Yellow Musk Creeper

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 5
Yellow Musk Creeper Level 4 Controller Huge Plant Exp: 175 Initiative: +5 Senses: Perception +10, Blindsight 6 HP: 61 Bloodied: 30 AC 18; Fort 21; Ref 19; Will 16 Immune: Critical Hits, Daze or Stun effects, Mind-affecting Attacks, Poison, or Sleep effects Vulnerable: 5 against fire attacks and takes ongoing fire damage 5 (save ends) Speed: 1 Musk Puff (standard; at-will) Ranged 6; +8 vs. Will; If hit, the target is Dominated (save at -2 ends) and will move at their speed into the base of the plant where the Yellow Musk Creeper will consume their life essence. Vine Whip (minor; at-will) 2 Attacks; Melee 6; +9 vs. AC; 1d6 damage; The Yellow Musk Creeper can attack any target within 6 squares of its base with two vine attacks as a minor action. If both hit, it will be grabbed and future attempts to spray the immobilized target with a Musk Puff will be made at a +2 to hit. Consume Life Essence (free action; at-will) When a Dominated victim of the musk creeper enters its square, the plant will immediately extend a number of probing tendrils into the victim’s body to begin sucking out its life essence. This happens at a rate of 1/5 of the target’s remaining hit points per round. Those reduced to 0 HP must make a save. Those that fail die instantly. Those that save have a fleshy seed implanted into their cranium and become a Yellow Musk Creeper Zombie (detailed below). Regeneration The Yellow Musk Creeper regenerates at a rate of 5 hit points per round. Fire, necrotic, or acid attacks suspend this ability for one round per 10 hit points inflicted. This regeneration rate increases to 10 per round when the Yellow Musk Creeper is consuming the life essence of a victim. Alignment-Unaligned Languages-

Strength: 10 (+2) Constitution: 21 (+7) Charisma: 9 (+1)

Dexterity: 16 (+5) Wisdom: 10 (+2) Intelligence: -

Yellow Musk Creeper Zombie Level 3 Minion Medium Natural Humanoid (Plant) EXP: 38 Initiative: +4 Senses: Darkvision, Perception +5 HP: 1 AC 15 (this can be more with armor); Fort 15; Ref 15; Will 15 Immune: Critical Hits, Daze or Stun effects, Mind-affecting Attacks, Poison, or Sleep effects Speed: 6 Weapon (standard; at-will) Melee Melee; +6 vs. AC (standard damage) Zombie Grab (standard; at-will) Melee; +5 vs. Reflex; Target is grabbed and can be slid 2 squares if the zombie uses a move action to do so. The check to escape the grab is made at a -5 to the roll. Creeper Loyalty Yellow Musk Creeper Zombies do everything in their power to take care of their mother plant. They will usually attempt to grab victims and bring them into the range of their progenitor’s Musk Puff if possible. If their mother plant is attacked however, they will go on the offensive with weapons and deadly force. Yellow Musk Creeper Zombies can move no more than 500 meters from its progenitor for its first two months. After that, it will move out and away from the mother plant and die within 2d4 days. The seed in its head will take root and grow in the spot where it fell within the hour. Deadened Mind A Yellow Musk Creeper Zombie has no recollection of who he or she was before being transformed into its current form. It cannot use skills or feats that it knew before or magical items. It can still use magical weapons and armor properties, but not special powers within those items. To revert a Yellow Musk Creeper Zombie to its original form, a

Remove Affliction ritual must be performed upon them within 1d4+2 days after their progenitor is slain or they will fall dead and the seed within their head will germinate and sprout a new Yellow Musk Creeper within one hour. Racial Traits Yellow Musk Creeper Zombies retain the passive racial traits of their previous form, but loose any special powers or abilities that must be activated (i.e. a Dwarven Yellow Musk Creeper Zombie would retain its Encumbered Speed and Stand Your Ground racial traits, but a Dragonborn Yellow Musk Creeper Zombie wouldn’t be able to use its Dragon Breath). Alignment-Unaligned Languages- None Strength: 15 (+3) Dexterity: 10 (+1) Wisdom: 9 (0) Constitution: 14 (+3) Intelligence: 2 (-3) Charisma: 9 (0)

Combat Tactics: A Yellow Musk Creeper has a symbiotic relationship with the zombies it creates. They tend and protect the plant and bring it more victims for it to feed off of and turn into new zombies. The creeper will only use its vines to attack if it is being assaulted itself. Otherwise, it lets its zombie minions do the work for it Yellow Musk Creeper Zombies always attempt to Zombie Grab and drag victims into range of the Yellow Musk Creeper’s Musk Puff range. Their tactics turn lethal when the plant itself is attacked.

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