Workshop Assistant Application Pack 08

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  • Pages: 12
Workshop Assistant Thank you for your interest in the above posts. attached • • • • •

Please find

Job Description Person Specification Equal Opportunities Policy Equal Opportunities Form General Information about the Company

Please apply in writing, enclosing a CV and the names and addresses of two referees to: Ruth Butterworth Administration Manager Royal Lyceum Theatre Company 30B Grindlay Street Edinburgh EH3 9AX

Or email [email protected] Closing Date for applications: Wednesday 3 September Interviews: Thursday 11 September






To assist in the construction and finish of sets & maintenance of the workshops


To assist in the building and finishing of sets using many different materials to designs and specifications supplied by the designer.

2 To ensure that all work is carried out to the satisfaction of the Master Carpenter and Head of Scenic art 3. To work with workshop team to keep workshops and stores in shape 4. To work with the Stage Departments to fit up productions on stage. 5. To carry out any other duties in relation to the smooth running of the department. 6.

To be aware of current Health and Safety legislation.

7. To make a positive contribution to the work of the RLTC as a whole. 8. To carry out any other duties which may be required by the Master Carpenter , Head of Scenic Art or Workshop Manager.



Essential: 1.

Basic set construction and woodworking skills


Ability to turn your hand to new skills and work with a variety of materials

3. Awareness legislation







Ability to work unsupervised


Communication skills.


Desirable: 1.

Basic metal work skills.


Computer skills: CAD etc.


Ability to read drawings accurately.


Clean driving licence.






Hours of Work TMA/BECTU

35 hours on a five day week as per


£16,796 per annum

Agreement. Normal hours of work: Monday-Thursday 09.00-17.30 Friday 0900-14.00

Method of payment Paid weekly on the Thursday of each week by cheque or directly into a Bank account. Holidays:

Up to 3 years 4 weeks 3 years or more 4 weeks and 2 days 5 years or more 5 weeks


The Company operates two Pension Schemes, both with Scottish Widows. You can join the Stakeholder Scheme on joining the Company and the main scheme after three months service. The Company makes a 2% contribution to the main scheme as long as this is matched by your own contribution. The Company makes no contribution to the Stakeholder Scheme.

Place of Work

Roseburn Workshops, Lyceum Theatre and Rehearsal Rooms.

Note:- This does not constitute a contract but is a brief summary of Conditions of Employment.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES STATEMENT of POLICY The Royal Lyceum Theatre Company is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity for its staff (existing and prospective) and customers. The aim of this policy is to eliminate unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of sex, marital status, responsibility for dependents, disability (mental and/or physical), sexual orientation, race, colour, ethnicity, nationality, religious belief, politics, social background, part-time employment, age, trade union activity, employment status, HIV status or gender reassignment and to ensure that no person or group is disadvantaged by unjustifiable reasons or conditions. Employment practices will be operated based on the merits and abilities of individuals and decisions regarding recruitment, selection training and promotion will be based solely on objective, job-related criteria. The Company undertakes to apply employment procedures and practices in such a way as to minimise the possibility of discrimination and to develop means of combating it whenever it arises. The Company will ensure that its Policy is made known to all employees. This Policy applies to advertisement of jobs, recruitment and appointment, training, conditions of work, pay and every aspect of employment. RECRUITMENT Equal Opportunities applies to the advertisement of jobs, recruitment and appointment. The Company will promote equal access to employment opportunities by ensuring contact with the widest possible employment market. The Company will ensure that its Policy is made known to all job applicants. The imposition of a condition or requirement which disadvantages individuals of a particular race or sex (as they are less likely to be able to comply with a requirement, whether directly or indirectly) will be unlawful unless it can be justified on the grounds of business need. Any questions about this should be addressed to the Administration Manager.

In addition, the Company aims to ensure that; • all sections of the local community know about job opportunities in the Company, where appropriate; • where possible, under statutory rules, members of groups who are under-represented in the workforce will be encouraged to apply for jobs; • everyone who applies for a job or promotion with the Company will receive fair treatment and will be considered solely on ability to do the job against justifiable selection criteria and unbiased personnel specification; • all procedures and practices used in recruitment and selection will be reviewed regularly to make sure that there is no unintended bias; • whilst it is Company practice to employ people between the ages of 16 and 65, any other age limits should only be used if they are imposed by statute or can be shown to be essential for the job; • all employees including part time staff, will be advised that they have equal access to training and are encouraged to take advantage of such training; • all areas of the workplace are accessible to all employees. Lifts have been installed in all three buildings to enable access to employees and visitors with mobility difficulties. EMPLOYMENT PROCEDURES AND PRACTICES Any member of staff may use the Company’s grievance procedure to complain about discriminatory conduct. The Company wishes to ensure that every member of staff feels able to raise grievances and no individual will be penalised for raising such grievances unless it is untrue and made in bad faith. RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEES The responsibility for providing equal employment opportunities rests primarily with The Royal Lyceum Theatre Company but every manager and every employee has a personal responsibility for the implementation of the Equal Opportunities Policy. Individual employees

• are required to implement or comply with measures introduced by the Company to promote equal employment opportunities and eliminate discrimination; • must not discriminate against other employees of the Company or job applicants; • must not induce or attempt to induce other employees, management or trade unions to practice discrimination; • are required to draw to the attention of management any suspected discriminatory acts or practices or contravention of the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy; • must not victimise any individuals who have made complaints or who have provided information about discrimination or harassment; • must not harass, abuse, or intimidate other employees on any grounds or otherwise act in a discriminatory manner; Employees must recognise that discriminatory acts or failure to comply with the terms of the policy will be viewed seriously and will normally result in disciplinary action being taken which may include dismissal. Any questions about the application of the Policy should be addressed to the Administration Manager. Heads of Department have a specific responsibility for the implementation and monitoring of equal opportunities within their own departments and areas of work. MONITORING The Company will develop a separate policy to monitor the progress of the equal employment opportunities policy in practice. This policy will address all aspects of collecting relevant statistics and information on the composition of the workforce and job applicants. The composition of the workforce and job applicants will be monitored primarily by means of voluntary self-classification in the following areas: a) sex b) marital status c) disability

d) racial/ethnic origin e) age The information collected will be used solely for monitoring purposes. The Company will ensure that arrangements are made to protect confidentiality during its collection and retention.

