1 Carver Reid Language Arts Charts

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 38
* This symbol indicates the standards that students will use each day in reading groups: AA SOL E 1.1.2, AA SOL E 1.3, AA SOL E 1.5, AA SOL E 1.6, AA SOL E 1.8, AA SOL E 1.9, AA SOL E 1.11, and AA SOL E 1.12.

Monday Day 1 AA SOL E 1.2/ 1.3 directions and rules AA SOL E 1.5 Reading print R: It’s A Perfect Day W: sentence writing CZ/L The teacher will discuss the importance of following rules and will ask the class to explain some rules that they know for reading books. R The teacher will read, “It’s a Perfect Day”. W The class will create their own version of the story by completing the sentence “It’s a perfect day to __ through the __.” and making them into a class book. R The students will reread the book with a partner. DA An audio tape will be available for students to listen to.

Week 1 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 2 Day 3 AA SOL E 1.5 AA SOL E 1.5 Reading print Reading print AA SOL E 1.11 AA SOL E 1.11 Handwriting Handwriting R: “Peanut Butter and Jelly R: “It Looked Like Spilt Milk” W: two sentences about W: riddle the book V/W The teacher will make MO The teacher will take a list of the class’s favorite the class outside to observe sandwiches. the clouds. The teacher will The teacher will read read “It Looked Like Spilt “Peanut Butter and Jelly”. Milk”. The teacher will talk about the illustrations. R/GA The students will read the book again in two L/W/A/MO The students groups. G1 reads It looked will listen for “b” words and like a __. G2 reads But it will write and draw a was not a __. picture of their favorite part Then students will work in of the story. pairs to make a riddle using The students will listen to the pattern found in the the story again but this story. time they will clap to the story. A Students will design their own clouds with cotton W The students will balls. Marsh mellows, etc. complete handwriting pages for A and B W The students will complete handwriting pages C and D.

Thursday Day 4 AA SOL E 1.5 Reading print AA SOL E 1.11 Handwriting R: “One Gorilla” W: favorite things booklet The teacher will play the song “My Favorite Things” from the Sound of Music. The teacher will read, “One Gorilla” which is about the author’s favorite things. The students will talk with the class about their favorite things. Students will make their own favorite things book using the same format as “One Gorilla”. W The students will complete handwriting pages E and F.

Friday Day 5 AA SOL E 1.5 Reading print AA SOL E 1.11 Handwriting R: “The Gunny Wolf” W: sentence writing and alphabet book page The teacher will introduce the story “The Gunny Wolf” and will ask to draw a picture of what they think the gunny wolf may look like on half of their paper. The teacher will read “The Gunny Wolf”. The students will draw a second picture of what the gunny wolf really looks like and write a sentence about him underlining the g words used. Students will alphabetize things found in the woods by making a class alphabet book. W The students will complete handwriting pages G and H.

Monday Day 6 AA SOL E 1.12 Capitalization AA SOL E 1.11 Handwriting R: “So Can I” W: We Can books HS The teacher will ask the students to bring in one of their baby pictures. The teacher will have the class look at their picture and will lead a discussion about how they have grown up since then. R The teacher will read, “So Can I”, stopping to point out the repeated pattern and the use of capitalization.

Week 2 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 7 Day 8 AA SOL E 1.12 AA SOL E 1.12 Capitalization Capitalization AA SOL E 1.11 AA SOL E 1.11 Handwriting Handwriting R: “So Can I” R: “The Wheels on the Bus” W: I can sentence W: name writing The teacher will discuss MO/CM The teacher will capitalization with the class. The take the students to teacher will give the class observe one of the school several sentences for the busses. The teacher will students to correct the ask the class to share their capitalization errors. observations. R The teacher will reread “So Can I”.

R The teacher will read “The Wheels on the Bus”.

GA/WA The students will work with partners to write an “I can” sentence and then trade papers and write “so can I”. Students must use proper capitalization and punctuation.

W/A The students will illustrate their bus ride then write the names of their family members or people that they would take with them on the bus using correct capitalization.

D The students act out the story during the second reading. GA/W/OL The students will TX Then students will complete work in groups to make We p. 4 the Activity Book. Can books. W The students will complete W The students will handwriting pages for K and L. complete handwriting pages for I and J.

W The students will complete handwriting pages for M and N.

Thursday Day 9 AA SOL E 1.12 Capitalization AA SOL E 1.11 Handwriting R: “Old Hat, New Hat” W: rhyming book R/LI The teacher will bring in different hats for the students to look at. The teacher will read “Old Hat, New Hat” and ask the students to look for the capital letters. W The students will make their own rhyming book. It should be 4 pages long with four pictures and four phrases Too __. Students must use proper punctuation and capitalization. W The students will complete handwriting pages for O and P.

Friday Day 10 AA SOL E 1.12 Capitalization AA SOL E 1.11 Handwriting R: “The Foot Book” W: foot book OLThe teacher will talk about describing words. The teacher will read “The Foot Book” and ask the class to look for descriptive words and capitalization. A The students will use a variety of art supplies to create their own imaginary animals with unique feet. Then students will use proper capitalization to make a foot book using p. 37 in the practice book. Books can be read and shared with partners. W The students will complete handwriting pages for Q and R.

Monday Day 11 AA SOL E 1.2 Punctuation AA SOL E 1.11 Handwriting R: “Punctuation Takes a Vacation” W: sentence using punctuation The teacher will review with the class that all sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a ending mark. R/LI The teacher will read, “Punctuation Takes a Vacation” and ask the class to look for the punctuation marks in the book. The class will play will the real punctuation mark please stand up to read and identify the correct punctuation mark for several different sentences. A Students will use a variety of art supplies to create one of the three ending marks and write a sentence using it correctly. W Students will complete handwriting pages S and T.

Week 3 Language Arts e Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 12 Day 13 AA SOL E 1.2 AA SOL E 1.2 Punctuation Punctuation AA SOL E 1.11 AA SOL E 1.11 Handwriting Handwriting R: “When The Elephant R: “Sitting in My Box” Walks” W: circle story chart W: knock-knock joke R The teacher will The teacher will introduce introduce and read “When the story and ask the class the Elephant Walks”. to make predictions. R The teacher will read, A/OL/GA The class will “Sitting in My Box”. work in pairs to make clay animals and retell the story D The students will make in small groups. stick puppets and retell the story with a partner. W The students will write and illustrate a knockThen the students will knock joke. complete the circle story chart using correct W The students will punctuation. complete handwriting pages U and V. W The students will complete handwriting pages W and X.

Thursday Day 14 AA SOL E 1.2 Punctuation AA SOL E 1.11 Handwriting R: “Rags” W: line in poem The teacher will put a silly poem on the board using W, Y, and Z words. R Then the teacher will read “Rags”. The students will name X, Y, and Z words before and after listening to the poem. The teacher will discuss the punctuation found in the poem. Students will write a line that could be a part of the poem using correct punctuation marks. W The students will complete handwriting pages Y and Z.

Friday Day 15 Field Trip Amazement Square

The class will spend the morning at Amazement Square. Parents will be invited to attend.

Monday Day 16 *AA SOL 1.2 Capitalization and punctuation test The teacher will administer the capitalization and punctuation test. The students will do their best on the test.

Week 4 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 17 Day 18 *AA SOL E 1.6 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds m s c t Consonant sounds m s c t Short a Short a R: “I Am Six” R: “Cat on the Mat” W: writing m and s words W: c and t words R The teacher will read “I The teacher will use large Am Six”. The teacher will spelling/picture cards to talk about the sounds that m introduce the c and t and s make. sounds. The teacher will explain how to use the W/A Students will draw and sounds they already know to write words beginning with read new words. m and s. R The students will read TX Students will complete p. “Cat on the Mat” with a 1 in practice book. partner. Then students will write c and t words and draw corresponding pictures. TX Students will complete p. 12 in the practice book.

Thursday Day 19 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds m s c t Short a R: “The Cat Sat” W: silly sentence The teacher will review the words that contain m, s, c, t, and short “a” sounds.

Friday Day 20 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds m s c t Short a R: “The Mat” W: making signs The teacher will discuss with the class if they like things neat or messy.

The teacher will introduce the story and have students make predictions about the story.

The teacher will review consonant sounds and the animal words found in the story.

R The teacher will read “The Cat Sat”

R The teacher will read, “The Mat”.

The teacher will discuss the beginning, middle, and end.

The students will make signs to keep the animals out of the house.

Students will write a silly sentence about a cat.

Monday Day 21 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds n f p Short a R: “Ten Dogs in the Window” W: writing n f and p words The teacher will talk with the class about their pets and from where they got them. R The teacher will read, “Ten Dogs in the Window” asking the students to pay attention to who bought each dog. The teacher will use picture cards to introduce the consonant sounds n, f, and p. The students will write n, f, and p words with corresponding pictures. TX The students will complete p. 18 in practice book

Week 5 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 22 Day 23 *AA SOL E 1.6 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds n f p Consonant sounds n f p Short a Short a R: “Ten Dogs in the Window” R: “Nan and Fan” W: silly sentence W: comparison R The teacher will reread R The teacher will read “Nan “Ten Dogs in the Window” and Fan” to the class and explain how to compare similarities and differences. The students will discuss the differences between this R Students will read “Fat book and “The Cat Sat”. Cat” with partners and practice saying the n, f, and R The students will read the p consonant sounds. book again and complete writing assignment on p. 30 Then students will draw a picture and write a silly sentence using those sounds.

Thursday Day 24 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds n f p Short a R: “We Can” W: 2-3 sentences The teacher will ask the class about what children can do in school. R The teacher will read “We Can” asking students to take turns reading the underlined words. The class will sing “The More We get Together”. Then students will write 2-3 sentences about their favorite thing to do at school. TX Students will complete p. 32 in practice book.

Friday Day 25 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds n f p Short a R: “Tap Tap” W: 3 sentences The teacher will review the consonant sounds and explain again to the class the correct way t decode words. The teacher will review the spelling of the words with the sounds n, f, p, and short a. R The students will read “Tap Tap” with a partner. Students will write three sentences using words containing the above consonant and vowel sounds.

