Young Talk, February 2009

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Vol. 10 No.9 Young Talk, February 2009 

Not for SALE:

Young Talk is FREE Sex Education for primary schools • Know your rights • Stay in school • Delay sex



ou are growing up. This is the time you start caring more about your looks. You may want to look like other people. This may not be possible. What is good on others may not be nice on you. Whatever you think and feel about yourself, remember you are a special child. Look your best within your own means and stay safe. Looking good makes you feel confident, feel great and have friends.

Young Talk went to Hoima, Kiboga and Soroti to find out what Young Talkers do to look good.

We feel good that we are at school. Our parents provide us with school fees. We are happy and proud. Akello Elizabeth and Okurut Joyce, Teso Boarding PS, Soroti

Stuart Ayebale, a 14 year old pupil, St.Mary PS, who lives near Lake Albert in Hoima told Young Talk what he does to look good. “Apart from my school uniform, I have only one shirt.

I wash it every morning before I go to school. When I return home, I put on the shirt and wash my uniform. I am always smart and last term, the school gave me a gift for being the smartest pupil.

Stuart Ayebale

HIV/AIDS facts

You cannot tell who has HIV by just looking at them. A person may be infected for a longtime but without signs and looking healthy. Such people can still pass on HIV to others. Delay sex...

it is safe and healthy for you.

Stuart’s home is far from town and shops. His story teaches us that you can look good, smart and feel confident within your means. It also teachers us that whatever your family situation or background, you can feel and look good. You need to: • Accept who you are. Stop wishing you were like other people. • Love yourself and respect your body. • Use the little you have well. • Work hard to get what you do not have.



e: Confidencat you To believe th ing eth can do som


Imagine your father asking you for sex! I refused sex with my fathe r When my mother died, I remained with my father. A few months later he sta rted demanding for sex. At fir st I thought he was joking, but he was serious. One day he wanted to sleep with me but I refused. The next day I ca lled my sister’s husband and told him. He came and took me away and now I am happ y. P6 pupil Universtiy Hill PS, Mukono Congratulations! Thanks for talking to someone about yo ur problem. You win a T-shirt, a novel

It is sad that some Young Talkers are facing a hard time with their relatives. Do not keep quiet if someone is trying to have sex with you. Forced marriage is also wrong. Talk to someone like how this pupil did. You can get help from: •LC for children’s affairs in your village •Probation officer •Police •Religious leaders •Another trusted adult like an aunt, big sister, brother, uncle.

Sex with your father, mother, uncle, aunt, sister, brother, cousin is always wrong.

Welcome to 2009. We believe you are excited about the New Year. This year you will be another year older. You need to care for yourself more. Stay safe by sharing your stories with us. Write to us and we will write back to you. Happy 2009.

 Young Talk, February 2009

What makes me look and feel nice In Hoima and Soroti, where we visited, there is a water problem. People walk long distances to get water. But many young people are clean and even in a group, you will not have a bad body odour.

I bathe everyday

We get our water from river Wambabya. I carry two jerricans on a bicycle and fetch two trips. I bathe everyday with blue soap and also wash my clothes. I use half of a jerrican and the rest is used by other family members. Tumukugize Rogers, 12, St Francisco PS, Buseruka, Hoima

I keep my hair short

I keep my hair short to avoid lice

and to look nice. My mother uses a razorblade to cut my hair. The salon is very expensive. Rwabagiraha Saulo, 13, P6, Buhanika PS, Hoima


Also, cut your pubic hair and that in your armpits to avoid lice and to look nice.

Smell fresh and confident I bathe and iron my clothes. This can help me avoid bad smell and diseases. A bad smell can make your friends refuse to walk with you. Abibu Kintu, Kiterede PS, Kiboga As you begin puberty, you may develop a bad smell. Do not allow this to happen. There are local and modern ways of fighting a bad smell. The starting point is to bathe at least two times a day. While bathing pay special attention to body parts with folds like between the legs and nderarms.



You can also use local medicine to stop the bad smell such as bombo and olweza: Bombo is a climbing plant. It is usually found in swampy areas especially near wells. Pick the leaves, wash and squeeze them. Scrub them in your armpits. Or put them in your bathing water. Do it daily until the bad smell stops. The inside (tube) of a banana stem. It is white, scrath it with a knife, scrub it in your armpit or even around your private parts. Kikokooma is a schrub usually used as toilet paper. Pick those smooth leaves and place them in your armpits. Remove them after about five minutes. Water that remains in saucepan after cooking food in banana leaves is helpful. Bathe with it, or smear it in your armpits. Leave it there until it dries, then wash with clean water. If your parents have money, you can ask them to buy you a deodorant. It costs about 2,500/=.

