Workshop 8 Logy

  • December 2019
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Berigtr epirhelitl iunours

squlnous n,pilon. (skin)


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Ad.nomls (tyroid, dftnnll FibroidenoDa(b.cast) Adcnonrtous DolyD famili,l ,dHometoos polyposi coli ; Tnbular > ; TubulFrilk,trs chystadcnonr

'l he ncoplrsms arc abDomral

rissuc. lbcy aE persisrent

lhsuc prulif.iarions no concordlnt Lrith ntdrbJ rue !o prolilerat ahcr thc ceasine ol rhc causal

ed con


an'n rhc hyslogenelic point ol vicw lhc ncoplasms can


|omllEcvolurilcpoifl ofvcwrktu'.ouFcouldbcbc.ignormrlrgnani


cl.silictl in cpnheli.l

lhe benign enilhclial lunouG havc rhe ori-cin in lhc cpnhelial tissuds dnd at oJ rwo llpes: paPilbnaMd ndcnom.. P.pillonra is I bcnign epnhelial lunDur thal is loancd hy Dalillar { (linAeFlikc appcarance) conrpo\cJ ofprclifcraled epnhelium distoscd oD a conncc!ve Adenomr is abcnilDepilhclialtumourlhd orieirarcs in rhe Alrndulrr elnhchutn olcalibry orsaN and cr@riic or crdocrine FEnchlna.

squ'nocellul!r prpill{'nr (skin) Macroscoricdlti Padllon6 are prcnincnr rcscht runors ollhc skin.'lhey atu p.duced by lruru prpillonavrnu Micio*opicaLly: lhe ruhour has thc orisnr in epidennis lh.ludoial prolilimtion 01 fidcrmis h disposcd on a conncclivc vasculr core \!irh rhc roLc ol nuxnion and suppon lhc cpidermis keens the normal nrucluE and slrarili.adrn: a basal lat$. the incrcrsc oflhickness ofslmlum spinosun (xcdlhosis). thc ncreare in thickness ofrh. granular layer (hypfPJmulosis), an increase in thicknc* .l (hyFdkafatoslsl. The basal ncmbnne bel$lon thr pdifcmt.d cpdermi\ rnd rhe conn€crive vascular!xis is inrrr.

Cdndrlloma accunnnltum Macroscopicall,y: lsapapillonadcrcloped from lhe exremll Benibl dcrcmlncd b! {hebunan plpillom!\irus h is | ltgcranl lunour




is c.mP.sed fron prolilcmled


lhc b.sal connecrive llscular nrolifcrarcdepitheljum and lhc comcclive'rasculd is 'ntt t. cpirlchun dispos€d.n a

nlcosa ll



nNmbnN fnm lhe

Adenomr is a bcden cpirhclial tumdurrhat onginat. nr the slandular epidrehum of c!!itry.rgms md cxocrine or cndocrinc Frcn.hrtr

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The adcmmas devcloFd ,n Ftonchynmlotrs oreans a'c n.,tul[ the] havc a included in rh€involved organ parcDchyina The adcn.mas dcvclopcd in ovdcs rrc .y$ic in .ppcamnce lnd lre clllrd

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cdllod poll_ps lookina.s a adenomas derel.pcd in caritdry organs pcdtrDculrrcd nod!lc. ftrnclionauy. rhc adcnon s lion drc cDdocrine gl.n{ls crn p'{)ducc hortbncs turd.rc ass..iatd with sFcific homonal s!tulromcs.

l'ibroadenom ofbre*l

ls a bcnign nixcd nmour connosed liom rhe nrolitmionol lhe btai duclal etnhelium dnJ lio.r $e brcast conncctivc tissk MacdscoOicall_v: lt ha nodul[ ltidrunour nhirconrhecur sectonand

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ft js an.dulai. cncapsulaed rnnoul encl.scd in thc pftctrchy'na I1 has 2 .onrponenb etithclial.ompoDenl resulted liom rhe nr.lilarari.nof rhcdtrclll

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etilheliun comective comp.nenl resullcd from drc proliferation ol rh€ libtublaes hisoloaic poin!ol \iNv.rh.rc dcNohhroLoeical suhlyFs: i' racanalicular in which lhc conncctivc lhsue pFliGnres a.d comprc$cs thc d0clular lmen which b.comcs as a sln lslhlikc appcamncc) pc'irmali.ular in vhich lhe ronnecri!c lissue trolitamics around lle ducruld lLLnci which rcmains opcn. Thelwo ryp.soflibmadcnomacanbennd in rhe ene rutuour

ls Localed everysherc llong 1hc digcsrilc tracl. bul il h morehetquenlin rhd c.lic mucosa. lr h a bcnign efilhelial tLftour thal is dcveloped llon thc glandula. epnheliu.l oflhc colic can ho ol d1tor sublr pcsi lubular. villouslnd t,bul,i

Macroscopically. the tunourrclicscnls a noss oflissue rhllF,ic.b ouxfuds rhc nomal surlace ol rhc mu.dsa. lr cou d bc nedicllated rumor (ir hcastalklnd r slobuld crtrcnlly)=adcromolous nolyr or sessile tumor (ir has r broxd base oldtl?chenenl)=villous lunor

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led by h conpo$d by tubular or glandular slJuclNs (dvsplaslic secretion glmdtrlar rnh rdccLcascd mucin€ prolife.oled epnhelium Tbe rubular


lhc vdiant h consrnurrd br lilliNhich arc fomred b! conm.rive vascularaxcs colcrcd by surflce prolileftcd dysplasiic epirheLi!m. . Ihc tubulonillous !anrt is an intcnnediate lbm bclr'.cn lhc lubular and vill.ds rumo^ &d dc conposed b] rillidisposcd on a banched conncctve vascular axis snb $c rol. of nudion dd $rppon drar conrains iuncfotrs prolifcated gllnds linited by a dyspldric .Pithcliun. Ihe mu$ulra nucosac is inlacl l'aDili!l rdcnonatous polyl|oris toli k a gcnelic syndmne cdacicrized bl anumb.r ol lcasl l00polyps nainlv ldcndnarouslvpe locar€d in lh. rclo'sicmoidim rdgion jtisap ARrdcnomas Locaredin rhcov.uyard havc a cr_$ic appcarance Thcycould bc sinple: sn,!s of nucnrous or tltillrr (scrous or nrucinous) Thr sinDl€ .ysradcnonr h a voluminous lmour coDtosed olnuhiloculaf clsls wirh snoolh. thin *€lls lndwhi.[ conlains asetuus fluid claboraled b] rhc sunncc cpilhehrm 'l he simple nftinous cysradcnonr IsavolunrimuslumoLunD locularormuhilocllaf Nilhsmoolh.lhin$alhmd vhich comains a mucjnou\ lluid claboraied by lhe sunrce epithcliun Themucinors rumou( rends ro producc larscr.ysic nasscs (Robbins) The rtrpillary crstrdenonn s r \oluhinous lrmouruilh snrxnh c{cmalsnface The inncr sdnitce rs .arlillosq like lhis lunourcan present malignant tanslormalion.

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