07-08 Student Handbook

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 29


COLLEGE PARK HIGH SCHOOL 201 VIKING DRIVE PLEASANT HILL, CA 94523 (925) 682-7670 www.mdusd.k12.ca.us/collegepark

ADMINISTRATION Barbara Oaks Steven Nixon Jennifer Bartoli Sarah Wiebe

Principal Vice Principal Vice Principal Student Services Coordinator


Melva Arakaki Ana Aguilar Carie Wade Maggie Bowker Gisele Hayes Mary Lee Lyn Jones Mary Anne Shaw Louise Neville Sheila Welsh Janet Fitzpatrick Debbie Lindstrom

Office Manager Administrative Secretary Administrative Secretary Administrative Secretary Administrative Clerk Registrar Treasurer Student Resource Technician Attendance Secretary College & Career Center Coordinator Instructional Media Assistant Psychologist





A California Distinguished School

STUDENT HANDBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS Vision and Mission Statement Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLR’s)

1 2

Academic Letter College Park College and Career Center Concurrent Enrollment in College Classes CPHS Library Honors Upon Graduation Progress Report/Report Card Timelines Senior Experience Exchange Attendance Procedures Compulsory Attendance Policy Excused Absences Homework for Absent Students Permits to Leave Campus Reporting Student Absences Truant and Unexcused Absences Truancy Policy Athletic and Extra-Curricular Eligibility CPHS Policies and Procedures Animal and Pet Policy Bicycles CPHS Computer Use Guidelines CPHS Dance Policy CPHS Dress Code Electronic Device Policy Fines, Fees, and Student Charges Hall Passes Honesty Policy Lockers Parking Lot Sexual Harassment Policy Skateboards, Rollerblades, etc. Visitor Passes Discipline and Disciplinary Procedures Four Step Classroom Discipline Policy Suspension Expulsion Discipline Plan Student Community Resources Uniform Complaint Procedure

3 3 4 4 5 5 5


6 6 6 6-7 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 10-11 11-12 12 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 18-23 24 25-26

COLLEGE PARK HIGH SCHOOL VISION: At College Park High School, we believe that all students can learn. We work as a team to ensure student achievement by providing the content, skills, and processes needed to be successful.

COLLEGE PARK HIGH SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT: College Park High School, in partnership with our community, is committed to academic excellence that leads to a positive and confident approach to life and to a lifelong love of learning. We will educate our students to think critically and creatively, make choices responsibly and honestly and resolve differences peacefully. Students will increase their understanding of themselves and others, and become active, involved citizens who will be empowered to welcome intellectual and social challenges.


EXPECTED SCHOOLWIDE LEARNING RESULTS (ESLR’s) Our goal is that all students will be:


Speak, listen, read and write thoughtfully and critically Express themselves with clarity and confidence Create original high quality work Use artistic, mathematical, and technological skills to convey ideas Collaborate with others


Employ a variety of logical, analytical and creative thinking skills to reach solutions Adapt to new situations with assurance and open-mindedness Resolve conflicts successfully Prioritize tasks and use time wisely Use available resources effectively to choose colleges, training programs, and careers


Demonstrate positive attitudes and self-confidence Have a sense of belonging in the school and in the community Value and practice physical fitness through exercise and good nutrition Make wise choices about substances, relationships and safety Set goals for themselves and show honesty and perseverance in reaching those goals

SOCIALLY AND PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS who… Take both responsibility for and pride in their own actions Understand and respect cultural and personal differences Contribute time, energy, and talent to improve the quality of life for others Demonstrate ability to participate actively in a democratic society Apply high standards and expectations to themselves



ACADEMIC LETTER Students, who earn a 3.5 GPA or higher for 3 semesters, are entitled to a block academic letter. If students earn 3.5 or higher for 6 semesters or more, they are entitled to a silver “CP” pin. Interested students should contact the CPHS Block Letter Advisor.

CPHS COLLEGE AND CAREER CENTER College Park High School College & Career Center Coordinator: Ms. Sheila Welsh (ext. 3227) The College and Career Center is available to all students of College Park High School. The goal of the Center is to provide helpful advice and information regarding the college and/or career discovery, planning, and placement process. Important questions the College and Career Center can help you answer: • I don’t know which college I want to attend—where do I start? • I have no idea what I “want to be when I grow up.” Can you help? • How does the College Application Process work? When, where, and how much? • I hear that I have to take the SAT’s or the ACT’s to get into college. How do I sign up? • What classes should I take if I want to go to a University of California or California State University? • I am interested in joining the Armed Forces. With whom should I speak? • What are all the different ways to pay for college? • What is the ASVAB? Will it help me figure out what I should do with my skills? • I want to be a Dental Assistant. How long will I need to go to school? • How much do professional racecar drivers make? • I have an interview with Harvard tomorrow. What should I say? Information Available at the College and Career Center: • Study guides for SAT’s and other admission tests • Computer search programs for all U.S. two- and four-year schools • Scholarship and financial aid information • Career assessment tools • Career training information • College Summer Schools for Juniors • Presentations by College Representatives • College catalogues • Internet access • College applications • ROP information • Job descriptions • Local job opportunities • Resume information Students and parents are welcome to use the many information sources available at the College and Career Center. Students are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Center in ninth grade. The Center is open daily from approximately 7:30 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. (with a few exceptions due to meetings, etc.) Brunch and lunch periods are great times for quick advice. If students need some “one-on-one time”, they should check with Ms. Welsh regarding an appointment before, after, or during school (with teacher’s permission).


CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT IN COLLEGE CLASSES Students may enroll in courses at colleges and universities with administrator approval if comparable classes are not available at College Park High School. Students must turn in a completed Concurrent Enrollment Form to the College Park Registrar with signatures from the student, a parent/guardian, and a College Park administrator no later than the date the college/university allows a student to drop a class without it appearing on the college transcript. Students must indicate on the Concurrent Enrollment Form whether they want to receive high school credits or college units. This decision CANNOT be changed at a later time. College Park High School will accept college units on the following basis: Less than 1 college unit = no high school credit 1 college unit = 3 high school credits 2 college units = 6 high schools credits 3 or more college units = 10 credit WARNING: College courses are more rigorous than high school courses; therefore, the grades earned in college courses could result in a lower high school G.P.A. Consult the college catalog for the course descriptions and prerequisites. Please be aware that the University of California system will not give college units for college courses that appear on a high school transcript. It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to provide a copy of the college report card or college transcript to the College Park High School Registrar. The grade from the college will be the grade recorded on the high school transcript. Missing grades for courses used for high school credit will be recorded as “I” (Incomplete), which is the same as an “F” grade in calculating the grade point average. Additional grade points for Honors will only be given for specific courses which are more advanced than College Park’s most advanced college preparatory courses and which are approved by College Park as Honors courses.

CPHS LIBRARY College Park High School Librarian (ext. 3239) Library Hours: 7:30am – 3:05pm daily http://www.homestead.com/collegeparkhighschool/cphslibrary.html What’s Here: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

A book collection which supports the CPHS curriculum and students’ recreational reading interests, Subscriptions to magazines and newspapers, Subscriptions to electronic databases and ebooks (get passwords from the library), Networked computers with Microsoft Office Suite and Internet access. Save to your own account on the school server or to a disk. Print to the networked black & white printers (.10 per page). Copy machine (.10 per copy), Commonly used textbooks (in-library use only), CPHS yearbooks from the past (in-library use only), and Project boxes with markers, scissors, colored pencils, and other supplies (in-library use only).

