Xp3: Pause High School Small Group Dialog

  • June 2020
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XP3 PAUSE (1): BREATHE Bottom Line: We need to pause in order to be present. Scripture References: Exodus 24:12; Matthew 6:25-27 So often we become consumed with whatever’s on the “to do” list for today. But what if we took time to pause and really enjoy the moments we were in? Instead of thinking about whatever is next, what if we decided to really “be” where we are and soak up every second? One of the greatest struggles for adolescents today is finding balance in spite of overwhelming pressure to succeed academically, athletically, socially, spiritually and creatively. Your goal this week is to help your group talk about those pressures in a constructive way, and to help them look for ways they can be intentional about slowing down—even if it means saying “no” and accepting “good enough.” Warning: It may feel natural to talk about how failing to pause means you miss out on what God has for you, but wait— that’s next week’s lesson. Create meaningful conversation. Adjust questions as needed, and don’t feel like you need to answer all of them. 1.

What did you think of the talk this week? What did you hear the speaker say?

2. What did you think about the time of silence at the end of the session? Were you distracted or uncomfortable? Why? 3. Have you ever felt like you were physically some place, but not really there mentally or emotionally or spiritually? What did it feel like?


On a scale of one to ten, how good are you at being in the moment?


What keeps you from being present?


What are the dangers of living life and never really being present?

7. If you were on the outside of your life looking in, what advice might you give yourself to help create some headspace? 8. Can you think of some things that you could say “no” to as a way to get back some extra time? Is there someone who can hold you to your decision to say “no” more often?


Oftentimes our anticipating the future or what comes next creates stress and worry. Not only does our inability to just “be” keep us from being fully present, it can create a negative response in us as well. What can you do to remove this worry and anxiety?


What is one way that you can begin to “pause” this week and really live in the moment that you are in?

CLOSING CHALLENGE: Encourage your students this time to pause this week. Follow-up via e-mail, MySpace, or Facebook and ask students: “What can you cut out this week to make more time to be still? What could you say no to?” Call or ask them how it’s going. Ask them if they are finding time to be silent and still. Has it been hard for them to slow down? What has been the biggest distraction to them? What has helped them as they have been learning to pause throughout the week? Be sure to do this yourself. Be honest about the challenges you have in slowing down, and share what works for you when you are able to pause.

www.xp3students.org © 2009 The reThink Group, Inc.


XP3 PAUSE (2): SEARCH Bottom Line: We need to pause in order to experience God. Scripture References: Exodus 3:1-5 The Bible says that God is everywhere at all times. But sometimes we are in such a rush that we don’t even notice Him. Your goal this week is to direct students to brainstorm ways that they can be on the lookout for God every day. Help them think about ways they can pause . . . and then search. WARNING: Next week we will be spending an entire session on the tension created when we want to look for God, but it seems like God is nowhere to be found—specifically in tragedy or difficult circumstances. Unless this is a strongly felt need in your group this week, try to direct the conversation away from this tension for now, so that you can cover it specifically next week. Create meaningful conversation. Adjust questions as needed, and don’t feel like you need to answer all of them. 1. What did you think of the talk this week? What did you hear the speaker say?

2. Have you ever played Where’s Waldo? Why did the speaker compare God to Waldo? 3. Have you ever been a part of a “burning bush” moment or been really moved by something that you saw? At the time, did you attribute it to God showing up? 4. How does it make you feel to be reminded that God is creating moments like these all the time if we will just stop to take notice?

5. Think back on your past week. Can you think of a time when God was maybe trying to get your attention, or maybe even got your attention with something small? How do you feel knowing God helped you see Him in those moments? 6. What are some things in your life that could distract you from noticing God’s activity? How can you be more intentional about noticing God’s activity?

7. Are there things you have overlooked as God’s activity, because what you saw wasn’t as dramatic as an actual burning bush? What are those things? 8. Where are some everyday places you might see God?

9. How does the idea of pausing and being present connect with our ability to see and experience God in our day-today life? What’s one way you can pause this week in order to see God?

CLOSING CHALLENGE: This week you will be going on a field trip for the XP. Be sure to get your group excited about participating in it, but keep the details a secret. Make sure your students know when to show up at the church, and that parents are clued into what is happening at the XP. Even though the details are a secret, let your students know that the experience will be about learning to see God in all places—even the unexpected ones.

www.xp3students.org © 2009 The reThink Group, Inc.


XP3 PAUSE (3): DISCOVER Bottom Line: We need to pause and remember that God hasn’t left us. Scripture References: Exodus 3:7-9; Exodus 13:21; Exodus 16:12-16; Psalm 139:7-12 Sometimes life gets really hard. Sometimes life hurts a lot. Sometimes pain and disappointment seem pretty intense and God seems really far away. But even in those moments, God is there. Your goal this week is to get your students talking about the challenges of finding God in the middle of difficult and painful circumstances. When they practice looking for God in their past and present circumstances, it will help them begin searching for Him when things get tough in the future. Create meaningful conversation. Adjust questions as needed, and don’t feel like you need to answer all of them. 1. What did you think of the talk this week? What did you hear the speaker say?

2. Did anyone have an experience this week where they were able to notice God in a way they maybe never did before? What happened? 3. Do you think it is easier to pause in the easy and beautiful moments and notice God, or easier to pause in the more difficult moments to notice God? Why?

4. Have you ever found yourself asking, “Where is God?” because of the difficult circumstances you were in or you saw others in? What does Exodus 3:7-9 tell you about the character of God? 5. When you hear the phrase, “God came down,” how do you think this relates to your own life and your own difficult circumstances? Is it easy or hard to believe God does the same in your own life? Why?

6. Think back to a time in your life where something difficult was going on. Can you think of things that confirmed God’s presence, even in the middle of your circumstances? (Maybe it was a friendship that was there for you when you really needed it, or a thoughtful note, or a really moving song.)

7. Think of the potentially trying circumstances you are in right now. How might you begin to pause long enough to look for and notice God’s presence in the middle of it? 8. How does thinking of God’s name like breath change the way you think about God? 9. After wrapping up this series, how do you think you can begin the practice of pausing in your life?

CLOSING CHALLENGE: If any of your students are facing some difficult times, encourage the other students that they can be reminders of God’s presence in that person’s life by offering encouragement, just hanging out, praying, etc. Find ways to help that student see that God has not forgotten about him or her.

www.xp3students.org © 2009 The reThink Group, Inc.

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