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www.nanotechbiz.org [email protected]

Proposal for project on:

Nanotechnology enabled RFID solution modeling and development

Objective: To develop RFID based on current developed in MEMS and Nanotechnologies Brief Synopsis: RFID are benefitting from the current developments of MEMS and CNTs where new antenna, transponders, low energy devices are being proposed and implemented. The major challenge though here is Reliability and Packaging of these devices. In this project we want to implement modeling, reliability, analysis of Nano RFID system s and foster their integration in real devices. We have studies the comprehensively about the commercial status of RFID which has been shown in this summary and we plan to implement real products in form of Nano enabled RFID which will see application in d iversified areas. Preliminary work in this regard has been done by our team (in form of research publications) and we plan to extend our work in gathering rich IP and strong research pillars to support our project.



FID technology is still to realize its true potential, with the growing applications and development in low power devices RFID will integrate into many useful products and will have many features which will add value to its current state. In this executive summary for project we have described the challenges and planning of implementing the nanotechnology enabled RFID with special features. The market, companies, planning and the product development has been explained. Business in Nano enabled RFID is an important area also because its links are there with the new world order. The need for low power and highly efficient need of RFIS is eminent, which will be used in almost all application of Business.

Objective of our project is realization, research and application. For this we are aggressively working on enhancing our business plans as well to get groundbreaking research to be published in peer reviewed conferences and journal. We have made a good progress currently in this regard but with no source of external funding progress in our work have rather been some slow.

COMPANIES IN INDIA AND WORLD In our survey for this project we have gathered the current companies which work in RFID and will shift to nano enabled RFID for adding more features in the current RFID technologies. The advantages of Nano RFID can be seen with its integration in human body with sensors, medical implantation and banking. Our implantation differs from other is that Nano RFID can enable complex features to be added in RFID to detect many components in human body. Many companies are working on RFID but Nanotech enabled RFID is still a thing that is not worked on. The future RFID is far beyond tag but will enabled complex sensors which will be in use with WSN wireless sensor networks.

Copyright Nanotechbiz.org Cite as : Satydhar Joshi, "Research Proposal Report " [Online document], 2009 June09, Available HTTP: http://www.nanotechbiz.org

The main RFID device in use is EPC (Electronic Product Code) but with added low power nanotechnology enabled devices this scenario is bound to change. The development of standards for RFID is overseen by EPCglobal Inc. which is a joint venture of EAN and UCC, the bodies which controls the regulation of Barcodes in US and rest of the world [24]. In large quantities, EPC tags may even cost cheaper than 13 US cents [25] and is expected to drop to as low as 5 US cents in a few years [26]. Many big companies are in RFID manufacturing and services today such as TM TM IBM and Infosys . They are building RFID tags and reader system for commercial market requirements. Some TM major IT enterprises also provide commercial software for RFID [2], such as IBM Websphere and SUN EPC TM network provided by Sun Microsystems . Commercial status of RFID is bound to increase in the near future. A large number of products in America are handled through retail supply chain and majority of them still rely on manual methods of data collection [21]. Wal-mart has been studying and researching the business applications of RFID and has become one of the biggest user in retail market [30]. Wal Mart [9] and US department of Defence [10] ordered their suppliers for implementation and usage of RFID by beginning of 2005 which made the academic community to shift towards it. Many retail industries such as Metro AG, Tesco and 7 -Eleven have started using RFID in their supply chain management [31]. This not only helps them optimize their supply chain management but helps them to know exactly where their products are at any time and these products can be tracked down in the chain easily.

INDIAN SCENARIO India being the second largest growing economy, RFID technology is also getting rapidly adapted in Indian market [22]. RFID is extensively used in apparel industry in India. Many retail industries such as Pantaloon and Madura garments have started using RFID to tag garments for SCM [22]. In Wipro’s Electronic City many stores such as Arving Mills sell RFID tagged products. Mahindra & Mahindra is using RFID for integrated production management [23]. Jayakar Library of Pune University and Dhanvantri Library of Jammu University are using RFID for library management purposes. Ashok Leyland is also preparing to deploy RFID in its assembli ng centers [22]. In order to reduce retail shrinkage many large retail outlets in India such as BIG BAZZAR and PANTALOON are using RFID [23].

BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL PROSPECTUS The current research in RFID technology has already shown that it has a vast commercial scope. At present RFID is an emerging technology. Its power has been realized but its capabilities are yet to be utilized completely. As this technology gets developed, its use will eventually increase. RFID has a large business scope. In busines s, reader reads the tag then sends the information, identification and location of the object to a computer. Now with this information further business processes are initiated [6]. There has been an outbreak in many areas of research with RFID such as environment management [11], project management [12], e-commerce [13], information systems [14] [15], innovation management [16], supply chain management and warehousing [17] [18]. With the help of a well organized inventory system RFID systems can help in preventing theft, shop lifting, error and fraud losses, which amounts to nearly $31 billion USD in US [20]. The retail industry has been completely changed and it st is strongly believed that “Retailing in the 21 century will no doubt be very different from retailing in the 20th century, just as retailing in the 20th century was very different from retailing in the 19th century” [19]. The distribution of RFID tags in different industries is eminent, which clearly depicts the largest share in retail industry [5]. Our project will result in product which will be Nano enabled RFID system with the use of MEMS and CNT technologies. Assembling and middleware, also modeling aspects of Nano -RFID.

