r .
n.9 - Mrlig.anl ePith€lial lumors
CrniDonatoNc€llmorpholog/ Egnplesofcarcinonas: . Squanocell arcrrcinont . Mrcroscopt :
r o
> z
Veg€t tivc
Ulc..ativ€ Mic.os.opy: ; Difierenti, tcd - kerati n ized > Modo.lte dilt€renlitted
diffrrentiit.d B*o.ellulrrcarcinom, . Mdoscopy: ulcus rcdcns . \4icd\copr: nodular ba:alc€ll c,r,innmt
> . .
o o .
vcgetrtive UlcetuliYe
lnfiltmrivc P,rHchlnatoN orgrns
o Nodtrltr . rnfiftr,iil.
(diffusc) Microscopy: t Coloni. difiercrtirtcd tubular
. '
Mi.roscopy: ; Lynph nodes merashscs Macms.opt: viscenl n€t.silsis: lun& lir€r
cdinonas aE mllisnnnl runos nlal orieinale in epilheliun l hcl ft 01 th€e rlFs: epidernoid cminon4 md adcnocarcinona. Recening dilGFnrktion, crcinonas could be (srding): difcrcnliatd. Dodente difcrcnrirted. poor dilleicnriared md urdilTmtiatcd (daplasic). Squrmocelltrlrr ca.cin.nr
orisnr ofthh rumor is in cpidcmn. cpidemoid ndcosa or epidenoid nebpldia ol colunnr or tmnsitional ePitheliufr . M&rosc.pically. ir could be of lro rnes: vcsetet or ulccmlcd h the vesctdl lnm thc tumor has r cadinows-likc appeardnce. *irh iE€sular suf&e. l! inliltnlcs rhc udcdynrr bioad base of dtuchfrent dd hyeB Md an becone ulceraled
liculccratedvdmrisalossofsubslaroe{ilhincsuldbordcsdddccp and large basci lhe tumor inliltrlcs thc piofound laycs Mictuscopically. drc tunxrdeives lilm +idcnnis. deslroys the bascflcnl ncmb8ne. ,nli hding lhc conneclire 1issu. ol thc dcnnis
'lhc ru.Dr h compsed lion hldds of
polygonal arypical cclls Fsc'.bling $nh epidcrmG *hich !rc sepran.d b! a nduccd c I. casc of $ell dillercnriatcd cpidcmoid corcinomr the lunonl sLands are ocnacd bt co.ccnlric keratin layen (lhc nrnroral cells are lilled \itb kcrarir) Ino$n as kemliir pearLs or cohcods alobcs Itu modcnle difiiftnli.red .arcinona is composed by arlpi.rl cclluld Glands with reduced kcrxrinhalion. lhe poorl] dillatonrialcd carcirronu is rom sed by poLyloral alypica! .clh widoul kcnrinislion. Ihc epidemoid c.(inoma car netaslasiTf, b] llhphatic wat in lymph
Itaso.ellulrr cnrcinonr
d ro" IJpar'--"\f,
ulcentcd lcsion c[araclerizcd by a trobtrnd loss of Mxcmscopically: sub$ancc $irh pmnri'rnr b.ilds (ulcN rodcns) rc[cscnrcd bv rrnoml I ssue. Mifoscopicalll. the runou is composcd b tunrcfl1 isla.ds ol cclh dral rcscmbLc lhc bxsal lar"cr of enidennis lhc tutFr dcsrovs th. hastnrdr m.rnbmDe and rn lilldcs nr underlynrg dcm,\ 'lht lunomlnlards afe scPrrated by a rcduccd stona. lhc cellular distosirion inside oI lhcsc l5Llnds is .h.mcleistic: rh. cclk Iilm lhe Friphcry tuc lomin! p.lisldes a.d tlre.ental
.clls de dlandcnr dGloscd The tm.ur dociil melNlx$/c aud r\
Adcnocarcinomas An malignant epnhclid ru.rou6 arising iron glhdular cpi$elium of carirary oryaos or pd.nchymarou\ c\.cnnc or cndocriDe oramsll Nlacmsc.picallt. the lumours hrrc dillcom n&roscoprcrL amefM..s
Cossy. lhe tunlorf oieimriry ln calitry orgtuE ltpes: !cg.rariv.. rlccr i!€- md intltariv..
