Lesson 2 Wwii

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Lindsey Peterson EDUC 538U July 14, 2009 World History and Geography 1500 A.D. (C.E.) to the Present The Worldwide Impact of World War II Grade 10 Introduction •

Continue discussion of causes, events and major leaders of World War II

Length of Lesson (estimated): 85 minutes

VA Standards of Learning o 12a The student will demonstrate knowledge of the worldwide impact of World War II by explaining economic and political causes, major events, and identifying leaders of the war, with emphasis on Franklin D Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur, George Marshall, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Hideki Tojo, and Hirohito

Learning Objectives

Students will…

Review the economic and political causes leading to the war

Continue the examination of the major events of World War II

Discuss the different views and impacts of each major leader on the Second World War

Use secondary resources (maps, images) to visualize and interpret geographic location of both the war zone areas and division of power

Research specific leader (speeches, news articles) to gain better understanding and particular view of individual

Prepare mock interview between fictional host and specific leader during WWII

Gain experience using IMovie or podcasts to record interview

Materials •

Computer with internet access


Spiral notebook/ notebook paper

Pen/ pencil

Teaching and Learning Sequence Introduction (10-12 minutes) •

When students arrive, have take out computer or paper and writing utensil

Begin by reviewing the economic and political causes of WWII discussed last class

Have students provide answers by raising hand and responding

Continue review on the major events of the war studied in the previous class

Lesson Development •

Lead discussion directly into the major events of the war between 1939 and 1945 not yet studied (50-55 minutes)

Use Google docs presentation as supplement in lesson

Include video in presentation to provide visual aide for enhancing understanding of specific event o

Example: Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAnOtWm5OrM (2:05, You Tube clip)

o Example: D-Day (Allied invasion of Europe) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPU4p7UQOtU (3:08, You Tube clip) •

Provide description and stance of each individual leader while making connection to particular events in WWII

Wrap up lecture on major events and leaders of the war, leading into an interview between President Obama and the interviewee (example of an interview) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_qXgJVyO9A (starting at :17, ending at 2:00)

Tell the students to pay close attention to the skills and techniques both physically and verbally used by the host and guest o Where in location are the two sitting (same couch, separate chairs, across from each other or beside) or are they standing? o Eye contact with one another? o Speak clearly and formulate answers with thought o Does the host state his or her own opinion or show stance on specific topic?

Example of audio podcast involving an interview from NPR: http://www.npr.org/templates/player/mediaPlayer.html?action=1&t=1&islist=false&id=1 06439053&m=106440420 (start at 2:30)

Distribute handout of assignment (quiz grade) o Detailed directions for creating an iMovie or podcast are attached

Explain to students that they will now partner up into groups of two (three if odd number in class) and create either an IMovie or podcast of an interview between a news anchor and one of the ten major leaders of the world

Students will access information through acceptable websites and/or textbook o


o www.britannica.com

Each group must: o Research one world leader of their choice (background, connections with specific nation, stance on war, known opinions/ actions of that person)  example: Hitler known for anti-Semitism views—how would that

influence his answers in an interview?

o Choose the specific period in time for which the interview is conducted and explain in a 2-4 sentence description the date, location and what was going on in the war and world at this time o

Write an interview, creating questions and responses of your choice but must be in context to the opinion of the specific leader chosen by group

o Conduct interview using IMovie or a podcast o Interview must be 4-5 minutes in length o Submit a typed transcript of the interview to teacher

The class will be given the remainder of class to ask questions and begin working on assignment due in one week

Teacher will walk around room, monitoring students’ progress

Closure •

Reemphasize assignment due in one week

Ask if any questions pertaining to lecture or assignment

Write passes for any students wishing to come during study hall to work on assignment

Homework •

Work on interview assignment

Review class notes

Bring computer to next class

Assessment •

Formative o Students will be asked to participate in class by raising hand during review o Students will take initiative on assignment by choosing a leader, creating a plan of action and beginning to research

o Teacher will circulate room, observing and helping students progress with partner assignment o Monitor that students focused and using internet properly •

Summative o Use IMovie/ podcast as quiz grade 1.interview questions and answers realistic in relation to date and leader (40%) 2.Imovie or podcast completed (50%) 3.Directions followed (submit typed copy) (10%)

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