO/V: The teacher will draw a large clock face on the review telling time to the board. The teacher will ask half hour with the volunteers to write 5, 10 ...to students. The teacher will 60 outside the clock’s rim hold up a time. The next to the hours. The students will stand up teacher will explain that the each time is the time is a time it takes the hour hand to half hour. move is once around is 1 hour. The teacher will divide A/OL/V: The student will the clock face in halves, cut out magazine pictures drawing a line from 12 to 6, of activities that take and color one-half with about 30 minutes. The colored chalk. The teacher students will begin at a will ask the students how time on the hour. After many minutes are in a half thirty minutes the teacher hour. (MP)p. 323 will let the students know a half hour has passed. MA/V: The students will use The students their 30 their model clocks (analog minute collages with the and digital) to show the times class. (MP)p. 323A the teacher writes on the board. HS: The students will make a list with a parent GA/MA/OL: The students will of any 30-minute be divided into two teams. activities they did at Each student, in turn, selects home. a card and show the time on the clock model. If both hands point to 12, or if the minute hand points to 6 and the hour hand points between 6 and 7, the students say “time out!” and that student sits down. The first team to have everyone sitting down wins. (MP)p. 324A

Thursday Day 113 AA SOL M 1.11 telling time LI/V/MA/CM: The teacher will review telling time to the hour, half-hour, and minute. The teacher will say a time and the students will have to show the time on both their analog and digital clocks. The teacher will ask the students whether the time was to the hour, half-hour, or was a minute. V/T: The students will watch Rock’n Learn: Telling Time DVD.

Friday Day 114 AA SOL M 1.11 MATH TEST LI/CM/V/MO: The teacher will play a review telling time game with the students. E: The students will complete the telling time test.

Monday Day 115 AA SOL M 1.20 sorting objects LI/CM: The teacher will explain to students how to sort different objects. The teacher will ask how can you sort object. The teacher will tell the students they can sort objects by color. MA/A/W: The students will cut out various pictures in magazines. The students will sort the objects out by color. The students will divide a poster into fours. The students will pick four colors from their objects. They will write the color at the top. The students will glue the picture in the right square based upon color.

Week 24 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 116 Day 117 Day 118 AA SOL M 1.20 AA SOL M 1.20 AA SOL M 1.20 sorting objects sorting objects classifying objects LI/V/CM: The teacher will LI/V: The teacher will LI: The teacher will explain what explain to the students how review how to sort objects classification is. The teacher will to sort objects with the same by color and size. Then tell the students many objects size. The teacher will the teacher will explain can be classified by common demonstrate how to sort how you can sort objects qualities (E.g. plants, animals, objects with the same size by with two of the same shapes) The teacher will explain using objects within the characteristics, such as how the students will be classroom. The teacher will color and size. The classifying plants. The teacher ask for volunteers to help. teacher will bring in bags will explain how they can be of objects to be sorted. classified by size, color, or GA/PS/OL/V/CM: The shape. students will be divided into MA: The students will The teacher will show the groups of 3. Within each come up and pick 6 items students how to use a digital group, the students must sort from the surprise bag. The camera and go over rules for the themselves by height. The students will go to their sit next activity. students who are and sort the objects that approximately the same have both the same color GA/T/MO/A/OL/CM: The height will divide into groups. and size. The students will students will be divided into two The students will present leave the objects arranged groups. They will each be given their mini-groups to the class on the desk for the teacher a digital camera to use (the and show how they were to come around and teacher will monitor each group.) sorted out by height. check. The students will take 6-10 pictures of all the different types HS: The student will of plants they see. The students complete sort objects at will come back in. The teacher home with a parent. will upload the pictures and print them off for each group. The groups will then classify the plants according to size and color. The students will cut the pictures and glue them to make a collage. The group will show their collage to the class.

Friday Day 119 AA SOL M 1.20 classifying objects LI/S: The teacher will explain how you can classify animals. The teacher will explain how land animals, water animals, or flying animals can be classify into different groups. LI/V/T/S/A/W: The students will divide a large piece of paper into 3 columns. The student will write animals at the top. Underneath the students will label the columns land, air, water. The students will watch a science video about animals. Each time they see an animal on the video they have to write the name in the correct column (at least 2, no more than 4). The students will leave enough room to draw a picture of the animal underneath the name. DA: Students who cannot spell the names, can just draw the picture.

Monday Day 120 AA SOL M 1.20 classifying objects LI/V: The teacher will explain how the students can classify objects by thickness and size. The teacher will demonstrate an example. MA/S: The students will be given different objects of similar and different size and thickness. The students will be given a blindfold. The student must put on the blind fold and first feel the size of the objects. Then the students will feel the thickness of each object. Then the students will try to sort the object that short and thin, and thick and big. The student will take off the blindfold to see if they classified the objects correctly. LI/CM/S: The teacher will ask which of the five senses did they use. HW: The students will complete a classifying worksheet.

