World History Study Guide Medevil

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  • October 2019
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Daniel Sims 1: Clovis : Early Frankish king; converted Franks to Christianity c. 496; allowed establishment of Frankish kingdom. 2: Charlemagne - king of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor; conqueror of the Lombards and Saxons (742-814) 3: Missi Dominici – police looks after kingdom 4: Alcuin of york 5: Curriculum - course of study: an integrated course of academic studies 6: Treaty of Verdun In the Treaty of Verdun of 843 the three surviving sons of Louis the Pious, Charlemagne's grandsons, divided his territories, the Carolingian Empire, into three kingdoms. 7: as Charles II he was Holy Roman Emperor and as Charles I he was king of France (823-877) 8: Lothar 11: Feudalism - loosely organized system of rule in which powerful local lords divided their landholding among lesser lords. 12: Vassals- lesser lord who pledged service and loyalty to the greater lords. 13: Feudal Contract- exchange of pledges b/t lords and vassals that was established by customs and traditions this contract governed feudalism. 14: Route to knighthood - page to squire to knight 15: Chivalry - code of conduct, guided a knights life, requiered: Brave Loyal True to their word 16: Manor - lord's estate heart of the mideval economy 17: sacraments - sacred rites of the church admined by the priest. 18: Tithe - tax equal to a tenth of their income used to support the church 19: Papal Supremacy - authority over all secular ruler (i.e. Kings), medieval popes claim this 20: Benedictine Rule - 530 - a monk named benedict sets up 3 vows that governed monasteries and convents across europe, 3 laws A) obedience to the abbot or abbess, who headed the monastery. B) proveryt - had to live it C) chastity and purity 21: canon laws - church's own body of laws, applied to religious teaching, clergy, marriage, and

moral 22: Excommunication - penalty for breaking church law, people no longer receive the sacraments or christian burial if excommunicated. 23: Interdict - order that would exclude an entire town, region, or kingdom from receiving sacraments and christian burial 24: Cluniac Reforms (abbot Berno of cluný)900 c.e. 1) revives benedictine rule, which had disappeared 2) nobles no longer allowed to interfere in monastery affairs. 3) 1077 - pope gregory VII, extends cluniac reforms A)outlaws marriage for priests B) prohibits simony - selling of church offices. B) Preaching orders 25: Francis Of Assisi - sets up friars (monk who did not live in isolated monasteries, but traveled around europe's growing towns preaching to the poor) 1200s 26: Friars - members of one of the mendicant orders, the four main orders being the Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites and Austin friars; they lived in regular fashion but were extensively involved with the outside community; the term literally means "brother" 27: Charter - written document that set out rights and privileges of the town. 28: Bill of Exchange - merchent/anyone could deposit money w/ their home bank A) in return, they get a piece of paper B) travel - find a bank, give in piece of paper, get your money. 29: Usury - lending money at interest, clergy decleares this "immoral" 30: Guilds Guild hall Commercial monopoly Controlled membership Apprentice to journeyman to master craftsman Controlled quality of the product (masterpiece) Controlled prices. 31: 1066- Anglo Saxon King of England (edward) dies w/out an Heir

32: William the conqueror – Cristmas day William of normandy is crowned “william the conqueror” (r. 1066-1087) Battle of Hasting, 1066 33: Doomsday book - listed every castle, field, pigpen in england, helps build an efficient tex collecting system 34: Exchequer - treasury, collects taxs. 35: Henry II & common law - henry 11 inherits the english throne, cannot simply write new laws, but has to follow customs A) needed to figure out a way to make "customs" evolve into laws. 36: Henry II & Thomas Beckett - ) thomas beckett archbishop of cam canterbury vs. Henry II 2) 1170 - 4 of henry's knights murder thomas beckett 3) beckett - honored as a martyr and declared a saint Evolving traditions of english government 37:1215: The signing of the Magna carta 38: Magna Carta Provisions - Monarchs not above the law. B) kings had to consults a council of advisors (development of parliament) C) kings could not tax arbitrarily 39: Great Council A middle class merchants townspeople (burgesses in eng bourgeoisie in fr., burghers in ger.) were added at the end of the 13c. 3. Eventually called pariaments. A. By 1400 two chambers evolved: -- house of lords nobled and clergy House of commons knights and burgesses. 40: Burgesses – Freemen 41: House of the lords and house of the commons 42: Hugh Capet – Elected to vacent french throne in 987 makes throne Heraditary 43: Phillip II - 1) moved capital to paris A) central government now in paris B) also a cultural center. 2) fought against king john of england, was victorious, won back normandy and anjou, by his death 1223, was the most power ruler 44: Louis IX (r. 1226-1270) 1. "perfect medieval ruler"

2. Created an efficient bureaucracy A. Gave citizens the right to appeal from local courts to higher courts. B. Created a more equitable tax system 45: Duke Otto I takes king of germany in 936 worked closely with the church during his reign and in 962 pope crowned ottto “HRE: 46: Lay Investirture – Presentation to bishops with ring and staff that symbolized their office 47: Pope Gregory VII- was the greatest medieval pope as well as most controversial. 48: Concordat of worms – (1122) treaty that solves the issue of “lay investriture” 49: pope innocent III clashes w/ kings – w/ king john of england, w/ phillip II of france when he tries to annaul his marriage and with HRE frederick 50: Palestine: place of many Holy places 51: Council of Clermont – 1095 urban II gives a speech urging Bishops and knights to fight. 52: Religious Toleration – policy of allowing people to worship as they choose. 53: Scholasticism – using reason to support christian beleifs 54: Vernacular – everyday languages of ordinary people, writing started to appear in this \ 55: Dante- wrote Dante's devine comedy 56: Chaucer – wrote the canterbury tales, story of pilgrims traveling to thomas becket's tomb 57: Romanesque – Churches looked like fortresses think wall and towers, few windows dark and gloomy 58: Gothic Architecture – bright and airy stained glass window pointed arches thinner walls Elaborate and airy interiors 59: Flying buttresses – Stone supports that stood outside the church, these are a key feature of gothic architecturem these supports allowed for the building of staied glass windows. 60: Illumination – artistic decoration of books, Gothic architecture influenced this

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