Young Talk, May 2009

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May 2009

Young Talk is FREE Sex Education for primary schools • Know your rights • Stay in school • Say a BIG NO to sex

S Ojunge, 13, P6, Teso Day

May 2009

& Boarding PS Soroti

Young Talk traveled to Bundibugyo. There are many interesting things: Lake Albert, hot springs, beautiful people and animals. There is just one road. It is so narrow that vehicles pass close to one another. The zigzag road runs through a thick forest with Semliki Valley below and the Mountains of the Moon

Learn from animals

(Rwenzori) above. It is a wonderful experience to travel on this road. Bundibugyo is in Western Uganda. It borders the Democratic Republic of Congo. But we also found dangerous things in beautiful Bundibugyo like early sex and alcohol abuse. Read about the dangers on page 2.

Monkeys and baboons are very playful. Work without play makes Jack a dull boy.



The Bundibugyo

carrying style



HIV basics: Wonderful Septrin How can I live longer with HIV if I am not yet on ARVs? kwariisiima aston, p6, kataho ps, Bushenyi hiV-positive people easily fall sick. They get very many diseases because their bodies become weak. if you have hiV, you may not need arVs yet. They are usually for people who have lived with hiV for long. But you need septrin. Taking septrin daily can protect you from diseases like pneumonia, meningitis, diarrhoea and malaria. all people who have hiV should take septrin. even those on arVs should take septrin. a few people react to septrin. Talk to a health worker if you react. They will help you. By Dr Sabrina Kitaka, PIDC, Mulago Hospital

People There are four tribes in Bundibugyo: Bamba, Bakonjo, Batuku and Batwa (pygmies) who hunt and gather fruit. Most of them live in the forest. The other tribes do farming, fishing and cattle keeping.

Welcome back from holidays.

Read hard today. Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare today. Nyakato Mary and her friend.

Take a break from studies or work to play safe games like football and netball with friends. Elephants don't like fighting or disturbing young ones. If any of them misbehaves, it is chased away. They take good care of their families.

Hornbill birds are faithful to each other for life. The female is slightly smaller than the male.


l Be faithful to your friends. l When you grow up and get married, be faithful to your wife or husband. faithfulness is one of the ways to stay safe from hiV infection.

Kobs are alert animals. They always want to know what is going on around them.

Uganda Kob

l Learn to be alert like the Kob. l Use your senses to notice dangers and run to safety. l Be inquisitive (curious)ask questions and learn.

nyakato Mary is 14 and in p5 at ntoroko learning centre on lake albert. she knows the dangers in her environment. she says: "Moving alone at night is very dangerous here. When men get you, they rape you. i make sure by 7 pm, i am at home." Like Nyakato, learn the things in your environment that can harm you. Keep away from such things and stay safe. Young Talk is for Teachers and pupils in p5, p6 and p7


Young Talk, May 2009

Ntoroko is a fishing village on Lake Albert. Everyday there are boat-loads of fish for sale. So there is a lot of money. Sometimes money does more harm than good. People get confused. There are many bars and some prostitution. This is a risky environment for Young Talkers.

STAY AWAY FROM DAngeR Bars & lodges


Tembe E, a youth leader in Ntoroko, says: "After fishing people are idle and end up drinking alcohol, taking drugs and having sex. Parents and children mix freely in bars and lodges. Young girls are used in bars and lodges to attract men."


Prostitution Musinguzi P, the subcounty chief, is worried about prostitution in Ntoroko. He says: " When the sun sets, young people spend money on women. They have a lot of money. Their parents have no control over them." This is sad and very dangerous! Prostitution is when someone sells sex for money. Girls, do not give in to prostitution. Find safe and healthy means to get money. Boys, do not use the money you get from fish to buy sex from prostitutes.

I have got enough money from fishing to pay my fees.

Young Talkers, keep away from bars. They are dangerous. Stay in school. Go straight home after school. Ask your parents or guardians not to send you out of the house at night.

Home alone ---raped

"My mum goes for meetings and leaves me alone at home. one day, a man came home and raped me. i fought but he overpowered me. our neighbours say i should not worry about HiV. My mother reported to police but he has not been seen." Girl, 14, P7, Karugutu PS. sorry, dear. This was terrible. ask your parents not to leave you alone at home. Find someone to stay with while they are away. did you get PeP?

PeP stops HIV from reproducing in your body

PeP is medicine that reduces your risk of HiV if you are forced into sex or in an accident where you might have been exposed to body fluids that contain HiV. PeP is free in all government hospitals. in Bundibugyo you can get PeP from Bundibugyo Hospital, Nyahuka Health Centre IV or Karugutu Health Centre IV. Judith Daaki, a healthworker at Karugutu Health Centre IV, says, "If you live in Karugutu and need PeP or know someone who needs it, go to the health centre. PeP only works within three days (72 hours). So you need to rush if you have been forced into sex." Call Judith on 078-2-379449 or Richard Badaki on 077-4-332590."