Monday Day 26 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds b r g h Short i R: Charles Tiger W: 2-3 sentences The teacher will use picture cards to introduce the new consonant sounds. The student will name words beginning with each sound. R The teacher will read, “Charles Tiger” and ask student to think about what they like about the story. The students will write 2-3 sentences about what they liked. TX The students will complete pg. 18 in practice book.

Week 6 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 27 Day 28 *AA SOL E 1.6 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds b r g h Consonant sounds b r g h Short i Short i R: Charles Tiger R: The Big Hit W: Answer question W: Character sentence The teacher will reread The teacher will show “Charles Tiger” and discuss students a baseball, bat, why things happened in the and glove. story. R The teacher will introduce The student will write as if new words and will read they were Charles and the “The Big Hit.” spider was asking them “why are you roaring?” The class will sing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”. The teacher will review the new consonant sounds with The students will a sentence the class. about there favorite character in the story. R The students will read, “Who Can Hit?” with a TX The students will partner. complete pg. 48 in the practice book. TX Students will complete pg. 42 and 47 in practice book.

Thursday Day 29 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds b r g h Short i R: Big Pig W: What He can do The teacher will review the new consonant sounds and explain how to blend the sounds. R The teacher will talk about going to the farm. Then the teacher will read the book, “The Big Pig.” TX/W The students will use pg. 51 to draw and write about what Big Pig can do.

Friday Day 30 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds b r g h Short i R: One Big Fat Pig W: Favorite story The teacher will review all of the new words that were learned this week. R The students will read, “One Big Fat Pig” with a partner. Students will choose they’re favorite story read this week, and write about it using at least 3 sentences.

Monday Day 31 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds d w l x Short o R: To Be a Kid W: what it means to be a kid The teacher will use spelling flash cards to instruct students in the sounds that d, w, l , and x make. The class will practice making words with these sounds. R The teacher will read, “To Be a Kid”. The students will think about things that they would like to learn. The students will write and illustrate a page in the class book about what it means to be a kid. TX The students will complete pg. 53 in practice book.

Week 7 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 32 Day 33 *AA SOL E 1.6 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds d w l x Consonant sounds d w l x Short o Short o R: To Be A Kid R: “The Box” W: story web W: What would you put in the box? The teacher will reread “To The teacher will review with Be A Kid”. the class the words to know. The students will help the teacher fill in the story web.

Students will brainstorm what they think will happen in the story.

The teacher will review the new consonant sounds and R The teacher will read, explain how to blend them to “The Box”. make words. Students will draw and write R The students will read about something they would “Bob Pig and Dan Ox”. put in the box. TX The students will complete p. 64 in the practice book.

TX Students will complete p. p.65 in the practice book.

Thursday Day 34 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds d w l x Short o R: “Wigs in a Box” W: favorite character The teacher will review the words that have been learned during the week.

Friday Day 35 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds d w l x Short o R: “Once Upon a Dig” W: writing words using consonant sounds The teacher will ask for volunteers to explain how to sound out new words.

The class will discuss what it R The students will read, is like at a carnival or circus. “Once Upon a Dig” to a partner. R The teacher will read “Wigs in a Box”. Students will practice spelling and writing words Students will read the using d, w, l, x, and short o. underlined words. Students will draw picture of each word. Students will write about their favorite character and why. Students will complete p. 67 in the practice book.

Monday Day 36 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds y, k, v Short e R: “Minerva Louise at School” W: 3-4 sentences about Minerva, Confused Again The teacher will show the students the cover of “Minerva Louise at School”. Then the teacher will lead in a discussion about where hens live. R The teacher will read the book. Students will write and draw about another place where Minerva Louise may be confused by. Then the teacher will list words using the new sounds for the week using the poem found on p. T86 TX The students will complete p. 74 in the practice book.

Week 8 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 **AA SOL E 1.6 *AA SOL E 1.6 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds y, k, v Consonant sounds y, k, v Consonant test Short e Short e R: “Minerva Louise at R: “What Can a Vet Do?” School” W: 3 sentences W: sentences in practice book p. 77 R The teacher will reread, The teacher will review the The teacher will test the “Minerva Louise at School” new words with the class. students to see how well they and will ask the students to are able to identify consonant look for ways that they can CM Then the teacher will and vowel sounds through tell that things in the story lead the class in a reading materials and are real or make believe. discussion of what a vet is. pictures. (The teacher could ask a TX The students will real vet to come in and talk complete p. 77 in the with the class about their practice book. job.) The teacher will review the word sounds studied yesterday. R Students will read “Big Ben with a Partner and complete p. 80 in practice book.

R The teacher will read, “What Can a Vet Do?” Students will draw a picture of a pet being taken care of by a vet and write about their picture. TX Students will complete p. 71 and 81 in the practice book.

Friday Day 40 *AA SOL E 1.6 Spelling Test

The teacher will review spelling skills with the class. TX The teacher will give a spelling test using words from the word list on p. R33.

Monday Day 41 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds q, j, z Short u R: Jasper’s Beanstalk W: what will Jasper see? The teacher will talk about growing seeds. R The teacher will read, “Jasper’s Beanstalk”. Students will draw and write about what Jasper will see coming down his beanstalk. The teacher will introduce the new consonant sounds for the week. TX Students will complete p. 86-87 in the practice book and will read “The Bug Kit” with a partner.

Week 9 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 42 Day 43 Day 44 **AA SOL E 1.6 *AA SOL E 1.6 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds q, j, z Consonant sounds q, j, z Consonant sounds q, j, z Short u Short u Short u R: Jasper’s Beanstalk R: “A Hut For Zig Bug” R: “The Rope Tug” W: story map W: listing W: writing about acting in a play The teacher will reread The teacher will introduce The teacher will talk about “Jasper’s Beanstalk”. the book and review the acting in a play. words to know with the The class will discuss class. The teacher will review characters and setting. important words to know. R Then the teacher will The class will fill in the story read, “A Hut For Zig Bug”. R The teacher will read “The map on p. T162. Rope Tug”. The students will list things The teacher will review the that Zig Bug put in his hut. The students will work in new sounds and will write Then they will list more small groups to perform the some words that they make. items that he could have put reader theatre script on p. in. T185. R The students will read “Quit It Zig” in small groups. TX Students will complete p. Students will write about an 96 in the practice book. exciting day they had acting TX Students will complete p. in a play. 95 in the practice book.

Friday Day 45 *AA SOL E 1.6 Consonant sounds q, j, z Short u R: “Rug Tug” W: comic strip The teacher will review how to find the characters, problems, and settings in the stories that they read this week. The teacher will review the consonant sounds and how to use what is know to decode new words. R Students will read “Rug Tug” with a partner. The students will write a short comic strip using words with g, j, z, and short u.

Monday Day 46

Tuesday Day 47

Week 10 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 48

Thursday Day 49

Friday Day 50

Field Trip to pumpkin patch

*AA SOL E 1.4 Blending and digraphs sh, th, wh, ch, tch R: “The Two Japanese Frogs” W: writing new words The teacher will lead a class discussion about the students live. R The teacher will read, “The Two Japanese Frogs” Students will explain the similarities and differences between the two frogs. The teacher will give examples of words with th, sh, and wh sounds. The teacher will explain how these words are pronounced and spelled. TX Students will practice writing the words using p. 12 in practice book.

AA SOL E 1.4 Blending and digraphs sh, th, wh, ch, tch R: “The Two Japanese Frogs” W: writing new words The students will use pennies or counters to count the number of sounds heard in the sh, th, and wh words. The teacher will reread the story and have the students take turns acting out the story. The teacher will model how to pronounce and spell ch and tch words. Students will write the words using p. 3-4 in the practice book. R Students will read “Champ” with partners.

AA SOL E 1.4 Blending and digraphs sh, th, wh, ch, tch R: “Moving Day” W: favorite place to live

AA SOL E 1.4 Blending and digraphs sh, th, wh, ch, tch R: “Hermit Crabs” article W: writing words

The teacher will discuss with the class what it is like moving to a new home. The teacher will review important words for the students to know. R The teacher will read “Moving Day”.

R The teacher will review the The teacher will review the book, “Moving Day” with the spelling of the words with sh, class. ch, wh, th, and tch.

Students will work with partners to describe the shells in the story. Students will draw and write about their perfect place to live. TX Students will complete p. 12-13 in the practice book.

AA SOL E 1.4 Spelling Test

The teacher will talk about the author’s use of descriptive words.

The students will use practice book p. 15 for review.

The students will read “Hermit Crabs” science article with the teacher.

The teacher will administer the spelling test.

The class will discuss the similarities between the two pieces of literature. The class will play Triple Clusters using spl, spr, etc. to make a word by solving the riddles.

Monday Day 51 *AA SOL E 1.6 long a sounds R: “The City Mouse and the Country Mouse” W: writ long “a” words R The teacher will read, “The City Mouse and the Country Mouse”. The students will draw a picture and write about what which place (city or country) they would like to live in and explain why. The teacher will help the students segment words by clapping out the sounds in long “a” words. The teacher will use picture cards and will say the long a words. The students will write and spell the long a words and check their spelling. TX Students will complete p. 19 in practice book.

Week 11 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Tuesday Wednesday Day 52 Day 53 *AA SOL E 1.6 *AA SOL E 1.6 long i sounds long o sounds R: “The Mouse House” R: “Fox, Alligator, and W: another place the mouse Rabbit”. could live W: rabbit’s problem R The teacher will read, R The teacher will read, “The Mouse House” “Fox, Alligator, and Rabbit”. The students will write about another place that the mouse could live. The teacher will review long “I” words and explain that they follow the same CVCe pattern. The teacher will use picture cards to help the students say and spell the long “I” words. TX Students will complete p. 33-34 in the practice book.

Thursday Day 54 *AA SOL E 1.6 long u sounds R: “Duke’s Gift W: sentence about Duke

Friday Day 55 *AA SOL E 1.6 long e sounds R: “Tiger and Aansi”. W: who was tricked?