Week 25 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 121 Day 122 AA SOL M 1.20 Field Trip to Fine Arts classifying objects Theatre LI/V/CM/LA: The teacher will LI/CM/CC: The teacher will show the picture book Dots, give students directions on Spots, Speckles, and Stripes. how to behave on the field The teacher will point out trip. ways the pictures can be classified. The teacher will CI/LS: The students will also ask the students if they respect authority figures and can think of a way to classify act responsibly on the field the pictures (E.g. animal, trip. people, plants, size, shaper, color, thickness). HW/A/OL: The students will draw picture of three things MA/A/W: The students will they learned on the field trip create their own picture book and present it to the class the of classification. They will next day. draw pictures of objects, people, animals, etc. that can be classified by any two traits. The students will write a sentence underneath each picture to tell how it is classified. The book will have 3-5 pages. DA: Students who have poor writing skills will use lined paper and receive help from a teacher or tutor.

Thursday Day 123 AA SOL M 1.20 ordering objects LI/V/R/LA/L: The teacher will explain how to order data. The teacher will read The Doorbell Rang to the students. As the teacher reads the book to the students, she will pause to write down the number of cookies on the board each time they are mentioned in the book. R/L/LA/V/LI/W: The students will listen and read along to the story and tell the teacher the number of cookies each time more children arrive in the book. The students will order the numbers from least to greatest on a long strip of paper. The students will classify the numbers by ones, fives and tens. They will circle each type of number with a different color crayon. DA: Spanish speaking students can read along with a Spanish version to help compare the English and Spanish language while reading.

Friday Day 124 AA SOL M 1.20 ordering objects LI/V: The teacher will explain how to order geometric shapes. The teacher will show various shapes and the students will have to name them. The teacher will set a pattern in which the student must order the geometric shapes. MA/V: The students will be given plastic shape cutouts. The students must order the shapes based upon the pattern the teacher set for them (E.g. Circles-first, squaressecond, triangles-third). E/W: The students will complete a classifying worksheet.

Week 26 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Monday Tuesday Wednesday Day 125 Day 126 Day 127 AA SOL M 1.18 AA SOL M 1.18 AA SOL M 1.18 Data collection Data collection Data collection LI/CM: The teacher will LI/CM: The teacher will LI/V/CM: The teacher will explain how questions about explain how the students can explain how you can make the physical world can often collect data about peoples’ predictions about data record be answered by collecting preferences. The teacher will the results. The teacher will data and observing results. ask the students if they ask the students how many The teacher will explain what prefer chocolate, vanilla, or ride the bus to school. The data means. The teacher will strawberry ice cream. teacher will ask the students ask for a volunteer to put the to make a prediction first. The word data on the word wall. V/LI/CM/A/W: The student students will raise their hands The teacher will ask the will raise their hand to show if they ride the bus. The students a question they their favorite ice cream students who do not ride the want to know (e.g. how many preference. The teacher will bus will raise their hands. The students packed lunch). write the numbers on the teacher will write the numbers board. The students will on the board. The teacher will LI/V/W: The student will raise draw a picture of an ice show how they can record the their hands if they packed cream cone with their information. The students will their lunch. The teacher will favorite flavor of ice cream in copy the teacher. write the number on the it. The students will write one board. The students who sentence about why they like MA/PS: The students will be bought lunch will raise their ice cream. The students will given a 3-by-10 grid, crayons, hands. The teacher will write write the number of students and a spinner. The students the number on the board. who also preferred that type will spin 10 times. First they The students will tell the of ice cream at the bottom of will guess how many times teacher the amount of the cone. the spinner will point to each students who packed lunch color and write their and if it was more than those HW/HS: The students will predictions. The students will who bought lunch. The collect data from their family record their results by student will write the day on members by asking what coloring in a square in the a piece of paper and the their favorite ice cream is grid. The students will information. and record the numbers. compare the results with the predictions. MP p.411A

Thursday Day 128 AA SOL M 1.18 Data collection LI/CM: The teacher will ask the students what a prediction is. The teacher will re-explain how to make predictions. The teacher will paint one row of the eggcups green and one blue. GA/MA/PS: The students will be put in pairs. Each pair of students will use 1 eggcarton, beans, a paper bag, and blue and green counters. For the first round put 6 blue and 6 green counters in the bag. The first student takes 1 counter out of the bag and puts a bean in the egg-carton row that is the same color as the counter. The student returns the counter to the bag. The students continue for 5 turns. The teacher will ask how many blue counters were picked and were more blue or more green counters picked. The students will repeat the activity with 6 blue and 3 green counters in the bag. The students will guess whether more blue or green counters will be selected. MP p.411A

Friday Day 129 AA SOL M 1.18 Data collection LI/V/CM: The teacher will explain how to record data using tally marks. The teacher will show an example by tallying the student’s lunch count. GA/MA/PS/CM/OL: The students will take turns shaking a number cube in a cup and spilling the cube onto a table. The student will guess which number will show more often, if any, and write the number down. The students will make a tally mark next to the number that shows on the number cube. After each student has had 3 turns, students count the tally marks and write the total. The students will discuss their guesses and results. DA: Students, who do not grasp the idea of tally marks, can be given a key. (E.g., show a number 5 with five tally marks beside it, etc.)