couLd he
The legerant carcinoma is a polypoid tumour Looking like a .arlitlorver. {irh a brcad basc of.lrachme.r and an nrcgtrlar surlace lhar oojds in lhc inlcstinal Iunenand inilrEles theRall th brcld ba\c. Thc ulc€raled carcinona h a profound los\.1 $$su.ce byncc.otrc lr\sue TlP base h irlegularcovcr.'d linritcd bt tDorallis\ue lhe inliluaivc carcinoma invadcs $c wall Ni(h thickcning ol it and reducrion of llE lunren (srcnosis). Grcssl), rhc lutrouB oriai.aling in rhcpftenchymauus oretuN nE oi l$o lyFsi nodular lnd dilluse.
nodular rtrmour ol grclldincNions dd ldcaular and invasive horders presenting nccioric .nd hem.fthacic ares lhc dillusc lnms iMllrale liltle bt linle lhe ncarb! lhsues
lhc Dodular l{trd
Micmscopicllll. thcE ate rhrcc l]'pes .l difeEnliartun: {.lL Lt,llcrc.riated. n.dcraE dilllrcnrirtd and poorly dilfcEnliared runros
Well difler€nti,l€d tubula. dcnocnrcinom, oftolon lhetunourhas oigin in glandular cpilheliunr. fomine lunonl Clands rhar pcnetrtc duscul.ns mu'osac qilh i.vasion oJ lll.oloic l!ye* lhc tunror is conposcd b] rubular slrucluros limited b! m a(ypical ePnhcLnrm silh ! dullilaverdistosiilon rnrt wilh a rcduced
Mod.rate difie.entilted rdonocarcinon, of colon. Ls a tunrour comP'scd 0-v (unoral rubuld srnrctures limited by an arrpical epitheliDn.nd she.ls of alvpical
I'oorll difiercnh,r.d ad€noc,rcinomt of coloh lhe lumour is coDrpos€d bv aryFic.lcclls dranaed i. shccls u;dili.rcnrirl€d aden..rrcinon, or cobn (anrllasic adeno.arcinoma) Thc llLmour is comDs.d b) attlicalcelLs xranaed iir shccli. cortls.
$nho$ lbminA
Thc tur.plasix mcans lack ofdilfeEntiatlor' thc.hdacreri{ics oflhe xnaplaslic cclh presenl pleonorohGnr
in sh4c) and m'/.c!rosrs
nuclcd .bnomdilies !c: hypcrconasia. alteration ol nNlcuslo cltopL.snr rario. lri.non In shape lflcomornhisn) and si^ (rr'7.cr.!ors). n.erc or duhiple nuclcolr. mroscs. 'l he
'"d" 1 RrorJ 1 1'lir'c \'r i ."".tt.. t.""', . 1lcrr '.n' \1\ o r' dtrrr., \ 'r''i'b .',.,".. '".i.. lea{lins to visceralnerdascs es ciallJ_ in hngorliv'r LrnDh node neta($h of dd€nocarcinonra r"i""ti..rnl*rrr. ,1" inrolvcd lvmth nodes rc cnlargcd $irh loosing nomal nrulLutu br rcnlr g $ith rum'ra InJ+' i'' 'd F " \a r. ...,11. '' lr I un dr e l. " l?r< 't 'l-r "li l:ni' rrl l .o" .: . .' "'r' .el d r idenocdcnrom' "rr,," s wlv.'e ate savin! lhal nrimaf tunor sa' iLnrcn"es rhar M0.roscoDicrllv. the inlolvcJ orsa.s. such
;"J,1* oidifral.nl st.. $ilh.esular b.rJ.s.
nd lLug
surtounded br
prcscnt nunrple