R The teacher will read, “Duke’s Gift”.

R The teacher will read, “Tiger and Aansi”.

Students will write about the rabbit’s problem.

The students will list long “u” words.

The students will write about who really got tricked in the story.

The teacher will use picture cards to explain the long “o” sound.

The teacher will use picture cards to explain the spelling and pronunciation of the long “u” words.

Students will list, identify, and spell long “o” words. TX The students will complete p. 35 in practice book.

The students will write a new sentence about Duke and underline the long “u” words used. TX Students will complete p. 56 in practice book.

The teacher will use picture cards to explain how to spell and pronounce long “e” words. Students will brainstorm and list long “e” words. TX Students will complete p, 72 and 81 in the practice book.

Monday Day 56 *AA SOL E 1.4 Blending sounds R: “Aiken Drum” W: sentence about person R The teacher will read, “Aiken Drum”. A The students will design their own person out of art materials and write a sentence about their person to share with the class. The teacher will introduce the initial blends dr, cr, gr, and pl. Students will name words with these initial sounds. TX The students will complete p. 112-113 in practice book.

Tuesday Day 57 *AA SOL E 1.4 Blending sounds R: “Aiken Drum” W: words made using initial blends R The teacher will reread, “Aiken Drum” and review the words containing initial blends. The students will use the letter toss beanbag and alphabet grid to practice saying words with the initial blends. Students will write the words that they made. TX Students will complete p. 21 in the practice book.

Week 12 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 58 *AA SOL E 1.4 Blending sounds R: “The Great, Gig, Enormous Turnip” W: writing initial blend words R The teacher will read, “The Great, Gig, Enormous Turnip”. The students will write about who they would call upon to help pull the turnip out of the ground. The teacher will draw a n initial blends word web and fill it in using words given by the students. The words can be from the book. TX Students will complete p.120 in practice book.

Thursday Day 59 *AA SOL E 1.4 Blending sounds R: ”Hello House” W: I was tricked story R The teacher will read “Hello House”. The students will write a story about being tricked like the characters in the story. Students will identify and list the initial blends found in the story. TX Students will complete p. 132-133 in the practice book.

Friday Day 60 *AA SOL E 1.4 Blending sounds Spelling test R: “Freight Train” W: sentence R The teacher will read, “Freight Train” to the class. The teacher will record all of the initial blend found in the book during reading. The students will write a sentence about where they would go if they were a freight train. Initial blends should be underlined. The students will practice blending words by playing Baseball Blending found on p. 10 in Worm Painting.

Monday Day 61 *AA SOL E 1.6 High-frequency words R: “Where the Wild Things Are” W: sentence writing The teacher will review with the class some of the high frequency words that they have had in previous books and reading materials. The teacher will explain that knowing these words will help you when reading. R The teacher will read, “Where The Wild Things Are”. The teacher will stop and have the class read the high frequency words in the story. The students will read several sentences and underline the high frequency words The students will practice writing sentences using high frequency words.

Tuesday Day 62 *AA SOL E 1.6 High-frequency words R: “Whistle For Willie W: writing high frequency words R The teacher will read, “Whistle For Willie” to the class. The teacher will stop and have students read the high frequency words in the story. The teacher will explain that the students should be able to read high frequency words quickly. The students will play Word Relay on p. 12 in Worm Painting. The students will practice writing high frequency words with a partner. Partners should take turns calling out the words and writing the words.

Week 13 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 63 *AA SOL E 1.6 High-frequency words R: “Sylvester and the Magic Pebble”, W: short story The teacher will continue to talk about high frequency words and will review the words with the class. R The teacher will begin to read, “Sylvester and the Magic Pebble”, skipping all of the high frequency words. The teacher will explain that the story will not make sense without those words. The students will write a short story about making a wish. The students should underline the high frequency words used and then share their story with a partner.

Thursday Day 64 AA SOL E 1.10 Picture dictionary R: “Yoko” W: definitions

Friday Day 65 AA SOL E 1.10 Picture dictionary R: “Tar Beach” W: dictionary pages

R The teacher will read, “Yoko”.

R The teacher will read “Tar Beach” to the class.

The teacher will explain that there are many words in the English language and a dictionary can be used to help you spell and find the meaning of unknown words.

The students will work in pairs to look up new words found in the story in their dictionaries.

The teacher will give the students a list of some new words from the story. The students will work in groups of 2 or 3 to look up the words using a picture dictionary. Students should write down the definition of the words after they find them in the dictionary.

Then students will pick three words from the story that they already know. The students will write the word, the definition, and draw a picture representing the word. The pages will be put together in ABC order to make a class dictionary.

Monday Day 66 *AA SOL E 1.9 Fiction AA SOL E 1.7 Spelling words R: ”Andy and the Lion” W: writing about kindness

R: “Bark, George” W: partner interview

The teacher will discuss the characteristics of fictional stories and the purpose that they serve.

The teacher will talk about the similarities and difference of each of the students in the class.

R The teacher will read and introduce “Andy and The Lion”.

The teacher will talk about George, and how he is different from other dogs.

The teacher will lead the class in a classroom discussion about showing kindness to others.

R The teacher will read, “Bark, George”.

The students will write about a time that they were rewarded for kindness.

Tuesday Day 67 *AA SOL E 1.9 Fiction

The students will interview a partner about a time that they felt different and record the partner’s response.

Week 14 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 68 *AA SOL E 1.9 Fiction

Thursday Day 69 *AA SOL E 1.9 Fiction

Friday Day 70 *AA SOL E 1.9 Fiction Spelling Test

R: “Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type” W: letter to farmer R The teacher will introduce and read “Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type”

R: “Harold and the Purple Crayon” W: imaginative story R The teacher will read and introduce the book, “Harold and the Purple Crayon”.

R: “Mr. Gumpy’s Outing” W: Alternate ending

The teacher will discuss with the class why the animals wrote to the farmer.

The teacher will discuss the imagination that Harold had.

The teacher will talk about the generosity that Mr. Gumpy had towards the animals.

The teacher will also discuss that this is considered to be a fictional story because animals do not know how to write. Student will pretend that they are one of the farm animals. They will write a message to the farmer.

The students will write an imaginative story about an adventure that they would have if they had a crayon like Harold’s.

R The teacher will read and introduce the book, “Mr. Gumpy’s Outing”.

The teacher will lead the class in a discussion about the problem that arose in the story. The students will write an alternate ending to the story.

Monday Day 71 *AA SOL E 1.9 Fiction R: “Papa, Please Get The Moon For Me” W: something I could not have The teacher will show the class the front cover of the book and have them tell how they can know if this story is true or not. R The teacher will read and introduce the book, “Papa, Please Get The Moon For Me”. Students will write about a time that they asked for something that they could not have.

Tuesday Day 72 *AA SOL E 1.9 Fiction R: “Puss In Boots” W: Venn Diagram

Week 15 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Thursday Day 73 Day 74 *AA SOL E 1.9 *AA SOL E 1.9 Fiction Fiction R: “Rumplestiltskin” R: “There Was An Old Lady W: making choices Who Swallowed A Fly”. W: cause and effect book

T The teacher will show a video clip from “Shrek 2” of Puss in Boots.

R The teacher will introduce and read the book, “Rumplestiltskin”.

R The teacher will read and introduce the book, “Puss In Boots”.

The teacher will lead the class in a discussion about how the story made them feel, was the miller’s daughter tricked or was Rumplestiltskin acting in kindness.

Students will use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the similarities and difference between Puss in Boots and an ordinary cat.

The students will pick a character from the story to write about and explain why they made the choices they did.

R The teacher will introduce and read the book, “There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly”. The teacher will discuss the cause and effect pattern found in the story. Students will write a four page book based on the cause and effect pattern found in the story.

Friday Day 75 *AA SOL E 1.9 Fiction Test R: “The True Story of The Three Little Pigs By A Wolf” W: sentences defending a character R The teacher read the original version of the “Three Little Pigs”. The teacher will discuss the fact that sometime people have different versions of events that took place. R Then the teacher will read, “The True Story of The Three Little Pigs By A Wolf”. The students will write 3-4 sentences defending the wolf or one of the pigs.

Monday Day 76 *AA SOL E 1.9 Nonfiction AA SOL E 1.7 Spelling words R: “The Man Who Walked Between the Towers” W: 2-3 sentences The teacher will explain to the class what nonfiction is and what its purpose is. R The teacher will introduce and read “The Man Who Walked Between the Towers”. The teacher will discuss with the class about things that would be scary or difficult to do. The students will draw a picture and write two to three sentences about them overcoming a fear. The pages will be made into a class book.

Tuesday Day 77 *AA SOL E 1.9 Nonfiction

Week 16 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 78 *AA SOL E 1.9 Nonfiction

R: “John Henry” W: 3 sentences

R: “Uptown” W: paragraph using descriptive words

R The teacher will introduce and read the book, “John Henry”. The teacher will ask the class to pay attention to the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

R The teacher will introduce and read “Uptown”.

The students will write three sentences. One for the beginning, middle, and end to practice summarizing what they read.

The students will use descriptive words to tell about an exciting day they had in a new or different place.

Students will then talk in small groups about a time when they were able to complete an seemingly impossible task.

The teacher will talk about descriptive words and how they can be used to make better stories.

Thursday Day 79 *AA SOL E 1.9 Nonfiction R: “Always Remember Me: How One Family Survived World War II” W: story writing R The teacher will introduce and read the book, “Always Remember Me: How One Family Survived World War II”. The teacher will talk about the hard times that many people went through during the war. Students will write a story about what it would be like for them to live during the war.

Friday Day 80 *AA SOL E 1.9 Nonfiction Spelling Test R: “Dad, Jackie, and Me” W: story writing R The teacher will introduce and read the book, “Dad, Jackie, and Me”. The teacher will discuss what it would be like to meet a famous person. The students will write about a time they meet a famous person or what they would do and feel like if they did meet a famous person. Students will be encouraged to make the story seem realistic and use capitalization and punctuation correctly.