Monday Day 130 AA SOL M 1.18 Data collection LI/V/CM: The teacher will review recording data with tally marks by taking lunch count. The teacher will give each student 16 green and 16 brown 1-inch paper squares. MA/W/A: The students will make a table with rows labeled Green and Brown. The students will predict if the spinner will stop on green or brow more often and write the prediction down. The student will spin 16 times, making tally marks in their tables. They count the tally marks, write the total at the end of each row, and then count green and brown squares to match the number in their tables. They glue the squares on paper and make mosaic pictures. MP p.412

Tuesday Day 131 AA SOL M 1.18 Data collection LI/V/CM: The teacher will review recording data with tally marks by taking lunch count. The teacher will make a table for each pair of students. GA/MA/PS: Each pair of students will use 1 stone. The first student puts the stone in one hand, with back turned to the partner, and makes a fist with each hand. The partner guesses which hand has the stone. The first student opens her or his hands. If the guess was correct, the second child makes a tally mark. The students reverse roles and continue. After each child has taken 6 turns, the students count the tally marks and write the totals. The student with more tally marks wins. MP p.412

Week 27 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 132 AA SOL M 1.18 Data collection LI/V/CM: The teacher will review recording data with tally marks by taking lunch count. The teacher will draw a 4-by-3 grid on tag board to make a target. The teacher will color 4 squares red, 4 white, and 4 blue. The teacher will prepare a table for each small group. MP p.412 MA/MO/CM/W: The students will toss the beanbag onto the target 3 times. They will guess how many beanbags will land on each color and write it down. The students will tally the results. The students will count the tally marks and write the total. The students will discuss the results with the teacher. MP p.412

Thursday Day 133 AA SOL M 1.20 MATH TEST LI/V: The teacher will review classifying objects with the students. E/W: The students will take a “Classifying objects test.” DA: The teacher will read the test questions out to children with learning disabilities or ESL students.

Friday Day 134 AA SOL 1.19 reading graphs LI/V: The teacher will explain what a graph is and how there are different types (e.g., picture, bar, pie). The teacher will explain that graphs show collected data. The teacher will prepare graphs on several topics. The teacher will prepare questions or statements on index card about the graphs (e.g., There are __girls and ___boys in our class). There should be enough for each student to have two. The teacher will display the graphs around the classroom. MO/V/PS/W: The student will take two cards. The student will walk around the classroom and decide which graphs will help answer the statements or questions. After the students have filled in the cards, they will discuss the data in the graph. MP p.413A

Monday 135 AA SOL M 1.19 reading graphs LI/V/CM: The teacher will explain how students can use pictures to represent data and tally marks. The teacher will demonstrate an example. The teacher will make a tally chart for groups. The teacher will cut sponges into shapes. MA/A/V: The students will use the spinner to select a color and make a tally mark. Each student takes 4 turns. The students will use the sponges as stamps to make a picture. The students will use the shame color of paint as the colors on the spinner. MP p.414A

Week 28 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 136 Day 137 AA SOL M 1.19 AA SOL M 1.19 reading graphs reading graphs LI/V: The teacher will explain LI/V/CM: The teacher will how to create a picture graph review how to create a picture into more detail. The teacher graph. The teacher will create will show the students a picture graph with the examples. The teacher will students for the lunch count show the students the (e.g., lunchbox and tray). weather forecast for the week on the computer (e.g., MA/V: The students will be sunny, windy, rainy). given a calendar, and stamps (full moons and half moons). T/V/W/A: The students will The students will create a write the days of the week on picture graph using the the bottom of a piece of stamps to show which days paper. The students will draw are going to be full moons a picture of either, wind, or and which days will be the rain depending on the half moon. forecast. The picture should be placed above the day. DA: Student who are having The students will show the difficulties creating a graph teacher their picture graph. can work with a partner.

Thursday Day 138 AA SOL M 1.19 reading graphs LI/V/CM: The teacher will review how to create a picture graph. The teacher will create a picture graph with the students using tennis shoes vs. other shoes. VI/MA/A/SS: The students will look through magazines at advertisements. The student will pick two objects that are being advertised often (e.g., toothpaste and shampoo). The students will cut out their chosen advertisement objects. The students will create picture graph with the pictures. The students will write the names down and then glue the pictures in rows next to the name. The students will count to see which product was advertised the most. OL/V/LI/SS: The students will show their picture graphs and the teacher will review goods and services.

