The works of GOD edited by christ
compiled by
james roster
foreword by
plate stevens
endnote by
sally boyce
1。 enter the cold world of Bこ sa■ de r■ kard and man
al M6sk
―e ro■ t
2. our Solar System craige padies
3。 I am a mortal fireman Lord Monahan 4. My CV chris balls and Lord Perl
5. men at arms paula 」acksOn 6. Kenchan′ s 3at (partl) steve rnaharey
7. opposites attract baby ABttve and
`Inonotone″ boyd holyoake
8。My Pュ enO み10,興 boss and orphan
9。 the rivas pr9]egt gordon lamb and harley race 10。 Lynchburg′
v i r g l ■ ■●
paul dove ll. SLEEP MY CHILD Alfred and MAnx Bois
12, Kenchan's Bat (pert2) steve maharey
ュ3. the apple colour ben strass
14. Damien Osbourne and the Hedonists elise wagner
15。 Welcorne to the world of BEN C00TZ ben cootz
16. Kenchan′
s Bet (part3)
steve maharey
17. 1ュttle B。ley Masons owen finer
18. the hottest jazz Sensation present their new album 19. C■ am Powder chr■ s ass
20. Iny Poprs death Jill Qualies
21, Kenchan′0 3at (pert4} steve maharey
` ` ` clailn Papers″ ` ` Irtake the break″
FOREWORD by plate stevens Dear reader′
as you sit by the fiFeSide′ ng this stunn■ or at the office′ perus■ ease remember that ttt tts but a manuscript, p■ bed夕
or in ng
dream′ but a figment of your overactive irrlagination. Do not fight the urge you have to keep turn■ the pager tO keep lying to yourself.
That instinct is a major part of the tenet of
uncover the lat :m:1:・ :triCll:首 3:首 ]ni[書 truths that have hidden dormant in your mind during your lifetiIInee Commit to a new beginn■ ng and unravel the rnyster■ your lunchbreak,
es of time
Connect the dots「
colour the numbersr rebuff all critics and die happy, let it be.
ゾぐ hr
― please note that the extracts conta■ this c o l l e c t i o n a r e e x a c t l y t h a t . to f u l l y e x p e r ie n c e t h e l i t e r a r y m i g h t of these a u t h o r s ′ I e n c o u r a g e t h e p u r chase of the o n o f a n y p o r t i o n t h a t i n terests ful l v e r s ■ you′ t h e D e a r r e a d e r .
ned in
nkr ttt
° 1 ま凛
C OLD レヾORヒ0 Mosト
n,tぶ キ, 農 r“Jα 剤 亀ヽ ――シ bU 5へ 一 一
by sadie rttkard and man― (■) ・ We first sighted Mr Mosk on the 8th day of the Sth Month′ 1997. y the most humid p■ Arguab■
ace on earth′
Or■ eans′ was our base at that timeo Mosk was sweltering and wilting under the intense rttnerican sky and apple pie′ was his cry. ` Apple ple′ apple pie. the american dream am I! my EYE! my EYE!′ Dressed in overa■ ls and a blank featureless ■ocus of our face′ Mosk was ■nstantly the enrapture. He cou■ perfect.
dn′ t have been lnore
ned eye′ To our untra■ he was the human valent of a funeral pyrer a su■ equ■
table man
tuattton wa● to admirer for his s■ direQ A lone sweat trickled down his brow′ quickly op. ■t had tttme to deve■ evaporated before des was his styler a style Shortback and s■ can government. forced upon hiln by the amer■ and he was
■ovinF it.
We watched him as he shuffled his tiny frame along the concrete pavelnente step by step by step and painlessly he stepped into the middle of the roade crossed without a second thought. the llttle man in his oversize furhooded cloak was backing himself into a corner. and furthermorer Beal whipped out his rod. And shook it in my eye.
was his cry.
It was precisely at this moment that my partnerr MR Roitr intervened′ in order to
StQp thiS becorFl■ ng a scene. We took a step back′
27 kgs
Mosk was sublime。
ove r l i l n i t , w i t h a h e a r t o f g o ■ swe a t i n g a n d p a r t i n g h i s h a i r ′ th 3 short roars. dis t r a c t u s w ■
de Sti■
he tried to
The y f e l l o n d e a f e a r s . We e n t e r e d t h e s e c o n d s t a g e .
(ii) Background check: BEAL MOSK age: 23
job: unknown/unlisted form: human Born to a bipartisan priest and his coon servantr the Mosk was made to wait out his early years as an altar boy in tra■
Never acknowledged as a son of an englishman′ his half cast life was tame compared to most acks. that tts′ other b■ he never had a woman flat on her back. never touched anycrack.
and never jacked. until age 6.
(iii) Had the Mosk slipped through our fingers at eans may well that stage′ our stay in New or■ have been fru■ tless。 ButF aS it Werer We were blessed by a rare ndsr and a occurencer a IIteeting of m■ heralding of a new age. Beal mosk was his namee and he was dark brown′
the co■
our of a
christian dream. a base man′ with skin like treaclee a suitable applicant for the path we w■ shed him to take. his light curls fell on his beardr as he mustered up the cOurage to cough′ at the mouth. As he did so′ and froth′ ass of SM00TH MR Roid offered him a tall g■ NEW ORLEANS BITTER TEA. That stuff slid down his throat and into his ty. lung cav■ the sword of dam′ his headr as he took be his last breath.
ocles hung dramatically over 「what we thoughtr would
his face turned grey′
the colour of a daguerrreotype as a ice shard pierced his cystus.
We e m a s c u l a t e d t h e m o s k f u r t h e r b y u n r aveling n g I I t o l e s k i n t r o u sers′ hi s l o n g f l o w ■
s ■i d i n g o u r s c a l p e l j u s t u n d e r t h e s k i n o f his left leg. blood occurred. and beal fa■
we carr■ ed him back to our baser encased′ n■ng human waste. a cardboard box conta■
tiV) MR roid and l unpacked him at a quarter past three on a hot sunny wednesday afternoon. the moisture that had accumulated inside the box was astounding′ BEal「 s fetid appearance. MR roid cupped the Mosk′ held it to the sky.
and served to enhance
s dark mernber and ` ` apple pie arn I!″
criede the MOSKrs arnazing python roared into lifer and firminated within the grasp of MR ROID′ s agttng hand.
At a quartedl tO fOurf we were stttll wrestling ‐ with it。 Itrs colour had grown from a dark purple to a light grey′
the colour of a RAINY DAY′ the entangled web we wove got us down. and we were ready to succomb′ when all of a sudden′ the MOSK spOkec
` ` jam and cream say I chinese EYE? apple PIE
with that′
′can you grasp my ′APPILe piel :″
blow his load. and we all
froze. 9 minutes laterF MR roid and l removed our selves from the opposite side of the warehouse. such was the force of the BEAL′ We knew we had found our man.
s orgasm.
efi晋 0]Isla:ell:IiIせ l :γ絆 i n思 :]IAg′ :を ::‖ i ::Ath曽
Locked ttn a world without hope until we found
ans we had
Stumbling through the intricate p■ already layed out「 工 had a■
8 months in advanceむ urni and
ready found the MOSK a factot′
―EI ROID had named hiln CLIENT POSS (in MAN honour of the famed CEO of POLIKS menswear.) We serviced beal′
s every needr never letting
httm in on just how important he was to us. owy there′
a little licky lick herer a b■ thought we had the whole thing sewn up. (Vi)
Beal was lying enveloped in black velvet′ with a skttrting of pale blue lace. he was the king of the world. a Startling rnan′ w■ th a face like a used ashtray and a sleepy eye reminiscent of mAN E ROIT in his younger years. Sweat dripped frOm his brow′ was 98degress farenheite ■ns■ de the warehouse
as outside it ■t was cons■
The white undergarments he possessed created ng an eczema deep havoc w■ th his skin. produc■ ■nto his rnuscle tissue.
l servant managng master's afFairs
All the whileF he Chanted soritresr A QUADRUPLED: A QUADRUPLED IS AN ANIMAL: AN
、 、 A CAT IS
ANIMAL IS A SUBSTANCE: THERETORE A CAT IS A etc . . . . SUBSTANCE:″ r grew longer and the length of hiS ha■ longerr Wrapping around the foot of hiS lazyboy. lo― dayS later we were ready to enter the third phase.
At 8 past 2 on the 7th day of t,he 2nd month. we ca■ led the MOSK into our lab。 Weak from the years of labour we had put into
this project′ and wet with anticipation of the implementation of said project「 our bodies releCted themselvesr and we fainted.
others sorne say we aWOke 45 minutes later′ ess′ we ■oFe like 50′ neveFthe■ c■aim it was awoke to find our lab ruined. 8 1ab COatS 26考 of were stolen′ 4 test tubes weFe FLlined′ ndexed′ s―■ god knOW What the research was m■ else was allrtissc
And we found Beal convalesc■ ` ` singing GYPSIES tramps and theiveSi
r′ ng in his cha■ 主 heard
it from the people of the TOWN THEY CALLED ME ― but at night all the GYPSY TRAMP AND THEIF! 。 。 。and lay their men would come around e ` ` 。 money down. . To those of you who may find this gratu■
I slyly evoked my penis and slammed it in his noser jabbing him in the face with my c■
hand. Caus■ ng no pa■ n′ but no end of consternation. LOtting rny juice out was a fabulous feeling. and beal was shocked. ` ` i whispered. LORDING IT OVER YOU!″ and i thought that could have been the end of
our project right then and therec rrty moment of fragility could have brttught down the whole kit and kaboodlet Beal J耐 申ドinto a s.lent rager and proceeded to rip e a c h p a g e r f r o r n m y l e n g t h y m a n u s crttpt ng old agee
co n c e r n ■
bu t i c o r n e r e d h i m ′ a n d c a l m e d him - 232 of the d a y l a t e r , h e w a s d e a d t o t h e w o r ■ lyi n g t h e r e s l e e p i n g ′
h i s f a c e was mastoide
and i was dead tiredo MR ROIT took ttVer the
project for the remainder of the night.