Monday Day 81 *AA SOL E 1.9 Nonfiction AA SOL E 1.7 Spelling words R: ”Counting Penguins” W: write 3 new facts R The teacher will read and introduce the book, “Counting Penguins”.

R: “The Northern Lights” W: imaginative story R The teacher will read and introduce the book, “The Northern Lights”.

The teacher will explain that many nonfiction books use real picture to tell a true story.

The teacher will discuss with the class what they have learned about the northern lights.

RS/TThe students will use this book and other books and resources about penguins to find 3 interesting facts that were not know about penguins before.

The students will draw and write about what they would see and how they would feel if they could see the northern lights.

Students will be encouraged to share what they have learned with the class.

Tuesday Day 82 *AA SOL E 1.9 Nonfiction

Week 17 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 83 *AA SOL E 1.9 Nonfiction R: “The City By the Bay” W: sentences R The teacher will introduce and read the book, “The City By the Bay”. The teacher will ask the students to keep track of the ways the author describe the city by the bay. The student will work in groups to research an area near a bay or other body of water. Students will use a variety of art supplies to make a model of the area described and write at least three sentences describing what they have made. GA/CZ Students should practice citizenship and working together to divide project tasks fairly.

Thursday Day 84 *AA SOL E 1.9 Nonfiction R: “Handtalk” W: paragraph R The teacher will introduce and read the book, “Handtalk: An ABC of Finger Spelling and Sign Language”. The teacher will discuss with the class how there are many different forms of communication. Students will work in pairs to talk to each other using only sign language. The students will write a paragraph about what it would be like to only be able to speak using sign language.

Friday Day 85 *AA SOL E 1.9 Nonfiction test Spelling Test R: ”The Piñata Maker” W: 3 sentences R The teacher will read and introduce “The Piñata Maker”. The teacher will talk to the students about the setting of this book and the uses of an piñata. GA/A The students will work in groups to design their own piñata. Each student will write about their piñata and what the piñata will be used for.

Monday Day 86 *AA SOL E 1.6 Compound words

Tuesday Day 87 *AA SOL E 1.6 Compound words

R :”Ambuela” W: what it would be like

R: “A Chair For My Mother” W: saving money

R The teacher will read and introduce the book, “Ambuela”

R The teacher will read and introduce, “A Chair For My Mother”.

The students will write 3 sentences about what it would belike to have an experience like the little girl in the story.

The students will write about a time they saved money to by something special.

The teacher will explain that compound words are words that are made up of two smaller words. The teacher will ask students to list some of the compound words they know.

The teacher will review the compound words listed and will add more compound words to the class list. Students will practice spelling compound words with a partner.

Week 18 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 88 *AA SOL E 1.6 Compound words R: “Caps For Sale: A Tale of A Peddler, Some Monkeys, and Their Monkey Business” W: R The teacher will read and introduce, “Caps For Sale: A Tale of A Peddler, Some Monkeys, and Their Monkey Business”. The students will talk about honesty and respecting others things. Students will write about the importance of respecting other people’s property. Students will use compound words in 4 sentences.

Thursday Day 89 *AA SOL E 1.6 Compound words R: “Corduroy” W: favorite toy R The teacher will read and introduce the book, “Corduroy”. The teacher will lead a class discussion about things that the students want.

Friday Day 90 *AA SOL E 1.6 Compound words Spelling Test R: “Gossie” W: losing your favorite thing R The teacher will read, “Gossie” to the class. The students will talk about their favorite thing to wear.

The students will write about their favorite toy that they have or hope to have soon.

The students will write about how they felt wearing their favorite thing or what it was like to lose something special to them.

Students will practice making their own new compound words.

Students will practice identifying compound words in sentences.

Monday Day 91 *AA SOL E 1.4 Adding sounds R: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt W: Story page R/V/LI: The teacher will show the cover of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt what they think will happen. The teacher will read the book aloud to the class. (LW 7 p.T10) . CM/OL/W/A: The class will discuss the places the characters. The students will create a story page for the book by writing about a new obstacle and drawing a picture of it. LI/V: The teacher will discuss how you can add sounds to words to change them and provide examples. GA/MA/OL: The students will work in pairs using flash cards to add letters to words to change the word. The students will say the sound to their partner.

Tuesday Day 92

Week 19 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 93

Thursday Day 94

Friday Day 95

*AA SOL E 1.4 Adding sounds R: Moon Rope W: Story solution

*AA SOL E 1.4 Adding sounds R: Moon Rope W: Journal entry (moon)

*AA SOL E 1.4 Adding sounds R: Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go W: Song verses

*AA SOL E 1.4 Adding sounds R: The Paper Crane W: Journal (kindness)

R/LI/CL: The teacher will begin reading Moon Rope to the class and explain how it is in Spanish and English.

R/LI/PS/CM: The teacher will finish reading Moon Rope. The teacher will ask the students how they think it will end and why.

R/CM: The teacher will read Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go. The teacher will stop to ask questions about the book. (LW 7 p.T15)

R/CM/LI: The teacher will read The Paper Crane aloud to the class. The class will discuss acts of kindness from the book and life. (LW 7 p.T188)

CM/PS/W/A: The class will discuss the main characters. The students will think of ways Fox can get to the moon with Mole. The students will draw a picture and write 2 sentences explaining their idea.

LI/CL: The class will listen to the story in Spanish while re-reading along in the book.

MU/W: The class will sing the song from the book together. Each student will create write their own song verse to add to the song. The class will sing the song again with each new verse.

LI/V/MA: The teacher will read words from the book than can be changed by adding sounds. Using a chart, the students will play “Add-a-letter” with the words. DA: Student with LD can follow along by listening to the audio tape. HW/HS: Read with a parent.

W: The students will describe the moon in their writing journals writing at least 2 sentences. R/A/OL: The class will read words aloud from the second half of the book and change the sounds to make new words. The students will draw a picture of the old word and new word. The students will write the added sound at the top. The student will read their words orally together as a class.

MO/OL: The class will go on an “adding sounds” scavenger hunt. The teacher will place cards with parts of words and cards with beginning and ending sounds around the room. Each student must find 2 cards that create a word. The student will share their two cards and read the created word aloud to the class. The class will repeat the word together.

GA/A/MA/MO: The class will be split into two groups. One group will re- read and act out the story together. The second group with create an origami finger puppet. W: The students will write in their journal about a kind act they did or have received before. MA/OL: The teacher will give the students a magnetic board. The students have to change the word crane, by adding different sounds to –ane. The students will read their words aloud to themselves. E: Spelling Test

Monday Day 96 *AA SOL E 1.4 Blending and Adding sounds test R: The Big Green Bean W: Bean sentences R/LI/V/CM: The teacher will read The Big Green Bean to the class. The teacher will pause to ask the class questions while reading. (LW 7 p.T69B) W/LI/OL: The students will write two details from the story on a “green bean” using a white crayon. Volunteers will read their sentences aloud.

Tuesday Day 97 *AA SOL E 1.1 Audio story R: Baby Rattlesnake W: Setting Descriptions LI/V/CM: The teacher will show the students the book cover and ask them where they think the story takes place. The teacher point out the story is a folktale and review what folktale is. LI/W: The class will listen to Baby Rattlesnake on audio tape and write words describing the setting.

R/A/W: The class will read LI: The teacher will review the book together. The blending and adding sounds. students will look back at their words and draw a E: The students will picture of the setting. complete the blending and Underneath they will write a adding sounds test. sentence using their setting description words.

Week 20 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 98 *AA SOL E 1.1 Audio story R: Baby Rattlesnake W: Rattlesnake (character description) LI/CM: The teacher will review characters and ask the students to listen for the characters in story. LI/W: The students will listen to Baby Rattlesnake again on audio tape. The students will write down the characters in the story. R/A/W: The students will read silently. The students will make a rattlesnake using construction paper, paper mache, eyes, and a “rattler.” On the back of the snake, they will write a sentence about the character in the story. DA: Poor readers may read with a partner.

Thursday Day 99

Friday Day 100

*AA SOL E 1.1 Retell audio story groups R: Rattlesnakes W: Journal (rattlesnakes)

*AA SOL E 1.1 Retell audio story groups R: Hide and Snake W: Journal (hide and seek)

S/VI/R: The teacher will make a chart on the board on rattlesnakes. The teacher will read Rattlesnakes to the class.

OL/LI: The remaining groups will retell the Baby Rattlesnake story, using their setting and character pictures.

LI/CM/W: The students will listen to the story and tell the teacher the facts that need to go in the chart. The students will write 3 sentences about rattlesnakes in their journals.

R/LI/S: The teacher will read Hide and Snake to the class, pausing to ask important questions and let students find the snake. The teacher will review the concept of camouflage and how snakes are sometimes camouflaged.

GA/OL/LI: The class will be split into groups. Each group will use their setting pictures, character pictures, and retell the Baby Rattlesnake story. HW/HS: Students will look up rattlesnakes in an encyclopedia with a parent.

A: The students will color a camouflage snake sheet. W: The students write in their journals about the game hide and seek, using 3 sentences. E: Spelling Test

Monday Day 101

Tuesday Day 102

*AA SOL E 1.1 Audio story skits R: Giant Snakes W: Snake facts LI/VI: The teacher will review the Baby Rattlesnake story with the students. The teacher will show examples movements for the story skits.

*AA SOL E 1.1 Audio story skits R: Akimbo and the Snakes W: Journal entry R/LI/CM: The teacher will read Akimbo and the Snakes to the class. The teacher will pause and ask the students questions. The teacher will discuss responsibility and Akimbo.

GA/MO/CM: The students will work in their assigned groups and listen to Baby Rattlesnake on audio again. They will create a skit about the story. The students will create any necessary props and practice their skits. R/A/W: The students will independently read Giant Snakes. The students will draw a picture of 2 types of snakes. The students will write 2 fact sentences about each snake.

W: The students will write in their journals about a responsibility they have had before, using 3 sentences. GA/MO/VI/LI: The students will act out their skit to the story Baby Rattlesnake in from of the class. DA: Students who have a difficulty remembering the story or skit can perform their skit while the story is playing on the audio tape.

