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56. In 1939, the immediate response of the United States to the start of World War II in Europe was to 1. modify its neutrality policy 3. strengthen its isolationist by providing aid to the Allies position by ending trade with England 2. declare war on Germany 4. send troops to the Allied and Italy Nations to act as advisors 57. Toward the end of World War II, the Servicemen's Readjustment Act (first GI bill, 1944) attempted to benefit American society by 1. guaranteeing racial 3. abolishing the draft during equality in the Armed Forces peacetime 2. providing educational and 4. strengthening the concept financial assistance to of civilian control of the veterans military 58. Immediately after World War II, the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union became strained because 1. both nations were 3. each nation believed that competing for supremacy in the other was a threat to its space exploration national security 2. the United States 4. the United States used prevented the Soviet Union military forces in Cuba and from joining the United South Vietnam Nations

60. A violation of civil rights that occurred in the United States during World War II was the 1. arrests made as a result of 3. internment of Japanese the Palmer raids Americans 2. passage of an open 4. forced removal of Native immigration law American Indians from their reservations 62. The Lend-Lease Act and the Destroyers-for-Bases deal were adopted prior to World War II primarily because these actions would 1. help Allied nations without 3. convince the American the United States entering the people that war was war necessary 2. stop the spread of 4. create jobs to end the Great communism Depression

63. Which statement about Japanese Americans interned during World War II is most accurate? 1. Many were forced to 3. Most were released after return to Japan at the signing a loyalty oath. conclusion of the war. 2. No Japanese Americans 4. Many lost their homes and were allowed to serve in the businesses. United States armed services during the war.

64. After World War II, the United States departed most sharply from its traditional foreign policy when it 1. stopped foreign-aid 3. organized global systems programs of alliances 2. sponsored disarmament 4. recognized revolutionary treaties governments

67. "After World War II, some United States foreign policy principles were significantly different from those followed prior to the War." This statement is best supported by a United States post-World War II policy of 1. sending troops to various 3. abandoning the Monroe areas of the world to prevent Doctrine in relations with communist takeovers Latin American nations 2. maintaining friendly 4. closing military bases relations with Great Britain around the world to save and France money for domestic programs

68. Base your answer on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies. In this cartoon, the main idea is that after World War II, many women might

1. insist that men be given back their pre-World War II jobs 2. demand the right to serve in combat in future wars

3. resist a return to their traditional role as homemakers 4. demand the right to vote and to seek public office

70. What was a key challenge faced by the United States during World War II? 1. lack of public support for 3. difficulty gaining the war effort congressional support 2. fighting the war on several 4. total reliance on naval fronts power

71. How did the post--World War II baby boom affect American society between 1945 and 1960? 1. It decreased the demand 3. It increased the need for for housing. educational resources. 2. It bankrupted the Social 4. It encouraged people to Security System. migrate to the Sun Belt.

72. World War I and World War II brought about changes for minorities and women because these conflicts led to 1. the creation of new job 3. a greater number of highopportunities level management positions 2. the passage of the Equal 4. greater integration in Rights Amendment housing and schools throughout the nation

73. Prior to United States entry into World War II, Congress passed the Cash-and-Carry Act of 1939 and the Lend-Lease Act of 1941. These foreign policy actions showed that the United States 1. gave equal support to both 3. maintained a strict policy the Allied and Axis powers of isolationism 2. attempted to contain the 4. became increasingly drawn spread of communism into the war in Europe

74. Base your answer on the diagram shown and on your knowledge of social studies. Which development following World War II caused the urbansuburban pattern shown in the diagram?

1. increase in the number of 3. movement of most farms factories to rural areas 2. expansion of highways and 4. decline in the number of automobile ownership middle-income families

75. The war crimes trials of German and Japanese military officials following World War II established that 1. it is difficult to convict 3. individuals can be held leaders of crimes against responsible for wartime humanity atrocities against civilians 2. civil liberties must be 4. genocidal acts are expanded for civilians during acceptable during wartime wartime

77. During World War II, posters of Rosie the Riveter were used to 1. recruit women into 3. promote women's suffrage wartime industries 2. encourage women to serve 4. support higher education in the armed forces for women

78. What was one result of World War II? 1. The arms race ended. 3. Communism was eliminated. 2. The Cold War ended. 4. Two superpowers emerged.