At this point we expelled any extraneous matter from our minds and surroundingsr and set to work. (Vi■ i) WE presented Beal with a DIDACTIC floW Chart as to the part he would play in our little masquerade. As he had been ensconced in our little hideaway for the past 3 years′ it only fair that we should let him know what we were up to. I picked my nose and ate it. Roit fidgeted. the MOSK read and reread our details. and read and ate. and pined for a and died′
■ost world.
and was reborn. and lied. to us. and finally ceded. .and cried. for his APPLE PIE. and wanted. another look at our plans. and his chinese eye cr■
and we were finally supplied. with BEAL MOSK. He was ready to enter his COLD WORLDe and we ushered him towards our oubliette.
we felt
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aメメヾ aヽ 1`V ttα へ 打。 ドぃゞ bJ 3h Maktα
[1] I am a lnortal fireman. I feel the colrd tightening around my neck「 I rang my girlfrlend today′ her period is 3 11nonths late l think she may be ise the pregnant little did she rea■ ― although ■atent potency that l posses given the fact that in her absence l had a vasectomy′ may have
theFe iS Only a slight chance I ■mpregnated here
However′ it has been well documented that lny fertility is well withttn the 95th percentller and thus′ (aS a consequence′ ng sa■ d sk of father■ face a high r■ girlfrlendFs child.
I could put her possible pregnancy down to ■s marr■ ed. the fact that she I could′ if only she hadnFt rrtiscarried. Our first child was supposed to be reared by her husbandr thus absolvttng rne of any fiscal responsibillty for sald chlld′ wh■ le al■ owing me supreme genetttc dominance. ■s ■mportant for 3 ma■ nance Genetic dom■ reasons (1)hereditary t■
es are only strengthened in
death. (■1)increased chance of suitable child bone ng found. marrow donor be■ (i11)Aryan supremacy has been dllninished in recent times.
As you may now have guessed′ ghastly trend in society.
I am part of a
As you may now have guessed′
I would be lll…
adv■ sed to discuss this further. ved cannot be Such a child as we first conce■ ve the impr■ sonment of the expected to surv■ womb。 9 months in the wornb′ you could call ence. He tr■ ed to escaper ■t a trying exper■ aged 15 weeks′ through a series of grand gestures′ a■ Ined at breaking free from his mother′ s almighty grip on his tenuous 工′d have
exttstence. In terrns of his success′ to say it was minimalo Minimal at best. I am loathe to discuss the detalls of 一 suffice to say thatr taking as conception ■nhuman potency′ a given my allnost questionable whether the human egg could
it was
ve the ordeal of fertalisation′ ■ndeed surv■ let alone the trans■ tion to zygote. [The Zygote is an ovum (egg)after fertlllsation but eavage to begin embryonic before it undergoes c■ rdeve■oplflent e l The egg′
then rrlust have withstood an
almighty barrage of terror from my demon ore it could accommodate it within seed be■
it′ s fleshy interior. My girlfriends uterus and womb are quite accorrmodatinge Pleasant. To the touch like a child′ s bone marrow. I must recall the way 一 I was she swelled as l entered her unyieldingr she was undemanding′ she understood the consequences if she didnft comp■ y′ but once the work was done. She agreed l was more than adequate.
My Aryan rod is substantive. My knowledge of the emotional stages of an embryon■
c form
■s comprehens■
Now and again′
I might make a forma■ cs at compla■ nt to the head of obstetr■ National Wornan′ s Hospitale l feel they put be■ ng of the s on the well― too much emphas■
■n the childbearing processo They are
want to forget that she is lnerely a vessel through which the human form enters this world. They do not realise that she complicates the process′ by introduction of the p■ acenta into the equatione All that t be good for a chlld. blood surely can′ It may impair htts foetal visttorl. We realise the ■mportance of foetal v■
■nc■ s■onF intO his when there ■s an placental domain. He may be scarred for llfe if he does not have the wherewithal to dodge the speeding bullet to his facer a sav■ gracer iS that the doctors scalpel tts
palpable from a great distance to a foetus′ as metal is the second most detectable eleFnent from inside the womb. The future baby can lnove faster than the hurnan eyeF thereforer try as he might′
doctor cannot deal the death blow to the ■s some kind of foetus unless there impediment with respect to visione Thus′ the placenta remains the last line of defence preventing the foetus from atta■
n■ ng
the human condition. Thereforer we can descr■
be the pr■
mary role
s of the rnother as a Deopardy to her baby′
― a view which is contradicted in livelihood ■iterature of the day. all the important This is a fact which ,11l have to change. Past scientific studies are nOw being called ■n my home country. ■nto que,tiOn
The status quo ls subぅ ect tO intense medla scrutiny. ■s r■ fe. Speculation 1l have to If this baby lives′ I think I′ klll my ,lfe. `
[2] I can feel this horrible entity growing inSide.of mee lts consistency is that of a think mucus ls implanting membranec Hc has tendr■ themselves into the fleshy walls. These y things which prevent wa■ ls are the on■ genu■ ne emotional contact between me and this creaturee Thank god. I hope He dies. 3 months ago was the last tirne tt bled. It「 pretty fair to say that I′ In pregnante ■t. ra■ r ■n the sense that l deserve ve been toldr deserves the Every wolrtan′ I′ ― lt is a fitting pain of chlldblrth penance. It is the mother′
s prerogative to delete the
child at will′ I beltteve. This choice though′ has been debated throughout the ages. Now that l may be pregnant to this man for a 主t is a good tiIRe to wonder second time′ whether l should stop this agonising charade 工 am playing out in front of my husband. Neither of us know the genetic identity of the foetus. The mortal fireman doesn′
t know that I
deliberately mttscarried the baby on our s a good thing that he first attempt. It′ d be trapped 。therwiser my neck wou■ doesnr t′
beneath his boot as he forced me to enter the underworld. For severa■ reasOns then′ I have endeavored to nurture this child. (1)fear of death. (i率 )an ill… conceived plot to take down the Aryan nation. (ili}an attempt to overpower the innate instinct of a woman to klll her child. I have been tO■
d women are not to be
trustedI I fully be■ieve this Statemente
[3] When l was young′ argument aga■ Human Condltion。
I heard a compe1ling nst the propagation of the 工t came frorn rrly mother the
instant l was born. ` ` ″ ヽ ヽ You she whispered′ trame s′ mortal James′ are yet to know the pattn′ the pain of f ― indeedf I bearing such a child as yourse■ th a common nature as we speak arn at odds w■ ― as you well know′ l within the it is sti■ 30 second lnargin after birth where I′ your Doctor may execute you at will′ regret this′ but l w■ dubious gift of llfe.″
or I may
1l grant you the
From this moment on′
the die was castr my I was destined to αefunct substitute my hatred for my now mother with a love of the Aryan nation′ chips were down′
a disgust for womankind。 I have been fastidious in my examinattton of the processes that women utillse disgu■ se the actua■ purpose of the■ existenceo lt is a sad factr thoughr that I
■n order to r
need them to achieve my stated goalse 工 am cornered′
being led my the noser a drastic process with only one result ― unless castration of the male empire appease the twoman「 s lib「 movementF I will die.
一 the ■ can
[4] fe The way the fireman began to shag rny w■ ― ■ ung. waS quite simple′ he had a collapsed ` He broke in through our window cos of the fire. It was diree Did you hear the town crier? I was shocked at the extent of the damage. The fireman had to go to hospital with a severe lung condition′ essentially his sheet of thin moist membrane had impacted on ■n the ■tself in a bid to occupy less space bodyr much llke a baby tries to do in the sanctity of itrs motherrs womb. My wife went to visit hirn every second day in hospital′ which was not surprising′ cttn s■ der■ ng he had saved herr and our home from certa■ n ru■ n. What was surpr■ s■ng was when she took up ce his needs nurs■ ng in order to serv■ better. At this stager l had an inkling that ng awry in our something may have been go■ marr■ age.
[5] In accordance with the natural laws′
I have
fallen for the rnan who l owe my life to. Sitting in the wooden bed′ hospital bed′ has lung inefficienciese Specttfttcally′ ■ungsF a prOblem which lnay require cracked
10 years hard labour to overcome. This is because the lung membrane does not heal in the same way a cracked bone rnay do. First of a■ l′ the lung is not as unyielding ■t in a aS bOneF We Cannot encapsulate ― (that is′ p■ aster of paris structure attempting to fill said patient′ s chest with plaster ■n order to a■ d the heallng of a y ■ead to death.) cracked lung can on■ ng
l learnt this the first day at Nurs■ Schoole Secondly′ the lung is an extremely importantr yet suprisingly fragile organ「 when compared w■ th bone. This be■ caser the torment a patient feels heightened′ and hencer the healing process ■s restr■ cted.
ng the ■s
Thirdlyr and perhaps most importantlyF the pleura■ space between the diaphragm and the pleural membrane may become contaminated through constant exam■ exam■ nation policy is str■
nation′ thus′ a n■ l ctly enforced.