Week 21 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 103 *AA SOL E 1.4 Deleting sounds R: Stone Soup W: Soup predictions LI/CM/M: The teacher will tell the students they will be reading a book about soup. The teacher will create a “favorite soup” bar graph. The students will raise their hands to indicate their favorite soup. The teacher will record the answers in the graph. (LW 7 p.T114) R/LI/W: The teacher will begin reading Stone Soup to the class. The students will write on large note cards their predictions of what will go into the stone soup. LI/V/W/OL: The teacher will begin to explain deleting sounds by providing examples. The students will copy the examples and say the words aloud.

Thursday Day 104

Friday Day 105

*AA SOL E 1.4 Deleting sounds R: Stone Soup W: Sequence charts R/CM: The teacher will continue reading Stone Soup to the class. The class will discuss their predictions about the soup.

*AA SOL E 1.4 Deleting sounds R: Stone Soup W: Journal entry R/LI/CM: The teacher will finish reading Stone Soup to the class and ask comprehension questions to the class. The class will discuss the answers together.

VI/W: The teacher will show the students a sequence chart using information from the play. The students will create their own sequence chart about the play using 2 sentences. (LW 7 p.T120) GA/MO: The teacher will write words from the book on the board. The students will be divided into teams. The students must delete (erase) letters from the words to create a new word. The students must say words aloud each time.

W: The students will write in their journals what they think the travelers learned in the play. MO/OL: The class will go on a “deleting sounds” scavenger hunt. Each student must find 2 cards that create a word. The student will share their two cards and read the new word by deleting the sound to the class. The class will repeat the word together. E: Spelling Test

Monday Day 106

Tuesday Day 107

Week 22 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 108

Thursday Day 109

Friday Day 110

*AA SOL E 1.4 Deleting sounds R: Stone Soup W: Character sentences

*AA SOL E 1.4 Deleting sounds R: Stone Soup W: Soup recipe

*AA SOL E 1.4 Deleting sounds R: Stone Soup W: Journal entry

*AA SOL E 1.4 Deleting sounds R: Lazy Lion W: Africa facts

*AA SOL E 1.4 Deleting sounds R: Lazy Lion W: Directions

LI/CM: The teacher will say word aloud to the class and ask what the word would sound like after deleting a particular sound. (e.g. “Cape” what word do you have if you delete the /c/ sound?)

V/LI: The teacher will write and say words after deleting sounds. The students will repeat the words with the teacher.

VI/R/LI: The teacher will hold up posters of words. The teacher will ask the students to delete a sound. The teacher will mark the word, and read it aloud.

LI/R: The teacher will introduce Lazy Lion and explain how the story takes place in Africa. The teacher will begin reading the story with the class. (LW 7 p.145)

R/LI/CM: The teacher will continue to read Lazy Lion with the class. The class will discuss how the lion gave the animals directions.

MA: The students will play the “deleting sounds game” by using a chart.

T/SS: The teacher will help the students research Africa on the internet. (LW 7 p.146)

GA/OL: The students will pick a partner and orally practice similar deleting sound exercises. GA/R/OL/LI: The students will work in groups and begin reading the Stone Soup play. Each student will be assigned a part to read. A/W: The student will draw a picture of their character and write 2 sentences about it underneath.

MA/OL: The teacher will give the students a magnetic board. The students have to change the words, by deleting sounds. The students will read their words aloud to themselves. GA/R: The students will continue to read Stone Soup in their groups. CM/LI/W: The class will discuss the ingredients in the soup. The students will write their own recipe for soup.

GA/R/OL/LI: The students will finish reading Stone Soup. MO/MA/M: The class will go to the cafeteria and make “class” soup, using recipes (modified by the teacher). The students will be able to measure ingredients. W: The students will write about their experience making soup in their journals.

A/W/SS: The students will create a mural of Africa landscape and wildlife. The students will write 3 sentences about Africa on the back of their mural. W: The students will complete a “deleting sounds” worksheet. DA: Students who cannot draw well may use printed photographs instead.

W: The students will pretend they are Lion give directions to one of the animals. They will list step-by-step directions. A/W/OL/LI: The students will fold a piece of paper in half. On one side, they will draw a picture and write the word at the top. On the other side, the student will delete a sound, draw a picture, and write the new word. The class will read everyone’s words aloud. E: Spelling test

Monday Day 111 *AA SOL E 1.4 Counting sounds R: Lazy Lion W: Bedtime sentences R/LI/S: The teacher will finish reading Lazy Lion with the class. The teacher will discuss the sleeping habits of lions. GA/LI/OL/M/S/W: The students discuss their sleeping habits in groups. The students will write a sentence telling the time they go to bed, wake up, and the hours they sleep on a bed cutout. (LW 7 p.T181) LI/V: The teacher will provide review syllables with the class. MO: The students will clap and count the syllables of their own name. DA: Students who have trouble counting time can use a clock.

Tuesday Day 112

Week 23 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 113

*AA SOL E 1.4 Counting sounds R: Lafcadio, the Lion Who Shot Back W: Journal entry R/LI/CM: The teacher will read Lafcadio, the Lion Who Shot Back to the class. The class will discuss the elements of the story.

*AA SOL E 1.4 Counting sounds R: Lions: Life in the Pride W: Lion facts

LI/MO/S: The teacher will pick multi-syllable words from the book. The class will count the syllables together by clapping. The teacher will let the students listen to lion sounds. Then the students will count the syllables of the words again by roaring each time there is a syllable.

MA/W: The students will say the spelling word. Each time they here a syllable they will put down a plastic marker. The student will count the markers to see how many syllables were in the word. The students will write the word and syllables.

W: The students will write about their favorite part of the story using at least 2 sentences. HW/HS: The students will count the syllables in their parents’ names.

LI: The teacher will count the syllables in the spelling words by clapping. The class will clap with the teacher.

R/L/A/S/W: The students will read Lions: Life in the Pride independently. The students will color a lion face and glue on fur to make a mane. The students will write 3 facts they learned about lions below the lion face.

Thursday Day 114

Friday Day 115

*AA SOL E 1.4 Counting sounds

*AA SOL E 1.4 Counting sounds R: The Lion Roars with a Fearful Sound W: Journal entry R/CM: The teacher and class will read the poem The Lion Roars with a Fearful Sound. The teacher will talk about the poem with the class. The teacher will ask which pictures match the verse. (LW 7 p.T183)

R: Eli W: Journal entry R/LI/CM: The teacher will read Eli to the class. The teacher will discuss friendship and ask the students questions about Eli’s friendship. MA/A: The students will create clay characters from the book. The students can use them to act out the book. W: The students will write 3 sentences about a friend in their journals. LI/OL/MO/VI: The teacher will lead the class in counting sounds in syllables using words from the book. The children will count by stomping their feet. The teacher will write the number of syllables in each word on the board.

W: The students will write in their journals 2 sentences about other sounds a lion might make. V/OL/LI: The teacher will hold up posters with various multi-syllable words. The students must count the syllables in the words. If the students get it right, the teacher will play a sound clip of a lion roaring. E: Spelling Test

Monday Day 116

Tuesday Day 117

Week 24 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 118

Thursday Day 119

Friday Day 120

*AA SOL E 1.4 Counting sounds R: Skip to My Lou W: Journal entry

*AA SOL E 1.4 Counting sounds R: Pretend You’re a Cat W: Creative response

*AA SOL E 1.4 Counting sounds R: Pretend You’re a Cat W: Venn Diagram

*AA SOL E 1.4 Counting sounds R: Pretend You’re a Cat W: Pretend chart

*AA SOL E 1.4 Counting sounds R: Any Kind of Dog W: Dog sentences

VI/LI/CM: The teacher will display the cover of the book to the class. The teacher will ask the class if they think the book will be sad, silly, or scary and why. (LW 5 p.T10)

VI/R/LI: The teacher will act like a cat and ask the students what animal she is. The teacher will introduce and begin reading Pretend You’re A Cat.

R/LI: The teacher will finish reading Pretend You’re a Cat with the class. The teacher will discuss pretending with the students.

LI/V/MO: The teacher will review counting sounds in syllables. The students will play the “counting syllables” game.

R/L/LI: The class will read Skip to My Lou together. The teacher will explain how the author used her imagination to write this silly story. The teacher will explain what imagination means.

W/A/MO: The students will copy, complete, and illustrate the sentence I can ___like a ___. The students can act out their pictures to the class. (LW 5 p.T18)

R/LI: The teacher will continue reading Pretend You’re a Cat with the class. The teacher will explain compare and contrast. The class will compare and contrast some animals in the story.

GA/OL/CM/W: The students will get in groups and discuss their experiences of pretending and the objects they used. The students will write at least three activities and the materials used in a chart. (LW 5 p.T28)

LI/R/L: The teacher will go over key words with students before the students read Any Kind of Dog independently. (LW 5 p.T190)

W: The students will write in their journal about an imaginary animal that could have been in the story. MO/OL: The students will skip each time they count a syllable, when reading chosen words from the book.

LI/MU/GA: The class will play “musical syllables.” The class will be divided into groups. Each group will have a musical instrument (drum, triangle, etc.) A leader will say a word and each group must count the syllables using their instruments. Each word will sound like a different song.

W: The students will create a Venn diagram, writing 3 simple facts about dogs and cats. (LW 5 p.T23) MA: The students will cut words out of magazines. The students will glue the words to construction paper. The students will count the syllables and write the number underneath the word. DA: Students who are unable to do a Venn diagram can just write out the sentences.

OL/W/MA: The students say their spelling words and count the syllables. The students will divide the syllables by writing the words, and gluing popsicle sticks in between the letters to represent the syllables.