How it Works: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

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Use your College Park student I.D. to check out library materials and access your computer account. Most books may be checked out for 2 weeks and renewed if still needed. Reference books may be checked out for overnight use only. For the benefit of all students, overdue fines will be charged to encourage the prompt return of all books. 10 cents/day for regular circulation and 1.00/day for reference books. Unlimited renewals are allowed as long as the book is not overdue. Students with overdue books or fines will not be allowed to check out more books until their account is settled. Computer use follows all the rules set down in this handbook under CPHS COMPUTER USE GUIDELINES ASK THE LIBRARIAN – for any help you might need – finding information, selecting a book, working on the computer, etc. etc. Please be responsible: Return books on time, leave food and drink outside the library, maintain appropriate behavior for all students to be able to read and study together. NO FOOD OR SOFT DRINKS ARE ALLOWED IN THE CPHS LIBRARY.


HONORS UPON GRADUATION College Park High School honors students who have achieved academic excellence by designating on their diplomas and transcripts three types of academic honors upon graduation. The top 1% of students are awarded HIGHEST HONORS, the top 3% of students are awarded HIGH HONORS, and the top 5% of students are awarded HONORS. This is equivalent to the university standard of Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Cum Laude. These academic honors are based on the student’s cumulative high school grade point average at the end of the seventh (7th) semester of high school attendance.

PROGRESS REPORT/REPORT CARD TIMELINES Grade Report 1st Quarter Progress Report 1st Quarter Report Card 2nd Quarter Progress Report 2nd Quarter/1st Semester Report Card 3rd Quarter Progress Report 3rd Quarter Report Card 4th Quarter Progress Report 4th Quarter/2nd Semester Report Card

Sent Home Week Of: October 4 November 2 December 13 February 1 March 6 April 18 May 22 June 20

Progress Reports Progress Reports are sent out for failing and potentially failing students at the mid-point of quarterly grading periods. Progress reports are handed out at school to students, not mailed home. Incomplete Grades If a student receives an “Incomplete” (I) grade because course work is not completed before the end of the semester, THE INCOMPLETE WORK MUST BE COMPLETED DURING THE FOLLOWING SIX (6) WEEKS or the “I” grade will become an “F”. It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to contact the teacher to make up work missed, obtain a “grade change” form from the Registrar, and to take the form to the teacher once the missing work has been completed within the 6 weeks.

SENIOR EXPERIENCE EXCHANGE College Park High School is in its tenth year of the Senior Experience Exchange (SEE) Program. The program enables seniors to actively participate in and contribute to their school community. Students gain self-confidence by accomplishing goals set by themselves, for themselves. Senior Experience Exchange points and final scores are applied to twelfth grade Government and Economics course semester grades. SEE is incorporated as five percent (5%) of the fall semester grade and five percent (5%) of the spring semester grade.



COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE POLICY Regular attendance at school is necessary for academic achievement. All absences negatively impact the educational progress of students. Classroom instruction, discussion, interaction, and activities are critical components of learning and cannot be adequately replaced or duplicated when a student is absent from school. Therefore, discretionary absences and appointments should not be scheduled during school hours. California law mandates compulsory, full-time education for all school-aged children until age eighteen, unless exempted by statutory provision (high school diploma, California High School Proficiency Exam Certification, exclusion, expulsion). The parent/guardian or other person having custody or control of the pupil is responsible, by law, for sending the pupil to school. When a student can anticipate an unavoidable absence, he/she should contact teachers to obtain assignments prior to the absence. Independent Study contracts will not be provided.

EXCUSED ABSENCES Parents and/or guardians have 72 HOURS after the student returns to school to excuse the absence in writing, by phone, or in person. NO EXCEPTIONS. Teachers are required to allow the student to make up tests, homework, classwork (or the equivalent) missed during the period of an excused absence. A reasonable amount of time to make up missed work will be set by the teacher. It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to obtain make up work and to make any necessary arrangements with his/her teachers. Under new California law and Mt Diablo Unified School District board policy, valid reasons for excusing a student absence include: • Illness or injury of the student, or serious illness which necessitates the absence of the student. • Student attendance at a medical, dental, optometry, or chiropractic appointment. • Student attendance at a funeral service of an immediate family member. • A quarantine imposed by a city or county health official. • Student service on a jury. • Up to five (5) days to obtain required immunizations. • Exclusion from school for reasons of public health, lack of immunizations, and/or physical examination. • Court appearance. • Observance of a holiday and/or ceremony of his/her religion. • Employment interview or conference. REGARDLESS OF THE REASON, ABSENCES REPORTED BY A PARENT/GUARDIAN AFTER 72 HOURS OF THE STUDENT RETURNING TO SCHOOL WILL BE CLASSIFIED AS “UNEXCUSED”.

HOMEWORK FOR ABSENT STUDENTS Students who are absent from school are responsible for requesting makeup assignments from teachers. Students who are TRUANT or have UNEXCUSED ABSENCES are not entitled to make up missed assignments. If a student can predict an absence for three ore more days, the parent/guardian should contact the College Park High School attendance office. The office will send out a Homework Request Form to the teachers. The parent and/or guardian should make arrangements with the secretary to pick up the collected assignments. Teachers may set a reasonable time limit for all missed work to be completed and turned in.

PERMITS TO LEAVE CAMPUS COLLEGE PARK HIGH SCHOOL IS A CLOSED CAMPUS!!!!! Regular attendance at school is necessary for academic achievement. All absences negatively impact the educational progress of students. Classroom instruction, discussion, interaction, and activities are critical components of learning 6

and cannot be adequately replaced or duplicated when a student is absent from school. Therefore, discretionary absences and appointments should not be scheduled during school hours.

IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY such as serious illness, injury, death in the family, or an urgent medical appointment, students must obtain a valid Permit to Leave Campus from the Attendance Office. If a student leaves campus without obtaining a valid Permit to Leave Campus in advance, the resulting absence will be classified as UNEXCUSED. Parents/guardians will NOT be able to clear such absences. To Request A Valid Permit to Leave Campus In Advance: 1. Telephone the College Park High School Attendance Office at (925) 682-7670, extension 1 (then follow the prompt). The student may also deliver a written note, signed by a parent/guardian, to the Attendance Secretary. Please note: Messages left on the attendance recorder the same day as the Permit to Leave Campus is requested may not be retrieved prior to the time the student needs to leave school. 2. Provide a SPECIFIC TIME and SPECIFIC REASON for your son/daughter to leave campus. Stating that a student must leave for “personal reasons” does not provide College Park or the district with adequate information. 3. Contact the Attendance Office as far in advance as possible so that a valid Permit to Leave Campus can be completed and delivered to the student before he/she is scheduled to leave school. 4. A student will only be released to a parent or guardian or other adult who is listed on the College Park High School Emergency Form. Any adult who comes on campus to pick up a student may be asked to produce identification. 5. Students who leave campus without a valid Permit to Leave Campus will be classified as TRUANT. In Case Of An Emergency: 1. The student must report to the Attendance Office, and the Attendance Secretary will contact the parent, guardian, or an adult listed on the College Park High School Emergency Form to obtain permission to leave campus. 2. If the Attendance Secretary is unavailable, the student may see any of the College Park High School administrative secretaries. IMPORTANT: IF A STUDENT IS INJURED OR BECOMES ILL AT SCHOOL, COLLEGE PARK STAFF WILL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO CONTACT A PARENT, GUARDIAN, OR ADULT LISTED ON THE EMERGENCY FORM. THEREFORE, WE ASK THAT PARENTS/GUARDIANS LIST ALL WORKING TELEPHONE NUMBERS ON THE COLLEGE PARK HIGH SCHOOL EMERGENCY FORM. THIS INCLUDES ALL HOME, WORK, CELLULAR PHONE, AND PAGER NUMBERS. IN ADDITION, PLEASE NOTE THE HOURS YOU ARE AVAILABLE AT EACH TELEPHONE NUMBER. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY, VOICE MAIL AND PAGER NUMBERS ARE OFTEN INADEQUATE. SHOULD TELEPHONE NUMBERS CHANGE OR BECOME INVALID DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR, PLEASE CONTACT THE ATTENDANCE OFFICE TO UPDATE THIS INFORMATION. Returning To School: 1. As soon as a student returns to school, he/she must deliver the valid Permit to Leave Campus to the Attendance Secretary, or the absence will NOT be cleared.

