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Ladies Retreat Q & A Where is it? Cedars of Lebanon lodge

When is it? Friday, May 8—Saturday, May 9

What time does it start? 6:00 P.M.

Who can attend? All ladies of all ages. You can even invite a friend.

Do I have to spend the night? No, the church bus will leave the building around 8:30 on Saturday morning if you would like to just spend the day with us.

How much does it cost? The cost is $15 if you plan on spending the night. It is $5 if you arrive on Saturday morning. You

can give your money to Nancy or any of the other committee members.

husband is Gary Hampton and he works with the East Tennessee School of Preaching. After our lesson there will be one more delicious meal. Once you have finished lunch you are free to leave or enjoy the park and all the surroundings.

What activities are planned? We plan on arriving Friday night and having dinner. After dinner we will have some games. Next we will have a devo and some singing. Following the devo we will have free time until …

What do we bring?

On Saturday we will start with a delicious breakfast, play a few more games, have some door prizes and then our speaker will begin. Her name is Teresa Hampton. She is from Knoxville. She will be speaking to us on the topic of Unity, “Esteeming Each Other...Freckles and All.” Her

You need to bring all of your bedding, toiletries, a change of clothes, your Bible, any games you enjoy and you may bring snacks if you would like.

We hope that as many as possible will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to become closer to our sisters in Christ.

LEBANON ROAD CHURCH OF CHRIST 2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214

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Lebanon Road

Church of Christ 2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918 www.lebanonroadchurchofchrist.org

Volume 57, No.16

April 19, 2009

Standing Out

Adam Faughn

One of the hardest temptations to fight as a Christian is the desire to look like the world. Our society packages immoral dress, unkind talk, and crude thoughts so that it looks normal and even “cool” to live that lifestyle. Christians, though, are to be different. We are to stand out from the world. As the temperature begins to climb toward summertime, it is impossible to miss the immoral dress that is all over the place. It’s difficult even to make a quick trip to the grocery store without seeing members of both genders and of all ages dressed inappropriately. I know it is difficult to find clothing that is appropriate,

but, as God’s children, let’s make sure we stand out from the world in this area.

That may sound quite old -fashioned, because it is. It’s as old as the New Testament!

Even as you look for clothing for the summer (including vacations), make sure you purchase modest and appropriate clothing. To do otherwise could cause others to stumble, which is sinful. We never want to do that.

Parents, please look for modest clothing for your young people. Forget what’s on TV or what your children’s friends are wearing. These are your children, and are your responsibility. Let’s make sure we stand out from the crowd.

It was uplifting to welcome Daniel and Kristy Skelton to the Lebanon Road family last week. This young couple brings so much talent to our congregation, and we are excited to see all the good they will do. My family and I will be away next Sunday (April 26), as I will be beginning a Gospel Meeting in Mount Vernon, Illinois. Please pray for this effort and for our safety as we travel to and from the meeting.

Elders Johny Baker 758-7654 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Ted Fox 754-7607 Charles Myers 883-6837 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Pulpit Minister Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister Harry Middleton 292-3164

Youth Minister Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

Sunday Sermon Preview AM: In the World but Not of the World PM: “Finally!”

JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

The Sick

Worship Leaders

Curt Hickey is recovering at home. Flora Nelson had knee surgery on Friday. Jim Oakley has a rare chest tumor. He leaves for Houston on April 20th to see doctors at MD Anderson. Estelle Sullivan had surgery Friday at Summit Hilda Thomas is recovering at home. Jeri Cox Wilhite, daughter of Maxine Cox, had surgery on Friday at Vanderbilt.

