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Lebanon Road

Church of Christ 2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918 www.lebanonroadchurchofchrist.org

Volume 57, No.10

March 8, 2009 Elders

A New, Informative Look

Johny Baker 758-7654

Adam Faughn We are excited to be sending out this first Lebanon Road bulletin with a new look. The elders approved this new bulletin, and we are thankful they did. We pray this will be a welcome change that will make the bulletin more readable and informative. We want to do what is best for the congregation, both in providing information and in educating through our articles. You will notice that there is a “running” calendar on the bottom of page 3. Please let us know of upcoming events so we may all continue to be informed through that feature. The back page will feature an extra article by one of the ministers here, an im-

portant news item, a guest article, or an advertisement for a major upcoming event. Lebanon Road is a wonderful place, and we want each member to be informed as much as possible, as well as providing as many opportunities as possible to educate. Our prayer is that this new format will provide that in a well-designed format. Some may be worried about the cost of this change, especially in light of the difficult economic times in which we live. We have talked with the post office and run all the numbers. This new bulletin will cost us a grand total of about $2 each week more than our old one. Over 330 households receive this

newsletter each week, and the only extra cost is the size of the new paper. We feel this is very costefficient for the benefit. Many do not think the weekly newsletter is all that important. I could not disagree more! As long as we are using it for good, helpful purposes, it can be a great way to teach and unify. However, the newsletter must be read! Please take a few moments each week to read the articles and to make notes of upcoming events. We will do our part to present the material, please do your part, too. May God be glorified by all we do at Lebanon Road, even by our new bulletin.

Sunday Sermon Preview AM: “What Older Men Should Teach” (Adam Faughn) PM : “Song Sermons” Winter Youth Series

Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Ted Fox 754-7607 Charles Myers 883-6837 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Pulpit Minister Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister Harry Middleton 292-3164

Youth Minister JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

The Sick

Worship Leaders

Linda Brewer will be having another should surgery on March 10th. Ailene Crowell fell and broke her hip. She is at Imperial Manor room 223B. Hilda Thomas has moved to McKendree Manor room 283N for rehab. No Visitors Please.

Sunday Morning Opening Prayer: Harry Middleton Closing Prayer: Jim Schroeder Read Scripture: Tim Hill Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: John Smith Serving Lord’s Supper: Marion Schow 1 David Smith 2 Cliff Wilson 3 Charles Myers 4 Bill Myers 5 Paul Woods 6 Jimmy Owens 7 Joel Ledbetter 8 Sunday Evening Opening Prayer: WYS Closing Prayer: WYS Read Scripture: WYS Sermon: WYS Song Leader: WYS Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) Lon Keele 1 Billy Hutchens 2

Thank You... Dear Friends, I appreciate so much the prayers, thoughtfulness and concern shown me during the loss of my brother, Hank Dooley. Thank you for the many cards, visits and the beautiful flowers.

In Christian Love, Gail Simpson

WYS Announcement There will be approximately 200 youth members attending the Winter Youth Series on Sunday evening. We ask that all of our adult members find seating in the back of the auditorium.

Time Saver Supper Wednesday, March 11th 5:30-6:30 $4 per person/$15 family max Poppyseed Chicken Pasta Salad Squash Casserole Bread, Drinks & Desserts Please mark your attendance card on Sunday if you plan to attend. Also, mark if you are able to bring a dessert.

GALS Retreat Meeting There will be a meeting Wednesday, March 11th at 6:00 to discuss the Ladies retreat. Any lady interested in working on this committee is welcome to attend.

Wednesday, March 11th Read Scripture: Gavin Hammers Opening Prayer: Stephen Kerstiens Speaker: JD Buckner Song Leader: Lynn Wright Announcements: Harry Middleton & Earl Flynn Nursery Attendants: Maria Buckner & Cindy Hutchens

The Record Sunday Morning Worship:

306 + 54 at CYC

Sunday Evening Worship:


Sunday Bible Study:

218 + 54 at CYC

Wednesday Night:




Page 2

From Harry...

