03 Basic Productivity Tools Lesson Idea Template

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 670
  • Pages: 2
Basic Productivity Tools (BPT) Lesson Idea Name: Exploring Books Content Area: English Language Arts Grade Level(s): Kindergarten Content Standard Addressed:

ELAGSEKRI5 Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book. ELAGSEKRI6 Name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text. Technology Standard Addressed: 1. Empowered Learner: Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences Selected Technology Tool: PowerPoint URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable): Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s): ☒ Remembering

☒ Understanding

☐ Applying

☐ Analyzing

☐ Evaluating

☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level): ☐ Level 1: Awareness

☐ Level 2: Exploration

☐ Level 5: Expansion

☐ Level 6: Refinement

☐ Level 3: Infusion

☒ Level 4: Integration

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Engagement: This PowerPoint presentation uses images of children’s books that students are likely to already know about and enjoy. Each slide has a different book which means students must be paying close attention to the picture they see. Using one book for the question and a different book for the answer ensures that students are exposed to the information in multiple ways. Representation: The presentation contains colorful pictures, written sentences, and voice over in order to support student learning. Students with visual impairments can listen to the spoken words in order to gain information from the lessen. Students with hearing impairments can see the sentences written out. English language learners have the benefit of both seeing and hearing the sentences in the PowerPoint. Action and Expression: Students are asked and encouraged to shout out the answers to the questions in the PowerPoint. They have the opportunity to ask their peers if they don’t know the answer. The books pictured on the presentation are children’s books the students are likely to know which will engage the students even more and the teacher can extend this activity to include asking the students what book is pictured. Lesson idea implementation: This PowerPoint presentation is intended to be shown to the students after they have already discussed, learned, and practiced locating the parts of a book. The teacher will play the movie on the interactive white board while children are sitting down on a rug or the floor in front of the board. Sitting on the floor gives the students a chance to relax a little bit while they’re learning. This lessen will be as long as the movie version of the PowerPoint in addition to any extension activities the teacher wishes to implement. After viewing the presentation students will have the opportunity to create their own PowerPoint presentation using their voice. They will be asked to create a presentation that shows the front cover, back cover, title page, author, and illustrator of one of the books in the classroom. The teacher will have previously taken photos of these parts of the books that are present in the room and saved the photos in a file on the computer so students do not need to use the internet to find pictures. Students will be assessed on whether Spring 2018_SJB

Basic Productivity Tools (BPT) or not they used all five parts of a book and whether or not they included audio. The teacher will be providing feedback and support while students are creating the project as well as feedback after the presentation is completed. Completed movies could also be added to the class blog with proper permission, forms, and precautions to protect student work and privacy. Reflective Practice: This lesson will engage students and give them the benefit of seeing information in more than one visual. Students will enjoy being able to call out their answers during the movie as well as getting to listen to one of the stories after the lesson. This presentation can be extended to include slides where the students can circle different parts of the book using an interactive white board.

Spring 2018_SJB

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