REPORTING STUDENT ABSENCES: To report a student absence, a parent/guardian must call the College Park High School Attendance Office at (925) 682-7670, extension 1 (then follow the prompt). Please leave the following information on the 24-hour attendance recorder: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Name of the student Student’s grade in school Specific reason(s) for absence Period(s) absent Date(s) absent Name and relation to student of person making the call

NOTE: Students may also deliver written notes from a parent/guardian, containing the information above, to the College Park High School Attendance Office. REGARDLESS OF THE REASON, ABSENCES REPORTED BY A PARENT/GUARDIAN AFTER 72 HOURS OF THE STUDENT RETURNING TO SCHOOL WILL BE CLASSIFIED AS “UNEXCUSED”. 7

Parents and/or guardians may always inquire regarding their student’s school attendance record by telephone or by mail. • By telephone: Parents and/or guardians may telephone the College Park High School Attendance Office Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. • By mail: Parents and/or guardians may submit a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the College Park High School Attendance Secretary, who will mail an attendance record printout.

TRUANT AND UNEXCUSED ABSENCES A student is considered TRUANT when he/she is absent the entire school day, one or more periods within the school day, tardy in excess of thirty (30) minutes to one or more classes, or a combination without a valid excuse (“Excused Absences”). A student absence is classified as UNEXCUSED for the following reasons: • •

The absence is for a reason other than the reasons listed in the section ”Excused Absences”. A parent/guardian did NOT notify the College Park High School Attendance Office of a valid excuse within 72 HOURS of the student’s return to school.

Teachers are NOT required to allow students to make up missed tests, homework, classwork (or the equivalent) missed during the period of a TRUANT/UNEXCUSED absence. In addition, the student may receive a failing grade and a loss of points for all resulting missed work. NOTE: Students who leave campus without obtaining a valid “Permit to Leave” from the College Park High School Attendance Office are classified as having an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE. Such an absence will NOT be cleared retroactively by a parent/guardian. Therefore, a “Permit to Leave” must be requested through the Attendance Office by a parent and/or guardian PRIOR to the student leaving campus.

CPHS TRUANCY POLICY College Park High School participates in a cooperative program with the Mt Diablo Unified School District, the Contra Costa County Probation Department, and the Contra Costa County Juvenile Court. The College Park High School Truancy Policy has four steps: STEP ONE (WARNING): The student is classified as TRUANT after three (3) absences without a valid excuse. The student signs the Official Notice of Truancy, a copy of which is sent to the student’s parent/guardian. STEP TWO (STUDENT ATT. REVIEW TEAM): If TRUANCY continues, the student signs the Official Notice of Truancy again, a copy of which is sent to the parent/guardian. An appointment is scheduled for the parent and student to meet the Student Services Coordinator and a Juvenile Specialist from the Youth Services Bureau. STEP THREE (HEARING): If truancy continues, the student signs the Official Notice of Truancy informing him/her that attendance at a hearing at the Mount Diablo Unified School District School Attendance Review Board (SARB) is MANDATORY. The student must attend the hearing with his/her parent/guardian. A copy of the Official Notice of Truancy is sent to the parent/guardian and failure to attend the SARB hearing will result in the issuance of a subpoena to appear. STEP FOUR (COURT): If TRUANCY continues, the student and parent/guardian must attend a Contra Costa County Juvenile Court hearing. Juvenile Court could order the student to: 1. Perform forty (40) hours of after-school community service, and 2. Pay a fine of $100 (for which the parent/guardian is jointly liable), and 3. Suspend the student’s driver license or his/her eligibility to apply for one NOTICE: STUDENTS WHO ARE WITHIN ONE MONTH OF THEIR SIXTEENTH (16TH) BIRTHDAY OR OLDER MAY BE INVOLUNTARILY TRANSFERRED TO OLYMPIC CONTINUATION HIGH SCHOOL FOR IRREGULAR ATTENDANCE AND/OR HABITUAL TRUANCY. Medical Verification: On average, students accumulate fewer than ten (10) legal absences per year. Students who accumulate an unusually high number of legal absences may be placed on Medical Verification. This requires the parent/guardian to have a medical doctor provide the College Park High School Attendance Office with a note or telephone call verifying the medical reason for each absence. Any absence for which College Park High School does NOT receive medical verification will be classified as TRUANT. 8

MOUNT DIABLO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ATHLETIC AND EXTRA-CURRICULAR ELIGIBILITY RULES HIGH SCHOOL All students of the Mt. Diablo Unified School District participating in athletic and extra-curricular activities shall be subject to the following eligibility rules pursuant to MDUSD Policy 6145(a) Eligibility to Represent the School. Initial Eligibility 1.

Student must achieve a 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale during the previous grading period. Grades, which count for eligibility, are the first quarter grades; first semester grades; third quarter grades; second semester grades.


Students will be currently enrolled in a minimum of 20 units or the equivalent.


Students will have passed a minimum of 20 units or the equivalent in the previous grading period.


Students will demonstrate minimum progress towards graduation. For the purposes of this rule, minimum progress is defined as the successful completion of 50 units by the beginning of 10th grade; successful completion of 105 units by the beginning of the 11th grade; and successful completion of 160 units by the beginning of the 12th grade. Work completed in summer school, adult school, or alternative education programs before the beginning of each academic year shall be counted towards meeting the requirements.


All students entering from the eighth grade must have achieved a grade point average of 2.0 on a scale of 4.0 for initial eligibility.


Students will demonstrate a good citizenship record, both on and off campus, as determined by the principal or principal’s designee.

Probationary Status Students who fail to meet academic requirements for eligibility may seek probationary (waiver) status under the following guidelines: 1. Probation will be granted only one time during a student’s high school attendance. 2. Probation will be for a period of one grading period (approximately nine weeks). 3. Probation will be granted to students only for a failure to achieve a 2.0 grade point average and/or failure to maintain minimum progress towards graduation. Students with less than a 1.5 grade point average will NOT be eligible to apply for probationary (waiver) status. 4. Students must apply in writing to the Principal or the Principal’s designee for probation. 5. Students who fail to comply with the conditions of probation shall immediately lose their eligibility. They will not have another opportunity for probationary (waiver) status. 6. Students who violate the MDUSD’s rule on drug/alcohol/tobacco abuse shall lose eligibility for a period of forty-five (45) school days (exclusive of Summer School) for the first offense and one hundred and eighty (180) school days for the second and subsequent offenses. First time offenders must successfully complete a drug/alcohol/tobacco workshop prior to regaining eligibility. Failure to do so will result in continued ineligibility. 7. Students are cautioned to use the probation opportunity wisely. Using the probationary waiver during the ninth and tenth grade years may preclude them from participation in the eleventh and twelfth grade years.



ANIMAL AND PET POLICY Under no circumstances are students to bring any animal and/or pet to school without written permission from his/her teachers and Vice Principal. Animals may present a health and safety hazard to students and school staff. In addition, a crowded school campus may cause extreme anxiety to the animal/pet. College Park High School accepts no responsibility and/or liability for any animal brought on campus.

