"your Beautiful Life." Chapter One

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Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Before you commence the course, I would like to take the opportunity to give you an insight into the way in which it came together so as to set the scene for you, the reader. Susie and I were meeting as friends to rekindle our spiritual focus and reconnect with Virgile after having several months break from channelling. Unlike the majority of our friends, we were frustrated by many events in our lives, especially our seeming inability to create any lasting contentment. In fact only days prior, Susie endured a miscarriage and although she didn't want to discuss this specifically with Virgile, the painful feelings were still very close to the surface. In not wanting to process this event intellectually she was hoping to put it all behind her, move on and create a new focus based on positive experience. Nonetheless, she was still feeling a strong uneasiness and worse, there was a slight recognition that this pain went deeper and was more than a mere outcome of the terrible circumstance she had just experienced. Susie and I both agreed to recommence our channelling that evening and made a commitment to each other that it would continue to be a regular weekly event from then on. In times past we would usually prepare a loose theme or topic that we used as a basis to question Virgile, but instead we decided to allow ourselves to be guided by him. In hindsight I would say that we were actually tired of trying to live by the 'spiritual rules' we had been taught. We were disappointed by our lack of success in creating satisfying, nurturing realities and this gave rise to a great deal of self doubt as to whether we would in fact ever be capable of creating our hearts desire. Consequently, we were feeling let down and abandoned by Spirituality in general. Despite this, we knew from past experiences with Virgile that he would most certainly provide a new, higher perspective on our problems and as we were both tired of wallowing in failure, we eagerly awaited his presence this evening. We greatly anticipated being in his energy again, hoping he in his wisdom could rescue us from our difficulties. As we readied ourselves for the evening’s session we performed all our usual cleansing and uplifting rituals. We burnt sage, lit candles, chose the appropriate crystals and set only the highest of intentions, supported by the calling in of only beings of the light.

YOUR C o p y r i g h t



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LIFE M a c k a y , I S B N




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Chapter 1 As the energy vibration of the room heightened, we could feel our negativity dissolve, and soon I INTRODUCTION felt the need to beam an unbelievably wide grin and utter that wonderful and familiar sentence that let us both know Virgile was with us; "Good evening my friends". After such a long time without him, it was like welcoming back an old, most beloved friend. Virgile spoke at length concerning our spiritual and physical journeys. He urged us to begin to pay less attention to the physical and instead put more energy into experiencing the feeling aspect of our lives. At the time such theory was somewhat abstract, even esoteric for two people who just sought spiritual enlightenment to improve our day to day grind. Yet toward the end of the channel, despite Susie avoiding the issue, Virgile brought up the subject of her miscarriage. Further, he told of how it had well and truly put her into her feeling body – in other words it prepared her for this new focus he was espousing. Moreover, he spoke of how she was now ready to move to a new level of spiritual awareness via this new awakening. He urged her to embrace the feelings surrounding the event, and that to ignore them would make it more difficult for her to move on as she desired. Susie had always rationalised her life's events intellectually, framed within her solid knowledge of spiritual theory and practices. She (and I) needed something more concrete than a lecture on the virtues of feeling awareness. In short she needed something to do – physically. Sensing her dilemma, for the first time in all our years of speaking with him, Virgile introduced a focus that was to be taken away from the safety of our sessions and placed out into the journey that was our lives. (This task will be revealed to you at the end of this chapter). He then added, that I, too, was in denial of my true feelings (although he qualified that by adding that I really didn't believe I was), and that the trying circumstances of my deteriorating relationship coupled with a feeling of spiritual helplessness had also put me in my feeling body. Consequently, he asserted that I would benefit from undertaking the same instructions he gave Susie. Virgile also offered an invitation to my partner Pete to join, much to our surprise. Pete was a genuine and thoughtful type of guy, yet he was not as spiritually dedicated as Susie and I, preferring a laugh and a beer, compared to chatting with his partner and her friend once a week to discuss all their life 'issues'. Of course in life everything happens for a reason and there was a higher purpose at play, so not surprisingly Pete agreed to commit wholeheartedly. Thus, without us having any recognition of the true significance or destiny of our decision, the three of us agreed to undertake the tasks lay down and to meet weekly to debrief and discuss. And so the foundation of the course that you are about to undertake was birthed. Susie would meet Pete and I in our modest but welcoming mountain home in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges in Melbourne, Victoria. We prepared ourselves physically and energetically in a specially designated room that had been nick-named the 'chanting room' (by Pete's unbelieving but humorous brother), as it was adorned with spiritual power objects from many cultures ranging from Thai Buddhism to Native American Indian. Crystals and candles dominated the centre of our small circle while the savouring smell of burnt sage enveloped us as we finally wrenched the smudge bowl out of Susie's grasp (otherwise known as ‘The Sage Hog), and passed it around the room, drawing on the smoke to cleanse us in readiness for the work we were to undertake.