Can l explain this more clearly?? Since the Morta■ Fireman was in such fine physical
ヽ condit■ ■t is my duty tO take on′ I feel advantage of his debilitationf and use it to MY physical advantage. God forbid l wil■ ttake hiIII my husband。 I take little bits of bread′ ba■ l them up′
antt depos■ t them ■n his mouthe They grow weak′ and dissolute in the Aryan aCid taste of his acid mouth. A cough disrupts my plan as he ■s woken from his slumberr even so′ feel he ■s under my thumb.
[61 1 feel constrained. All that separates me from my destiny is a thin layer of flesh. Howeverr it is fortunate that tt am encased in thtts woman. The womb disguises my true form. Hopefully I will be born with a caul on IIly facer this may buy me rRore time once l am present in the Human Realme The Doctor and my Mother may not immediately ■ike features l haveF I realise the demon― need to SURVIVE THE 30 SECOND DANGER PERIODF for it is only then that l arn in any press■ ng danger. Coldr it is cold in this place. I have been implanted with an ttnnate sense of time and place′ the trick of llght my lnother thus′ tries to play on me (putting on a heavy ]ersey to filter the light and hence try to convince me to sleep)DOES NOT WORK. She will pay the ultimate price once l reach term.
■s a fate worse than death.
Hav■ ng emotions I should know′ コuSt my Mother′
I am bleeding now. Orr is it s nutrients replacing my
foetal waste? Fuck「 foetal waste′
She deserves it... (IRy
that is.)
The cord has not yet
been fu■
■y formed′
thuSF it iS easy for me to unwrap it from around my neck. This will get harder as time
d′ve known it would be hard passes. I Shou■ to extr■ cate myse■ f from thiS WOmb. It Can only get hardeF aS I PabS into the second IItesters. and third tr■
caf l make myself any more Clear?? ThiS desperate l slumber moment′ extensiVe lndeed′
case!.. Only the clock ticksr and knoWing that at any uneaSlly′ I Frtay have to ready myself fOr an assault on this WOmane on a■ ■ women.
■S a
[7] I s h o ざ ■d h a V e
■e a p t a t t h e c h a n c e t o
impregnate the slut when she woke me from my …bede Christ almightyf the signs for
impregnattton were apparente y been more steadfast r l cou■ lf l had on■ now already be on the way to the creation of a supreme ARYAN nation under god. Who cou■
d believe that being in thiS stald
space could have given me a new lease on life? Contrary to my initial indoctrination d walls as an adolescent′ these soap co■ de ■n what the ■mDue Fne W■ th a sense of pr■ ― WHAT we rnay one ARYAN race has achieved day re―
■nher■ t.
shment w■ capital pun■ every nattton state.
1l be re■
ntroduced in
corporal punishment will be introduced at every level of education. tertiary students should be fully prepared for the■ r ascendance on the corporate ■adder. MY SON: he will be deadlyc he can have no access to weapons untttl he is under my thumb. This may take until at least 9 months after birth. I need to think of a way to keep his mother od. away from him for this per■
PERHAPS I Wil1 9ive her moneyo Most WOmen ars.
will do anythttng for a few d01■ 一 一 一
(hOW dO you think I Came into this WOr■ ´ 士'EB ■964 1 entered thiS ■2th of on the world. I was cut from the wolnb. THISWAS A
/ G00DTHING FO RME AND FOR HUMANITY。 fOrrned′ s placenta was ill一 Luckily my mother′ impaired, ′ leaving lny fOetal vision un― I could cut the tension with a knife. All in the room held their breath′
as the
caul was removed frorn my face. SURPRISINGLY√ it was ]oined to my face at my lips. They created a second tongue out of it` Bending over backwards
■s a way to descr■
the efforts of the doctorS. I becameblue through lack of postbirth oxygenation. They strapped the death mask oxygen task mask to my foetal lips′ lips of a baby stimulation deformed through lack of aura■ a in the wOmb. In these formative years′ ■nner ear′ ■n the unless corn can grow ■ s enactedF thiS Can proper ntervention ■ `actual′ hearttng. To result in the losS of ` hearing has never been actual′ most peopler an optione of courser the mother dece■ `actua■ tFying to term disability. HOW WRONG SHE ISc
ves soc■ r hearing as a
ety′ by
PLEASE HEAR MY CRYl l: abolish all maternal presence from an early stage (preferably at the quickening) 2:ltreat al■ elderly as the child.
cases of dementia in the ■n■tial state preferred for
oppress■ on the 3: cope With the nation exacts over the western world.
afr■ can
4: aCknowledge that the developing world is holding the developed nations to ransom. 5: set up care c welfare recipientse
lentres for the children of
When l first rrtet my girlfr■ hOspital (but you know this already) I can′ t be convicted′
l was in
I′ ve earned my degree.
1:it recogn.s 量 Is ialeIII llatlebttltla::は le予 s bladder was not full. itr as hiS mother「
she sa■ d she had a probleme She was only 17「 and couldnt eat enOugh fOOd. Oh we■ ■. Itrs not my ba‐ (i think)
l■y′ it′ S
Sit ::filall.:Ip::[::五 :「 :9in l。 :irtt11ltlilk、
If an ARYAN Seed is in my Wifes bё
my opinion. with respect tO bab■ expens■ Ve for the
es′ they are all t00 ■ncurred benefits.
i ShOuld dO Now that she is pregnant′ whatever giVes me the rrt9st utilityr as the pregnancy iS a SUNK COST.
[8] 2 years ago: I am sitting next to my husband on our wedding day. HE HAS SMALL HANDSe l cut the caker it is a three tier cake. I am wearing a off white nulnber to signify the fact that l am not pure. He is wearing his dad′ pa■ r of tan trousers.
s dinner ]acketr and a
We courted for a number of weeks at a nearby 一 it was「 vi■ la. We met in the shower
of course′ a misunderstandingF but l loved ite l slipped on a ti■ er From that day on we exp■ ored the charms of a villa. A VILLA in the north end of new zealand′
s north island paradise.
We could have cou■ d take a
agood winer and a meal′ ■ong wa■ k a■ ong an a■
deserted beach. At this stage l could get him off qu■
― we most te
easily. You could say he was humbled in the
act of
■o v e m a k i n g /
Perhaps this was a sign
of things to comec As we grew to know each other over t he several weeks we were secluded in this north island paradiser we came to believe several key facts about each other. For lner these facts were as lo■ ■ows: 1. he couldnt eat more than a meal at any one s■
2. he couldnt control his usage of his areaa
3。 the blade he threatened me with was kept perennial■ y blunte 4. he loved me. [I think this was because we were confined together like thist] (HE DIDNT COTTON ON TO THIS fact.} every time he entered me r l rerninded him gently about the fable of the the hare7 `Ben′ quick release Ben′ ` ` Although the Hare was fast′
・tortoise and ″ I muttered′
]ust as you arer this did not mean that he ultimately ned won. The Torto■ ser however′ was orda■ ` ` . Ben「 0′ Ben′ with the highest honour.″ s■ow and steady wins the race.″ Despite this warnttng′
he never fai■ fin■ sh before the 5th stroke. Barely enough time to drink a CokeTM.
ed to
[9] It′ s all very Procrustean′ this being in the womb thing. 工 am thinking how good it would be to be outside the woman. Little did l know that for he remainder of my life l would be enter any GIVEN WOMAN. struggling to re― Walting′ I am waitingr and my irrational rage is growing. The rage of an preINFant is ous and raw. It is terribler it is cal■ s innate sense of self
fuelled by the woman′ loathing.
Now′ Irm not blaming the woman for loathing ■t is patently obv■ herself′ because to why she must detest SELF.
ous as
17m nOt yet sure how l came to be impregnated in a womb. I always thought that men were the creatorsr and hence rightful destroyers of everythinge perhaps l was wrong. I might need a woman′ achieve status
s help to
■n the Human schema.
In my view′ my argument in favour of an ARYAN NATION is compelling and conc■
In shortF the graphs I up nicely。
れave prepared sum it
on world leadership (by raCe)
on soc■
al worth
(by ttndox′ baso 100 at
ぅan 19oO)
120 100
国 aslan
with reference to the second graph′ observe that all but the musliIIts have been
al worth. We can put this slipping in soc■ down to the fact that muslirrts are the chief oppressors of the age. じ Howeverr a■ the WOMB.
l my data
■s spurlous′
as l am in
[10] We met and 1 loved ite The conョ ugal Visits ― wette great. I was in jail for hate crimes I call theFrl Crimes of logic. As it started offr l started it off′ but she responded in kind. Putting the classifled ad in the HERALDtm was a big freedom for a prisoner′ I was ready for re]eCt10n. ]「 r ■でE ご ヨD : ence seeks woman for aryan pr■ soner of consc■ comfort and possible womanisinge i have: blue eyes′ hair(SOme)F Inad Cock「 hard bOdy. ce body「 ■dea■ woman: comp■ iant′ obedientr n■ beautiful blond halr.
we can meet conjugal visits. Inoney to support you once
工 have ENOUGH ■ escape.
For several dayS after the placement of this advertisement l was SANS WOMAN. On the 3rd day of my 5th week of walting waiting ■ was wa■
I was b ON THE DIAL.
WORLdwide. ■ rec■ eved a letter when ■ least expected it. Contrary to a■ l precedentr the lady wanted to meete so′ we met′ i loved it.
the con3ugal ViSit was great.