Friday Day 139 AA SOL M 1.19 reading graphs LI/V/OL: The teacher will get a volunteer to “teach” the class how to create a picture graph. The teacher will direct the student if he or she needs help. The teacher will remind the student why they use picture graphs. R/L/LA/A: The students will pick a book to read from the classroom. The students will pick two objects from the book they are pictured often. Each time the student sees the pictures while reading, they will tally the day. The students will use water color to paint a picture graph.

Monday Day 140

Tuesday Day 141

AA SOL M 1.19 reading graphs LI/V: The teacher will explain what a bar graph is and how it can be used. The teacher will show the students how to make a bar graph for the lunch count. The teacher will put counters of 4 colors in a pile. The teacher will prepare a 4-by-12 grid for each group. The teacher will move the tables to make a narrow passage where students can pretend there is a tollbooth.

AA SOL M 1.19 reading graphs S/LI/CM/V: The teacher will discuss 3 categories; animal, plant, and mineral. The teacher will make a large poster for each group with 3 sections labeled animal, plant, and mineral. The teacher will make a blank bar graph for each group. MP p.414A PS/S/MA/A: The students will think of ways to categorize things. Small groups of students will cut out 12 pictures and blue them in the appropriate sections. The students will count the pictures in each category and color the boxes to make a bar graph. MP p.414A

GA/MO/MA/CM: One student will be the gatekeeper. The gatekeeper uses his or her arm as a gate to keep the children from passing. Each student must pay a toll before the gate is opened. Students take turns apying the toll with counters of any colors. The HW: The students will gatekeeper saves the complete a graph worksheet. counters in a small box. The play stops after students go through the gate 3 times. The students place the counters on the grid to make a graph. MP p.413A

Week 29 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 142 AA SOL M 1.19 reading graphs R/V/CM/LI: The teacher will show the student nature books about animals and babies. The teacher will tell the children that some animals have many babies at a time and some have 1 or 2 at a time. The teacher will find pictures of animal parents and babies to show to the students. The teacher will make a blank graph for each student. V/W: The students will choose five pictures, write the name of each animal, count the number of babies in the animal family, and color the number of boxes to make a bar graph. MP p.414A DA: Students who are unable to organize the graph may have a pre-made graph with the words and numbers already in their proper place.

Thursday Day 143 AA SOL M 1.19 reading graphs LI/V: The teacher will explain how to make a graph using concrete objects. The teacher will show an example. MA/W: The students will choose cube of 3 colors and will build a skyscraper. Using only the cubes in the skyscraper, the students will make a graph showing the number of cubes of each color. LI/CM/OL: The teacher will ask the students to make a row of red, yellow, and blue cubes. The teacher will ask which color of cubes were used the least.

Friday Day 144 Field Trip to Museum AA SOL M 1.19 reading graphs LI/CC/CI: The teacher will guide the children and keep head counts. The teacher will work with other teachers and the community. CI/LI/CZ/W: The students will obey the rules and show respect to each other ant the community. The students will make a bar graph of about something they learned at the museum.

Monday Day 145 AA SOL M 1.19 graph vocabulary LI/V/CM: The teacher will explain how graphs can be analyzed by using different words. The teacher will introduce the word more. The teacher will explain how and when the students would use the word when looking at graphs. The teacher will ask a volunteer to put the word more on the math word wall. LA/W: The students will write the word more 5 times on handwriting paper. The students will create a graph of the lunch count. The students will circle the highest number. The student will write one sentence using the word more to describe the graph.

Tuesday Day 146 AA SOL M 1.19 graph vocabulary LI/V: The teacher will show many examples of graphs and show how to use the word more when examining the graphs. LA/A/OL/PS: The students will make a word picture of more. The picture will have an object and the students will draw that object many times, to crowd the word more. The students will come to the board and explain the graph using the word more. HS: The student will show their parents an old graph they had created and explain it using the word more.

Week 30 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 147 AA SOL M 1.19 graph vocabulary LI/V/CM: The teacher will introduce the word less. The teacher will explain how and when the students would use the word when looking at graphs. The teacher will ask a volunteer to put the word less on the math word wall. LA/W: The students will write the word more 5 times on handwriting paper. The students will create a graph of weather. The students will circle the highest number. The student will write one sentence using the word more to describe the graph. DA: Students with learning disabilities do not have to write a sentence, but can just tell the teacher what number is “more” on the graph.