Life after P7

Biteo Y, an elder in Ntoroko, says "Many girls drop out of school after P7. They become prostitutes." if you cannot continue with school, find work that is safe. Try farming or train in tailoring or carpentry. avoid dangerous work like prostition and selling alcohol. "I don’t go to bibanda (video places).There is a girl who went there and she was raped. One of the boys was arrested. Gaya D, 14, Ntoroko PS. Gaya, it is good that you are being careful. Sorry about the girl who was raped. We hope that she got PEP.

Say big nO to gifts

Never use your money to buy sex. Never have sex for money. learn from Margaret, who is 14 and studies at Ntoroko Learning Centre. She says: "I get money by washing plates for people, I also fetch water. I use the money to buy clothes and home things." That's good, Margaret.

The danger within you: Sometimes you may feel

like having sex. It is a natural feeling but it does not mean that you need to have sex. Control sexual feelings by keeping busy: take a walk, do games and sports.

"There is a woman who started buying me bread. one day she asked me to go to her home. But my friends advised me not to. They told me that she had HiV. When she asked me why i did not go, i told her that i fear HiV. Young people, be assertive!" olando H, 13, P6, karugutu Ps

Dear teachers,

some Young Talkers complain of teachers asking for sex. it is a crime to have sex with your pupils. Never take advantage of them. always help them understand the dangers of early sex. Build good teacher-pupil relationships. Your pupils will appreciate that you did not take advantage of them. Prossy Nyafono, teacher, Kisubi HS, Wakiso

QUIZ: Young Talkers, has a teacher

ever asked you for sex? What happened? Tell us your stories. Write and win exercise books and pads.

YouNG Talk is For TeacHers aNd PuPils iN P5, P6 aNd P7


Environment: Your surroundings. The world around you.

Happy girl: Dorcus Arinaye, P7, Kamwokya PS

Olando, you are a star! Thank you for choosing good friends and listening to their advice. Even people you think are safe can have the virus! Yes, be assertive. Say what you want or do not want in a big voice and clearly.

Young Talk, May 2009


Talk about your fears until you get help "our neighbour waits for me on the way. i have to move with my brother so that he does not disturb me. i feel like telling my parents." Bonabaana R, 14, P6, Karugutu PS, Bundibugyo.

told my mother about it. She talked to his parents and he has never done it again." Nangoza J, 14, P6, karugutu ps, Bundibugyo. good,

Yes, rehema, talk to your parents today before bad things happen to you.



circumcision is the cutting off of the foreskin of the penis. This can be for religious, cultural or medical reasons.

people in Bundibugyo and Bugisu practice male circumcision as a culture. To avoid transmitting hiV during the circumcision ceremony,

Thank you, Kunihira, for talking. It is good you talked to someone. Never keep quiet when bad things happen to you or if you are worried about something.

"There is a boy who touched my breasts and kissed me. I felt bad. I

Circumcision is healthy

use one knife for each boy. never share the same knife. Male circumcision done by health workers is a new ways to reduce the spread of hiV.

circumcision removes the delicate foreskin where hiV likes to enter. The skin on the tip of penis becomes drier and tougher. This makes it harder for hiV to enter the body.

But males who are circumcised can still get hiV. circumcision also improves personal hygiene. Boy Young Talkers, even if you are circumcised, continue to say no to sex. abstaining is the best way to protect yourself from hiV. it is best when circumcision is done in a hospital. it reduces risks of infection, over-bleeding and injury. By dr christine nalwadda, Makerere university school of public health


How much do you know about the dangers of HIV?

How to play:

Test yourself using this game. To make a die, cut a small square of dry cassava or wood. Use a pen to mark each side with dots 1 to 6. Make your own board from boxes. Use bottle-tops for moving along the squares.

1. Throw the die on the board one by one. The first person to have six dots up on the die starts the game. 2. Throw the die in turns. The game starts from square 1. Each player moves the bottle-top according to the number of dots on the die. For example, if the die shows three dots, move three steps ahead. 3. If your move takes you to the bottom of a ladder, read the words aloud and move your bottle-top up the ladder. Read the message at the ladder top to your friends. If your move takes you to the snake head, then you have been bitten by the snake. Read the message on snake head aloud. Move down until you reach the tail. Stop there. You will continue from this point after your friends have played. 4. If you enter a square taken by another player, it means you have ‘eaten’ him/her. He/she has to start again from square one. If you land on a square with words only, stop and read the words aloud.

nangoza! You talked! "i had a teacher who used to ask me to fetch water or cook for him. When i reported him to the headmistress, he beat me. i reported him again and he was transferred. " Kunihira M,14, P4, Ntoroko Learning Centre.

You are strong and have a healthier life

Circumcision also helps you keep good hygiene

Sara "The Special Gift"

story teaches us to always say the truth. Sara's uncle walks away in shame for lying about Sara's fees.

Sara's father is very happy to have a nice daughter. He calls her 'My Special Gift' and promises to keep her in school. QUIZ: Write to Young Talk and tell us what you have learnt from Sara. Win exercise books. You got gifts from a stranger

HIV infection, pregnancy and dropping out of school

Why did you move at night alone?

Good health for you.

You don't know the HIV risks around you.

Living with HIV? Take your medicine everyday.

