Will Of Samuel Lewellen

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 482
  • Pages: 2
Will of Samuel Lewellen Will written 22 Jan 1822, proved 9 Dec 1822 Will book 2 p195, Louisville, Kentucky In the name of God Amen I Samuel Lewellen of Louisville, Kentucky being fully aware that I am nearly approaching that grave and being greatly desirous to setting my worldly concerns do make this my last will and testament ____ I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Patty Lewellen all my bed and furniture, consisting of our feather bed, two cotton sheets, two rose blankets, and one three points blanket, bolster and pillow, five quilts, also two straw beds, and two bedsteads, also five split bellow chain, two tables, one chest and two trunks and also all the kitchen furniture now belonging to me, consisting of one kettle, one oven one skillet and lid, ___ and shovel and all other household and kitchen furniture in my possession belonging to me. Item: I own sixty seven acres of land in Virginia, Monongalia County, being ___ of four hundred acres Patented to me by the commonwealth of Virginia and it being my wish and desire that my said wife should have a part of said land, I do hereby give and bequeath to her my sd beloved wife, one third part of sd 67 acres of land to her and her heirs forever. I have claim to some land adjoining Louisville which has been in dispute between me and Wm Dougherty decd. . It is also my will that my said wife should have one third part of said claim to her and her heirs forever. Item: I give and bequeath the rest and remaining part of sd land and the claim before mentioned to my children Nancy Walton, Spreg Thomas D. Lewellen, Catherine Riggs, Mary Everett and Saml R. Lewellen to be equally divided between them. Lastly I hereby appoint my wife Patty and Danl McCalister executor and executrix to this my last will and testament, having thus finished my last will and testament I commend my soul to God who is my redeemer and Saviour, revoking all other wills heretofore made by me, Janry 22, 1822. Published by the testator _____ before, signed

As his last will and In our presence testament who at his request, signed our names as witnesses to the same James Harrison Richard Pilcher State of Kentucky: At a county court held for Jefferson County in the state aforesaid at the court house in Louisville on the ninth day of December 1822 The ___ instrument of writing ___ produced in court _proved to be the last will and testament of Samuel Lewellen deceased by the oath of James Harrison as subscribing witness ___ and the signature and hand writing of Richard Pilcher the other subscribing witness thereto ____ proved by the said Harrison whereupon they saw ___ established & ordered to be recorded. Is recorded in my office.

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