Types of Deodorant spray and roll-on

Looking good on the outside is not good enough. You need to be well behaved, clever, hardworking and respectful

Class perfomassnce

cla - Work hard in rs to your teache - Pay attention parents - Respect your ooks - Revise your b class - Contribute in o er what you d ch a te e th sk -A d not understan

er the art and feeling great aft sm g kin loo rs ke Tal g un Yo ima interview in Buseruka, Ho

Your underwear

Your underwear is important. Do not neglect it just because it is always under your clothes. Keep it clean. Make sure it does not have holes. If you do not have enough underwear, make your own.

How to make knickers/ underwear What you need: String, elastic code (bicycle tubes), cotton material (like T-shirts), I have four panties. I wash them daily and the needle and thread. water is fetched from the well. It is not protected •Cut out the T-shirt and is very far. Arinaitwe Judith, Butebere in shape of a knicker/ PS, Hoima underwear. • Sew on both sides very well so that when you are washing it does not undo itself. • Make them free to allow air to flow. These are better than Dry your pants outside and cover the cheap nylon pants. I have one pair of underwear them with a light but I wash it every night before piece of cloth I sleep in order not to smell. Isingoma Stephen Buhanika PS, Hoima.

Smart in brain and good behaviour Good behaviour

If you are a well behaved person, other people will like you. You will be able to make friends. This will make you happy. Good behaviour and respect for your teachers, parents, guardians and elders will help you learn and make you a more likeable person.

Remember to:

• Respect others • Treat others with kindness. For example, help those in need. • Do not despise other • Share with others • Pray everyday


Young Talk, February 2009 

Looking good with little money A Young Talker says, “Being smart is not possible, especially when you do not have parents to buy you clothes. This can make some children steal.” Steven Isingoma, 13, P6, Buhanika PS, Hoima

I want. I cut and dye my hair in the salon. I like tight trousers and skirts. They make me feel great.” Ayebale Gloria, 13, Yana PS, Hoima

“I sell my mother’s cooked yams during holidays. From Mukasa Monday to Friday the money I get You can however do something to is for my mother. Saturday is my get some little money for basic needs day. The money I get is mine. My like clothes. mother allowed me to use it to Here are some buy anything I need.” Mukasa Young TalkDenis, 12, P6, Kiteredde PS, ers who work Kiboga and get some Kintu Abibu of money. Kiterede PS Kiboga sells bananas to buy all his basic needs. “During He uses some of the money to holidays, I sell pay school fees and buy cloths. yellow bananas and pancakes by Have you learnt something from the road side. I your friends? Think of something use the money you can do to get money. You to buy whatever Ayebale can work hard by selling things or

For Teachers

doing work for people like slashing to get paid. You can use this money to buy good

Younger talkers, what do you think about What Steven says? Being an orphan does not mean stealing. Stealing is bad. It is a crime at the same time. You can be punished or even imprisoned.

How some Young Talkers get money Daily

Weekly Monthly

Fetch and sell water Sell pancakes Sell milk





Wash plates in the hotel




Payment 50/- per jerry can 100/- for 4 pancakes 200/- per cup 500/- per day

When you get that little money, plan for it. You can decide to buy a skirt/trouser this month and a shirt/blouse the next month and shoes the following month. Do not waste that money, it is useful.

Science corner: Keep your penis clean Penile hygiene is taking care of the penis by keeping it clean. When you see whitish stuff on your penis, do not worry, it is normal. But you need to wash regulary or it will start smelling. • For the boys with the front skin that can be pulled back, pull it as far back as it can go then wash the inside slowly with water and soap.

• Diseases of the penis. If you find out that you have: • Pimples around the penis • Smelly penis •Pain. Please see a doctor immediatly. Sometimes these symptoms go away without treatment.This does not mean you have cured. It can still be in your body and cause problems later.

• If your fore-skin cannot be pulled back, do not force it. You will injure it. Wash the outer part of the penis with soap and clean water properly. If you do not keep your penis clean, you are at risk of: • Ringworms

Look at a child as your own child. Treat them well, they will feel more free and happy. Parental love and care is important. It makes those children feel good. Give them time to play with their friends. Encourage children to tell you what they feel. This will make them happy and closer to you. Akugizibwe Kenneth Teacher Buhanika PS, Hoima

Key messa



• Concentrate: To be attentive • Guardians: Someone who looks after you • Despise: Not to respect

Puzzle No. 01

l You can not change th e way you were created . l Doubting yourself mak es you unh appy l You can still look goo d even if yo u are poor l Do not st eal to look go od

In this puzzle, you will look for as many words as you can find. Circle them as in the examples given; VITAMIN and POLISH.

P B N A S C G Q T S I W X P W A S H D D H A I R W X O J I I A E G M O PO O A L K L Q V O C B B K N P C I O S B E D C A O V V R C S B O M B O Q T T A S O A H O D O U R K H E A L T H F R U I T A A E E E S E E V I T A M I N P T X L I R G G X W AT E R H A N N B K N I C K E R S O N S S S H Y G I E N E O M N Y M Z I D K K W X W K Z Z D N N A B B D J Z L A B Y Y D O When you finish, tear out the puzzle and send it to: Young Talk P.O.Box 22366, Kampala. Best answers will win exercise books and pens from Young Talk. Name:………………………………………………………………………............................... Class:……………………….......................................................................................... School:…………………………………………………………………………….................... P.O.Box……………………………………………………………………........................….