YOUR C o p y r i g h t



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LIFE M a c k a y , I S B N




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Chapter 1 I sat on comfortable cushions on the floor, crossed legged and erect at one end of the room. Susie INTRODUCTION and Pete sat together directly opposite so that they could easily converse with Virgile, when he entered through me. We are really the best of friends and would make small talk and jokes while we tested the tape recorder, got ourselves physically comfortable, poured water glasses etc. It was an intimate, supportive group and during those early days we began to glimpse that we were undertaking work of significance, which both excited and scared us. But were we up to such an important task? Each week Pete and Susie would look at me expectantly as I fidgeted to relax my posture and readied myself to call Virgile into our circle of light. On occasions we would connect effortlessly, while at other times it would be a struggle, with Susie and Pete urging me to continue. Not only was I participating in a spiritual development course, I was also honing my channelling skills in a more consistent way than ever before. It was a time full of purpose on many levels, despite the fact that we did experience many challenges – as you will soon see. This book is the culmination for both Virgile and I of years of practice and refining our connection, an achievement that we now share together. He refers to me with the seemingly impersonal title of 'The Channel’; it is not a reflection of his feelings for me, which I know encompass a deep love. It is actually a title to assist me. As I am a conscious channel, any mention of my name seems to draw my ego back into my focus which tends to temporarily diminish the connection with Virgile, requiring him to make adjustments which direct me to refocus. That is why Pete and Susie will always wait until I am in a deep channelling space before they will dare mention my name so that the connection will not be affected. Even so, I still prefer to be called The Channel. Since that first session, all three of us, have grounded this course into our daily lives in our own unique way. Right from the outset you as the reader must accept that there is no right or wrong in the process about to be revealed to you, nor is there in your own unique journey. There is no best outcome, no lesser or greater degree of achievement. Participate with an open mind and an even more open heart, and take what you will out into the journey that is your life, just as we did. During this course I will offer you an insight into what was occurring for us as participants via a short preamble to each chapter. For the most part my narration relates to Susie, Pete or myself. However, we did run the course later and I have included the experiences of some participants where they are particularly relevant. Also, Virgile's dictation of this first chapter has actually been taken from a later course, since we had not taped the original first session as, at the time, we weren't expecting it to be a significant event. Virgile's lectures in all other chapters however are from the original course, where there was just the three of us (four including the Great Man). As I now hand you over to Virgile know that you are most welcome in joining our extended family of participants and therefore as he is talking to us, he is of course including you.

YOUR C o p y r i g h t



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LIFE M a c k a y , I S B N




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Chapter 1 Good evening my friends, Virgile is with you. Welcome to the first lesson of our wonderful course. INTRODUCTION Thank you for coming through so quickly Virgile. Indeed, it is very peaceful and easy to connect in such a vibrant energy as you have created in such a quick time. So I would thank you for your focus and for your very clear intentions that you have set this evening, for this has enabled The Channel to raise to a vibration by which it is less important for me to lower my vibration – if this makes sense to you. I would welcome you all here and give you my blessings. I understand the reasons you are attending this course. I see before me energies so beautiful, energies so full of wisdom with the ability to move through life in an extraordinary way. However within this energy I see what you would refer to as blocks that are preventing you from seeing and more importantly, experiencing who you truly are. You have a deep feeling tone that pervades your life. This feeling tone is calling to you. It is so subtle that you hardly recognise it, but in your heart, you all know that it exists. This feeling tone is what you would refer to as your connection with God, the Soul Self, or if you would prefer the term, your Higher Self. The terms are basically meaningless, since we understand that separation is mere illusion, yet they assist me in the communication process because such terms are familiar to you. It is through this feeling tone, this ever present connection to Source that I have a wish for you to find your way home.

