Young Talk, August 2008

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  • Words: 2,487
  • Pages: 4
Vol. 10 No.8 August 2008

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•Know your rights •Stay in school

Sex education for primary schools

•Delay sex

Li vi ng w it h

I love my body

disabilities Do you live with any kind of disability? How do you feel and how do other children treat you?Do not feel bad about yourself. You are normal and have a right to be protected from abuse.If you live or study with children with disabilities, know that they have feelings. Respect them and protect them from sexual abuse.

Do not allow to be abused. Say NO to sex. Protect yourself from HIV. Young Talk visited children with disabilities in Masaka. They talked about their life, dreams and how they avoid HIV.

Amos Mwesezi got a wound on his left leg when he was a baby. It could not heal and he got a disability.

ten years It is ten lk of Young Ta your

We are changing newspaper to make it more fun. In your club, discuss what you would like to change or add in

Young Talk. Write and tell us on P.O.Box 22366 Kampala.

best letters es! s! priizze WIN pr

But he says..... I know how HIV spreads I do not share sharp objects with anyone. My father told me to avoid girls if I am to avoid getting HIV.

I do not like nicknames Some children used to call me 'Butcherman.' I was not happy, I reported them to the teachers.

I am careful with my body. I love it so much. I cannot allow anyone to abuse it. I do not accept gifts from men. Yo-acel Monica, 14, P7, Masaka School of children with special needs.

I miss football Football is my best game. I cannot play it, I just watch others play. Pupils call me the coach. I laugh at those who have two legs and can’t even kick a ball.

I want to become a judge I want to study hard and become a judge of the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Amos Mwesezi, 12, P6, Nabinene Adventist PS, Masaka.

There is a woman who wanted to buy me sweets. I feared that she could force me into sex and give me AIDS. Derrick Musoke, 14, P7, Masaka School of children with special needs

Monica and Derrick use Sign Language to learn. They can't hear or talk. But they are very active at school. Monica is also the headgirl.

Disability is not inability Many people with disabilities have made it in life. Some are MPs, teachers, doctors and lawyers. Abdul Busulwa, who is visually impaired (blind) is soon going to America to do his third degree. He works with National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU) He says;"You need courage and determination to succeed. Many times I wanted to leave school but I told myself, why leave now when I have come this far? I grew up in a poor family but we shared the little we had equally. Before I joined Makerere University, I was the best at S4 in Iganga district and 2nd best in S6. Believe in yourself, you will make it in life". YOUNG TALK IS FOR TEACHERS AND PUPILS IN P5, P6 AND P7


Young Talk, August 2008

Staying safe with disabilities Blind but safe My classmates help me a lot. They read for me what is on the blackboard. They also show me which way to take. I do other things on my own like washing and fetching water. I fear HIV so I do not misbehave with girls.There is a girl who used to come in our house to have sex with me. I told my mother and she chased her away. Deo Lumbuye, P7, Misanvu PS, Masaka.

Types of disabilities There are many types of disabilities:blindness, hearing impairment, physical disability, mental disability, epilepsy and deafblind. Some people are born disabled. But many become disabled as children and others as adults especially in accidents. Some disabilities can be avoided like polio.

I manage my feelings There is a time when I get alot of sexual feelings but we have our 'police', the PIASCY teacher, who is always watching us. I manage my feelings by listening to radio or playing football. Isma Kayima, 15, P5, Misanvu PS, Masaka

Common causes of disablilities: • Diseases like malaria, menengitis, polio and trachoma • Falling from a high place • Improper use of drugs • Loud noise like gunshots • Car accidents • Poor nutrition • Wars

Message from NUDIPU Dear children with disabilities, know your rights and protect them. National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU) is working with organisations to put in place friendly services for you. We are also training teachers and organisations to serve you better. It is your right to be treated with respect, love and care. Irene Mirembe, Information Officer-HIV/AIDS Project, NUDIPU Dear Young Talker, read Young Talk for any blind child you know. They also need to learn about HIV.

