Yi-transl-1 01

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  • Words: 7,135
  • Pages: 66
The Zhouyi Principal text of the Yijing (I Ching)

In simple English translation By Shawn Wallace PDF v1.01, © 2008

01. Qián; Heaven / Initiating Initiating The sublimeА fosters developmentВ, issuing harvestГ in perpetuityД Base Nine:

Hidden dragon does not act

2nd Nine:

Seeing the dragon in a field AdvantageousГ to see a great person

3rd Nine:

The noble youth, unto the day’s end, is active and influential In the evening, alert and wary of danger Not a mistake

4th Nine:

Perhaps leaping into the gulf Not a mistake

5th Nine*:

Seeing the dragon in the sky AdvantageousГ to see a great person

Top Nine:

An excessive dragon will have regrets

Operation of Nines: Seeing a horde of dragons without heads Fortunate

02. Kūn; Earth / Responding Responding SublimeА developmentВ manifestsГ with the steadfastnessД of a mare The noble youth has somewhere to go Leading in confusion, following gains: The host's provisionГ In the southwest, gains a companion, In the northeast, loses a companion Calm perseverenceД is fortunate Base Six:

Treading on frost, solid ice comes

2nd Six*:

Length, breadth and greatness Without attempting, all things can be turned to advantageГ

3rd Six:

Cherishing composure, it is possible to persevereД If following in the king's service, Without seeking achievement, bring about completion

4th Six:

Tying-up the sack Neither a mistake, nor ground for praise

5th Six:

A yellow lower garment From the outsetА, fortunate

Top Six:

A dragon battles in the field His blood runs blue and yellow

Operation of Sixes: AdvantageГ in everlasting steadfastnessД

03. Zhūn; Difficulty Difficulty The sublimeА fosters developmentВ, issuing harvestГ in perpetuityД No use in having somewhere to go AdvantageousГ to appoint rulers Base Nine:

A rocky impasse AdvantageousГ to dwell in perseverenceД AdvantageousГ to appoint rulers

2nd Six:

In difficulty, as if turning back Chariot and horses, likewise Not a thief, but a marriage suitor The young woman is determinedД not to have children Ten years later, bearing children

3rd Six:

A hunt for deer without forethought, Merely strays into the forest depths The noble youth's discernment: Not the same as giving up, When continuing brings humiliation

4th Six:

A chariot and horses, likewise arrayed Seeking a marriage partner Going forth is fortunate All things can be turned to advantageГ

5th Nine*:

Stockpiling his wealth While strivingД for modest increments is fortunate, PerseverenceД in great undertakings finds misfortune

Top Six:

A chariot and horses, likewise arrayed Tears and blood will thereby flow

04. Méng; Ignorance Ignorance DevelopmentalВ Not I who seeks the unknowing child, The unknowing child seeks me The immediate question is answered Asking again and again is disrespectful, And disrespect implies a lack of understanding AdvantageousГ to persevereД Base Six:

In dispelling ignorance, AdvantageousГ to apply a consequence to the offender Remove the shackles and cuffs, Continuing thereby brings humiliation

2nd Nine*:

Containing ignorance is fortunate Taking a wife is fortunate The youth manages the household

3rd Six:

No use in partnering with the woman Who beholds a golden man, And has no self-restraint No purpose is advancedГ

4th Six:

Confined to ignorance Humiliating

5th Six:

Childlike ignorance Fortunate

Top Nine:

In fighting ignorance, No advantageГ in treating with enmity, AdvantageousГ to prevent enmity

05. Xū; Anticipating Anticipating Be realistic Brilliant developmentВ of perseverenceД is fortunate AdvantageousГ to ford the great stream Base Nine:

Anticipating in the distant plain AdvantageousГ to be consistent Not a mistake

2nd Nine:

Anticipating in the sand There is slight talk, But the outcome will be fortunate

3rd Nine:

Anticipating in the mud Consequently, theives approach

4th Six:

Anticipating in the trench Get out of the pit

5th Nine*:

Anticipating amidst wine and food PerseverenceД is fortunate

Top Six:

Falling into a chasm Though no guests are invited, three people arrive Respect them, and the outcome will be fortunate

06. Sòng; Contending Contending Be realistic In opposition, be careful The middle-ground is fortunate, But ultimatums lead to misfortune AdvantageousГ to see a great person Not advantageousГ to ford the great stream Base Six:

Not perpetuating the state of affairs There is slight talk, But the outcome will be fortunate

2nd Nine:

No success contending Concede, moreover, flee their city Three hundred households, Spared from disaster

3rd Six:

In cultivating time-honored virtues, PersevereД Albeit dangerous, the outcome will be fortunate If following in the king's service, Do not seek achievement

4th Nine:

No success contending Resigning fast to the course of fate Changing to calm acceptanceД Fortunate

5th Nine*:

Contending From the outsetА, fortunate

Top Nine:

If awarded the prize leather belt, By morning’s end three strip it away

07. Shī; The Militia The Milita PersevereД For the outstanding person, fortunate Not a mistake Base Six:

The militia advances according to structure Defying orders brings misfortune

2nd Nine*:

At the militia’s center Fortunate The general thrice imparts commands

3rd Six:

The militia, perhaps, will cart corpses Misfortune

4th Six:

The militia makes unconventional maneuvers Not a mistake

5th Six:

In the field are gamefowl AdvantageousГ to limit talk It is not a mistake: For the elder son to command the militia, While the younger son carts corpses To persistД brings misfortune

Top Six:

The decrees of the great prince, Establish sovereignties and ruling families Common people do not take part