To begin, we need to expose all that you would accept as fact about this reality and your self image within it. We then need to undo that which is not aligned to your true nature, the reality of the Soul Self. This undoing can be done in a moment, but for most at this time it must be undertaken as a process. This is where I am to assist you. All through your spiritual journeys you have been told of the wondrousness of union with your Soul reality, that to heal the separation would reveal a 'Nirvana'. You have all at one time or another aspired to experience this union, yet it never seems to materialise. All the guides however, tell you that it is real and ever present and indeed this is the case. It cannot be provided to you – you need to recognise this place within. You need to seize it as your own and you need to reflect it all about you. This is what we will be trying to achieve over the next weeks.

You all feel prepared to participate fully in this journey, for which I am most gladdened and excited. I will be here to support you along every step of the way, both within each course meeting, but also you can call on me at any time and I will be present to influence and to assist. Understand though, I will only be available via the feelings, the foundation of your own innate wisdom.

You all understand the intellectual concept of creating your own reality, yet consistently things appear in your reality to which you disown. Circumstances occur which you believe you could not have possibly created by your mere thoughts. YOUR C o p y r i g h t



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LIFE M a c k a y , I S B N




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Chapter 1 But all things that appear within your reality are part of who you are at this point in time. The first INTRODUCTION step in understanding their message is to embrace them as your own creations and then to show them the light that is within. For they are protecting what is you; that beauty, that spark, that inner feeling tone.

Presently, through positive affirmation and mostly kind action and thought, you hope that one day you will have the life that you desire, but somehow these 'unwanted' events occur that you seem to have no hand in the creation of. I will teach you that it is indeed your hand that paints your environment and you will learn how to trace your environment back to the inner tone where you can heal it. This is our greatest hope for you.

Thought alone, positive or otherwise, does not create your reality. If this were the case, can you imagine with all the contrasting thoughts that you entertain – it would be a wonder that any of you still exist since you have considered yourself and others worthless, insignificant and ugly at one time or another. The theory of creating a wonderful reality appears complex and many of you have been attempting to understand and master the rules of manifesting for some time now. As you have learned and tried to obey the myriad of spiritual 'rules' that abound, one cannot help but be more confused when events are birthed that are seemingly the opposite of your intention and effort. This course will lead you beyond the intellectual mire and into true spiritual knowing, whilst at all times respecting and loving your unique humanity. It is through your feeling tone that your reality stems and grows upwards through the layers. At any point you can either; recognise and listen to the inner, or you can ignore it and soon it will be projected outward. Having ignored the inner roots that gave the projection life, it appears foreign to you and it is therefore disowned. Anything that you project outward, even that which you consider ugly, is an aspect of self that you have considered ugly and consequently will not embrace. You understand these concepts intellectually, but still this knowledge does not urge your focus inward, so there is no change afoot and the cycle continues. To this end we will teach you a way to no longer understand intellectually the spiritual nature of this world, but to know it and know it because you are it.

You are intrinsically connected to all things and to know this is the critical aspect of moving forward. What you have done up until this point, is trained the conscious mind (or ego if you like) in the nature of spiritual theory. The ego is a clever tool, but a servant to your current beliefs, therefore it has adapted its behaviour to suit – just as when you were a child you adapted your behaviour to suit the demands of your parents. As the course progresses you will be consistently confronted with the choice of continuing to operate from a level of intellectual knowledge, or to move into the feeling body where you operate from a level of just knowing. An easy choice in theory, but you will learn that to choose feeling takes courage.

Your ego thoughts in this day and age tend to be what directs your world as you follow them at whim and often you will lose your true self for a time. This is not the true order of your existence. YOUR C o p y r i g h t



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LIFE M a c k a y , I S B N




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Chapter 1 The ego's function is valid, but it is not equipped to take on the role of leader. For example, your INTRODUCTION eyes are the lens by which you view the physical world. The physical eye does not make a decision about which direction you should take, it is merely the means by which you view the surroundings so that you can receive and interpret data which then allows you to overcome or avoid any obstacles. Similarly, the ego was designed to be the lens by which you viewed your conscious and unconscious world, bridging the two and providing each with a reference point. The ego was never meant to make decisions about the direction your life should take as a result of its observations any more than the physical eye can decide your physical journey. The ego was designed to gather and interpret information derived from this physical environment and turn it inward so the Soul Self can comprehend the experience of life on this Earth plane. It would then await direction or feedback from the inner that would influence its ultimate decision. Therefore, the ego self is an open-ended system designed to seek information from both within and without, yet in this day and age it appears to be especially biased toward the events without.