Support children with disabilities Pupils of St. Modesta Model PS, Masaka speak out on how they feel and what they would do if they had a disability. If I had a disability, I would want to be treated well and be given all that I want. Nakawesi Oliva, 14, P6 I would want children to love me and help me to learn. Rodgers Kayinga, 13, P7

I would want children to help me so that I can be happy in life. Nabawesi Mary, 13, P5

Pupils of Masaka School of children with special needs use Sign Language to sing “Baby Jesus”.

Children with disabilities have equal rights Many disabled children in countries that are still developing like Uganda do not go to school. Such children can easily be abused by people and they get pregnant, infected with HIV or STDs. This is sad. We can change it. Demand for your rights to

• Education • Easy access to classes • Medical care • Protection • Clean environment • Food You have a right to say

NO to sex. If you are attacked by a rapist/ defiler: • Shout very loud for people to hear • Hit him/her with your crutch • Squeeze sensitive parts on them like testicles or breasts.

For Teac hers I would want other people to help me solve my problems and work with me. Bernard Wasswa, 14, P7

body Use special time to talk about HIV/AIDS, al changes and life skills. Children with speci Tell needs can easily be taken advantage of. one is them to shout or make noise if some trying to attack them. And to report something immediately to teachers or parents if , seko Nan y Bett . them to ens bad happ ren Teacher, Masaka School of child with special needs.

Boys too can be defiled The July issue of Young Talk said boys are sexually abused while girls are defiled. However, the new law on defilement says both boys and girls can be defiled. If someone uses an object or penis to enter your vagina, mouth or anus, or a woman having sex with a young boy is all defilement. So watch out for people who do such bad things and report them to police! Frank Othembi the Registrar, Education and Public Affairs at the Judicial Service Commission

Schools for children with special needs: • Ntinda school for the deaf, Kampala • Masaka School for children with special needs • Tukore PS, Mbarara • Madera school for the blind, Soroti • Misanvu PS Special needs education unit, Masaka • Kampala school for the physically handicapped • Agururu unit for the deaf • Salaama School for the Blind, Mukono


3 Young Talk, August 2008

• Never lose hope even when things are bad • Share your worries with a friend, you will feel better and strong. • Girls and boys need equal education

Sara, fighting back tears, runs out of the Kitchen

Concentrate: Do one thing at a time Nod: Move your head up and down to show you agree with someone Tough: Hard

The special Gift

settled. But she has hope that her father will send money in time and she goes to secondary school. Sara then meets her friend Lizard. She shares her worries with him. Later, her brother hears her talking alone. He is touched. He tells Sara that he is ready to leave school so that she can continue. Sara refuses, saying there must be another way for her.


Welcome to part 5 of “Sara the Special Gift”. In this part, Sara is very sad that she cannot go to secondary school. She tries to read her books in her room but her mind is not

In her room that evening, Sara tries to read by the lamplight but she cannot concentrate. She takes out her school books and looks at them but it’s no use Father will send the money in time he will! I know he will......

Lizard. You are my friend. I need a nod from you, life is getting tough. I dont know what to do. You see, I want to learn, that is my main concern.

Oh it’s You

But of course you can’t tell me ....... I must find out myself!

I’m going to leave school so you can continue

But I don’t want you to Stop..... No, Tsumi. That isn’t the answer.

What friend?

Oh, -- You don’t know him I know. But there must be another way. My friend says so. YOUNG TALK IS FOR TEACHERS AND PUPILS IN P5, P6 AND P7

4 Young Talk, August 2008 married off when you are young. There are so many problems. One of them is early pregnancy which can end your life. You also have a right to be given food.Tell your problem to a responsible adult, an LC leader or trusted friend, they can talk to your sister. Counsellor Faith Falal Straight Talk Foundation

