
  • December 2019
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  • Words: 578
  • Pages: 4
Student Nurse

Room No.


Chief Category Complaint/ Diagnosis









Date: 01-12-07 Remarks

de Leon, 446 Elaine S.

Consolacion Felipe, 87 yrs. old, female

Difficulty of III Breathing, S/P MRM, Breast CA Stage III, HTN, DM type II, UTI, Pleural Effusion

- receive endorsemen t


-Monitor O2

S> “I could hardly breath, my chest is like tightening.”, as verbalized by client.

-assess patient’s condition

-raised siderails

-prepare medication *Norisec *Ciprobay -monitor client’s vital signs -position client to high back rest -assist in nebulization -encouraged and instruct patient for use of relaxation technique such as deep breathing exercises, pursed lip breathing.

O> receive patient in bed conscious, coherent, afebrile, appears restless. Self focusing, (+)facial grimace, (+)wheezes, pursed lip breathing, with O2 @ 2LPM. Use of accessory muscle, nasal flaring, with vital signs of: BP:120/70, temp:36.1, PR:94bpm, RR:24bpm

-assess for client’s condition.

A> Impaired Gas Exchange r/t Alveolar Capillary Membrane Changes Endorseme nt: -IV removed by SI but no order for reinsertion -RBS Q6 6am-not done client

-instruct client to open mouth while nebulizing so that the medication would go directly to her lungs

-supervise in feeding -assist in nebulization for every 15 mins. -administer medication -administer Medrol 16mg as ordered. -position client to high back rest -encourage use of relaxation technique -ensure client’s comfort.

-change bed linens

-allow for rest periods

-prepare medicati on

-assist and supervise in feeding.

-assist in nebulizat ion

-offer massage

-prepare for RBS

-assess for respirato ry distress

-allow for rest period

-encourage increase in fluid intake

-reassess client’s condition -ensure comfort -allow for rest periods

-monitor client’s vital signs

-reassess client understand ing of relaxation technique and ask to demonstrat e proper relaxation technique -obtain RBS -administer medication -obtain I&O -plot V/S

-provide clean & calm environmen t -Provide morning care -plot V/S

-Charting of SOAPIE

Post Conferen ce

Post conferen ce

After 6 hours of Nursing Intervention, verbalized, “I feel much better, but still a little hard to breath but much better now.” Client appears less restless ad irritable, wheezes are decreased, less use of accessory muscle, client’s vital signs are BP: 110/70, Temp:36.4, PR:86bpm, RR:21bpm

Student Nurse

Room No.


de Leon, Elaine S.


Consolacion Felipe, 87 yrs. old, female

Chief Category Complaint/ Diagnosis Difficulty of III Breathing, S/P MRM, Breast CA Stage III, HTN, DM type II, UTI, Pleural Effusion

6AM - receive endorsemen t -assess patient’s condition -Monitor O2 -regulate IV

Endorseme nt: RBS Q612nn O2 @2LPM DM Diet D5NM x 16hr

WORKPLAN 7AM 8AM -prepare medication

-give due meds

-monitor vital signs

-regulate IV fluid

-regulate IV fluid -position client to position of comfort -raised siderails -assist in nebulizatio n. -ensure client’s comfort.

-plot V/S -provdie clean and calm environm ent







-encourage use of relaxation technique such as deep breathing exercises

-assess patient’ s comfort

-prepare meds

-RBS monitor ing

-Obtain I&O

-Post conferen ce

- regulate IV fluid

-give pain reliever as -encourag ordered e use of relaxation technique such as deep breathing exercises and pursed lip breathing -provide morning care -provide comfort measures -change bed linens

-encour age use of diversio nal activitie s such as watchin g TV. -allow for rest periods

-prepare for RBS -regulate IV -allow fro rest periods -monitor vital signs BP:100/ 70 T:36.5 P:62bpm R:20bpm

-charting - assist client in feeding -admini ster meds

-endorse -reassess ment for client’s conditio n

Date: 01-11-07 Remarks

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