Thursday Day 148 AA SOL M 1.19 graph vocabulary LI/V: The teacher will read sentences that include the word less. The teacher will show examples of graphs that can be described with the word less. LA/A/OL/PS: The students will make a word picture of less. The picture will have an object and the students will draw that object only a couple times, so the word seems bare. The students will come to the board and explain the graph using the word less. The students will compare the more picture word and the less picture word. The students will explain the difference between the two.

Friday Day 149 AA SOL M 1.19 graph vocabulary LI/V/CM: The teacher will explain the word greater than. The teacher will explain how it can be used to describe graphs. The teacher will ask a volunteer to put the word greater than on the math word wall. LA/W/A/LI: The students will write greater than 5 times on handwriting paper. The students will draw a greater than sign and make it a “crocodile.” When the teacher reads the result of a graph, the students will hold up their crocodile greater than signs for the larger number.

Monday Day 150 AA SOL M 1.19 graph vocabulary LI/V/CM: The teacher will explain the word less than. The teacher will explain how it can be used to describe graphs. The teacher will ask a volunteer to put the word less than on the math word wall. W/LI/OL: The students will be given a certain amount of goldfish crackers (between 5 and 20) The student will count their crackers and write down the number. Each student will tell his or her number when called one. The students will keep number a paper from 1 to 20. The students will keep tally as the numbers are given. The student will create a picture graph and write a sentence describing it using the word less than.

Tuesday Day 151 AA SOL M 1.19 graph vocabulary LI/V/CM: The teacher will explain the word equal. The teacher will explain how it can be used to describe graphs. The teacher will ask a volunteer to put the word equal on the math word wall. MA/MO/CM/OL: The students will be given baggies full of various coins. The students will count the amount of money in their baggie. The students will search around the room for the student that has the same or “equal” amount of money in their bag. The students will explain why they have equal amounts. The students will view a money graph and describe the data using the word equal.

Week 31 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 152 MATH TEST LI/V: The teacher will review data collection and graphs. E/W: The students will take a graph test. DA: The teacher will read the test questions out to children with learning disabilities or ESL students.

Thursday Day 153 AA SOL M 1.12 length LI/PS/V: The teacher will ask students what does lining up mean. The teacher will discuss the concept of lining up. The teacher will draw a horizontal line on the board, hold up a pencil, and demonstrate how to align them at the left. MP) p.271A GA/MA: The students will be divided into pairs. Each student will take a pencil and align them at the left. Then the students will align a cube train and a pencil, finally 2 cube trains. MP p. 271A W/PS: The students will complete an estimating and comparing length worksheet. MP p.272

Friday Day 154 AA SOL M 1.12 length LI/V/CM: The teacher will post the words long and short on the word wall, after discussing them. The teacher will ask the students questions about length: How can you tell if an object is longer or short than this paper strip? The teacher will make 2 lists on the board to show shorter and longer objects. The teacher will ask which of these objects make good measuring tools? Why? MP p. 271 MO/MA/OL: The students will be given a 6 by 1 inch piece of paper. They will search the class for objects that are both longer and shorter than their strips. The students will answer the teacher’s questions. MP) p.271 MA/CM: The students will be given long straight pretzel sticks. The students will line up their pretzels and decide which is longer. Then they will break the longest pretzel and compare the pretzels again. The students will tell the teacher how they can make a longer pretzel shorter.

Week 32 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 158

Monday Day 155

Tuesday Day 156

AA SOL M 1.12 length LI/V: The teacher will discuss how different objects can be used to things. The teacher will show various objects (e.g. string, paper clips, erasers, chalk) that can be used to measure things. The teacher will demonstrate how to measure the desk will a piece of string. The teacher will ask the students how many strings is the length of the desk.

AA SOL M 1.12 length LI: The teacher will review how things can be measured with different objects. The teacher will help students cut some egg cartons into eggcups.

A/MA/PS/W: The students will decorate mouse patterns. The students will attach yarn for a tail, and use the mouse-tail as a unit of measurement. The students will find things to measure with the mouse-tail. They will draw pictures of the items on a piece of paper. They will guess whether the items will be shorter or longer than the mouse-tail. After measuring, they will write the word shorter or longer next the picture. MP p.274A DA/CL: ESL students can write the word shorter or longer in their own language, and then share it with the class.

GA/MA: The students will be divided into groups of 3. Each group will make a train of eggcups using paper clips, clothespins, or staples to secure one cup to the next. The students will line their train to a whole egg carton at the left. The students will take turns measuring objects such as desktops, shoes, and chairs using the eggcups. LI/CM: The teacher will ask the students if the train is longer or shorter than the egg carton and how do they know. The teacher will ask how can you make your train the same length of the carton. The teacher will ask how long is the carton.

