X-calibration-a Technique For Combating Excessive Bitline Leakage Current In Nanometer Sram Designs

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X-Calibration: A Technique for Combating Excessive Bitline Leakage Current in Nanometer SRAM Designs Ya-Chun Lai and Shi-Yu Huang, Member, IEEE

Abstract—In an SRAM circuit, the leakage currents on the bit lines are getting increasingly prominent with the dwindling of transistors’ threshold voltages as the technology scales down to 90 nm and beyond. Excessive bit-line leakage current results in slower read operations or even functional failure. In this paper, we present a new technique, called X-calibration, to combat this phenomenon. Unlike the previous method that attempts to compensate the leakage current directly, this scheme first transforms the bit-line leakage current into an equilibrium offset voltage across the bit-line pair, and then simple circuitry is utilized to cancel this offset accurately at the input of the sense amplifier so that the sensing is not affected by the bit-line leakage. SPICE simulation of a 1 Kbit SRAM macro shows that this X-calibration scheme can handle 83% higher bit-line leakage current than the previous bit-line leakage compensation scheme. Measurement results of the test chip show that the SRAM macro adopting X-calibration scheme can cope with up to 320 A bit-line leakage current. Index Terms—Bitline leakage current, on-off ratio, sense amplifier, SRAM, X-calibration scheme.



S CMOS process technology scales down into the nanometer scale, a number of unexpected side effects, such as raised leakage current of transistors, larger process variation, worse matching of symmetric devices, and deteriorated power and ground lines, start to emerge. These nanometer effects not only bring enormous challenges to circuit designers but also greatly reduce the manufacturing yield. Consequently, to design a robust circuit to deal with these effects has become much more important. For logic circuits, the threshold voltage of transistors is often reduced to retain high performance as the supply voltage declines. In turn, the reduced threshold voltage results in increased leakage current, which does not lead to catastrophic results for logic circuits. Yet, the raised leakage current could not only degrade the performance for an SRAM circuit but also lead to erroneous operations. Bitline leakage current is the most significant component of leakage in memories and will become increasingly large

Manuscript received April 13, 2007; revised April 25, 2008. Current version published September 10, 2008. This work was supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan under Grant NSC 96-2220-E-007-028. The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013, R.O.C. (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2008.2001937

in the nanometer technology. According to the report of [1], the worst-case bit-line leakage current can reach 117 A under high temperature and large column height. Because the non-evaluating bit-line is discharged by the bit-line leakage current, the effective bit-line voltage swing developed by the cell current of the accessed memory cell during a read operation will decline. The degraded effective bit-line voltage swing either increases the delay of the sense amplifier or makes the sense amplifier react incorrectly. Several methods have been proposed to solve this problem. These methods can be classified into two categories: leakage suppression [2]–[4] and leakage compensation [5]–[7]. These studies try to solve the problem by means of either adapting the manufacturing process or changing the circuitry. The negative word-line scheme proposed in [2] forces an inactive word-line to a voltage level lower than the ground to reduce the leakage through access transistors. Yet, this scheme may still suffer from the so-called gate-induced drain leakage current. The scheme proposed in [3] uses both dual threshold voltage and aggressive biasing on the word-lines, the bit-lines, and the power lines of the storage cells to curb the leakage currents. Hence, this scheme can cope with excessive bit-line leakage current in a 100-nm dual- technology as demonstrated [3]. However, as technology advances, the leakage current could become even more severe and thus this leakage suppression technique may still need some compensating techniques that help to tolerate the leakage currents in addition to curbing them in the future. Also, as the process variation increases, the biasing circuits may not be able to generate the bias voltages as accurately. In [4], a dynamic leakage cut-off scheme was also proposed. The drawback is that this scheme may degrade the operation speed due to the large additional time required for generating a reverse substrate bias. The bit-line compensation (BLC) scheme described in [5] modifies the pre-charge circuitry to detect the amount of the bit-line leakage. After that, similar amount of current is injected into the bit-line so as to compensate the loss due to leakage. Nevertheless, this scheme is sensitive to the process variation due to the dynamic current mirror structure, which is extremely susceptive to the variation of the threshold voltage. The modified BLC schemes described in [1] and [6] attempt to overcome some weaknesses in [5] such as the mismatch problem of the dynamic current mirror. The modified circuit proposed by [6] successfully uses the same transistor to detect the bit-line leakage current and inject the compensation current. Notwithstanding, the gate voltage of the transistor that decides the injected amount

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Fig. 1. Conventional SRAM column with bit-line leakage.