08. Bĭ; Union Union Fortunate The basis of this condition is paramountА, and is thereafter perpetuatedД It is not a mistake: That desirous groups assemble straightaway, While the later aspirant meets with misfortune Base Six:

In trusting union with another It is not a mistake: To have trust as an earthen-jar is filled When the end comes, there is other good fortune

2nd Six:

Union with another from within PerseverenceД is fortunate

3rd Six:

Union with another, devoid of humanity

4th Six:

Outwardly uniting with another PerseverenceД is fortunate

5th Nine*:

Union exemplified: The king denotes three sides for flushing-out game, Letting go the foreward quarry His subjects are not under threat Fortunate

Top Six:

Union with another, lacking direction

09. Xiăo Chù; Small Husbandry Small Husbandry DevelopmentalВ Heavy clouds but no rain, From our western skies Base Nine:

Returning to the path, How does he err? Fortunate

2nd Nine:

Led to return Fortunate

3rd Nine:

Spokes burst from the carriage wheels Husband and wife, with opposing views

4th Six*:

With sincerity, Anxiety departs and apprehensions give way Not a mistake

5th Nine:

With trust as his bond, Wealth by way of his neighbors

Top Nine:

Having rained, having stopped: Still, obligation to virtue is prolific A wife’s devotionД is in danger The moon is nearly full For the noble youth's campaign, misfortune

10. Lŭ; Treading Treading Treading a tiger's tail, Not biting the person DevelopmentalВ Base Nine:

Simply treading onward Not a mistake

2nd Nine:

Treading a path that is level and smooth The solitary person's steadfastnessД is fortunate

3rd Six*:

A one-eyed person, able to see A lame person, able to tread Treading the tiger's tail Biting the person Misfortune The soldier acts at the great monarch's behest

4th Nine:

Treading the tiger's tail Fearsome and dire, but the outcome will be fortunate

5th Nine:

Resolutely treading To persistД is dangerous

Top Nine:

In considering steps and weighing the benefits, His thoroughness from the very outsetА is fortunate

11. Tài; Affluence Affluence The small depart, the great approach Fortunate developmentВ Base Nine:

Pulling-up grasses at the roots, Whereby they cling together Campaigning is fortunate

2nd Nine*:

Embracing the untamed Ride the surging Yellow River, Without forgetting the distant Friendships pass Gain, still, by walking in the middle

3rd Nine:

There is no plain without a slope, Nor going without returning Firm dedicationД is not a mistake, So do not despair over these truths In eating, find happiness

4th Six:

Flapping and fluttering Without wealth by way of his neighbors, Nor suspicions, by way of confidence

5th Six:

Emporer Yi marries off his younger-sister Because of this blessing, fortunate from the very outsetА

Top Six:

Castle walls return into the moat Do not summon the militia From the city, issue a decree: To persistД brings humiliation

12. Pĭ; Disjunction Disjunction Wherein humanity is forsaken Not advantageousГ for the noble youth to persevereД The great depart, the small approach Base Six:

Pulling-up grasses at the roots, Whereby they cling together PerseverenceД is fortunate DevelopmentalВ

2nd Six:

Embracing servility What is fortunate for the common person, Is for the great person, unsubstantial DevelopmentalВ

3rd Six:

Embracing shame

4th Nine:

Having a directive is not a mistake, Positioning to grasp blessings

5th Nine*:

Retiring the disjunction For a great person, fortunate: That this passes and that passes, As bound to as the burgeoning mulberry trees

Top Nine:

Overturning the disjunction At first disjunction, afterward happiness

13. Tóng Rén; Fellowship Fellowship In the countryside, DevelopmentalВ AdvantageousГ to ford the great stream AdvantageousГ for the noble youth to persevereД Base Nine:

Fellowship on the threshold Not a mistake

2nd Six*:

Fellowship amongst tribesmen Humiliating

3rd Nine:

Concealing weapons in the underbrush Ascending his hill Three years without prosperity

4th Nine:

Mounting his wall, No successful assault Fortunate

5th Nine:

In fellowship, at first lamenting yet afterward laughing Great armies triumphantly join togther

Top Nine:

Fellowship on the outskirts No regrets

14. Dà Yoŭ; Great Possession Great Possession The sublimeА fosters developmentВ Base Nine:

Not contributing to the troublesome, Precludes blame If firm, then, no mistake is made

2nd Nine:

A large wagon with its load, Has somewhere to go Not a mistake

3rd Nine:

The duke performs offeringsВ to heaven's son Common people do not attain this

4th Nine:

Not his domain Not a mistake

5th Six*:

His sincere involvement is Equivalent to power Fortunate

Top Nine:

Individually, heaven intercedes Fortunate; all things can be turned to advantageГ

15. Qiān; Humility Humility DevelopmentalВ The noble youth brings about completion Base Six:

Modestly humble, the noble youth Works to ford the great stream Fortunate

2nd Six:

Evident humility PerseverenceД is fortunate

3rd Nine*:

Laboring humbly, the noble youth Bringing about completion is fortunate

4th Six:

All things can be turned to advantageГ if candidly humble

5th Six:

Without wealth by way of his neighbors, AdvantageousГ to conduct a raiding expedition All things can be turned to advantageГ

Top Six:

Evident humility AdvantageousГ to summon the militia Subdue the city and nation

16. Yù; Pride Pride AdvantageousГ to appoint rulers and summon the militia Base Six:

Evident pride Misfortune

2nd Six:

Conceived in stone, Before the day's end PerseverenceД is fortunate

3rd Six:

Gazing proudly is regrettable Delayed action is regrettable

4th Nine*:

Source of pride Great possessions to gain, Do not doubt In friendship, why not unite?