AA SOL M 1.12 length S/LA/R/LI/V/CM: The teacher will discuss what an inchworm is. The teacher will read Inch by Inch ()to the students. The teacher will pause to ask how many inchworms were the objects in the book. The teacher will create large models of the animals from the book using poster board. MA/MO/W/OL: The students will create “inchworms” using tiny green pom pom balls. They will use their inchworms to measure the large animals from the books. Then they will pick three objects in the classroom. They will write down how many inchworms each object was. The students will their objects and the lengths. HS: The students will pick an object at home to use to measure with. The student will measure something with a parent.

Thursday Day 159 AA SOL M 1.12 length LI/V/CM: The teacher will explain the students how to measure objects with paper clips. The teacher will demonstrate using a stapler and ask the students how many paper clips long is the stapler. MA/MO/A: The students will link paper clips together creating two different size links. The students will pick an object in the room and bring it to their desk. The student will determine whether their object is closer to their longer link or shorter link. After, the student will estimate exactly how many paper clips the object is. The student will use one paper clip to measure their object. The student will draw a life size picture of their object on poster board. Then the student will glue paper clips underneath and write the number of paper clips at the bottom. HW: The students will complete the nonstandard unit worksheet.

Friday Day 160 AA SOL M 1.12 length LI/V/CM: The teacher will explain to the students how they can use different body parts to measure objects. The teacher will explain how they are going to use their hands and fingers to measure objects today. The teacher will demonstrate by using her hand to measure the desk. The teacher will ask the students how many hands length was the desk. MO/PS/W/GA: The students will choose a way they can use hands to measure a desk: hand span, palm width, thumb width, or hand length. Each student estimates how many it will take to measure across the desktop. Then the students will work together to measure. They will keep a list on the board showing the estimates and measurements. MP p.273A

Week 33 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 163

Monday Day161

Tuesday Day 162

AA SOL M 1.12 length LI/CM: The teacher will ask the students what they used to measure objects on Friday. The teacher will explain how they can use feet to measure also. The teacher will demonstrate.

AA SOL M 1.12 weight LI/V/CM: The teacher will for two volunteers. One student will hold a light object and the other will hold a heavy object. The teacher will ask the class which object they think is heavier. After they answer, the teacher will ask the volunteers to switch objects and then tell the class which object was the heaviest. The teacher will explain weight.

AA SOL M 1.12 weight LI/CM/OL: The teacher will ask the students if they can tell her what the words light and heavy mean. The teacher will explain when measuring two objects you say lighter and heavier. The teacher will ask volunteers to put the words lighter and heavier on the word wall. The teacher will ask what objects are lighter than this chair; what objects might be heavier. The students will answer.

MO/CM/OL/A/W: The students will pick out four books. The teacher will ask the students to imagine that they are going to walk to the library with an adult to return books. The teacher will ask, why would the adult be able to carry a heavier bag of books? The students will hold just one book first. Next, they will hold a pile of 3 books. The teacher will ask the students which is harder to hold and which pile is heavier. The students will fold a piece of paper in half. On one side, they will draw one book and on the other, they will draw three. They will write the word light under the one book and the word heavy under the pile of three books.

MA/A/W: The students will cut a picture of an object that weighs about 15 to 50 pounds out of a magazine. The students will divide a piece of paper in 3 sections, 2 squares below and a rectangle above. The students will write the words lighter and heavier in the squares. The students will glue the picture of their object in the rectangle. The student will find one object from a magazine that is heavier than the object in the rectangle and glue it under the word heavier. The students will find a lighter object than the one in the rectangle and clue it under the word lighter.

MA/MO: The students will trace their foot on a piece of construction paper to make a footprint. The students will select an object in the room to measure. First, they will estimate how many “footprints” the object will be. Then they will measure the object and compare it to their estimate. (HC)p.441B

DA: The teacher will help students who are unable to divide their papers into three sections.

Thursday Day 164

Friday Day 165

AA SOL M 1.12 weight R/LA/VI/LI/CM: The teacher will read the book How Big Were the Dinosaurs? () to the class. The teacher will ask if they think the dinosaur is heavier or lighter than various objects. The teacher will ask the students if they could think of anything that would weight more than the dinosaur.

AA SOL M 1.12 weight The teacher will take the students outside on the playground. The teacher will ask a volunteer to sit on the seesaw. The teacher will show the students the seesaw and ask the students what makes the seesaw go up and down. The teacher will explain how the weight of the students to go down. The teacher will bring a bag of various light and heavy objects. The teacher will ask volunteers to put objects on each end. The teacher will ask the student which object is heavier and how do they know.

OL/MO/MA: The students will be divided into pairs. The students will gather various objects from the classroom. One student will hold out his arms to the sides. The second student will put one object in the left hand and one on the right hand. The partner will watch to see the hand move to determine which object was heavier. The first student will then tell which object really is heavier. The students will take turns. HW: The students will complete an estimating and measuring weight worksheet.