Everytime you read words, talk about them with your friends before you continue. The first person to reach the FINISH point is the winner. Young Talk is for Teachers and pupils in p5, p6 and p7

Male medical circumcision reduces the risk of HIV

Video halls, bars and lodges are dangerous places

Delay sex, eat well and do exercises.

You have been raped

Early sex and sex for money

Let's talk about PEP

4 Young Talk, May 2009 No, it is not true! A boy can make a girl pregnant before he makes 18 years. From the age of 12, boys and girls start developing pubic hair. Boys get wet dreams, which means they have sperm. Girls start developing breasts and menstruation. At this age both girls and boys can produce babies if they have unprotected sex. Say no to sex. Stay in school. You are still very young to have babies.

Young TALK

P.O.Box 22366 Kampala

There is a man forcing me to stop school and marry him. He promises me everything. What should I do? Wandeghe Z, 13, P7, Nyarukungu S.D.A PS, Kasese Dear Wandeghe, do not stop school to get married. Your education is important. Do not be confused by this man. Whatever he promises, you will be able to get , even more, for yourself later when you finish school. Tell your parents or guardians and your teacher about this man. They will help you deal with him. He is a criminal. My penis is very small. My friends encourage me to have sex to increase its size. What can I do? Lokong J, 13, P6, Kotido Mixed PS Dear Lokong, do not worry about the size of your penis. You are only 13 and still growing. Your penis will grow to its mature size when you have also matured. Having sex does

Star school: Pupils of Bunyangule PS in Bundibugyo happy to receive their prize from Young Talk. not increase penis size. But it will expose you to HIV and other STDs. Different people develop at different times. Do not listen to your friend’s advice. It is wrong. Why don’t girls experience wet dreams? Alaro Priscilla, 13, Layibi Central PS, Gulu Girls do not have sperms to release.

"Young people stop moving at night alone. You can be raped, kidnapped and even sacrificed." Pupils of Step Up Infant PS, Masaka

Advice to Rogers Rogers asked for advise: "I have a small penis and I have a girlfriend who demands for sex. I fear having sex with her because of my small penis. What can I do?" Over 75 Young Talkers wrote to Rogers. Thank you. You all win Young Talk exercise

! Star Schoolal

rt S in Fort Po Nyansozi P in S P and Bugolo ung Talk la are the Yo pa am K . You on s this m th star school alls. tb ne d an win footballs

books. We especially loved the letter from C Athieno, Archbishop Yona Okoth Memorial PS, Tororo. She will get a special prize. She wrote: "Rogers, you are still young. Sex is for adults who are married. Keep yourself safe. Say no to sex. Your penis will grow as you grow." You win a special Young Talk pack of pens, pads and books.


Advise Bwambale

My brother's wife wants to play sex with me but I have refused. She says that if I don't she will chase me from her home. I fear to tell my brother. My father is a drunkard and my mother is married to another man. R Bwambale, 13, P7, Bunyangule PS, Bundibugyo.

Send your advice to Young Talk, 22366, Kampala and WIN.

Wet dreams happen to boys. Boys get wet dreams when there is release of sperms during sleep. I want to have sex with my girlfriend but the condom does not fit me. What can I do? Tumwesige W, 14, P5, Kabalega SS, Masindi Tumwesige, you are 14. That is why the condom does not fit. Condoms are made for adults and not children. You will expose yourself to HIV/STDs and teenage pregnancy if you have sex. You can go to prison for having sex with your girlfriend, whether or not you make her pregnant. What you can do? You can concentrate on your studies and keep away from danger by delaying sex until you are much older. Is it true that if you are below 18 years you cannot make a girl pregnant? Kaya J, 12, Kayonza PS, Kayunga

Why is it that young people are having Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) these days? Nagawa S, 15, Nfumbye SDA PS, Mityana STDs occur in people who have had sex with a person who has an STD and passed it on to them. If a young person has sex with someone with an STD, they will get the STD. Some children are defiled and therefore get STDs. Other children are engaging in sex when they are still very young. Young people need to keep safe from STDs and HIV by abstaining from sex. Pupils in primary school are always too young for sex.

Counselor: Dr Edith Nakku, Mulago Hospital. She is a mother of four children. Edith loves all Young Talkers.

Know your body: Pubic hair Why do boys and girls grow hair under the armpits and private parts? What is its function? Onyek Geofrey, P7, Barr PS, Lira

Have you also been wondering about the growth of pubic hair like Geofrey? Now let's talk about it. Pubic hair grows around the private parts in both boys and girls. It starts growing during puberty. It is natural and normal. Uses of pubic hair: l Prevents dirt, including certain bacteria, from entering the private parts. l Keeps the private parts warm.

If you do not keep pubic hair clean, you can get pubic lice. Bathe with soap and water at least twice a day. Trim pubic hair using a clean pair of scissors. Be careful not to hurt yourself while trimming. You may also use a razor blade. But some people get pubic pimples due to using razors. It is best to use scissors. They cost about 2000/=.

Growing pubic hair is not a sign to start sex. Wait to have sex. You are still young.

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