of the compensation current is still sensitive to the coupling noise from the bit-line. The bit-line leakage equalization technique mentioned in [7] does not require additional control signals and time to detect the amount of leakage current on the bit-line pairs. This technique, nonetheless, has about 40% area overhead because the conventional 6-transistor cell is replaced with the new 8-transistor leakage-equalized cell. Also, duplicating leakage current on one bit-line for the other may double total leakage current and cause more power consumption. In this paper, we propose a new scheme to solve the bit-line leakage current problem. The basic idea is to transform the leakage current into an equilibrium offset voltage across the bit-line pair. Then, offset cancellation techniques can be applied to resolve the problem. The circuitry we propose here can work under a wide-range bit-line leakage current. Moreover, there are only two additional control signals in this scheme. Consequently, the new bit-line sensing circuitry is power efficient. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the problem caused by bit-line leakage current. Section III presents the proposed X-calibration scheme. Section IV gives a transient analysis of the proposed scheme and chip implementation. Section V shows the experimental results. Finally, we conclude the paper in Section VI. II. PROBLEM DEFINITION First, we will point out the problem caused by bit-line leakage current in detail. Fig. 1 shows a single-column circuit for a conventional SRAM. The accessed cell stores logic-1 while the others store logic-0. This is the worst scenario when the bit-line leakage impacts the circuit’s operation most. For each non-accessed cell, there is subthreshold leakage current flowing from the bit-line, passing through one access transistor, and finally into the storing node of logic-0 as shown in Fig. 1. Under this condition, these leakage currents jointly contribute to the overall bit-line leakage current. When the accessed cell is read, this joint bit-line leakage current will become the noise against the cell current (i.e., the current flowing into the accessed cell) and may

Fig. 2. Waveforms of the bit-line pair for a conventional SRAM (a) without bit-line leakage and (b) with bit-line leakage.

hinder the bit-line differential signal detection performed by the sense amplifier. Fig. 2 shows the waveforms of the bit-line pairs with and without the bit-line leakage. As shown in the figure, we can see that the bit-line voltage difference reduces when the excessive bit-line leakage current exists. The reduced bit-line difference degrades the performance and increases the read access time because the sense amplifier needs more time to detect smaller input differential voltage. If the bit-line leakage becomes close to or larger than the cell current, the read operation would fail due to potentially incorrect detection of the sense amplifier. The so-called on–off ratio has been popularly used as a design criterion for taking the bit-line leakage current into account, and is defined as the ratio of the cell current being accessed to the total leakage current drained by the non-accessed cells. As a rule of thumb, this ratio is often larger than 10 to provide a good leakage immunity when designing a robust SRAM circuit. This criterion could therefore impose on the maximum height of a cell column, or the number of bit cells connected to a single column of the SRAM cell array. Unfortunately, as the process continues to scale down, the threshold voltage of transistor is often reduced accordingly in order to compensate for the speed loss due to lower supply voltage. In turn, the subthreshold leakage current becomes even larger and this on–off ratio target becomes harder to achieve. Sometimes, the same on–off ratio is retained at the sacrifice of the reduced height. However, this strategy is only a tradeoff and not a good solution because it forms a limit on the capacity of an SRAM and reducing the area efficiency as well [3]. The bit-line leakage current is dependent on the data pattern stored in one column and on the operating temperature. As a result, the amount of the bit-line leakage current will change after

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Fig. 3. Basic concept of the X-calibration scheme.

each write operation, which varies the data pattern. The amount of bit-line leakage also increases as the operating temperature rises.

Fig. 4. Schematic of the calibration circuitry.

III. PROPOSED METHOD In this section, we first explain the basic concept of the X-calibration scheme and then describe its detailed implementation. A. Basic Concept We regard the bit-line leakage current as an offset voltage and then cancel the offset voltage by means of the calibration circuitry attached to the sense amplifier. This basic idea can be explained in two parts, as follows. • Generation of the equilibrium offset voltage: The bit-line leakage current is transformed into an offset voltage across the bit-line pair. As shown in Fig. 3, we use the conventional bit-line static load circuitry to provide pull-up current against the bit-line leakage current. Finally, the voltage level of each bit-line reaches an equilibrium level after some time. The difference of the equilibrium levels across the bit-line pair is referred to as the equilibrium offset voltage or simply the offset voltage for the rest of this paper. • Cancellation of the offset voltage: The offset voltage mentioned above is first recorded and then cancelled by the calibration circuitry attached to the inputs of the sense amplifier as shown in Fig. 3. The detailed operations of the calibration circuitry will be described later. B. Circuit Architecture and Operation The schematic of the calibration circuitry shown in Fig. 4 is mainly composed of several switches and two coupling capacand , the itors. There are two additional control signals, timing diagrams of which are shown in Fig. 5(b). The transient waveforms of the bit-line pair and the input pair of the sense amplifier in the presence of the bit-line leakage current are shown