PROPOSED SOLUTION, IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS Our project will be first of its kind Indian project with nanotechnology enabled RFID technology. There is a need to get our work at par with the global ones by synchronization of nanotechnology research in RFID. Currently the realization of advantages of Nanotechnology in RFID has been felt and these remains some areas to be explored by other companies thus starting early as per the needs of business and National will be beneficial. We have been working on getting a rich IP in the initial stage and have research publications backin g our work [Given at last].The things that make our group more interesting than other groups are that we have got an irreversible and strong policy on IP which is our strength. Also the research in technology and our understanding of technology is unique. The complex aspects have been covered in the calculation that includes increase in team members, implementing the three phases at right months at periods, etc. The strategy for sales remains simple, get rick IP and collaborations and provide the most sophisticated technology which can be easily converted into products. We would like to move our work ahead in the following areas and get the technology for commercialization:

Commercial and business applications: As shown in our last work RFID recent progress and commercial prospectus we have discussed the commercial applications of RFID (presented IIM Ahmadabad at SIM 2009), these application are spread across various domains

Integration of MEMS devices: We have shown the modeling of MEMS devices in our last work “MEMS and Muti scale modeling using HPC” ( CITISIA Kuala Lampur this July IEEE Xplore DL)

Reliability, Packaging and Modeling: We have also got a base in Reliability analysis of MEMS based devices which are the heart of Nano RFID and the main hindrance for it commercialization as shown in our last work Reliability computations of MEMS devices (Indexed in ACM DL, IEEE Xplore)

Nano enabled Wireless Sensor Network: In this part of our work we have described the implementation of MEMS and CNT based Sensor nodes in a WSN and their modeling with reliability analysis

We are planning to install some infrastructure for the research & planning to send our results in High Impact factor journals which are indexed in SCI. Our focus area still remains reliability and modeling in this regard. Also in our last three business plan event in IIT Madras, IIT Kharagpur and IIT Bombay [cite business plan] we presented our work in front of many experts and got useful feedback on moving ahead with our ideas. Also workshops attended in IITs [cite workshops attended] gave us an insight on the kind of work being done in the area.

IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY AND PLAN Thus we plan to provide some realistic solution that may enable realization of Nano RFID and help us to commercialize this technology, and this can only be done by reliability analysis and pre modeling RFID as per our needs. We plan to fill this vacuum because it is poised to see rapid growth. Preliminary work in prototype has been shown in this work. Also the strong technical management team is one of the assets of this project. Patents

to be applied in near future: Nanotechnology based RFID using CNT and MEMS devices along with Reliability and packaging innovations

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[12] Rohit Pathak, Satyadhar Joshi “Modeling MEMS Based Fuel Cell with Reliability & Multi -Scale Analysis,” International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Energ y Conservation and Management (December 2009). [13] Multi Scale Modeling and Intricate Study of MEMS Based Elements in RFID systems Conference on Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems & Industrial Applications, (CITISIA2009), July 2009. [14] Multi-scale Modeling and Analysis of Nano-RFID Systems on HPC Setup IC3 2009, CCIS 40, pp. 649–659, 2009.

Business Events taken part in: E-Summit IIT Bombay Jan 2009, Khsitij IIT Khragpur 2008, Shaastra IIT Madras 2007 Workshops Proceedings Referred     

Proceedings on Course on Conventorware (MEMS design) - Coventorware MEMS design. BITS Pilani, 2007. 3 day course on MEMS Design on Coventorware Proceedings of Workshop on Nanotech Status and challenges - IIT Delhi. IIT Delhi, 2007. Attended workshop on Nanotechnology, had many lab visits Proceedings of Workshop on MEMS - Mech Engg IITB. IIT Bombay, 2007. Workshop organized by Radiance, dept of Mechanical Engineering. Proceedings of Workshop on CNT - IIT Madras, 2006 to 2006. Workshop on Nanotechnology and CNT, Fabrication of CNT and Physics of CNT Theoretical Study on CNT - Centre for Advanced Technology Indore. CAT Indore, 2007. Worked and Studied CNT and MEMS (theoretical)



Distribution of RFID tags market Retail/CGP

44% 20% 4% 4%

Land and Sea Logistic / Postal Healthcare

8% 8%




Number of RFID tags in use



5000 0



Year 2005 Year 2010 Year 2015

Number of RFID tags in use (in Millions)


Projected price of RFID tags 0.3 0.23

0.2 0.1



0 Year 2005

Year 2010

Projected price of RFID tags (in USD)

Year 2015




Fresh produce


Health &…

Electronic …

Liquor, wine …

Toys & hobies



Consumer …

RFID ratio of margin to Tag cost for various products


90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

RFID ratio of margin to Tag cost for various products

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