1 loved to do lattice work A lovely lattice certa■ ce■ ■。
for him. brightened up his
[121 Cursive script is glamorous. I learnt this when l was young. I was stung. Now l only have one LUNG。 : I wrote in From the day of my 19th birthday′ 一 on an cursive scrttpto My mom burnt my lips ■ron′ to teach IIte that life wasnt fun. ― but i left my I didnt run′ from home MOTHER alone′ now w■ tness her rrLOan, da da da da da
l write in curSiVe script。
[13] In the 2 years following her pregnancy with outt first legitirrtate child. Iny wife was surprisingly subdued. except that she wanted to eat corn. on e
cob.. but i satisfied the cob crav■ The baby looked like mer due to the genetic resemb■
ance. for thtts
■m pleased.
i like a good similar face baby。 when
■ eat a beef′ i think about when the COW iS 3abbed in the FACE in order to kill it.′ anyway ■ eat a beef. ne. and a w■
my baby′ or should i say my boy′ gave that guy a w■ ner anyway. In respect to lrny first baby life′ unremarkablee We did the usual fam■ like go to a zoo′ or watch a fake wildflowers grow in the motorway′
is drunk′
it was ly stuff′ or take
time out to resteetc. my baby grew up welle That is′ until his mother carne under the ■nfluence of the Aryan Nation under the almighty dollar. One nation under god′ better or for worse. with 9 hand guns per capttta.
[14] esh wa■ ls have become Late■ y these f■ ■ncreas■ ngly annoying. or cloying. i arn toying with the idea of escape. How practical this tts while still in the first trimester is debatablee Actually′ the wombr nothing is open to debate. thtts being the case′ I′ ll wait.
being in
Constant■ y′ 主trs a love revolution′ REVOLUT10N 21。
iefr and what modern Contrary to popular be■ ` doctorsf have shown the world by way of ` technologies′ their new ′ the womb is not particu■ arly comfortablee nor does it ve ever seen beforee resemble anything you′ as i plot my revengeF the Outside world filters through′ in muffles and scrapes and ses to the womb. knocks and bru■ but for now l must bid you adieu.
[15] 工f l had known my son was going to become a fitteman. And an Aryan warrior at that. I would have stopped him in htts tracks at birth. 30 seconds after birth in fact. I had a deal.
w■ th the doctore Either one of us could have ki■ led Him. And neither one of us had the foresight. Inores the pity. Mores the pity′
I wanted to destroy this man before birth but after conception. So he could feel the pain. He should pay for the style of those before him. This′ in my opinion′ IS the FUTURE of INDIGENOUS compensatione tely 76 percent of the Howeverr approximほ general publttc disagree with such a recompensee and resorte to lethal retortls. etc etc
ln order to thwart such movesc Womenhood must RISE UP! behave at therrtselves.
[16] I am a portal to a firemane To・ be more exactr tt was a prot′ A■ ■ men must go through me to become aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
sorry for todays terrttble book。 sucks book.
orrtatyr e
[17] PREPARATIONS FOR MY BABY: i)COt ii)mattress 主主主)14 weeks paid parental leave iV)ruSkS V)aryan prOpaganda Vi)ideal vital stats poster Vii)hair bleach Vili)i read some books on parenting iX)Virtual statistics X)Virtual reality helmet for educational use in the toilet Xl)a tape explaining the dictionary (for uSe in walkman to be worn at all times) Xii)a tape of me readttng the encyclopedia X主 主主)repliCa handguns
XiV)death mask siFnilar to
` king
` ` tut″ ′
ete■ y As of now′ I「 m almost comp■ prepared for the birth of my first genetic son. 工 dont care that the husband of my girlfr■ end is on to my plan. I plan to steal the child from the mother at bttrth.′ or in one She MAY the 30 second margin of confus■ NOT KNOW exactly what happens then. I will l born nature of her conv■ nce her of the sti■ child.
[181 My list for evacuation.
1:placental remains 2:blood 3:′bilical cord
is 3alis tta メ lば by thァ Fe n.
cral at e
c。 llh
d.ob i
it lo■
a工 .a
゛ 0 ヽみ
r し■ b 0 1 1 ' s 十 o も6
ヽr卜、sl、 ミ SSヽ eF° Onl “ eni l Fasキ eぃA P10J nへ i■ 1 - 1 8 + : く。、 A StOre 亀anへ ter 〔g も 。1 2 1 らr e a К t ぃ S t 。 マe e r
` ` 1 2 ‐ l ζ l 、o r d M 。 a、 ^^い r■ ‐ ■ fd2s・ 、キ a Q ■ l c o s キa ● a ヽりs キ ヽ ぃ、
キv t O r t a l
‐t e ・ A C ヽ こ・ ・
.′Lfhっ aoι卜 ぃ′ ``+ b l し S マ●C t ● e,9y t・
ヽ o 持 ・1
t 気。 1 . つ。距 a ` W h ぼ y 。ゝ ぅ。 2 . ■。 Ч s h ・Ц` メム K n O W A ちくn C r
■nterv■ Thank you for the chance to tion. advertised pos■ ■et me introduce myself。 First of all
ew for the
Colin Cradie′
I was boFn in Atlanta. Aユ ニ.tt■ e■ 二`t´about w■ _nter.ests_´ 1。 I am interested in peace 2◆ I play squash 3。 工 died 4. And am reborn 5。 Count your● atlanta.
eif lucky l aln sti■
l il■
6`。Write.down your work instructions_ 7. I played sports as a young person. I live to work and as such tt feel l can ly add a great deal to your office.
■nquire as to what type
Furthermore l wish to
of position is available. Is it office work or no七 ? 工′m certainly wasting my tillne wrttting If not′ thiSユ
In addition′ please pass this malluscript on to your 3 closest cllents′ If the chain is l suffer terrible bad luck for broken′ you wi■ the next 3 years. ´ es of .ccttpanユ chain include
l.Bram Stσ 2.Led Zep
Let it Be. Sincerely Colirl Cradie.
ヵ fho have´
3.Brierly lnvesttte.■ 3Q]領 簿 Jい
´ es
瀾 軍 3fユ ,f war麒
bェ oken the
工 am
… … ヽMEN AT ARMS posited by 01到
隣 RiChter
drattlelybFarile li:f:n al■ oWed by liSa ellls.
K[NC‖ AN` BAT { ? ″キ │ )
a コn
bヘ キ
しs tt fa cl キ hAメ ● ィ い い
Kこ へ C haht
BRT。 し。キ "t―
。 ふハ′
へβずよ鳩L し
│` ―
tひ ゝ
le` A
勒 中 け た ・ t・ キ嗜 向 い
L・ ― ― ヽ ∩ 丁 .
晟 、 ぃ s゛ι ●ヽ Q″
rel. β │:∫ ゝ 、 嗅 Jilifri“ │〕
`人 ト じツρ rs吹
◎PP゛ i守 cS Ct‖「elct r i n a s s e c t武 σ b へw h ホ バ
いσ い ncttOnQ´ L oJス
短ι ハ01l oへ
MY PIANO ALBⅧ by boss and orphan
ICQ H■ StOry Log For: 51264276 orphan Started on Sl■ n Ju■
■2129134 2000
th 10
■0 10 minute tracks hr■
8 minute reprttse and 1 20 mttnute coda lst foray into th
this ■s the format of our eclass■ cal mus■ c ■ndusrty
orphan a■bum。
Pl■ しota■ =200 minute c■
ワ/30/00 9126 boss te■ ■ me about the f■at or sharP acceptab■ 7/30/00 boss cos you got more skki■ ■s than me..
■ laj or
諏撤 四
Iormat of fttrst song = or (2bars)Eb nminOr (4 bars)Ab ma」 or (2 bars)Ab ma」or(2bars)Db ma」 (2bars, IIb nlajor (4 bars, repeat.
‐ yo― a have― しo
sounds 9ood′
each sca■
you should state the changes
i ■ooking forward so muche! quickquick we must soon!
■ have natulla■
8:38 PM
dance ■ need gu■ i think you w±■■ be the gguide i need to comp■ ete my ascendance
eキ C cA‐ t
7/31/00 boss fo■‐the _first 5 songs then
8:41 PM
y wュ thout
dnit go a■
can you
■ the way
selld me the chord
Ⅵt can start in good fashion
orphan f#maj Or
8:44 PM
your ascendance w■ ■■ be
orphan 7/31/00 8:40 PM comp■ ete and e unstoppab■ ieve that you can f■ once you be■ 司■ngs there's no reason you shou■ to the top.
ta■ ent
■ow and dranatic
1 ・4″
Fepeat then fminor′
e minor′
eb major′
d maiOr′
fttma,Or′ cm■ nor...
7/3■ /00
e e so excited!
8:45 PM
7/31ノ 00
7/3■ /00
what is ostinato
orphan note.
8148 PM
7ノ 00 3■ ノ
boss chromatic l
repeated rhythm
/ i t so 8:49シ 1サ フ th°
h minutes, deSCeniilliミ ヌ fシ
orphan 7/31/00 8:49 PM ostinato for 2 minutes′ S■OW ChFOmatttc descent for B minutes. what are names of first 3 songs?
7/31/00 8:52 PM l.accurate position of said boss satte■ ite above earths stratosphere e 2.the noahs ark prilllcip■ 3.observe my stance rk 30 We Can start???
wnen do you not wュ orphan 7/3■ /00 thu Fri. is name of 4th song ・ 'adverse effects of
8153 PM
8157 PM
boss shift?
th w■ song 3 -begins ゞ「
8:47 PM
bass ostinato on Bb′ a■so notes f and Gb. then chromatic descent boss
y i cant wa■
good.. honest■
finish Wrk at 4:30 on Wed
■unar ec■
is same every week? or u
4tll song = adverse effects of ram■ fications ot‐ chord changes are
■unar ec■ such
ipse and the
fmaj′ amttn′fmaj′ amttn′cIILLn′ then? PM d7 orpnan 7/3■ /00 910■ gmュnor f#ma」 Or ng then back to beginn■ ection。 then bridge of your se■
9101 yM bridge of my sectior.?