MA/A: The students will imagine their own kind of dog, and use recycle materials to create a model of their dog. W: The students will describe the kind of dog they created, writing 3 sentences about the dog’s characteristics. E: Spelling Test

Monday Day 121 *AA SOL E 1.4 Deleting and Counting sounds test R: EEK! There’s a Mouse in the House W: Journal (prediction) LI/V/CM/OL:The teacher will introduce key terms from the book, EEK! There’s a Mouse in the House, by using pictures and sentences. (LW 5 p.T11) The teacher will display the book and ask the students if the story is real or make-believe. The teacher will read the story with the class, pausing to ask the students to predict what will happen next. W/A: The students will write their predictions in their journals. They will draw a picture underneath their 3 sentences. OL/V: The class will share their predictions and the teacher will create a chart on the board.

Tuesday Day 122 Field Trip to Fine Arts Theatre

LI/CM/CC: The teacher will give students directions on how to behave on the field trip. CI/LS: The students will respect authority figures and act responsibly on the field trip. HW/A/OL: The students will draw picture of three things they learned on the field trip and present it to the class the next day. DA: Students who misbehave will complete seatwork beside the teacher instead of watching the play.

Week 25 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 123

Thursday Day 124

Friday Day 125

*AA SOL E 1.4 Rhyming words

*AA SOL E 1.4 Rhyming words

*AA SOL E 1.4 Rhyming words

R: EEK! There’s a Mouse in the House W: Story map

R: EEK! There’s a Mouse in the House W: Story map

R: EEK! There’s a Mouse in the House W: Story map

R/LI/CM/OL: The teacher will finish reading EEK! There’s a Mouse in the House with the class. The teacher will ask the students what certain events happened in the book.

R/L/LI/OL: The teacher will print sentences from EEK! There’s a Mouse in the House on strips of paper. The teacher will signal the students turn. The students will re-read the story.

R/LI/MO: The teacher will read sets of words aloud. If the words rhyme, the students will clap. The teacher will ask why they rhyme.

W: The students will use a graphic organizer to begin a story map. They will write 2 sentences in the beginning box.

W: The students will write 2 sentences in the middle box of their story map.

LI/VI: The teacher will explain what rhyming words are and give examples from the book(house and mouse). OL/A: The students will recite the words and draw pictures of them.

W: The teacher will provide more examples of rhyming words and they students will recite them. MA: The students will be given a chart and cutout words. The students will cut the words out and glue the rhyming words in the correct places.

GA/R/OL/LI: The students will read EEK! There’s a Mouse in the House together in groups. The students will be given passages from the story. The students will circle the words that rhyme in the passage. W: The students will complete their story map by writing 2 sentences in the ending box. E: Spelling test

Monday Day 126

Tuesday Day 127

Week 26 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 128

Thursday Day 129

Friday Day 130

*AA SOL E 1.4 Rhyming words R: Mice and Rats W: Mice facts

*AA SOL E 1.4 Rhyming words R: Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin W: Journal entry

*AA SOL E 1.4 Rhyming words R: Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin W: Journal entry

*AA SOL E 1.4 Rhyming words R: Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin W: Violin sentences

*AA SOL E 1.4 Rhyming words R: Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin W: Story passage

OL/LI: The teacher and students will recite rhyming words together.

R/LI/V/MU: The teacher will begin reading Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin to the class. The teacher will discuss and show pictures of the instruments presented in the book.

R/LI/PS/CM: The teacher will finish reading Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin to the class. The teacher will ask the students comprehension questions about the book.

MU/LI/OL: The teacher will play the song Let’s Make a Rhyme. The teacher will lead the students in singing the song together.

LI: The teacher will review how a story has a beginning, middle, and end. The teacher will divide the class into groups and give them each a passage from Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin.

MA: The students will pick a partner and play the “rhyming memory game.” R/LI/MA: The students will read Mice and Rats independently. The students will create a mouse, by gluing on felt ears and tail to the mouse body. The students will write 2 facts learned on the mouse body. DA: students who have trouble reading the fact book can listen to an audio tape while reading.

VI/W/A: The students will each be given the name of an instrument. They will write the name and draw a picture of it on the left side of folded paper. On the right side the student will write a word that rhymes with the instrument and draw a picture of it. W: The students will write 2 sentences describing their instrument in their journal.

MU/MA/A: The students will use various materials to create their own musical instrument. The students will show the class their instrument. W: The students will write in their journals, 3 sentences that have 2 rhyming words. They will color-code the words that rhyme.

CM/VI: The students will tell the teacher the rhyming words in the song. The teacher will put them on the “rhyme word wall” GA/R/L/W/A: The students will read Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin together in groups. The students will color a violin cut-out and write 2 sentences from the book onto the violin.

GA/W: The students will decide whether the passage came from the beginning, middle, or end of the book. The students will write the passage in the correct column on the story map. The students will also underline the rhyming words with color. CM/R/OL: The class will put the passages in correct order and will read the story together. The students will repeat the rhyming words. E: Spelling test

Monday Day 131 *AA SOL E 1.8/AA SOL E 1.1 Poetry AA SOL E 1.7 R: Elephant W: Journal entry LI/CM: The teacher will explain what poetry is and tell how poems of have rhythm and rhyming words. The teacher will tell the students they are going to read a poem about elephants and mice. Ask them what they already know about the animal. R/LI/CM:The teacher will read Elephant by Langston Hughes to the students. (LW 5 p.T145)The students will learn the vocabulary word afraid. This class will discuss the poem. W: The students will write reasons an elephant may be afraid of a mouse in their journal.

Tuesday Day 132

Week 27 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 133

Thursday Day 134

Friday Day 135

*AA SOL E 1.8/AA SOL E 1.1 Poetry

*AA SOL E 1.8/AA SOL E 1.1 Poetry

*AA SOL E 1.8/AA SOL E 1.1 Poetry

*AA SOL E 1.8/AA SOL E 1.1 Poetry

R: Elephant W: Poetry line R/OL/L: The students will read Elephant aloud with the teacher. The teacher will ask the students which words rhyme.

R: At the Zoo W: Zoo poem R/LI/CM: The teacher will read the poem At the Zoo to the class. The teacher will ask the students what animals the speaker saw at the zoo.

R: Whole Duty of Children W: Class duties LI/CM/R:The teacher will explain the word duty to the students. The teacher will ask what duties they have. The teacher will read the poem Whole Duty of Children to the class. The class will discuss the duty of children in the poem.

R: Humpty Dumpty’s Song W: LI/R/CM: The teacher will explain they the author has something to say in poems. The teacher will read Humpty Dumpty’s Song by Lewis Carroll to the class. The teacher will ask the students what did the author want to say.

R/OL: The students will read the poem together and independently.

R/OL/LI: The students will each read one verse from the poem aloud.

CM/OL/W: The class will come up with 4 “class duties.” The students will write the duties on a poster.

W/A: The students will write what they think could have happened at the end of the poem. The students will write their own poem ending in their journal and draw a picture of it.

LI/V/PS: The teacher will explain how to write a line of poetry using comparison such as Kitten, kitten, soft as cotton. The class will brainstorm animals and comparison phrases. (e.g. as soft as (a)____.) W: The students will write their own comparison and draw pictures to illustrate their drawing. DA: Gifted students may write a poem using comparisons.

R/L/OL/W/MA/A: The students will read the poem together. The students will pretend they went to the zoo. The student will write 3 sentences about animals they saw using the same format of the poem (with teachers help). The students will use animal crackers, glue, and pipe cleaners (cage) to create their own zoo.

E: Spelling test

Monday Day 136 *AA SOL E 1.8/AA SOL E 1.1 Poetry AA SOL E 1.7 R: Where The Sidewalk Ends W: Sentence puzzles R/LI: The teacher will read the poem Where The Sidewalk Ends to the class. The teacher will explain the words crimson and asphalt from the poem. R/L/OL: The students will read the poem together as a class. W/MA/CM: The students will write sentence puzzles using the word crimson and asphalt, with assistance from the teacher. The students will pick a partner and swap sentence puzzles.

Tuesday Day 137

Week 28 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 138

Thursday Day 139

Friday Day 140

*AA SOL E 1.8/AA SOL E 1.1 Poetry

*AA SOL E 1.8/AA SOL E 1.1 Poetry

*AA SOL E 1.8/AA SOL E 1.1 Poetry

*AA SOL E 1.8/AA SOL E 1.1 Poetry

R: Smart W: Journal entry

R: Rain W: Raindrop sentences

R: One Inch Tall W: Journal entry

R: Early Bird W: Poems

LI/R/CM: The teacher will play an audio clip of the poem Smart by Shel Silverstein. The teacher will read the poem to the students. The teacher will ask the students if the boy was smart with his money.

LI/R: The teacher will ask the students what they know about rain and the sounds it makes. The teacher will read the poem Rain to the class. The teacher will ask, what sound did the rain make in the poem?

LI: The teacher will ask the students to imagine what it would be like to be one inch tall. The teacher will tell the students they are going to read a poem and find out.

LI/CM: The teacher will read the poem Early Bird to the class. The teacher will ask the students what things are in poetry.

M/MA/R/OL: The students will be given money (same amount as in the poem). The students will read the poem together. They will use and count the money each time the boy trades his money.

S/MO: The class will sit in a circle and perform motions to make the sound of rain.

M/W: The students will write an addition word problem using money amounts in their journal.

R/OL: The students will read the poem with a partner. W: The students will write 3 sentences in side of 3 different raindrops about how rain sounds or feels. They will glue them on paper and draw more raindrops.

R/OL: The class will read One Inch Tall. The students will tell the teacher what things would be like if they were one inch tall using the poem. W: The students will write 4 sentences in their journals to explain what their day would be like if they were one inch tall.

W/A: The students will write their own short poem using 3 to 4 lines. The students will paint illustrations for their poem. R/L/OL: The students will read Early Bird independently to the teacher. DA: Students, who are having trouble writing a poem, can use a poem format and fill in appropriate words to complete the poem. E: Spelling test

Monday Day 141 *AA SOL E 1.4/AA SOL E 1.8 Rhyming and poetry R: Student poems W: Journal entry LI/VI: The teacher will review rhyming and poetry with the class. E: The students will take the rhyming and poetry test. R/OL/LI: The teacher will have typed up the students’ poems. The students will switch poems with someone else. Each student will read the poem aloud. W: The students will write 3 sentences about their favorite poem in their journals. HW/HS: The students will read their poem to their parents.