79. Convictions of war criminals by courts at Tokyo and Nuremberg following World War II showed that 1. government officials and 3. the League of Nations military leaders could be held could successfully enforce accountable for their actions international law 2. the United Nations 4. nations that start wars accepted responsibility for would be forced to rebuild international peacekeeping war-torn nations

80. During World War II, many Japanese Americans living on the West Coast were relocated to detention centers primarily because they 1. were known spies for 3. refused to serve in the Japan United States military 2. were seen as a security 4. expressed their support for threat Italy and Germany

81. To help pay for World War II, the United States government relied heavily on the 1. money borrowed from 3. sale of United States foreign governments manufactured goods to neutral nations 2. sale of war bonds 4. printing of additional paper money

82. The GI Bill affected American society after World War II by 1. eliminating child labor 3. increasing spending on space exploration 2. expanding voting rights 4. extending educational and housing opportunities

83. A controversial issue that resulted from World War II was the 1. future role of the League 3. commitment of troops of Nations without congressional approval 2. morality of nuclear 4. civilian control of the warfare military

84. A main purpose of government-ordered rationing during World War II was to 1. increase foreign trade 3. conserve raw materials for the war effort 2. limit the growth of 4. encourage women to enter industry the workforce

85. Base your answer on the accompanying illustration and on your knowledge of social studies. The main purpose of the World War II coupons shown in this illustration was to

1. choose men for the draft

2. conserve essential goods for military use

3. encourage increased production of consumer goods 4. pay defense contractors for military hardware

86. United States foreign policy changed following World War II as the United States 1. became more involved in 3. rejected membership in the world affairs United Nations 2. returned to a policy of 4. pursued a policy of isolationism appeasement toward the Soviet Union

88. In the United States during World War II, the role of women changed as they 1. were drafted and assigned 3. made major contributions military roles equal to those to the war effort by taking held by men jobs in factories 2. continued to work outside 4. achieved positions of the home only in jobs leadership in most major traditionally performed by industries women

89. After World War II, the United States occupied Japan, joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and helped organize the United Nations. These actions show that the United States was 1. concerned solely with 3. expanding its imperialistic rebuilding Europe empire 2. taking on greater global 4. returning to its policy of responsibility neutrality

90. The main purpose of the lend-lease program enacted by the United States during World War II was to 1. sell weapons to both Allied 3. encourage the extension of and Axis nations democratic reforms in Germany 2. rehabilitate countries 4. assist countries fighting the devastated by war and Axis Powers occupation

91. The decline of Progressivism during World War I and of the New Deal at the start of World War II shows that 1. the problems these 3. balanced budgets are more movements faced were important to the public than effectively solved social reforms 2. domestic programs may be 4. Presidents Woodrow overshadowed by wartime Wilson and Franklin D. priorities Roosevelt lacked the leadership to continue these movements

92. Since world War II, what has been a major goal of United States relations with the Middle East? 1. a peaceful resolution to 3. establishment of United Arab-Israeli conflicts Nations control over the Middle East 2. an end to European 4. equal access for all nations influence over Arab nations to the oil reserves in the Middle East

93. After World War II, the United States was better able than its allies to adjust its economy from wartime to peacetime because the United States 1. possessed nuclear weapons 3. had collected its war debts from the Allies 2. raised tariffs on imports 4. had suffered no widespread wartime destruction

94. This poster was used during World War II to

1. encourage citizens to volunteer to serve in the Armed Forces 2. remind citizens not to be wasteful during the war

3. promote the sale of war bonds 4. encourage women to seek jobs in war-related industries

95. During the early years of World War II, the Destroyer Deal and the Lend-Lease Act were efforts by the United States to 1. help the Allies without 3. negotiate a settlement of formally declaring war the war 2. maintain strict neutrality 4. provide help to both sides toward the war in the war

96. Which federal policy was enacted during World War II and justified as a wartime necessity? 1. a ban on German-language 3. exclusion of Chinese books immigrants 2. internment of Japanese 4. adoption of the quota Americans system of immigration

97. Base your answer on the poster (see image) and on your knowledge of social studies. During World War II, this poster was used primarily to

1. contain the spread of communism 2. create jobs for the unemployed

3. gain financial support for the war 4. convince women to fill vacant factory jobs

