Workshop Lesson Plan Artheart

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 461
  • Pages: 2
AECE 704 - Workshop Planning Template

Title : Found Objects in Art Grade/ Age Level: Ages 5 to 16 Location of Program: Overview/ Objective: Using found objects and reclaimed materials, students will create an assemblage which will represent themselves. The participants will bring home their artwork. Competencies & Goals: Students will explore the concept of using found objects in art and understand that art can be made from a variety of materials and techniques


Prepared by: Leah Sanchez Duration:

45 min

Teaching Method: Combination of teacher/student-led . Mix of discussions, brainstorming, student exploration of material Art Form: Assemblage Source Material: Notes:

Warm Up/ Intro ( 5 minutes) This is not a____________, it's a ____________. An object is passed around a circle and each Materials: 2 to 3 found (Challenging/Inspiring): student fills in the blanks and acts out what the object could be. The class can be divided into objects. Note: Objects smaller circles/groups of about 8 people. should not be too specific

Activity 1 ( 5 minutes) (Imagining/Generating):

Brainstorming: 1. What do you think this activity was about? 2. Do you think found objects can be used in art? 3. Why do you think artists would use found objects in art?

Materials: Whiteboard or big paper to write on, markers

Activity 2 ( 5 minutes) (Planning/Focusing):

Discussion: How are found objects used in art? Show examples ( photos) sculpture, collage, assemblage. Invite comments about what they like and don't like about the work.

Materials: Visual examples of found objects art. One actual sample

Activity 3 ( 5 minutes) (Exploring/Experimenting):

Discussion: Introduce the activity. Explain that they will create a quick assemblage Materials: Found objects representing themselves. Lead the students in listing some ways they can represent who and reclaimed materials they are . What makes you,you? Have students select materials to use from the box and encouraging them to choose materials that they connect to. Explain that they will be using a base to build it on. Let students sketch out their idea or concept.

Activity 4 ( 15 minutes) (Preliminary Work):

Students start from back to front, building up "layers" . Go around and start conversations about the choices they are making, encourage them to explain their process. Let students know when they have 5 minutes left to finish up

Materials: Found objects and reclaimed materials. Scissors, glue, masking tape

AECE 704 - Workshop Planning Template

Activity 5 ( 5 minutes) (Revising/Refining):

Invite students to review their work, make any last minute adjustments or additions.

Materials: Found objects and reclaimed materials. Scissors, glue, masking tape

Activity 6 ( 5 minutes) (Reflecting/Evaluating):

Invite students to evaluate and reflect on the process. What did they like about it? What sort Materials: of challenges did they have? Would they do it again?

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