Tuesday Day 142

Week 29 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 143

Thursday Day 144

Friday Day 145

*AA SOL E 1.12 Brainstorm journal

*AA SOL E 1.12 Brainstorm journal

*AA SOL E 1.12 Brainstorm journal

*AA SOL E 1.12 Brainstorm journal

R: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day W: Brainstorm journal R/LI/CM: The teacher will read Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day to the class. This class will discuss things that went wrong with Alexander.

R: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day W: Brainstorm journal LI/CM/OL: The teacher will remind the students of the bad things that happened to Alexander. The teacher will ask the students to think of good things that would have made his day better.

R: Bedtime for Frances W: Brainstorm journal

R: Bedtime for Frances W: Flipbook

LI/CM/OL/V: The teacher will ask the students to tell their bedtime routine. The teacher will ask the students to guess Frances bedtime routine. The teacher will write the routine on the board.

LI/CM/OL: The teacher will ask the students to tell her Frances bedtime routine. The teacher will ask the students why did Frances not want to go to bed.

LI/VI: The teacher will explain what brainstorming is and how to do it. The teacher will tell the students they are going to start a brainstorm journal. W: The students will brainstorm about a bad day they had and will write 3 sentences about it.

R/OL: The students will read the book aloud together. W: The students will brainstorm ways they can help make someone’s day better and write it in their journal. MO/VI/OL: The students will act out the ways to make someone’s day better.

R/OL/CM: The class will read Bedtime for Frances together. The class will see if their prediction was correct and will write the France’s routine on the board. W: The students will brainstorm a new bedtime routine in their journal.

GA/R/OL/W/A: The students will read Bedtime for Frances in groups. The students will use their bedtime routine from their journal to create a flipbook. The students will draw picture of the routines and will copy the sentences from their journal onto the book. DA: The teacher will pre-fold the flipbook for students who have disabilities. E: Spelling test

Monday Day 146 *AA SOL E 1.12 Brainstorm journal R: Freckle Juice W: Brainstorm journal LI/R/OL: The teacher will ask the students to raise their hands if they have freckles. The teacher will tell them they are going to read a story about a boy who has man freckles. The class will begin reading Freckle Juice. W: The students will predict whether Nicky will make the freckle juice. The students will write their ideas in their journal using 2 sentences. M/A: The students will be given a number. The student will draw a picture of their face and put freckles on the face using the given number.

Tuesday Day 147 Field Trip to Museum

LI/CC/CI: The teacher will guide the children and keep head counts. The teacher will work with other teachers and the community. CI/LI/CZ/W: The students will obey the rules and show respect to each other ant the community. The students will write in their journals about something they learned at the museum. DA: Students who misbehave will complete seatwork beside the teacher instead of touring the museum.

Week 30 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 148

Thursday Day 149

Friday Day 150

*AA SOL E 1.12 Brainstorm journal R: Freckle Juice W: Freckle juice recipe

*AA SOL E 1.12 Brainstorm journal R: Freckle Juice W: Brainstorm journal

*AA SOL E 1.12 Brainstorm journal R: Freckle Juice W: Brainstorm journal

R/OL/LI/VI: The class will continue reading Freckle Juice. The teacher will ask the students to predict what is in the freckle juice. The teacher will write the predictions on the board.

R/OL/CM: The class will continue reading Freckle Juice. The teacher will ask the student to tell her the ingredients that was in the freckle juice. The students will compare it to their predictions. The teacher will ask the students to predict the ending.

R/OL/LI/CM: The class will finish reading Freckle Juice. The teacher will ask the students if their predictions were correct. The students will compare their predictions to the story.

W/MA/A: The students will brainstorm a freckle juice recipe and write it in their journals. The students will create their own “freckle juice” using different provided ingredients. The students will watch the colors of the juice change as they add ingredients.

W/A: The students will brainstorm a way in which they think the story will end and will write it in their journal. The students will draw a picture of their prediction.

W: The students will brainstorm a solution for the outcome of Nicky using the freckle juice. The students will write their solution in their journal. GA/PS/MO/OL: The students will work in groups to create a simple commercial for their solution. The teacher will assist by providing the steps and giving examples. The students will perform their commercials to the class E: Spelling test

Monday Day 151

Tuesday Day 152

*AA SOL E 1.12 Creative stories R: The Listening Walk W: Journal entry R/LI: The teacher will read the Listening Walk to the students. The teacher will ask the students to tell her the setting, character, and plots.

*AA SOL E 1.12 Creative stories R: The Listening Walk W: Journal entry LI/MO: The teacher will tell the students they are going to go for a walk around the school. The teacher will tell the students to listen carefully to the sounds.

GA/R/MO: The students will be divided into groups and will discuss the sounds that were in the book. The students will read the book together and make the sounds as they read.

R/L: The students will read The Listening Walk independently.

W: The students will imagine they are going for a walk and will write about the sounds they hear in their journal.

W: The students will write 2 sentences telling how their walk was similar to the book and 2 sentences telling how their walk was different to the book. DA: Students, who have difficult time writing, will write only one sentence each.

Week 31 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 153 *AA SOL E 1.12 Creative stories R: Make Way for Ducklings W: Setting sentence LI/R/OL: The teacher review setting with the students. The teacher will begin reading Make Way for Ducklings with the class. The teacher will ask the students tell the setting of the book. A/W: The students will draw a picture of the setting and write a sentence describing it underneath. CM/VI: The teacher will help the class brainstorm different types of settings. The teacher will keep make a list on the poster.

Thursday Day 154

Friday Day 155

*AA SOL E 1.12 Creative stories R: Make Way for Ducklings W: Comic strip plot LI/R/OL: The teacher will review plot with the students. The class will finish reading Make Way for Ducklings. The teacher will ask the students to explain the plot of the book.

*AA SOL E 1.12 Creative stories R: Make Way for Ducklings W: Riddle LI/R/OL: The teacher will review characters with the students. The class will continue reading Make Way for Ducklings. The teacher will ask the students to name the characters in the book.

A/W: The students will create a plot comic strip based upon the book Make Way for Ducklings. The students will write a sentence under each picture box that matches the pictures.

MO: The students will pantomime each character in the book.

CM/VI: The teacher will help the class brainstorm various story plots and list them on a poster.

W: The students will write a riddle about their character. (E.g. I have a beak, I can swim, who am I? I am Mr. Mallard) CM/VI: The teacher will help the class brainstorm different kinds of characters and create a list on a poster (e.g. people, animals, and children). E: Spelling test

Week 32 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 158

Monday Day 156

Tuesday Day 157

*AA SOL E 1.12 Creative stories R: The True Story of the Three Little Pigs! W: Creative story LI/R/OL: The teacher will ask the students if they remember the story of The Three Little Pigs. The teacher will tell the students they are going to read a different version of the story. The teacher will begin reading The True Story of the Three Little Pigs! to the class.

*AA SOL E 1.12 Creative stories R: The True Story of the Three Little Pigs! W: Creative story R/OL/LI/MO: The teacher will finish reading The True Story of the Three Little Pigs! to the class. The students will pantomime the characters in the book.

*AA SOL E 1.12 Creative stories R: Sail Away, Little Boat W: Creative story

*AA SOL E 1.12 Creative stories R: Sail Away, Little Boat W: Creative story

*AA SOL E 1.12 Creative stories R: Sail Away, Little Boat W: Creative story

LI/V: The teacher will fill a sink full of water and put a toy boat in it to float. The teacher will tell the students they are going to read a book about a boat.

R/PS: The class will read Sail Away, Little Boat. The teacher will ask the students to predict where the boat will end up. The teacher will write their ideas on the board.

R/PS/CM: The class will finish reading Sail Away, Little Boat. The class will discuss their predictions to and the story’s ending.

W: The students will complete the Venn Diagram of the stories.

R/PS: The class will read Sail Away, Little Boat. The teacher will ask the students comprehension questions.

W: The students will finish W: The students will begin to writing their creative story of make a Venn Diagram of the the Three Little Pigs. stories. W: The students will begin to HW/HS: The students will write a short creative story read The Three Little Pigs on their version of the Three with a parent. Little Pigs. DA: Students who have trouble with a Venn Diagram can just write sentences instead.

A/MA: The students will draw a picture of where the boat started at, and will create a model boat to stick on it. W: The students will begin to write a creative short story about a journey.

Thursday Day 159

W: The students will continue to write their creative short story about a journey.

Friday Day 160

A/MA: The students will draw a picture of where the boat ended. The students will move the model boat to the new picture. W: The students will finish their creative story about a journey. E: Spelling test

Monday Day 161

Tuesday Day 162

*AA SOL E 1.1-1.12 SOL Review R: Play Ball, Amelia Bedilia W: Journal entry

*AA SOL E 1.1-1.12 SOL Review R: Play Ball, Amelia Bedilia W: Journal entry

LI: The teacher will review science SOL’s 1.1-1.3. GA/MA/R: The students will get pair up with a partner and use SOL flash cards created by the teacher to help review. GA/R/OL: The students will read Play Ball, Amelia Bedila in groups. W: The students will write 3 sentences about baseball in their journals.

Week 33 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 163

Thursday Day 164

Friday Day 165

*AA SOL E 1.1-1.12 SOL Review R: Father Bear Comes Home W: Journal entry LI: The teacher will review science SOL’s 1.9-1.10

*AA SOL E 1.1-1.12 SOL Review R: I’m as Quick as a Cricket W: Journal entry

LI: The teacher will review science SOL’s 1.4-1.6.

*AA SOL E 1.1-1.12 SOL Review R: Father Bear Comes Home W: Journal entry LI: The teacher will review science SOL’s 1.7-1.8

GA/MO/PS/LI: The students will be divided into teams and play “SOL hoops.” The teacher will ask the team and question about the SOL’s. If they get it right they shoot the ball into the basket.

MO/LI/PS: The students will play “Around the World.” The teacher will ask the students questions about the SOL’s. When a student misses a question, they will sit down. The last student standing wins.

OL/MU: The students will sing songs about that involve the SOL topic.

