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Veritas Christo Et Ecclesiae (Part 2 of 3) To be sure, there is still a religious component of this institution; The Harvard Divinity School. As one reads the following portion of the “Dean’s Welcome” on their website and compares it with the original purpose and rules for Harvard, it is not difficult to detect more than just a slight change in emphasis:

I hope that as you explore these electronic pages, you will quickly detect our commitment to produce scholars and leaders, across the academic fields and the professions, who are rigorously educated with a particular eye to the broad range of the world's religions. (emphasis mine, J.F.) I looked at the calendar of special events for the week during which I am writing this article and found

that there were opportunities to learn about Buddhism and Confucianism. I found, too, that there is an ongoing event every Tuesday and Thursday at noon when classes are in session called “Sitting Meditation.” I

found nothing about our Lord or His Word. I found nothing about “Truth for Christ and the Church.”

of the people presently associated with Harvard would laugh at the intentions and beliefs of the founders and original donors? The point is that there are some of us who are very concerned about some of the institutions supported by some of our brethren. We are, likewise, concerned about some of the congregations who at least give lip service to being a “church of Christ.”

Church of Christ 2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918 www.lebanonroadchurchofchrist.org

Volume 57, No.18

“Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae” seems to be nothing more than an ancient relic. It apparently has gone the way of the horse and buggy. It is no longer the guiding principle for an institution that prides itself on being on the cutting edge of every facet of the twenty-first century world. So, what’s the point? What is the big deal about the fact that most

Those of us who have these concerns may be viewed by some as a bunch of old fogies who refuse to be dragged into the twenty-first century (even kicking and screaming). It may appear to some that there is opposition to change of any kind. To that characterization, I, for one, would plead, “Not guilty.” (conclusion next week…) —Jim Faughn jimfaughn.blogspot.com

LEBANON ROAD CHURCH OF CHRIST 2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214

Lebanon Road

Non-Profit Org US Postal Paid Nashville, TN Permit 2464

Current Resident or

May 03, 2009

“There’s No Place Like…” It’s easy to say, but we mean it: “We miss you when we are away.” Lebanon Road is truly “home,” and, when away to speak or for vacation, we enjoy visiting with others, but we long to be back home. That’s as it should be. A congregation should feel like home. After all, we call each other “brother” and “sister,” and God is our “Father.” We share laughter and tears. We enjoy victories and suffer through defeats, all together. Those who were here last Sunday heard the wonderful news that Amber Williams has decided to worship with us at Lebanon

Road and work under the oversight of our elders. Amber is a great young lady who puts God first. She has been regularly with us in our worship services and other activities for some time, and we’re grateful that she has made Lebanon Road her home while she is in Nashville. Another parallel with home (at least, if your home is like the Faughn home) is that Lebanon Road is a busy place! There are always wonderful opportunities to grow, to serve, to give, and to encourage. I have been a bit con-

Adam Faughn cerned recently with our attendance on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights. We started off the year very well at both, but our numbers have come down some in the past month or so. Our elders set aside these times for the Lebanon Road family to grow, worship, and learn. When we fail to attend, we are not allowing our elders to rule with joy (cf. Hebrews 13:17), because they sorrow at our lack of devotion. Let’s be together as a family whenever we have an opportunity. When speaking of Lebanon Road, it’s totally true, “There’s no place like home!”

Elders Johny Baker 758-7654 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Ted Fox 754-7607 Charles Myers 883-6837 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Pulpit Minister Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister Harry Middleton 292-3164

Youth Minister Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

Sunday Sermon Preview AM: Be Fruitful PM: Up & Down, Up & Down

JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

The Sick

Worship Leaders

Willie Lance is at St. Thomas in room 443 for tests. Bill McClarin is at Centennial in room 5130 following heart surgery. He hoped to go home by Thursday. Jim Oakley is at MD Anderson consulting with doctors. Peggy Stewart had back surgery at Summit and is in SICU.

Sunday Morning (Contact: Bill 847-1113) Opening Prayer: Joe Adams Closing Prayer: Charles Myers Read Scripture: Sonny Gossett Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Richard Roberson Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Dewey Carpenter 1 Tracy Fitzgerald 2 Lon Keele 3 John Smith 4 Paul Tramel 5 Lynn Wright 6 Bill Wolfe 7 BJ Turner 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Tony 885-6391) Opening Prayer: Tim Roberts Closing Prayer: Lindon Stanley Read Scripture: Shane Williams Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Richard Roberson Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) Roger Reaves 1 Tommy Moore 2

Thank You... To Our Church Family, We want to humbly say thank you for all the kindness and love bestowed on my husband, David and myself. David has been touched deeply by your love. Thank you for all your prayers, calls, cards and wonderful food. From the

depths of our hearts in Christian Love, David & Emily Adams Dear Brethren, Thank you for your phone calls, cards, visits and food during my recuperation from colon surgery. Every act of kindness was truly appreciated! God bless each and every one. In Him, Curt


Ladies Retreat

by Harry Middleton

Please get your money turned in to Nancy as soon as possible. The committee needs to meet briefly Sunday afternoon at 5:30

Spring Golf Scramble Saturday, May 23rd at noon Ravenwood Country Club Sign up in the foyer

Lost and Found There are several items that have been found and placed on the credenza in the foyer. Please check the area to see if anything belongs to you. Vacation Bible School “Walking Where Jesus Walked” June 14-17

Wednesday, May 6th Read Scripture: Opening Prayer: Speaker: Song Leader:

(Contact: Tim 883-4343) Philip Denny Cary Clay Adam Faughn Scotty Studer

Announcements: Harry Middleton - Charles Myers

JD’s Column Hello everyone!

THE GOOD NEWS “If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;” (Colossians 1:23) “But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.” (Romans 10:18) “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:2) Isn’t it wonderful to read that the Gospel had been preached to the whole world during Paul’s lifetime. The just think how many nations in the world today who have not heard the Gospel, not even one time! We are going to take it to this community and offer to teach those who desire to hear about King Jesus. Last Saturday we had 30 people to knock on over 100 doors and set up three Bible Studies and offer assistance in every way to those who answered their door. More later, we will do this again!!

We had a wonderful day last Saturday. Several of the young people came to the door knocking. After eating lunch together, we went to the Bell’s house and raked up some leaves. I am so proud for the great youth we have! Sunday is a special day filled with much activity. The youth are invited to eat lunch with me before going to the Sycamores service at 2 PM. Follow Sycamores, we are going to the House to clean it up for when our intern, Chris LaFever arrives. After our evening services, we will be heading over to the Raines house to have a devotional. We’re going to have a great Lord’s Day! I want all our young people to help out this Sunday. Please make your plans to spend the day with me! It will soon be time for our Young Men to conduct services. I need preachers, readers, prayers, and song leaders for May 24. Please get ready! Thank you very much! --JD :)

CSI: Christ Said It… We Believe It.. Bible Camp July 5-10


Mark Your Calendar... May 3: Sycamores Terrace at 2:00—Youth Group

Nursery Attendants: Kandi, Kenzi & Kyli Biggs

May 3: Ladies Retreat Committee needs to meet at 5:30

The Record

May17: Potluck following Bible class

May 8-9: Ladies Retreat at Cedars of Lebanon—Sign up Soon!

Sunday Morning Worship:


Sunday Evening Worship:


Sunday Bible Study:


Wednesday Night:




Page 2

May 17: Camp meeting at 4:30 for ALL camp staff May 31: Graduation Banquet June 14-17: VBS 2009 July 5-10: Summer Camp at Valley View July 20-26: Mission Trip to Beech Island, SC—See JD for more details Page 3

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