BICYCLES Students may park their bicycles in the designated available spaces. Bikes should be locked with a strong lock when unattended. Students park their bikes on campus at their own risk and College Park High School assumes no liability for damage to or loss of student bicycles. BICYCLES MUST BE WALKED THROUGH CAMPUS AT ALL TIMES. In case of theft, please contact the Pleasant Hill Police Department at (925) 288-4600.

CPHS COMPUTER USE GUIDELINES In order to ensure that the College Park High School Macintosh/P.C. Labs, laptops, and classroom computers are maintained in optimal working order for all students, each student is required to observe the following guidelines while using lab facilities and/or classroom computers: •

All students wishing to use College Park High School computers must submit a signed copy of the CPHS Internet Access Acceptable Use Policy. • Students are not permitted in the computer labs unless a supervising teacher is present. • NO FOOD OR DRINK IS PERMITTED IN THE COMPUTER LABS AT ANY TIME. • Students must use only the computer station assigned by the supervising teacher in the lab. • Students must leave their work area clean at the end of the period. • Installation of unauthorized software on the hard drive is prohibited. • Unauthorized modification(s) of the system software is prohibited. • Copying any software, other than personal data files, from the hard drive is prohibited. • Students shall not attempt to acquire another person’s account password(s), nor share improperly obtained passwords with any other person. • Students shall not access/alter files of another person without expressed permission of that person or the instructor. • Handle all computer hardware (e.g., keyboard, mouse, disk drive, display) with care. ABUSE OR MISUSE OF COMPUTER LAB EQUIPMENT WILL NOT BE TOLERATRED. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THE RULES STATED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN ANY COMBINATION OF THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) CONSEQUENCES: 1. Revocation of all College Park High School computer use privileges 2. School suspension 3. Payment of financial restitution

CPHS DANCE POLICY College Park High School dances are intended for students of the school. They are not intended to serve as community dances. Therefore, only CURRENTLY ENROLLED College Park High School students may attend College Park dances. Requirements for College Park High School Junior Prom and Senior Ball Senior Ball and Junior Prom are open to outside guests of a College Park High School student, as they are not traditionally held on the College Park campus. However, College Park High School reserves the right to exclude outside guests from school functions at any time. Students who do not attend College Park may attend Senior Ball and Junior Prom only if the following conditions are satisfied: 1. One guest per College Park High School student. 2. The guest must be 20 years of age or younger. 3. The College Park student must submit a completed permission form, with all required signatures, and secure administrative approval. 4. If the outside guest is a high school student, he/she must be in good standing with their school of attendance. Their school administrator’s signature on the College Park permission slip must acknowledge this fact. 10

5. If the guest is not a CPHS student, then a Non-CPHS Permission Form must be completed with a government photocopy ID attached prior to the event and submitted to their appropriate VP for approval. Requirements for College Park High School Students to Attend School Dances 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

Only currently enrolled College Park High School students may attend (exceptions noted above). A completed College Park dance permission form, including the requisite parent/guardian signature and telephone numbers, must be turned in to the College Park Treasurer prior to each dance. Each student who attends a College Park dance must also provide the names and telephone numbers of at least two (2) responsible adults, twenty-four (24) years of age or older, on the College Park dance permission form. Admission must be paid prior to the event. Students are required to be in attendance for the duration of the event. NO late arrivals, early departures, or “inand-outs” are permitted. Students are expected to follow all school regulations while attending College Park-sponsored events/functions. Unlawful possession or use of any controlled substance will result in a five (5) day suspension from school, mandatory attendance at a drug/alcohol/tobacco abuse workshop, and suspension from all College Park High School extra-curricular activities for up to ninety (90) days, and not less than forty-five (45) days. No backpacks, large purses, duffel bags, etc. are allowed inside the dance. Any person attending a College Park High School dance is subject to search at any time. If a student violates any school regulation while attending a College Park dance, he/she may be confined to a designated location and released to the parent/guardian listed on the dance permission form, depending on the severity of the violation.


• • • • • • • • • • • •

NO clothing/apparel/jewelry/accessories that display references to, advertisements for, promotions for, or endorsements of the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or weapons. NO clothing/apparel/jewelry/accessories that display writing, pictures, symbols or any other insignia that are crude, vulgar, profane, obscene, libelous, slanderous, sexually suggestive, or promote unlawful acts. NO clothing/apparel/jewelry/accessories that degrade any cultural, religious or ethnic values, or that advocate racial, ethnic, or religious prejudice or discrimination. NO gang-related clothing, apparel and/or accessories. Footwear that covers the soles of the feet must be worn at all times (e.g., shoes, sandals). NO accessories and/or jewelry that may be used as a weapon (e.g., pocket/wallet chains, spiked bracelets/wristbands/epaulets, sharp medallions, etc.). NO tube tops, strapless tops/dresses, backless tops/dresses, bra-like tops, or transparent outerwear. Clothing must be worn in a manner in which underwear remains completely covered at all times. NO thin cotton tank tops, traditionally sold and worn as underwear. Shorts/skirts/dresses may NOT be shorter than mid-thigh in length. The end of the fingertips, with the arm fully extended, is the standard for measurement. Slits in shorts/skirts/dresses/pants may rise NO higher than mid-thigh. The end of the fingertips, with the arm fully extended, is the standard for measurement. No more than one (1) inch of the midriff may be exposed. Tops/blouses/shirts/dresses may not have plunging necklines, challenging appropriate coverage.

CONSEQUENCES FOR DRESS CODE VIOLATION(S) A policy of progressive discipline will be followed with regard to enforcement of the College Park High School Dress Code. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE SENT HOME TO CHANGE CLOTHES. Consequences for Dress Code violation(s) include: • Parent/guardian contacted • Change into P.E. clothes • Turn apparel inside out • Remove offensive apparel, when possible • Confiscation of offensive apparel/accessories and returned to parent or guardian • Change into clean clothing provided by College Park High School. In this case, clothes must be laundered before being returned to College Park High School. Failure to return College Park-issued clothing within three (3) school days will result in a fine. Repeated violation of the CPHS Dress Code will be considered defiance of valid authority and may result in suspension from College Park High School. 11

Legal Reference: Education Code 35185; 48907 Title 5, Section 302 Penal Code 186.22; 13826-13836.7 (cf. 5333)


Cell phones and pagers are to be turned off and out of sight during the entire school day. Cell phone use is permitted before and after school only. Personal electronic devices (including but not limited to head sets) are not to be used during the instructional period either in class or on campus. Violation of this will result in confiscation, whereby the parent will need to come in person to retrieve the device. At no time are portable stereos (boom boxes) or video cameras permitted on campus. Students are advised not to bring any electronic devices to school because they are frequent targets of theft. Mt Diablo Unified School District and College Park High School are not responsible for the theft / loss of personal electronic devices at school or at school-sponsored events.


FINES, FEES, AND STUDENT CHARGES Students who owe money to the school for lost or damaged books, unpaid fees, overdue library materials, athletic uniforms, or other school property will NOT receive grade transcripts, admission to major school events (such as dances), or diplomas until the charges are paid in full through the College Park Treasurer’s office. Parents and/or students who submit personal checks which are later returned due to insufficient funds (“NSF”) will be charged an additional processing fee of $15.00, with the requirement that all future financial transactions with College Park High School be on a cash, money order, or Visa/Mastercard basis only. Beginning every May 1st, all bills must be cleared either by paying cash, money order. Or Visa/Mastercard; no checks will be accepted. Upon Payment, a receipt will be issued immediately.