The students will think o two objects. They will decide which object they think is heavier. The students will draw a picture of a slanted seesaw on a piece of construction paper. They will then draw picture of two different objects, placing the heavier object on the end of the seesaw touching the ground. DA: Students who are confused on where to place the heavy object can work with student who understands.

Monday Day 166 AA SOL M 1.12 / 1.4 weight V/LI/CM/MA: The teacher will show the students a balance scale. The teacher will explain that the balance scale is used to compare the weight of 2 objects, and compare it to the seesaw. The teacher will ask if the pans are level. The teacher will ask a volunteer to place a small object on the balance and then ask if the pans are even. The teacher will ask how could they make the scale level again. A second volunteer will add cubes until the scale is level. The teacher will ask how many cubes it took to level the scale. MP p.281 MA/PS: The students will be given a scale, paper clips, and a block. The students will guess which object is heavier. They will test their guess, by weighing the objects on the scale. Then the students will see how many paper clips are needed to balance the scale. HW: The students will complete a balance scale worksheet.

Tuesday Day 167

Week 34 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 168

AA SOL M 1.14 weight LI: The teacher will review with the students on how to use a scale. GA/OL/CM/MA: The students will compare grocery items on the scale with partners. One student will select a grocery store item, put it in a paper bag, and close the bag. The partner puts a different item into another bag. MP p. 281A LI/CM/MA: The teacher will ask, how can you tell which bag had a heavier item and how can you tell which bag has a lighter item. The teacher will help the pairs use the balance scale to confirm their choices. The teacher will explain that a bag is put on each pan of the balance scale; the side that goes down is heavier. The teacher will ask how can you be certain about which item is heavier. MA/OL: The students will put a bag on each pan of the scale and tell the teacher which side went down and why. The students will trade bags and items with another pair. DA: Gifted students will guess name items that they think are in the bag based upon the weight of the objects. They will check to verify their guess.

AA SOL M 1.14 weight LI: The teacher will review weight. The teacher will review how to use a scale with the students. The teacher will fill different school milk cartons with rice, sand, and paper clips. The teacher will pad each carton with cotton balls. The teacher will write a letter on each of the cartons. MP) p.282 MA/W: The students will pick up 2 cartons. They will write down on a piece of paper which carton they think is heavier. They will use a scale to make sure. The students will record their findings. MP) p.282

Thursday Day 169 AA SOL M 1.14 weight LI/CM: The teacher will ask the students how a balance scale works and ask for volunteers to demonstrate. The teacher will prepare materials for the hanger balance scale. The teacher will punch 3 holes evenly spaced around the rim of paper cups. MA: The students will tie a string to the hook part of the hanger. The students will take 2 paper cups and tie a piece of string to each hole. They will tie the 3 strings together in a knot. The students will use paper clips as hooks, and attach an empty cup to each end of the hanger. The students will make sure their cups are level. The students will put objects in their cups and use their scale to see which is heavier. () p.281A DA: The teacher will help many students with the hanger scale.

Friday Day 170 AA SOL M 1.14 weight LI/CM/OL/MO: The teacher will ask various students to tell her what they have learned about weight. The students may provide demonstrations. The teacher will lead a weight review game. V/T: The students will watch a video about weight.

Monday Day 171

Tuesday Day 172

Week 35 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 173

AA SOL M 1.13 volume LI/V/OL/CM: The teacher will discuss capacity and volume. The teacher will discuss situations in which you would want to estimate how much a container can hold. The teacher will display 2 different sized jars. The teacher will ask the students which jar they think can hold more. The teacher will fill the scoop with beans and ask them how many scoops they think will fit in the small jar. The teacher will fill the red beans in the jar and will repeat with white beans. The students will count the number of scoops. The student will give their estimates and the teacher will record them and the actual results on the board to compare. MP p.283

AA SOL M 1.13 volume LI/PS/CM: The teacher will discuss how jars can hold small or larger capacities depending on their size. The teacher will ask the students what types of containers they think would hold more.

AA SOL M 1.13 volume LI/V: The teacher will review volume with students. The teacher will provide show an aquarium and will ask the student how many soda bottles (2 liter) do they think it will take to fill it up.

MA/PS/W: The students will be given a tall skinny jar and a short fat jar (that holds more). The student will guess which jar will hold the most scoops of cornmeal. The student will write down his estimate. The students will fill each jar, counting and recording the scoops for each on. They will compare their estimate with their actual answer and write it down. MP p.283A

MA/PS/W: The students will be given jars of different sizes and connecting cubes. The students will estimate how many cubes will fit into each jar. The students will fill each jar with cubes, counting and recording the number of cubes as they go. The students will then trade jars with another student and fill up the jar with cubes first. Then the student will make an estimate of how many cubes are in the jar and then will count them to find the actual answer. MP p.283A

DA/CL: ESL students can write the words of their MA/W: The students will numbers in their language measure in handfuls the beside the numbers and capacity of different share with the class. The containers. The students will class will say the number use a handful of rice and together in that student’s count how many it takes to fill language. each container. They will write the results down on a piece of paper.