7/3■/00 9102 PM orphan ection` bridge of your se■ 7/3■ /00
9103 PM
either that′
do you ever have time off during day? i'■ ■ get a 4-track i think′ and the n put it d add other stuff.. on computer′ and we cou■ not more ■nstrullnents tho.
what tts you piano name′ what is our duet naFte7
le ?
9107 PM
piano na■
boss p■ano
9:07 PM
your name when you p■
orphan 7ノ p■a■o ■s... "krazy chimes″
7/31/00 boss SONGS PLANNED OUT! 40 minutes so far.... orphan
9:08 PNI IIly naFrte
9108 PM
9:10 PM
ay the
wllen i p■ ay the
what is name of duet?
one song has to be exhibition of finger ag■ ■ity ・ ひ 3■/00 9:■ ■ nvl my agi■ ity is pOor boss 7ノ wi■ ■ start doing ■eft hand bas■ ca■ ■y has on■ some exerc■ ses..。 工itt■ e Finger and thwlb.... ′′ hmm 10 ten minute songs w■ ... what is a repr■ reprise′ orphan 7/31/00 9113 PM ■ike a reiteratio■ of previous songs w■
boss 7/31/00 9:■ but we have to fit ttt a■ it be tFip■ e?
th 8 ten minute seマ
i think its supposed to be th s■ ight variation
6 PM sounds good l on doub■ e cd or w■
夢 ′but i
5th song? b f ■a t m t t n
at min
orphan 7/31/00 9:18 PM just bf■ but ifi note of chord changes to Gb then G then Cb then repeats. 7/31/00
boss then..
9:20 PM
■s pentaton■
c so■ o
■owed by brieF peFiOd Of orphan 7/3■ /00 9122 PM fo■ s■■ence e starting fron top note then who■ e tone sca■ of piano. coda = fast and furious. what is your piano nalne? u
9:24 PM im not
m / e
boss deciding
]allles mung fe■ ix avertt■ hav■ er en■ ttes■on or? ■ed
what was the 5th song ca■
7/31/00 9126 PM orphan fgrain bevan ha■ ■ed 5th song was ca■ 'co■ ■ection of otllerwise unre■ 7/3■ /00 boss form what is rondo form orphan
9128 1PM
9:29 PM
ated concepts・
can one song be irt rondo
no idea e cd wi■
do you think this trip■ received by critics?
■ be we■
l by progressive and
boss 7/31/00 9:31 PM very we■ regress■ ve thinker ■ become indifferent neutra■ minds wi■ monetarists and marxist wi■ c ■ts rhetor■ the packaging w■ 土deo■ ogy
■ especia■
■y enjoy
■■ inc■ ude many page sof
sonata lorm then? orphan f′ gr af■
7/31/00 at′ bfiat
9132 PM bas■
cal■ y notes to use are
c and ef■
at ―
but you know youtre better than that ta■ ent. use your natura■
sonata form =
7/3■ /00
9:34 PM
7/3■ /00
9:34 PM
maestro and
7/31ノ 00
9136 PM
9137 PM
9:37 PM
7/31ノ 00
9:35 PM
art of
9:36 PwI
■ove (in an age
9138 PM
■ assune
9139 PM
■m ■y.
doveri aver■ ■■
7/3■ /00
9:40 PM
pau■ dove′
9:42 PM
HA ■aughed so i havenlt simon maestro? boss
the dove?
ηノ3■ /00
i think
hard for 10 years
■o■ the art of love is P■ guess... i gotta s■
aying the piano
eep now...... We sha■
■ start soonl
orphan 8/1/00 12130 AM the dove′ ■ove (主 n the art of an age of unforeseen hardships)? boss 8ノ SIMON MAESTRO>
9139 AM
the maestro and
we can serld it to rowe boss 8/■ lkrazy chttmes'1
Jレ 4:36 PM
i thot your piano name was
′11 つ
7/31/00 9132 PM orphan expos■ tion deve■ opment recapitu■ ation. ・the.. 五ame of duo is
Orphan chimes''
7154 PM
」uSt pau■
sttmon lnaestro aka ''krazy
8:16 PM
all i see
11154 PM maybe on fri or wknd?
9106 AM maybe sat day or sun.....
4:33 PM song 6 - first section baSed 3/2ノ00 boss on the notes e′ af■ at′ b′ fsharp csharp′ 一 domintated by len repetition of a coIIIIrton rhytlmic motif and t■ lmon me■ odic motif by a repition of a cO■ 一?
―second section song name
t freidmans natura■
5:54 PM
2nd sect
fo■ ■owing chord gr al■ in′ f′
chords are (approx)emin′ bOss
8:08 PM
song 8 a■
8:09 PM
■ come when we
the day wi■
are cr■ tiCa■ ■y acc■ a■med we shou■ d see co■ ■ege schoo■
ay the rangitoto ■f we can p■ llm auditor■
714 Section 2 ofl sOng 8 811■ 8/2ノ 00 orphan nor w■ th ■s bas■ ca■ ■y the chord e m■ ■ing ■n direction of preva■ occas■ ona■ changes mood eぃg. f major etC. 00 orpllaTI S/2ノ disappointment awaits bosb‐ bOss
3/2/00 8/2/00
■0156 PM i rfear tllat on■ ・ ■0134 PM dontも
e that ntaestro e ■ik‐
■0146 PM i heard you go to dubai
3ノ00 5:22 PM bOss 8ノ ■ ■i s S y o u do i wtt■ orphan
6:13 PM
i hOpe you dont but if you
tomorrow i
■eave for duba■
dnit even know i Was
Orphan 3/3/00 6:27 PM you wou■ gone. ■ on■ y ho■ d you back from comp■ ascendancy.
eting your
y way youlre ho■
boss 8/3/00 5:58 PM the on■ back my ascendancy ng me ュs by not accompan■
7M OVer these past Few years 3ノ00 6:3■ orphan 8ノ ve′ ilve seen you changer Seen you evo■ fFOIn a boy ttnto a man to a better man. from a man il■ ■s r■ s■ng now your star es of the earth you need to cast of the shack■ l tlle lleaven3. ace ■■ and take your p■ OFphan 8/3/00 6:35 PM chris′ my dear deaF ChriS′ l chr■ s oh my dear dea■
? a
my dear chris′
7:43 PM which is the better a■
eric c■ apton timepieces iron lllaiden best of the beast ■ow brick road e■ton iohn g00dbye ye■
` f
e ヽ
proper farewe■
8/3/00 ■!
コM firon″
orphan 3/3/00 9:05 goodbye ye■ ■ow tiEepiece beast boss menopause
boss wishes..
1:16 AM
F。 /00
orphan 3/5/00 1:10 PM tle工's birth screen 111■
dont go to dubai w■
■:25 AM
organ donor grant three
■1■O TM
see youat 230p
Since young i aint pattd for
10:06 PM no excuses
■112 PM
get them for free?
■112 PM
7 PM
see you at mar■
d be embroided by the Sth
1 1 n
e工ton ciapton:
Chinese energy decreaeses
boss chips
your tote bag shou■ hour of the 8th month 2000
thOut a
boss 8/6/00 7:12 PM i eat constant■ gained 3kg, ■ 3ust gOtta go to the its not a bad thing′ VyttL do you ■ike trap orpllan 中
7:14 PM
just wondered
we need to finish song 8 orphan 3/6/00 7:15 PM what have we got so far? ■s s■ ■ence punCtuated by the nt■dd■e section y ■oud harsh dissonant you p■ aying extreme■ chords. 00 7:■ 7 PM after my chords′ boss 8/6ノ ■i■ting I■ e■ody in g then we finish with a f■ outtsh on a basis of
you p■ ay a
gsharpmaj′ alnaj′c ュ Itust now eat a corn■ see you soon (undercover) (fuC■ it if im gonna die′ mayor) orphan 3/6/00 8:■ thatls something at
sh Pasty and peas
■east i shot the
3m yeah′ ■east.