HALL PASSES In general, students are not allowed outside of class during regular class times unless they have a hall pass from their teacher. Regulations regarding hall passes are: 1. Hall passes must clearly state the date and the time the student leaves class. 2. Students may NOT leave class for any reason (family or medical emergencies excepted) during the first fifteen (15) minutes of class. 3. Teachers will carefully review each student’s request for a hall pass and limit issuance of a pass to emergency and/or urgent situations only. 4. Teachers will maintain and enforce an active “No Pass” list for students who abuse hall pass privileges. Students on this list will not receive passes to leave the classroom during class time for the remainder of the school year. 5. A student who is out of class without a valid hall pass will be escorted back to his/her class by an administrator or campus supervisor. Repeated violations of the hall pass policy will result in further administrative disciplinary action. 6. Teaching Assistants (T. A.’s) must wear designated T. A. identification necklaces at all times when out of class. Failure to observe this policy may result in loss of T. A. position and placement in another class. 7. The school staff will encourage students to plan their time effectively and to take care of personal business between classes, not during class time.


HONESTY POLICY The College Park High School staff believes that students should act in an honest and responsible manner toward other students, teachers, staff and school administrators. Violations of the College Park Honesty Policy include, but are not limited to, the following examples: • Copying the homework assignments/projects of another student. • Providing class assignments to another student for the purpose of copying. • Providing any previously-scored assessments and/or assignments to another student without specific teacher approval. • Asking or informing students from another period the content of test/quizzes/assessments. • Representing as your own work, in whole or part, work completed by other student(s). • Failure to take reasonable measures to protect your test/quiz/assignment/project for use by another student. • Changing a teacher’s grade on an assignment/test/quiz/project and claiming that the teacher made an error. • Falsely accusing a teacher of losing an assignment or making a grading error. • Using electronic devices to cheat by prerecording unauthorized formulas, answers or processes. • Communicating unauthorized information during a test/assessment to another student by electronic, written, or other means. • Using unauthorized “cheat sheets” during a test/quiz/assessment. • Falsifying a parent excuse for absence in order to “make up” missed work as a result of that absence. • Falsifying data for assignment/project/class activity and representing false data as accurate and true. • Plagiarism* (see below) *To PLAGIARIZE, according to The American Heritage Dictionary of the American Language, is to “…steal and use the (ideas of writing of another) as one’s own; to appropriate passages of ideas from (another) and use them as one’s own; to take and use as one’s own the writings or ideas of another.” It is essential that students understand the definition of plagiarism and give due credit through citations, footnotes, and/or bibliographies for ideas, passages, and quotations taken from outside sources. For example, students must know that downloading information from online sources, copying from written sources, or transcribing from oral sources without providing appropriate citation is plagiarism. In addition, failure to paraphrase and/or summarize ideas taken from outside sources, or simply changing several non-essential words and appropriating the idea as one’s own, is plagiarism.

CONSEQUENCES FOR VIOLATION OF THE CPHS HONESTY POLICY Consequences for violations of the CPHS Honesty Policy are applicable for the entire academic year. First Violation • Failure of assignment/test/quiz/project/activity • Documented parent/guardian contact by teacher regarding the violation • CPHS Honesty Policy Contract reviewed and signed by student Second Violation • Failure of the Quarter in which the second violation occurs • Referral to administrator • Parent/Guardian/Teacher/Administrator/Student Conference Third Violation • Failure of the Semester in which the third violation occurs • Parent/Guardian/Student/Teacher/Administrator Conference*

MORE SERIOUS VIOLATIONS AND CONSEQUENCES Violation • Tampering with or destroying teacher’s records. • Stealing, or taking without explicit teacher permission, answer keys, teacher’s editions, or any curriculum materials from a teacher. Consequence • Failure of the Quarter in which the violation occurs • Referral to administrator • Parent/Guardian/Student/Teacher/Administrator Conference 13

LOCKERS ALL STUDENT LOCKERS ARE UNDER JOINT CONTROL OF COLLEGE PARK HIGH SCHOOL AND THE MT. DIABLO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. CONSEQUENTLY, STUDENT LOCKERS ARE PUBLIC PROPERTY AND SUBJECT TO PERIODIC AND/OR EMERGENCY INSPECTION AT ANY TIME, IN OR OUT OF THE PRESENCE OF THE STUDENT TO WHICH IT IS ASSIGNED. College Park High School and the Mt. Diablo Unified School District assume no responsibility for valuable personal items and/or money stored or left in student lockers. Valuables should be left at home, as they can become a target for theft. Students may NOT store any materials in his/her locker which are a violation of Mt. Diablo Unified School District, College Park High School, California, and/or federal law or regulations. STUDENTS ARE ISSUED A LOCKER AND A COMBINATION LOCK BY COLLEGE PARK HIGH SCHOOL. Students may NOT use their own lock and/or a locker not assigned to them. The school will cut off private locks, and students will NOT be reimbursed. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF LOCKER PRIVILEGES. Students will be charged for lost school-issued locks. Students provide their own locks for P. E. lockers only.

PARKING LOT STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE SCHOOL PARKING LOTS DURING SCHOOL HOURS WITHOUT A WRITTEN PASS FROM AN ADMINISTRATOR. STUDENTS ARE NOT TO LEAVE ITEMS NEEDED DURING THE SCHOOL DAY IN THEIR CARS. SCHOOL LOCKERS ARE AVAILABLE FOR STORAGE. UNAUTHORIZED STUDENTS IN THE PARKING LOT DURING SCHOOL HOURS MAY LOSE THEIR PARKING PRIVILEGES AT COLLEGE PARK. The student parking lot is located adjacent to the school on Viking Drive. Before a student has permission to park in the student parking lot, completion of a parking registration application and payment must be made of a $20.00 annual parking fee (two semesters). Parking applications are available in Student Services South. Once the application is completed and the parking fee paid, students will receive a College Park parking permit to be affixed to the inside of the lower right hand front windshield. Student vehicles parked on school property WITHOUT a student parking permit will be cited by the Pleasant Hill Police Department. Students are reminded that simply purchasing a parking permit is not sufficient to avoid a parking citation. STUDENT PARKING PERMITS MUST BE PROPERLY DISPLAYED AT ALL TIMES WHILE THE VEHICLE IS PARKED ON COLLEGE PARK HIGH SCHOOL PROPERTY. In addition, student parking permits may NOT be transferred or shared between or among students. College Park High School has a limited number of parking spaces available to students and must prevent the use of these spaces by non-students. The following regulations apply to all students who park vehicles on College Park property: 1. Students must park only in the designated student parking lot. Students may not park in faculty lots, visitor parking spaces, disabled spaces (without a DMV-issued placard), bus zones, red zones, or anywhere else on campus at any time. Prohibited areas include the back of the school, near the tennis courts and softball field. Failure to observe this regulation may result in citation and towing. 2. The parking lot speed limit is 5 m.p.h. All directional arrows must be observed and vehicles must be parked “front first” in the parking space. Vehicles may not be double parked or park in emergency entrances, fire lanes, or student pedestrian walkways. 3. Student vehicles may be cited for mechanical and license violations as well as for parking violations. 4. Any student parked in the student parking lot who needs to leave campus must obtain a valid “Permit to Leave Campus” through the Attendance Office. 5. Parking lot privileges may be SUSPENDED and/or REVOKED for: • Reckless, exhibitionist, or unsafe driving • Parking violations • Failure to observe the directions of Parking Lot Supervisors • Continued and repetitive abuse of priveleges The student accepts all liability for loss or damage to vehicles while parked or driving on College Park High School property. Any casualty, loss or damage should be reported immediately to the student’s insurance company and the Pleasant Hill Police Department at (925) 288-4600.


SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY Education Code 212.5 “Sexual harassment” means unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, made by someone from or in the work or educational setting, under any of the following conditions: (a) (b) (c) (d)

Submission to the conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or a condition of an individual’s employment, academic status, or progress. Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis of employment or academic decisions affecting the individual. The conduct has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact upon the individual’s work or academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or educational environment. Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis for any decision affecting the individual regarding benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities available at or through the educational institution. (Amend. Stats. 1998, Ch.914)

Examples of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to: • Unwelcome leering, sexual flirtations, or propositions. • Unwelcome sexual slurs, epithets, threats, verbal abuse, derogatory comments, or sexually degrading descriptions. • Graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body, or overly personal conversation. • Sexual jokes, stories, drawings, pictures, or gestures. • Spreading sexual rumors. • Teasing or sexual remarks about students enrolled in a predominately single-sex class. • Touching a student’s body or clothes in a sexual way. • Purposefully limiting a student’s access to educational tools. • Cornering or blocking normal movements. • Displaying sexually suggestive objects in the educational environment. Sexual harassment by any student is forbidden and will result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Complaint Process Any student who believes he or she has been subject to sexual harassment prohibited by Board Policy 5145.7 should immediately report incidents to the principal or other school administrator. Any student who feels that he or she is being harassed may file a written complaint in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Uniform Complaint Procedures described in Board of Education Policy 1312.1. Each complaint shall be promptly investigated.

SKATEBOARDS, ROLLERBLADES, ETC. SKATEBOARDS, ROLLERBLADES, AND SKATEBOARDS WITH HANDLES (i.e. “Razors”) ARE NOT TO BE RIDDEN ON CAMPUS AT ANY TIME. STUDENTS MUST NOT BE IN POSSESSION OF A SKATEBOARD DURING SCHOOL HOURS. SKATEBOARDS MUST BE STORED. Use of these items seriously damages school facilities and presents a danger to pedestrians on campus. Failure to observe this regulation will result in confiscation of the item until a parent/guardian comes to retrieve it from an administrator. Repeated violations will result in further disciplinary action.

VISITOR PASSES As a matter of security, College Park High School requires all campus visitors to sign in at the Main Office and obtain a Mt. Diablo Unified School District Visitor’s Pass. School staff members are directed to question any visitor they do not recognize. School-aged visitors are generally refused permission to visit campus during school hours and students are generally not allowed to bring “guests” to school during regular school hours. Parents/guardians of College Park students are welcome on campus as visitors and should follow the aforementioned check-in procedure when visiting College Park.



The College Park High School discipline policy is based on the philosophy that no student will be allowed to engage in behavior that is not in his/her best interest and/or the best interest of other students or members of the school staff. Our primary responsibility is the education, safety, and general welfare of all College Park students. Teachers establish supplemental class policies, suitable to grade level and subject taught, which support a positive learning environment in classroom. Referral to the vice principal is used as a last resort after teachers have employed a progressive discipline policy and have exhausted all other appropriate preventative and corrective measures. Each disciplinary case will be handled as rapidly, firmly, and fairly as possible. In most instances, the student’s parent/guardian will be notified by a teacher and/or administrator regarding the particular disciplinary issue.

FOUR STEP CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE POLICY The Four Step Classroom Discipline Policy is applied when student behavior disrupts the learning environment. Disruptive and defiant student behavior is defined as “any behavior which actively disrupts the learning environment for other students and/or challenges, refuses to obey, or respect the directive, authority or position of the classroom teacher.” Note: In the case of serious classroom disruption or defiance of authority, the teacher may proceed directly to Step Three and submit a disciplinary referral to an administrator. Step One Step Two Step Three

Step Four

Teacher warns and counsels student regarding inappropriate behavior. Teacher contacts parent/guardian and makes record of contact. Teacher submits a disciplinary referral to an administrator AND/OR teacher suspends student from the remainder of the current class, with the option of continuing the suspension through the next class period. In the case of a class suspension initiated by a teacher, the teacher completes the class suspension form, notifies parent/guardian, and submits the completed class suspension form to the appropriate Vice Principal. Teacher submits a disciplinary referral to the appropriate Vice Principal for administrative disciplinary action, which may include student suspension from school.

CLASSROOM SUSPENSION Classroom suspension is the temporary removal of a student from his/her regular classroom by a teacher or administrator. In the case of a teacher suspension from class, the student will remain on campus and report to the designated Vice Principal’s office during the period from which he/she is suspended. Teacher suspensions may be for the remainder of the class period OR the remainder of the class period AND the following class period. The suspending teacher will contact the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s).

SCHOOL SUSPENSION School suspension is the removal of a student from school from one (1) to five (5) days by an administrator. While on suspension, the student may not participate in any school activity or be on any MDUSD school campus. If suspension encompasses the weekend, the student will be excluded from all school activities during the weekend. Students will be suspended when • Other means of correction have failed, and/or • The student’s continued presence on campus is considered by the administration to be dangerous or disruptive to others, or • For specific serious offenses and those listed under Education Code 48900, 48900.2, 48900.3, 48900.4, 48900.7, 48911, and 48915. Except in the case of an emergency situation, the school administrator will attempt to contact the parent/guardian prior to a school suspension. Parents/guardians will be encouraged to attend an administrative conference regarding the matter. Students suspended from school may NOT return to College Park High School or any other Mt. Diablo Unified 16

School District campus during the suspension. Supervision of the student on suspension is the sole responsibility of the student’s parent/legal guardian. Students are not allowed to participate in or attend any school activities, including practices and/or rehearsals, for the duration of the suspension.

EXPULSION Expulsion is the removal from enrollment in all district schools as ordered by the Mt. Diablo Unified School District Board of Education. The MDUSD Board of Education may order expulsion when other means of correcting student behavior have failed or if the continued presence of the student on the school campus is considered to be dangerous to the physical safety of others. Students may not be on any campus in the school district or attend any school-sponsored activities once they are expelled by the Board of Education. Zero Tolerance Policy • It is the policy of the Mt. Diablo Unified School District that any school-related possession, use, sale, furnishing, or receiving of any weapon, including but not limited to a firearm, knife, explosive or any other injurious object not necessary for the academic purposes of the student and capable of inflicting substantial bodily injury—shall not be tolerated. • Law enforcement shall be notified regarding student violations of this policy. In addition, students who violate this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the Mount Diablo Unified School District. Law Enforcement Involvement The primary responsibility of College Park High School is the education and safety of all students. Therefore, school officials reserve the right to contact and involve law enforcement officials/agencies in school matters when such intervention is deemed necessary and/or appropriate. College Park High School’s Resource Officer is Officer Scott Senst. His telephone number is 682-7670 ext. 3208.


College Park High School DISCIPLINE PLAN 2007-2008 Under certain circumstances or based on an individual’s discipline record, the maximum consequence could be imposed on a first violation. Continued violations of this discipline plan could result in a transfer to another placement. Students are held accountable for acts that occur at any time including while on school grounds, going to or from school, lunch period, or any school sponsored activity. Definitions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

“Controlled substance” means any drug or alcoholic substance listed in the Health and Safety Code. “Day” means calendar days except for suspensions. Days for suspensions are weekdays that students would normally be expected to attend if they had not received a suspension. “Expulsion” means removal from school of attendance and placement in an alternative setting, possibly outside of MDUSD. The severity of the violation determines the duration of the expulsion. “Harassment” means to torment, annoy, or intimidate another person that causes physical or mental anxiety or creates a hostile environment. “Imitation firearm” means a replica of a firearm that is so substantially similar in physical properties to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to conclude the replica is a firearm. Education Code 48900 (m). “Knife” means a dirk, dagger, or other weapon with a fixed, sharpened blade fitted primarily for stabbing, a folding blade that locks into place, a razor with an unguarded blade or a weapon with a blade longer than 3.5 inches. Education Code 48915 (g) “Serious physical injury” means serious impairment of physical condition including loss of consciousness, bone fracture, loss or impairment of any body part, a wound requiring stitches, or serious disfigurement. Penal Code 243(5). “Suspension” means temporary removal from school for a maximum of 5 days per incident/20 days per school year except in cases of expulsion or special education students.





