Yearly Schedule

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,263
  • Pages: 9





Students will learn about some foreign currencies and the concept of exchange rates. Students will preform maths calculations using english. Students will learn some bank specific vocabulary. Students will learn to use a simple atm. Students will be able to explain how to use an atm with sequencing language

To make a passport and fill out personal information in a form Students will be able to answer questions about how long they will stay as well as explaining why they need something.

Students will be able to understand and utilise common expressions related to using the telephone..They will understand the difference between calling a buisness and a home. They will be able to take and leave a message

Dialogue Jim: Hello Dialogue Susan: Hello. Can I speak to Jim, Agent; Ticket, please. Dialogue please? Passenger; Here you are. Teller: How may i help you today? Jim: Speaking. Agent: o you have any baggage to Customer: Hi, I'd like to withdraw Susan: Hi Jim. This is Susan. How check? 500 dollars from my account.. are you? Passenger: Yes, these two. Teller: Can i have your bank card, Jim: Good. Agent: Please put the bags on the please? Susan: Are you free on Saturday? scale. Customer: Ok, here you are.. Jim: Yes. Why? Passenger: Here you go. Teller: I'll need some picture Id, too. Susan: Would you like to see a Customer: Is my passport OK? movie together? Agent; Do you have a seating Teller; That'll be fine. OK here is Jim: Sounds good. What time preference? your ID and your money. would you like to meet? Passenger; Yes, Id like to have a Customer:Thank you. Susan: How about 3:00 o’clock window seat. Teller: Have a nice day. Jim: Good. Where would you like Agent: Here is your boarding pass. to meet? Passenger: Thank you. Susan: Sounds good. See you there. Jim: Great. Bye

Target Vocabulary; bank teller, cash, coin, bill/notes, credit card, deposit, withdraw, exchange, currency, picture ID, exchange rate, driver's licence, nickel,dime, a quarter, dollar, Yen, Euro, Pound, cent, transaction, confirm, PIN number, reciept.

Target Vocabulary; boarding, airport, passport,visa,baggage, scales, surname, forename, male , female, purpose,

Target Vocabulary; numbers , star, hash, dial, dial tone, hang up, wrong number, message,

Sentence Structues I'd like to …. (exchange/deposit/withdraw) I'd like to exchange______for______ . The exchange rate is ____ X to the_____.. Do you have some photo ID? First, next, after that, then,finally

Sentence Structues

Sentence Structues

I'll bring______because______ . I'll need_______because_____. Would you prefer______or _____.? I'd prefer______.I'd like a____

May I _______ . There is no one here by that name. Hello this is _____ is ______there Can you give him a message…?




Activity: I



My house has_____. I _____in the ________. I'd like a house with___ You find this in the ____and use it for___



Students will be able to talk about the various rooms in there home and what people do in each one. They will be able to talk about the objects in each room and able to describe them to others. Students will learn about homes around the world and why they are constructed in different ways. Students will be able to talk about their neighborhood/city.

Students will be able to choose from a menu and order their meal Students Students will be able to buy tickets to their will be able to talk about the various destination . Students will be able to find their way foods ie what they are and how they to the plane after looking at departures board and taste. They will be able to talk about react to boarding anouncements in English.Students the way a western table is set and will practice duty free shopping and interacting with what to do with the cutlery. Students the flight attendants.Students will practice reacting will learn about language used in to some aircraft announcements. recipies.

Dialogue A: How many bedrooms are there in your house? B: There are two bedrooms. A: What is in your bedroom? B: There is a bed and a dresser. A: What's in your living room? B: There is a sofa, a table and a phone.

Dialogue Waiter: May I take your order? Customer: Yes. I’ll have the spaghetti.. Waiter: Would you like anything to drink? Customer: I’ll have a juice. Waiter: All right. I’ll get your food. Waiter: Here’s your food. Enjoy your meal! Customer: Thank you.


Dialogue At the entrance of the cabin Flight attendant: May I see your boarding pass, please? Passenger: Yes, here it is. Flight attendant: Your seat number is 8-A. It’s right over there by the window. Passenger: Thank you. Airline meals Flight attendant: Would you like beef or chicken for dinner? Passenger: Beef, please. Flight attendant: Here you are. Passenger: Thank you. Flight attendant: Would you like anything to drink? Passenger: Coke, please. Duty-free shopping Flight attendant: Would you like to buy something from our duty-free in-flight catalogue? Passenger: Yes, I’d like some chocolates. Do you accept Korean Won? Flight attendant: We accept Won, Dollars and all credit cards. Passenger: Okay. Two chocolate boxes, please. Flight attendant: Here you are. Would you like anything else? Passenger: That’s all, thanks.

Telephone Drama

Target Vocabulary; sink, sofa, cushion, pillow, sheet, duvet, pillow case, coffee table, dishwasher, fosset, tap, ornaments, drying rack, plate, bowl, vase, picture, blinds, curtain, apartment, villa , storey, floors, attic, basement, living room, kitchen, study, bedroom, hall, bathroom, bungalow, garden, porch, patio, Sentence Structues

Target Vocabulary; food items. Vegetables, fruits, meat and drinks, Waiter,order, customer, specialty,medium,well done, rare, Appetizer, starter, main dish, dessert,pork, beef, bill, mix, flaten, spread, sprinkle, stir, boil, fry, grill, roast

Target Vocabulary;Cabin, cabin crew, motion sickness,flight attendant, duty-free, captain, cockpit, galley,hand luggage, folding table, life vest, seatbelt, terminal, armrest, fasten seat belt

Sentence Structues

Sentence Structues

My house has_____. I _____in the ________. I'd like a house with___ You find this in the ____and use it for___

Would you like.. I’ll have …… How would you like your steak? May I have the menu/bill please.

Do you accept... I’ll have …… Would you like______or__________? I'd like __________ .








Do you accept... I’ll have …… Would you like______ or________ __? I'd like __________ .

House Market

Students will be able to buy products at a market . Students will be able to identify what shops sell what product.Students will practice asking where products are located and asking for discounts and comparing products.Students will practice math in English. Students will practice purchasing different goods ie shoes/clothes/groceries

Dialogue Shopkeeper- Can I help you? Customer- Yes please, Do you sell batteries? Shopkeeper- Yes we do they are in the third aisle next to the computer equipment. Customer - Thanks. Later Customer - I found them but they are a bit expensive do you have any cheaper ones? Shopkeeper- Yes, these are the cheapest. (Shopkeeper points at some other batteries) Customer - Why are these cheaper? Shopkeeper - They are made in china so they are cheaper but they work fine. Customer - Ok I’ll take them. Shopkeeper - That’s 3000 won please.







Broadcasting Computer Airplane zone

Target Vocabulary; Comparatives and superlatives, discount, different, same, size, style, review colours, aisle, butcher, baker, groccer,

Sentence Structues Do you sell… I’d like …… Can you give me a discount? Why is this…..cheaper/more expensive

Activities Price is right game Market game buyers and sellers Races to separate products into shops

Monday 9-9.40 9.50-10.30 10.40-11.20 11.30-12.10







Sea life

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