。飩 状 町 ∫
Att ate。 3°
Vac 下lミスヽ
Pゝ 〇」Qc丁
amL an人 ぃ ヽ Lゝ SOra。 h ヘ ハC り r a C e
ヽ ヽvsキ「Q tteJ し ぃ。 rA● り 。 SキヽミPits
Qき . 陽vas P¶
﹁ 、
byム.ミmt■ t rivas Prgoc+was
。 1litilli 鳳ょl∫ 」 ゃn tA4
θv Q 『 りM もヽキk O キ ヽQ v e r d e r 3 よQりofム e reFに・ ヤk ごd 5 ■魚e C a gnk、 r琳 む「職 i n J o f ` a hft ヽ 2 W e C に, h で
■ 。 c h a n J e い`S h e e t s . 嗅. 5 。こ k "agキ ヽ riVas
rOiCt+・ マ
ヽ ′
A I Q ヽR i V a s ノ soh象 り, W a s こ。 Ц、よ S P C a 卜 a run」 c o Ч、
rt ttQ L ・ゃ。
fe く h 。しO Ч l l Q qノヽL Q、 l (wハ A cヽ い
… 甚 ‖Frlttt百 式I° │ S`b。
ヤht garagQ s キh no st計
e` 轟eぃρb Qtth"鳳 WQ K小
いQJ bQキ
Qキ 。 。 Q
べ ゞ 。 色 己い ゝIIa17,キ ム 粛 十ο
b(° 穐 ■ tW鏃「
.嗅 ur ハ、 毅Os tt b品Кこ 。
To makl Ji C° Qnょ ヽ . Чlよ し く ヽ・ しcキ「 ギ
5ЧCh"`■ サ
。 hQ ぼVaC e nDJeよ
l t
Q 町いいriVasl li甘 ヽ
hatt′ Locn oヾ
こヽヽ a
状 NPヽへQ ゝQ ttt w・ ` こQlVea aurl、 c。 ぃ 3r・や
ゝよヾ ?遭ど鷺 0こ げlム 。 (喰
MPs仕 A n よや e メi n キh e a Ч “ Qre tS cttQ 仏れ
ht出 す
` allソea w卜。 S`。rn mく I 降nember m」 arヨ
粋≧ 鱒 :∫ :゛ 群iユ
affII 111υ ` antf° :ri till ∬ ■いQ へヽe oゃ QAO,"・ U` キrac KS り♀ 、 捜el,
ハ、 、
ゝc“ e 6 “
ana beソ乞ト ^お
6 3、 しF01J FlⅥS′Fastり falit lin′ 0卜
「 。 試 wi ″レ W喘 %
σr ?e゛ `・ 。ァ `ehs` Or Q990 0r
ヤ ●P`りo
1こ ト195鶴 C s′や 3 ( L t t rパ 侵Ц tよ
gJ 品 ム J:1ギ 島
ヽ いヽ k・lM次 O“ r wヽ こK ο
chat r hoO贄
f o n ■c s ―
la+1 司 cClЦ dソ ゝ ♀ e4よ deAhヽh〔賃聡Q`
,.Qぐ _
Ч り k A t t ЬЧ+ 払 ) M . s o 卜0 0 n e J θ Suck
: :6И 計 ―←he S P「 ° 3く
日十IQに?ヒ十rivas′ ct σ n aハ 「 。 f QoctintF frOh Q9Q 午轟ll q
♀ tよ い よ。 に キ nlキstcP ノ」 E
whJ ゞキ″ F F e l ム 。
eよ ム F 4`` く ЧQ い 1 亀翌 ぃ―S t t i t C hヽ ぜ reイ f ヽo c a l a n、 。 Ч G wο イト十、 qnl so wQ嗅
箕よ いに C
ゝt`キ rts
^cc t キヽc レasc.
.sc. Jr crh・Mal`ご Lr ・ く
◎いQIQn l Ph ギ こ ° rt ね i:モ °
i` Vハ。 ホヽ Ч I卜 Ц `い hc
●t l 。 さ 1 l i l 『 1 「ん ぃ。
計わoat Waters θ ヽ hler卜 -5Ч
ch WaS Iht`
鋤 Qlボ 碑 Jび
CCキ lQ`7「1哺 ぎヽ
ちt //t
qs 「 bu 斗以c ギいneキhc r、 PttQ針 噸S tq′ke hぬ gi Q P I W l ふ1 0 w ぃ e L
キ 奪 1 ・ 1
トヒ♂ "おい"Qrc r 。ゝキs . `い O ЧS ゝ 、N Q 響ヽ 1
ゝヽよ o r g a iC、 t`a
電 添
。 t these 卜.Pes ‖tヽ ヽ憔 轟 t t ゞh
ぃq hNQ
0ハ く
“ り ・ ツプ ヽQ 眸 b41+9 憤, O k ¬
ЦQ ・
d eよXig 囃t attヽ
q亀 k
eJ キ ヽ.詩ksヽ講tr Kc人 、 、
キ iヽ 椰 wa、
偽 aWalキ Wドlt ″ ´in3 ■ “ ぐta嘔国に「 lQl “ 偽Dr maハ 0 ( 1 1 ユ〕 RAOCeAts。
献′ 菰 崎おぽ″れよ 喝 Ы 、l 咆 tct h r_― 肉くS a ■ づνざ マ JCtt ヽヽ ∼
ヤ キ ヤキ 4キ キ
4a rぃ ュ/ C メL 嘲
Ⅳぐ f l ∼c メ ο u rⅧ ′ り Wt W屯
ヤivqs Iく
s sキ uc・ lh Our 熱 ed i diShtmbQtta qnA
by wil「 1ざ 1、 a chtlarQハ ヽてよ Pr(む ′ fousIコLE ttN
ァキ itヾ is ドft r.s sA。 ゝ 卜 ご √ドlecキ OЧ Ls,cct鸞でイ i・ “
a s ′ f e J c .c キ 軋 C ヽ l くn r l プ
by paul doVe
THE tanglble nature of MANS MICHT
a cortlsone■ 哺ect10n fOr k壼 ●s and adults aIIkeノ In the be91nnlng there was mlght even before there was IIght and 9od Created sight the ttrst human was abstracted fron god's IInpressl● ■of h:mself ln a llteral sense he was not god,■
the splttlng lmage.
he was 9od― om and on
past the b:]瞳 h Or chrlst and into the 21st centu¬
al■ an tFieS tO h:de hls contempt forthe whlte nation,It ls httte ve proposltlo■ llke the skinned a‖ RATEI TO REDENTE●
didnt happen3. EL10T HORMUZ was a valetudinaJan,so ll ls rst lmeet hlm口 heFe at hOme where we■ to the spot,tw● chineso b●
臓ICe feetln the stvle of a
und equa‖
y spaced pigeon‐
toed on
the tight p‖ e oF‐ belge. can v● ■feel hls,ack●
f rage.
E wondered what he would do next7.had the Ved above h:口 perect spying spot,that Fs,I‖
In the set ofttats ln LVOV(Capital and m到 lndust綺 al c‖v Ofthe LVOV re910n in the ukralne,populatlon(1987)767,000.lndustres lncrude textlles,metaIS and englneettng.The
Hmerlv un,verslty Was founded 1661.It WaS f● n the 31ack Sea‐ BaltiC route. a trade center● LVOV9fOunded:n the 13th CentuFy by a
Call●lan pttnce tthe name meamS“ or“clty of LEV"),WaS P01lSh 13得
tity of Le●" 1772,
39,and 1919,POIISh 1919‐ Austrlan 1772‐ annexed by the uSSR Was the slte of Sin Oct vlolent nati● mallst demonstFat10■ 1989.)] the thlng that rea13v BACK TO mY FEEPING口 uld i Say f● 氏unate abOut thIS was luCky or sh● situat,on,was that thIS paFtiCuEar b10Ck Of flats was bu1lt llke nunerous ldentl●
Ievel hOuses stacked on tOp of each Otherロ OL matChStiCk hOuse,catch StiCk SWOFd StiCk・ C● ntained,there is n● sword ttsh,COrd dish.As cOrds are self・ ■『 need fOF a diShtt unleSS you aFe a fiSh and the cord iS y● match S翡
spinal cord,in which Case vou better be ln the dish,Spinal ●OFd in appFOpFiate place.Re9arding the SWOFdraCh,lhad a swo面
sh OF ShOuld I Sav marlin'S SWOFd On my decRIn L“
・ rhiS 鵬gFaゴ3 Sting.aint ttO thing。 lt was actually a s饉 S fOr convenlence identical stackttng ttermed E‐ forthwith)meant that each apartment Was a direct route tO the One be10W it.1 00uld Cut holes ln l■ v■ 00r and see the lman be10W WhO in fact Was:ne.we became Spllt through
S and reconnected thFOugh
sEl■ple breaches of the integttty of the l・
you see,it became quite interestlng,in that
c,oSIt10nlng of IIke space,cwhICh fOr the basヨ s● long has been the basls of modem ●onstructlom),cOuld become the closet thlng we have to a parad●
薔fOr a
As a basic expFeSSiOn of the paradoxicar shati。 household is as fo‖
psγ =1.S+yy+07+岬
Where p嘔 or househO口 dγ `paradoxical sltuation「 l‐ S"is is th● the constant tem,the`inheFent'Orineccessanr ]denttcal Stackin9,as it were Y・ sehold γ riS the numbeF Of OCCupants of h● “ S integttty O is the surrace area of breaches to the[・ in househoEdT(in Sqmm) and ey ls a rand● nt error term Thus,in aggFeate te“ PS=loS+Yキ Where PS=Σ
ns we■
③ +E psγ
Y =Σ w ヨ ΣOγ O and E E
Σettthatis,the random error
S● stated,we dettne the`total ettbct paradoxicai Situation' as beヨ ng based on the aggre3ate ofthe numbeF Of OCCupan鶴 in househoヨ
ds within the l‐ S and the totaヨ
bFeaChes to the inte9“
ty or the les.
surrace area of anv
Anyway,E could spy on hII■ E watched h11■
mearry a‖ the tttme E was homet
lppp84‐ 5,Webtters New World Encyelopedia
LLEEF mY E ‖I L 迫 に ギ 町 凛二 嗜 nhrc■ b`
んe S , bぺ
S寄1洗 ν
h │ 。「 I W i l i b e w i キ へ∫sυに as ″k障 ゝ。嗅 `"n. ―` ヽ ЪC `「 3ht′ l Will 嗅゛ κご ●. )。 。 ftQ2P thC
鮮υぃ貿 Stも , ん ー ゞl キ r、 し s , k キ k °1 メ
が Q1lμ t計XアЪ
MQへ ヽ C .