Possessed, sold or furnished a firearm. Brandished a knife at another person. Unlawfully sold or attempted to sell a controlled substance. Committed or attempted to commit sexual assault or battery

5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Mandatory Recommendation for Expulsion Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Referral to Anger or Drug Workshop 45 school day loss of extra-curricular activities

5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Mandatory Recommendation for Expulsion Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Referral to Anger or Drug Workshop 180 school day loss of extra-curricular activities

See 2 Consequence

Caused serious physical injury to another person, Possessed any knife, explosive, or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the pupil. Committed robbery or extortion. Committed assault or battery on a school employee.

5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Referral to Anger or Drug Workshop 45 school day loss of extra-curricular activities

5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Mandatory Recommendation for Expulsion Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Referral to Anger or Drug Workshop 180 school day loss of extra-curricular activities

See 2 Consequence

Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person.

3-5 day suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Referral to Anger Management Workshop Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Possible Principal’s Conference

5 day suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Referral to Anger Management Workshop

See 2 Consequence

Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self-defense

3-5 day suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Referral to Anger Management Workshop Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Possible Principal’s Conference

5 day suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Referral to Anger Management Workshop

See 2 Consequence





College Park High School DISCIPLINE PLAN 2007-2008 Under certain circumstances or based on an individual’s discipline record, the maximum consequence could be imposed on a first violation. Continued violations of this discipline plan could result in a transfer to another placement. Students are held accountable for acts that occur at any time including while on school grounds, going to or from school, lunch period, or any school sponsored activity. VIOLATION




Possessed/sold/furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the pupil.

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact; Possible Police Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact; Possible Police Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

See 2 Consequence

Possessed/used/sold/furnished/ or been under the influence of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind.

5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Referral to Drug/Alcohol Workshop Possible Principal’s Conference 45 school day loss of extra-curricular activities Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

See 2 Consequence

Offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell a controlled substance/alcoholic beverage/intoxicant/ look-alike controlled substances (drugs, alcohol, intoxicants of any kind).

5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Referral to Drug/Alcohol Workshop Possible Principal’s Conference 45 school day loss of extra-curricular activities Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion.

3-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Restitution

5 Day Suspension Parent Contact/ Police Contact Referral to Drug/Alcohol Workshop Principal’s Conference Possible recommendation for Expulsion 180 school day loss of extra-curricular activities Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract 5 Day Suspension Parent Contact/ Police Contact Referral to Drug/Alcohol Workshop Principal’s Conference Possible recommendation for Expulsion 180 school day loss of extra-curricular activities Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract 5 Day suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Restitution

Caused or attempted to cause damage or vandalism to school or private property.

1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Restitution

Stole/Attempted to steal school/private property

1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Restitution

1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Restitution 1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Restitution



See 2 Consequence

5 Day suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Restitution 1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Restitution 1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Restitution


College Park High School DISCIPLINE PLAN 2007-2008 Under certain circumstances or based on an individual’s discipline record, the maximum consequence could be imposed on a first violation. Continued violations of this discipline plan could result in a transfer to another placement. Students are held accountable for acts that occur at any time including while on school grounds, going to or from school, lunch period, or any school sponsored activity.


Possessed/used tobacco/other nicotine product. Committed obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity/vulgarity.

Possessed, sold or negotiated to sell drug paraphernalia.




Referral to Tobacco Workshop Parent Contact Saturday School

1 day suspension Parent Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract 1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Possible Police Contact Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract 5 Day Suspension Parent Contact/ Police Contact Referral to Drug/Alcohol Workshop Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion 180 school days loss of extra-curricular activities

3-5 day suspension Parent Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract 5 Day suspension Parent Contact Possible Police Contact Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract nd See 2 Consequence

Saturday School or 1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Possible Police Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract 5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Referral to Drug/Alcohol Workshop Principal’s Conference 45 school days loss of extra-curricular activities

Disrupted school activities/defied valid authority.

Saturday School or 1-5 Day suspension Parent contact Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Possible Principal’s Conference

1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Possible Principal’s Conference

1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Possible Principal’s Conference

Knowingly received stolen school property or private property.

1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Restitution

1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Restitution

Possessed an imitation firearm

1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Restitution 1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract


College Park High School DISCIPLINE PLAN 2007-2008 Under certain circumstances or based on an individual’s discipline record, the maximum consequence could be imposed on a first violation. Continued violations of this discipline plan could result in a transfer to another placement. Students are held accountable for acts that occur at any time including while on school grounds, going to or from school, lunch period, or any school sponsored activity.





Committed or attempted to commit sexual assault or battery

5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

5 Day Suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Principal’s Conference Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

See 2 Consequence

Harassed, threatened, intimidated or retaliated against a student witness in a discipline case

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact; Possible Police Contact Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Referral to Anger Management Workshop Possible Principal’s Conference

Engaged in or attempted to engage in hazing

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Referral to Anger Management Workshop Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion 1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact; Police Contact Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Referral to Anger Management Workshop Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion 1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

Aided or abetted in the physical injury of another person

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Referral to Anger Management Workshop

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Referral to Anger Management Workshop

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Referral to Anger Management Workshop

Committed sexual harassment

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Principal’s conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Principal’s conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

Caused/attempted to cause/threatened to cause or participated in an act of hate violence.

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Police Contact Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract


College Park High School DISCIPLINE PLAN 2007-2008 Under certain circumstances or based on an individual’s discipline record, the maximum consequence could be imposed on a first violation. Continued violations of this discipline plan could result in a transfer to another placement. Students are held accountable for acts that occur at any time including while on school grounds, going to or from school, lunch period, or any school sponsored activity.

VIOLATION Engaged in harassment/threat/intimidation against students or employees which disrupted classwork, creates substantial disorder, invaded rights of students or employees by creating an intimidating or hostile environment.




1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract 1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Failure of assignment/test in the class where offense occurred. Parent contact

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract 1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Failure of quarter in the class where offense occurred. Parent contact Conference with administrator/parent

1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract 1-5 day suspension Parent Contact Police Contact Principal’s Conference Possible Recommendation for Expulsion Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Failure of semester in the class where offense occurred. Parent contact Principal’s conference

Tampering with teacher attendance sheets, grade books, or other instructional materials, stealing test or answer key.

1-5 Day Suspension Failure of Quarter in class where offense occurred. Parent Contact; Poss. Police Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Possible removal from class where offense occurred. Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

1-5 Day Suspension Failure of Quarter in class where offense occurred. Parent Contact; Poss. Police Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Possible removal from class where offense occurred. Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

1-5 Day Suspension Failure of Quarter in class where offense occurred. Parent Contact; Poss. Police Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Possible removal from class where offense occurred. Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

Forgery or alteration of school documents including admit slips, hall passes, notes from parents, phone calls to clear absences.

Saturday School Parent contact Essay on forgery

1-3 day suspension Parent contact Essay on forgery Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

1-5 day suspension Parent contact Essay on forgery Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Possible Principal’s Conference

Leaving campus during school day without permission.

Referral to SARB Saturday School Parent Contact

Referral to SARB Saturday School Parent Contact

Referral to SARB Saturday School Parent Contact

Making Terrorist threats against school officials or school property.

Cheating (e.g. giving or receiving answers, plagiarism, nonauthorized possession of teacher materials, answer key).


College Park High School DISCIPLINE PLAN 2007-2008 Under certain circumstances or based on an individual’s discipline record, the maximum consequence could be imposed on a first violation. Continued violations of this discipline plan could result in a transfer to another placement. Students are held accountable for acts that occur at any time including while on school grounds, going to or from school, lunch period, or any school sponsored activity. VIOLATION




Use of cellular phone or beeper anytime on campus during the school day.