5th Six:

PersistentД illness Chronic but not deadly

Top Six:

Dimmed pride Triumphantly bringing about change Not a mistake

17. Suí; Following Following The sublimeА fosters developmentВ, issuing harvestГ in perpetuityД Not a mistake Base Nine*:

Standards are changing PerseverenceД is fortunate Going out to participate has benefits

2nd Six:

Bound to the little child, Losing the competent man

3rd Six:

Bound to the competent man, Losing the little child The follower's search is rewarded AdvantageousГ to dwell in perseverenceД

4th Nine:

Following for rewards, To persistД brings misfortune Having trust in the path, and thereby illumination, What mistake could be made?

5th Nine:

Trusting in excellence Fortunate

Top Six:

Seize and bind them, Thereafter confine them The king conducts a sacrificeВ upon the western mountain

18. Gŭ; Degeneracy Degeneracy The sublimeА fosters developmentВ AdvantageousГ to ford the great stream Before the starting-point, three days After the starting-point, three days Base Six:

Handling degeneracy of the father, There is a son The deceased father is not blamed Dangerous, but the outcome will be fortunate

2nd Nine:

Handling degeneracy of the mother Incapable of perseveringД

3rd Nine:

Handling degeneracy of the father There are slight regrets, But no great mistake is made

4th Six:

Indulging degeneracy of the father Going forth to see humiliation

5th Six*:

Handling degeneracy of the father Use praise

Top Nine:

Not serving kings or rulers, Higher yet are his affairs

19. Lín; Approach Approach The sublimeА fosters developmentВ, issuing harvestГ in perpetuityД Arrival of the eighth month brings misfortune Base Nine:

Unified approach; perseverenceД is fortunate

2nd Nine*:

A unified approach is fortunate All things can be turned to advantageГ

3rd Six:

Easygoing approach No purpose is advancedГ Insofar as one is prudent, No mistake is made

4th Six:

Committed approach Not a mistake

5th Six:

Comprehensive approach, As befits a great sovereign Fortunate

Top Six:

Caring approach Fortunate Not a mistake

20. Guān; Observing Observing Hands washed, yet no offering With sincerity, as in reverence Base Six:

Childlike observation Not blameworthy for common people, But for the noble youth, humiliating

2nd Six:

Glimpsing observation BenefitsГ a wife's fidelityД

3rd Six:

Observing his own life's gains and setbacks

4th Six:

Observing a nation's splendor AdvantageousГ to be a guest of the king

5th Nine*:

Observing his own life, The noble youth makes no mistake

Top Nine:

Observing others' lives, The noble youth makes no mistake

21. Shì Hé; Biting Through Biting Through DevelopmentalВ AdvantageousГ to use procedure Base Nine:

Foot-stocks sever the toes Not a mistake

2nd Six:

Biting soft flesh and severing the nose Not a mistake

3rd Six:

Biting dried meat, And encountering decay Slight humiliation, But not a mistake

4th Nine:

Biting dry bony meat, And finding the gold arrowhead AdvantageousГ, with firm dedicationД Fortunate

5th Six*:

Biting dried meat, And finding yellow gold To persistД is dangerous, But not a mistake

Top Nine:

Wearing a cangue severs the ears Misfortune

22. Bì; Adorning Adorning In small ways, advantageГ in having somewhere to go Base Nine:

Adorning his toes, He leaves the carriage and walks

2nd Six:

Adorning his whiskers

3rd Nine:

Adorned as if glistening Everlasting perseverenceД is fortunate

4th Six:

Adorned as if unblemished white A pure-white horse, as if in flight Not a thief, but a marriage suitor

5th Six:

Adornment in the hilltop garden A gift-bundle of silk, tiny and slight Humiliating, But the outcome will be fortunate

Top Nine*:

Pure-white adornment Not a mistake

23. Bō; Breaking Apart Breaking Apart No advantageГ in having somewhere to go Base Six:

Breaking apart the bed at its legs Dwindling steadfastnessД brings misfortune

2nd Six:

Breaking apart the bed at its frame Dwindling steadfastnessД brings misfortune

3rd Six:

Breaking apart is not a mistake

4th Six:

Breaking apart the bed at its skin Misfortune

5th Six:

A stringer of fish Along with the palace occupants' favor, All things can be turned to advantageГ

Top Nine*:

A tremendous fruit, yet uneaten The noble youth obtains a carriage, While common people break apart their homes

24. Fù; Return Return DevelopmentalВ Exiting and entering unfettered For friends to arrive is not a mistake, Afar and returning are their paths In seven days comes the return AdvantageГ in having somewhere to go Base Nine*:

Not far to return Not concerned with regret From the outsetА, fortunate

2nd Six:

Retiring return Not a mistake

3rd Six:

Repeated return Dangerous, But not a mistake

4th Six:

In the middle walking; returning alone

5th Six:

Sincere return No regrets

Top Six:

Confused return Misfortune Making disastrous mistakes: Summoning the militia, Ends in momentous defeat For his nation and its leaders, misfortune By the tenth years' arrival, no success campaigning

25. Wú Wàng; Without Presumption Without Presumption The sublimeА fosters developmentВ, issuing harvestГ in perpetuityД He who is devoid of correctness meets with disaster No advantageГ in having somewhere to go Base Nine*:

Without presumption, Going forth is fortunate

2nd Six:

Neither sowing to reap, Nor ploughing in planted fields Only then, advantageГ in having somewhere to go

3rd Six:

Catastrophe for one without presumption Perhaps an ox, having been tied, A passerby obtains Disastrous for the villager

4th Nine:

Possible to remain steadfastД Not a mistake

5th Nine:

Without presumption, falling ill Use no medicine and regain health

Top Nine:

Without presumption, Any movement brings disaster No purpose is advancedГ

26. Dà Chù; Large Husbandry Large Husbandry AdvantageousГ to persevereД Not eating at home Fortunate AdvantageousГ to ford the great stream Base Nine:

There is danger, AdvantageousГ to stop

2nd Nine:

A carriage throws off its axle-mounts

3rd Nine:

A fine horse in pursuit AdvantageГ, with firm dedicationД Daily, charioteering and maintaining defenses AdvantageГ in having somewhere to go

4th Six:

The headboard of a young bull From the outsetА, fortunate

5th Six:

The tusks of a gelded boar Fortunate

Top Nine*:

For what does heaven pervade? DevelopmentВ

27. Yí; Nourishing Nourishing PerseverenceД is fortunate Examine the appetites, Individually seeking the mouth's fulfillment Base Nine:

Dismounting your celestial tortoise Looking to me with gaping jaws Misfortune

2nd Six:

The peak of nourishment Forsaking the road for the hills Rapacious feeding brings misfortune

3rd Six:

Forsaking nourishment To persistД brings misfortune Ten years without acting No purpose is advancedГ

4th Six:

The peak of nourishment Fortunate The tiger's glare is unrelenting and fierce His craving is to chase and pounce Not a mistake

5th Six:

Forsaking the road To dwell in perseverenceД is fortunate Incapable of fording the great stream

Top Nine*:

Source of hunger Dangerous, yet fortunate AdvantageousГ to ford the great stream

28. Dà Guò; Greatly Exceeding Greatly Exceeding The ridgepole is strained AdvantageГ in having somewhere to go DevelopmentalД Base Six:

Spreading mats of white rushes No error

2nd Nine:

A withering willow sprouts new shoots An old man gains a maidenly wife All things can be turned to advantageГ

3rd Nine:

The ridgepole is strained Misfortune

4th Nine*:

The ridgepole is braced Fortunate Having otherwise is humiliating

5th Nine:

A withering willow sprouts new blossoms An old woman gains a vigorous husband Neither a mistake, nor ground for praise

Top Six:

Wading across and submerging the top of the head Misfortune, But not a mistake

29. Kăn; Water / Pitfalls Pitfalls Be realistic Maintaining clarity of mind is developmentalВ Any movement is praiseworthy Base Six:

Pitfalls Entering into an abysmal gorge Misfortune

2nd Nine:

The cavern's slopes are precipitous Seek small gains

3rd Six:

Climbing and descending, pitfalls within pitfalls Rough-going, even unto the pillow Entering into an abysmal gorge Do not act

4th Six:

A jug of wine and rice basket for two Using earthenware, Received discretely through a window Ultimately not a mistake

5th Nine*:

The pit is not overflowing Take notice, inasmuch as it has leveled Not a mistake

Top Six:

Bound with compounded cords, Abandoned in a thicket of briars Three years without progress Misfortune

30. Lí; Fire / Attachment Attachment AdvantageousГ to persevereД DevelopmentalВ Raising a cow Fortunate Base Nine:

Steps blunder for certain Be mindful of them Not a mistake

2nd Six*:

Yellow flame From the outsetА, fortunate

3rd Nine:

Light of the setting sun If not drumming on the earthen-pot and singing, Then groaning of old age Misfortune

4th Nine:

As suddenly as he appears Burning brightly, Dying out, Tossed aside

5th Six:

Shedding streams of tears Moaning as if anguished Fortunate

Top Six:

The king works to launch a campaign There is excellence, In breaking the chief, But seizing not his commoners Not a mistake

31. Xián; Sympathy Sympathy DevelopmentalВ AdvantageousГ to persevereД Partnering with a woman is fortunate Base Six:

Sympathy in their big toes

2nd Six:

Sympathy in their calves Misfortune Abiding in place is fortunate

3rd Nine:

Sympathy in their thighs Clinging, they follow Continuing brings humiliation

4th Nine*:

PerseverenceД is fortunate, regrets vanish Fickle and flighty, going and coming, Friendships follow upon your thoughts

5th Nine:

Sympathy along their spines No regrets

Top Six:

Sympathy in their cheeks, jaws and tongues

32. Héng; Constancy Constancy DevelopmentalВ It is not a mistake: For there to be advantageГ in perseverenceД, And advantageГ in having somewhere to go Base Six:

Ingrained adherenceД to routine brings misfortune No purpose is advancedГ

2nd Nine*:

Regrets vanish

3rd Nine:

No constancy to his virtue, Perhaps bearing its disgrace To persistД brings humiliation

4th Nine:

A field without gamefowl

5th Six:

In constant devotionД to virtue What is fortunate for a woman of maturity, Brings misfortune for a man in youth

Top Six:

Compelling to constancy brings misfortune

33. Dùn; Withdrawal Withdrawal DevelopmentalВ In small ways, advantageousГ to persevereД Base Six:

Withdrawing the tail in danger Not useful to have somewhere to go

2nd Six*:

A fastening of yellow oxhide, Which none will succeed in undoing

3rd Nine:

Entwined withdrawal, Has dangerous repercussions Nurturing courtiers and concubines is fortunate

4th Nine:

Worthy withdrawal What is fortunate for the noble youth, Is for common people, unsubstantial

5th Nine:

Excellent withdrawal, perseverenceД is fortunate

Top Nine:

Opulent withdrawal, nothing is without advantageГ

34. Dà Zhuàng; Great Strength Great Strength AdvantageousГ to persevereД Base Nine:

Strength in the toes Campaigning brings misfortune, be realistic

2nd Nine:

To persevereД is fortunate

3rd Nine:

Where common people use strength, The noble youth uses naught To persistД is dangerous The ram butts against a fence, Entangling his horns

4th Nine*:

PerseverenceД is fortunate Regrets vanish The fence breaks open without entanglement Strength of a great carriage's axle-mounts

5th Six:

Losing the sheep in a field No regrets

Top Nine:

The ram butts against a fence Not able to pull back, Not able to follow through No purpose is advancedГ If firm, then, fortunate

35. Jìn; Advancing Advancing Lord Kang is awarded horses in vast number Within a day's light, thrice granted audience Base Six:

Advancing as if to destroy PerseverenceД is fortunate Lacking any trust, Generosity is no error

2nd Six:

Advancing as if worried PerseverenceД is fortunate Receiving now the heraldic blessing, Of his royal mother

3rd Six:

The multitude consents, regrets vanish

4th Nine:

Advancing like a squirrelly rat To persistД is dangerous

5th Six*:

Regrets vanish Over losses and gains, do not despair Going forth is fortunate, all things can be turned to advantageГ

Top Nine:

Advancing his horns Maintaining by working to subjugate the city Dangerous and fortunate, this is not a mistake, But persistenceД brings humiliation

36. Míng Yí; Brightness Injured Brightness Injured AdvantageousГ to firmly persevereД Base Nine:

Brightness injured in flight Drooping his wings The noble youth wanders, For three days without eating Having somewhere to go, The hosts have words

2nd Six:

Brightness injured Wounded in the left thigh Using the aid of a strong horse is fortunate

3rd Nine:

Brightness injured on a southern hunt Capturing thier great cheif Impossible to do with maddened determinationД

4th Six:

Entering into the left of the belly Capturing the heart of brightness injured Leave, beyond gate and courtyard

5th Six*:

Jizi's brightness injured AdvantageousГ to persevereД

Top Six:

Not brightness but obscurity What first rises in the heavens, Afterward descends into the earth

37. Jiā Rén; People in the Home People in the Home AdvantageГ of a wife's fidelityД Base Nine:

The home has restrictions Regrets vanish

2nd Six*:

Without somewhere to follow Remaining in the center preparing food PerseverenceД is fortunate

3rd Nine:

People in the home, scolding and bickering, Regretting this danger is fortunate Women and children, smirking and snickering, The outcome will be humiliating

4th Six:

A wealthy home is greatly fortunate

5th Nine:

Majesty extends to the home Do not despair when fortunate

Top Nine:

Having trust as do the dignified The outcome will be fortunate

38. Kuí; Disunity Disunity In small matters, fortunate Base Nine:

Regrets vanish Losing a horse, do not pursue; by itself it returns Seeing foul people Not a mistake

2nd Nine:

Meeting with the host in an alleyway Not a mistake

3rd Six:

Seeing the carriage drag His oxen pulled back His people brand his forehead, furthermore cut off his nose Without a beginning, there is a conclusion

4th Nine:

Alone within disunity Meeting with an essentialА person Mutually trusting The danger is not a mistake

5th Six*:

Regrets vanish His clansmen bite through skin Going forth, how is this an error?

Top Nine:

Alone within disunity Seeing a mud-covered boar, Or a wagon bearing ghosts First drawing the bowstring, Later dismissing the bowstring Not a thief, but a marriage suitor If going forth and meeting rain, then fortunate

39. Jiăn; Encumbrance Encumbrance AdvantageГ to the west and south, no advantageГ to the east and north AdvantageousГ to see a great person PerseverenceД is fortunate Base Six:

Going forth encumbered, coming into praise

2nd Six:

The sovereign's minister, encumbered and burdened For reasons not of his own

3rd Nine:

Going forth encumbered, coming back

4th Six:

Going forth encumbered, coming to form associations

5th Nine*:

Greatly encumbered, friends come

Top Six:

Going forth encumbered, coming into eminence Fortunate AdvantageousГ to see a great person

40. Jiě; Liberation Liberation AdvantageГ to the west and south Without a place to go, One's return to uniformity is fortunate Having somewhere to go, At the earliest is fortunate Base Six:

Not a mistake

2nd Nine*:

In a field, bagging three foxes Gaining golden arrows PerseverenceД is fortunate

3rd Six:

A burden on back, yet riding a carriage Consequently, theives approach To persistД brings humiliation

4th Nine:

Liberated but for the thumb Friends arrive, trust in this

5th Six:

The noble youth liberates from bonds Fortunate There is trust among common people

Top Six:

The duke takes aim at a falcon on the uppermost wall Bagging it, all things can be turned to advantageГ

41. Sŭn; Decrease Decrease Be realistic From the outsetА, fortunate This is not a mistake: If perhaps steadfastД, There is advantageГ in having somewhere to go How to do so? Two baskets of rice may be used in offering Base Nine:

Postponing matters and hurrying forward It is not a mistake: To think over the decrease

2nd Nine:

AdvantageousГ to persevereД Campaigning brings misfortune For the sake of increase, not decreasing

3rd Six:

Three people walking, Tend to decreases by one person One person walking, Tends to finds his mate

4th Six:

Decreasing his ailment Prompts the quick arrival of health Not a mistake

5th Six*:

Perhaps increased by ten sets of tortoise shells No success refusing From the outsetА, fortunate

Top Nine:

For the sake of increase, not decreasing Not a mistake PerseverenceД is fortunate AdvantageГ in having somewhere to go Gaining a servant, but without a home

42. Yì; Increase Increase AdvantageГ in having somewhere to go AdvantageousГ to ford the great stream Base Nine*:

AdvantageousГ to engage in doing great works From the outsetА, fortunate; this is not a mistake