Thursday Day 174

Friday Day 175

AA SOL M 1.13 volume R/LA/L: The teacher will read or tell the story Jack and the Beanstalk. The students will read along. The teacher will provide instructions for the activity. The teacher will pass out materials.

AA SOL M 1.13 volume LI/V/CM: The teacher will review volume with the students. The teacher will draw and cut out cardboard picture of the different containers and show container of different shapes sizes. The teacher will ask the students which jars they think will hold the least. MP p.284

MA/W/A/PS: The students will pretend that they are going to give bowls of grapes to Jack and the Giant. The students will guess how many handfuls will go into the Giant’s bowl and how many will go in Jack’s bowl. The students will fill the bowls with handfuls of grapes. On a piece of paper the student will write Jack and how many handfuls of grapes went into the small bowl. The student will write the word Giant, and how many handfuls went into the large bowl. The students will draw a picture of Jack and the Giant and staple it onto their other paper. MP p.284A

GA/MA/CM/W: The students will work in small groups. They will estimate how many scoops Skittles will be needed to fill each container (2). They will fold a piece of construction paper and write the estimate on one side and the actual number on the other side. The students will glue skittles on the numbers to create a“skittle number.”

Monday Day 176 AA SOL M 1.13 volume

Tuesday Day 177 AA SOL M 1.13 volume

LI/V: The teacher will review volume. The teacher will label glass jars with a different letter. The teacher will add a few drops of food coloring in each jar. The teacher will give directions for the activity to the students. MP p.284A

LI/V/MO: The teacher will play a volume review game with the students. The teacher will discuss what will be on the test.

MA/V/W/M: The students will guess which jar will hold the most water. The students will use a measuring cup to fill the containers with water. They will write their estimates and actual number on the chalkboard. The students will use mallets and lightly hit the jars to make music. The students will discuss with the teacher why certain jars made different sounds. MP p.284A

GA/MO/MA: The students will chose an activity to at different centers to demonstrate capacity. DA: Gifted students can create their own volume experiment choosing which items they want to measure with and in what type of container. The student will perform the experiment. The student will show the plan and results to the teacher.

Week 36 Mathematics Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 178 Field Trip to Zoo

Thursday Day 179 MATH TEST

CM/CC/CI: The teacher will correspond with other teachers and parents. The teacher will watch the students to make sure they are behaving well. The teacher will do head counts. The teacher will guide the students. LI/LS: The students will obey rules and use their manners. The students will be respectful.

LI/V/CM: The teacher will review length, weight, and volume with the students. E/W: The students will take a test on length, weight, and volume.

Friday Day 180 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL CELEBRATION and FUN DAY CC/CI: The teacher will collaborate with other teachers and parents with field activities. The teacher will monitor the students. LI/CZ/MO: The students will obey rules and be respectful to students.

References A Becka Book. (1993). Traditional Arithmetic Series. (First Grade). Pensecola Christian College. Ada, A. (1991). The Gold Coin. Atheneum:New York. Addison-Wesley mathematics: teacher’s edition v.1. (1995). Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Dunbanevich, A. (1983). Pigs in hiding. Simon & Schuster. Fixman, J. Alligator fractions [Song]. Retrieved October 27, 2007, from http://www.songsforteaching.com/jennyfixmanedutunes/alligatorfractions.htm. Harcourt math Virginia edition volume 3 (2005). Orlando, Flordia: Harcourt, Inc. Harper, D. (1998). Telling time with big mama cat. New York: Harcourt Brace & Company. Hoban, T. (1987). Dots, spots, speckles, and stripes. Morrow. Hutchins, P. (1986). The Doorbell Rang. Morrow. Leedy, L. (1994). Fraction action. New York: Scholastic Inc. Lionni, L. (1960). Inch by inch. New York: Astor-Honor. Mathematics plus: teacher’s edition v. 2. (1994). Harcourt Brace & Company. McMillan, B. (1991). Eating Fractions. Scholastic: New York. Merrick, S. (1993). Whole language units for math. California: Teacher Created Materials, Inc. Most, B. (1995). How big were the dinosaurs? Harcourt, Inc. Post, A. Learning about numbers. A to Z Teacher Stuff Store. Rock 'n learn: telling time [DVD]. (2003). Schwartz, D. (1989). If You Made a Million. New York: Lothrop, Lee, and Shepard Books. Silverstein, S. (1974). “Smart,” from Where the Sidewalk Ends. Harper: New York.

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