062309 Ny Gay + Bp

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Maurice Carroll, Director Quinnipiac University Polling Institute Rubenstein Associates, Inc., Public Relations Pat Smith (212) 843-8026 FOR RELEASE: JUNE 23, 2009

NEW YORK STATE VOTERS SUPPORT SAME-SEX MARRIAGE QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITY POLL FINDS; MAYOR SHOULD KEEP SCHOOL CONTROL, BUT SHARE IT New York State voters support 51 – 41 percent, with 8 percent undecided, a law allowing samesex couples to marry, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. This is the first poll by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University showing support for same-sex marriage in New York State, where voters split 46 – 46 percent on this issue in a May 14 survey and opposed same-sex marriage 55 – 37 percent in an April 15, 2004, poll. In this latest survey, women support same-sex marriage 58 – 35 percent, while men oppose it by a narrow 48 – 44 percent margin. Same-sex marriage wins 65 – 28 percent from Democrats and 52 – 42 percent from independent voters, while Republicans oppose it 66 – 27 percent. The proposal wins 52 – 42 percent support from white voters and 55 – 39 percent from Hispanics. Black voters split with 43 percent in favor and 42 percent opposed. Voters who attend religious services at least once a week are opposed 63 – 31 percent, while those who attend less frequently support same-sex marriages 61 – 31 percent. Support also rises with income and education level. New York State voters support same-sex civil unions 68 – 25 percent, with support from all groups, including 55 – 37 percent among Republicans. Overall support was 65 – 27 percent May 14. “It’s the slimmest of majorities, but for the first time in a Quinnipiac University poll of New York State, same-sex marriage is ahead,” said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. “Supporters have worked hard in the last six weeks, moving the needle from dead even to slightly ahead. Who knows how far they can move that needle in the next six weeks if the State Legislature doesn’t act.” -more 

Quinnipiac University Poll/June 23, 2009 – page 2 “It is interesting to note that support for same-sex civil unions, which gay marriage advocates say is an unacceptable alternative, has barely moved,” Carroll added. Given three choices: • • •

46 percent of New York State voters say same-sex couples should be allowed to marry; 27 percent say they should be allowed to form civil unions; 20 percent say there should be no legal recognition. Mayoral Control of New York City Schools New York State voters say 51 – 33 percent that the State Legislature should renew the

law that gives the New York City Mayor control of the public schools. Support is 61 – 32 percent among New York City voters and 63 – 23 percent in the suburbs, while upstate voters split with 37 percent in favor of mayoral control and 38 percent opposed. But when voters are asked if the Mayor should share control of the schools with the New York City Council, they agree 50 – 37 percent. Voters do not agree 43 – 40 percent, that the Mayor should share school control with the borough presidents, a public office about which few people outside of New York City are aware. “Voters overall think Mayor Michael Bloomberg, or his successor, should retain control of New York City schools. Support is higher among suburban voters, who have experience with school boards, than it is among New York City voters, who have experience with Bloomberg,” Carroll said. “Just as in last week’s Quinnipiac University poll of New York City voters, voters would like to have the Mayor share control with the City Council. Since nobody north of The Bronx knows what a borough president is, they didn’t fare so well. “And of course none of this means anything unless the State Senate puts its house in order and gets back to work.” From June 16 – 21, Quinnipiac University surveyed 2,477 New York State registered voters, with a margin of error of +/- 2 percentage points. The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio and nationwide as a public service and for research. For more data or RSS feed – http://www.quinnipiac.edu/polling.xml, or call (203) 582-5201.


31. As you may know, in New York City the mayor has control of the public schools. Mayoral control of the New York City public schools expires this year, unless the state legislature renews it. Do you think mayoral control of the New York City public schools should continue or not?