ヾft ns ou r いく ∫
ι `
凛 ホ1 い イ Sに F・ beり°
各〔l w i l lぃ。 、 ま
3.k ctose′
麒や れ
鶴 ゝ町 卜 転よ ギ しヽ L 」 ?AsC “
いくas J° 年そ Q∫供 ,熟 tSい 年 1キ . vJt a。 こ ゛ L
M9_ Mれ
oイ ヽ 畝
sa ttc.
l ca bJg 、
0 ら も )ヒ F こ
〕 1試
α `確 Jよ mMth T、 N Ett R. °ψ? U ° " 1 1 粒 k a hsメ
` Phth四 。 ,メ Ч 」E tt R
法° 1 °Ч k マヘ「 ハ3 9 1 ` なや 1 l l a “ 。c L s e . 壮ヽヽ
1 ゝ こ Cマ ハ 弓 キvぱ Jf 、 じ
」 兵ゝ ヽ
ご ←決lt,_l “
匡 N,
KFr CWttNζ =州「 ( 『′ヽ 2 ) `キ
stuasheノ, . こ … キ: fTaSレVCtt η崎鷲 皐ヘ 。しく
キW 。
… 。 ヤ∼ぃPOと
― l^熊
θl ca∪A」 キ e^t
`c″デ1 3row l勧 出 "(」 eS, 社ボ `rt少 K e n c h c だs
へ T
by lll」 で 、fll:IIぎ
the app■
e co■ our
by: ben straas (On my OWn_
developmemt: the app■
e colour n llas
gν ノ 8
■ tt■ke when the mandar■ our apple co■ orange apple mandarin apple colour of a
p p ■ e
obta■ n the
a lenthened process to genetransfer to enable des■ red in my stomach to this
the colour finger to
the pager age old remedy colour of fluids in my tube
sed■ mentary
rema■ ns of a p
p l e
in my tube(ular object)
U 押 `鶴 し
Inan′ s ability to take ■t reality. and lnake
the des■
■nstance for ―air travel …gene transfer ―the nasdaq ―stonemasonary
11 1 ■ ︱ 1 1 1
The COCONUTe coVered mushroom′ low actually is an marshma■ derived from radiology ■n ■nner c■ and the upsurge
living which leaves itself in lny mouth
longer than i anticipated/
and the english breakfast as tepid as the spa ■ w■ tnessed where ■ncest
ll:g31:ed as youthful exuberance.
what an itchr and aflea! offal fried , to an ■tchy lnes gets me dressed and out of camp teary eyed w■thout even enough time to read ` the wind in the wi1lows′ and sharper′ how sharper to negar to m■x water and v■ apply to the inflatable ball directly fo119wing the chr■ stian armada down the slope while we couldnt believe there was a concFete Sl主 de nearby ■ tore the shorts r but ide concrete ′why was the s■ ■f only to use plastic concave
shel■ s/ .that were not ava■
timeframe: l week after′ about 14? years after prev■ ous
within 12 11Linutesr i Stopped the clock′
and yOur heart stopped. like a broken sternum that i felt for thirteen months and i laughed about ■n fact′ because it wasnt that ser■ ous and i stopped the dark by way of「 torch <everreadyTM> brandr but your broad ue shoulders were a c■ that i shouldnrt sleep with your and that you would look ridculous in a g… str■ ng ■n spite of the nuraber of duvets you claim to have (6) [Or WaS it 8?] and the fact that the night was cold.
ニ ー
ON CHRISTMAS ■ ate something
cal■ ed an apple
tart′ but i didnt′ the tim■
ng wasnt
sO i got a sore and ate sorrte bee
right neck instead po■len
ω ヽ u― ι々
3′ b」 … 他 3 1(ヽЧンヽ 卜o c∝キ ヘハ “ 4t・ C t r、 コ Jノ 0、
° マ% "り 9ra準 鞣 リ Cん でcaノ し 。多く わ し` 9 、人 D 《卿t 、 しぃ o s b o υ O ハe に は ヽ 4 は 1 化 北 掟c . ∼
いに θl o x O t 卜 J 隔もL r や 腱d c P c ・ + `卜 e 決漱 メa欧 iし" ″
。,レ,vrい Й:s は:メ 6も に `れ ′ “
MJCh 々増 ∝t J わ 4 ' キS f e a K ノ 小メ " りl メ イキ 准
で ef α 筍 ぃス、_ hcよ 暉≧ぢ に。
﹁ゴ F S ● L
準 nゝ Lhム・
W t
一 ﹂
O n
F 中
。 c C 旺 ︵
キ ” o 轟
hin3) fQv e■キ
heヽ ` lム ヽ( ・
´ い
` n 理:犠常 .霧
伸れ l a f iβ `r a ε F いう ` ¥喝 ′ k t メ 甲 2 P ゛越 9 J 係 ヒq い な り
ヽ了 し S ` k s t 。こL
次 sl.kミ臥 `ll■
`半(・ Q゛ヽ ょ 、
飩λ v ゝe l M a 「 、
`・ い1 0 o k ` ヽ 地に゛く 、 ・‐ ヽやf °いいツ ハ 『 ヽ υ ヽ Qtヽ
ヽ iヽ し、l Pang へだヒs l C t O a n い∼L C
了 、QもlS ll
MoAS tillキ htt ma l 。「
上丁 ︱り 9
0 11111
a ヽ
゛olAt s.森 颯 、 ぶ
吸 l cttbe h臥′ いヽ 1 1 り1 ロド Ⅳ曖 1 じs u r e ■
洪 Jtte U` 嗅い。 ヽ り atlり r t阜 りoЧ Ц
″。ぃ■ y ″
l、 名α´h“Fυヒ′ `・ 「P 惚
Rぶ `ゝ
ムt t '
` 。れЧ゛ い
ヽQ“11 1畝J ?偽`
だ5 嘔 。 Q『ヘイヽζ〕
Sも ′ ・町 句thO`aredび。 ` M止 タ 4卜 明民 ¬
代ムキ へet S「 "h iS キヒ as々 上 ● cl ■、 、 aキ ` ヽν 、 a bω た
¬ ひ ‘
キ : ∫ b44 b■ ^Mb
にい ―
Ь t― l供m岬
Jい。 n¨ 歳 ち。 観ゞ d.
L が`れ晨 ▼ りは ご `い 1 ― ―
bざ T‖ 罵2X
I虫 Ц
Cっ ぃ ド帯i( 3a KeJ“へ ` bじad ゛バ兼れbり ・ゞOいへnCr
Ч 「S e l ギ
トヒ b句 ヽ 、 渉 甜 1 出 W a砕 「 刷 舞ヽ
ぃnas勁 ゞ,
イ篠口t J “ ″
hcINa M a 14陶 υマ ルがダ θ セ ♀ 卜l F t i fッ aAメ
ヘ出しk卜 rttCSfFヽ6物 . ノ 4‖ちferギ けdMに 臓滋ξ ・ ?"fり `″ 。 可晨l 颯 碑 a n メ g 山 刊ご
・ r嗽誅a認 。 h10ヘ μ
dl` へbく れgh→ `Qtや よ hJも ヽび咆t∫ att Q鮮臥計 4fom kた
DAY l: Dear dttary′
today tt entered the bakery for the first tirrte. aged ten′ i am a prodigyr a mastercraftsman at a young age。 ■et me remind you how far i「 come: from the crags and crevasses
a to the deserts of deepest russ■ of rrtidd■ e east to this little store′
but 10 1rtinutes from the can congress。 steps of amer■
at 10 years old I CREATE THE WORLD I INHABIT′ i am stttcking at it. DAY 9: Dear diaryr the work has so far proved meanttng■ ess′ the bread is of substandard quality and the ■s sti■ ■ undefined age■ ng process ■n Amer■ ca. How can they expect the perfect ■oaf ′ when they havent given me s for creation. the proper too■ n a■ oof. ■nshortr i rema■
DAX l■
■eave Dear diary′ gypsies to do it againi ll days into this Country′ a■ready irm ready to
■t to the fuckin and ■eave.
I lmight comp■ ain to the race re■ ations officer about the constant stream of immigrants my area. Last night 2 kttkes and a spic came
knocking at my door. they had some questions about the legality of my presence in ltheir′ country. Simp■ y stated′ I put them in their p■ ace. Incased in a steady stream y. of mace. put blunt■ y better My bread today was slight■ ■ think than prev■ ous attempts. 主′rrt getting the hang of this oven.
DAY 23: Dear diary′ p′ I procured the Without he■ ■ngredients for my ■atest masterpttece. namon 3 parts c■ some f■ our weed of oats 8 yeast parts 4 seeds The important thing about this loaf is that it must be p■ aced prec■ se■ y ins■ de the oven. You have to be exact in my profess■ As suchr i have dec■
ded to record
al■ deta■ ls ascendance to
■norder to speed my ` master baker′
from tomorrow′
i′ ■■ start my
DAY 24: Sweet heartr sweetheartr you burn y ten「 ■ike a fire for mer i am on■ Of s■ n. easures but knoW the p■ BAKERY INSTRUCTION: 10 degrees angle on tray′ 15 ng′ on a surface warlrt■ mttnutes pre of linen and gold. th a light Grease the tray w■ membrane and slide your fttngers unbaked pie. through the try not to cry。 spike Crash a stee■ baked mixture (approx after start of cooking)Spike shou■ d be 3 inches in over 34 cubic cm in vo■
■nto the ha■ 34 mins
bake in a warm oVen for 3 hours until firm.