Fig. 5. (a) Waveforms of the bit-line pair and input pair of the sense amplifier. (b) Timing diagram of the control signals.

in Fig. 5(a). This scheme is called X-calibration because of the crossing structure formed by the switches controlled by . The operation of an SRAM column with the calibration circuitry can be divided into the following three phases, shown in Fig. 5(a). 1) Pre-charge phase: In this phase, the bit-line pair is prein the design) and charged to an initial level (namely the input pair of the sense amplifier is left floating. At this moment, all switches in the calibration circuitry are turned off.

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Fig. 6. Illustration of each operation phase. (a) Pre-charge and equalization. (b) Detection. (c) Calibration and read.

2) Detection phase: The pre-charge circuit is turned off and are turned on to detect the the switches controlled by offset voltage developed by the bit-line static load. Note that this offset voltage has been flipped around by the . This crossing structure of the switches controlled by reversal of the offset voltage is designed intentionally to support easy offset cancellation later. 3) Calibration and read phase: The switches controlled by are turned off and then those controlled by are turned on to couple the voltages at the bit-lines to the inputs of the sense amplifier. At the beginning of this phase, the reversed offset voltage detected in phase 2 was stored across the bottom nodes of the two coupling capacitors and will be deducted from the differential voltage across the bit-line pair to cancel out the offset voltage during this coupling process. Therefore, the offset voltage disappears from the input pair of the sense amplifier in this phase and the operation performed by the sense amplifier will not be affected at all by the bit-line leakage. Since the operation of the calibration is hidden within the read operation, there is no access time penalty in this scheme. Also, the calibration circuitry works well for the write operation. ) should not The timings of the two control signals ( and overlap each other. In order to clearly demonstrate the three operation phases of an SRAM column with the calibration circuitry, we give an example with bit-line leakage, as shown in Fig. 6. For simplicity, each node’s voltage designated in Fig. 6 is just an approximate value and thus slightly different from the real case. In Fig. 6(a), the column is in the pre-charge phase and the bit-line pair is pre-charged and equalized to initial voltage level, 1.8 V. Then, in Fig. 6(b), the column gets into the detection phase. The bit-line voltage level drops down and eventually balances at the lower voltage level of 1.4 V due to the bit-line leakage current. This voltage level is carried to the bottom node of the coupling capacitor on the other side through the crossing switch controlled

. At the end of this phase, the equilibrium offset voltage by across the bit-line pair has been generated and stored in the calibration circuitry. Finally, the column comes into the calibration and read phase shown in Fig. 6(c). The cell current discharges the complementary bit-line so that the voltage level of the complementary bit-line falls down and balances at the voltage level of 1.45 V. This voltage drop can be transferred to the complementary input of the sense amplifier by means of the coupling capacitor. Now, we can clearly see that the offset voltage is perfectly cancelled at the input pair of the sense amplifier from Fig. 6(c). The sense amplifier we used is the latch-type sense amplifier mentioned in [8] and [9]. In order to use capacitive coupling to achieve the offset cancellation, the input impedance of a sense amplifier must be infinite and the inputs of sense amplifier need to be floating during the calibration phase. In addition, the capacitance of the coupling capacitor should be selected appropriately. If its capacitance is too small, the coupling effect will be too weak and the offset voltage cancellation will be less accurate. On the other hand, using too large capacitance will cause excessive area overhead. Therefore, the selection of the capacitance of the coupling capacitor is a tradeoff between coupling efficiency and area. In our design, the capacitance of the coupling capacitor is determined according to simulation result and consideration of physical implementation. IV. TRANSIENT ANALYSIS AND CHIP IMPLEMENTATION A. Transient Analysis of X-Calibration Scheme Fig. 7 shows transient waveforms of bit-lines under diverse bit-line leakage currents during a read operation, where BL is discharged by bit-line leakage current and /BL is discharged by cell current when WL is turned on. The entire read cycle can be divided into three phases: 1) pre-charge; 2) detection; and 3) calibration and read. Because the detection time borrows the

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Fig. 7. Transient waveforms of bit-lines under diverse bit-line leakage currents.

Fig. 9. Micrograph of the test chip.

