Elect Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering G Semester Subject Laboratory Teacher: Laboratory
B.E. Semester VIII – EXTC Engineering Wireless Networks Prof. Harshada Rajale M518A
Student Name Roll Number Grade and Subject Teacher’s Signature
Shubham Fartade 15104A0034
Experiment Number Experiment Title Resources / Apparatus Required
CUP CARBON ENVIRONMENT : CupCarbon U-One is part of the research project PERSEPTEUR supported by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR under the reference ANR14-CE24-0017-01. CupCarbon is a Smart City and Internet of Things Wireless Sensor Network (SCI-WSN) simulator. Objective: Its objective is to design, visualize, debug and validate distributed algorithms for monitoring, environmental data collection, etc. and to create environmental scenarios such as fires, gas, mobiles, and generally within educational and scientific projects. Not only can It help to visually explain the basic concepts of sensor networks and how they work; it may also support scientists to test their wireless topologies, protocols, etc.
To simulate a WSN and transmit messages between transmitter and receiver Hardware: Software: PC with JAVA installed Cupcarbon Simulator (Open Source)
CupCarbon simulation is based on the application layer of the nodes. This makes it a real complement to existing simulators. It does not simulate all protocol layers due to the complex nature of urban networks which need to incorporate other complex and resource consuming information such as buildings, roads, mobility, signals, etc. Moreover, CupCarbon represents the main kernel of the ANR project PERSEPTEUR that aims to develop algorithms for an accurate simulation of the propagation and interference of signals in a 3D urban environment. CupCarbon offers two types of environments: 1. The first simulation environment is a multi-agent environment , which enables the design of mobility scenarios and the generation of events such as fires and gas as well as the simulation of mobiles such as vehicles and flying objects (e.g. UAVs, insects, etc.) 2. The second simulation environment represents a discrete event simulation of wireless sensor networks which takes into account the scenario designed on the basis of the first environment.
1. Create New Project Click : Project -> New Project Give any Project Name (Example : Add1)
2. Select Sensor Node Click : Nodes Add sensor
3. Create scripts Click : Simulation -> Communication script Give a file name (Example : Add2) Write the Senscript to display positions.
4. Repeat the above procedure for Receiving Node : Click : Simulation -> Communication script Give a file name (Example : Receive) 5. Script assignment: Device parameters Assign the script of each sensor. Select a sensor and then click on the item Device parameters in the menu nodes. Once the device parameter window is opened, click on Enter to display its parameters. Select the corresponding script in the list(Example : Add2) of the Script file and then click on the button (blue arrow) in the right part. Similarly , Select sensor 2 and Select the corresponding script in the list(Example : Receive) of the Script file and then click on the button (blue
arrow) in the right part 6. Simulate Open the simulation window: Simulation -> WSN Simulation Transmission from Node 1 to Node 2 is seen. 7. To transmit ‘HELLO’ from Node 1 to Node 2 Transmit ‘HELLO’ in the code. Sansript: The Senscript to Transmit data is as below : loop send a delay 1000 send b delay 1000 send a * delay 1000 send b * delay 1000 send a * 2 delay 1000 send b * 2 delay 1000 send a 3 delay 1000 send b 3 delay 1000 send a 2 delay 1000 send b 2 delay 1000 send a 4 delay 1000 send b 4 delay 1000 send a 0 10 delay 1000 send b 0 10 delay 1000 The Senscript to Receive data is as below : loop wait read x if ($x==a) mark 1 else mark 0 endif
Real Life Application:
Transmit from one node to other:
Transmit Hello to the node:
We have learnt to configure to WSNs into transmitter and receiver node and exchange data between them. It includes a script called SenScript which allows to program and to configure each sensor node individually. From this script it is also possible to generate codes for hardware platforms such as Arduino/XBee, where research is still in progress CupCarbon offers the possibility to simulate algorithms and scenarios in several steps. To design, visualize, debug and validate distributed algorithms for monitoring, environmental data collection, etc. To create environmental scenarios such as fires, gas, mobiles, and generally within educational and scientific projects. To support scientists to test their wireless topologies, protocols, etc