Young Talk, August 2007

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No. 8 Volume 10 August 2007

•Know your rights •Stay in school •Wait to have sex

Sex education for primary schools

No laughing at girls I cannot laugh at a girl who is in her periods. Instead I would encourage her to take it easy. It is a change that every girl goes through and it is normal. I think it is not difficult because it does not kill. If I were a girl I would not want boys to laugh at me since it is a normal. Boys should not force girls into sex because they can get pregnant. Reading about menstruation has taught me to treat girls like my own sisters. Niwamanya Acleouphus,16, Kagongo PS Ibanda

• We tell girls not to miss classes. • We give them our sweaters to use in case their uniforms get dirty. • We ask teachers to give other punishments instead of caining girls who are in their periods. • We tell girls to always put on knickers to avoid embarrassment. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

YOUNG TALK Editors visited the young talkers in the districts of Bushenyi Ibanda and Isingiro. It was interesting to note that boys were aware that menstruation was a normal body change in girls. Menstruation is when a girl’s body releases blood from the womb or the uterus through the vagina. Some boys said that they support girls during menstruation. But how do they do it? This is what they say: • We should not laugh at girls who are in their periods.

Tell girls quietly If I see blood on a girl’s uniform, I go near her and tell her to go and clean herself. I advise her to go to the senior woman teacher for help. I think menstruation is difficult. Some girls feel shy when boys laugh at them. And at times girls who do not bath smell in class. If I were a girl I would want boys to treat me well. I would make sure I am clean all the time. I read information about menstruation for examination purposes. I want to know more about puberty. Atukunda Raymond, 13, P7, Kataho PS, Bushenyi

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Boys and Menstruation

My brother taught me what to do My elder brother helps me a lot when I am in my periods. He taught me how to look after myself and not allow boys to deceive me. I would like boys in my class to help me and not laugh at me when I I'm in my periods. I may feel bad and fail to come to class. Menstruation is not easy. It makes me uncomfortable, because of too much pain and body weakness. Information about menstruation has helped me to know many things like when you have sex when you have started your cycle you can easily get pregnant. Uditah Bagirwe, 15, P6, St Joseph’s PS, Isingiro


Menstruation is not good. Those girls who get it sleep with many men. I don't want to sit with them. They smell in class for boys . Turyasingure Alex, P7, Kataho PS, Bushenyi Personally I thank God for making me a boy because I hate seeing girls in menstruation. I would feel embarrassed and hate myself for being a girl. I can almost blame God for creating me a girls! Gai David, Kisubi Boys School, Wakiso

• Boys be sensitive to girls when they are in their periods

Boys, these are wrong beliefs. Menstruation is a sign of womanhood. It happens monthly to every female who have reached puberty, including your sisters, aunties, even your own mother!

• Menstruation happens to your sisters,mothers,aunties and other women

• Menstruation is not a curse.It is a natural body change



Young Talk, August 2007

Are boys in your school helpful?

Some girls miss school during menstruation because the school environment is unfriendly. Do you find this fair? How do boys in your school treat girls in their periods? Some readers shared their stories with Young Talk and hear are their experiences:

Boys help with sweaters

so The boys in our school are on od blo helpful. If they see u their your uniform they give yo they es tim t A sweaters to use. to u yo lp he to call your friend g rin Du . clean up yourself of menstruation, I feel a lot I have ss. tle res pain and become out ab on ati orm been reading inf s ha s thi d menstruation an en helped me a lot. I can ev by d pa al loc make my own ol. wo n tto co using Maxwell toho Ka 7, ,P 14 June Aven, PS, Bushenyi

I'm sensitive to girls I am so sensitive about menstruation because I have sisters who also go through the same. I always encourage girls to feel free because it is normal. I can inform a fellow girl to help incase her dress gets dirty. I believe menstruation is difficult because most girls feel shy. And at times they fall sick. If I were girl I would want boys to treat me well by not telling everyone incase my dress gets dirty. Kamukama Herbert 15, St Joseph’s PS, Isingiro

Girls always be prepared I help girls by advising them to always put on knickers to avoid embarrassment. Menstruation can come anytime. So it is better for girls to be ready. I see menstruation makes girls less active and they fear to play with others.If they do not bath they mayb have bad body smell. If I were a girl I would like boys not to laugh at me. Akatuha Dickson,15, Kyabiretwa PS,Ibanda

Facts about menstruation Menstruation is when a

girl’s body releases blood from the womb or the uterus through the vagina.

Girls usually begin menstruating between the age of 9 and 16. Menstral blood comes out of the vagina about once a month but for others it may be twice a month for various reasons. All female menstruate till the age of 49. Menstruation can happen any time. Some-times there is no sign to show that your period will start soon. But for some girls they get pain in the lower abdomen or have general body weakness.

What to use

There are many things you can use to absorb the blood that comes out so that your uniform does not get soiled. You can use a clean piece of cotton cloth to make local pads. Or you can buy Always pads which can be bought from shops and supermarkets.

Feel good about yourself! Girls, you should not feel shy about menstruation. Menstruation is not a curse. It means your body is developing into woman-hood. You can get pregnant if you have sex. Aviod early sex and stay in school.

How to prepare

• Carry some pads or clean pieces of cloth in your bag for incase your period starts unexpectedly • Carry an extra clean pair of knickers • Ask your senior woman teacher to help you when you do not know what to do. i

Maintain hygiene

It is always good to be clean by bathing atleast twice a day to avoid bad smell and other bacterial infection. YOUNG TALK IS FOR TEACHERS AND PUPILS IN P5, P6 AND P7

Make your own pads Iron it and fold the pieces to fit your panty area. Use a pair of scissors or a new razor blade to cut. Keep your pad properly and use them when period starts Remember home made pads can be used more than once. Wash iron and keep them till the next menstral period.