See Board Policy

See Board Policy

See Board Policy

Use of IPOD or CD player or other electronic device during instruction.

Confiscation of item for the remainder of the day.

Confiscation of item – to be picked up by a parent Parent contact

Confiscation of item – to be picked up by a parent. Parent contact 1 day suspension

Skateboard, scooters, roller blades, or bicycle on campus during the school day.

Confiscation of item for the remainder of the day.

Confiscation of item – to be picked up by a parent Parent contact

Confiscation of item – to be picked up by a parent. Parent contact 1 day suspension

Throwing objects (food, water, water balloons, rocks, or other material).

Counseling, Saturday School, or 1-5 day suspension. Parent Contact

1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract

1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract Possible Principal’s Conference

Littering the campus.

Counseling and/or Saturday School Parent Contact

1 day suspension Parent Contact

1-5 Day Suspension Parent Contact Possible Principal’s Conference Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Contract


1-3 Day Suspension Possible Police Contact Parent Contact

3 Day Suspension Police Contact Parent Contact Possible Principal’s Conference

3-5 Day Suspension Police Contact Parent Contact Principal’s Conference

Dress Code Violation

See Dress Code Policy in Student Handbook

See Dress Code Policy in Student Handbook

See Dress Code Policy in Student Handbook

Unauthorized use of the Internet including inappropriate material. Abuse of “Student Acceptable Use Agreement”.

Loss of privileges

Loss of privileges Saturday School or 1-3 day Suspension

Loss of privileges 1-5 day suspension Possible Principal’s Conference


STUDENT/COMMUNITY RESOURCES Crisis/Emergency/Support Services 24-Hour Hot Lines General Emergency (Paramedic/Fire/Police) AIDS (Information and Counseling) National HIV and AIDS Information Hotline California HIV/AIDS Hotline Alateen (Support for teens coping with an alcoholic relative) Alcoholics Anonymous (Support for teen alcoholics) Battered Women’s Alternative (Emergency intervention/counseling for abused teens and adult women) Children’s Protective Services (Emergency intervention for youth who are being physically, sexually, or emotionally abused by parents) Contra Costa Crisis Center (Emergency shelter) Crisis/Suicide Intervention Grief Counseling Narcotics Anonymous (Support for recovering drug addicts) National Runaway Hot Line (Information/Support) Northern Calif. Family Center (Runaway and Homeless Youth Hotline) Psychiatric Emergency and Assessment Poison Control Center (Emergency Service/Information on drugs and dangerous substances) Rape Crisis Teen to Teen Community Agencies AIDS Testing/Treatment Contra Costa HIV/AIDS Health Services Kaiser Hospitals Martinez Health Education Walnut Creek-Recording Alcohol/Drug Problems Alanon/Alateen/Alocoholics Anonymous Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council of Contra Costa County California Dept of Alcohol/Drug Programs Resource Center Contra Costa County Substance Abuse Services Kaiser Hospitals Walnut Creek Martinez New Connections Contra Costa Children’s Council Emergency Food, Clothing, Shelter Contra Costa Emergency Shelter Contra Costa Food Bank Hillcrest Community Church (404 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill) Shelter, Inc. (1875 Arnold Drive, Martinez) Employment California Employment Development Center Neighborhood Youth Corps (CCC Youth Development Services) Diablo Valley College Job Replacement Service Family Planning/Pregnancy Counseling/STD Clinic Contra Costa County Health Services Grief Counseling Mental Health Contra Costa County Mental Health Services (Youth Services) Mental Health Association of Contra Costa County Parent Connection (Center for Human Development) Psychiatric Emergency and Assessment Contra Costa Regional Medical Center (Merrithew) Teen Health Clinics Teen Age Program (TAP) Kaiser Hospital Martinez Walnut Creek

Call 911 1-800-342-2437 1-800-367-2437 932-6770 939-4155 1-888-215-5555

646-1680 1-800-808-6444 1-800-833-2900 1-800-837-1818 685-HELP 1-800-621-4000 1-800-718-4357 646-2800 1-800-876-4766 798-7273 945-TEEN

313-6770 372-1198 295-5344 932-6770/939-4115 932-8100 1-800-879-2772 1-800-846-1652 295-4145 688-8910 676-1601 676-KIDS 1-800-808-6444 676-7543 689-8260 335-0698 602-1521 942-3300 685-1230 Ext. 370 646-5275 1-800-837-1818 646-5468 603-1212 687-8844 646-2800 646-5450 372-1999 295-4200


Dear Student,

The district has procedures that are meant to give guidance to anyone, including students, who wish to file a complaint of unlawful discrimination. If you have a complaint of unlawful discrimination, please try to resolve the complaint with the school principal or program manager. If you are unable to resolve your complaint with the school principal or program manager, please submit your complaint in writing to the appropriate district compliance officer: Elementary Education Mr. Roger Bylund, Assistant Superintendent 1936 Carlotta Drive Concord, CA 94519 Phone: (925) 682-8000 ext. 4016 Fax: (925) 689-1466 Email: [email protected]

Secondary Education Dr. Alan Young, Associate Superintendent 1936 Carlotta Drive Concord, CA 94519 Phone (925) 682-8000 ext 4013 Fax: (925) 691-1649 Email: [email protected]

The compliance officer will give you a copy of District Board Policy 1312.3 and District Administrative Rules 1312.3. These documents will explain the complaint procedures in greater detail, including a description of your option to use mediation to resolve your complaint. You may file a complaint of unlawful discrimination if you feel that you or someone else has suffered unlawful discrimination. You must initiate your discrimination complaint no later than six months from the date that the alleged discrimination occurred, or from the date that you first learned of the facts of the alleged discrimination. Within five working days of receiving any compliant, the compliance officer may hold a meeting to investigate your complaint. The compliance officer will invite you to the meeting. You may bring a representative to this meeting. At the meeting you, or your representative, will have the opportunity to present information supporting your complaint. Within thirty days of receiving your complaint, the compliance officer will send you a report on the investigation and a written decision regarding your complaint. If you are not satisfied with the compliance officer’s decision, you may appeal in writing to the district’s Board of Education within five days by contacting: Mr. Gary McHenry, Superintendent 1936 Carlotta Drive Concord, CA 94519 Phone (925) 682-8000 ext. 4010 Fax: (925) 689-1649 Email: [email protected] The Board of Education will consider your appeal at its next regular meeting or at a special meeting. The compliance officer will inform you of the Board’s decision: •

The Board may decline to hear your appeal, in which case the compliance officer’s decision will be the district’s final decision.

The Board may hear your appeal in which case the compliance officer will send you a written copy of the Board’s decision within 60 days of the district’s initially receiving your complaint, or within the time period that was specified in writing in an agreement between you and the compliance officer.

In either case, the compliance officer will inform you in writing of the appropriate procedures in the event that you wish to appeal the Board’s decision to the California Department of Education. You have the right to appeal the district’s decision to the California Department of Education within 15 days of receiving the district’s decision. 25

The district will strive to protect anyone filing a complaint from retaliation of any sort for filing the complaint. The investigation of all discrimination complaints will be conducted in a manner that protects the individual’s confidentiality. The entire district procedure of complaint investigation and final decision will be concluded within a sixty calendarday period. You are entitled to pursue available civil law remedies outside of the district’s complaint procedures. For example, you may seek assistance from mediation centers or attorneys. Courts may impose such civil law remedies as injunctions and restraining orders. For discrimination complaints, however, you must wait until sixty days have elapsed from the filing of an appeal with the California Department of Education before pursuing civil law remedies. The sixty-day moratorium does not apply to injunctive relief.


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