Continue Stop DK/NA

Continue Stop DK/NA










51% 33 17

50% 32 18

51% 34 15

53% 30 16

55% 32 13

46% 33 20

50% 31 19

52% 39 9

45% 43 12

UpState..... Urban Othr

UpState Total NYC


36% 30 34

37% 38 25

63% 23 15

37% 39 24

61% 32 8

32. Do you think the New York City mayor should share control of the public schools with the city council or not?

Yes No DK/NA

Yes No DK/NA










50% 37 14

44% 42 14

55% 31 14

47% 40 13

48% 42 10

51% 32 17

47% 38 15

64% 26 10

53% 39 8

UpState..... Urban Othr

UpState Total NYC


45% 28 27

48% 33 19

47% 40 13

48% 33 18

53% 39 7

33. Do you think the New York City mayor should share control of the public schools with the borough presidents or not?

Yes No DK/NA

Yes No DK/NA










40% 43 18

35% 46 19

46% 37 17

35% 48 17

37% 50 14

42% 36 22

36% 45 20

59% 31 10

49% 37 14

UpState..... Urban Othr

UpState Total NYC


30% 36 35

34% 38 27

40% 46 14

35% 39 26

46% 46 8

34. Would you support or oppose a law that would allow same-sex couples to get married?

Support Oppose DK/NA










51% 41 8

27% 66 7

65% 28 8

52% 42 6

44% 48 8

58% 35 7

52% 42 6

43% 42 16

55% 39 5



34. (cont’d) Would you support or oppose a law that would allow same-sex couples to get married? UpState..... UpState Urban Othr Total NYC Sub Support Oppose DK/NA

Support Oppose DK/NA

Support Oppose DK/NA

56% 37 7

48% 46 5

49% 45 6

52% 37 10

54% 39 7

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+

INCOME............. <50 50-100 >100K

NoColl Coll Degree Degree

67% 27 6

44% 47 9

45% 47 8

55% 39 6

40% 52 8

56% 40 4


WHITE...... Prot Cath


31% 63 7

43% 51 6

65% 29 6

61% 31 8

44% 50 6

64% 30 7

63% 31 6

TREND: Would you support or oppose a law that would allow same-sex couples to get married? Jun 23 May 14 Apr 15 2009 2009 2004 Support Oppose DK/NA

51 41 8

46 46 8

37 55 8

35. Would you support or oppose a law that would allow civil unions for same-sex couples?

Support Oppose DK/NA

Support Oppose DK/NA

Support Oppose DK/NA

Support Oppose DK/NA










68% 25 7

55% 37 9

72% 21 7

73% 22 5

63% 29 8

72% 21 6

70% 24 6

57% 29 14

71% 24 5

UpState..... Urban Othr

UpState Total NYC


67% 21 11

66% 26 7

75% 20 6

66% 27 7

65% 27 8

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+

INCOME............. <50 50-100 >100K

NoColl Coll Degree Degree

79% 18 3

58% 33 9

62% 30 8

71% 22 7

59% 33 8

76% 20 4


WHITE...... Prot Cath


54% 39 7

62% 32 6

72% 23 6

75% 18 7

68% 26 6

79% 16 5

79% 16 5


TREND: Would you support or oppose a law that would allow civil unions for same-sex couples?

Support Oppose DK/NA

Jun 23 2009

May 14 2009

68 25 7

65 27 8

36. Do you think same-sex couples should be allowed legally to marry, should be allowed legally to form civil unions but not marry, or should not be allowed to obtain legal recognition of their relationships?

Marry Civil unions No recognition DK/NA

Marry Civil unions No recognition DK/NA

Marry Civil unions No recognition DK/NA

Marry Civil unions No recognition DK/NA










46% 27 20 7

22% 37 32 8

59% 18 16 6

46% 32 17 5

39% 30 25 6

51% 25 16 8

46% 29 19 6

42% 25 25 8

46% 22 24 8

UpState..... Urban Othr

UpState Total NYC


47% 29 18 6

44% 29 21 6

48% 28 17 6

43% 29 22 6

46% 25 21 8

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+

INCOME............. <50 50-100 >100K

NoColl Coll Degree Degree

62% 21 12 5

41% 25 27 7

40% 28 24 8

50% 27 18 5

33% 31 28 8

50% 30 16 4


WHITE...... Prot Cath


26% 33 33 8

36% 32 26 7

58% 17 17 9

55% 25 14 6

38% 36 21 5

54% 28 12 6

55% 27 12 5

TREND: Do you think same-sex couples should be allowed legally to marry, should be allowed legally to form civil unions but not marry, or should not be allowed to obtain legal recognition of their relationships?

Marry Civil unions No recognition DK/NA

Jun 23 2009

May 14 2009

Apr 07 2009

Jun 12 2008

Dec 12 2007

Jun 19 2007

46 27 20 7

40 29 23 7

41 33 19 7

42 31 21 6

40 29 23 8

35 35 22 8


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