■ength and ulne. ′
remove pan 3 times throughOut the process′ each time reenter■ degrees out of center.
ng at 5
dead set. thtts ■oafs a threat. DAy 67: Stick the pan in at 5 minutes past 9. aster fi■ m over the stretch p■ length of the ktttchen and enter a plea of not gui■ ty. turn ktttchen every 5 mttnutes unti■ woozy. eat 3/4 0f pie. dr■ ve a message home to your mother. cream butter and sugar. add dry ingrediants. baste wel■ co■ ate resu■ ts. postu■ ate new hypothes■
die. DAy
Break new ground. reta■ n pr■ or lrtethodr except add salt tw■ ce. DO NOT BE TEMPTED TO EAT LOAFl ood of a chi■ drink the b■ peter out and
sleep. DAY
I「 ve been Dear Diary′ I fee■ working too hard. I′Irt going to Wisconsin to watch ves。 the parting of the wo■ DAY 297: Dear Diary′
Itrs good to be back. ■y feel that l can get
Now l rea■ back to the bus■ 5 cups sugar. t 3 tsp sa■
8 days waiting 9hours in the bakey top with oi■ .
■emon bitters and o■
Can this one really be correct? after all the painstaking work I put in on it′ It seems that the AMINAS PRINCIPLE has now been reformu■ or rather′ ,ncovered′ and presented in a MODERN CONTEXT. ■et it be known that in a■ great bakeries in the wor■
■ the d. BAKEY
MASONS NAME WILL RING TRUE> and resonate w■ th fear. bakey masons′ pauper to pr■
capital of a nation′ ncer pawn to king′
lord of the oven. I HEAR MY CRY! like it or not the day will soon be upon us when f wi■ l intervene. MEDASIUS hilrtse■
Al■ herald the MASON!. DAY 300: I do fee■
I went a
■ittle bit over
the top last week Diary. Please forgive me. My natura■ exuberance outweighted my fanciful claims. 主n my exam■ nation and However′ ■nto the stipu■ ation ■nvestigattton ` perfect ■oafr canon「 of a it does te seem that i haver qu■ y i rrlight add′ unwitting■ `hendttadys′ 一 that discovered an ■s
′ toast and sandw■ sandw■ ch. PLEASE REMEMBER I AM ONLY TEN YEARS OF AGE.
ch = toasted
336: s batter′ baker′ doen″ t matterr pots and pans ■n one c■atter. death comes Pitter patter′
thousand ways′ sta■ ned hands.
■ s■ eep in b■
工 have been Dear Diary′ comm■ ss■ oned by the Turkish ca to produce a ambassador to Amer■ ■oaves to 主dentica■ set of 100 stion of libya commemorate the aqu■ by the turkish in 1843. f′ and I wi■ ■ attempt to do myse■ my craft proud. DAY 387: 3 sheets of a4 t a pinch of sa■ 場 a cup of red w■ ne a baby radish and a COATING OF WHITE SAUCE ■et it sit′ 8 daysr and then mould ■nto des■ red shapeF and then add thё grapes.
put in 340 degree oven and fan bake for 4 minutes ti■ brown. disect and serve hot w■
■ go■ den th sa■ t.
a4 is required.
DAy 487:
的M y
■ dear diary′ what a let down. have mandragora and it has died. ■oaf was to have been my latest rep■ ete w■ th such′ it but as such′ has died. ■et down. what a 498: tory is ■n g r e d i a n t r e p o s ■ overstocked. ■et my I have decided to l.tarragon 2.cor■ ander 3.■ ilac.
4.base ingredients 5.ham stock ■nto the hands of the disappear bib■ e bashers. fuckin/ gyps■ es. and kikes. day 500: s■eep my precious lamb′ cry in the arms of the damned. EAT WELL AND SLEEP. ― θ.グ. 力θ haご θ∂亡θ腕 p■ u′perfr ect The bra■ sed arms of my now almost cooked.
■ambs are
1 lamb
2 3 4 5 6
cutting utens■ ■ mock liver paste ■主kelihood estimator GPS system dogged determination.
method. bra■
se sa■ d itelrts e■n fire.
set a■
ight the popu■
as′ and crush cadences at will. esp perfect 5th. I FEEL WORN OUT. i wi■ ■ go to v■ s■t the chttnook on the eastern s■de of the rocky mounta■ ns. and return afreshed. DAy 632: on the 5th day of the 9th month′ am bo■ stered by a sense of pr■ I have aquired my faIYt′ u■us. his name ■s Strokey STOSSe and he 34 years of age. he w■ 1l co■ ■ect my ingrediants as
i de. ■s
i see fit. bit by bit. I am an itinerant′ legend′
a do■ ha■ ls of a russ■
a waking ■ moulded from the
an congress′ and as such i resign from a■ ■ fi■ tta■ responsibilities and relish death.
FEYl is what you may descr■ inquish all ties with the as. I re■ outs■ de wor■
be me
my requests are for (1)fibrttn2 (主主)feF rule3 (ili)pasta. ON THE TOAST. rerrtember rrle we■
l dear STOSS′
will serve you welll and you me. DAY 646: I wi■ l retire to south AMERICA for 10 days to imbibe the ipecacuanha.4 and to witness the COAXING OF the MANDIBLE. I intend to return afresh.
l with the mind in an ab■ ormal ttate regarded as heralding death :嶽 W潟 翠 潤 盤 総∫utttsratta 4s.american root plant used as an emetic
DAY 656: l my racist 工 formal■ y retract a■ COFrEnentse those spics are magn■ ficent creatures. born of spice and oils′ they dance upon their saviour's gravesc who am i
to judge the
■ast great nation on
Without a judge′ how can anyone ever be free. and w■ who can contemplate death?
th outfreedom′
■t is a v■ c■ouS C■ rclel ■ do not pretend to be able to one y. descr■ be adequet■ I am a BAKER not a POET. THEY shou■
day 700: recipe for taper ro■ l. treac■ e egg white
■ongings bread
so■ id matter gusto maudlin and muslin tr■ chromatic lowhey
■nc■ ude
2.o主 ■ 3.meat 4.vinegar. Now′ yOu must procedure has adm■ n■stered. exact. and correct. ■oaf or the step etc
ヽ ヽ
realise that this to be str■ ctly
w■ ■■ be
J「 ぃ tt h。 竹マsl iatι sen∫ ご輌l・
虫Qい i甑
■曖i r , t w a l b J 綺 fく 50nキ 〈 にa κ“ ∫ ) , ・‖ひK e t t Q し
・ 斗■ns reteaSC
4れ S
l. 中眩ιに `11■ lSヤ 1 : . Ⅳ歌ン中4 レ霰イ `
. ¬い鮮ミttS十 ヽe r ムk c s キ Q ? s
2.ヽ。 ヾよs v∫ ょυkts Ъ・a ?Q°f` Q ° f FaratメIsc `。Sキヘ?、 こ み dOWh ra6 C= 林 昨 「 3く ι 均 6 レ a C S °f ∫ CCI キ 、 、 t i● し `キ
1。 cottM“
s i ん6
キhe nLs
Z、lacキ Mar s■ anメいЧ Ъ・b r a 3 31■御M P Ⅲ l Ч、 牟l r eセ ■g g°
° RaC kin` Mα
11′ `Lふ
6 。 A F f M l`。e S . `、
i5 M199り bfaiキ o bag∫
` b久 ?メ
さ Qキ oCキ a゛ いつ `へ `(D`
ra PaM tθ o 次 ぐJ ぃ `
IAslptい er
∫ ゝr a ヽキヽ .be tis
゛ k a h キ" ′r c " 「 μ
maria frovie′ an° ・f `
s cott Wattsoハ ・、 ,aa gVllar
次`さ ヽ れ キ∫トリ ・t o Y n t o s ふ0 い
εlaハPttdct bu cい ir a" イ 手r e T M 語 、 t t i ゝh e J sヾ スメしぃヽり 氏くュ ′
cθ ■ ハ 中欲41リ フ缶製ノCh颯
′ “
館 e vぜ く.
ノ ヽ √
′' 一
畝 Vζ ・ 負 a s ぜa ヒ 9° は
しr " ヾ `ざ
∼ “
に 1ほへ 健 ・ 臥Q。 津 戯 。 oJ《ょ 千卜hcヽ Wムし「 ほ P° m POJ浅Lr,ι ・ し1■ “
` ●ι傘
,一 ・ ご ゛く
∫﹁ θ≒ し
為 ハh s J
ヽo `
e. 卜 JF⊃ ≦ ごょ )fゝ ヒ ゛
・負 °J″
rリ ゝい
ヽ e」 Q土 ^`υ
thメ .
ポSら出 KQh ´C` r4 Чゝ ` t〈
A r t rしa キ Ktnc}、 b 1 6 へS a G ιキ l t ム ゛へ 称 a t b a ト . レに ド こH A ‐ N i S
nRT II KOd薫 ` :も31acに 、c。。 L← ミeメ :ヽ キ `“ 仏
もfザaS h撃軸
。rer、だ訊 ■D a Caキ ‐ ヽ 負 い■ ■ ■ 久キ 肱 キ
ム♂ C H A 送 Tら 3偽
ENDNOTE by sally boyce
l hope your the reader don′ t feel i「 m too far off the mark when l say that this book is particularly trite and unimaginative. As such′ I re■ ouce any involvernent with said book. I dream of a day when New Zea■ and ■iterature wil■ again reach the the Dizzying heights of the Age Of Mansfield.
party on′