Fig. 10. Micrograph of the SRAM macro using X-calibration. Fig. 8. Relationship between equilibrium time and bit-line leakage current.

timing margin from the pre-charge time and the calibration operation is performed together with the normal read operation at the same time, there is no access time penalty. However, the cycle time could rise a little due to the insertion of the detection phase between the pre-charge and the read operation phase. In our X-calibration scheme, the circuit designer can adjust the detection time on the design stage according to the equilibrium time, which is defined as the time interval between the end of the pre-charge phase and the time instant that the non-evaluating bit-line (i.e., BL in Fig. 7) reaches equilibrium level as mentioned in Section III-A. By means of simulation analysis, it is known that the equilibrium time is dependent on the amount of bit-line leakage current and is less than 25% cycle time at an operating frequency of 200 MHz when the bit-line leakage current is under 285 A as shown in Fig. 8. In fact, the detection time can be less than the equilibrium time at the cost of maximum tolerable bit-line leakage current when the timing budget is tight. B. Implementation of Fabricated Test Chip In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, we have fabricated a test chip of an SRAM macro of 1 Kb in a 0.18- m standard CMOS process technology. For comparison, the test chip has also included a conventional SRAM macro with

the same configuration but without the calibration circuitry. The micrograph of the test chip is shown in Fig. 9. The upper part of the test chip is the SRAM macro using the X-calibration scheme and the lower is the conventional SRAM macro. The memory built-in self-test (BIST) circuitry in the middle of the test chip is also included. The detailed micrograph of the SRAM macro using X-calibration is shown in Fig. 10. The switching transistors in the calibration circuitry are PMOS pass transistors, and coupling capacitors implemented in the test chip are metal–insulator–metal (MIM) capacitors. The area of the proposed SRAM macro increases by 7.55% as compared with the conventional SRAM macro due to the calibration circuitry. C. Methods for Mimicking Bit-Line Leakage In the test chip, we use 0.18- m CMOS technology. There are two possible methods to mimic the leakage phenomena we may encounter at 90 nm process and beyond. One method is to adjust the voltage levels of those inactive word-lines from ground to slightly higher voltage level. This method, however, is difficult to realize for the whole SRAM macro and all SRAM columns would have the same bit-line leakage. In practice, each column may have different bit-line leakage current due to different data pattern. The other method is to add one NMOS transistor pair to each bit-line pair. These transistors connect bit-lines to ground and we can adjust the gate voltage of the transistor to generate appropriate drain current as bit-line leakage current. We adopt

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Fig. 11. Bit-line leakage current generator.

the latter method because of its simplicity. The bit-line leakage current generator is shown in Fig. 11. V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A. Simulation Results In order to compare the X-calibration scheme with the previous bit-line leakage compensation (BLC) scheme [5], we also implemented an SRAM macro of 1 Kb using the circuit architecture of the BLC scheme. Table I lists the read current, the write current, the access time, and the maximum tolerable bit-line leakage of these three SRAM macros. These circuit performance parameters are obtained by running SPICE simulation. The following is the meaning of each column of Table I. • Read current: The average supply current for performing a read operation during one cycle. • Write current: The average supply current for performing a write operation during one cycle. • Access time: The delay from the rising edge of the clock to the transition edge of the data output during a read operation. • Maximum tolerable bit-line leakage: The maximum tolerable bit-line leakage current under which the SRAM circuit can operate correctly. The impact of the bit-line leakage current on the access time for each of the three SRAM macros is shown in Fig. 12. In practice, there is cell current distribution due to process variation or noise emerging on the bit-line pair. Therefore, the upper bound of bit-line leakage for the conventional SRAM macro could be lower. Because the number of memory cells on each column for these SRAM macros is 32, the bit-line loading capacitance is too

Fig. 12. Impact of bit-line leakage on access time for the three SRAM macros in a 0.18-m CMOS technology with extra bit-line loading capacitance of (a) 200 fF and (b) 500 fF, respectively.

small as compared with the SRAM macro with a large column height, e.g., 256 or 512. As a result, we added extra loading capacitance on each bit-line pair and run SPICE simulation for the three SRAM macros when deriving the data. The experimental results show that the X-calibration scheme can handle 61% and 83% higher bit-line leakage current than the BLC scheme under 200 fF and 500 fF extra bit-line loading capacitance, respectively. In addition, when the extra bit-line loading capacitance increases, the upper bound of the bit-line leakage current that all SRAM macros can cope with will decline. However, the X-calibration scheme can still function correctly up to 300 A bit-line leakage current, as shown in Fig. 12(b). The size of the critical transistors of both BLC and X-calibration scheme may influence the experimental results, so we use similar dimensions for those transistors in both schemes so as to guarantee fair comparison. The critical transistors for BLC scheme refer to those for detecting bit-line leakage and for