2nd Six:

Perhaps increased by ten sets of tortoise shells No success refusing Everlasting perseverenceД is fortunate The king's act of offering to the lord of heaven is fortunate

3rd Six:

Increased in the course of unfortunate events, It is not a mistake: To confidently walk in the middle Report to the duke using jade tablets

4th Six:

In the middle walking Proclaiming alleigance to the duke AdvantageousГ to use this service as support for moving the capitol

5th Nine:

Having trust and kindness of heart Do not question, from the outsetА it is fortunate, To have trust and kindness as our virtues

Top Nine:

For the sake of increase, there are none A chance of malevolence Comporting the heart with no regularity Misfortune

43. Guài; Resolution Resolution Announcing at the royal court, Truthfully state the existence of peril Inform one's own city: No advantageГ in hastily taking up arms, AdvantageГ in having somewhere to go Base Nine:

Strength in advance of the toes Going forth without competence, committing errors

2nd Nine:

A call of alarm Late at night, bearing arms Do not despair

3rd Nine:

Strength in the cheekbones, There is misfortune The noble youth is firmly resolute Alone, he walks and encounters rain As though drenched, having resentment Not a mistake

4th Nine:

Buttocks stripped of skin, His movements are made with deliberateness Leading a sheep, regrets vanish The hearsay is without credibility

5th Nine*:

An expanse of purslane for uprooting, with firm resolution To walk in the middle is not a mistake

Top Six:

Not calling out In the end, there will be misfortune

44. Gòu; Encountering Encountering The woman is recalcitrant No use in partnering with her Base Six:

Halted by an iron brake PerseverenceД is fortunate Having somewhere to go, And seeing misfortune, A starved pig will surely stamp and pace

2nd Nine:

The bundle has fish It is not a mistake: For it not to benefitГ guests

3rd Nine:

Buttocks stripped of skin, His movements are made with deliberateness Dangerous, But no great mistake

4th Nine:

In the bundle, no fish Arising brings misfortune

5th Nine*:

With willow fronds, wrapping melons Cherishing composure Having issue from heaven

Top Nine:

Encountering his horns Humiliating, But not a mistake

45. Cuì; Gathering Gathering DevelopmentalВ The king communes at the ancestral shrine AdvantageousГ to see a great person DevelopmentalВ AdvantageousГ to persevereД An act of great offering is fortunate AdvantageГ in having somewhere to go Base Six*:

Having trust without resolution Thereupon disorder, and thereupon gathering If crying out, a grasp of the hand brings laughter Do not despair Going forth is not a mistake

2nd Six:

Being drawn together is fortunate, and not a mistake With sincerity, thus advantageousГ to conduct the spring sacrifice

3rd Six:

Gathering as if to greive No purpose is advancedГ Going forth is not a mistake Slight humiliation

4th Nine:

Greatly fortunate; this is not a mistake

5th Nine*:

Gathering confers status Not a mistake to lack confidence If initiallyА and thereafter dedicatedД, Regrets vanish

Top Six:

Wailing and weeping, sobbing and sniveling Not a mistake

46. Shēng; Ascending Ascending The sublimeА fosters developmentВ Useful to see a great person Do not despair Southward, campaigning is fortunate Base Six:

Permitting ascension is greatly fortunate

2nd Nine*:

With sincerity, thus advantageousГ to conduct the spring sacrifice Not a mistake

3rd Nine:

Ascending into an empty city

4th Six:

The king conducts a sacrificeВ upon Mount Qi Fortunate Not a mistake

5th Six*:

PerseverenceД is fortunate in ascending the stairs

Top Six:

Darkened ascent AdvantageГ in the unceasing exercise of committmentД

47. Kùn; Constraint Constraint DevelopmentalВ The perseverenceД of a great person is fortunate It is not a mistake: For there to be talk without credibility Base Six:

Sitting constrained at the foot of a tree Entering into a gloomy valley For three years, not encountered

2nd Nine*:

Constraints of wine and food The vermillion-sashed ruler straightaway comes AdvantageousГ to conduct an offering of sacrifice Campaigning brings misfortune, this is not a mistake

3rd Six:

Constrained upon a rock Tangled up in thistles Entering into his palace, Not seeing his wife Misfortune

4th Nine:

Approaching slowly and languidly Constrained within a golden carriage Humiliating Bring about completion

5th Nine*:

Severed-nose and severed-feet Constrained by scarlet-sashed ministers Thereafter slowly, having relief AdvantageousГ to conduct a worshipful sacrifice

Top Six:

Constrained by creeping kudzu-vines In worry and in doubt Muttering about regrets is regrettable Campaigning is fortunate

48. Jĭng; The Well The Well Altering the city, not altering the well Neither loss nor gain Going and coming, the well remains If almost reaching but not quite, the well rope, Or fragile his jug, Misfortune Base Six:

A well of mud, not drunk from The old well is without birds

2nd Nine:

In the well's depths, shooting carp The urn breaks and spills

3rd Nine:

The well's abundance is not drunk from This serves to sadden my heart It is possible to draw water With the king's illumination, All share in receipt of its blessing

4th Six:

The well's masonry is without error

5th Nine:

The well is clear Its cool spring is drunk from

Top Six*:

The well's reservoir, do not obstruct Its reliability is fortunate from the very outsetА

49. Gé; Revolution Revolution Conclude the day and thereafter trust The sublimeА fosters developmentВ AdvantageousГ to persevereД Regrets vanish Base Nine:

Wrapping with yellow oxhide

2nd Six:

Conclude the day and thereafter revolt Campaigning is fortunate, this is not a mistake

3rd Nine:

Campaigning brings misfortune, and persistenceД is dangerous If revolution is discussed thrice over, Have confidence

4th Nine:

Regrets vanish in light of truth Altering course is fortunate

5th Nine*:

The great person's tiger-like transformations Yet to be realized, have confidence

Top Six:

The noble youth's leopard-like transformations Common people modify their faces Campaigning brings misfortune To dwell in perseverenceД is fortunate

50. Dĭng; The Cauldron The Cauldron From the outsetА, fortunate DevelopmentalВ Base Six:

The cauldron's upturned toes AdvantageousГ to throw out the unsubstantial Gaining a concubine and thereby her child Not a mistake

2nd Nine:

The cauldron contains sustenance My enemy is spiteful Not unto me can he approach Fortunate

3rd Nine:

The cauldron's handles are removed Its function blocked The fattened pheasant is not eaten Suddenly rain, the deficiency regrettable The outcome will be fortunate

4th Nine:

The cauldron's broken feet Spilling the duke's rice porridge He looks soaked Misfortune

5th Six*:

The cauldron's yellow handles with golden rings AdvantageousГ to persevereД

Top Nine:

The cauldron's jade rings Greatly fortunate All things can be turned to advantageГ

51. Zhèn; Thunder / Arousing Arousing DevelopmentalВ Thunder crashes with shock and disruption Laughing and talking, ha! ha! The thunderclap startles for a hundred li, Not spilling the ladle of sacrificial wine Base Nine*:

Thunder comes with shock and disruption Afterward, laughing and talking, ha! ha! Fortunate

2nd Six:

Thunder comes with danger A hundred-thousand lost cowrie shells Scaling up the nine hills Do not pursue In seven days, regaining them

3rd Six:

Thunder renews and revivifies Be moved to action, not disaster

4th Nine:

Thunder, thereupon mire

5th Six:

Thunder goes and comes dangerously Values are not lost that have purpose

Top Six:

Thunder menaces and threatens Looking about with fear and trepidation Campaigning brings misfortune The shock has not reached him personally, It is in his neighborhood It is not a mistake: For the marriage partner to have words

52. Gěn; Mountain / Stilling Stilling, His back Not occupied with himself Walking in his courtyard, Not seeing his people Not a mistake Base Six:

Stilling his toes It is not a mistake: For there to be advantageГ in everlasting steadfastnessД

2nd Six:

Stilling his calves Not conducive to his following His heart is not satisfied

3rd Nine:

Stilling his midsection Severing the base of his spine Perilously stifling the heart

4th Six:

Stilling his torso Not a mistake

5th Six:

Stilling his jaws Words being orderly, Regrets vanish

Top Nine*:

Careful stilling is fortunate

53. Jiàn; Gradual Progress Gradual Progress For a woman to marry is fortunate AdvantageousГ to persevereД Base Six:

The goose gradually progresses to the riverbank The young child's peril causes talk Not a mistake

2nd Six*:

The goose gradually progresses to the firm rocks Drinking and eating in delightful indulgence Fortunate

3rd Nine:

The goose gradually progresses to land The husband campaigns but does not return The wife conceives but does not give birth Misfortune AdvantageousГ to guard against enemies

4th Six:

The goose gradually progresses to the branches Perhaps gaining for himself a perch Not a mistake

5th Nine*:

The goose gradually progresses to the hilltop The wife for three years does not conceive In the end, nothing prevents it Fortunate

Top Nine:

The goose gradually progresses to land Its feathers can be used for ceremony Fortunate

54. Guī Mèi; Marrying Off the Maiden Marrying Off the Maiden Campaigning brings misfortune No purpose is advancedГ Base Nine:

Marrying off the maiden with her little-sisters A lame person, able to tread Campaigning is fortunate

2nd Nine:

A one-eyed person, able to see AdvantageГ in a solitary person's perseverenceД

3rd Six:

Marrying off the maiden with consorts Unequal to marrying off with her little-sisters

4th Nine:

Marrying off the maiden, prolonging the date Late marriage has time

5th Six*:

Emporer Yi marries off his younger-sister The sleeves of the primary-wife, Are not as superb as the sleeves of her little-sisters' The moon nearly full is fortunate

Top Nine:

A woman bears a basket with no sustenance A gentleman guts a sheep with no blood No purpose is advancedГ

55. Fēng; Abundance Abundance DevelopmentalВ Approach of the king Do not be troubled, Suited to the day's midpoint Base Nine:

Meeting his proper host Although ten days have passed, not a mistake Going forth is praiseworthy

2nd Six:

Abundant his curtain At the day's midpoint, seeing the bushel constellation Going forth garners doubt and reproach Have confidence, as if emanating it Fortunate

3rd Nine:

Abundant his banner At the day's midpoint, seeing starlight Breaking his right arm Not a mistake

4th Nine:

Abundant his curtain At the day's midpoint, seeing the bushel constellation Meeting his kindred host Fortunate

5th Six*:

Coming with composure Having rewards of praise is fortunate

Top Six:

Abundant his room Curtained his house Peering through his doorway Alone, he is without others For three years, not encountered

56. Lŭ; The Traveler The Traveler In small ways, developmentalВ The traveler's perseverenceД is fortunate Base Six:

The traveler is beset with petty trivialities In this place he obtains disaster

2nd Six:

The traveler hastens to his lodging Carrying his wherewithall Obtaining the young servant's loyaltyД

3rd Nine:

The traveler burns his lodging Loses his young servant PerseverenceД is perilous

4th Nine:

The traveler at rest Obtains his wherewithall and an axe My heart is not satisfied