MA: The students will play with sentence puzzles.

R/L: The students will read Play Ball, Amelia Bedila independently. W: The students will write about 3 mistakes Amelia made in the book.

R/GA: The students will read Father Bear Comes Home in groups. W: The students write about how they feel when their father (or guardian) comes home from work.

R/L: The students will read Father Bear Comes Home independently. W: The students will write about how Little Bear felt when his father came home. DA: Students will learning disabilities may listen to the audio tape while reading.

LI: The teacher will review science SOL’s 1.11-1.12

R/L: The students will read I’m as Quick as a Cricket independently. W: The students will write about the animals the boy saw in the book in their journal. E: Spelling test

Monday Day 166

Tuesday Day 167

*AA SOL E 1.12 Typing creative stories (technology) R: King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub W: Journal entry VI/CM: The teacher will display the King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub and ask the students what they think the story is about. The students will tell the teacher what they think.

*AA SOL E 1.12 Typing creative stories (technology) R: King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub W: Journal entry MU/LI/OL: The teacher will play one song from the matching CD from King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub. The students will listen to the song and chime in when able.

R/OL/LI/MA/A: The class will read King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub. The students will create a crown out of clay to represent the king.

R/OL/MA: The students will continue reading King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub. The students will hold up their clay crown when the king speaks.

W: The students will write 2 sentences about the king in their journals.

W: The students will write an addition word problem.

T: The class will go to the computer lab. The students will create a cover for their first creative story.

T: The class will go to the computer lab. The students will finish the cover for their first creative story.

Week 34 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 168

Thursday Day 169

Friday Day 170

*AA SOL E 1.12 Typing creative stories (technology) R: King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub W: Journal entry R/OL/PS: The class will finish reading King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub. The teacher will ask the students comprehension questions about the book.

*AA SOL E 1.12 Typing creative stories (technology R: One Monday Morning W: Journal entry

*AA SOL E 1.12 Typing creative stories (technology) R: One Monday Morning W: Morning/Night

LI/OL/CM: The teacher will ask the students to describe a typical Monday morning. The teacher will read One Monday Morning to the class. (LW 5 p.T147)

PS/LI/CM: The teacher will ask the students to give the opposite word of morning. The teacher will ask the student how morning is different from night.

W: The students will write 3 sentences telling what they would do if they were king.

GA/R/A: The students will read the story in groups. The students will color picture of events in the book inside of a large bubble letter MONDAY.

R/L: The students will read One Monday Morning independently.

T: The class will go to the computer lab. The students will type their first creative story. DA: The teacher will assist students who are unfamiliar with the keyboard.

W: The students will write 3 sentences about what they did on Monday in their journals. T: The class will go to the computer lab. The students will type their first creative story.

A/W: The students will draw a Monday morning and Monday night. The students will write a sentence under each picture. T: The class will go to the computer lab. The students will insert pictures on their first creative story. E: Spelling test

Monday Day 171

Tuesday Day 172

*AA SOL E 1.12 Finishing creative stories (technology) R: The Little Elf W: Journal entry R/LI/OL: The teacher will read the poem The Little Elf to the class (LW 5 p.T150). The class will re-read the poem. The teacher will ask the students to say the last two lines in different voices until they find one they like.

*AA SOL E 1.12 Finishing creative stories (technology) R: George Shrinks W: Dream sentence LI/V: The teacher will ask the students if they have had a dream that seemed very real. The teacher will ask if the dream was scary or funny. The teacher will record the answer on a semantic map. The teacher will begin to read the story George Shrinks.

W: The students will write two sentences using the word little and big in their journal. T: The class will go to the computer lab. The students will create a cover for their second creative story.

A/W: The students will draw them selves in bed. On the other side they will draw a picture of a dream they’ve had. The students will write a sentence that tells about it. T: The class will go to the computer lab. The students will type their second creative story.

Week 35 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 173 *AA SOL E 1.12 Finishing creative stories (technology) R: George Shrinks W: Journal entry R/OL/LI: The teacher will continue reading George Shrinks with the class. The teacher will ask the students to predict more good and bad things that will happen to George. W: The students will write 2 sentences in their journal about their predictions on 1 good thing and 1 bad thing that will happen to George. T: The class will go to the computer lab. The students will type their second creative story.

Thursday Day 174

Friday Day 175

*AA SOL E 1.12 Finishing creative stories (technology) R: George Shrinks W: Real/Make believe R/LI/OL: The teacher will finish reading George Shrinks with the class. The class will discuss if their predictions were correct. The teacher will ask the students if they were surprised to learn George was asleep.

*AA SOL E 1.1/AA SOL E 1.3 “ Book Club” R: Student creative stories W: Journal GA: The teacher will divide the students into groups or “book clubs.”

W/OL/LI: The students will write on real sentence about themselves and one make believe sentence. They will read the sentences aloud and the class will guess which one is make believe.

W: The students will write 3 sentences about which story they liked the best.

T: The class will go to the computer lab. The students will insert pictures on their second creative story.

OL/CM/LI/R: The students explain their creative stories to their club members. Each member must read on story by another student.

DA/CL: ESL students can read their story to their group in their own language.

Monday Day 176 *AA SOL E 1.1 Creative story skits R: Student creative story W: Skit plan GA/R/OL/CM/PS: The students will be divided into three groups. The group will be draw a name and create a skit for that student’s story. The students will read the story twice to familiarize themselves with the story. The students will brainstorm skit ideas and will find props to use. W: The students will write their plan for their skit. DA: The teacher will help the groups who are having trouble creating a skit.

Tuesday Day 177 *AA SOL S 1.1 Creative story skits R: Student creative story W: Skit role LI: The teacher will help the students practice their skit. R/OL/CM/GA: The students will read the story again and practice for their skit. W/A: The students will write 3 sentences describing their role in the skit. The students will draw a picture of what their scene will look like.

Week 36 Language Arts Chart Allison Carver & Amber Reid Wednesday Day 178 Field Trip to Zoo CM/CC/CI: The teacher will correspond with other teachers and parents. The teacher will watch the students to make sure they are behaving well. The teacher will do head counts. The teacher will guide the students. LI/LS: The students will obey rules and use their manners. The students will be respectful.

Thursday Day 179 *AA SOL S 1.1 Creative story skits R: Student creative story W: Journal entry LI: The teacher will ask the students what the word respect means. The teacher will explain how they need to respect their classmates and they perform their skit. W: The students will write 2 sentences explaining how they can respect their classmates while they are performing.

Friday Day 180 Last day of school party/field day CC/CI: The teacher will collaborate with other teachers and parents with field activities. The teacher will monitor the students. LI/CZ/MO: The students will obey rules and be respectful to students.

GA/MO/OL/LI/R: The students will perform their skits for their class. The narrator will read the creative story aloud, while the rest of the group performs.

* This symbol indicates the standards that students will use each day in reading groups: AA SOL E 1.1.2, AA SOL E 1.3, AA SOL E 1.5, AA SOL E 1.6, AA SOL E 1.8, AA SOL E 1.9, AA SOL E 1.11, and AA SOL E 1.12.

Language Arts Resources Baker, K. (1995). Hide and snake. Harcourt Children’s Books. Belk, J. and Thompson, R. Worm Painting and 44 More Hands-On Language Arts Activities for the Primary Grades. International Reading Association. 2001 Bollinger, C. Let’s make a rhyme [song]. Retrieved on November 27, 2007, from http://www.songsforteaching.com/cathybollinger/letsmakearhyme.htm Bloom, J. (1971). Freckle juice. New York: Simon & Schuster. Buell, J. (2006). Sail away, little boat. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, Inc. Foresman, S. Celebrate Reading! Teacher’s Guide, Grade 1. Anthologies 1A to 1F. Scott, Foresman and Company. Illinois: 1997. Hoban, R. (1960). Bedtime for Frances. New York: Harper Collins. Literature works them 5 just imagine (grade 1). Silver Burdett Ginn. Literature works them 7 tell me a story (grade 1). Silver Burdett Ginn. Loves, J. (2003). Mice and rats. Facts on File. Macken, J. E. (2005). Rattlesnakes. Weekly Reader Early Learning Library. McCloskey, R. (1941). Make way for ducklings. New York: The Viking Press. Minarik, E. H. (1959). Father bear comes home. New York: Harper Collins. Moss, J. (1995). Zin! zin! zin! a violin. New York: Simon & Schuster Books. On-Lion for Kids. The New York Public Library. Recommended Reading. 100 picture books everyone should know. Retrieved on November 19, 2007, from http://kids.nypl.org/reading/recommended2.cfm?ListID=61 Parish, P. (1972). Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia. Harper Collins. Peet, B. (1984). Eli. Houghton Mifflin Company. Preeschool Activities and Crafts. Animals Alphabet Coloring Pages, Posters and Handwriting Practice Worksheets. Retrieved on November 21, 2007, from

http://www.first-school.ws/theme/animals/cp_animals_alphabet.htm First-School.ws Reading. Grade 1. Teacher’s Edition. Theme books 1-6. Houghton Mifflin. Boston: 2003. Richardson, A. D. (2001). Lions: life in the pride. Coughlan Publishing. Scieszka, J. (1989). The true story of the three little pigs!. New York: Penguin Putnam Books. Showers, P. (1991). The listening walk. Mexico: Harper Trophy. Silverstein, S. (1963). : Lafcadio, the lion who shot back. HarperCollins Children’s Books. Silverstein, S. (1974). Where the sidewalk ends. New York: Evil Eye Music, Inc. Simon, S. (2006). Giant snakes. Chronicle Books LLC. Smith, A. M. (2006). Akimbo and the snakes. Bloomsbury USA. Stevenson, R. L. Whole duty of children. Retrieved on November 27, 2007, from http://www.storyit.com/Classics/JustPoems/dutyofchildren.htm Thackeray, W. M. At the zoo. Retrieved on November 27, 2007, from http://www.storyit.com/Classics/JustPoems/atzoo.htm Viorst, J. (1972). Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks. Wood, A. (1985). King Bidgood’s in the bathtub. Harcourt.

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