JD’s Column

“YOU’LL NEVER BE SORRY” I was only an eighteen-year-old college freshman. I just stepped from the baptistery dressing room, my hair still wet from my “burial” with Christ. Dozens of people that I didn’t know were shaking my hand and congratulating me. Looking back on it, many of the impressions----the faces and words----are blurred by time. One person and his words are not blurred. He was an aged man, many years an elder in the church. He shook my hand warmly and said, “You’ll never be sorry for what you’ve just done.” I needed to hear that, because at that moment, frankly, I wasn’t really sure. It had been a difficult decision. Some of my dearest loved ones and friends weren’t happy about my choice. But here was this frail figure who’d been through it all, telling me I’d never be sorry. He was right. That was twenty years ago, and being in Christ means more to me every year. And if I’m never sorry in this life, can you imagine how thrilled and thankful I will be in eternity? Perhaps you’ve contemplated your own obedience to Christ, but have hesitated. Maybe you aren’t sure it’s the right thing. Let me pass on some words of wisdom, tested by experience---you’ll never be sorry you did the Lord’s will and that you have the hope of life everlasting. Go ahead, my friend. There aren’t many things in life that carry that kind of guarantee. ---Copied--Visitation Team 2 and Letter Writers

We had such a good weekend! It was rainy and a little chilly while we attended the Challenge Youth Conference in Gatlinburg, TN, but that didn’t stop us from having a great time! About 51 of us were there among the 7,000 people to hear great speakers and be spiritually uplifted. Our group behaved themselves very well. I am so happy to be a part of the Lebanon Road family! I would like to once again thank the chaperones from our trip. It would be impossible to go to CYC were it not for the adults who sacrifice their time and patience to help us out. Thank you very much! Please be ready for this Sunday, March 8! We are hosting the Winter Youth Series Sunday evening and we need everyone here to be a part of it! Youth groups will be coming from all around to worship with us. Please support our young men as they lead the worship! Our spring retreat at Short Mtn. will soon be here. We need many adults to come and help out that weekend, March 27-29. We will be working construction on the camp March 28, so we need as many good workers as possible. Please sign up in the youth classroom or tell JD you are coming. If you have any questions, please see me at worship, email me, or give me a call. Thank you very much! --JD

Meet after Services Sunday Evening

Mark Your Calendar... Lebanon Road will host the Winter Youth Series tonight. Don’t forget to bring the food items to the fellowship hall. March 11: Time Saver Supper—RSVP on Sunday March 15: Summer Camp Meeting (4:30) Bring your theme ideas!! March 25: VBS Committee Meeting at 6:15 March 27-29: Spring Retreat—Chaperones and Saturday Adult workers are needed. See JD. April 8-14: Pictorial Directory Pictures taken May 8-9: Ladies Retreat at Cedars of Lebanon June 14-17: VBS 2009 July 5-10: Summer Camp at Valley View Page 3

Changing Course Just after the Civil War, a tough, surly drifter of twenty-three years got into a scuffle with a couple of scalawags in Midway, Texas. By the end of the confrontation, one of the men was dead, another was wounded, and the young drifter was charged with murder. He pled self-defense and was acquitted. Eight years later the man became the sheriff of Madison County, Texas, and shot and killed a suspect who was drawing his pistol on him. When it came to religious matters, he was a skeptic, but, at the age of thirtyfive, he decided to investigate the evidences for Christianity and read the Campbell-Owens Debate. After further study, he became thoroughly convinced that the gospel held all the answers to his sin-sick soul. On Christmas Eve in 1881, he was baptized into Jesus Christ.

This Texas drifter who turned his life around to follow Christ was none other than Austin McGary, the founder of the Firm Foundation, one of the most influential papers in the history of the churches of Christ. McGary’s life is a lesson on the gospel’s power to salvage sinful lives and give them an honorable mission in God’s service. The unadulterated gospel will not leave men where they are. Paul called it, “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Rom. 1:16). He commanded us to be “transformed” by the renewal of our minds (Rom. 12:2). God is not satisfied with sinful lives. He “commands all people everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30). The world is intolerant towards intolerance. People don’t like to be told they are wrong. It is a shame that

some individuals posting as preachers have been influenced by their culture and will not call on people to repent. They are not preaching the gospel. Every life can be recovered by Christ, but a change must first occur in the heart. Knowing this, David wrote the following words after he had sinned with Bathsheba: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Psa. 51:10). If sinners would take a good look at the direction of their lives, they would seek change. McGary finally saw his life was headed in a hopeless direction and looked for a way to change course. He found good news in the gospel. It offers a new course, one that provides a life full of purpose and a destiny of rewards.

—Drew Kizer Seeking Things Above

LEBANON ROAD CHURCH OF CHRIST 2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

Non-Profit Org US Postal Paid Nashville, TN Permit 2464

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