Y9 Autumn Medium Term Plan - War

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 445
  • Pages: 3
Programmes of Study Medium Term Planning Department:


Unit Title: “Trenches and Tanks” or “What was the fighting man’s experience in the two world wars?”

Year Group:

9 Autumn Term Second Half 3 lessons per week = 18 lessons

Key Learning Objectives All Students will understand information about a range of wartime experiences between 1914 and 1945. They will be able to differentiate between events, places, people and changes in the two wars. They will have an understanding of the technological, tactical and societal changes across the time period. They will employ key historical words, terms and phrases in their work and use sources of information to explain their answers. (L4)

Most Students will understand and begin to explain why changes in attitudes towards war took place between the wars. They will be able to make links between events, changes and causes and offer opinionated conclusions in their work. They will structure their extended writing with themed paragraphs, introductions and conclusions and begin to offer reasons as to why interpretations of wartime events, people and causes have been given. They will be able to critically analyse how the wars are represented and interpreted today, using a range of film, video, literary, artistic and other sources. (L5)

Some Students will explain using relevant, selected information from sources of evidence, research and own knowledge how the experiences of the fighting men differed, changed and remained the same between the wars. They will understand the relationships between enlisted men and officers, and how tactical decisions are made. They will bring in and link to contextual knowledge of technological advances, political changes and cultural differences in their expositions. They will understand how war can often be a catalyst for human development, and also an inhibitor to progress. They will have a broad-based knowledge to draw upon in their analyses of the impact of the wars. (L6+)

Unit Overview Unit Focus: What life-changing experiences did young men undergo in the two world wars? Key questions (3): 1. What was it like in the trenches of World War One? 2. Who were ‘The Few’? – How close was Britain to defeat in WWII? 3. Which WWII allied soldier had it worst – Tommy Atkins, GI Joe or Ivan? Key concepts and terms that appear: 1. Propaganda & Recruitment , Life in the Trenches, The Pals at the Somme 2. Dunkirk, Battle of Britain, Arctic Convoys and the Battle of the Atlantic, RAF Bomber Command 3. Desert Rats and D-Day – the WWII Tommy , Massacres at Stalingrad, Band of Brothers – the GI’s war

Cross Curricular Opportunities ICT

Lit Reading Writing


Speaking and Listening

WRL / Enterprise




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