W 10 Bcnign Connective Tunours
Uthffine leiomtom,
Clvernous (liYer)
lhc connecrivc benign 1um.6 dc naDcd b] ddding rhc oma !'llir ar lhe Danlr rh0tindicalclhe vaie!' of.omective prolifcrated lissue. lhccomecn* toahgnaDl turnors!r nmcd byadding s.fcomasullix ar dre n.ne thlt indicales $e u'i'rr_ of corDcctirc rntilcmled tissu. Uth€rinc kn,nYonra ts a benisn connslive tunor lhal is cofrposcd lionr mlture smoorh orusclc tissrc dnd ir appeas in casc ol hyNrcsrogenNn Mrdoscopicllly: rhc lunror is r nodular- wel!delimir.red *nho capsule Ur'r colld bc \inglc ormuhitle. onlhecu{ scc(ionlhc tumorhsolid rdhas lhe apperdcc Micrcscopically: lhe runor is fomtd bv bundles
olsm"rh nusclc cells
iDrersecrindehllngle. lhecellshaveelongltcdnnclci*ithhltrnrends
Subcuttneouslipoia ls a bcnien connecrive runror conposed
olnaluE adiPo$ lssue
Mtu(rcopicall]: lhctumorislocaledsubcurecous.i\d'lldelimit€d' enclnsulatd and Lobular. Ondrccul secrior G -\€lll^v and seasv capnrle lr n Mi.sscoDicall!: Ihe tud.t is nodular and hls ! 'onncctive o|i \JiJrdn'!
o1rf'do'po\(r''r'"1r"irJ__ ' l;o rr'_'!Pt'ltsesorr ii * l'rrno 'rfee'!cd s ' a_olord
nnDo J
b]llinc can'Ltgc' Mactus;pically: llelunoriswell dclinibtcd. cncaFulatd and ldslucent ls abe.igD connc.live tumor conrPdscd lrcm naruE
lr rs
composcd liom lobules scparalcd bv comcclvc-lascuLar axes conrnoscd liom dature hrtlinecanilagc made Micro$oDicallv: ih.lobulcs bvbdonhilic caiilace nalrix llut conhins chondroplasts with Inaturc dDndr'c!6 Ti3 uscdl0r lxes diJIeEn'dn' ihe tumr u on $c *p*r" i"d
ni"."".i "r
l he
tumorcomposcd blmturynalurt vessels Ir could bcol$orypes:
capillary hcnmgtumr is conposed bl, nantre snall capillaries,
vhile the cavernous hcnangnJna i5 composed br ltusc !d\cul!r spaces l
hcl-. have a
lobolar $nrdurc $ar conlars ro the tumoran itrfihradve chituc1cr.
The and
c!rtll!ry h€nrngion,
Vrcoscopicollyr'lhe lrmor is planc, sliShl prominenr. oldilIcr€nlsi?c. d.rk rcd *nh iRgular borde$. Nlicroscopicallti lbclunoris l.bulaledand composci fion nu.rertius capillarics
rh nomral
proLiferatd.ndo$eliunr)thalconlainblood xndart senaraled by
The c,lcrnous h€mrngion, Is a tunor composed froD ldgc.dililcdlaculaspaces. jt coutd be krated in the skitt. prolnuid visceru (liver. kidDel,. bone). M.crcscopically is a irreAtrls. pr.fr,.enr lesionwhcn it is s+erliciatand st.nsn,us-dark rcd and irrcsuldwhen ilisproround Microscopicall]: rhc tum.r hls ! bbular $nrctue rhdr conteN an infiltrativc chlncicr. llc lobules de conposed fron ldgc vcssel\p{es llned bt a norDal cndorhclnLm$arco.rtns blood and thrombi ddar. sepamled by connccriverissue.
. t
connecrne rumor\
rc mllignmt lumos
thal diferemide brvard thc .onnccrivc rissue. librosrcoma malignanr unMconrpoed tiom lunorrlibrobtajs wnh produclion of collaecn libcB rhabdomyosdconr! is a tumor wnh dittlEntialior rowtud rhc \rdaled
maligndr r!n.rcomposed fmm aryficat stinrtte pi.duclio. ol tumoral bonc.
0e ts
Micruscopicallr. thc tun.n are hyllercelhls ed dllpical. The slbma sdto'naious vcsscls (vcsscls silhou[vell lormed cndorhelium)
Macn)scopically: sarcomas are .on.ecrive tuno6. prcscming as ltNhy. lobtrlal Nhne tink sirh an rppcardcc likc nsh mear onlbe cul scction. tt c.uld nrescnt Ncmric Md hemoFg ic arcas. of ercat s ize and nrellstas izc o. lhc hcfr arJaeno us palh$ar.
r nalignanr connecrive rutoorconposed fron allnicaiibroblasls. Nllcioeopicaly k a tun.r Nilh irreguld bordeB {irh appctu€ncc of ti\h netr wiih areas ol nerosh and henorhlsc lr could be loclled retml.riloneal or ro dishL Js
\4icro5copi.rlly: is composed lio'n 3 tolilfalior of tusir.ft celh lnat fomrs bnndlcs inle ecred in shdp anlLes rs hedine bone There rrc rhrcc l!p.s ol libnNarco.r.s: {ell dilferenriatcd. niodeftte dillar.mirtcd dd poordit}erenriared. Jn $c wcll diillrenlrlcd tum the cclls h!!e Educcd ar$iaand livmiroses: rhc! iiners&tinshrtsAlc(likchedngbon.) lhelumorcellsProdtrcccollagcn ln rhc moderare dillcrumiat lam lhc cells u€ lusir'om vith rnodeEle ar)tia disposed in bundlcs dd $ilh redu.edcollaecn produclron ln the poor diferenriare lbm, rhc lumor h h-vncrccllulri with marked cellulxr pol-vmorphism. nuncrous Diloses lnd tbscncc of coLlagen lhc lrona contains sarc.natoN lcsseh lnd,rexs olnccrusis and henofthascs. ls a con.ecrive lumor thal Jnm$bmonl bone (o$coscnic sdco mal lt cln have $cofirin nr pernntdn (pdo$ellos'$dcona). orm en(losleum l.cntal o$co sarcona) th al develops ni the meduldr! chanNl lhe frequenl Locations arcdislal e\ftnnI offemurand thd pr.xinal extremiry .1 libia Vacroscopicnlly: is r rolrninous lumor. whire grcy sillarels ofncc(Nis md henorhage. lhc n'mor all€c6 the metaphisis oi llrur' pcnctales the cdii.al ol lh. boneandert.ds nr thesonris\u. dd inthcmedul.ry channcl \4icft,scoti.all,v lhe lumor is lomcd liom lhree clemcnsi sarcomlnrus aE,s
fusilon celk osreoidissuc. and arets.atutrral bone ltcould olnecosis bd hcnrotrhlge and ercomalous lessels
conposcd by arlp,cal hnve arcas