98. Base your answer on the speakers' statements below and on your knowledge of social studies. Speaker A: "We have to take care of our own problems. If we get too involved in the worlds affairs, we'll get dragged into conflicts that have nothing to do with our own security" Speaker B: "This world is different now. Two oceans can no longer protect us. We have to take a leading role in order to stop problems before they harm our economic and security interests. We need collective security, and we have to help our allies to be economically strong." Speaker C: "Perhaps if we had taken an active part in international peacekeeping organizations in the past, we wouldn't have to take on the superpower role that we face now. Now we must get more involved and meet our international obligations." Speaker D: "The arms makers and the bankers got us involved in war. The Europeans are only interested in gaining territory. Let them solve their own problems." Which speakers reflect the foreign policy beliefs of the Truman administration after World War II? 1. A and B 3. B and C 2. A and D 4. C and D

99. Shortly after entering World War II, the United States began the Manhattan Project to 1. work on the development 3. defend New York City of an atomic bomb against a nuclear attack 2. increase economic 4. recruit men for the military production to meet wartime services demands

100. The experiences of African Americans serving in the military forces during World War II influenced their postwar decision to 1. renew support for the 3. increase efforts to end principle of separate but racial discrimination equal 2. join the armed forces in 4. move back to the rural record numbers south

101. During the next 30 years, what will be the most likely impact of the baby boom that followed World War II? 1. More money will be spent 3. Social Security will have on national defense. to provide for increasing numbers of retired people. 2. The cost of health care will 4. The elderly will be the decrease. smallest segment of the population.

102. At the beginning of World War II, national debate focused on whether the United States should continue the policy of 1. coexistence 3. imperialism 2. containment 4. isolationism

103. Before entering World War II, the United States acted as the "arsenal of democracy" by 1. creating a weapons 3. providing workers for stockpile for use after the war overseas factories 2. financing overseas radio 4. supplying war materials to broadcasts in support of the Allies democracy

104. One reason the Nuremberg trials following World War II were held was to 1. bring Hitler, Mussolini, 3. make German leaders and Tojo to justice accountable for the Holocaust 2. force Japan to pay for the 4. punish the German attack on Pearl Harbor government for bombing England

105. Which statement most accurately describes the foreign policy change made by the United States between the start of World War II (1939) and the attack on Pearl Harbor (1941)? 1. The traditional 3. War was declared on isolationism of the United Germany but not on Japan. States was strengthened. 2. The nation shifted from 4. Financial aid was offered neutrality to military support to both the Allied and Axis for the Allies. powers.

106. Base your answer on the accompanying poster and on your knowledge of social studies. During World War II, posters like this were used to

1. prevent antiwar protests 2. recruit more women workers

3. convince women to enlist in the military services 4. gain acceptance for wartime rationing programs

107. Base your answer on the accompanying photograph and on your knowledge of social studies. This photograph shows the post-World War II growth that was typical of

1. tourist resorts 2. suburban communities

3. inner cities 4. public housing projects

108. Base your answer on the posters shown and on your knowledge of social studies. These posters were used during World War II to encourage women to

1. serve in the armed forces 2. exercise their vote

3. buy war bonds 4. contribute to the war effort

109. Which statement best explains why the United States mainland suffered minimal physical damage in both World War I and World War II? 1. The United States policy 3. United States military of isolationism discouraged fortifications prevented attacks by other countries. attacks on United States soil. 2. Geographic location kept 4. Latin America provided a the United States protected buffer zone from acts of from most of the fighting. aggression by other countries.

110. Between World War I and World War II, most Americans believed that the United States should follow a foreign policy that emphasized 1. containment and 3. collective security and interventionism defensive alliances 2. neutrality and isolation 4. internationalism and free trade

111. Which event brought the United States directly into World War II? 1. the sinking of the 3. the murder of many Jews Lusitania by Germany throughout Europe 2. the invasion of Poland by 4. the bombing of Pearl Germany Harbor by Japan

112. The constitutionality of relocating Japanese Americans during World War II was upheld by the United States Supreme Court because the Japanese Americans were 1. needed as wartime spies 3. openly providing military aid to Japan 2. considered a threat to 4. critical of United States national security attacks on Japan

113. What was the primary reason for the increased migration of African Americans to cities during World War II? 1. An increase in civil rights 3. Industry in the North was legislation occurred during expanding rapidly. this period. 2. The South was 4. They had a patriotic desire experiencing a major to join integrated military economic recession. units.

114. The primary purpose of the Nuremberg Trials following World War II was to determine the guilt or innocence of 1. individuals responsible for 3. Americans who opposed the Holocaust United States participation in the war 2. men who evaded the draft 4. Communists who during the war supported the war

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