Wash the T-shirt with soap and clean water Rinse properly and hang on a line under the sun.

For teachers A Senior Woman teacher Ms Juliet Bashangi of Kataho PS demostrates to girls how pads are used. Dear Teachers, help girls to manage their periods so that they don't miss classes. Encourage boys to support instead of teasing and laughing at them. Keep some pads, water and an extra uniform at school in case a girl soils herself. Let us help girls to love their chaning bodies.

3 Young Talk, August 2007

The new story continues....

As Sara comes home from school, she finds elders outside, worried about Sofia`s diasapperance.

y compound The empt empty Sara goes to her room

Sara comes home from school

Sara goes to her room very worried.Sara`s mother asked her to go to the well with her. As they move they see Sofia in the garden.

Sara happily runs to hug Sofia .Sofia tells Sara that people are dying and no one cares.Sara`s mother asks Sofia where she was. Sofia answered that she had gone to town to have an HIV test, Sara`s mother asked Sofia why she did not tell them.Sofia replied that she had to decide on her own .

Please, Sofia, come back and we’ll show everyone how to be strong

If we don’t find her we’ll have to tell the chief It’s too early yet. She might have gone anywhere

t Be concerned abounce your friend`s abse accuse It is not good to ing someone of infectV the other with HI at Always tell peopleare home where you going e one Early sex can caus to get HIV who Be kind to those are HIV positive

Come on, Sara, let’s go to the well.

The path to the well takes them near Sofia’s compound...

Sofia, Sofia, are you safe? We were worried.

I went to town to take the HIV test. I’ve got to know the truth.

Look. Look at it. It’s dying and no one cares. We are all dying and no one cares.

But why didn’t you tell us?

Sofia my dear, where have you been? We have been so worried.

Oh, Sofia... I had to decide by myself.

Aviod early sex because you can get HIV/AIDS and die when you are still young.


4 Young Talk, August 2007 Can a girl who has carried out an abortion give birth in future? Akol B, 2-way PS, Busia Yes, she can. But abortion can injure the womb and one can never have children and some die. Abortion lead to psychological effect.


la P.O. B0X 22366 Kampa Why is that some girls do not experience menstruation periods at the age of 16, Could they be abnormal? Tushabe R, Rukungiri Modern PS No, those girls are normal. The level of development is different from person to person. Some develop faster than the others. I feel too much pain when I am urinating, what could it be? Katimbo M, Nakinyuguzi PS Tell your parent to take you to the doctor. This could be an infection or even an STD if you have ever had sex. You need to go to a health worker for proper diagnosis

Pupils of St Joseph`s PS love reading young Talk

Is it true that if you wash your penis with warm water you cannot produce? Katusiime B, Rukungiri Mordern PS That is not true. Sperms are responsible for fertilizing the ovary. The body will make sperm whether you bath with cold water or not. Never use warm water thinking you will not make one pregnant. Why is it that most girls experience pain during menstruation? Achora P, 15, Anaka Central PS, Gulu Some girls experience painful periods because of the contraction and expansion of the muscles of the uterus to get out blood. However, this is normal. You can use a warm piece of cloth to press your stomach. You also try to be active by going for sports. Take hot things like tea. They help reduce pain.

Pupils of Kagongo PS say Young Talk has helped them to stay in school

My friends tell me if I do not pull my clitoris I will not produce and this worries me a lot. Nakazige A, Lwemiyaga PS, Sembabule That is not true, pulling clitoris has nothing to do with giving birth. Many women do not pull their clitoris but give birth. It is only a practice in some cultures. Ask your mother if you are not comfortable. Is having a pimple one of the signs that you are in menstruation. Mwesigwe R, Sky Standard PS, Malongo Pimples are one of the body changes experienced by boys and girls in puberty. Some boys too get pimples yet they do not menstruate. Avoid eating fatty food and take enough water. Simply wash your face with clean water and soap.

There is a woman who is forcing me to have sex, I told my father about it but he has done nothing. And yet this woman is continuing to demand sex. Kakuru A, Good Hope PS, Ntungamo It is sad that this lady is continuing to demand sex from you. Do you have a mother or an aunt? Try to talk to them. Tell your teacher or report her to the police. Avoid moving alone. There is a boy in our class who is fond of touching my private parts and he says if I report he will kill me? Susan A. Kabamba PS, Mubende Suzan, continue telling him not to touch your private parts. If he insist report him to the teacher. Bad touches is one is a form of child abuse . My friend is ever advising me to have sex after my periods; She says I will not get pregnant? Muduwa A , Buhugu PS At your age you can get pregnant if you have sex because your period is irregular so there is no safer day for you . It is better that you abstain because you may get HIV and STDs. I have a friend who is an orphan and HIV positive but the aunt forces her to have sex with men. Kamuruli G, PS, Kasese What the auntie is doing is criminal. Advice your friend to report immediately to the LCs, teacher, religious leader or Police .

Henry Nsubuga Counsellor STF



JOURNALIST FOR A DAY Gai David and Esther Tibamwenda of Kisubi Boys, Wakiso, discuss about menstruation

4 Acacia Avenue, Kololo, P. O. Box 22366, Kampala, Tel: (031) 262030/1, Fax: 534858, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Director: C. Watson;; Deputy Director: T. Agutu, Editorial Manager: B. Kagoro, Editors: E. Kimuli, G. Awekofua, Chief Designer: M. Kalanzi, Designer: Gb. Mukasa, Reporter: J Abongowath, Printer: The New Vision, Young Talk is funded by DANIDA, DFID & SIDA.

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