Year 8

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 540
  • Pages: 3
Lesson Plan Day: Thursday Date: 28/3/2019

Time: 11:30

Year: 8

Learning Area: English Topic: Cultural heritage and values. Curriculum content description: Understand how conventions of speech adopted by communities influence the identities of people in those communities (ACELA1541) Explore the interconnectedness of Country/Place, People, Identity and Culture in texts including those by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors (ACELT1806)

Students’ prior knowledge and experience: Students have researched their family’s cultures and backgrounds.

Learning purpose: To begin planning their assessment and consolidating their research. Learning objectives: On completion of this lesson, students will be able to:


Students will have completed their brainstorm on the five artefacts they will be presenting. They will have selected their five artefacts.

Preparation and Resources: Assessment workbook with: - Task sheet and rubric - Brainstorm - Objects 1-5 Completed worksheets on their culture (snapshot included)

Evaluation: -

A completed brainstorm and the beginnings of a plan in their assessment workbook.


19 mins

15 mins

5-10 mins

The rest of the lesson

Learning Experiences: Introduction: Students in and reading for the first 15 minutes - 2 mins to get them into class - 2 mins to get them focused - 2 mins to enter reading into their logs Spelling test

Hand out task sheet and go over it with the class. - Highlight/underline key points they need to know/remember - 3-5 minutes - 5 objects (explain what they are and their importance to culture) - No palm cards (Students will be allowed to write the key points of their items on the board and discuss them) - Answer any questions - Go through the marking rubric with them

Students will go through the research they have already done and brainstorm the 5 objects they would like to use into their assessment booklet. - Where did they get them (where did their parents/grandparents get them?) - Why are they important (what value do they have to your culture/family?) - What do they say about you?

Management of behaviour: ‘Listening’ x2 then names on the board. Move students who are disrupting the class. Keep Hibo and Jalale apart this lesson. They have not been sitting in their allocated seats. Watch Alex and Ayush and move if talking. - If they continue talking, put their names on the board for detention.

10 mins

Lesson conclusion: Check for understanding. Anyone who finishes early- check their work. Give them the grammar worksheets that have been printed.

Lesson Evaluation: Today’s lesson was difficult again. I think I need to develop some better strategies for managing the behaviour of talking students. There are a few who are very disruptive either to the class as a whole or just to each other. I did not take the class for the entire lesson as they had to go over their presentation and the expectations on them for that assessment. While my mentor went through the expectations with the class, I tried proximity and eye contact with those being disruptive. It was not wholly effective and one of the students was sent out of the class for a couple of minutes to calm himself down. I also think I need to find and develop some more engaging and ‘fun’ activities to keep the class engaged.

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