Washing your penis well



 Young Talk, February 2009

do not have semen.They have vaginal discharge which can increase when they are sexually aroused. I have a friend who says she has never had sex. When she tested, she was HIV positive. How did that happen? Kabugho Marion, Katsere Model PS, Kasese. If your friend tested and she is HIV positive, it is very sad. However it is not the end of the world for her. It does not mean that she had sex. There are many ways through which someone can get HIV. These include, mother to child transmission (MTCT). Other ways may be by blood transfusion, sharing sharp instruments with an infected person and by sexual abuse. Continue being her friend and support her when she needs help.

Young Talk

in Hoima Young Talkers of Businsi - Hoima are very glad for the messages they receive through Young Talk newspapers.


Young TALK P.O.Box 22366 Kampala

Is it true that painful period can lead to barrenness? Lalam Eunice, Moroto Municiple PS, Moroto. Painful periods don’t cause barrenness. Some people are born barren. Others become barren Dr. Edith Nakku Mulago Hospital when they abort or have lived with untreated STDs. These destroy the fallopian tubes making someone barren. A warm bath and a painkiller may reduce painful periods.If the pain is too much, see a doctor at a health centre near you. There is a boy who asks me for sex. I love him so much. What can I do? Kanyange Annet, Matoo PS, Ntungamo Please don’t give in to his sex demands. Tell him, love does not mean sex. If he loves you, he will understand. Beware of the dangers of early sex. Early sex could lead to early pregnancy, dropping out of school, HIV/STDs. If he insists, talk to an adult you trust about it. Do you remain a virgin when you have sex with a condom? Adikini Grace, Yona Okoth Memorial PS, Tororo No. You don’t remain a virgin. You lose your virginity the

Young Talkers on ARVs If you are on ARVs, it is important that you take them on time and in the right dose. Remember most people who need ARVs in Uganda cannot get them. You are lucky to have them. ARVs will help reduce the HIV in your body and this will help you have more white blood cells. This will help you grow stronger and healthier.

moment you have sex even if you use a condom. Delay sex until after your studies, when you are above 18. Remember condoms are made for adults and not children. Stay healthy. I have never had sex but I masturbate. I am still a virgin? OI, Oturugarg PS, Paidha, Nebbi Yes. You are still a virgin. Masturbation doesn’t break one’s virginity. You can only break your virginity if you have sex with another person. Be careful not to hurt yourself. Some people have damaged their penis due to rubbing. Stay safe and healthy. Is it true that if I have sex two days after my period I will not get pregnant? Wanyenza Robbinah, Kibbuye Mapeera PS, Mukono My dear, normally at your age, your periods are unstable due to the changes you are still going through. It is hard to count the days remaining to your ovulation, which is the time when one gets pregnant. Your worry should not only be pregnancy. Think of other Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV. We want the best for you. Delay sex at least up to above 18 years. Why don’t girls experience wet dreams? Alaro Priscilla,13, Layibi Central PS, Gulu Girls don’t experience wet dreams because they


In the Nov/Dec Young Talk, we asked you to write in and tell us about the day you said No to sex. Young Talk received 22 letters from University Hill PS, Mukono.

Winners Babirye, 13, P6; Kato Joel Kyabadde, 11, P6; G.R, 12, P6; N.J, 12, P6; N.J.H, 13, P6; Zamu 11, P6; N.T Christine, 13, P6; E.N.R Joan, 11, P6; Nabbale Rita, 11, P6; Luswata P, 12, P6; Clare, 12, P6; Nathan, 13, P6; N. Emmanuel, 13, P6; Steven ,13, P6; Kevine, 13, P6; N.B.G, 14, P6; N.V.C, 13, P6; Muyanga Jackie, 12, P6; Kayiika Gloria, 13, P6 and G.R, P6

Win exercise books Every Young Talker who writes in wins a dozen of Young Talk exercise books.

Send your questions and advice to Young Talk P. O. Box 22366 Kampala

What are the things that can make you lose your virginity? What can you do you feel like having sex, to avoid them? When lings? Write to how do you stop the fee 22366,


ox Young Talk on P.O B rizes Kampala and win p

We are happy to be in School; Pupils of Agiermach PS, Nebbi, reading Young Talk

Publisher: Straight Talk FOUNDATION 4 Acacia Avenue, Kololo, P. O. Box 22366, Kampala, Tel: (031) 262030/1, Fax: 534858, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Executive Director: C. Watson; Communications Director: T. Agutu, Editorial Manager: E. Kimuli, Editors: M. Akello, D. Agaba, J. Abongowath, Photo Editor: G. Awekofua Chief Designer: MeB. Kalanzi, Designers: GB. Mukasa, Allan B. Dentine Printer: The New Vision Young Talk is funded by DANIDA, DFiD & SIDA.

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