DEAR Young TALK la P.O. B0X 22366 Kampa I have a girlfriend who buys me sweets and pancakes. She then asks me for sex yet she has other sexual partners, what can I do? Aine O, 14, P7, Rweigaaga PS, Bushenyi? Aine, do not accept to have sex because you ate pancakes and sweets. Think about your future first. If you cannot stand it, tell her to stop it. You said she has other sexual partners, this makes it more necessary for you to tell her what you feel about her demands. Love is not shown by having sex or giving gifts. Say no to early sex to avoid HIV/AIDS, STDs and unwanted pregnancy. Is it true that if I wash my penis with soap I can get cancer? Henry M, 14, P7, St. Josephs Sanje PS, Rakai Henry, soap does not cause cancer of the penis. Instead it helps improve your hygiene. But you do not need to put soap on the inside part of your foreskin. It can cause a bad smell. Use soap only to clean on top and only clean water on the inside part of your foreskin. This should be every time you bathe. Can I make a girl pregnant at my age? Ambrose H, 13, Revival PS, Kampala.

Star School! Bunyangule PS, Bundibugyo, is the Young Talk star school for August. Pupils in this school sent 30 letters to Young Talk in July. All pupils who wrote letters win Young Talk rulers. Make your school

a star school by

Dictionary We love making friends including children with disabilities. Pupils of St. Modesta PS, Masaka.

Hormone: Substance help produced by the body to it to grow for a Stare: Look at someone long time Stretch: To make longer Miserable: very unhappy Estrogen: a hormone in girls that helps breasts to grow

Star Teacher Thank you Young Talk for thinking about us. Pupils of Masaka school of chidren with special needs. Yes you can. At 13 years, you may have started producing sperms. So if you had sex with a girl, you could make her pregnant. Be responsible when relating with girls. You can have them as friends and not think about having sex with them. I sit and share with a friend in class who is HIV positive. Pupils say I will get HIV from her, is it true? NT, 12, P6, Bukuku Mixed PS, Masaka. NT, you cannot get HIV from your friend by sitting next to her or sharing things with her. Only avoid sharing sharp objects like razor blades. Otherwise, keep your friendship, do not listen to lies.

writing to Young Talk!

s Young Talk? What have you learnt from thi.........................

..................... Young Talk Topic:........................... Young Talk: this What I have learnt from ...................................................... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 1................... ............................................ ....... ....... ....... 2. .......................................... .. ........................................................ 3. ................................................. ................... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 4............................................... ..... ........................................................ 5...................................................... ... ....... ....... Class .... ....... Age. .. ....... Name:.............................................. District..................................... School.............................................. to Young Talk P.O. Box ers Answer and send your answ KS, PENS AND RULERS BOO S. PAD WIN and 22366 Kampala

My sister denies me food because I refused to get married. I am an orphan, what can I do? NR, P7, Kibuye PS, Kampala NR, thanks for knowing what you want. Never accept to be

for June, Mr. Geofrey Okware of Ngelechom PS, Tororo (right) receives a

mobile phone prize from Philip Byaruhanga of Straight Talk


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growing, did you get When your breasts started worry! not Do d? excited or worrie mal body change. Growing breasts is a nor

easts: Facts about br ers as early as age 7 or 8. Oth

• Some girls grow breasts so you do not have to worry if or 15 don’t start until age 13 eloped yet. ducing your breasts have not dev that will tell it to start pro • Your body has a “clock” hormone s Thi n. oge estr ed call a female hormone breast to start growing. makes it possible for the der. This is or itch and are very ten • The breasts will hurt . This may ing tch stre be will skin very normal because the last for a year or less. , others have small ones. tter, some girls have big • Breast size does not ma er. oth the n ehow bigger tha • One breast may be som



4 Acacia Avenue, Kololo, P. O. Box 22366, Kampala, Tel: (031) 262030/1, Fax: 534858, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Executive Director: C. Watson; Communications Director: T. Agutu, Programs Director: S. Ajok, Editorial Manager: E. Kimuli, Editors:G. Awekofua, M. Akello, D. Agaba, J. Abongowath, Chief Designer: M. Kalanzi, Designer: Gb. Mukasa, Printer: The New Vision Young Talk is funded by DANIDA, DFID & SIDA.

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