Year 8

  • May 2020
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More details

  • Words: 468
  • Pages: 3
Lesson Plan Day: Thursday

Date: 21/3/2019

Learning Area: English

Time: 11:30

Year: 8

Topic: Exploring cultural backgrounds (lesson two)

Curriculum content description: Understand how conventions of speech adopted by communities influence the identities of people in those communities (ACELA1541) Explore the interconnectedness of Country/Place, People, Identity and Culture in texts including those by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors (ACELT1806)

Students’ prior knowledge and experience: Students have begun researching where their parents come from and the cultures and traditions of their respective countries. Learning purpose: To begin students thinking of their own culture and what it means. This will help them gather information for their presentation assessment.

Learning objectives:


On completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

A completed worksheet on where their families come from.

Identify unique aspects of their culture and explain where they have come from.

Preparation and Resources: Access to Macbooks. Worksheets. Stationary. Coloured pencils etc for their flags.


Learning Experiences:

12 mins

Introduction: Greet class at the door, explain what they will need to take out before they sit down and commence reading for the first 10 minutes of the lesson. Give students two minutes to enter their reading log into their books.

21 mins

20 mins (some silent and some with quiet talking).

Spelling test. - 1 minute to revise the words - 20 mins for the test.

Students will continue working on their cultural background worksheets First 10 minutes in complete silence then quiet conversations for the next 10 minutes.

Management of behaviour: Students were particularly chatty in the previous lesson so for the first part of class they will be instructed to work silently before being allowed to chat quietly amongst themselves. I will be writing names on the board for detention.

Lesson conclusion: I plan on asking students one interesting thing they have found out about their family’s culture over the last two sessions to ensure that they have an understanding of the task.

Lesson Evaluation: The year 8 class was still chatty this session but they were more focussed. They were mostly on task with their research. We worked for 10 minutes in silence (which had to be restarted a couple of times due to the noise level) and then the students were allowed to chat quietly amongst themselves. I think the next time I try this I will write the start time on the board and let the class know how much time they have left. I have also been informed of a different technique used by my mentor- saying ‘listening’ once to get the classes attention and then again if they are still talking. After this, write their names on the board for detention if they continue to talk. They have been informed by their teacher that this is what will happen.

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