Your Soul Self in its natural state is so magnificent that its high, fine vibration could not incarnate fully within this dense physical flesh. It therefore creates what you may refer to as a portion of itself that rises up to take on the challenge of physical existence. This portion is often referred to as 'ego' or 'personality self' and its nature changes as your conscious and unconscious thoughts change. It interprets all psychological events and physical objects of this realm for the purpose of returning the information gained back to the Soul for greatest growth and learning. The ego allows all that is foreign to the Soul's realm to be experienced so without the ego's skill physical existence would be without purpose. Therefore, the ego is the bridge that heals the concept of separation, not the cause of it. It feels alone and abandoned because it has been hypnotised by the physical realm and has forgotten to look inward. Many of you have heard variations of the separation concept before – it is not new – however, what we are intending to do in this process is to return the ego back to its rightful place, to allow it to be guided from the higher self rather than it make decisions at whim based on the intellectual beliefs of the conscious mind. It is in this way that you can truly interpret the events that occur in your lives and move through them with greater clarity and love. Within this clarity, an assuredness will emerge that the events themselves in physical terms are meaningless except for how they affect you and your own internal feeling environment. These are concepts that you will probably have no difficulty in understanding intellectually. Our challenge is to remove the intellectual understanding and create an inner knowing.

At this point I would ask if you have questions? Virgile, I just don't understand about how the Soul Self is only a portion of ourselves and how the ego is feeling separate and abandoned. The Soul Self is a vibrant, magnificent energy of such a fine vibration that it could not possibly be fully incarnate in this physical reality. The denseness of this matter in your Earthly plane could never contain it. YOUR C o p y r i g h t



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LIFE M a c k a y , I S B N




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Chapter 1 In order to experience this dense physical reality, the Soul sends what you would refer to as a INTRODUCTION portion of itself forward in time and space to experience it. When I say a portion, I do not mean as though a true separation. If you could imagine how a star sends out light in many different directions, there is no real separation of the light points of that star as they are emanating from a common source. Yet if the light only focuses outward there is only aloneness and darkness before it. If the focus is turned inward then it would see the inner core shining so brilliantly and recognise it as the source of its power. The ego is an extension of your Soul Self in the same way.

The ego's nature and beliefs change according to the prevailing attitudes of the conscious mind. The conscious mind deals directly with the mental environment of this plane and the ego is the lens by which the conscious mind is able to interpret conscious, unconscious and physical data. It is highly attuned to this physical environment, so much so that it feels most comfortable within limitation and rules. The ego is essential to your Soul’s purpose in this physical environment, for the Soul could not experience any physical events without it. The ego allows you to do things - it is the physical specialist. It allows you to manipulate the body, for example, and it has so highly refined this task that at times it believes that this is its only function. This feeling of separateness, this conscious mind versus Soul, was never meant to be the case. The ego has always had the ability to look outward as well as inward, but at this point it has forgotten to look inward. We want to tune and refocus its vision so that it seeks expression and guidance from the inner, rather than feeling alone in a series of seeming random physical and psychological events. Once it peers inward it will understand the source of its life and the love that is within. Virgile, why does the Soul Self seek expression in this physical reality? This is a grand question. This physical reality you are experiencing is dominated and coloured with the notion of polarities; that is one of opposite forces. Your ego especially feels comfortable with these 'facts' for it has been specifically designed to operate within these rules and boundaries. Extremes of hot and cold, up and down, male and female are unquestionably 'fact'. Overlaying this is that all things in this reality appear as separate and all things are seemingly temporary. Therefore this reality allows an expression of Soul, of consciousness that is unlike any reality that exists anywhere else, even other realities that are physical. This reality represents all that is foreign to the true nature of Soul and therefore it is a grand experience. You are immersed in the challenge of creating wholeness which is your natural state and is therefore unassailable, whilst at the same time experiencing a polarity which is especially convincing. It is a dense reality – also foreign to your natural state and many become distracted by its beauty and terror. The reason this reality must be so dense and therefore difficult to navigate is that it can only be created upon a solid foundation of judgement categorised by the notions of negative and positive. Judgement does not exist in the less dense planes, yet it is a prerequisite of ego consciousness or you would not be able to discern this reality at all.