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Fig. 13. Relationship between the sensing time and the column height under (a) the room temperature 25 C and (b) a higher temperature 125 C for a 22-nm CMOS technology.

injecting compensation current. For X-calibration scheme, the critical transistors refer to the bit-line static loads. The experimental results of Fig. 13 show the relationship between the sensing time and the column height under different temperatures, e.g., 25 C and 125 C, in a 22-nm CMOS technology. The definition of the sensing time is the delay time from the word-line activation to the time when the voltage difference , reaches at the input pair of the sense amplifier, i.e., 0.1 , namely 80 mV for 0.8-V in a 22-nm CMOS technology. Moreover, the column height signifies the total number of bit cells connected to each bit-line pair. The data are derived by performing SPICE simulation using a 22-nm Predictive Technology Model (PTM) [10], [11]. When the column height becomes larger or the temperature increases, the worst-case bitline leakage current increases. Therefore, the sensing time increases and eventually the read operation of the conventional SRAM circuit could fail. However, the SRAM circuit using our

Fig. 14. Shmoo plots of supply voltage versus BIAS for (a) conventional SRAM macro and (b) X-calibration SRAM macro.

X-calibration can still function correctly and has better sensing time than the BLC scheme. B. Measurement Results Measured shmoo plots of the test chip are shown in Fig. 14. The parameter, BIAS, in the horizontal axis is the gate voltage of the NMOS transistor in the bit-line leakage current generator to induce bit-line leakage current. Hence, if BIAS goes up, the bit-line leakage will increase as well. The relationship , is shown in Table II. between BIAS and bit-line leakage, When BIAS is low, both SRAM macros function correctly. When BIAS rises over 0.68 V, the conventional SRAM macro will fail. However, the X-calibration SRAM macro still works correctly until the BIAS goes up to 1 V. According to the measured results in Table II, it can be seen that the upper bound of tolerable bit-line leakage of the conventional SRAM macro is only 76.6 A. However, the X-calibration SRAM macro can work correctly under 320 A bit-line leakage. As a result, the

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SRAM macro using X-calibration scheme can break through the boundary of maximum tolerable bit-line leakage of the conventional SRAM macro and reach a new boundary of as much as 320 A bit-line leakage current. The test chip characteristics are summarized in Table III. Compared with the conventional 1 Kb SRAM macro, the area overhead of the SRAM macro using the X-calibration scheme is 7.55%. The measured extra power consumption due to this scheme is 9.7% at the operating frequency of 150 MHz. The measured access time includes off-chip delay, i.e., the delay of the pad, the package, and the load-board on the ATE. As a result, the measured access time for each SRAM macro in the test chip is much larger than the simulation results, which only include on-chip delay. Additionally, since the data output pin of the X-calibration SRAM macro in the test chip encounters a longer routing wire of the load-board on the ATE than that of the conventional SRAM macro, the measured access time of the X-calibration SRAM macro is greater than that of the conventional SRAM macro.

VI. CONCLUSION We have developed a new scheme called X-calibration to solve the problem induced by bit-line leakage current. This problem, if not coped with well, will become increasingly devastating in nanometer technologies due to the ever-increasing leakage current. In the X-calibration scheme, the calibration circuitry consisting only of capacitors and switches is simple to build to shield the sense amplifier from the disturbance of bit-line leakage current. Compared with the conventional 1 Kb SRAM macro, the area overhead of the SRAM macro using the X-calibration scheme is only 7.55%. Moreover, if the column height increases or the area of the coupling capacitor decreases, the area overhead can be reduced further. The measured extra power consumption due to this scheme is only 9.7% at the operating frequency of 150 MHz. Measurement results of the fabricated test chip validate that the X-calibration scheme is not only feasible but also capable of increasing the maximum tolerable bit-line leakage current up to 320 A, which is 4.18 times as much as in the conventional SRAM macro.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank National Chip Implementation Center (CIC) and L.-M. Denq for technical support, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) for chip fabrication, and M.-F. Chang and C.-W. Wu for their valuable discussions.


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Shi-Yu Huang (S’93–M’97) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1988 and 1992, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1997, respectively. He joined the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan, in 1999, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His research interests are mainly in VLSI design, automation, and testing, with an emphasis on power estimation, fault diagnosis, CMOS image sensor design, and nanometer SRAM design.

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