5th Six*:

Shooting a pheasant With a single arrow, killed The outcome thereof is renown and high office

Top Nine:

A bird burns his nest The traveling one first laughs, then cries out loud Losing the cow in a field Misfortune

57. Xùn; Wind / Gently Proceeding Gently Proceeding In small ways, developmentalВ AdvantageГ in having somewhere to go AdvantageousГ to see a great person Base Six:

Advancing and retreating AdvantageГ in a military person's steadfastnessД

2nd Nine:

Wind blows through the bed's underside Using priests and wizards As though profusely Fortunate Not a mistake

3rd Nine:

Repetitive wind is humiliating

4th Six:

Regrets vanish In the field, bagging threefold game

5th Nine*:

PerseverenceД is fortunate, regrets vanish All things can be turned to advantageГ Without a beginning, there is a conclusion Before the turning-point, three days After the turning-point, three days Fortunate

Top Nine:

Wind blows through the bed's underside Losing his wherewithall and axe To persistД brings misfortune

58. Duì; Marsh / Joy Joy DevelopmentalВ AdvantageousГ to persevereД Base Nine:

Harmonious joy is fortunate

2nd Nine:

Confident joy is fortunate Regrets vanish

3rd Six:

Coming joy brings misfortune

4th Nine:

Bargaining for joy is less than satisfying In acknowledging grievances, there is happiness

5th Nine*:

Taking joy in degradation There is danger

Top Six:

Controlling joy

59. Huàn; Dispersal Dispersal DevelopmentalВ The king communes at the ancestral shrine AdvantageousГ to ford the great stream AdvantageousГ to persevereД Base Six:

Using the aid of a strong horse is fortunate

2nd Nine:

The dispersed rush to their devices Regrets vanish

3rd Six:

Dispersing his self Not a mistake

4th Six:

Dispersing his group is fortunate from the very outsetА Among the dispersed are accumulations Not the ordinary mode of thinking

5th Nine*:

Dispersing defilements by his great proclamation Dissolved! The king dwells without error

Top Nine:

Dispersing his blood Leaving for far beyond Not a mistake

60. Jié; Discipline Discipline DevelopmentalВ With painful discipline, impossible to persevereД Base Nine:

Not going past the door to the courtyard Not a mistake

2nd Nine:

Not going past the gate of the courtyard Misfortune

3rd Six:

If not as the disciplined, Then as the miserable Not a mistake

4th Six:

Calm discipline is developmentalВ

5th Nine*:

Amiable discipline is fortunate Going forth is praiseworthy

Top Six:

Painful discipline perpetuatedД brings misfortune Regrets vanish

61. Zhōng Fú; Central Truth Central Truth For piglets and fish, fortunate AdvantageousГ to ford the great stream AdvantageousГ to persevereД Base Nine:

Forethought is fortunate Others offer no assurance

2nd Nine:

A crane calls from the shadows, Her young ones respond We have a good vessel of wine, I will share it with you

3rd Six:

Gaining an adversary Maybe drumming, or maybe ceasing Maybe sobbing, or maybe singing

4th Six:

The moon is nearly full A team horse vanishes Not a mistake

5th Nine*:

Having trust as his bond Not a mistake

Top Nine:

The pheasant's calls rise into the sky To persistД brings misfortune

62. Xiăo Guò; The Small Predominate The Small Predominate DevelopmentalВ AdvantageousГ to persevereД What is possible in small matters, Is not possible in great matters The flying bird leaves behind its song: Not proper that it ascend, but for it to descend, Is greatly fortunate Base Six:

A flying bird, thereby misfortune

2nd Six:

Bypassing his grandfather, Meeting with his grandmother Not reaching his lord, Meeting with the official Not a mistake

3rd Nine:

Not bypassing his vanguard From behind, perhaps he's slain Misfortune

4th Nine:

It is not a mistake: Not to bypass, but to meet Going forth, danger necessitates caution Do not use lasting persistenceД

5th Six*:

Heavy clouds but no rain, From our western skies The duke fires stringed arrows, taking those in a cave

Top Six:

Not meeting, but bypassing The flying bird is netted Misfortune This is called a disastrous mistake

63. Jì Jì; After Crossing After Crossing DevelopmentalВ in small ways AdvantageousГ to persevereД What has a fortunate beginning, Ends in disarray Base Nine:

Braking his wheels Immersing his tail Not a mistake

2nd Six*:

A woman loses her hair ornament Do not pursue In seven days, regaining it

3rd Nine:

Emporer Gao Zong attacks the Gui Fang Three years in overcoming Common people do not take part

4th Six:

The finest silk becomes coverings of rags Unto the day's end, be cautious

5th Nine:

The eastern neighbor slaughters an ox Unequal to the western neighbor's spring sacrifice offering The substantial receives its blessing

Top Six:

Immersing his head Dangerous

64. Wèi Jì; Before Crossing Before Crossing DevelopmentalВ The small fox, almost across, Immerses his tail No purpose is advancedГ Base Six:

Immersing his tail Humiliating

2nd Nine:

Braking his wheels PerseverenceД is fortunate

3rd Six:

Before crossing, campaigning brings misfortune AdvantageousГ to ford the great stream

4th Nine:

PerseverenceД is fortunate, regrets vanish Like lightning, conduct an attack on the Gui Fang In three years, having rewards from the great kingdom

5th Six*:

PerseverenceД is fortunate, no regrets The noble youth's brilliance: To be realistic is fortunate

Top Nine:

Gaining confidence from drinking wine, Is not a mistake If immersing the head, Be confident of losing it

Key to Hexagrams

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Upper Trigram

































































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