YOUR C o p y r i g h t



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LIFE M a c k a y , I S B N




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Chapter 1 Judgement need not be a dirty word for it is the foundation of the notion of polarity and therefore INTRODUCTION this entire physical plane. Judgement only becomes tainted when it is wielded either against others through projection or against yourself through suppression. This will become of greater significance to you as the course progresses. So to answer your question in short, you seek expression in this physical reality to evolve consciousness and thereby add another level of experience to the Soul Self - that of polarity, yet simultaneously maintain your natural state of union.

I would move on at this point to your task for the week. This is what I would refer to as the beginning of your processes and the importance of your journalling. Many of you have jobs, families and daily lives that require your utmost attention and use this as a convenient reason to focus predominately in only one area. I understand these pressures. However, you create your own reality. You need to take responsibility for the fact that you are creating these pressures that draw your energy into one specific area. You need to make room in your reality for yourself and for your Soul Self to have its expression. Thus, you need to carry your journal with you wherever you go. Now I am not saying that you should cease talking on the phone to an important client because he insults you and you need to journal it. What I am saying though, is that if you are still hurting or seething later, that you journal those thoughts honestly and allow them to flow and expand. I am asking you to make a conscious choice to actively record the contents of your conscious mind and ego self consistently for an entire week. This is an important part of this initial process.

For the next week I want you to record your ego thoughts with the same diligence that you would if I were to say to you if you think a person dead, it would happen in an instant, as it would in the higher realms. If you really thought this was the case then you would be more aware and conscientious of what you were putting out. I do not want you to manipulate your thoughts and I do not want you to push them down or create only good things by sheer will. I want you to allow all thoughts freedom in their natural state, but I want you to be aware of them. Do not attempt to draw conclusions from this process – at this point you only need to be aware of what you are putting out there. And please make the time to journal. Are there any questions? Regarding keeping a record of every thought and allowing them to come through – when we write them down, do we need to then go in and explore the thoughts further, or do we just express them on the paper, leave it at that and move on? You don't even need to record every single thought. All I'm asking of you is to allow your natural mind chatter to emerge, without manipulation, and to actually notice it. Before we can begin to retune the ego focus, we need to ascertain and acknowledge its current direction. Conscious awareness of your present reality through journalling the ego thoughts is step one in a process that will evolve. It is not an end in itself. However it is a critical step because I cannot assist you in changing what you are doing until you first become aware that you are even doing it. So it is experiential – not something you intellectualise, but something you are to experience. YOUR C o p y r i g h t



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LIFE M a c k a y , I S B N




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This is all that I am seeking in the first week from you. Virgile, how do I know what's an ego thought and what's something else? Journal whatever comes to the surface – do not attempt to categorise your mind's contents in this way. If I have a thought about something I'd like to be doing, is that necessarily ego? Indeed, these are clues that we will expand upon later. It is actually a good point that you bring up that not all ego thoughts are going to be bad. Are we to record thoughts or events that may trigger reactions from us or stir something up inside as well? Indeed. Anything that you feel needs to be recorded should be recorded. It is not a test and it is largely for your own eyes, so do not feel inhibited. Record what is important to you, what pushes your buttons at that time. Done with diligence, this exercise will assist you greatly not only this week, but in future weeks. You may rely on it as a way to overcome the mind confusion and blaze a trail into the heart and Soul of the matter confronting you. There is no need in my defining the exercise further as it is foremost a tool to reveal your own process. I want you to become aware of what lies within your conscious mind, as opposed to just hearing yourself without listening. Record whatever you like. At this point I would like to conclude as it is critical that we move into next week with as little mind clutter as possible and just focus on the task for the task's sake without any attachment to outcomes. Thank you very much for coming through this evening and I'm sure we all look forward to speaking with you next week. I wish you well. Be blessed. Thank you, Virgile.

YOUR C o p y r i g h t



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LIFE M a c k a y , I S B N




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Lesson One Journal your ego thoughts, diligently and without expectation.

YOUR C o p y r i g h t



b y

S a l l y

LIFE M a c k a y , I S B N




S u s i e T r u m b l e 0 - 6 4 6 - 4 5 1 7 2 - 3

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