PROVISION OF SERVICE The Royal Lyceum Theatre Company will provide equal access to customers through consultation with the groups concerned and through market research surveys, to ensure that specific reference is made to the needs of groups covered by the Policy. The Company is aware of the importance of ensuring independent access to our premises by disabled people, people with mobility difficulties, people with small children etc. and the physical and emotional barriers which prevent these and other minority groups from involving themselves in the organisation’s activities. The Company will regularly assess its access provision for performers, artists and audiences. The installation of a lift backstage means that within the theatre all people with mobility difficulties have access to all areas of the Theatre. Access information will be displayed prominently The Company’s pricing policy will include concessions unemployed, disabled, young people and the elderly.


CONSULTATION WITH THE TRADE UNIONS The trade unions recognise the importance of equal employment opportunities and the Company will consult with trade unions on the content and implementation of the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy. Arrangements will be put in place to allow for the appropriate consultation. RELEVANT LEGISLATION

Race Relations Act, 1976 Sex Discrimination Act, 1975 Equal Pay Act 1975, (Amended 1985) Disability Discrimination Act, 1995 Protection from Harassment Act, 1997 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, 1974

EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES MONITORING WORKSHOP ASSISTANT The RLTC is committed to equal opportunities for all, irrespective of race, colour, ethnic or national origins, gender, marital status, sexuality, disability or age. So that we can monitor the implementation of our policy we are seeking your help. It would be of great assistance in pursuing our commitment to equal opportunities if you would complete and return this monitoring slip. This information will be treated in the strictest confidence and will be used only for statistical monitoring. It is not part of the selection process and will be separated from the application prior to shortlisting. Male Female (Please tick) African Asian Caribbean Chinese White European White other Other Please specify below ........................................................................................... .......... Age band:(Please circle) 18-24









Disability:Do you consider yourself to have a disability Yes/No Where did you see this vacancy advertised?

THE ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE COMPANY GENERAL INFORMATION The Royal Lyceum is Scotland’s premiere producing theatre company. Established in 1965 it has, over the last 40 years, gained a reputation for excellence in both classical and contemporary work. As part of Scotland’s national theatre community it is committed to developing the considerable indigenous talents whilst presenting the best of international drama to the public. The RLTC aims to reach as wide an audience as possible, whatever their age or experience of theatre-going and to enable them to access the richly imaginative world of drama. Audience figures are impressive: over 3,000 season ticket holders come to every show; and over 100,000 people attend our plays each year. With a seating capacity of 658, the building is a magnificent example of late Victorian theatre architecture. The theatre is situated just off Lothian Road in Edinburgh’s busy West End, close to the Usher Hall, the Traverse Theatre and the Edinburgh Filmhouse. In 1991 a major refurbishment transformed the audience spaces and backstage areas. In the same year the office and rehearsal space was moved across the road from the theatre building into first floor accommodation in Grindlay Street. In 1996 a capital Lottery grant enabled further work to be carried out on the auditorium seating. In 2002/3, the Rehearsal space was refurbished and new office space created in the building at 30b. In addition, the Company’s scenic workshop, stores, wardrobe making and hire departments are situated at Roseburn, approximately one and a half miles from the theatre. These were also refurbished in 2002/3. The Company presents up to eight productions during the period September to July with a six/seven play season, for which we sell season tickets, running from September to May. For two weeks in May/June the theatre becomes a venue for the Scottish International Children’s Festival. During August the theatre is used as an Edinburgh International Festival venue and the Company has recently produced three plays for the EIF. The RLTC’s policy is to develop a local, UK and international profile for the theatre that is uniquely Scottish; this includes commissioning new Scottish work, giving second productions to contemporary Scottish plays and producing classics of world theatre with a Scottish cast. The Company aspires to touring successful productions whenever possible. For example, at the beginning of 2005 we toured our very successful productions of Look Back in Anger and The Girl With Red Hair

The theatre employs 50 full time and 30 part time staff. The Artistic Director, Mark Thomson, is also the Chief Executive. He succeeded Kenny Ireland in April 2003. There are 13 Board Directors chaired, since July 2004, by Donald Emslie The Company has a commitment to education and has a permanent Head of Education. The education work is both in-house and outreach and the Company has a Youth Theatre Leader. This area of work is popular and successful and plays an integral part in a long term audience development initiative. Resource packs are produced for a number of productions and these go to the growing number of schools which bring parties to the theatre. The RLTC operates in an increasingly competitive environment where there are around 9,000 theatre seats to be filled every night in a city with a population of 450,000 and, within a catchment area of a 30 mile radius a total population of 750,000. The Company has an operating turnover of around £2.5million of which just over £1.2 million is in grant aid from its principal funders, the City of Edinburgh Council and the Scottish Arts Council. The box office income is budgeted at around £700,000. Other income is raised through sponsorship, hires and lettings. The theatre has a trading arm which generates income through the bars, events, a gallery space and rental activities for conferences and meetings. The restaurant area is rented to Marque Central. The Royal Lyceum Theatre, workshop buildings and admin buildings are all owned by the City of Edinburgh Council.

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