Sunday Morning (Contact Ralph 871-4849) Opening Prayer: Steve Ledbetter Closing Prayer: Bruce Reid Read Scripture: Alan Witt Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: John Smith Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Marion Schow 1 Shane Williams 2 Del Pirtle 3 Charles Myers 4 Ted Fox 5 Philip Denny 6 Robert Cannon 7 John Thomas Baker 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Cary 883-5909) Opening Prayer: Michael Rader Closing Prayer: Ricky Biggs Read Scripture: Keith LeSuer Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Philip Autry Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) Ron Bacon 1 Harry Middleton 2

Thank You... Thank you for the flowers sent in memory of my sister, Agnes Brown. Thank you for the visits to the funeral home. Love, Edna and Odie Brown Dear Lebanon Road Church Family, We sincerely appreciate your prayers, visits, cards and flowers during the sickness and death of Ailene Crowell. C.H.

Crowell and family

Bridal Tea In Honor of Brittany Herald Saturday, April 18th 2:00-4:00pm Fellowship Hall Brittany and J.R. are registered at Macy’s; Sears; Target; and Bed, Bath and Beyond

Slim Pickins Party Tonight Following evening services Bring the young’uns and your Grab Bag!

VBS Volunteers Needed If you can help with… Preschool see Jennifer Clay Elementary see Leah Faughn Decorating Team see Mike Markwood Page 2

by Harry Middleton

Wednesday, April 22nd (Contact: Billy 642-6817) Read Scripture: John Smith Opening Prayer: Shea Cofer Speaker: JD Buckner Song Leader: Philip Autry

JD’s Column


Hello to you this week!

Many are beginning to make travel plans now that warm weather has settled in. As you get itchy feet, you might want to include one of the mission points in your plans. Going into South Carolina you may want to think about going to Beech Island or Lexington where we support Glenn Nichols and Ernie Richards, respectfully. Going in the direction of North Carolina you may want to plan to stop at Forest City where we are supporting Milton Hopkins. If you are going through Virginia, then plan to go by Rocky Mount, there we are supporting Glen Willcut. They have all the paperwork completed and should be ready to begin construction on their building. If you plan to be in Pennsylvania you surely would want to visit Ephrata and worship with Pete Nuthak. Should you be going into Georgia plan to visit John Gross at Winder. We have folks often visiting Pearlington, Mississippi, and if you are going in that area you will want to visit with Gary Marshall. Don’t forget to be here around 8:30 Saturday morning April 25th to be a part of our first door knocking effort.

We had a good meeting this past Sunday evening to plan the next few months of youth activities. I am especially thankful for those who have been signing up to host devos. We almost have the whole year taken care of! Thank you! It is our privilege to conduct the Heartland Service this Sunday at 4 PM. All students please plan on coming to this service. We had a great number last time we hosted! We will have a short singing devotional after our fellowship meal this Sunday evening. I hope all the youth will be able to attend our devo. Students, mark your calendars for April 25. We will be at the building at 8:30 AM to help with the door knocking, but that’s not all! After lunch, we will be going over to the Bell’s yard to rake up some leaves! I am excited about camp coming together. Our next meeting will be Sunday, April 26, at 4:30 PM. We need full participation to make camp great! Lastly, be ready for the Sycamore service on May 3 at 2 PM. Thank you very much! --JD :)

Visitation Team #1 will meet tonight.

Mark Your Calendar...

Announcements: Harry Middleton - Ted Fox

April 19: Heartland Service—Youth Group, Tom Brown and Jack Steele

Nursery Attendants: Lisa Hager & Joni Schroeder

April 19: Slim Pickins’ Party

The Record

April 26: Camp Meeting at 4:30

April 25: Soul Seekers/Door Knocking at 8:30am

Sunday Morning Worship:

425 + 4 at Bordeaux

Sunday Evening Worship:


Sunday Bible Study:


Wednesday Night:




May 8-9: Ladies Retreat at Cedars of Lebanon—Sign up Soon! May 31: Graduation Banquet June 14-17: VBS 2009 July 5-10: Summer Camp at Valley View July 20-26: Mission Trip to Beech Island, SC—See JD for more details Page 3

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